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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  November 13, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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>> a version. >> i like jim braxton. >> love jim bracket ton. >> i don't know who that is. >> jw. remember talking about tickets at the -- jwn. >> that does it for us see you tomorrow at five for more fast. misdemeanor with "mad money" with jim cramer starts now. >> my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a bull market somewhere. and i promise to help you find it "mad money" starts now hey i'm cramer welcome to "mad money. welcome to cy america. i'm not trying to make you makeo some money my job is not just to entertain but educate and teach. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jim cramer whenever you buy a stock you need to exercise a certain amount of skepticism, investing in a company involves multiple leap of faith, will the business
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perform as expected, will the market behave, will the economy do what it's supposed to do. how do you minimize the risk of disappointment the dow gained, the nasdaq climbed .05% let me tell you one trick i have learned in 40 years of investing for improving your odds. i like to rely on a brand, and more importantly on proven management when you end when you have a ceo who implicitly represents a pristine enterprise, you dramatically increase your chances of a successful investment, maybe a major score. today we witnessed the best example in living memory of how things tend to shake out when you combine an amazing brand with a tremendous leader we saw what happens when you put your faith in the walt disney company and its ceo, the always bankable, bob iger we learned their new streaming service, disney plus, the one that launched yesterday already has more than 10 million subscribers. and that sent the stock up
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soaring more than 7% >> all aboard. >> ever since i first met bob iger when i was a lowly business commentator for "good morning america" some 23 years ago, i have recognized his leadership, creativity, and organization he was helpful to me when he took over disney in 2005 when the show began, i became a wholehearted supporter of the stock. disney is one of the first recommend stocks on the show, one of the first i told you to buy and hold for your kids to learn how to teach to get them to understand the stock market over time, they were plenty of moments that challenged the faithful there's ann errant movie now an then, and the big one, decline in espn subscribers. that's when you had to put your trust in iger's leadership it's when you had to say you know what, this is merely a bump in the road. disney is such a fantastic brand that it's worth buying into
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weakness, which is what we did incessantly which you can follow along or by joining the club if you believed in disney, you have been amply rewarded i bet it's got more upside, even in today's phenomenal run. that's it. i'm not calling for blind faith here that would be terrible terrible way to manage your money. you need the right mix of skepticism in belief, enthusiasm and caution. you should never be on autopilot because things go wrong. when iger told us he had to take bold action, that it was time to go toe-to-toe with the netflixs of the world i said now there's a chance to get a new group of people on the ground floor of the disney skyscraper. at the time, the skeptics werea way the streaming bundle could make up for espn subscriber losses they were too steep. wait and see what the surface
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looked like but then it was probably worth owning, especially every time the stock traded down to the 100 and the 98 level i said bye bye bye, then iger laid it all out. you could get a huge library of content for $6.99 a month. stock from 116 to 130, and look all the way to 147 july before the skeptics once again took over and pulled the darn thing back to 128. while disney's stock was getting hammered, i was reading iger's autobiographies, a book called the ride of a lifetime, and it made me realize that you absolutely had to own this stock going into disney plus you had to own it ahead of a launch great brand, hard charging ceo, i figured the new service was bound to be a hit. yesterday morning, it finally laurch launched and most of the chatter revolved around the fact that
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the site kept going down, a high quality problem. it meant disney was seeing more traffic than they expected in an informal poll, people i associate with, i pegged the demand at maybe 5 million sign ups. today we got the real number, it's more than 10 million, double my prediction, and i was one of the biggest bulls out there. how did disney do it, when i checked in with iger today, he was ridiculously self-effacing as usual, cited the company, product, incomparable brands as the reason they hit the number the sign ups speak volumes about the brand adding that it's stunning, even the ceo was shocked by the performance when presto, he emphasized again and again, the power of disney's brand. there's no doubt that their programming is a used part of the streaming success, right, that's what's driving the service and that success is extraordinary. as much as i admire iger's humility, i don't want to lead you astray the disney plus bundle was never
