tv Mad Money CNBC April 29, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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it's even amazing that virtually we're in each other's head which makes me happy >> you know what makes me happy? we talked about psx a couple of weeks ago. stay with that sucker. >> thanks fo my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain you, but to educate, teach put it in context. call me 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer.
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is this the beginning of the beginning of the end have we finally found a way to contain the pandemic today we got some very encouraging data from gilead on remdesivir, their powerful antiviral drug which helps people recover from severe cases of covid-19 a lot faster we're talking in and out of the hospital 11 days instead of 15 with the placebo a strong reduction in mortality rate that's been up for debate. may not sound huge, but results were so compelling that the doctors had to stop the clinical trial. it just wasn't ethical to keep giving people the placebo when they knew remdesivir could help, and that is bingo. now look, i've been telling you an effective treatment for covid could be a game changer, saying it over and over again i said it would probably be remdesivir sure enough the market screamed high in response, surging 532 points s&p 2.6% nasdaq leaping an astounding
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3.75%. >> hallelujah. >> with much of the country preparing to reopen for business >> buy, buy, buy >> the big worry is coming out of the quarantine will trigger a new wave of infections that could overwhelm the health care system frankly it does seem inevitable. there was a real possibility we'd be in and out of lockdown for the next year until we get a vaccine much because, look, we're not testing enough, we're not wearing masks in this country, not doing contact tracing. wait a second, remdesivir changes the equation it saves lives and reduces strain on hospitals, reopening the country right before we do it, it becomes a lot less risky. there are tons of skeptics who question everything from the drug's efficacy to the impact on the stock market in the twitter feed thinks it's a hoax give me a break. i'll give you this i don't blame you if you're skeptical, but listen to me. in some ways i know the study doesn't seem that impressive
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only takes the mortality rate from 11% to 8% that's not nothing it's hard lily a cure. remember, vaccine stop things, this is an antiviral what's the deal, why was i so excited, why was the market excited from the get go in the opening bell it's simple. dr. anthony fauci, the director of national institutes of health infectious diseases, said the results of the remdesivir trial said it reminded him of his victory against hiv aids in the 1990s when it was still a death sentence he actually compared remdesivir to azt which was the groundbreaking hiv drug that turned the tied. that's right it started -- when i heard that i said, oh, my gosh, i remember it i remember when it happened. you couldn't believe it, a disease that never would be cured, that they made a breakthrough okay, we still haven't totally cured hiv, but we developed the
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cocktail of medications that have turned into a mostly manageable condition azt was the first real ray of hope fauci is a pretty buttoned up guy. he's been skeptical of other proposed treatments for covid-19 in fact, i can say he's been anything but encouraging, including toward some of the president's more ill-advised -- not today. not today. today he struck a very different tone yes, the virus will still be lethal yes, this is an incremental improvement. not a panacea. yesterday we had nothing this is a big deal the first ingredient of a cocktail fauci is itching to put together like he did to defeat aids i'm so glad he stuck around. that's why the marked roared higher today because of remdesivir. in the middle of earnings season, wall street hasn't been thrilled with many of these reports. let's go over some when you look at the five big companies that reported last night and this morning, they received poorly on a basis,
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boeing finished up because other than demand. one winner was alphabet. you can't even look at these numbers because they seem so 1932-ish nothing new there. fed did nothing of any significance it was all gilead. i know this because i interviewed the c.e.o.s of star bucs, boeing, it stemmed from the pandemic the brilliant c.e.o. of amd put up a solid quarter despite covid-19 she trimmed 9 lthe low end of hr sale guidance, covid, of course. that's nonsense. and delivered an excellent quarter. slow by customers dealing with you a deadly virus that shutdown swaths of the global economy it is a testament to amd's numbers being strong in this tough environment. give me a break. the truth is amd ran up the
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quarter. it's getting hit with the predictable sell offs. buy it if we can get through the fourth quarter, gigantic. then there's starbucks which got slammed the beginning of the quarter because they had exposure in china. slammed again because they have exposure here and the rest of the world. only forced them to close half the stores in america. there's no way it could be anything but a horrible quarter. china is open, starbucks is putting up new stars with lackery ti there i bet starbucks returns to growth mode because people love their caffeine they love that nitro stock is a buy next, i want to lump boeing and general electric together. this pandemic has wrecked the aerospace industry and the 737-max debacle sure didn't help we have no idea when the faa will let the max fly again southwest air said they don't expect any good news on this front until the end of october but the real problem is nobody is flying right now. demand so the airlines are stretched
