tv Mad Money CNBC April 24, 2020 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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have a great weekend in the meantime, "mad money" starts right now my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market summer i promise to help you find it. "mad money kwds starts now >> hey, i'm cramer welcome to "mad money" i'm trying to make you some money. my job is to educate and teach you so call me or tweet me are we finally getting back to normal or at least a new normal? i mean, today the market acted
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like a market rather than an amusement park ride. the dow gaining over 200 points and the nasdaq climbing 1.6% i'm calling it a refreshing p e pace the options are hanging in i think because the market already crashed. people don't get it. we went from down 29,000 to down 18,000 in a couple of weeks. february and march were hideous. it's okay april gave us a little bounce package good stocks and the railroads and even a casino. las vegas sands. i didn't know you could go to one. next week is a tougher one household names have run up substantially. it's going to be a true test we're going to here from nxp semi they're a chip maker with a
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window to apple. listen to what they have to pay. i think they have too much auto exposu exposure, but it's worth focusing onto for insight into apple. pepsico reports on tuesday morning. we know coca-cola saw adecline on soda post quarter because the restaurants shut down. even as home consumption was up. pepsico is more diversitied. they own frito lay, and when people are home, they snack. i bet they put up terrific numbers, maybe even 5% growth if we could get things going. a stretch, but it could happen and we hear from caterpillar their end markets are weak oil and gas is in oil and gas, but the company is much more profitable than it used to be on even lower sales don't count them out we know 3m is master selling and
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they're almost impossible to find it's easier to get one from gucci or -- but that probably won't matter when they report. many of their end markets stick. i foresee a tough quarter. whether you have an n 95 from 3 m or a mask of any material, wear it when you leave your house. at work we all wear masks. i never go outside without a mask to protect others demand your company make employees and customers wear masks. i want to embarrass those who don't. we can't open america for business without them. go to twitter and show me your mask tuesday morning we featured america and pfizer last time merck posted a confusing picture of a newly
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configured call. pfizer is working on a co-vid vaccine. they've been playing it close to the vest i've been hearing good things but also from johnson & johnson and regeneron, and a sanofi alliance we have -- trimming the fat here if that's true, you get a good quarter even though we know the ad business is not great because of small medium. alphabet is hit after earnings and then recuperates if you like this, put on half a position after then there's starbucks. people are worried about this. they assume it's crushed by the pandemic i say not so fast. starbucks is doing everything it needs to survive in the united states you don't buy it for near term performance. you buy it for long-term performance. try to think a little bit
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further than a couple of days like when people bought ibm after it went down or intel after last night's disaster and today's epiphany next week best quarter, hiding under alphabet this is goingto be the best once amd. think about it they have the best pc processors for people who need to work at home nvidia is their own competition. they have the hottest chips there is this is everything right in one company. the last quarter was terrific. the stock got shelled. that was dumb. i told you it was stupid you made big sometimes -- this time -- think people won't be that stupid this time and it will go higher all right, now, wednesday morning, tough one ge here's the stocks basically cut in half. they have a huge aero spacex poe
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sure they have levers to pull and cash coming in i expect the ceo -- he announced not so hot news. i would say it's a 2021 year 2021 stock what do you think? yeah facebook and microsoft, wall street loves microsoft facebook is thought to be faltering because of advertising exposure i think microsoft is a better bet off the azure cloud. kraft hines, we'll find out if they can overcome terrible performance. the poor performance there is almost legendary even they can't mess this up and that's saying something. it's the gang that couldn't shoot straight versus fish in a barrel thursday night feels like it was
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designed to break me we hear from amazon and apple. it takes forever to read through them i think amazon is in great shape. the stocks may have trouble clearing the high bar. i wouldn't put it past them. you don't hire 175 people because you don't have a lot of business hue about apple -- how about apple? they say the set right now is good for apple this is a meaningless quarter, what lies ahead is 5g and a revenue stream i think many people that are quarantined have been sampling. apple is the perfect time to have a ridiculous amount of cash on your balance sheet. apple was up big today if it happens to thursday the setup will not be ideal. and then gilead. we got a report out of china that suggested that their anti-viral drug did more harm than good in treating covid-19
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the sorry was this thing was killing so many people, they ought to stop the trial, even though they said the reason is because they ran out of patients and previous before that they didn't need that previous before that they attacked gilead. get it others say remdesivir is they give it a try and the -- either way, no fan of the way china is handling themselves when it comes to this. i'm not a big fan of w.h.o. on this can estee lauder keep delivering if people over there are buying makeup and the influencers are back, i think the stock can rally. the stock is really low. honey well, a decent amount of aero space exposure. solid numbers of and a nice buying opportunity finally colgate and color.