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a gamble the real gamble would have been to keep doing the same thing, letting espn bleed off subscribers, hoping that one day his company would get the, i don't know, benefit of that. maybe licensing some of the content, the library, better to try to make each quarter, no, it's better to cut out the middleman, monetize directly second, only someone with the confidence of iger would have seen around the corner to get this done, when bam tech unveiled right here on the show i was blown away by the technology he talked to my dad every time ryan howard or chase utley hit a dinger for the phillies. bob iger realized it could let him build an elegant streaming service to compete with the likes of ben affleck and amazon. third, the only skepticism i had about disney plus was whether i need the service myself. now that my kids are grown up, wrong. if anything, it's adults doing
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most of the raving it's just like when i used to go to the magic kingdom i have been there ten times by myself, and another five times with my kids pretty much every time they got a new ride one of the best times i ever had was when pop and mom took me and my sister to disney world when we were in our 20s it's hysterical. plenty of phenomenal ceos, miles white announced his retirement after 21 years running the business the second longest tenure for nonfounder in today's s&p. during that time, this guy created 220 billion in shareholder value. that's a total return of 575%, holy cow, miles white, gold standard, miles white repeatedly reinvented abbot over the years. and again, own it, don't trade it new all time high up nearly 70% for the year, not to mention,
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everything tim cook has done for the brand. this is bob iger's day, a day where all of us who believed in iger's leadership in disney's amazing brands made out like bandits. not long ago, iger told me we are just getting started and i say it's still not too late to join him on his ride of a lifetime let's go to jamie in massachusetts. >> hey, jim, booyah. >> booyah. hey, my stock is mcdonald's. we missed quarter three estimates and had to part ways with the great ceo trading at 25 times earnings, is it still concerned over valued or is it good time to add. >> i think that the company with a 2.5% yield and a good balance sheet and i have only e-mailed back and forth, i want him on the show very badly. probably not the time yet but i would love him to come on. i think he's part of a good bench. i think he understood the technology that we're worried about. he understands america he's going to do more around the world. it's a buy
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a senior growth stock. it's a buy ler let's go to steven in new york steven. >> hi, jim, with the semantic enterprise software in its name, i'm now a holder of norton life lock. >> right >> and nolk, i would like to know what your opinion is of it. >> it's real good. i think it's an incredible franchise, the ceo is dynamite, one of the smartest people around in the valley, and i look forward to having them on out in mound view because they are doing such a great job that is a great consumer brand, a great brand. let's go to william in connecticut. >> hi, jim cramer, let's go back about seven years ago, 2012, i was watching your show like i do every night, and you were clicking some stocks and you mentioned kerodine, it was $7 in change, you recommended it highly, you said this stock is very low i like it to go up in the 20s
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maybe in time. so i ended up that day buying it for $7.26. today it was up $0.48 to $65.66. and now it pays a dividend, the first three or four years i had it, it didn't pay a dividend now it pays a dividend i didn't do a they think i bought it, i held it for seven years, and i got the dividends now, and i bought a pretty good amount what should i do, i never took anything >> it's such a good company. it is so good. my discipline says that you have to ring the register why not do this. why not take your crawl spaces out. play with the house is money it's a remarkable management company for a great industry for semiconductor stocks, semiconductor businesses i think it's fantastic i have done it for ages and ages just take your crawl spaces out. let the rest run it's really good
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it pays to be skeptical. i believe the best way to minimize risk and maximize reward, that's the crucial part of investing is to rely on a brand and the person who stewards the brand on "mad money" tonight, shares and tech companies, after reporting a solid quarter last week, is this 30% move just the beginning, i have the exclusive with the ceo to find out. and pitting the most expensive clothing rack against one of the cheapest gyms, peloton very planet fitness, may the best growth plate win. and is there a bull market in the hospitality business, i'm finding out from the ceo with a very high yield, hersha hospitality. >> don't miss a second of mad money, follow jim cramer on twitter. send jim an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc
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miss something, head to make fitness routine with pure protein. high protein. low sugar. tastes great! high protein. low sugar. so good! high protein. low sugar.
