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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 22, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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galactic holdings, wait for a pull back, buy it now. that one. >> intel big gain. in my opinion i think intel goes higher. >> thanks for watching "fast money. back here tomorrow with remo my mission is simple, to headac make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, i'm just trying to make you money. my job not just to entertain, educate, teach call me 800-743-cnbc or tweet me at jim cramer. dow gaining 154 and s&p advancing and nasdaq climbing
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1.1% but underneath, it was insane after a big dip at the opening, the market came roaring back into the black. this was a day when both the recession stocks and the recovery stocks worked long term that's just knot sustainable. sooner or later, someone, one of these two groups has to be wrong but short term as we're taught, anything goes. let me break this one down for you. this market has two big themes, completely contradictory and a third team that's down right apocalypse first, the american awakens train. the people who buy into this thesis, well, they believe the government made a terrible mistake locking down the economy. i'm part of that group we won't make that mistake again. now that the country is reopening, they expect people to go out and spend and return to work as they see it for all intensive purposes, the pandemic is behind us the worst is over.
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we have a better understanding how to treat covid and in the fall it won't be on the radar screen despite records in florida and texas. this includes larry kudlow are betting we'll come back stronger than ever. joblessness, rearview window covid, fatalities plateaued and are coming down. there is no need to sell a stock anymore. the buy list today, well, first was nike and a company reports thursday nike is totally discretionary, high priced, the thing you wouldn't buy if the economy is in a downturn. this could be a rocket ship. not one but two big price target boosts from l erklegit firms ths morning. think of nike has the happy days second, there is best buy. that stock was up more than 4% today. this is a company that sells big ticket discretionary items
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everything in this store you can live without which is why the rally suggested the recovery is here to stay third, you have to be a bull to believe in this one, economic bull today an analyst argued gap is worth more than the price because of the real estate and athleta. this is a thin read because the fundamentals are in decline but if you believe we're headed for a robust recovery, that makes sense because this is a marginal retail there might not make it otherwise. fourth is home depot i'm talking about the stock. the stock is a juggernaut. if you're buying it after this run, you have to believe things are just getting started, just getting better now fifth is really a sign today that we saw of people believing at the time to turn around carrier, the heating, ventilation, hvac spin off it is starting to roll this is part -- this is residential and non-residential construction boom you don't go near a stock like
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carrier if you think the economy is tanking mainly a copper. you only buy free port when you think the economy is about to roar it was up 2.8% today if you share larry cud lkudlow,f you share his optimisoptimism, for you. my travel trust owns disney. you think we have the pandemic contained and you think sports movies are coming back and the parks reopen and take cruises, well, a lot of businesses in the wrong side of the trade. then disney is the one for you what if that is completely wron wrong? what if that's the dumbest thing ever and you got your head crushed? that's why i created the cramer covid-19 this is the covid induced recession theme. new cases are spiking across the
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sun belt, unemployment is sky high and jobless benefits run out in a month that's why this camp assumes things are about to get worse really worse if you win the recession and practice food stocks that made a ton of sense if it's getting worse again it's pantry. this is what you eat if it has to go back into lockdown during the last three months and clorox which is practically taylor made for this moment. clorox is always a great recession play but always terrific covid play because this kills everything third, you buy e commerce enable l ers. i'm supposed to do one at a time etsy, shopify, square. have you seen the stocks they are crazy when brick and mortar stores are closed, this works you know what else works
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apple. in part because apple pays, the safe way to pay for things in a pandemic that's caused by people touching each other and the stream is crushing it as people look for things to do at home, that's a big spike the stock gained cruising to a new high, new stuff coming out my view, you own it. you don't trade it after scalpers might want to after an exciting developers day. they have new stuff for their watch. siri, play john denver i did that all weekend it's ridiculous. fourth, if you think the virus is making a terrible -- siri, turn off john denver. >> i'm here. >> great that you're here. oh my god, i'm sorry i don't even like that song. >> i'm sorry. >> she's sorry so she's playing john denver's i'm sorry. tim cook, get on that, will ya fourth if you think the virus is making a terrible comeback, there is no substitute for zoom video.
