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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  November 18, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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airbnb see you back here. "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now my mission is simple -- to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. and i promise to help you find it "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica and welcome to the west coast of cramerica. i'm coming to you from san francisco, the heart of the tech revolution and home of some moneymaking opportunities. other people want to make friends but i'm in out to help
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you make some money because my job is not to entertai but to educate and teach you so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. or tweet me @jimcramer. embrace technology or die. people always ask why the team spends so much time out in san francisco and the answer is pretty simple frankly. if you want your business to survive in the 21st century you need better tech tech that individualized, tech that tells the story, tech that keeps you current. tech that makes your customers happy. the dow gained 31, s&p inched up 0.05%. i think you need to understand we come out here basically to give technology its due. tech is how good businesses become great ones and take themselveses to the next level how that works, take tonight, we're going to the levi's innovation factory in san
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francisco where this 166-year-old company has reinvented the way jeans are made later in the show you'll hear from ceo chip byrd how do you make classic jeans without classic dispolioation of the earth. you didn't care where the indigo went, right? those days are gone. you know what else is gone, the year when manufacturers tell you what you want. now you tell them what you want. now levi's no longer needs to make millions of pairs of pants that are destined tore landfill. the consumer can compete what she wants when she wants it as well as the ultimate stakeholder which is the earth levi's need to make vintage
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jeans. so they engineered new technology to rebut the presumption of swed shops. some people think they're doing. they use special washing machines and keep the indigo bleeding from the water table while maintaining a workforce of seamstresses that have been with the company for ages it gives you a better made pair of pants in such a shorter time period not every business needs to develop its own tech you can outsource most of the stuff. remember we these stocks on the ticker crawl beneath the screen, well, in many cases our eyes glaze over when they see them. do you see to know what zendes does, you bet you do >> buy buy >> you have to because it's an interprize trying to sell something. the platform is essential to boosting sales, netflix,
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procter & gamble and harry's how do they reach the younger generation that won't sit television ads maybe through social media and that's why we're talking to twitter. if you want to get a read on the future of the entire industry don't rely on public companies but the fast-growing privately held players taking the world by storm like airbnb has done to the lodging business here's a company that found a way to house everyone for the next olympics in tokyo, something the hotel chains are ill-equipped to do when you focus on the technology, it reminds you when tech stocks go down they're not necessarily out. look, just look at two major semiconductor companies that got hit hard when they reported in the last few weeks advance micro devices and nvidia at the time i told you to hold your nose and buy both of them right into the weakness because in reality i said they hadn't done anything wrong.
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the stocks were react to go to the charts to the chatter, to the, oh, so slight revisions on one or two lines of gibberish that control absolutely nothing. i wasn't worried why? i come out here regularly so i know how indispensable they've become to the modern world that's what you discover when here sure enough both have made spectacular comebacks. why? let's circle back to levi's. what do they want to do aside from making eco friendly jeans they want to figure out what you want then sell it to you at your price. just the way you want it these days everyone wants your data for the same reason whether talking about music or television or clothes or food or games or newspaper articles, cars, cell phone, anything if you want to put it to work chances are you need chips from nvidia or amd. in that case it's crazy to sell them when they report good quarters with a tiny bit of irrelevant hair on them. nobody will remember the fly in the ointment a week later or a
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day later. that's why they surged nearly 4% for inindividual yachlt best way to generate images that allow businesses to get better at business if they chose to shun them for their data services they will fall behind the competition. let me put think the way so you'll understand during the next sell-off that creates a buying opportunity in these stocks like we had last week, by coming out to san francisco, i learned which tech companies deserve the benefit of the doubt. i know nvidia is developing semiconductors and machine learning and artificial intelligence and they can simulate a cockpit or measure a self-driving car's ability to avoid crashes. they can make photo realistic characters in a video game that you cannot tell the difference between a real thing i won't wake the right to be
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skeptical. you'll see ceos that own shares and sometimes wonder if it is a good idea but the bottom line is i need to expose you to as much of the world of technology as possible you know why because it's technology that powers so much of your daily life and the choices you make or don't make, the thing is i wouldn't know the difference between nvidia the company and, yes, nvidia the dog if we didn't regularly make our way out here. it would just be another piece of paper or piece of plastic when you only look at the world through that lens you end up missing way too many buying opportunities. on "mad money" from cnbc, san francisco, twitter's wings somebody clipped but can they find a way to fly higher i'll talk with their top executive. innovation extends beyond tech companies. i'm sitting down with the 1 6-year-old levi's at the company's innovation lab to see