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thin and lots of them are cancelling their orders boeing and ge need this virus to be contained remdesivir makes that a real possibility because it starts the process of removing the huge and justifiable fear factor. why did boeing manage the rally if ge didn't go? i believe because the c.e.o. david calhoun came on "squawk on the street" this morning he's going to get a loan backstop by the fed, low rate, not sell equity in the treasury department it wouldn't surprise me if they augment that southwest air did successfully this morning if boeing does a secondary, buy. as for ge, i don't know what to say. it's better to be lucky than good they're not lucky. still, i believe in the c.e.o., his ability to turn things around with the remdesivir data. i think ge, too, is a buy. how about alphabet a good quarter, saw the stock rally 9% did that contribute to the rally? wait a second. alphabet's fabulous cfo
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mentioned there might be green chutes in advertising. that was really visible before this was a burned down lawn. then she spent the rest of the conference pooh poohing her own optimism the word they used was efficient. the wordy use is end a cycle where it's trying to make as much money as possible, you have to own this stock this one took me by surprise i got used to blown quarters not blow outs. losing streak? over santa is all about the stroke, marking the turn tomorrow could be different in a positive way we got extraordinary numbers from facebook, microsoft, and tesla this very evening. real eye poppers with facebook saying the first few weeks were staved right when they made the preannouncement, these are big companies. these are big numbers. bottom line, for the true
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skeptics, i know how hard it is to believe a seemingly innocent clinical trial to have this positive impact, you don't believe me now you're going to complain about me later enjoy yourself this drug makes a big difference especially if you were worried about a second wave of infections after we reopen the economy. remdesivir is just what the doctor order weston in ohio, weston >> caller: booyah, jim, with a rip in shortages in meat how can you trade agra commodities now? what trading platform is young investors use to buy and sell commodities? wouldn't it be better to buy producers and suppliers -- >> let's not outthink this, my friend you buy deere. let's think about lamb weston. that was being too cute. you buy deere. we buy the highest quality we're going to shaun in virginia shaun. >> caller: hey, jim, i'm calling in today about abm industries. >> really?
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>> caller: primarily -- >> you know, that's not what you buy in a pandemic, my friend we're going to have to take a pass on that it's already moved up so much. i mean, they do a lot of repair rehab. i would love them to come on because their facilities management company it has had such a strong move. i'm going to have to say no to that one michael in new york. michael. >> caller: hey, jim, thanks for taking my call >> okay. >> caller: i'm a long-time listener we spoke about octa when it was at 40. >> that's a cramer family favorite what's going on? >> caller: i think it might have been my family favorite before yours. >> they have that young fella. he's not that young. go ahead >> caller: i read the gardener's magic report which i know you're familiar with. >> you bet >> caller: since reading that i actually bought some gardener crowd strike and tonics in this
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zero-identity cyber security space which has kind of turned into a covid security space. >> yes >> caller: in that report, i read about a really interesting company called ping department it >> ping! yeah, you know, i got to do work on ping. these stocks were so hard. i've been going with the crowd strike, pulling up with the palo alto, turning and going -- anyway, i got to do more work on ping it's interesting thank you for those kind words by the way, tonight, i didn't even mention the president is saying some good things about oil and gas. no wonder there's a short squeeze to end all short squeezes in the oil and gas this very evening ping today's move was all about something that the bears don't want to concede. but they're wrong. remdesivir -- thank you, gilead -- maybe we reached the beginning of the beginning on "mad money" tonight. is there still an appetite for yum brands remember kfc, pizza. i'm going to talk to the c.e.o. after earnings
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then looking for a shelf stable stock in an uncertain market how about the c.e.o. of campbell's letting us know how it's going with a ton of people losing their jobs, it seems odd versus what the dow did today how is adp faring? i have the c.e.o., so stay with cramer >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question? tweet cramer #madtweets. send jim an email to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc ado dmeynbcong he sometimes the challenges of today's world make it tough to take care of yourself, that's why you can rely on nature's bounty...