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. we need to talk about dexcom, for people with diabetes you know i love this device because it means diabetes don't need to constantly pick their fingers to test their blood sugar levels you had that rotation out of high flying growth stocks, and insulin pump maker to offer a kind of artificial pancreas. we like abbot labs, good company. i urge you to stick with dexcom, earning 65 cents per share, biggest beat of 2019 management raised their full year forecast dramatically, these results where the stocks are 27%, last wednesday, right in time for world diabetes day which is tomorrow. you normally only see this kind of action with a takeover bid.
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could this have more room. kevin, a better quarter as the company celebrates the 0th anniversary. they rang the bell at nasdaq this morning good to see you kev. how does a company do that much better than everybody expects? >> we solve a serious problem. as this year has gone by, every quarter we've had incredible growth, and it just continues and awareness of de and, com product continues. we have worked very hard to make it more accessible for patients, easier for them to get and all of these things are leading to just significant growth. >> there are things you told us that could happen that a lot of people said were not going to be able to happen type two diabetes. the shift to pharmacy. both of these are being secular growth trends that i think maybe in their second quarter. >> i would tell you that the type two businesses is almost where it was when we first met it's like it's just barely starting the shift to the pharmacy and
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access is happening, we have coverage with many of the major payers right now, so patients can get a product ot tf the drugstore. we announced a product with walgreens, for medicare patients to get product at walgreens and we tied our clarity online data system to the walgreens portal so patients can, you know, those two things are together. >> will cvs dothe same thing with their health hubs. >> sure, they will >> cvs can't let walgreens be the only one with dexcom. >> i'm glad you mentioned this i know you have a relationship with alphabet, which is a fine company. this is nightingale, the operation nightingale, forget they screwed up in the way it was. the truth is big data is a way for us to learn to lead our lives use ago dexcom. >> i believe so. we're seeing trends all over as we do type two programs, for
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example, to learn where you take the data from patients, and diagnose, are the drugs effective, how do we change activity, what recommendations do we make, what do we learn to eat. >> snack at night. we discovered that may not be so good. >> bad thing >> i know a lot of friends who i have unfortunately have diabetes and that is not something they knew. >> no, i know that. >> that's all because of you guys you have also been able to build awareness. when you first were on, it was a niche little company i didn't know they were up against abbot labs, miles retired today, great man how did you get word out >> the word has happened a lot through our patient community. when we rang the bell today, we had a group of what we call dexcom warriors, patients who carry the message. there's been a lot of the word to mouth, digital marketing perhaps have been successful the industry in general, when people have outcomes that are so
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different. i have had numerous people come up to me at shows, and say thank you and hold their hands up and at first i didn't know what they were talking about it's because their fingers aren't chafed anymore. they're not doing finger sticks and when you hear things like that and you see things like that, you know the message is getting out there. >> well, i want you to walk through what the new one does because it does make the old way feel stone age we don't have one here, but it's miraculous, the data you have. tell people. i want them to know this thing isn't done. >> it's not close to then. our current system has several to the previous one. you don't have to calibrate anymore with the finger stick and by not calibrating with the finger stick, finger sticks hurt, you know, and they have hurt patients far long time. it's a much better outcome it lasts ten days. it's highly accurate patients say it's connected to the phone. the data can be shared you know, we share our data, and you look at that and think
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that's a parent child thing. when we rang the bell this morning, i talked to a young woman in her 20s who told us a story about her mother overseas waking her up in the middle of the night because her blood glue cows h -- glucose was so low, and the data was being shared. when you can do that, like i said earlier, you're solving a serious problem. >> numbers do matter you were making much more per dexcom, the margins exploded i would think that last time you were talking about being con van strained in product, maybe it would mean less. >> we're constrained on the production side, the gross margins were good. operating profit is where we knocked it out of the park this quarter. what you're seeing is leverage in our business. we have invested heavily in r and d, and the percentage of revenues is high but as the revenues have grown, we kept the dollars a little closer and been
