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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  October 24, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT

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that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. [music playing] a very warm welcome to strooi street signs >> european stocks push higher raising alarm bells about the german manufacturing sector. >> annette and i are staking out as draghi prepares to hold his
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last press conference. even as we get the weak eurozone data and interest rates remain in negative territory. >> nokia plunges as the tell co-cuts the 2019 outlook and warns of tough competition >> daimler shares hit top gear thanks to strong mefrz sales the carmaker begins to double down on cost cuts. >> we've got such an exciting day coming up. a lot of earnings to go to on the stoxx 600. we just got the aggregate data the pmi number has come in at
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50.2 slightly below the expectations but higher than we were back in september at 50.1 services pmi, we have at 51.8, just a faction below but above where we were in september the aggregate number coming in at weaker than we had. if you look at the numbers that had already come out, france pmi came in better than expected, germany weaker than expected i want to bring in a senior european economist who will be with us the next 15 minutes or so before we talk about mr. draghi, i want to pick up on the
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european data we have coming out this morning still very much painting the case for a weak european back drop >> yes on the face, it is really unchanged from last month. i'm not sure all the companies have had time to respond before they had the news on brexit. maybe when they get to the final estimates. we might get improvements within the next ten days. that's one thing no changes in germany. the manufacturing sector is in deep recession the outcome is better than expected maybe that is an encouraging sign going into the ecb meeting
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as well. >> certainly take your point on france and the better than expected numbers there within the german print, i want to ask you about the employment data showing employment has fallen now for in the last six years. also a slowing in the services sector how worrying is it that the labor market is starting to see some cracks in germany >> it is a big worry the spill overs have started the longer you stay in the situation in the manufacturing sector and business cycle perhaps we get to the point where bad news is good news. we know the pain threshold has not been much to go into the
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easing which is where the market is expected to go today. there is a strong decline and deployment and index we might need to see an increase of headline for official number of employment for the government really go one step forward >> frederick, thank you for weighing in. stay with us now i want to bring you an update from the norwegian central bank they have kept their rate unchanged at 1.5%. that was in line with their expectations they said it remains the policy rate remains most likely, new indications the policy out look is little changed since the september report that is bang in line with those
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expectations norway relative to investment banks elsewhere have remained much more hawkish. that's it for the norwegian central bank, let's get to y joumanna >> the european central bank, perhaps the market will not be so focused on the policy itself. it is draghi's very last meeting. expect him to field some questions. there has been a lot of contentious language the ftse 100 trading up. political development very much in focus there and whether they
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decide to grant the uk an extension and how long that will be will set the tone for markets. the dax is up. cac is up .3% and ftse in italy up .3% 80 european companies have reported we are seeing a very diverse result let me take you to one of them in auto space. daimler up 4.5% after posting better than expected third quarter results. this is also coming in higher thanks to strong sales of their passenger cars the company expects full year pretax earnings to be lower.
