tv Mad Money CNBC December 11, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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>> guy adam y. >> you're a large tall man you're perfect. >> if i was like a garanimal i would be a hippo. >> ha badger. >> honey is. >> hippo. >> honey badgers. >> new month mining is all levels we haven't seen before. my mission is simple -- to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to save you money. my job isn't just to entertain but to educate and teach and maybe do little coaching call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. or tweet me @jim cramer. i always tell you, almost 15 years ago, i said you have to avoid the battle grounds it's hard enough opening the
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stocks of companies with obviously great fundamentals but a battle ground with fire. and madness. count me out too much effort. sometimes though you have to take a stand and in a market like this one where the bullish animal spirits can bowl anybody over. including today the dow inched up 30 points s&p advanced and then some battlegrounds, even for me, too tempting to ignore that's why i have been taking a stand with tesla ♪ i might have gone back and forth, two of the biggest hornet's nests of our time what separates the tesla a battleground stock that i feel compelled to champion from the netflix which i lost conviction in championing it for years at lower levels okay, all my career i have been fascinated by companies with vociferous bulls and ferocious
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bears if only because they're so entertainling. three things distinguished the stocks from regular run of the mill equities. first, they're cult like >> the house of pleasure. >> people buy them because they love the product and the product transcends simple analysis you either drink the kool-aid or you don't. second characteristic of battleground stocks, potentially troubled financials. the real slugfest tend to have terrible balance sheets that can't be fixed, only by raising capital. third, battlegrounds tend to have charismatic leaders i have had the privilege of meeting reed hastings the ceo of netflix. he is charismatic as all get out. the genuine item someone who is practically inside my head when he sends me
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what to watch on netflix at night. i think it's coming directly to me however, nobody is more charismatic than elon musk for better or worse he's a one of a kind. he's a walking charisma machine. sometimes i think he gives me a run for the money as the most sincerely and sincere man in north america and other times he's a true believer he eviscerated me once at a dinner party it was different so let's put both tesla and netflix through the three prizms now we'll start with tesla because i need you to understand what converted me from the agnostic skeptic to an outright bull about three minutes ago my daughter drove a model 3 from oregon to san francisco. she sold her beat up used ford she is a noncar person and she
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felt trepidation about the battery and the 600 mile trip. but within the first 100 mile she called me to tell me how much she loved being behind the wheel. she's never expressed a whit of interest about driving a tesla i had driven one years ago and loved it she had two words for me -- buy one. she talked about the features she liked, the wide screen and nothing mattered more to her than the flatulence button which she thought was hysterical two months later i found myself on the west coast with my wife and another fabulous wife and husband couple who couldn't wait to me in the gold wing model "x." my wife lisa loves cars. she would be crazy and she was immediately smitten. now i have to admit i love the whimsical nature, the gold wings were cool. the drive was fantastic. what did she love?
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the flatulence -- oh, but she -- like mother, like step daughter? but she dug the come hither button that inches the car towards you when some clown parks too close to your machine. i felt the tug then tesla introduced its pickup -- the cyber truck which i thought was ugly as all get out. the press conference, borderline disastrous but the company's lead designer threw a rock in the unbreakable window and it cracked. so much for the cyber truck, but then we saw the demand and then the deposits it's off the charts. no accounting for taste. that stunned me. i decided then and there that was it, that was it, i can't fight anymore. i wanted the kool-aid myself what about the financials? oh, the bears were telling me you have to be careful because tesla has a hideous balance sheet. >> the house of pain. >> i checked in with one of the
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most skeptical cfos in the world and he told me that tesla can raise $2 billion in a heart beat they won't have trouble raising money and even the bears recognize that tesla is about to have an earnings breakout next year they're the only car company with mojo. tesla spent billions of acquiring the business from solarcity and it seemed like a terrible bet and then my wife sent me an article about how tesla's roof tiles they look like normal roof tiles so she wants me to get them, so we're getting them if you believe in the product you're not worried about the financials all that's left is the leadership question which brings me to the outsized personality of musk. i hated like he would tweet like a crazy person fortunately all that ended when musk agreed to stop the insendary tweeting, some weird