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how it's reinventing denim and six guests check in to an airbnb listing every second i'm sitting down with the ceo to talk about their plans to come public so stay with cramer >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question, tweet cramer, #madtweets send jim an email to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something, head to - [spokesman] if you've tried college but never finished,
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(group cheering) snhu lets you transfer up to 90 credits toward you bachelor's degree. - [woman] it doesn't matter how old you are, you can do it, you can finish. - [spokesman] finish your degree at
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while we're out in san francisco we need to check in on a major silicon valley player with a stock that's gone from love to loathe, twitter. not long ago it was on fire but now down 35% from its highs. motion of the damage coming what am analysts thought was a disappointing quarter last month. after that is it worth owning? every time it has done that in the past it's been a terrific
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buying opportunity mr. segal, ned, i want to try to see how you divide your time customers and all this news constantly about what kind of ads you'll take and what you won't take then you have some technology issues that you weren't happy about last quarter. could you just go through your day and tell me how you deal with being the -- you know, the guy who's running the cfo of twitter in a time that's tough on twitter. >> well, remember, we have 4600 people at the company. and we've got a bunch of priorities and try to stay focused around them. the first one is growing the audience we're a purpose driven company and want the whole world to use it we grew it 17% last quarter. so thrilled with the product momentum driving that. that's where we start. we also think about our revenue products we got challenges there this past quarter they point to the strategy that we've laid out, though, which is we know we need to rebuild our ad server to allow us to move faster we know we need mobile application promotion ads to
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deliver better for advertisers and that that can lead to more direct response opportunities over time although some of it did catch up with us in the third quarter we have conviction those are the right priorities >> did you underspend? >> well, that's an interesting question we grew head count 16% last year we are growing 20% this year and trying to be really thoughtful as we grow the team to make sure we keep the quality bar really high, that we don't take on too many pie or thes at the same time because when we look at the success we've been able to deliver since jack returned to the company four years ago it's been about being selective and deliberate about our priorities. >> your stock was at this level a few years ago i know marc benioff was interesting in buying it and so was disney then it cratered and they all walked away then it turned around are you worried that someone is actually going to try to swoop you up i don't think that's your intent. >> we're worried about getting the whole world to use the service and look at all the
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great things whether around the eagles or something happening in san francisco like the niners, a political event or local in nature in another part of the world. great things that bring people together that people want to discuss where there may be different perspectives and you can learn about them in a social and personalized and realtime way on twitter and that is what we're focused on. >> you see whey wanted to show you. i have my direct message where i mentioned going beak and forth with john ledger, how i communicate him, the outgoing ceo of t-mobile. i obviously follow the president who is right now talking about the dow, nasdaq record close, showing a picture of cnbc. i follow adam schefter these are all my rituals how do you get people to have the same rituals as i do i know if they had it on every minute you'd make more money. >> you are a great example of what somebody looks like when he use it properly and tweet a lot and have over a million people
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who follow you so we want people to follow the topics and events they care about most that's what people come to twitter for and increasingly organizing the product not just around the accounts they follow but around the topics and events i don't know if you've had a prompt but i've ask do i want to follow the warriors or nfl i say the topics i want to follow the experiences around them are getting so much better as we improve relevance and notifications and improve the performance of the app. >> it's really great i want to follow politics. i don't mind seeing political ads. i feel that this is the battle of ideas that oliver wendell holmes said it, the best truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market why limit the competition. >> we don't disagree with that but teal that a voice around the political campaign, around a political issue to be earned and
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not bought on twitter and it really is that simple to us. if you look at the policy that we detailed on friday, that will begin to enforce this friday that jack first tweeted about a faux weeks ago it comes back to that. >> i know listen to walter isaacson, i used to work for him. he's saying what is bad is targeted ads for people who may be ignorant of other issues. i'll use that as a pejorative word if you ran it everywhere it's not targeted maybe it's an ad we haven't invent snider we are limiting targeting so you won't be able to -- >> you are >> -- target more deeply than by a state. if you want to get it out around an issue it may be still be allowed but you won't be able to do micro targeting that's very good. >> we think it is good too we want people to be able to talk about the issues and want people to see different perspectives and feel safe being part of the conversation and trust the information that they see and we believe that we'll do