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this stock goes up almost every single day of my life. i get up and say siri, how much is zoom going up she's sorry. it is the perfect stock if you believe that we're never going back to normal, we're all going to zoom. i don't care you're sick of zoom it's got a great story 5 g, you want to zoom it to death. i have a bad pimple on the right side of my face because i wear a mask on my face and i was conscious when i was zooming, it was better to wear the mask than have the pimple be seen. zoom changed behavior. to say nothing of the second lockdown, the restaurants that survive and make a lot of money from takeout and delivery, they will rule the world. what do you need the one that's the survivor. chipotle the stock took out the $1,000 level like i told you. if you buy at these levels after the 50-point gain you bet most
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of the competition gets wiped out. all the work makes things easy for hackers and z scale and crowd strike among others. i don't care if we're sick of hearing them they go up that's the point seventh, i'm sick of the patriots, right? it's good that he left but they go up. seventh is amazon. not mention amazon, are you crazy? this company will be just fine but if covid is on the rise again, they will move more merchandise and eighth is netflix. if the world is going back to normal, we can go out and travel or do anything but we can't which is why it rallied another 3% there is a third small camp that's more pessimistic. they will cause inflation so buying gold. physical gold and move mining which has a long-term track record of consistency which has
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a record of inconsistency which is excellent properties. really, you got to clearly articulate the thesis and bear thes thesis i don't know which camp is right but i know they can't both be right, yet all these stocks were winners today. my view again, because i don't know, that's why i prefer a barbell where i pick some recovery plays, like disney and a lot of covid plays like the ones you saw maybe that's why all these stocks can't rally at the same time because someone has got to be wrong bottom line, when we get a vaccine, the america awakens crowd will be right and i'm very confident we'll get a vaccine eventually there's never been one mental firepower i just don't think it will come soon enough to justify going all in to the bottom roulet camp >> caller: hey, jim.
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>> glad you're here. >> caller: as the country continues to reopen in phases, i have noticed many small retailers a lot of consumers are using contactless methods of payment. master card thought it could provide long-term value although small retailers that are contactless are accepting major credit cards and cash app and venmo. is mastercard a buy. >> my travel trust owns mastercard but clearly it's not a venmo, which means it's not paypal and not as good as square and i went with it because i'm more conservative even though i told you over and over i sold the paypal for my travel trust way too soon after a huge gain i thought i was being greedy all those you mentioned were that's really the take away. driving the action, america awaits. this market has two big themes and contradictory and that's why i prefer barbell with more weight towards the cramer covid-19 index on mad tonight, day tradings
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replace sports betting but with more than 70% of the property reopening, it is time to roll the dice on a new pursuit? spotify, is it still in tune with this market i'll give you a take weak points into a company's network, how is a company like check point helping keep your data safe? i'm talking with the ceo so stay with cramer. >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow at jim cramer on tweeter. send jim an email to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something head to mad mun dmoney.cnbc.coam
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it's my first pandemic so it's tough to have fun during it but we have to talk about the incredible resurging of gaming the regional casino operator that bought steak in bar stool sports been the pandemic the stock is on a roll but had to shut down casinos and the bar stool fueled sports betting business got less attractive when all sports were cancelled, that's why the stock lost 90% of the value late february to mid march. man, oh, man was that a fabulous buying opportunity i'm glad we stayed with it penn national state, the stools, everybody in part because big institutions love the fund raise that this company did $700
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million via new stock in debt. they surged to a new all-time high $40 and change and pulled back as covid cases spike. with sports on the verge of coming back, what could we have got here and have, the, let's say people that brought three b sellers. let's take a closer look with an all star-behind the pen national gaming story, president and ceo bar stools sports founder and bar stools ceo erica, mr. snowden, welcome back to "mad money. >> thanks for having us. >> jay, i got to tell you. i didn't think when we reopened everybody would come that was wrong as you reopened, it seems like there is more enthusiasm than ever even though there is not a lot of good free food and you can't kind of codo it the way y did. >> look, jim, like many of us, we've been sitting at home for the last several months and when you have an opportunity to go
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outs and do something that's fun and safe and entertaining, people are take thanksgiving advantage of the opportunity to do that. we announced on friday we have over 70% of our properties reopened and we have a clear sight for the remaining 10 properties to be open in the coming weeks and look, it's a great feeling when we're able to get on the phone and call your team members back. we brought over 11,000 team members back in the last month, which feels terrific and off to a great start. we still have, you know, we still need to reopen the remaining of our slot machines at 50% capacity for slot machines restaurants are limited, as you mentioned, but it's safe and fun. the music is playing people are having a good time and we have a lot of solicited and unsolicited feedback from team members and our guest value how we're taking their safety and cleanliness of the facility. off to a good start. we're feeling as good today as we felt in the last three, four months obviously and every day is getting a little better.