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partly due to questions around diesel emissions so up 4.5% auto is one of the best performance sectors in europe. you don't see that often nokia cut after admitting the company needs to save cash and save investments ahead of the 5g roll out they also cut the profit forecast for 2019 and 2020 stating large competition. so 22% bringing that average down very disappointing day for the community. >> thank you very much as you mentioned, today is a huge day for the ecb
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legacy will be marked by whatever it takes. $2.6 million euros we have reached the end of draghi as the outgoing central bank president proceeds the last meeting. run us over some highlights of his tenure >> if you look at his eight years, the highlight was clearly whatever it takes. he was the man who saved the euro with that one sentence, which he uttered surprisingly. it wasn't scripted yesterday, i spoke to the back then member of the governing council. he said he himself was surprised
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even though they had spoken about the need to do something bolder i guess mario draghi is a very courageous man, right. >> interesting one man who was once a candidate to replace him but fell to the way side when christine lagarde got the job. you and i have been doing this for the last eight years talking about the waxes and waning of the prospect of the european economies and what needs to happen while mario draghi is giving cover when you listen back to the kind of questions we were asking, nothing has really substantially changed. we have a bit of tape here this takes us way back to 2013 or thereabouts let's have a listen and then we'll pick it up >> i would like to ask you a
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question whether you have been tackling the question whether germany should spend more money, use, the fiscal space. >> the countries that have fiscal space should use it germany does have fiscal space however, we have to be nuanced about this because germany is almost close to full employment. if there is fiscal space, it should be carefully targeted >> reporter: i wonder if you could share the experience of the imf meeting this year and whether in the conversations you had both about europe, profitability, investment and growth, you are going to come away more or less optimistic or
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posse pessimistic about 2017 >> we see the emerging markets improving. the area that had been deteriorating in the last year and a half there is significant geopolitical risks ahead when we agree with the imf, we report on the down side. >> that answer could be exactly the same now there are serious geopolitical risks ahead. risks that remain to the down side we were just discussing. as draghi has done whatever he can do, we don't have a banking union. we don't have a deposit protection scheme.
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so many things set in place to provide for the euro and the back zone for the financial plumbing that just haven't been achieved in his eight years here >> you are right probably the pressure wasn't strong or big enough that is something the bundes bank was arguing for years now you take away the pressure for politicians to act we are in the same place as you are saying >> you are going to the press conference later, are you expecting to hear anything regarding monetary policy today given that we have that big package delivered in september >> i don't think so. i think he'll show us again the need for that policy action which they did in september.
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that was very controversial. we will get arguments from that package. >> that is worth baring in mind, actually, the tiering aspect and purchasing of the bonds doesn't fall in place until the end of the month. even as that interest rate move already announced and happened, we don't get to the other part of the package until the end of the month. >> that is a holding pattern looking forward to looking back to you guys in a couple of hours. let's go back to the leader. draghi's predecessor used to say that is one needle in the
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compass. if you look back at draghi's eight years, since 2013, they haven't met the target once. how do you think history will judge draghi on that particular part of the mandate. >> that is his greatest paradox. he has been the most active, powerful central bank leader yet he leaves with the worst track record with regard to inflation. you see under measures of inflation. creeping higher towards 1.5% or close to this level. it is not that bad, the other counter argument to this is obvious to me. that is a question draghi asked three and a half years ago what would have happened if the
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ecb had not done everything that they did is qe, negative rates and so on? the situation without all of this would have been much, much worse. it is still a positive challenging situation but i suspect he will leave with a message of positive confidence that is his style. >> one other aspect of his time is introducing all of these tools. tools historically never used in the past people never thought they would use the ecb, negative rates, all of these are new measures. all of that can be attributed back to draghi himself and how much do you think is back to the
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bank in general. some is say they even lagged a little bit implementing quantitative easing the first time around. >> that is an interesting point. he's been breaking taboo after taboo. he is not alone. he was relying on his chief economist. those four trpragmatic and very skilled central bankers did what you described. that is turning the bundesbank into the fed now the policy has become the norm we can discuss there are many diverging views of the negative rates for the future but those tools are in place
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they will be part of the tool kits in the future that is a great achievement. >> bringing it back, there has been a lot of coverage about dividing council to what extent did they limit the abilities moving forward >> that is related to what we just said. one year ago, dovish of the board was much stronger than we last stood, there is this transition of a few members joining. even the french governor turning less dovish. also draghi's style. that is very different from his