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♪ ♪ there's been an awful couple months for the restaurant industry aside from rare exceptions chipotle, dominos, delivery pick up unless you have incredible delivery and take out platform, you've been devastated increasing middle ground, restaurant chains with deep pockets are holding up okay even though it experienced big declines take yum brands with pizza hut and taco bell, one place it doesn't have was china that was spun off years ago as yum china. this morning the real yum reported the quarter wasn't perfect it wasn't the end of the world the stock only got dinged 81 cents today. it lowered sales expectations, earnings a little light. for the whole quarter, kfc saw an 8% same store sales decline taco bell was up 1%. i'm jealous.
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yum was in good shape until mid-march when the outbreak exploded even now they're working with their franchisees to promote contactless deliveries and safe drive-thru pick ups to allow the chain to operate in a time so many competitors are closed. could be a lot worse what's the future look like? let's check in with david gibbs, the new c.e.o., learn how they're handling covid-19. mr. gibbs, welcome to "mad money. >> well, thank you for having me, jim. hopefully we'll be able to do this in person after our next earnings call. wouldn't that be great >> that would be terrific. just terrific. look, the country is about to open up. people are going to be going out. what do you think it means for your great brands? >> well, look, first i'd like to start by thanking all of our employees around the world, particularly our front line workers, 1.5 million people in our restaurants. these people are dealing with an incredibly challenging environment and doing an amazing job bringing our business to life for the consumers today serving them the safe affordable, cravable and convenient food in a low contact
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manner that they want. i'd also like to thank our franchisees. they're our partners, 2000 entities around the world of which yum china is one of them, serving our customers and taking care of our business and partnering with us to adapt to the changes that are taking place in the market place. and as you said, the business is changing and the consumer's needs are changing and we are there to meet it. we have a very heavy off-premise business we were off to a great start in 2020, building on the momentum that we had in 2019. you mentioned taco bell was up 1 for the quarter. they were up 6% before we had the impact of covid-19 all of our businesses are getting stronger around the world. so we're now dealing with the challenges of covid-19 and i'm incredibly inspired and proud of how we're getting through this and business is getting stronger i'm convinced we'll come out of it stronger. >> how do you feel about the reopening? i know it's going to be staged are you looking for a surge of demand >> the reality for us is that we do have stores closed.
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we had a peak 11,000 stores. we talked about that today in the earnings call. we're now down to 10,000 stores clos closed out of our 50 plus,000. the vast majority are outside the u.s. when you're talking about reopenings in the united states, it's not reopenings for us our stores are open in the united states because we skew so heavily off premise. we have 95% of our kfcs and taco bells with drive-thrus and obviously pizza hut is designed to meet consumers' needs in this environment. for us it would be reopening the dining room. >> okay. >> in addition to having already operated the restaurants >> let's talk about reopening the dining room because there are issues for instance, the cdc put out a note about a restaurant in china which had air conditioning that blew from one table to another table to another table the air flow brought out a cough that led to many instances of covid-19 at the restaurant what are you doing to be sure that people will be safe in the restaurant >> well, to start with, we're
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being incredibly cautious and going above and beyond when it comes to the safety of our employees and customers. i think we talked about this the last time you and i spoke. >> right >> we always go above and beyond when it comes to food safety if the procedure at the local health department has wants you to put gloves on, we have you sterilize your hands before you put the gloves on even though it's not required. we've been doing that in our restaurant for years we've pivoted to masks and gloves for all employees we're adding shields to our restaurants, taking the temperature of employees, all the things that customers would want to do and employees would want to ensure safety in the restaurant you raise a good point there are a lot of unknowns about reopening restaurants. the cdc is issuing guidance and the restaurant association has guidance we're going above and beyond whatever guidance is out there that's why we're going to be cautious about opening our dining rooms >> how about the chain of food all in the papers today talking about the food chain, does it work, could it break down? particularly chicken and meat.
