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tv   Worldwide Exchange  CNBC  October 9, 2019 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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it is 5:00 a.m. here the future points to a higher open hong kong backlash chinese state media is accusing the nba of endorsing violent protest. an $8 billion punishment a jury ruling against johnson&johnson. and aramco getting close to publishing ipo very soon twitter said it mistakingly used
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phone numbers for ads. what "worldwide exchange" begins right now. ♪ >> good morning. welcome. from wherever in the world you may be watching, i am brian sullivan stock futures are up the dow up 109 kind words out of the fed yesterday properly overpowering fears. dow futures up a solid 109 right now. in the bond market, keep an eye on these yields. 10-year note yielding 1.54%. with he see the gap between the two and 10 ever widening just a bit the japanese market fell on the nikkei
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the hong kong market down. in europe, we are mostly higher across the board as well keep this number in mind 17 why? that brexit deadline now just 17 trading days away. october 31 17 trading days, including today before we hit that major mark. >> let's hit macro to start your day. on one hand, you got the bad guys you got trade war and brexit on the other hand, you got the sheriff and his team standing ready for the market. the question is this it, who wins here is the fed. growth should in no way be confused with the large scale asset programs we deployed after the financial crisis
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the recent technical issues and bills we are contemplating to resolve that should alter the stance of the policy >> powell saying they are going to expand but do not confuse it with what we used to know as qe, kwa quantitative easing. you've got all these scary things on one hand central bank ready to defend in the end. who has more fire power in the market >> you are absolutely correct. you've got these two different actors for me, the question on the fed and central bank rescue needs to be split into two parts. i think the fed and central bank
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can do a lot to apiece markets they cannot do a lot now in the economy to head up this significant recession. if you look around the world and specifically at the u.s., we see consumers and corporates are not struggling at all. what they are struggling with is fear that the trade war will get worse and perhaps that that account has been muted that is really denting confidence and sentiment that is something the fed can deal with and can help with. on the market side that easy policy and the qe the way we are used to that still helps equities and bond markets >> there is a big difference between the stock and bond
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markets. do you believe the ecb and the fed have the ability to help i'm not talking about the stock market can they help those? >> i really don't think they can. these consumers at the moment are not struggling with high debt costs there is not the pent up demand to go out there and spend at the 75 basis point cut that will not effect credit card costs or auto loan costs there is not that margin to go out and spend right now. i don't think that the central banks can do a lot to help in the economy. that's why we are now shifting the narrative towards fiscal
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stimulus if we do get that coming down the pipe, that is something that can help the real economy and can help the direction going forward. >> it is october 9 you've heard brexit coming up october 31 i bed if you said to your boss, i'd like to take some is time off between now and the end of the month, they'd say you are crazy. how are you preparing? if we get the hard snap on october 31 >> the brexit conversation is difficult. one of my colleagues put it best if you think you understand or have a strong view, you just have not been paying attention who knows what will happen in
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the next two to three hours on brexit what that means for us, we are kind of sitting on the sidelines when it comes to uk assets when i go around the world and speak to investors, they are doing the same if we do get a crashing out on the 31st it is not clear that is going to happen johnson is sticking firmly to the idea that it is do or die on the 31st a lot of this is just rhetoric and either some deal is done or probably more likely an extension. then we get an election some time toward the end of the year. that outcome will be around 110 to 130, is that a bet you want to take? that's not something i would feel comfortable going to say this is my view and put
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significant amount of money in there. >> yet, markets still higher ben jones, we appreciate your in sight. maybe the most honest comment. if you think you know what's going to happen, you haven't been paying attention. appreciate it. >> in other global news, less than three weeks now until the uk leaves the eu another new risk british prime minister under pressure again at home and abroad willem marx joining us from luxembourg with more >> reporter: you mentioned that headline for the deal between the uk and the eu to happen by that date. the uk government has to agree with the european commission, that's the executive branch. european leaders have to give
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their approval european parliament has to approve and the british parliament has to say it works for them those mean a huge amount of pressure on the johnson administration yesterday, he had a call with angela merkel. someone leaked that call and we saw the pound plummet because they quoted the chanceler saying that it looked all but impossible this morning, we've seen a report in the london times that has just come out in which there are unnamed officials talking about potential for a deal when it comes to an issue of sovereignty with northern
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ireland between the uk and ireland. brian. >> it is very interesting, willem what do you make of what our last guest said? >> i spend a lot of time being asked what will happen next? it is so hard to say there are so many moving parts in terms of what is happening in the uk parliament has been suspended for a few days this is a legal suspension his critics saying this is a far too critical time for him not to be available to answer questions. talking about racist language trying to provoke british anger at the germans a report from the times very
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influential. members of his own cabinet willing to resign if his government pushes forward with the option of leaving without a deal >> just wondering on those flags over your shoulder, november 1, does that flag come down literally, do they take those all down >> yes absolutely if you are no longer a member state, you are not listed with the other 27 members behind me the legislation introduced a couple of weeks ago designed to prevent that from happening. we could see that again with an extension and that date no longer being set >> that would be quite the scene.