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a better job of that if you earn your voice as opposed to buying it. >> last week the president is tweeting about someone who is testifying and making fun of her. i don't like to look at the train wreck, but i know people are drawn to train wrecks. i know people are drawn to accidents and big events, bloopers in the baseball game. what do you do about an actual president of the united states who is doing something that you and i might not want to do, maybe we think it's unbecoming but we want to watch it. >> we have a rule around political figures which says that they may tweet something that somebody else would tweet that is against our policies and we might leave the tweet up but we might limit its amplification and cover it with what's call an interstisht and might have to click through to see it and tell you why it violated our rules an tell you we left it up because we believe it's in the public interest to know what our elected officials or people who
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are running for office are saying even if might be something that could be perceived to be objectionable by one person or another we think it's important so it's there. >> you know i went after a company and said the stock has to be bought the franchise is ridiculous --ly quarter to quarter and said you have to make changes at one point of the changes come to the point where the weather will float the bottom line a lot of thing you discuss don't make any money >> we we think lots of opportunity in front of us when we look at the 17% dau growth it's critical to start there, 18% growth internationally. 13% growth in the u.s. so it's broad-based. >> why didn't people focus on that and why did they focus on other metrics you and i felt were not important >> i think that's part of the accountability of a public company, sometimes people focus on things you wish had gone better and on our revenue products this quarter are things that are critical --
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>> did the consumer package good companies and say let me come back when you figure it out? >> sometimes companies say we'll wait to run more ads until we understand better how the measurement will work and other times people say advertising on twitter is on sale because somebody else made a decision to walk away so it's really a combination of different responses that we got from advertisers. most importantly, though, what we're hearing from them, they know we are the place to launch a new movie or -- if you're warner brothers and put "the joker" up it was seen twice as many times on twitter than anywhere else. launching over the top television app, we are the place where opinion gets formed about it and you want to be there to talk about it and to help people learn about yourselves, same thing walthall connecting with what's happening whether it's a sporting event or a political event or something else, we are the place where people go had they want to connect with the things that
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their customers care about and are talking about on twitter. >> couldn't agree more ned segal, the cfo of twitter. i'm an active user and has made good changes i've requested to make it a more polite and better place. good to see you. it is nice. his haircut is "nice." this is the most-awarded minivan three years in a row. the van just talked. sales guy, give 'em the employee price, then gimme your foot. hands-free sliding doors, stow 'n go® seats.
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can your car do this? man, y'all getting a hook up and you don't even work here. don't act like i'm not doing y'all a favor. y'all should be singing my praises. pacificaaaaa! purchase and get $5,361 below msrp plus 0% financing for 60 months on the 2019 pacifica limited.
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believe it or not you can teach an old dog new tricks. we tend to think of innovation as something that happens at technology companies but any company can innovate if it's willing to put in the work consider levi's strauss and company, the 166-year-old apparel company best known for its jeans. they have developed a whole new technology to automate the labor intensive process of hand finishing jeans.
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instead of humans working with thousands of chemicals they use machines with lace attorneys get it done up to 20 times faster, hey, without the nasty chemicals so call me intrigued we sat down with chip at the company's eureka innovation lab here in san francisco where they came up with this new technology so take a look chip, i feel like i'm having a eureka moment. >> our iraq ka you are right. welcome to eureka. >> describe to us what it means. it might be heart and soul of the new levi's. >> which joined the company back in 2011, one of the things that really believe in is the importance of innovation we had a small innovation center in turkey which was planes and trains and automobiles to get there and we decided to move that innovation center and scale it up and put it right here right down the street. we're a couple of blocks from our headquarters innovation in the apparel industry we'll talk around a little bit
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it's tactile and iterative and being close to the designers and close to the merchants who are working on our future lines and working on innovation, that proximity was really important i thought to myself here we are, at that time, i used to say we're at the northern tip of silicon valley how do we attract all the silicon valley talent and innovation to work with levi's they're not going to do it if they have to go all the way to turkey so by putting this center here and named it eureka and opened it in 2013 and a number of amazing innovations have come out, also one of the highest performing teams we have in our company. a great team here. >> so when we speak about innovation, how much of it is i've noticed an increasing dtc personal says so makes it there is a giant moat around you that other guys don't have. >> it is a huge consumer trend it also creates theser in our store. >> theater.