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i'm betting both surprise to the up side. especially clorox especially now that the world is on a cleaning trend. life is tough enough without gloves and masks i'm begging please, please, please, wear them outside if you go outside if only just to protect other people okay just to protect other people forget about yourself. don't be selfish i love it when i see your masks. tweet it to me at jim cramer come on. let's do our part. the government is not helping. ryan in north carolina ryan >> from north carolina >> what's going on >> thank you for all the hard work you do and your wisdom that makes us confident in investment >> we've not stopping. i'm even working sunday night.
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i'm not stopping until everybody does the right thing with their masks either look at this mask. we don't have enough cameras to show everybody masks that's what i'm talking about. will wears a mask. put your mask on go ahead, i'm sorry. what's up? >> that's okay a little over a month ago you recommended putting about 10% of our portfolios in gold i did that made a 50% gain. took half my position off the table. should i look long term with what i have left >> you bet you did thank you for listening. yeah that's barrack remember that guy called me a sissy because i didn't want to mine in africa that guy has game. that's a good stock. hold onto it lisa in indiana. look at her nice mask. this is a designer mask, and yes. a ander gaines, if we go to the control room, a beautiful mask what's going on, lisa? >> i'm speeding indy 500 in
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august booyah. thank you for taking my call as an original work at home company with supply chains in place precovid-19. the products are making masks during the crisis. she is currently spending 5 million to promote the platform. sd rising 60% in the past month. do you think the platform will retain existing and new customers once the stay at home guidelines are relaxed >> i think choppify is doing better, but etty -- etsy, thank you for what you're doing for masks. etsy has been unbelievable for masks. it's good. they've had some execution issues but i like them but choppify is unbelievable it's a true juggernaut
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but i like etsy too. the market was pretty normal a refreshing change of pace. it was great i almost took my mask off. sorry. mad money tonight. i spotted a bright spot in the oil industry glut. don't miss my story with nordic american tankers alcohol sales are surging double digits in the u.s. and are elevated globally. what does it mean for companies like a boston beer company i'm taking a look. and meat packing plants are shutting down. could it create more opportunities for companies like impossible foods show me your mask. i know that every single
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i keep telling you you can't extrapolate from the oil features this week there's one big real world take away we don't have enough storage, and that's great news for who? the oil tanker stocks. the price of crude is lower than the price of crude a couple years. we know demand is going to come back when the dock lockdown is over if you have the cash, this is a great time to buy oil and sit on
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it until the rebound the problem is you can't just dump oil in your backyard. you need a place to put it the tanker companies, thanks to the lack of storage they're able to charge more for the use of their ships as storage tanks it allows them to pay big dividends. it's temporary and tanker stocks are as volatile, but if you time it right, they can be lucrative. ask people who bought nordic american tankers when it was at $3 it's doubled and it has a monster 9.6% yield how long can it last check in with the founder and ceo of nordic american tankers welcome back to "mad money". >> thank you, a great thing to be with you. you can see i'm sitting in front of two big tankers, nordic america and the american flag on top of the two tankers
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one hour outside of -- >> there you go. you're colorful. i need to ask you right now, sir, hh. focus. >> what's that >> can i can i rent a tanker for a week from the biggest fleet in the world from your fleet? i'd like a week. can i have it? >> you can have it, but it will be very costly i doubt if you can afford it, you know but you can have it. we are making a lot of money at this time. improving our balance sheet tremendously and i have never seen such a strong market, and i've been around for a little while. >> how much a day? for a nice one give me a suez mask. how much >> $70,000 a day about. and you would have it for six months, and our operating costs are 8$,000 a day
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and then you will have more than $60,000 a day for your pocket. and this will give you a lot of dividend >> so let me understand this on tuesday someone is going to pay to give away oil, $37 a barrel why didn't i just contact you, let that guy pay me a lot of money for oil and then give it to you >> we don't speculate in oil we speculate in carrying oil that's a different story, and my point is that i prioritize dividends. that is the thing. and i don't take risks i don't have to take we have a strong market, and this is the strongest market i've seen in my lifetime, and i've been around for quite a while. >> why wouldn't you pay down all your debt before you give the
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big dividends? >> we don't have a lot of debt at all we have borrowed money in america, and we will be debt free we were debt free a few years ago, and there is no doubt on my mind, that we shall become debt free again we will have the strongest balance sheet in the industry. we will have the best dividend in the industry. and we have a strong market in front of us. and costly, we had the biggest customers in the world exxon, shale oil, all the big boys and they can say to you based on my experience, these big oil companies, well, some of the best companies in the world. >> how many of your tankers are rented by hedge funds? >> hedge funds hedge funds?