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more cognizant of the leverage, and so you see our sg and a expenses, a percentage of revenues coming down. >> the last question, we know abbot does have a competitive product coming out very soon, talked about when miles white handed the torch over to mr. ford if you're watching, should you be saying, you know what, they are too small to take on abbot or should we be talking about expanding market, and maybe a superior product. >> we have been taking on abbot, and medtronic for a long time, and we have always had the superior technology and product. it is our mission and one of our core values to make sure our product is highly competitive. we'll continue to take those guys on. this is a great market and there's room for all of us this isn't a zero sum game there are a number of patients whose lives need to be better particularly with what dexcom has to offer. >> i'm going to congratulation you, and people who stuck with it
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there's these moments where people say, it's done, it's obvious it's a huge bump for many years. >> a runway for a long time. >> thank you so much to kevin say e the chair and president ceo of dexcom. congratulations on 20 years. let's get more awareness for world diabetes day we've got to do that thank you so much. >> thanks cramer val, vern... i'm off to college and i'm not gonna be around... i'm worried about my parents' retirement. oh, don't worry. voya helps them to and through retirement... ...dealing with today's expenses... college...
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...while helping plan, investand protect for the future. so they'll be okay . . . without me? um... and when we knock out this wall... imagine the closet space. yes! oh hey, son. yeah, i think they'll be fine. voya. helping you to and through retirement.
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but in my mind i'm still 25. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex - now in triple strength plus magnesium. we're always searching for best place with powerful long-term themes for "mad money. thanks to the rise of the selfie generation there's a ton of demand for anything that makes it easier to exercise. for years i have been telling you to harness this terrific theme with planet fitness, the rapidly growing chain of gyms with a laid back ethos and for years planet fitness put up stunning numbers ones that everyone cheered
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as a matter of fact, which you think about it, the stock is up 182%, since we first spoke to the ceo in august of 2017, but this past summer, summer of our discontent, planet fitness peaked, the stock got hit with its first major pull back in four years as a publicly traded company, plummeting more than 31% from peak to trough, while rebounded handily, since then, the shareholders, well, let's just say there's less conviction that it's the right stock to own. just as planet fitness was plummeting in late september, we got a new way to play the fitness space with the peloton ipo. now, this is a company that makes connected exercise equipment. think high end exercise cycles with screens where you can scream everything from fitness classes to entertainment this is a cinema verte at our house. you have to take down the bask and the other stuff so you can see the screen but things dry they dry well in this. this is kind of like a dryer within a dryer
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peloton was widely hailed as a real major disrupter in the industry who needs a gym when you can take a class from your comfort in your own home with peloton, and there was a lot of hype going into this. right after it became public, i told you to stay the heck away peloton looked too expensive in a market in a growth company with no earnings the stock fell from 25 in change to 21. in recent weeks, planet fitness has gotten its groove back you can see this move. it's not bad, right. and peloton actually seems to have found solid footing both reported good numbers, and both stocks bounced back hard from the look. now that the smoke has cleared, what do we do. how do we stack these up do we stack with planet fitness or is it time to swap into the up and coming peloton, if only just because, well, you know, it's got multiple uses right at this moment, i prefer planet fitness it remains the better, as for peloton, i think it's too risky to own here. i can't imagine a future where
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it is worth owning, it's got great growth, after the stock's 5.2% run, exploring apps for amazon fire tv and the apple watch, i want to approach this one with some caution. don't take my word for it. i want to show you how to make this comparison for yourself why don't we start with planet fitness, terrific membership growth, same store sales, how do they do it, let's listen to rondo. >> we say it's the marketing machine. we talk about that a lot 9% of monthly membership dues goes right back into marketing every incremental member fuels tomorrow's joints. >> better on the peloton that's the kind of thing investors love it hear planet fitness has a franchise based business model that makes it easier for them to expand, practically lining up, that is the trick to profitability