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settlement with the government even better he revealed the true wit without the sardonic quips he's a great ceo when he's getting out of his own way sound balance sheet, check charismaticed by leader, check, please if you're going to invest, tesla has the ingredients of a winner. contrast that with netflix i watched "the irishman" it didn't click for me. while perusing netflix i stopped on the spy with sacha baron cohen and i loved it how about the financials right now they're just too many of the platforms and that's jacking up the cost of content
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the cost can keep escalating like sports and if that happens, netflix would be a good product not a good stock unlike musk, hastings doesn't have a long history of sabotage, but they have the charismatic leader check i'm concerned about the actual fundamentals in terms of the money they need because of the wave of the rising cost of content. right now wall street is split on this one. some see a slowdown or a decline and that's why it's a battle ground i can't figure it out, i can't figure out who's right hey, this one is too hard for me the bottom line -- sometimes it's worth getting involved in a battle ground stock but only when you have a truly staggering level of conviction. that's why i'm now a zealous convert, a true believer in tesla. that's why i can't commit in netflix. >> buy, buy, buy, sell sell sell john in north carolina
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>> caller: jim, i always appreciate your comments and analysis and i want to thank you for taking a call from me for what is the eighth or the ninth time. >> thank you there you go. >> caller: yes, jim, i thought boeing after the first 7 737 jet crash. but after a 6.5% decline and a lot more than that this morning coupled with the grounding of the 737 max and what we heard in hearings and testimony yesterday, impossible to tell when the 737 will be recertified to resume flights should i sell or hold on to the shares >> i think you can hold on, but it will be rocky and we keep getting this delay, delay delay delay. who wants to check off on it i'm not saying it's a nothing burger but i'm saying that you'll be -- i think you'll be in a holding pattern for long time then you have to see how much they owe, worry about the cash flow. i think they're better -- there
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are better ways to invest in aerospace but i won't tell you to sell it it will come back. it's just going to take some time how about isaac in ohio, please. isaac. >> caller: booyah, jim i always wanted to say that live on the show. thanks for taking my call. >> people say it all the time. what piece going on? >> caller: i'm an owner in crowdstrike, but i'm confused why it's dropped about 15% since the report. >> too many players taking -- trying to take share from each other. too much money being spent to get customers. it has become crowded at crowdstrike. i agree with you, but everybody wants it and that's eviscerating the potential markets. right now i'm fascinated with companies with ferocious bulls and angry bears.
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and i am now bullish on one battle ground stock -- tesla netflix call me as will frost says -- it's been a volatile year for palo alto networks what does 2020 have in store? and then millennials might be hard for wall street and i spotted the key trends in the unlikeliest of places and i told you the most bankable themes was 5g and tonight i'm sitting down with the company that might bank on the trend don't miss my exclusive with vmware so stay with cramer >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question? tweet cramer, #madtweets send jim an e-mail to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something head to
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theme confounds wall street? that's a question i keep asking myself about vmware. they reported a solidly better than expected quarter a few weeks ago and then the forecast was widely speculated to be tepid. the problem -- management guided for $1.11 and wall street was looking for $1.30 but however, they said the numbers were misunderstood by me. they said they're acquiring a company for $150 million and the cost of the deal is included in the numbers which means the numbers are not comparable to wall street. i wanted to hear the other side is of the story. so let's take a closer look with nikesh arora, the ceo of palo alto networks. so thank you for joining me. so before we get to the nitty-gritty, you were recruited
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to join palo alto networks a year and a half ago. give us an overview of palo alto then and palo alto then? >> well, i remember sitting in the same seat and talking about the phenomenal opportunity i had as far as being able to build the cyber security platform. i'm delighted to report that in what we have done in the last 18 months it even surpassed my expectations we have taken a company which was a single product company who did a great job at building and selling firewalls and making them part of the data center to having built three phenomenally good platforms as you know in the enterprise space, every successful company is a platform player and you talk about them on the shows they become the fabric of the future enterprises and what we have done in 18 months is we have built a cloud security platform, we have built a -- we have enhanced the firewall platform.