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>> when we come back, in hong kong, the fall out there taking another strange turn take this, a professional game player has been stripped of turnment earnings because of what he said about protests in hong kong. >> saudi aramcogetting closer to the much awaited ipo. we'll get a report from the energy conference. and then, is denim dead? levi's may have the answer you'll want to hear it that's coming up ah, you could say that. so how are things with you guys? great. thank you. thank you, sir. lunch next week? terrific. say hi to the team. will do. call my office, i will. -sounds good. alrighty. servicenow. works for you.
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>> saudi aramco, following the attacks, are facing a longer time line in the meantime, they say the ipo is closer. they say the company is stronger for those attacks. at a money conference in london. steve. >> reporter: very interesting, brian. let me tell you what is going on here i'm trying to speak quietly. i'm just outside the forum of where nassar has been speaking behind me is one of the other major ceos the boss of royal dutch shell conducting an interview. the message here at oil and gas,
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the 40th anniversary is that this industry is in transition when we talk about aramco, that is a proposition they are looking at the hydromuch different. wto trading around 52.50 and brent around $58, that is significantly lower from the kind of levels aramco wants to see. spin forward from the latest story, talking about the low listing on the saudi exchange. i've spoken to a lot of insiders who can't talk to me directly because they are working for aramco one told me he's working around the clock. it does seem to be something really quick which includes a
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road show and book building. whatever this means in the next few weeks, we'll see a listing potentially in 2021. two big issues for saudi aramco, one, they want the price higher. proving that they want it back following the refinery attack. less happy as you'd expect to talk about the listing and when it will happen he did say when the share holder, the state or the kingdom of saudi arabia, when the share holder is ready to go, aramco is ared ready to go as well. >> i'll whisper with you
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saudi aramco just admitted full production is not on line and won't be follow end of november. you've got iran seizing oil tankers. yet crude oil there and here hasn't budged from two months ago. is anybody surprised we are not at $70 to $80 oil? >> you and i trying to whisper is comical this is the point. the world doesn't need saudi aramco or back up. when you consider venezuela, the production is pretty wiped out iran, who knows what the administration is doing there. there is a whole host of questions why actually the world should lead higher this comes to another point.
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everybody is terrified about the demand this isn't about what opec will do at the next meeting this is about the demand side of the story where the tariffs, trade or slow down is denting that demand. all of the estimates from this time of year, they talked about a million barrels plus of extra demand in 2019 those estimates are being sided for the total additional amount for 2019 on your patch looking at the shale market down here are the shale producers cutting back production >> they are, because rig counts
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continue to fall at $52 and $55 those companies laden with debt. >> we appreciate it. thanks, buddy. this morning, stocks on the move lions gate might want to split off starz premium movie channel. back after this. >> announcer: today's big number, 500 million. athe amount of people in china who saw at least one nba game on tv last year with more than 85 years of experience over multiple market cycles. with portfolio managers who are encouraged to do what's right over what's popular. focused on helping me achieve my investors' unique goals.