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they don't own anything with us at all i borrowed all my money in america with a good friend of mine, and he has lent me all the money, and i have an excellent corporation with him the hedge funds, they have no place in our organization. but i have an excellent relationship with them all the money guys, you know, often it's difficult to see what they wish to do, and i am in doubt from time to time whether they understand this business. >> understood. now, oil prices have come down a lot. the demand in america is not that great where is the demand. is this a situation where it's united states's loss and perhaps china's gain >> china, it's the winner of this game. china, korea, malaysia, japan.
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and i hate to say, but america is the loser we like america to be the policeman of the world i have the greatest admiration for america, but now you have withdrawn a little bit, and because it's so expensive for you to be the policeman of the world, and china is taking your role >> oh, jeez. i can't let you end it like that you know our country is going to come back. this is a temporary setback in energy >> i agree with you. i agree with you very much so, but in business you have what you call the black swan. that's something unexpected that's happening, and to be very honest, my understanding is that
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america is not prepared for what's happening now with all this virus thing america is very resilient, and america is always coming back. i mean, i have a good reason for having the name of nordic american shipping. that is because i have the greatest admiration for america. >> let's leave it there. you've got a good dividend you obviously have the right fleet. it's great to have you back on the show i'm glad you said those good things about america, because we are resilient and will come back >> and i can tell you, we are making tons of money >> you are nordic american tankers ceo who once offered one of his tankers for me to get married on but my wife said -- she was worried about the smell, frankly "mad money" is back after the break.
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[horns honking] birthdays aren't cancelled. hope isn't quarantined. first words aren't delayed. caring isn't postponed. courage isn't on hold. and love hasn't stopped. u.s. bank thanks you for keeping all of our spirits strong. we've donated millions to those in need and are always here for our customers and employees.
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when is an earnings disappointment not a disappointment when there's something big going on underneath that makes up for lower than expected headlines number sometimes wall street is willing to make an exception consider the parent company of sam adams. a suboptimal quarter boston beer posted a 53 cent earnings miss off 1 .92 basis. it was up more than 31% year to year like so many other businesses, they pulled their full year forecast you'd think they'd be cut down by a third the company had higher costs to cope with the pandemic
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that's why it was his hit yesterday. as the session went on boston beer gradually clawed its way back to positive territory and only closed up 2 % i love situations like that where you literally, it was for the asking why? what turned it around? i think people read the conference call transcript and realize the business is better than it looks in the headlines the problems are high quality. when you drill down, the company's depletions, the number of cases they sold increased by an amazing 36% year over year. that's a major acceleration versus 20 19 a lot of this is being driven by the strength of their hard seltzer brand. it's something i used to like. when i -- can you garden with co-vid i think so anyway, in fact, there's so much demand for this stuff that boston beer is straining to
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fulfill. that was a contributor to the earnings miss. they had to bring in third party manufacturers. and it's putting high pressure on margins in a world where demand has vanished for so many things, the alcohol industry is in a good situation. they're not selling much to restaurants or bars but there's a lot more demand from people stuck at home. what america needs right now is a good stiff drink or maybe a hard seltzer. the last time boston beer reported they were spending money to put out capacity for hard seltzer like other brands initially they worried where bars are closed. bars -- you can have takeout coming into the quarter yesterday, boston beer had made up the losses as the market came
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roaring back and other players in the booze space reported healthy numbers. the stock had run going into the earnings that's one reason why it sold off first. but man, once you really dug into the meat of this quarter, there was a lot to like. since early january they continued to grow the velocity and maintained while others seeded share that's the original and hard lemonade product obviously it's not all perfect sam adams and angry orchard sales are on the decline they're more exposed to bars and restaurants. the pandemic forced them to spend more money on safety protocols, temperature checks, face masks requirements. and more cleaning time that's exactly what they should be doing they're selling far fewer kegs and more bottles not great. we know covid-19 would take the toll on the numbers. we didn't know the incredible positives.