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what's going to happen for you guys >> we're in good shape when it comes to our supply chain. it's something we talk about every day. we know we have four to six weeks of supply secure beyond that we have good comfort we'll have supply and we have contingency plans. i know there is question about supply chain you're seeing disruption in supply chain and more demand into grocery that's causing shifts. with lack of demands, closing of some plants won't necessarily show up as a lack of food for where people want it but we're in good shape. >> how about pizza hut, how do you get that to do better? what is going to take it so that you feel confident that this division should remain a division within the house of yum? >> well, first of all, we're absolutely ecstatic that pizza hut is part of the house of yum. it's a great brand it's a global iconic brand and in times like this, it's even more valuable in our portfolio. and we've been on a mission with pizza hut to migrate it from what started 50, 60 years ago as a dine-in business to a true
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modern delivery carry-out technology driven business and we're making great progress. you can see that in some of the results i shared today and what consumers want from brands today, they want pizza hut's kind of offering they want great indulgent food at great value price points in a safe low contact environment pizza hut as you know introduced contactless delivery and contactless carry-out in china we've taken their learnings and spread them throughout the world. to give you one great data point, our pizza hut japan business is up over 50% for the month of april so right now we're seeing that model really connect with consumers, this contactless model and everything pizza hut stands for one of the great strengths of pizza hut is this is a brand people trust they grew up with it it's been around for 60 years. and times like this, people turn to the cravable indulgent food from brands they can trust, that they know are going to deliver to them in a safe manner we love pizza hut and we're excited what's going on with
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pizza hut in the u.s. with our new president there. >> last question i am concerned, you are a franchise operation. franchisees are not created equal in terms of their balance sheets what are you doing to help some of the franchisees that are weaker and are they going to the ppp? >> we've offered, globally we've offered for franchisees that are in distress, we have offered them a grace period on their royalties. we offered them some deferrals on capital obligations for remodels in new unit stores. we recognize liquidity is important and we want to support our franchisees. as far as u.s. franchisees accessing the ppp program, as you know, being a restaurant owner and small business owner, and a great advocate for the restaurant industry, i might add -- >> thank you >> -- our franchisees are that, small business owners. they were harmed when the coronavirus hit. it impacted everybody's
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business what they're doing with their banks and applying for loans is obviously their business but certainly the program was designed for people like them to keep employees employed in their stores and that's what we're doing as i mentioned earlier. we're staying open through the crisis >> obviously worldwide organization so each country different. but you feel pretty confident most of the countries are in pretty good shape? >> we feel, as we said on the call today, the franchise health you can't paint with a broad brush when you have 2000 franchisees. we went into the crisis certainly with a few people that were in distress that hasn't changed. but we're working with each of our franchisees. we're going to get through this. the spirit in the field is clearly we're learning every day. we're an organization built on brand builders, people that react to consumers' changes. we're figuring out how to thrive in this environment and i see our business getting stronger every day. >> excellent, that's great news. david gibbs is the c.e.o. of yum brands, y-u-m. when the smoke clears there won't be many companies left
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this is one of them. "mad money" is back after the break. these days, it's anything but business as usual. that's why working together is more important than ever. at&t is committed to keeping you connected. so you can keep your patients cared for. your customers served. your students inspired. and your employees closer than ever. our network is resilient. our people are strong. our job is to keep your business connected . it's what we've always done. it's what we'll always do.
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♪ ♪ we know the packaged food is on fire. people all over the world now feel compelled to keep their pantries well stocked. we've seen the empty grocery store shelves. yesterday campbell published bullish data from iri. that's the market firm wall street swears by in the four weeks ending april 19th, meals and beverage up 34%. snacks 16% campbell soup up 41. prego pasta sauce 49 pepperidge farm cookies 28 kettle brand chips 45. 44.5 only goldfish experienced a decline. maybe supply problems. everybody loves goldfish even before the pandemic. phenomenal growth. no wonder the stock rallied 23
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points the new president and c.e.o. of campbell soup and a man who is widely viewed as a miracle worker within the industry a clear sense of where his company is headed. welcome to "mad money. >> great to be here, jim i'm happy to spend some time with you today >> i'm thrilled that you're here sir, the moment it happened, i admit i had a panic attack, but my wife, she said let's have a campbell soup attack we went in, everybody knows this, we bought, i don't know, 20 cans, then we bought everything else you make you know what, i found out it's like what my mom said, i love it it's like we rediscovered it is that what's happening you have too many repeat orders for me to think it was one-time-only pantry >> i think you are not alone in your experience. i think, you know, we saw the move from the initial pantry loading and very much followed a lot of the same behaviors you'd see in a big storm or something coming in. but what we've been experiencing since then is really what i