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i'm really excited to be part of the morgan stanley team. i'm justin rose. we are morgan stanley. >> welcome back. the futures up 200 points. trade war? brexit stocks up 200. let's focus on a couple of stocks to watch today including levi strauss levi ceo said the traffic decline has hurt his company's business maybe a concern for denim. >> fireeye shares up
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feye the ticker there. keep an eye on shares of lions gate the company is considering spinning off starz into a separate company lions gate stock up nearly 5%, yet down nearly 42% for the year pg&e looking to cut off power to nearly 800,000 customers in coming days. they've been called man's best friend another reason to have a dog in your life. detailwh "rlids enwodwe exchange" comes back i'm embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free
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>> there is a little breaking news out there moving futures higher dow futures which were up about 100 points about an hour ago, now up 230 a report that china saying it may be open to a partial trade deal despite the fact that the white house just did a black list of 28 chinese companies again, not saying they'll do a deal or a full deal but maybe a partial deal you are seeing that move spiking nearly 100 points in a matter of
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minutes on that headline get more context or color, we'll bring it to you. that headline now moving futures higher let's get a check on this morning's other top headlines. why it really is important to have a pooch on your porch >> let's start with the white house who is declaring an all-out war with house democrats refusing to cooperate with impeachment inquiry with a defiant letter to lawmakers calling the investigation invalid. house speaker nancy pelosi calling it an attempt for the president to be trail our democracy. >> in california, the state is
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facing the strongest off shore wind event creating conditions for rapid spreading fire they will turn off power to nearly 800,000 customers in northern and southern california this morning southern california edison said it could shut off power as well. it could take up to a week to restore power. >> having a dog could extend your life. owning a dog is linked with living longer. scientists found dog owners had a 25% risk of death from any cause and lower risk of death of heart attack survivors of those living alone the benefits of dog ownership could be due to increased
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activity of walking a dog or that you may be less stressful having a buddy around. >> you get up when we get up, traffic is tough you go home and the dog doesn't care they don't talk politics and they don't tweet >> one-way love no matter what you do on deck, speaking of twitter. here is a question should companies ban their top executives from using twitter? may sound like a provocative threat it is a real question right now. we'll talk about that and more fall out from hong kong, the nba and china when "worldwide exchange" comes back right after this whether your beauty routine is 3 steps...
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or 57, make nature's bounty hair skin and nails step one. it's the number one brand uniquely formulated for silky hair, glowing skin and healthy nails. nature's bounty, because you're better off healthy.
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>> welcome back. dow futures are up nice. 205 points on the implied open for the dow industrial average despite being 17 days from brexit and the hong kong unrest. the reason, china saying it is open to a partial trade deal saying, yes, we might do a partial deal we might do a partial deal despite the white house issuing a black list on 28 different
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companies in china trying to get more detail and insight into that. china with a slightly positive headline on the potential trade deal stock futures up the federal reserve yesterday saying they are ready to expand their balance sheet. but don't call it qualitative easing that's not what it is even though that's kind of what it is to our guest founder and chief strategist one headline, we may be open to a partial deal yet, futures spike >> it seems like it is china's answer to trump's tweets >> because it comes from china people are holding more value in headlines that come from china than from us because we get headlines ever day here. >> sure.