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so i couldn't be happier with the progress we have made on the product side now the opportunity is to take that product capability of building in the 18 months and going out and sell an execute on the global market side. >> you talk about it on wall street, you have to incent the salespeople to sell the higher margin equipment how is that going? >> well, jim, i have been studying the enterprise companies and the growth margins are similar. the true leverage is reducing the costs over the long terms. large successful companies have done that and to do that you have to figure out how do you take the salesforce and have it sell multiple products in a consistent fashion so we got our salespeople who sold firewalls get them really excited about selling the next generation security products and i'm excited to report that they understand it, they're smart we paid them a lot of money to
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sell next generation stuff and they did they sold $140 million in q4, sold $173 million in q1. which far surpassed our open expectations when they did that, they didn't sell the firewalls as much because they were trying to sell all the good stuff which is phenomenal because that's the behavior we expected that's the behavior we incented. now it's just a simple matter of striking the right business and selling the core firewalls and next generation stuff. >> is that why wall street misinterpret -- i'm talking about the 250 decline. you're selling the good stuff but you left the other stuff -- you didn't make enough money in the over stuff is that a correct depiction or is wall street wrong >> i think wall street is focussed on the short term outcomes you see this on the enterprise
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companies from the sass perspective. we sold more long term revenue which we can book every month. and we sold less short term revenue like on the instant gratification. we had a $30 million shift and we sold more long term stuff than short term stuff. we meet our number of $870 million so from my perspective it's nothing systematic all we saw is our people selling better for what we wanted to achieve in the long term and taking our eye off the ball for the short tell i'd take that trade every day. i want to do both very well. and we made changes to be able to do that we have not changed our guidance for the full year or for the three-year forecasts we put out for the analysts we have raised the guidance for the year. >> all right so i have said good things about cyber arc. i have followed the path of z scale and crowdstrike. you directly have been taking on
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z and you have been taking on crowd strike tell me where i maybe shortsighted in thinking say the cyber -- are the ones to invest in. >> look, i think jim, it all depends on your perspective on cyber security when i came to palo alto networks the first thing i was faced with firewalls are dead but you know what, firewalls are not dead you will inspect it with a software form factor or a cloud delivered firewall guess what one company in the universe that has all three networks is palo alto networks. we can give you a cloud delivered firewall, and we have all the products that are needed 18 months ago we didn't have a competitive product. we didn't have a competitive product against crowdstrike and today we see them head to head in many deals.
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we have gone from one product in the top right quadrant of gardner to having five products competing with some of the most innovative forward leaning cyber security start-ups from that perspective i think we're just getting started. >> one last question you have schooled me into knowing it's $140 billion industry you have only 2.5 to 3% market share. maybe i'm wrong to think there's a couple of companies and there's a big battle royale among you. >> the consumer interplay, i want to go from 2.5 to 10% and we are already the single largest pure play sign -- cyber security company in the world. we keep building on the strength of the five product categories we build keep executing flawlessly and creating leverage from the team and salesforce to be a large player. >> excellent i'm so glad you came on. it is great to hear from you that's nikesh arora, the
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chairman and ceo of palo alto networks perhaps that decline may have been mistaken. stick with cramer. one of the products i helped develop at 3m was a more secure diaper closure. there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. we are people helping people.
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and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk two things are more difficult than figuring out what the heck millennials are doing with their money we know millennial consumers seem fickle. they sample, try something they stick with it for a while then they move on to something else for a while it seemed like they loved taking cruises for the value. but then the value got erased by price increases and then they stopped going to cruises en masse. they liked camping and then jumped to other pursuits then they put on makeup and
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thing they turned against it for looking too fake and then the two new cell phones from apple, who does know? there's no cohort of dedicated millennial analysts on wall street you have to break down individual industries to figure out what this generation is doing with the money well, millennials overtook the baby boomers an becoming the largest segment of the population they have more trepidation about spending money than their parents thanks to the great depression you can get some insight into what they're up. i want to go over the call from the toll brothers. the thrust of the quarter, ten years after we started coming out of the great recession, the millennials are moving out of their parent's basements and their own homes. doug yearly referred to quote a growing number of millennials who are older, more affluent and
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more discerning when they buy their first home they want, quote, affordable luxury, wow. and there are a lot of them. over 20% of all closings this quarter have one purchase of 35 years old or under toll brothers is seeing them pop up in boise, denver, orlando, new jersey, massachusetts, new york, las vegas, reno, phoenix, columbus, jacksonville, many were supposed to get hammered by tax reform and that hasn't happened people who are confident in the future are taking advantage of the comfort. everything is so politicized it's hard to get a good read on how the economy is doing which is why so many miss the forest for the trees. doug yearly gives it the unfiltered view and if your decade of cocooning, the
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millennials want to get homes with value the delay in home building -- buying it's over spending is just beginning i think housing prices will remain reasonable and the feds said they won't interest rates next year. at least we don't think. once they buy the homes millennials will go to amazon, costco, target and walmart to personalize the new abodes they will go to home depot despite the not so hot outlook today. they have come around to my view that they should be doing better whatever anyway, oh, i think that the millennials will also use the cell phones to order the things that i can't pick up themselves. millennials are changing the landscape, people, and they're doing it in a positive way you'd never know about the surge in young buyers if you read the newspapers or watched tv you have to go straight to toll brothers listen in on the conference calls, they tell the real story.