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>> yeah, theater you know, consumers want to come in an and want an experience if they are going to come in and transact, they can do that online they want an experience, unique, something instagramable and we've got tailor shops in most of our main line stores around the world where we do personalization and customization. consumers can tailor a trucker jacket for themselves. we offer tailor made levi's in a couple of our main flagships around the world where can you get the spoke tailored levi's. we also have this technology using lasers where consumers now even online can design their own pair of levi's which we will finish on a laser which you'll see later. >> now, you have -- you've mentioned in europe the numbers in europe are extraordinary. can you replicate them here and why is it so strong over there >> so europe has been growing
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now for about four years last two fiscal years we were up 20% each of those two fiscal years we're up 14% year to date through three quarters the business in europe skews towards direct to consumer it's about 50% dtc, 50% wholesale. the u.s. skews much more dominantly to wholesale less today than it did eight years ago when i joined. but, you know, the brand is absolutely on fire really on a global basis our dtc business is growing high single digits in the u.s we're just challenged with u.s. wholesale. >> one thing that did worry me is the notion of wholesale because in wholesale or in a major department store brick and mortar i don't get the sense of sustainability or theater but i also know the importance of outlets. how do you balance those >> yeah, it is a balancing act we talk about the u.s. market as a market of place and need to manage it as a marketplace
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u.s. wholesale is an important component of it. when i joined the company almost half of the company's total business was in u.s. wholesale and our strategy has been effectively to diversify the business and today the u.s. wholesale is less than 30% of our total global business but still a very big, very profitable important part of our business but we have been diversifying building more direct to consumer, more of our own stores here in the u.s. so that we can manage the business as a marketplace. at the same time we've also been expanding distribution in wholesale, given the strength of the brand we can peoplize the brand, move up to higher tier wholesale customers like nordstrom, bloomingdale's which we've done successfully over the last couple of year. >> what kind of innow vegas in manufacturing are you demonstrateing >> part of the reason this facility exists is to drive innovation around sustainability
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and manufacturing. i personally believe that the best innovation happens when you've got constraints you know, completely unconstrained, you know, an innovation organization can just get lost in the weeds but when you say why want to focus on driving innovation and sustainability and get rid of hazardous chemicals and reduce the amount of hard physical labor that goes into making a pair of jeans, we want to use less water, you know, the most precious resource in the world today and this industry uses a lot of water so out of this facility has come innovations like waterless technology where we significantly reduce the amount of water that we use in finishing a pair of jeans. we've saved over 3 billion liters of water. project flx where we finish the jeans using a laser instead of using chemicals and physical
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labor, and you'll see it here in a minute we'll show it to you it is transformational, revolutionary and will change the supply chain because we can postpone the finishing of a pair of jeans close story market. >> but at the same time, people don't regard levi's as that. i've always tried to figure out how does chip berghget the word out? this is what we think about. given the fact it's clothes and my generation says nice pair of pants. >> i started saying by saying i never wash my jeans. that was the shot that was heard around the world what i said is i don't put the jeans in the washing machine, but, no, we do have a really, really strategy sustainability story to tell and we are going on a large storytelling campaign on sustainability because it is in today's world the young consumers really do care about it i like to say we are the opposite of fast fashion we are slow fashion. >> yes.