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>> i'm thrilled for you. my biggest fear is people would be afraid and want to stay at home if they stay at home, they go to bar stool. i want them to go to penn that bar stool. one of the most exciting things in the world are you chomping at the bit to be able to go back and do sports or is this stock still fun enough you don't mind the delay? >> i'm enjoying the stock stuff. you know, my firm dvtg made our mark i wasn't expecting that. it been fun. it's a sports guy. i'm a sports better. i want sports back, and when it comes back, that's going to be where my focus is but for now, i am having fun with the stock game as you well know. >> yes, erica, the stock book is not as much fun to me as the sports book and i know you know the excitement of sports and i think you also recognize the value of it. are you surprised and we're going to get to this one but surprised draft kings is worth
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13 billion but somehow penn is worth 4 billion? should it be reverse snd. >> what you'll see this fall in 2021 and 2022 is we're going to crush it there is no audience like bar stools' audience there is no fans like us and talent and other personalities here we're going to drive a tremendous amount of value for p penn look at the stock and our brands during the pan dell mademic. we're just getting started and i think you'll see an incredible amount of growth for bar stool sports and the sports book. >> erica, do you think there will be a football season? >> yes, in some shape i do. >> some shape. okay david, let me ask you, it's -- i just asked erica a descent question draft kings versus penn national there is a fellow at deutsche
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bank, good firm, he seems to disagree with all of us about the value of sports gambling and what it means. what is he missing >> well, i think, you know, he's missing a lot of what we do for the same reason that dvtg has been popular and everyone is focused on what i'm doing or watching dan big cat, another employee of ours is 160,000 people watching him play a fake video game at night. he's missing what a strangle hold i believe bar stool sports has. draft kings i've worked with for ten years. i was offered equity in draft king a decade ago. we helped build that company, but i think -- >> your friends with them, ri t right? you have a good relationship with them. >> yes. >> i can't be more confident once the sports app launches we'll be a dominant player in the game because nobody speaks
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to the audience like we do why draft kings paid us millions of dollars to advertised they drive every ounce of energy, what i'm doing with stocks, what dan does with video games and all 100 of the content employees will funnel to penn. i wanted more equity in penn when we did the deal i asked jay because i'm a risk taker and sports gambler by nature i. can nature i can't be more confident in what we're doing i put my money where my mouth is penn will be a strong player. >> jay, i think can you explain the economics of having the physical casino and people don't think it matters but the physical casino is actually a tremendous asset in the world of sports gaming. >> well, think about it this way and dave and erica can certainly speak to this but when we talked about bringing these two companies together, one of the things that erica and dave were most excited about and big cat
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and others, they finally have great destinations to activate their sports betting loyal audience so we can do events in our sports books in the process of being rebranded to bar stool sports books the adjacent sports bars are being branded. to activate the audience and put on a great time, so there is a lot of customers regardless of demographic and age that enjoy a brick and mortar experience, some prefer a digital experience and many prefer both we're the only company out there that will be able to deliver on both. >> you are absolutely right. >> across the country as sports betting and casinos legalize a number of jurisdictions, we have some of the most quality regional casino brick and mortar destinations in the country. those two things in and of themselves when you combine them is a real different game. >> erica, let me leave you because we got to get rolling. we mentioned big cat a couple times. in my office, dave, don't take this wrong, big cat is as popular as you
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okay people -- >> that's an insult. that hurt. >> but -- >> ut oh, jim. >> how do you get the word out you're more than just a guy at a company, erica you and i both know this is an enterprise and you guys are an enterprise affiliated with another good enterprise. i'm surprised how one bite doesn't get enough focus and big ka cat doesn't get enough focus. >> focus from who, jim >> wall street. >> of course look, i think we're the fastest growing brand and have the fastest growing collection of brands on the internet that's ticktock, instagram, facebook, twitter, you name it we're the fastest growing on the fastest growing immediate yous on earth people don't have eyes for that and i think the same thing has happened to penn stock is people don't have eyes for it or, you know, like some analysts, they are looking in the wrong direction. >> the good news is, jim, we'll be able to prove it. once the apps launch and casinos
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are up doing events, the numbers will speak for themselves. i've delivered on everything i've promised for two decades. >> i have no disagreement which is why i'm thrilled to have you back on and stuck with you all the way down and you're much under valued versus other people we mentioned in this segment that's erica and dave from barstool sports and great partnership with jay snowden and again, the partnership is skid in the game as dave will tell you. guy at l-- got a lot of stock a people that like stocks and talk about them are my friends too. "mad money" is back after this
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can i find an investment firm