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marcus in utah, marcus >> caller: big booyah, jim, from park city. first time/long time i appreciate all you do and how you do it. >> thank you. >> my stock is square. i purchased it near the top and i have been in the house of paper since. third quarter was pretty good. analysts are split dorsey is now on the way to africa buy, sell or hold? >> you have to buy it. i mean, square -- i think that people are frustrated by the leadership it was a good quarter. and i'm not backing away from that twitter was not a good quarter but square was a good quarter. i mentioned that because they're both jack dorsey companies and, well, i think that jack should relinquish one but that's up to him. ronald in new york, please, ronald >> caller: thank you for taking my call. >> of course >> caller: my question is row coe. i got in about 14 months, i'm doing well with it but i don't know what year
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crystal ball says about it. >> don't be too greedy i say ca-ching ca-ching on at least some of it understanding millennials isn't easy for wall street but the toll brothers has a good grasp on them. read the conference call much more "mad money" ahead including the ceo of vmware. what does he say about the state of tech and cloud? then trade desk expects china to be a top three market for the company, but is it still the case i'll talk to the ceo and then all your calls in tonight's edition of lightning round so stay with cramer apps are used everywhere...
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i'll let you in on a little secret. they don't. by empowering employees to manage their own tasks, paycom frees you to focus on the business of business. ♪ music it's how we care for our cancer patients- like job. when he was diagnosed with cancer, his team at ctca created a personalized care plan to treat his cancer and side effects.
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some of my favorite cloud stocks have gotten complicated here take vmware. they run virtual machines on is a single server and wall street had gotten skeptical of them in august then the cloud stocks went out of style on the wall street -- no matter what they did. but people didn't have much reason to worry about the fundamentals until two weeks ago when vmware reported a robust quarter. and then the stock surged in the
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news for giving up all the gains, closing down 2% for the day. since then it's been going down to the point this has been overly punished. let's check in with sanjay poonen, welcome back to "mad money. good to see you. >> thank you happy holidays great to be on the show. >> one of the most confusing moments i have seen because even as you said yesterday in a conference call at raymond james you wanted to talk about networking look, kind of a slower year for the hardware folks in networking but geez, it's been great for you. i don't think people can have a great year without the hardware folks and that's not true. >> the networking business is on fire we have been in the business for seven years. we had a solid quarter, 12% growth but the networking grew 50%. what we're trying to do is -- in networking is differentiating. we go from fire walls to load
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balancers to the branch offices. we accumulated now a set of customers, we're kind of like the tesla of networking. we're approaching this from a software defined fashion our customers tell us it's only two big companies at scale that matter in networking vm and cisco we're approaching from the software down and they're approaching it from the hardware up but today they announced they're going further down the hardware. i think if we continue to surface -- serve our customers well, look at the largest customers we'll be the indispensable nervous system for them in the data center to the edge and up all through their applications. >> i think that you have made two acquisitions what the customers wanted so i was confused why the market seemed a little muted given the fact that carbon black and pivotal you have to provide those. >> listen, everything that we do is for the long term and what we did since the acquisitions is explain that to the customers.
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we don't get perturbed by the ups and downs of the stock price. we believe that containers is a logical move for a company that's established 70 million virtual machines when i was last on your show i described them like ships in the containers in the 1950s as a good analogy and security is a lateral move we mentioned it in our conference call we have $1 billion in security already and we're not that well known of a brand. so we can build on top of that in network security, end point security that a lot of change is going on in the industry as you know from a lot of the players going through different forms of the future there's no network security that has end point security and no end point security and to vmware we do something to differentiate it as we talked about both containers and security, they love our vision. we've keep executing and make the customers happy. >> maybe we have to spend a few minutes on the state of the cloud. i think people are confused about the state of the cloud where we are >> let me make it "sesame street" simple
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i came back from amazon reinvent if you talk to the customers who went there and vm world we had 100,000 customers come to all of them there are two key words that customers are telling me they want to understand migrate and modernize. the m&m's. it's what customers want to understand we are in that de facto standards, large customers like freddie mac, talked about how to migrate to the cloud. hundreds of their applications in record time if you were to do this with other conventional methods it would take you years upon years. we could do this now in months we could do it 30 to 50% significantly cheaper. we think this is the migrate and the modernize part comes with the container technologies that we're acquiring. these are the twoer haven -- two verbs that people will like. >> and then talking about the