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>> we never go out of style. you know, a fair of 501s will never go out of style. we are the ultimate in slow fashion. >> in the meanwhile chip bergh has to be the chairman of a company under assault right now. i know that these are things that you can't really talk about. but can you balance the time, particularly because i know you're a pro-shareholder here and there. >> the great news about hp it is an amazing board of directors and there are several people on the board who can step up and help carry the load but on -- it is obviously taking quite a bit of time but we're in a good place right now and we're really focussed on doing what is absolutely right for the hp shareholders. >> oh, that's great. i happen to love the new ceo i was hopingthey would give hi a little time to work. he's got a whole new job chip, thank you. that is levi's's president and ceo. what an exciting place and time to work at levi's. >> great it is. thank you very much, jim
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- [spokesman] if you've tried college but never finished,
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(group cheering) snhu lets you transfer up to 90 credits toward you bachelor's degree. - [woman] it doesn't matter how old you are, you can do it, you can finish. - [spokesman] finish your degree at doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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the last time we came out here to san francisco this market still was in love with the fast growing property unicorns but now in a post-lyft, uber and wework world. fortunately some were smart enough to take a breath when their plans went public until they regain appetites for mythical creatures airbnb, number seven on 2019 list now expects to go phub in 2020 get this it doesn't need the money. so let's dig deep with the co-founder and ceo and head of community at airbnb to learn more about how his business is doing and what it means for an upcoming ipo mr. chesky, member many were worried they couldn't go to the chinese olympics there weren't enough hotel rooms. tell us about it >> will, airbnb, we started to provide housing really for
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events when a big event comes to town hotels usuallies are sold out. people don't have a place to stay and hotels charge two or three times the daily rent when we provided housing for olympics in rio, 80 to 85% stayed at airbnbs. we have a breakthrough partnership with the olympics from now through 2028, five olympic games where we will be the official housing place for the olympics the number two thing is now olympic athletes can be olympic experienced heavies on airbnb. many do not have sponsorships. hopefully they can be hosts and still earn income. the third thing i'm proud of the olympics has a history of allowing countries to compete. but not every person belongs to a country. there are refugees and they don't get the opportunity to compete. the olympics has created a refugee olympic team and we're a
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proud sponsor of that team as well those are the three things we're doing. >> go back when you said you created it you have taken it to many different levels and bought a company i love, hotels tonight. you have made it so that this is an amazing statistic there was one night august 10th, over 4 million people spending the night in an airbnb for a private company. >> population of los angeles, approximately. were staying in airbnbs but came from 191 countries almost every country in the world so it was a really, really big thing h we started airbnb, people thought we were crazy. they said this will never work strangers will never stay with other strangers but i think what we invented wasn't just a way to book a home but a platform built on trust that allowed millions to book a home with another person and trust the accommodations they're getting in over 500 million guest arrivals later you see what is
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happening. >> how does the technology work? jeff was on recently from twilio he has a great platform. you must use so many different technologies a sense of the pastiche. >> we have billions of searches every year on airbnb going to over 7 million listings and many experiences. the first thing we had to do, build a really robust platform airbnb is not an ota we are not just a distributor of online travel -- we had to build a payment system and handle for currencies than paypal and have to handle it through the platform and have a trust and safety division that verify's people's identity and have 24/7 support and thousands of unique customer issues we have to train. either the box didn't come to your house or did. this is a bespoke platform and have deep infrastructure even our ranking team that does search technology trying to help you find one of 100,000 homes in
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paris, this is a pretty difficult problem so it's a pretty rebus platform and think the sophistication helps people -- >> people who run hotel companies say you're hurting their margins. a town that doesn't want airbnb in it and could be the next wework don't fall in love with them how do you respond to those who are maybe frankly jealous of what you've accomplished. >> ultimately the people will speak. the first thing do customers love the product the vast majority leave a review, 70% and the vast majority love the experience i have seen you talk about your experience we'll live and die by customers as all companies do and think the customer should choose which companies survive and not survive. our hosts have otherearned over billion and 00% are women and
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one of the top professions are schoolteachers so like -- >> school teach sflers regular people mostly doing these activities and ultimately we've tried to partner with cities and had 500 different ones and collected over a billion and a half of hotel tax. it's really, you know, ultimately what i would say is people won't remember airbnb in 2019 or won't remember, you know, about if, you know, what -- you know, if and when we launch which feature they're going to remember who we are as a company do i like that company did they provide great experiences? were communities better off and hopefully if we do our job well they will say that. >> west versus east. when i come out here and i come out a lot, i want to be younger than i am. out west we're talking about solving problems and east, valuation. in the east you talk about is it 40 billion, 50 billion >> yep >> east does not necessary have to meet west why would you ever want to come public knowing that east is