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see, look what it does, you could straighten it out. this does everything then the stock, this one hit a wall, as high flying growth, filled out a favor in the wall street fashion show. planet fitness sold off most of the summer, and when they had a top beat, they focused on one piece of hair on the darn thing. the same store sales came in at 8.8% analysts looking for nine. it didn't matter that management raised their full year forecast. it's not going to happen anyway. with planet fitness sinking from 77 to 56 i said listen, i think it's okay, but wow, i mean, it really got clobbered. how about peloton. when the cycle plus company became public in september, it priced at $29 a share then, and started trading at 27 before closing at 25 and change that's awful the deal stunk up the joint because they got the timing
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wrong. peloton has got explosive accelerating revenue growth up 110% in the 2019 fiscal year that is great. six months ago, the market would lock this thing up, inundated with ipos with similar characteristics, fast growers with no clear path to profitability and rising costs, especially marketing costs, which in peloton are growing sales, and that's something we don't like to see. the stock bottomed at 20 bucks in change in late october and at that point, the weak hands got washed down, the peloton stock, climbing to 24 right before it reported last week let's talk about earnings, or lack thereof peloton managed to deliver truly impressive numbers if the stock got dinged on the news, the since recovered those losses 103% year over year, connected fitness subscribers, up 103% great, low churn, robust engagement and stronger than anticipated margins. better yet, the guidance was
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very encouraging but you know what the best part was of this pton, on the conference call, peloton's cofounder, and ceo john foley laid out the strategy, i believe if we pull back on growth, we could be profitable tomorrow end quote. however, peloton is not going to do that because they think the worldwide opportunities are too good to pass up. they are going to be faced with losses i would recommend peloton right now. that's how fast it's growing if after that last quarter, probably one of the fastest growers in the entire market in a market that dislikes them right now, they lose a lot of money and in a few months, they have the lock up on insider selling, you saw what happened to uber. i expect the stock to get hit. that is probably when you pounce okay how about the numbers from planet fitness
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much simpler story i like that. you saw that in the markets, much simpler reaction to its results. last thursday, planet fitness posted inline earnings, 22% year over year. the same store sales came in at 7.9. people looking for 7.2 and they opened 42 new locations, bringing the total to 1,900. for the full year management raised their top and bottom line forecasts, as well as their same stores sales guidance, talking about 8.6% wall street looking for 8.4. planet fitness had a terrific conference call, 75% of sales growth came from new members, that's oerganic, a low key gym brand attracting customers long-term, planet fitness can double its store count in the yoit united states with the company's deep pocket franchisees paying for the expansion. that's the model i like so much. that's sal what you want to hear the stock folded 9% on friday.
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how do planet fitness stack up each other peloton makes most of its money selling equipment with a subscription kicker. i like the subscription. planet has significant growth for anything you might find in a shopping center. planet is profitable, while peloton is losing money. they reported great quarters when this comes to growth. these are different storiesment peloton is the hypergrowth name that the market wants no part of right now. that can change. insider lock up overhang, though the company put up fantastic revenues, you need to wait on the sidelines. in a market that favors profitable growth sticking with what's working, you know what, that's planet fitness. the stock never should have been down so much over the summer and the latest move, it's got more room to run, as for this one, i got to tell you, in the end, it can also be kind of a cool exer cycle. let's take calls go to phillip
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in alaska. phillip. >> yes, jim, greetings from anchorage. >> anchorage, we have guys from anchorage calling, what's up. >> we don't have any snow yet. >> no? i think we're going to get some before you get it. what's going on. >> just interested in one stock that i thought i would call you about, restoration hardware holdings >> well, i think that gary friedman has figured out how to negotiate the tariffs, which a lot of people felt he couldn't do they were wrong. they did not understand how good he is, at 172, the stock is 3.2 billion. i have said over the long-term it can go to 5 billion i'm not walking away from that i'm going toward it. phil in new york, phil >> sir phil in long island, thanks for taking the call. >> okay. >> james, smile direct club goes public on september 12th. >> right >> opens at $21 a share. >> mm-hmm.