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believe to be more behavior driven in. so i've got the product in my house. i'm spending more time at home i'm cooking more a lot of the behavior is driving the usage and i think so far what we're feeling and still relatively early days, is that that experience has been positive i'm really happy we started this journey before the situation occurred, and i think it allowed us improving quality of the product, really driving focus on those core businesses that are now incredibly in high demand as we look across the portfolio >> now, what happens are you working 24/7 because i checked last night at a store. it's still not there it still runs out. it's like -- i get called the same thing the truck comes tuesday morning, jim. the truck comes tuesday morning. when can you possibly catch up with demand? >> we're working hard. i do think if you're watching the trends very closely, we've seen a little bit of a slow-down
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in these last couple weeks which as you point out is not the worst thing in the world as it gives us an opportunity to rebuild some of that inventory i can promise you, the plants have been doing just an amazing job. i mean, i'm inspired daily by watching our team go to work, get the job done, whether it's in the plants or on the front line for sales and we're doing an amazing job but if you're looking at four-week trends where you're watching demand in the 40s on a business that we were just in the early innings of a turn around on, it certainly put a little bit of a strain from day to day but i feel good about our ability to keep filling the shelves on a regular basis and keep that flow of product going. >> okay. we knows people are snacking more than ever, particularly, there's a lot of work at home. i think that's part of the soup. but snyder's, lance, i was critical of the deal i thought it was overpay i also thought it hurt the balance sheet. that was previous administration, we don't have to think about that you have worked out this balance sheet and you've got snyder's
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going, i say maybe this deal wasn't so bad, is that fair? >> i think it's very fair. you know, and i'll be honest my perspective from the outside looking in, i think i underestimated as well what the value of this portfolio really is and when you look now at what we're bringing to bear in snacking, i think we're in a very unique position we're playing in big well-developed categories. but we're playing in differentiated ways. if you look at the brands we have, whether it's within crackers, having goldfish, a better for you kid snack, or within cookies, huge category, but we're bringing a more premium offering with milano and farm house even in tortilla chips which has been experiencing a lot of growth, we're bringing late july, which is an organic platform that's really worked well and i think our ability to play in unique ways and bring the power of these two companies together, great marketing
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innovation and growth engine on pepperidge farm. very scrappy kind of in the weeds dsd organization and in-store merchandising from snyder's lance bring those two organizations together, it's created a formidable portfolio, one i think is well positioned, argue better than i thought until i got under the hood and got to see those businesses. >> that leads to my next question i think it's important i should have said this at the beginning. you had a lot of momentum going into this because of changes that you made. one of them is hard for us to understand unless we're in your business you put as number two reason why you have progress improved retailer relationships is that clubs? is that chains and what did you have to do? because obviously they're your partners and if they don't like you, they can hurt you if they like you, they can help you. what did you do? >> well, i think the first thing -- and this is so important for the world we were in before. the world we're in now, and i
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would certainly expect going forward, is really understanding what the strategic objectives of your partners are and finding ways where we're able to create common ground. and, you know, i tell this story a lot. i think we were in a world where some of our businesses, iconic businesses like soup, we were managing more for cash and profit while our retail partners are trying to grow and create share and demand when you're at that position of differe different objectives, a lot of times conversation will deteriorate about distribution that's not the conversation you want to have what we need to do as a clear leader in soup or pasta sauces, we have to find a way to work together to bring relevance back to these categories, important categories, even more so today, to be able to drive growth and when we do that, i think the conversations change and a big part, i believe, of
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some of those early wins that we were getting was just coming back to the table in a way where we're talking about growth and it's just so important to do that as the retailers are trying to solve many of the same problems or challenges we are. >> one last question everyone is on edge. how can you not be when you're on edge in my household and many households, we go for what we like the most, and we eat it and we're not that sensitive to calories. potato chips, my absolute favorite food, everybody's favorite food. these numbers are exploding. is it because people say, you know what, i need a break, give me a bag of potato chips >> yeah, i think i would say we're seeing three trends right now that our portfolio happens to be very well positioned to address within consumer behavior and i think, again, you're not alone. we're all experiencing a little bit of this unprecedented environment, and it does change behavior and i think the three big trends