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drinker demand for our brands continues to be very strong. particularly our truly and twisted tea brands and what about the coronavirus that took the world by storm although there's no guidance, he breaks down the quarter into pre and post january and february, 32% growth in depletions. and listen to this we saw a further acceleration in demand for our brands beginnin in the second half of march. boom boston beer belongs to the elite group of companies that saw their sales spike during the lockdown and i am developing my own personal etf i'm not going to try to make money off of it. it has the winners what else? we knew trulia was on fire they've been taking share here month after month after month. the only hard seltzer brand to do that, white claw is the big daddy, but truly as a younger wealthier customer space, that's what we want to see. even better from february to
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mark as the outbreak shut down the company, repeat business grew by 25%. with so many people bringing it home, it's being introduced to new people over the last four weeks he says the total hard seltzer has grown to 7.7%. he thinks it could be 10% of beer during this period. the production problems? according to the cfo, we've put in a new line in pennsylvania coming on stream pretty much now. the volume continues to outpace the capability it's pretty clear that q1 was going to be a quarter with significantly more external production that's a major cost. and while they don't provide guidance on how much is external, they get better at boosting capacity internal the founder and chairman mentioned that boston beer might have a chance to buy overextended craft breweries that won't solve the production
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problems they don't need more keg capacity or more bottle capacity they need canning capacity that's not something craft breweries typically. cans are pedestrian for these guys altogether you have a company that's mostly coping with covid-19 their hard seltzer brand is so popular they need to outsource they have the cash to pull off their plan i think boston beer the business works. all the zoom happy hours add up. the boozy lunches and brunches what about boston beer the stocks the stocks rallied the stock sales were 34% next year's earnings. you got a starting position. not everything that looks like a miss is a genuine disappointment the headlines are often
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untruthful boston beer failed to make the numbers but when you drill it to what's happening under it, i think the business is in fabulous shape and the stock deserves to be bought, especially if we get any kind of market related pullback. michael? >> looking for advice, young investor >> you got it. >> i'm looking at a one company who reports their earnings next week they own taco bell, kfc and pizza hut. yum brands >> they're not doing well on pizza business taco bell is doing well. you know, kfc okay the stock is down a lot. they had the balance sheet to be able to stick around i still prefer chipolte up here. but i have always been a fan of yum, but i like chipolte up here the ceo is from chipolte is from --
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>> jim, happy friday thank you for taking my call >> my girls and i enjoy many of the brands under the keurig, dr. pepper umbrella. scheduled for earnings on monday keurig in offices homes and hotels, coupled with the established beverage lineup, what's your recommendation of kdt? >> and i love the ceo. he was on the board at buc my wife is on the board now. i'm so torn. i have the new courkeurig the left side is the brew and the right is the regular keurig. i worry about the soda business. coca-cola said about the business i'm on hold right now. i want to recommend it to badly, but i'm on hold. let's go to glen in michigan >> hi, jim first time caller. >> all right, good
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>> wing stop i bought it ipo. never sold any keep seeing alerts on the net that it's overrated and to sell it what do you think for the long run? >> i think people who say it's overrated and sell it, they share one thing in common. they're knuckle heads. this thing is amazing. they're ill advised. you go, you wring it home. your home is nice and clean. take your mask off when you walk in your house. you don't need to keep your mask on in your house, but i think wing stop is just -- not -- i don't want to make light of this, but wing stop is a perfect stock, and the guys who say it's overvalued don't understand what it means for a company wing stop is in the right spot not everything that looks like a miss is a genuine disappointment i think boston beer is in good shape because of this -- i have iced tea
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anyway, much more "mad money". beyond meat is up 9% today making it the best week ever gain of 40%. you know the problems with the tyson food and stuff can private player impossible foods keep up? we need to learn more about this business don't miss my sit down i have a memo to executives reporting earnings watch old nfl games. i'll explain why, and then the lightning round. stay with cramer including netflix, prime video, youtube and hulu. and the most 4k content. the best entertainment experience all in one place.