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style. when he is convinced he has a strong feeling about something. i think he was convinced that something needed to be done. there was a political price for this he accepted it there we are if they had not acted in september, i think we would be in a much more fragile situation. how much more do you think madam lagarde may be able to convince surplus countries to do more do you think she has more of a shot to propel than mario draghi has had? >> she might be, i don't think that her reputation is stronger
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than draghi's in berlin. she will also get the help of the new joiner that just got nominated. if isabelle will be a great light to convince them that it is not ecb's fault that is the key argument he sited, you don't like negative rates, fine we would like to normalize policy as well to do this, you need to do your homework for many, many years. fiscal space being proactive. do all this and we'll be in a position to normalize the policy >> a big part will be helping to
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change the narrative why do you think so many members of the gc are feeling so emboldened now to criticize the latest package that is coming to the end of draghi's term, or is this a sign of things to come? >> the possible candidates to succeed draghi part of the battle there in the way they expressed their disagreement, it's fine to disagree in germany, those are
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debatable. then youe instability relies on the cohesion of the common view of the only objective, the only needle reaching our inflation target >> thank you for speaking to us on this historic day the senior european economist. also make sure you join us at 13:30 cet at ecb decision time all guesses on the final color of the tie >> what do you think >> i think blue. it has to be blue. >> coming up here, hermes reports a bounce in sales
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following a strong demand from china. do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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. >> welcome back to "street signs. let's get in to some of the key corporates rbs as the bank booked a charge to a miss selling protection insurance. reporting one ratio which dropped to 15.7% rbs banking unit had a tough quarter posting a loss of $193 million pounds >> luxury strong demand in china has driven numbers for hermes, cautioned that pace had slowed hermes confirmed the medium goal breaking down the positive results for hermes, even in hong kong >> not only they beat expectations revenues have accelerated. a great performance there. despite protests in hong kong,
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which is a key place for luxury sales. even there, they said their sales slowed down there. contracted but for hermes it didn't, it slowed slightly sales improved that cut duties and sales tax is one thing they are saying is the top luxury they saw the slow down but the top category should be sheltered. >> some of the other names are up we'll talk about that. thank you for bringing us the
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latest because of the strongest earnings day, driving autos to the top of the pack. discussing the car industry on both sides of the atlantic that comes up next prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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>> welcome back to "street signs. i'm joumanna bercetche >> and i'm julianna tatelbaum. these are your headlines the dax hits a six month high. raising alarm bells about the health of the eurozone economy >> ecb president mario draghi prepares to say farewell >> nor keya shares drop over 20%. warning tough competition is squeezing margins. >> tesla shares jump up 20% with a surprise profit and bullish
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outlook. >> well we are looking at a sea of green in europe across the equity markets the dax currently up 0.4%. the ftse mib outperforming the ftse 100 up 0.6% that focus around the earnings we have a raft of earnings coming through one sector getting a boost in recent trade is up about 1.5% a lot of this strength seems to be coming off tesla's support. much stronger than expected on
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the back of good news there. the key message here yes, we've got the ecb meeting taking place no major policy changes are expected we are in waiting now. the clear focus seems to be on the earnings coming through. they seem to be not as bad interesting to take note where the euro stands. on that mark flat on the day trading a little light still holding firmly on the 1.29 mark. following a positive session yesterday where all three major
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indices had a decent day ending in positive territory and corporate earnings continue to roll in. very focused on what corporate had to say >> let's talk autos. posting a surprise profit beat the company posted a bullish out look saying the new factory in shanghai is ahead of schedule. the ceo elon musk said it will be a template >> we'll build a giga factory in europe we'll announce the locates of that factory before the end of this year. >> musk also sounded a positive note on the future growth of
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electric car sales >> when flat screens came out, there was a change in demand now getting a flat screen was better than having a small crt tv i think we'll see the same thing with electric vehicles they won't buy a electric car because their old car wore out but because they want a better car. >> ford beat forecast but the net income was lower to 2018 ford is in the midst of an $11 billion restructuring plan moody's downgraded the credit rating to junk status in september. >> in europe, daimler has posted better than expected pretax profit thanks to strong sales of
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mercedes passenger cars but expects earnings to be lower partly due to legal provisions joining us around the desk, the equity analyst from jefferys picking up right away on daimler and the reaction we are seeing is this the case of not being as bad as feared or are investors genuinely as bad as they were. >> earnings are better than expected more of the ongoing debate that it was been poor cash. we think daimler has a balance sheet and a debate around this that cash flow is better we've seen a huge balance in the stock price.