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there is a lot of trump weariness here since the trade war escalated, we never really appreciated the reaction is it a given if trump does whatever they seem to want, where will they be will they come back to the table not just tick to tick but the broader market here soer to think this is going to bring some solution to the trade war that is a process that won't be quickly resolved
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>> jim cramer has been on the tape >> earlier in the show, i expect to markets you've got the good guys, the sheriffs and the fed i asked them who he thought might win. you see the bad guys if that left that gang, you think that will give us another leg higher for the markets >> look, if we were to get a decisive view to the trade deal. trump has been so defining his presidency by this let's say that is the case, that
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is the thing i think that is where this is all going. >> we have to go very quickly, you raised s&p market you think markets may end the year flat to slightly down from here >> correct effectively marketing pe multiple they've expanded a lot since i put out that report. technically an upgrade but really into year end, yes, i think we have to be very careful about how aggressively dips will be bought. >> we've made our money for the year appreciate that. >> in hong kong, more protests more taking place on the weekend. a pros democracy activist
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jailed appeared in court. hundreds of thousands of supporters assembled many wearing black masks which itself defy a ban on covering your face. today could be another flash point on protesters. it is 5:27 p.m. in hong kong all of this as the situation in hong kong and china beginning to really have major impacts on american companies chinese state media accusing the nba of endorsing violence in hong kong as the houston general manager tweeted over the weekend backing the hong kong protesters they said that is worth $4 billion. blizzard has suspended an e sport player and stripped him of his earnings after he made a
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statement during a post match interview. he wore a gas mask and goggles and appeared to shout a slogan associated with protesters now highlighting some trouble with the platform of twitter especially when used by influential corporate types. joining us now, our two guests the velvet suite representing many companies your job is to go to companies and say, you should do this, you should not do that what is your advice to corporate america when a dealing with china and maybe dealing with social media generally >> conscious capitalism has a cost there is a shift now in the
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corporate world taking on mission driven messaging social media is a platform to share those stories, to elevate your brand what do you do when your values clash particularly with a giant like china who represent over a billion of your customers. decisions need to be made at the c suite at the designation of hr, of risk, of it to come up with the strategy and be proactive with them. >> you coined a new term, the xi suite. if you are a corporate board should you ban your top executives from being on
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twitter? >> there is a tremendous down side of the unfiltered tweets. depending on your brand, that unfiltered conversation is a plus companies which can put in a policy but when about when you are are running a sports league or movie studio or artists like taylor twist, they are not going to listen. they are going to do their own thing. at some point here, someone like taylor swift, sells a lot of albums in china. a very woke artist when happens when someone asks her about the uighurs or what is happening in hong kong, what will happen? should she be touring china?
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will china ban her >> we are on live tv here. cnbc is trusting me that i'm not going to go off the rails. if you are an actor or actress i think there was a disney actress who voiced a movie and made some comments when you, melissa, represent a corporation, they say you are stiffling free speech. no you are not when you are a high-level executive and you make comments, it could cost a lot of people jobs >> correct the challenge is we want to separate our personal lives from professional lives unfortunately at that level, u brand is cinnamon muss with one another. how are you connecting the dots
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and helping them to share the story. addressing the risk may be even creating policies around what and when and how to share. it is not censorship butting it stewardship for the company. >> you have these disclaimers. like views are my own. no, they are not should companies come out and say, unless vetted, just stay off twitter. >> it is hard to do that because it does touch on free speech you have to look at policy around what does your company allow and what is the leeway in terms of conversation on social platform it can create a value to the organization >> you have companies who will be hiring a lot of people who spent their whole lives on
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social media saying, we'll have to shut that down. that makes it tougher to kree kru recruit. >> i hear you. no one is saying stiffle free speech i can say whatever i want outside of the office to friends and family but twitter is like a press release. that's the difference. a person at a conversation does not have the ability to issue a press release for the company. that's not what twitter was designed to be but people are reading it that way. >> i think that kind of policy corporate wise especially for companies that talk a lot about stake holders and values this will be a never ending battle saying no social media other than pictures of pets and
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family >> i agree you will not be able to sensor people but you will be able to say what is our message as a brand? what does your brand stand for and are your people reflecting that value >> i was talking the top executive. if you are a member of a 50,000 person corporation if you are a top executive great conversation, i could take it an hour we need a podcast. thank you. coming up, a bullish analyst call on one of the hottest retail names in all of the getting more bullish on target stick around everything, i mean you're still blatantly sucking up to me gary. brilliantly observed, sir. always three steps ahead. six steps ahead. sixteen.
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futures are up semipositive headlines being willing to make a partial deal on trade futures are up nicely shares of target up. the retailer called a strong buy. calling for a $20 upside from its price. joining us on set. matt, good to see you. is target going to pick up all the slack from retailers that aren't doing it right? >> that's exactly how we see it. >> what are they doing right >> back to retail. focusing on service, merchandizing living up to their brand promise. so many, you go to a department store, it is a terrible service. you go to a target, it is good product, good price.