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that we're seeing right now first is this renewance -- a renewal in cooking as a behavior and i'm not talking about gourmet cooking. i'm talking about what we call quick scratch cooking, putting a few ingredients together that our products serve very well >> right >> i think the second trend and the one you just talked a little bit about is comfort, right. so coming back to brands that bring comfort. and that may be anything from, you know, campbell's chicken noodle with a grilled cheese sandwich to a bag of kettle potato chips all of those serve to come back to comfort and third, the one we think about going forward, we're very mindful around is value. >> right >> regardless of where you mayland on yomay land on your perspective of what the economic environment looks like, we're going to be navigating some semblance of a recession or at least economic slow down. and our ability to bring value
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to everyday consumer households is very important. and again, i think if you look at our snacks and our meals and beverage business and historically speaking we've been very, very relevant in those moments of value >> we have to leave it there you have crushed it. i wish we had you before this so we would know where the term was going. that's mark clouse, president and c.e.o. of campbell's soup. er thank you so much, sir. >> we'll see you again >> absolutely. "mad money" is back after the break. ♪
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this virus is testing all of us. and it's testing the people on the front lines of this fight most of all. so abbott is getting new tests into their hands, delivering the critical results they need. and until this fight is over, we...will...never...quit. because they never quit. ♪ ♪ with the pandemic priced in, that's the question at the heart of this market last month the averages crashed. trillions of dollars in value
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were wiped out in the blink of an eye and that's why for weeks now all sorts of stocks have been able to rally stocks are right in the covid-induced slow down. take data processing, adp for short. the largest payroll processor in america. at a time when millions of people are losing their jobs, you'd think adp would be a tough stock to own they didn't withdraw their guidance like so many other companies. they gave you some certainty, but how bad could this get in response to the stock rallied 3 bucks. adp was already punished for this weakness. mid-march the stock plunged from $182 to $103 40% decline. too much it rebounded to $145, i think that's more realistic. these guys are uniquely plugged into the u.s. economy and useful to the u.s. government listen to what former white house economic advisor gary cohn had to say on closing bell
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yesterday. >> if we really want to get this right, why not give the money to the payroll processors, let the payroll processors -- they know how many companies need the money. they know how many employees they have. just treasury, go send the money to payroll processors and then let's follow-up with the paperwork behind that. i think that would have been a cleaner way to do this and i think we would have had less mission tak mistakes getting the money to the right people >> carlos rodriguez is the president and c.e.o., welcome back to management >> hey, jim, how are you >> good, carlos. hope you're doing same >> i'm doing all right i hope you're healthy and your family is healthy. it's obviously a challenging time and wish we weren't talking under these circumstances, but happy to be here with you. >> i'm glad you're here. all right. i've got to ask you something. we always hear -- wait a second. how can the stock market be going up when there's maybe 20 million people unemployed?
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things are going badly you know, you are at the intersection of really business creation in this country what do you tell people when the stock market goes up, knowing what you see in the job world? >> i tell them to call jim cramer i think, jim, what happens is as you tell all your viewers, the market is the ultimate kind of look into the future and i think what might be happening is people may be already anticipating the worst may have been behind us. i don't know because obviously i'm not a scientist, and i'm not a doctor we have seen a couple indicators of some bottoming. we have hr track the number of new job postings and screenings of background checks when people get hired. those numbers kind of fell off the cliff at the end of march all the way into april and the last couple weeks we've begun to see those numbers actually stabilize and so it doesn't mean people are getting hired yet, but it's
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possible that companies are anticipating some kind of normalization or opening in certain states they may be already posting jobs so the market has a way of sensing these things, but i think you know that better than i. >> well, thank you but there are some great comments at the end of your conference call, your third recession. i think maybe you can put it in perspective more than most, particularly who are worried about their job or have lost their job. you've seen it there is an end and it does come back >> absolutely. i tried to really get a sense of realism, but also optimism on our call today because the truth is that this downturn is much worse than what we saw in the last two recessions in terms of just magnitude and also the speed. but that doesn't mean it necessarily has to last as long. when you see the government stimulus being put into the system, the fact it's a health crisis, not a banking crisis or some other kind of crisis we had in 2000 and 2008, there is some