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>> within the next four hours it sells down to $16. >> right >> within the next 90 days it sells down to below $9 a share. >> right 8 today. >> and so how do the underwriters justify that and what do you think about the company? >> okay. the conference call was a complete disaster. now we're talking about legislation all over the place a glitch in marketing, they're spending a fortune how do they let it happen? a friend, they let it happen because there's a lot of money to be made it's wall street all right. the market doesn't want hyper growth with no earnings. it wants profitable growth like planet fitness i believe planet fitness has room to run. one day it's going to be good. right now it's in a holding pattern where it's got, which is the single best way actually to straighten out if you don't know that much more "mad money" ahead.
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i'm sitting with the ceo of her hospitality trust. then i spot an opportunity that's been overlooked i'm talking about 5g, i think it's misunderstood first of all, your calls, rapid fire, and tonight's edition of the lightning round. so stick with cramer ♪ the amount of student loan debt i have i'm embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free ♪ we have no debt,
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we don't owe anybody anything, and it's fantastic ♪ more exciting than than getting a lexus... giving one. this is unbelievable! >>it really is. the lexus december to rembember sales event
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lease the 2020 rx 350 all wheel drive for $419 a month for 27 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. the amount of student loan debt i have, i'm embarrassed to even say. we just decided we didn't want debt any longer. ♪ i didn't realize how easy investing could be. i'm picking companies that i believe in. ♪ i think sofi money is amazing. ♪ thank you sofi. sofi thank you, we love you. ♪
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in recent years, the lodging real estate investment trust has been hammered. a faux worry, a flood of competition, how can we tell when these stocks have been punished too much. hersha hospitality trust, owns 48 mid to high end hotels in major metropolitan areas along the coast, boston, philadelphia, california, over the past five years, stock prices have been cut in half. there is a new wrinkle, in 2017 some of the company's key miami properties got hit by hurricane irma they are ready to put the hotels
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back in service right in time for the super bowl where you can't get a hotel room, i can tell you that already, in the beginning of february. i think it's big i like it. i want to take a closer look with jay shaw, the ceo of hersha hospitality trust. welcome back to "mad money" good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> sometimes i say 8% is a red flag but your group has been under tremendous pressure. you've got no problem with cash glow and you also have this upside from imprmiami, why don'u tell people why this is attractive at this level. >> you hit on some of the high points before, we've had, you know, in addition to being disrupted at two of our big hotels in miami that, you know, together comprise close to 10% of our ebita we had those offline for a whole year and they're back online close a hotel for a year, it takes a year to two years to ramp up. i think the south florida
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dynamic with the convention center being open again, the super bowl coming. next year, miami is expected to be the top growth market of the top 25 msas. that gives us a lot of optimism on really filling that hole, which we have been living with for about a year and a half now. and secondly, you know what, we're also noticing is that it's a bit of a risk off environment right now with hotel stocks and i think that's kind of driven by some of the uncertainty but i think that's being overlooked in our stock is across the last two to three years, we have done two very strategic initiatives i think that was driven by the fact that we saw rev part decelerating a little bit because of uncertainty so we, starting in '17 and '18, we have recycled close to just under a billion dollars in capital. we sold hotels that we felt were mature and weren't going to be
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producing it neurosurgemore that level growth monetized the value and bought newer assets, more strategic, pure play to our strategy with much higher ebita growth profiles. >> what people need to know, i always state, i happen to live the ris the, it's the best hotel in philadelphia i don't think there's much doubt about that but you also have a cluster strategy that i like, and that seems to i think immunize you in a lot of ways to where the economy might be. >> yeah, i think, it does help us a lot because the cluster strategy combined with the fact that we're very market focused, but somewhat agnostic to segments, so you know, you mentioned the rittenhaus, productive investment, great hotel, we own the westin, and hampton inn at the convention center, and so the cluster strategy creates some synergies from us with sgna
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and overheads, and allows us to share consumer sales and distribution strategies are positively impacted but also having multiple segments in the same market, you know, different segments peak and mature at different times in the cycle so it allows for -- it allows us to have growth throughout the entire cycle rather than it being peaky. >> now, there is not enough people cover you, and i have known your company for years, there is an outfit, bemo, that has you rated as an underperformer, and their headline is sour big apple, you have 24% of your business is in new york, and that new york is weak now, i get varying reports about new york being weak and i also feel to me that air bnb may have peaked or they would have come public, frankly. is air bnb did it erode a lot of the business coming back >> air bnb has had an impact we have to be honest with ourselves.