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idea about dell making the acquisitions and that can pressure vmware but there's no reason for michael dell to pressure vm shares >> well, abstracts are coming from the hardware economy so depending on how the hardware players we are a software defined company. you need us in good or bad times. i said a dollar invested in vmware has returned a dollar of economic value i said what's good for vmware is good for dell. if you think of the migration to the cloud, and modernization, we're excited about the partnership and some of the areas like hyper convergence and it's thanks to the partnership with dell. we'll do more of that in terms of the digital workspace and now in security. dell has announced the preferred end point security solution is
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common play. it couldn't be ever better. >> i do find -- we had nutanix on earlier this week and i know you watch the show you never said a word negative you don't do that. i think you have kind of -- you kind of view everybody as potential partners, always been the way. but how about something that's significant that could be impacting your business to where you can't make partners in the trade war. where are we >> listen, i think long term we expect and hope that peaceful things will -- but we have to do things that first make sure that we're abiding by the laws of the land if we're asked to not do business, we'll abide by the laws of the land and our china business was increasing this shows the indispensable aspect of what vmware can bring to customers in every part of the globe. across every vertical and every country and the u.s. government is an important customer of ours and we'll continue to do that in
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terms of making our business successful across all industries and all geos. >> one last thing to know, how leaders can become better teachers we have to teach the general next generation which is adrift. >> well, huffington had that article, and listen, it was a piece of work that affect midlife. i was taught that by a professor from the michigan school of business i think the greatest leaders, jack welsh, other than the people i worked for, bob iger and dimon they're incredible people i have had people say how have you been successful and it's my job to lead. i recently had the privilege of doing this for a bunch of vets they said, listen, will you teach us and that's one of the most impactful days of my life i was in tears listening to their stories and sharing a small part of my life.
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i think it's much more blessed to given that to receive and we have an obligation to teach the next generation. >> this is so important. esg, leadership, undervalued on wall street. but not with you that's sanjay poonen, from vmware i hope you there's factors that make no sense of where the stock is because it's better than where the stock is "mad money" is back after the break. fun fact: 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. including your interest rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right with sofi. check your rate in two minutes or less.
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♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> announcer: lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade >> it is time. it is time for the lightning round. and then the lightning round is over are you ready, skeedaddy start with louis in ohio louis. >> caller: how about synopsis? >> man, we haven't had them on what ever happened to synopsis doing okay that was the design automation company that i like. that's a buy they're doing better than the stock indicates. let's go to julia in new york. julia. >> caller: hey, jim, i love your show
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>> thank you >> caller: my question -- you're welcome. my question is about lockheed martin. >> inexpensive stock, great cash flow, buy buy buy. derrick in california. >> caller: hey, cramer, how are you doing? >> not bad, how about you? >> caller: go team usa my question is - >> senior housing. no, not after what happened with ventos larry in florida larry. >> caller: hey, jim. i'm here in boca raton and i just wanted to ask you about the therapeutic -- >> oh, that data was bad you fell all the way down in borr boca raton let me go to arthur in pennsylvania >> caller: booyah from pocono pines, pennsylvania. >> my old stomping grounds
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>> caller: cisco in 2016, they purchased an israeli chip designer labor for $320 million and recently also purchased acaisha communications one of the fastest growing companies in america and plus a device maker. >> right >> caller: it appears they're shifting their business model to sell a new type of semiconductor which they claim will change the internet of the future. >> i agree i mean they're going up against broadcom i thought the presentation they did was very, very good and also right up against a net doing a soup to nuts plan not available for six or seven months but they're ready people, i urge people look at the video. i think the cisco presentation that chuck robbins gave today makes me think buy buy buy ohere in minnesota
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>> caller: hi, jim thank you. ets hedge -- do you think i should buy more? >> no, i'm going to overrule and go with accenture. be careful let's go to gregory in florida gregory. >> caller: jimbo, another booyah from miami thank you for all your hard work, my friend. >> thank you >> caller: the company i'm calling about tonight is called -- it's currently being reviewed by the fda. if approved it would be the first treatment for a food allergy, like peanuts. ticker is amt -- >> we have liked it from the beginning because we think the food allergies are far worse than people realize and that, ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade
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new streaming services and they're doing audio which is growing astoundingly fast and that's why the trade desk is a fantastic performer. let's dig deeper with jeff green. he had a better sense of the company's posture. welcome back to "mad money." good to see you, sir jeff, i usually don't do this. your company is on fire. you're doing many things and yet even though you have amazing revenue growth you're also profitable. >> that's right. >> and most companies can't say that why is it such a -- why can you do it and most of the companies say, hey, we're growing really fast but we're losing money. what's the difference between you and then >> we said from the very beginning that we have to make money. we race to go make money first once we got profitable we took every dollar we made and reinvested in the company. so our dna was to get to profitable and then invest every dollar that we could and that's been a part of the ethos from the beginning.