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processing facilities. shortages or higher prices not yet, but in the not too distant future this is not a good opportunity for carnivores, but what about the meat alternatives. there's a reason why the stock is valued more than 60% this month. what about the or major player, impossible foods a privately held company it raised a half a billion dollars in a fundraiser. now, impossible is a bit different from beyond meat they use, genetically modified organisms, gmo it may turn some people off. the consensus is it makes for a better tasting product impossible is more reliable on restaurant sales it's not great right now with the traditional meat business hobbled by the pandemic let's look at the plant based meat business with david lee, the chief financial officer of
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impossible foods mr. lee, welcome to "mad money". >> it's great to be here >> david, i first had my impossible burger when i went to see a san francisco giants game. last year. mother's day it was delicious i said this is a fabulous showcase they got to get them out in restaurants. i'm wondering without the showcase, because so many places are closed, are you able to get the word out as well >> well, the word has gone out already. we are on the march in grocery we announced we're going to be at 500% more locations soon we'll be at 100 0 grocery locations and the home chef just like the restaurant tour enjoys this impossible burger because it's cravable and delicious but it makes you feel better about your health and impact on the world. >> how about these problems with these -- we saw the tyson plant that's closing, smithfield
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we listened to the fda they said you shouldn't be afraid of getting co-vid from meat packing but at the same time, i think america says you know what? maybe the problem is the packing houses and i want to be with plant-based. are you seeing or hearing that kind of chatter? >> 95% of our consumers are meat eaters they're choosing the impossible burger and hopefully soon impossible pork meat because they want a cravable delicious meat of meat, but they don't want to feel guilty about cholesterol. we think meat eaters are waking up to the fact that impossible burger and impossible pork is a better choice and hits the spot. hits the cravability, but it makes them feel better about who they are >> let's talk about the gmo issue. i ate an impossible burger and i
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ate a second one i shouldn't have done it it isn't like there's no weight involved but my daughter said in the middle do those have gmos? i said yes she said do you think they taste better because of gmos because i prefer not to eat gmos is it better tasting for most people, and give me what you think about the go ahead that a gmo may not be as good as natural? >> first, the impossible burger has the same molecule that mother nature makes culls heme we think it's only one of the only things in the world that can convey juiciness if you're eating a piece of meat and you're a meat eater, no one else has figured out how to make heme from plants we found it naturally occurring in plants but we do make it using genetic modification we're proud of that. once they know food is made the
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why it is and why on a level playing field, they'll make the right choice and so far with the unprecedented demand we're seeing for impossible, we think meat eaters well informed by how we make the product are happily choosing us. >> how about the distribution of food service that's got to be hurt right now. correct? >> well, there's no question that the co-vid crisis has impacted our restaurant partners but we've seen them innovate, and tried to support them as they innovate. whether it's burger king that sees a large percent of their business in drive through where the impossible whoppers enjoy two our distributors who are able to sell our raw product, raw impossible burgers direct to meat eaters at home. so home chefs can cook it up, treat it up how they want on their own. we're seeing innovation on the face of the crisis and trying to support both our customers in food service as we move in to being at nearly 1,000 locations
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in retail and grocers? >> let's talk about the pork for a second that would be fabulous how soon before we have that >> i can only tease the fact that our reaction from our customers has been unprecedented. soon enough you'll hear about major partners rolling out impossible sausage products. we have a global mission pork could be one of the most ubiquitously consumed meat products globally. with the pandemics with the swine flu and now the co-vid crisis, we think we need products that are not just great for american meat eaters but for asia where people enjoy pork, fish, beef we're working hard eventually to offer all the offers made from plants >> how about some chicken tenders? >> again, we haven't announced any dates for the products to come, but i'll tell you when pat brown, our ceo founded this company in 2011, he did so with
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incredibly large ambition to be relevant to meat eaters everywhere to provide meat made from plants just as delicious but better for themselves, the meat eater and the world wherever meat is consumed. we got a lot of work to do, and i wouldn't be surprised if one day you see us offering nearly every meat in our way made from plants >> i think it's an exciting development. i like beyond, but i have to tell you that impossible burger outside in that giant's game, i couldn't believe it. it was so much better than a regular burger you're terrific. thank you so much to david lee, cfo, impossible foods. stay with cramer ♪i'm always walking to the same old place♪
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it is time and then the lightning round was over are you ready? the lightning round. we start with carol in new york. >> hey, jim. i wanted to talk about a company we talked about a while back that you thought was an excellent one, imfo. it's been trading in 64 to 66 for a few weeks. two questions. can it thrive in this environment? >> it's a really good fin tech company, and it should be bought is it as good as msci? it's pretty good veronica >> booyah.