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hope that things could improve quite a bit faster but what i tried to convey is there's really no way of escaping the fact that the numbers are bad. we know they're bad. the people out there know that they're bad. and the people losing their jobs are feeling it unfortunately firsthand. there's really no way to sugar coat it. it's a bad situation the government has reacted in the right way and i'm hopeful that as we get through the health crisis that the economy, which obviously exited in a strong position as we did, we had a great third quarter, i think as you said. >> it's one of the best quarters you've ever had. >> yeah, we saw the metrics. we've been working hard the last two, three years you know this. we've talked a few times about improving our products, improving our productivity we've had margin improvement improvements in client retention. we really were firing on all cylinders. this happened, it happened to everyone, so there's no sense in
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crying over spilled milk we have to move forward and pick up the pieces we have. we exited in a strong way, the economy was in strong shape. so we and the economy have taken a strong position when this thing rebounds to be able to have an advantage. >> i ran a clip from my friend gary cohn who felt the same way. i went to the treasury, said the same thing adp would be the best way to figure this out. neutral, you get the numbers, no persuasion, no mistakes, no giving to ruth's chris, no giving to shake shack. no giving to l.a. lakers why do you think you didn't get it and how much better do you think you could have done? >> well, as you probably know, we've been working with various parts of the government. we've worked with treasury, with the irs, with sba. i myself have spoken with a number of senators we offered i think an open letter to u.s. leaders that we would help in any way that we
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could. and the problem is this is a very complicated situation the scale of the issue that needs to be addressed is quite large. so i think when -- the clip that you just played, the concept of getting money out there and taking care of the people work later i think is a great idea, but probably not one that was workable and in defense of what has happened with the sba and the banks, had we taken that approach with the banks, we probably would have been able to expedite, you know, the money getting into the hands of small businesses >> getting to the right hands, because you have the real figures. >> absolutely, we definitely do. and i think they are in great relationship with the government we're completely nonpartisan we don't have any real biases. we're here to help we want to be good citizens. you said numerous times on your show, this is the time for all of us to pitch in, be good citizens, help our associates,
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help our country, help our world. we are a global company. >> as a client of your company, it would have been a lot easier to go to you but, you know what, they did what they did, it's keeping the country afloat you're doing what you can do, too. carlos rodriguez is the president and c.e.o. of adp, great american company, unbelievable quarter this is a buy. "mad money" is back after the break. feed a healthy lifestyle, with pure protein. high protein. low sugar. tastes great! high protein. low sugar. so good. high protein. low sugar. mmm, birthday cake. pure protein. the best combination to help you stay fit.
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right now they're facing a crisis. and they're counting on your takeout and delivery orders to help them through. because if we don't treat restaurants like family today.. they might not be around to treat us like family tomorrow. grubhub. together, we can help save the restaurants we love. >> announcer: lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade ♪ ♪ >> it is time! it's time for the lightning round! >> buy, buy, buy >> sell, sell, sell.
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[ buzzer ] >> and then the lightning round is over. are you ready ski daddy! let's go to mark in texas. mark >> caller: jim, hello. how do you feel about dp, debt soaring business output not good >> no, you have to be careful. they actually have pretty good oil output remember we went for trade on the oils in the large -- the one i said you should buy is chevron. sticking by that let's go to beary in delaware barry. >> caller: i've been watching you since larry kudlow the blood transfusion space, pathogen and platelet and plasma components with plasma as a possible treatment for covid patients what's your theory on -- >> that's a great idea, a great spec idea. i have to do work on that. remember, this is not a large cap company. this is the kind of thing where you get that kind of analysis
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that you just give me and you put me to work and that's what i'm going to do. let's go to mike in pennsylvania mike, mike, mike >> caller: jimmy chill, thank you for 25 years of market wisdom >> well, thank you very much i be chilling. >> caller: hey, what do you think of pjx >> i am all over tjx like a cheap pair of black pants that i bought there before i went on the west coast and i beat they have here's the deal with tjx all this inventory, owned it for the charitable trust, crushed in it, they are going to be the beneficiary of all the problems of the other stores. that's why you should buy tjx. i need to go to corey in ohio, please corey. >> caller: dr. jimmy chill, thank you for taking my call, sir. >> of course >> caller: i was wondering with the rapid growth in e-commerce if west rock wrk is a good long term buy >> i have to tell you this company, i bought it the theory i was using, it got