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rapacious and critical of what west has accomplished. >> i grew up in albany, new york. >> albany? >> albany, new york. my dad worked for the state of new york so i like the east coast. i'm still thinking i myself as an east coaster. i don't think they're mutually exclusive. i don't you either have to be highly profitable or have to change the world nonprofit like you can make money and you can actually like serve wall street and serve your customers and -- >> serve the refugees. >> and refugees and communities and do interesting things. i think that like i don't think we need to live had this world where there's either like -- it's one or the other. like these two things can fit together. >> at the same time we know for instance an outfit like we work comes public and looking like it's 50 then 40 then 30. how do you avoid the wework situation? >> well, the first thing, make sure, you know, like you have a
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business that fundamentals are strong that really matters. >> you make money. that helps. >> it's really important your numbers make sense and our business, we have more money in the bank than we've raised that's really important. i think a question you should ask, how much money did you burn to build your valuation? and if you divide those two numbers that's an important thing so i think fundamentally when we put out numbers hopefully people will feel really good about what we built with what we raised and what we actually spent but i think ultimately like we're not going to live and die point the things we say but the things we do and numbers and results we put out. >> does it make sense then to wait because you're making -- you have more money in the bank? is there something that investors are anxious to have a market you have protected buyers more than sellers it's time to have a currency. >> most people that are really
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rushing to go public, the number one reason they do is because they need the money. we don't need to raise money so we haven't been in a rush and, number two, most of our large shareholders, most of our large investors have told us they intended to hold the stock for a long time and actually whether doing the opposite of pressuring us to go public. they were making sure take your time make sure you institutionalize your intentions, obviously it is an indefense world on wall street and make sure you institutionalize the things you're doing, start the businesses and find the right time and we think next time will be. >> we're not ready to announce anything the number win reason do a traditional ipo is they need the money. we don't. >> i worry all the time about fighting, i worry about accidents and worry about something really bad happening you've had some experiences like i've had like anyone in our business had how do you create a safety
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threat to make it so that as best you can people who use your product don't get hurt >> so when we started airbnb, the first thing we did is make sure we have a payment system and reputation system. everyone leaves a review, both sides, authentic reviews based on a reservation and provided a number of new protects last week we made our biggest announcement in the history of our company. you see aultimately we're in th business of trust what we're doing wit, we will verify 100% of the listings on airbnb and verify them for accuracy and for basically hospitality standards. no internet platform with hundreds of millions of users have attempted to do this but i think ultimately we in the tech industry are realizing we have a greater responsibility and need to make pore responsibility. >> brian chesky, the head of
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community r community at airbnb. cnbc disruptive 50, nasdaq, rewrite tomorrow only one thing's more exciting than getting a lexus... wow! giving one. how did you guys...? >>don't ask. the lexus december to rembember sales event get 0 percent apr for 60 months on all 2019 models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. (woman) but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. ♪
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but in my mind i'm still 25. that's why i take osteo bi-flex, to keep me moving the way i was made to. it nourishes and strengthens my joints for the long term. osteo bi-flex - now in triple strength plus magnesium. >> announcer: "the lightning round" is sponsored by td ameritrade ♪ ♪ it is time it's time for the lightning round.
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rapid-fire and say buy, buy, buy. >> buy, buy, buy. >> sell, sell, sell. >> and the lightning round is over are you ready skee-daddy joe in north carolina. joe. >> caller: yes, thank you for your sage advice it's helped me to start my retirement at a younger age and was interested in information that you might have on gw pharmaceuticals. >> we like gw pharma but it's part of the cannabis cohort and being pulled down and still too early. sue in new york. sue. >> caller: hi, jim first-time caller, longtime listener huge fan. >> thank you. >> caller: i love you so i was listening to cnbc last month and i happened to catch an interview with dr. athena from turning point therapeutics. >> turning point is a very big speculative situation. most wouldn't know the dishes them them and turning point wine so do home work before you pull the trigger. adam in pennsylvania
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a . >> caller: hey, this is adam from philly. i have a question on an oil and gas company. they're awful? >> they won't make the playoffs. owen in hawaii owen >> caller: hey, boo-yah, jim this is concerning o r. dichlt -- e iridium. >> i like it >> caller: can i please ask about capital corp >> no, this is another one we justice department don't know what's inside. it has debt that we don't understand so we're not going to touch it and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of "the lightning round." >> announcer: "the lightning round" is sponsored by td ameritrade
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after spending months getting beaten to a pulp the cloud stocks have made a major comeback over the last few weeks particularly today look at zen of desk that helps others handle support. after a tough run they reported solidly better than expected market and come roaring back to.