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>> i was in target for the first time a couple of days ago. it was about 4:00 in the afternoon. it was crowded and clean >> that's right. >> there wasn't clothes on the floor and stuff falling off the shelves. >> they have something called drive up order it right now on your app you drive up to the front of the store within two minutes >> i went in with about six things and came out with about 500. is the drive up a bad move because you won't have that impulse buy. >> that's a fair argument. here is how we think and how target thinks. just improving the experience no matter how you shop.
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you might use drive up today but this weekend go into the store because you are used to going into a target walmart did the same thing two years ago focusing on service and cleaning up their store target is outcomping walmart target's e business is going up. they look more compelling. >> is there is room for the m t multiple to expand
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the stock is still not overvalued >> i do not think so target is the only retailer positioned to take market share. the person who shops at macy's for clothes will not shop at walmart, they will shop at target >> look at the partnerships. hunter, vineyard vines they have a sourcing operation that can make quality product at a cheap price. that's why these great designers want to partner with target. >> remember 15 years ago, they were the coolest retailer that lost sounds like they are back. looking at well-known
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unicorns digging into another company, a unicorn. juul a controversial name >> it has been in the headlines and a rapid growth the $13 billion investment for a 35% stake pushed the valuation that high and put shares in the private market at $250 investors are starting to question if those numbers add up the latest to write down its investment valued at $400 billion. now putting shares in the $225, $230 billion range captured roughly 22% of the e
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cigarette market they sell a number of ways through consumers and 100,000 retail outlets according to bloomberg, the company is expected to generate more than 3.5 billion in revenue. 80% of their sales come from flavored products. regulations changing because of regulation and state bans after the deaths of 17 people and more than 1,000 illnesses linked to vaping juul does not have many investors but does have big names. tiger global and also investors. also vestiinvesting in some oth unicorns >> maybe other unicorns don't have the health safety concern >> nowhere near. >> is that the big risk?
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>> everyone knows that risk. temporary bans like we saw in massachusetts. longer term coming in may next year, excuse juul has to submit a pre-market approval juul and all the other makers. while that is being reviewed, they can still sell. that process takes about a year. but there is potential we'll have to wait and see we are seeing the headlines. >> that is a big risk. the risk is that the company may not exist. on deck, futures are surging up 210 points on one single, semiup beat tradeeain hdle. what that was and why it is moving the market. that's coming up with portfolio s focused on the long term. who look beyond the spreadsheets
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>> we have a big move in the last 30 to 45 minutes after one headline from china saying they may be open to a partial trade deal despite the black list put out by the white house keith, i know you are not a china trade expert the fact that we saw futures double on one headline using a
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lot of modifiers just how sensitive is this market >> it is very sensitive. we overlaid tweets that coincided with these this tells you how depressed expectations are no one is expecting a full deal when expectations are low we've seen the most outflow. just last week, we had an update on the retail investor the amount on the market was only 21%
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almost where it was back in december so many people expect a straight deal that may be a nonescalation sort of the new deal, if you will if the dog stops biting but still growls is that good news? >> i would also say, the main thing has been concerns about recession. if we don't have information, we continue to grind higher looking at the statistics. outside of a recession, about 80% of the time they are up. nervous on the fourth quarter which typically is good for the market i'll tell you there are a lot of things that are different this year from last year. >> do you think the market will
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end higher from where they are from last year you have a big move into the fourth quarter we are looking 12 months forward than what we saw on the positive side of the market at this moment >> services relatively optimistic we appreciate you rolling with the headlines. see you soon dow futures, they are up 200 we'll see you tomorrow "squawk box" begins right now. >> good morning, breaking news futures jumping sharply. let me guess, something china said new report say china may be open to a new trade deal. fall out in the nba. china state media slamming the league and organizers cancel an event. hundreds of thousands in california are bracing for days
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without power because of fire risk it is october 9, 2019. "squawk box" begins now. >> announcer: live from new york where business never sleeps. this is "squawk box. >> good morning, welcome to "squawk box" on cnbc we are live from the nasdaq marketsite in times square futures are jumping sharply after a report that said china is open to a partial trade deal. you can see the dow futures are up this comes after a decline of 213 points on a deal that what n was not going to happen. this is all coming on that report if you dig into the report, it sounds like it would be a very


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