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i want to pick up on the negative cash point. it seems it is not an issue with daimler but other issues as a whole. renault in a similar situation is that how you are distinguishing the name. are they generating the positive cash flow. next year will be the 11th year of the auto cycle. you expect balance sheets to be much stronger. that is not always the case. that is the case for bmw, renault has the worst balance sheet. it is an unusual situation usually at this stage, you expect to have the balance sheet across the stage
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you want to have a better balance sheet to cope with that. we are seeing auto stocks up about 1.4% i can't help but think a lot of this is tied to what we see in tesla. up 20%, there had been many concerns around tesla here do you think a lot of what we heard around that story. we had those numbers before good across the board the cash flow is solid they are telling me now the model will be early. the shanghai plan is a bitterly. that is a change in the running of the business. it seems to be operating smoother than we had been for
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years. you think the change has been happening faster we see concerns for everybody else >> joumanna had a question, now this is a notoriously volatile sector how do you think the market in europe is positioned when it comes to auto stocks >> most are still out of the sector so shares move a lot on the short expectation of the position it is true that most have been so negative. all of a sudden, there is some stablization of the market we look at more interest rates cut so that helps. >> so the macros are looking
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better i feel we can't really have a conversation about autos without looking at this looming deadline how much down side would that pose to the auto sector, particularly to the german automakers at this point >> i think we've been talking about this for a long time investors have a chance to gauge the down side and upside the one thing to keep in mind in terms of if you look at the main exporters of cars to the u.s., demand for cars has been declining. that export has been drying up what consumers are buying are suv's made in the u.s. compared to 18 months ago, the impact of the u.s. tariff on cars is first known and understood and probably not as significant as it would have
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been a while back. earlier this year, we spent a lot of times reacting. it feels as though the headlines had fallen away recently do you think we are bound to see returns and we'll see some is of these major deals con sue mated? >> some of the headlines surprise us. renault and fiat have died down. we are not getting any comment about the need to consolidate. every day, you have more carmakers, which doesn't make sense. we need fewer carmakers. >> good final line to end there. equity research analyst from jefferys norwegian air posted higher
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than expected third quarter earnings with profits coming in at 1.7 million norwegian crowns. they said it expects the grounded boeing 737 max to be back in the air by late march. shares of boeing rose as they still expect to get approval of the return of the ground the 737 max aircraft coming after the company reported a 53% slump in third quarter profit boeing cut production of the dream liner and pushed back the production of the new 777 jets >> looking at chemicals. the world's largest chemical's company rei had rated the forecast that the market would
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be 30% lower in the pharma space, after the raw z -- astrazeneca rose coming up, facebook ceo mark zuckerberg is grilled on capitol hill over the necrw yptocurrency project. more in a few minutes.
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do you have concerns about mild memory loss related to aging? prevagen is the number one pharmacist-recommended memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere.