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>> booyah. >> i trust your recommendation to resist assuming the new normal, but i would love to set your insight into the potential for six flags? >> too hard. you got to have -- even when there was no such thing as co-vid, but there is we're going to skip that one let's go to tony in connecticut. >> hey, jim, big booyah. >> right back. >> hey, as much about steel was to the cowboys, what do you think about. >> raytheon, carrier, and oh tis. i prefer carrier last. i say take a pass. vince in new york. >> jimmy thanks for having me back on. we spoke on may 4th right. >> i still like it more.
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let's go to zach in pennsylvania zach >> hey, jim. thank you for everything that you do >> what's going on >> i like your long term view on rfg. >> the waste business is god short term, there's pricing management i prefer waste management to republic >> jim, i'm calling here first time long time just got my stimulus check in, and i'm wondering what you think about sherwin williams >> you mention that. i said people get the stimulus, they might want to be home bound and paint bound and do painting. i suggested to my wife lisa. she said are you kidding me? you do the painting in the house. good luck. let's go to dane in missouri >> yo, jim there's a tech stock i like that
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has earnings coming out on sin koe da maya. >> that day i'm only buying stz. >> johnny. >> how are you i'm currently in your state, new jersey right now >> all right that's good. >> i nibbled on pen a little bit. i love you and i love port nay >> he's down day trade i gave him nordic american tanker i gave it to you at 33.25 you looked from the sidelines. davey, that's what you said to me about football. get in the game. i think penn national is my favorite in the group other than wynn i think it was a great buy when you start gambling again, it's going to be all port
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because he's a great guy let's go to peg in california. >> pete. >> pete. my bad my bad pete my bad >> booyah. first time long time i wanted to shout out my dad and my brother they're sheltering in place in ohio we watch your show every day we jump on zoom and chop it up i wanted you to know you bring families together. >> great okay >> my stock is cloud player. >> there was a guy -- i read it. i didn't really think much of it we had a downgrade today of cloud flare. it's done the best and is the most expensive i respect it's the most expensive. that's the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is
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memo to executives before you start your earnings conference calls, watch old nfl games. watch how players burst out of the tunnel, fly out on the field. it's called being jacked whoever comes out the most jacked tends to have an advantage. i know it's a terrible time and people are dying i am glad so many executives are being respectful in their conference calls but that
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doesn't mean you have to kick off every call in a somber note. it makes us feel like bozos for owning shares in your company. that's how i felt when i listened to the intel call it was like management was warning you not to buy they sounded apologetic. i'm not saying they should be cart wheels but that was a fabulous quarter if you want to withdraw guidance, say nobody knows when the covid-19 vaccine will be ready so until we know more, we can't give a meaningful forecast lots of companies are withdrawing their guidance everyone should. end guidance i mean, nobody knows what's going to happen. of course, we do love it when a company can actually give a forecast that's why johnson & johnson and united health are seeing stocks take off unh maintaining the numbers but they're health care incomes. intel sz a oil business with mobile on it but they sounded so sorrowful.
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it's no wonder the stock temporarily dropped after the call that was a mistake you had to know a lot about intel to realize they were being too down beat themselves i thought the same way about target yesterday the ceo transformed the company into a brick and mortar survivor he has an incredible digital offering with delivery and pickup service the digital group was up 275% he talked about weaker margins, apparel sales. shopify went to an all time high on the same thing. a t ceo of target should have come in hot talking about how target's building life-long customers by taking share from shuddered competitors. get the point across
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the lifetime value of a customer who sticks with you is more important. i knew not to be down beat that's why i screamed at you up and down to buy the stock at target on "squawk on the street." you made $5 if you did go listen to rich alison, the town and ceo of dominos. dominos has amazing digital technology he walked the line of being mindful of how hurting the small and medium sized competitors are with his own company but still doing well take a listen. >> i sure hope we all pull through this together. we've still got a world where you can get your domino's pizza but also get your food from your local independent restaurant as well >> there he said i want a level playing field but he's crushing it i'm not saying executives should have more promotional. but right now they're being the opposite that's a mistake if your company has something positive and your employees are
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i'm sara eisen on day 117 of the coronavirus crisis tonight the eyes of a nervous nation are on the state of georgia as businesses start to reopen >> now with you're putting workers in jeopardy and guests in jeopardy. >> georgia reopens, but did anyone show up >> you're bailing us out just give me my money back, senator. >> a new fight between new york state and the top man in the senate >> i dare you.
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