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completely crushed the stock is finally bottoming i don't have a reason why it's bottoming other than the fact that, yes, e-commerce once again. what it's levered to is the number of plants and how much liner board is per piece, but it's good for trade. betsy in california. betsy! >> caller: hey, jimmy, been with you since kudlow days. >> oh, my god, that's a long time kudlow is running the country, he's dynamite. what's going on? >> caller: jim, i live in danville, can ha danville, california you're familiar with that. >> yes, i am >> caller: near blackhawk. people who work very hard and are very successful never have any time >> true. >> caller: for that reason, even though it may be a temporary dip in rh, rh is going to come out of this smelling like a rose >> yes
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just got to come out of it [ buzzer ] >> we didn't get to the stock side of it and the stock is rh i love rh. somebody downgraded it the other day. are you kidding me you downgrade it here? 3 minutes, gary, will you please come on and tell people -- >> buy, buy, buy >> don't stop buying rh. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade my dashboard my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪
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♪ ♪ they're letting every company live that's my take away when i see gigantic moves in carnival, norwegian cruise, all the oils and the hotels particularly after hours until this week it wasn't entirely clear what the fed and the white house were planning to do to fight the rising tied of unemployment but now the whole picture is coming together with the payroll protection program, they're trying to save small business. even if it means finding larger companies that need it or shouldn't get it, i think it's better to err on the side of doing too much than too little especially since larger companies have been shamed into returning the money. more importantly for the broader economy, when you look at the terrific action of the cruise lines, marginal credit card companies and the airlines and the hotels, you have to understand that's because the fed is going to backstop loans to these firms directly or indirectly it's an implicit guarantee for all sorts of companies in the travel and leisure business
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which is why the cruise ship is rallying all week. you have to layer on the remdesivir factor. we have the chance of beating the illness in the near future and you like to cruise, i know you'll be back cruising. i have to tell you, they are so inexpensive, they're begging you to take one. have vaccine, will travel. this is huge, people, huge the fed is picking some winners and some losers, but almost everyone is a winner oh, and then after the bell we find out that the president is directly involved in helping the oil industry this is causing a short squeeze of epic proportions. we said you could buy the oils on monday's show and i was roasted and flaired on twitter as much as i was for backing remdesivir i told you all you needed to know which way the shorts were leaning. supporting the industry is the right move they might go under producing more layoffs like the depression the fed and treasury decided it's better to keep the big companies on life support until we beat this pandemic and the
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economy comes back the ripple effect here is incredible the bank stocks were one-way ticket to hill they're roaring. the companies that fail in this recession, if that's the case financials will be just fine regardless of how much credit card and mortgage debt goes unpaid it's not the end of the world if you're being back stopped. not perfect. you can argue the system where we bail out the biggest companies every time there is a recession is unfair, i'd say you have a point right now the alternative is worse. we know many small businesses will fail when the payroll protection runs out because they can't turn a profit if social distancing remains in effect now you have to take the seats out. you have to take tables out and show people where they can stand at a bar i'd say the vast majority of them were doing okay before the virus hit. that's the economics of the business again, though, it's easier to keep them alive were the payroll protection program hoping for a vaccine or a cocktail on top of
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remdesivir than it is to let a gigantic industry to go under than cause millions tolose their jobs and there are millions in the travel business. is it unfair to let them live? sure, capital and purists. our country has been devastated by a horrible pandemic it's not our fault there is a lot of unfairness going around all we can do is pick the least bad option call me crazy. the least bad option is where we avoid a second great depression which is exactly what the fed and treasury and the president and congress are all trying to do stick with cramer. say hi. ♪ a pandemic has the possibility of bringing us together in ways none of us would have been able to expect. ♪ i'm so small said the mole.
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♪ ♪ the one thing we didn't expect to see, genuine blow-outs, i have to tell you, microsoft was a blow-out huge numbers facebook, i mean, who would have thought that facebook was supposed to be doing -- they're supposed to be doing terribly. no, they're doing unbelievably well qualcomm having unbelievable numbers. by the way, can i say cruise ships soaring, airlines soaring. oil soaring. lots of short squeezes after the bell we'll give this a couple more days and then we have to rethink because at this point we're starting to really head into some sort of break-out zone. i like to say there's a bull market somewhere and i promise to find it for you here on "mad money. i'm jim cramer see you tomorrow "markets in turmoil" with scott wapner is next
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watch alisa live on the cnbc app. good evening i'm scott wapner on the 122nd day of the coronavirus crisis. wall street surges amid new promise of a drug to fight covid-19 >> a drug can block this virus. >> optimism soars. >> it means you build on it. >> and so do stocks. tonight new details on positive data on gilead's drug to fight the coronavirus. and one doctor's warning th. >> this isn't over yet. >> starting in the u.s. we are going to open
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