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prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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welcome back to "street signs. it is super earnings day nokia has cut its full year guidance and halted dividend ahead of the 5g roll out they also cut the profit forecast for 2019 and 2020 citing tough competition the stock is down 20% today. >> dialogue semiconductor
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expects to come in above expectations estimating revenue of nearly 400 million pounds and operating revenue of 85 million pounds due to show results next month shares are up 1.5% the ceo of ams told cnbc this morning, he doesn't see smartphone sales slowing down. >> a smartphone is cheaper than buying a car you use this ever day. this is your dominant tool even difficult markets they grow. >> some members of the house financial services committee took the opportunity to grill him on matters beyond the scope
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of finance jay gray filed this report the face of facebook on capitol hill >> mr. zuckerberg, good morning, how are you? >> i'm doing okay. >> i understand. >> he tries to sell lawmakers and ultimately gain regulatory approval for the cryptocurrency project called libra >> facebook is about putting power in people's hands. >> but it is the power the internet giant wields. >> you are aggressively increasing the size of your company and are willing to step on or over anyone. >> blasted over facebook's problems on line including security, accusations of discrimination, being used by russia to interfere in the 2016
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election and the company's plan not to fact check ads. this comes after announcing new safety measures. still many aren't ready to like the idea of facebook entering the financial world. >> you are trying to help those for whom dollars are not a good currency, drug dealers, terrorists microsoft shares rose after the company forecast sales for cloud computing above expectations quarterly growth did fall short of consensus breaking down the key numbers in the company's latest support >> expects were running high
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the stock up nearly 35%. microsoft reporting q 1 ups on revenue of $33.1 billion the street was looking for 1.35. turning to the business segments productivity and businesses processes. $11.1 billion. office 365 revenue growth, 25% the cloud 10.8 billion azure revenue growth, the company saying 59% some say that was inevitable in part due to the law of large numbers here personal computing and windows climbing 9%. commercial cloud revenue including office 365 commercial, azure and dynamics, 11.6 billion with gross margins of 66%. reporting for knbc business
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news, san francisco. >> going to our guest, you put out a note saying about 60% of spending for tech companies have been for cloud space with he saw that in microsoft earnings estimate. aws, which is the amazon cloud system, is twice as much of the market share can they catch up? >> azure is the fastest growing cloud service. amazon has 31% of the market, azure has 15% to 16% going from being the largest company in the world largely based on the azure growth. they grew almost 60% of their revenues this quarter on quarter. profit is up 30-odd percent.
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their ceo has been really smart about rolling in and packaging 365 and windows into cloud services it has become a massive part of the service. >> the way you get people into the cloud is by attaching it to the part of the business a bit of like prime. >> i live in california, i thought my wife was making jeff bezos rich turns out 50% of all amazon's profit is aws. prime is not making the majority of the earnings anymore. >> even though it is only 10% of revenues >> earnings are about eight times the size we have a cloud etf. it is hard to define cloud companies. if you define it purrely on
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revenue, microsoft wouldn't make that i would say 60% of all it spending is growing. the expenditure is predicted by the it consultant to keep going year on year until 2023. >> you mentioned how microsoft azure is catching up there is also a third player we are watching which is google how much progress do you expect them to have made when we hear from alphabet shortly? >> they have fallen off shortly. interesting, ibm is making a move too they bought red hat for $30 odd billion. it is a hi brid cloud which is
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lous movement back and forth google is quite a distance third. azure and aws has left them in the smoke a little bit in the moment one quick thing about the cloud. it cover the fourth revolution when the bahamas had the crazy hurricane, elon musk was able to press a button and store more energy for the area. a lot of it is linked ultimately to the cloud the internet of things, all governed by the infrastructure of the cloud >> a timely point. quite a blowout set of numbers that stock reacting very, very well i want to shift gears and command to what we were just discussing to mark zuckerberg. he made an interesting point
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about how blocking libra and how if they decide to block it, this is a boom to china what do you think of that argument, if western regulators don't allow this to go forward >> china has two large companies. t tencent and ali pay. and fintech is big here in london in u.s., those things have been slow zuckerberg and facebook are trying hard to get in to the foonl space. he thinks libra is the way in linking it to whatsapp he's got an uphill battle with
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libra. >> we'll have to leave it there. i feel like we could talk cloud and tech all day with you. thank you. a quick look at u.s. futures before we head out we have important earnings coming up in the next couple of days amazon one to watch out for, alphabet too dow up 30 points, nasdaq up 30 as well. taking a cue to the positive start in the european session as well we have that ecb meeting coming up that's it for our show i'm joumanna bercetche >> and i'm julianna tatelbaum. "worldwide exchange" is coming up next. thank you for joining us
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it is 5:00 a.m headquarters. amazon, twitter and many others set to open their books today. it is the busiest day of earnings season around and new promises from tesla over the tiely anticipated model y cross over those shares are soaring trouble in


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