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we check in with the co-founder and ceo of zen desk welcome back. >> it's been a little time since we've seen you last and closing in on a billion dollars in sales. magic number we identify companies that are at that level that are great buy. >> yep, yep, we are ambitious about 2020 and have ambitions about a billion dollar number and excited about it. >> you are starting -- you have clients, gigantic clients. we had a company called data dog an we thought they were impressive and it's very clear that they can get you the data you want to grow with. if i were to call that, when would i intersect with zendesk if i hired data dog? >> so we work with data dog. i know oliver. he is fantastic. >> he is good. >> i should take you to his italian restaurant in brooklyn
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it is an amazing company and started working with them. they use our software. and we believe in very much to truly understand your customers you have to have your customer data flow elegantly. how we think about them and how we work with aws -- >> amazon web services. >> enagetting our customers businesses to understand their customers better based on data is key hoe how we operate. >> do you have partners because when you see -- i've seen netflix is one of your customers. i've called netflix customer service right before i saw -- i called at 3:00 a.m various places 3:00 a.m. someone picked up. someone knew everything then someone knew everything about me where are you in the chain >> we work with with primarily netflix on all their production so every pro-sdukdz think, all the partners that they have, all the different vendor, all the constituents in their whole production element is tied
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together and used are using zendesk so currently don't too deeply are involved in external facing customers but a big part of the dial log. >> wow with a harry's? i use harry's? is that you? i've spoken to one of your salesmen harry's is pretty well run and expect you to do something to make sure they have that friendly customer service. >> exactly like we believe twrely twr tremendously in them so we work with a lot including harry's. >> how much of it is just you advises them, giving them a business plan, telling them this is how you need to do it >> we don't do that. >> they got to hire you. >> we are a software company and that's what we do. >> when i see what wall street is saying, the stock was down and people are saying, listen, you got to ask him potential softness in international. now i always am reluctant to say there's softness when a guy is
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about to hit 2 billion so few hit it. the stock had a tough sumer. >> so we did that a few quarters ago where we talked about some of the unevenness in execution internationally, remember, we are very international oriented company and have half our business outside the u.s which is fantastic, you know, it makes us very resill yipts and means we can continue to grow at a very high rate we grew 36% last quarter. >> you should say that means the number of customers too. 200,000. probably much bigger number than that of customer. >> we have a lot of customers and a lot of customers internationally but we also like we've grown so larapidly that covering such large regions with the amount of executives and team that we have internationally, we can do better and have seen unevenness in our execution and we're very determined on kind of getting that back on track again and just in that there's tremendous
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leverage for our future growth >> gather and sunshine i don't know whether either one was rolling out when we spoke last. >> sunshine, we've been talking about it for a year now and sunshine is on our platform that helps businesses connect all their data, connect all their applications and lives in aws. very easy for developers we think about it almost as -- >> so if i'm a developer i contact -- i hire you? what do i do >> it's a platform we able for develop sflers like twilio you write a large salesforce. >> it lives natively in aws and targeted towards cx so customer experience and relationship and make it easy for them to deploy all the things that connect all their things and data with applications and truly believe that's the future of thinking about customer relationship and customer experience. >> i'm glad you explained that a lot of people say zendesk, you bring these companies up they don't do anything
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no, they're why companies stay in business for-en's sake. you do interneed them because they tend to be a little bigger than one restaurant or one hotel. >> we have a lot of small businesses in our customers and proud of them too. >> i know as someone who checked in with your organization you're right. the chairman and ceo of zendesk. i know, i brought this to you before why? this is how modern-day business is run "mad money" is back after the break.
6:58 pm
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6:59 pm
that's the power of edge-to-edge intelligence. i am totally blind. and non-24 can make me show up too early... or too late. or make me feel like i'm not really "there." talk to your doctor, and call 844-234-2424. all right, here's what a haven't talked about in tay long time mattel i've been avoiding it for like 25, 30 points but they have just price aid debt deal that had tremendous demand. that is a very good sign for the common stock got to take a look at it maybe a little early but i'm all over it. i always say there's a bull market somewhere i promise to find it right here for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer i will see you tomorrow.
7:00 pm
>> narrator: in this episode of "american greed"... dr. mark weinberger, the self-proclaimed "nose doctor" has it all and he's not afraid to flaunt it. >> he had to be the big shot. he had to be different from everyone else. >> narrator: but inside the weinberger sinus clinic, all is not what it seems. >> all he did was bore two holes in my skull. >> i found it pretty appalling. he was basically cheating the patients and cheating the system. >> narrator: and when lawsuits threaten the empire he's built, the nose doctor heads for the hills.


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