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where we feel the most impact from air bnb is on compression nights that's when the city is used to compress out in the inventory, and that allowed with dynamic pricing to drive stronger adrs and air bnb by creating a lot of shadow inventory dill lututed sf that. we're seeing with air bnb as cities are starting to enact legislation so that they're not illegally side stepping hotel regs and renting rooms as illegal hotels, you know, you're seeing a real drop off santa monica and san francisco after legislation was enacted close to six months after, you saw a 50% drop in listings, and so as more and more jurisdictions pass legislation. >> and is it in the pipe, do you see it happening >> yes, for sure we're seeing it across lots of markets. >> in some of your key markets, washington with the st. gregory or new york. >> yeah, well, in new york, you know, you're seeing that the number of new, the growth has
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flattened out. >> that is absolutely true. >> we check that when i hear about i'm very down on a lot of companies that have become public air bnb would be one the market doesn't want right now. >> it is flattening, which for us is a good sign. when you talk about new york, it is 24%, and there is supply growth, so you know, for getting the air bnb, there's a lot of growth there, and everyone gets very focused on supply growth and we all should be but more importantly, it's the demand and supply growth dynamic that matters and for the first time in several years, we're going to have 4.8% demand growth in new york with only 4% supply growth. >> this is the inflection point. i think the 8% yield is terrific i have been known you and your business for a very long time. i think it's anomaly that has to be taken advantage of. that's jay shaw, ceo of hersha, hospitality trust. a very big term in miami, you
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heard about the supply demand in new york city, and the laws that are changing in your favor out west "mad money" is back after the break. beyond the routine checkups. beyond the not-so-routine cases. comcast business is helping doctors provide care in whole new ways. all working with a new generation of technologies powered by our gig-speed network. because beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. whether your beauty routine is 3or 57,... make nature's bounty hair skin and nails step one. it's the number one brand uniquely formulated for silky hair, glowing skin and healthy nails. nature's bounty, because you're better off healthy.
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it is time for theer are you ready, james in new york james. >> yes, listen, booyah i love the show. >> thank you >> you do a great job. something bothers me, though in the past 35 years i have been in the market and i had a good 25 of the 30 in coca-cola. >> okay. and it ain't moving, i understand and james, the other james, not you, james quincy is doing a darn good job. i think the company has a great long-term projection, 3%, i like pepsi more, but i want you to own coke i'm not going to tell you to sell it. i think it's too well run. >> let's go to betsy in ohio. >> very cool to talk with you.