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>> how -- what a refreshing breath of fresh air. i was going over with ben soto today with head of research, we are sick and tired of playing with roku, they shown with trade desk, but you're not visible to the people seeing your stuff. >> that's right. roku is one way that the investors can play the connected tv trend but in our case what we're -- what we're offering is something that's very different. which is that we're an objective player we don't own any media unlike roku, unlike google or facebook we don't own any media we go to the biggest advertisers and say, you need to figure out which ads to buy sometimes it's tv, display ads, could be on your phone or anything but we're trying to help them decide what to buy because we don't own any media all the biggest companies in the
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world are partnering with us first to ask them to help bring advertising demand. >> okay, so i'm procter & gamble, look, i'm tired of reaching the same person who is my customer, i keep reaching them, can you help me find customers who would love my product, is that what you do >> that's right. we work closely with procter & gamble and that's what we help them do. we take the data and insights about who the customers who they should be. and look similar to the ones that they have and go find them on the rest of the internet. we are a play on the open internet which is connected tv but it's also everything else that is essentially not google and facebook in terms of inventory. >> now, sometimes we laugh at customers, the companies seem to know who we are. and their ads follow us around and stuff. what have you advised us in those situations >> well, one, we're not following anybody around.
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>> you're the opposite of that and people might be turned off by that. >> yeah. yeah so right now, the internet is going through a very important discussion which is we have to respect privacy and we also have to show relevant ads. >> right. >> and figuring out how to do both of those is something that everybody is try doing instead of just having a philosophical debate we tried to enable that with technology and by never touching the personally identifiable information, we never cross the line of showing ads that are creepy or doing anything that we shouldn't be doing. so we certainly make certain that we're showing relevant ads but we're of course trying to respect privacy and by playing in the really benign data that can give insight and show relevance. but isn't going into anything. >> well, memo to those who do. the trade desk makes a lot of money without violating the principles maybe they should watch you and do more what you do. >> it's hard to figure out how
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to navigate if you're looking at the regulations but if you say how do we do the right thing, how do do that if we were consumers. you do that every time. >> everyone is running from china, they need trade desk in china. >> that's right. so we may be the only company in the world that's partnered with google and amazon, facebook, badu, alibaba, tencent but our partnerships in china have been really, really strong this year. we reported in our last earnings that we partnered with blue focus. they do billions of dollars on the rest of the internet through partners like google and facebook. >> right. >> and we're partnering across china and we're doing something really unique to china which is unlike going into china like an uber or something going in and trying to offer an american alternative to a chinese equivalent we're instead going in just writing checks on behalf of multinational companies,
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buying media inside of china for them as they're trying to tap into the chinese consumer in particular and helping to manufacture those in china find a place on the open internet. >> i want to circle back again, amazon publisher servicers, disney, sports, overtime sports, right? overtime, that's you. >> that's right. one of the biggest opportunities right now in tv is sports isn't i think optimally built for linear television. because you don't really know when it's a blowout game or when it's going into the extra innings. when it goes into extra innings on linear television the broadcasters are comping the ads for the advertisers it's free. that extra inning it's free. instead of doing that you can essentially tap into new demand.
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show an ad you haven't shown already. and then be more deliberate about what you show and of course make more money as a result of it everybody is better off. >> people are saying, jim, how can you be excited about this company? i like companies that are profitable and i like jeff green and you don't follow us around, you're not creepy. >> thank you so much >> okay. that's the founder and ceo of the trade desk, stick with cramer they never stray from their predetermined path. but this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. defy the laws of human nature. at the season of audi sales event.
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narrator: it's been 10 years since "shark tank" ignited america's entrepreneurial spirit, and we are still blazing a trail. for those who take their fate into their own hands by working hard... introducing your infinite closet. -oh, my god. -wow! narrator: working smart... -help us teach america... -mmm. both: ...a new way to waffle. this is sick. narrator: thinking big... sharks, you guys ready to cool off? together: yeah. narrator: ...and chasing their dreams. there is a tenacity that i have, and i am going to break through any obstacle ever. your revenue is what? $7,000. o'leary: oh! this is a very special business. are you crazy?! i don't want to have to put you in time-out. you lied to us. captions by vitac -- ♪
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