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>> right back at you. >> hey, my stock is medler toledo. >> instrumentation is good what i think, i think dhr. i need to go to pritique in new jersey. >> booyah, jim i bought it for $73. >> kind of breaking out. what stock was that? >> icon. >> oh, icon enterprises. it has a high yield, but i can't tell what it owns. i like to recommend stocks where i actually know what they own, but i do know that carl icahn is a very good investor michael in florida. >> hi mr. cramer, booyah. >> booyah, michael i have a two-part question mr. cramer, a couple of weeks ago, you said you were going to be
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doing a segment on bed, bath and beyond, and your ceo from target, i watch every day, and i haven't seen it yet. >> that is my bad. i have not done the work i have been jamming a lot of interviews it's been a mistake. i continue to think that john i know very well, told me, did a great presentation, that mark trenton is going to do a real job, it looks like he is i apologize, and ben and i we're going to really go to town on this one, and i really do, i try to cover so many different things, but i did not get to that one yet, and i keep hoping it goes back to 13 to blow 13, and it hasn't done that yet. i promise you, i will do that story. ben if you're listening, we're doing bed, bath and beyond adam in california, please adam. >> hey, jim, booyah. >> hey, recently, a pharma company has received good news on a drug trial that got a 15% haircut. >> i got to do work on that. i think you got hurt by the fact
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they did the big underwriting. i have to see whether the underwriting was worth it. that is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is >> the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade ♪ ♪
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thank you sofi. sofi thank you, we love you. ♪ what is 5g now we tend to think of it as a next generation cellar technology like 4g networks. most making 3g, nothing really
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special, and maybe a little faster, but you know what, that is completely the wrong way to look at it after listening to liam griffin, the thoughtful ceo of sky works solutionings on his conference call, i have a whole new understanding of this issue. it isn't merely an evolution of cell phones, your phone is the tip of iceberg last week, given a report, an unbelievable quarterback, g refh cycle at the stock surging 10% over the next two days after hearing from sky works last night, i'm thinking qualcomm gave two lowball a number what's liam griffin's prediction, we expect a substantial upgrade cycle as the 5 billion mobile subscribers, migrate and 3 and 4 g to 5 g the cycle is starting all over the world, he says, turns out 5 g could be much bigger than the
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last two upgrade cycles. how is that possible, simple because it's brand new technology griffin explains that quote it offers gigabit speeds, ultra low latency, and greatly enhanced network capacity, end quote. when you see the 10 million people sign up for disney plus and it keeps crashing in the service, to ensure the streaming services run smoothly, i bring this up because 5 g is wildly misunderstood. it's about facilitating the massive digitization of pretty much everything, the internet of things, iot that i talk about. every piece of hardware. for example, most people don't think too much of the connected core i don't know with 5 g, your car can connect at least ten times faster and that puts a whole new spin on the concept. no wonder the automakers line up for this bmw, which sky works calls out honey well, seamans, ge, phillip, if you think 5g is no big deal, maybe you aren't
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thinking big enough, every wearable device, indoor, out door, it's constantly underestimated sky works saw its own stock down 6 bucks, and spent the rest of the day rebounding it closed down just $0.45 as it dawned on people that they were being given an incredible buying opportunity again for 5g, same thing for marvel technologies, all companies with major 5g exposure i need you to think of 5g as a game changer, when microsoft and intel developed a pc far more powerful or apple unveiled the iphone from dial up internet to broad band to wireless you know this already. and most people can't see it with their own eyes. not all 5 g chip makers are worth buying huawei still blacklisted, some of the companies are out one of their largest customers but as sky works griffin says you can't ignore their huge business with
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opo vall opo, vivo, huawei would love to start buying again their chips are practically indispensable. long story, the 5g train is leaving the station, you will get a chance to buy stocks at a discount periodically. some are departing later than others cisco which give disappointing guidance tonight, more of an enterprise 5g, and not consumer 5g, do not look for it to turn the trajectory of cisco around 5g is a tidal wave, and once you ride at least one of the major semiconductor players because this rising tide will lift all boats. boats. stick with cramer. unaware that an exhilarating escape is just within reach.
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disney, great, cisco not so great. always a bull market somewhere, just here on "mad money" i am jim cramer and i will see you
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tomorrow why did you lie? >> one mistake, i went from zero to zero. >> alex rodriguez helps former olympic golden boy ryan lochte get his head above water. >> when you write a check, do you flip a coin, hope it goes through. >> yeah. >> now that's a problem. >> back in the game. >> back in the game. cnbc, get yours. narrator: working smart... they're made with our revolutionary technology. ooh. narrator: thinking big... we put everything we had into this. ...a their dreams... we had an opportunity, we took it, we're here. ...and tonight, nba legend and sports broadcaster charles barkley returns to the tank. you know how much i charge for an endorsement? you're getting this thing cheap.


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