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with a truly long-term view that's been through multiple market cycles for over 85 years? with capital group, i can. talk to your financial professional or consultant for investment risks and information. woi felt completely helpless.hed professioonline.consultant my entire career and business were in jeopardy. i called reputation defender. vo: take control of your online reputation. get your free reputation report card at find out your online reputation today and let the experts help you repair it. woman: they were able to restore my good name. vo: visit or call 1-877-866-8555. some of the best performers
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for the past few months came out of nowhere consider the case of spiti prkss trit -- spotify. we started recommending this thing practically the moment it began trading. i thought it had a great long-term growth story but couldn't get any traction and when i mentioned it, people saying shopify, no, spotfy the pandemic hit great for shopify. originally spotify, a lot of people assumed there to be less demand for the streaming service that does work great in the car. in response, the stock plunged from 150 in february down to 110 at the low turns out those fears were i would say completely baseless. because since then spotify has been a rocket ship with the stocks surging 116% and $236 as
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of today and that is an astounding move, the move i want you to catch when you remember this thing had been dead money since 2018 so what the heck is driving this rally and why is it happening now? why not last year or the year befo before simple it's getting credit for the rapidly growing pod cast business thanks to big deals they sign in recent weeks. thanks to those headlines, wall street is giving this company another look and the buyers like what they see. it's a come lepletely different company. there is nothing new about the pod cast business. they have been pushing into this space for more than a year why didn't they care why couldn't they break out before this spent most of last year bashing its head against it. it couldn't clear the hurdle even though fund mentals were strong this is important. spotify is a two-tier user because and they pay for the ad
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sfree free experience. their monthly average users which is the number people care about expanded to 271 million last year, up 31% year over year that translated to 28% revenue growth i like that, too the one fly in the ointment, spotfy was losing money in part because they were investing so heavily in growing the business. unfortunately, that lack of profitability threw people off when spotify came public they established a position in the music streaming business and looked like they were ready to start cashing in the bulls expected rising margins and positive earnings. but earlier this year spoti ify changed gears. they saw the incredible growth in the pod casting space they saw it ahead of everybody and told us that they planned to take over pod casting, too that was clearly the right call, it's not what that original shareholder base signed on for they wanted a simple story for
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the profitability. they told us they would spend a fortune on accusations last february they spent 136 million euros on anchor f.m. then they shelled out another 172 million you are reuros and l of last year they snapped up cutler media for 49 million euros. that's where spotify laid the foundation they can help you make pod cast and distribute them better and make their own in house. it was a brilliant vertical integration but the old shareholder base wanted profitability, they didn't see it they had no vision and they sold the stock. fast forward to this february. right before the outbreak, the company reported fourth quarter earnings and numbers disappointing. much weaker than expected earnings and if that's what you care about, the forecast looked
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grim management talked about a loss nobody wants to hear that at 150 million to 250 million euros for 2020 wall street is only looking for the town 26 million euros. that it was a downside surprise. however, if you drill down there are a ton of positives but you know people don't do that. they are lazy. the company had strong user growth and rolled out met tririt show pod cast reduced churn. put it together, and they were telling us that 2020 would be another investment year where they will spend a fortune on pod cast and pick up more subscribers. alongside the quarter they bought the ringer for an undisclosed price. that's a sports entertainment publish publisher. in response, stocks got slammed because spotify had the wrong shareholder base and covid rolled into town and the whole market crashed including spotify. you see that okay the bears believe that spotify would struggle with so many
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people stuck at home, no commute or demand for user i disagree, which is why we included spotify in the index with no live entertainment and sports on tv and no ability to hang out in a bar. we know that because on april 29th, the company reported a blowout quarter mere better than expected sales, better than expected earnings. premium subscribers going up while management's forecast was light. they lowered the full year revenue guidance and clearly doing a good job of coping with the pandemic the ceo spelled it out on the conference call saying new and reactivated monthly average users grew substantially even during lockdown periods in major markets and we believe this is a testament how engaging the platform and echo system is. he came on squawk on the street and said things that were similar and positive yet they benefitted from covid because the lockdowns discovered spotify
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while stuck at home. for the podcast business, they have more than a million of them on the platform, a million, you heard me the number one audio service for pod cast in dozens of countries around the world in the last couple months they got bigger on may 19th the stock caught fire you see this when the company signed a multi year exclusivity deal with joe rogan with one of the most popular pod casts in the world, spotify shelled out $100 million to license the joe rogan experience and unlike all the other times they invest in pod casting, they were rewarded. on that news the stocks surged over the course of the next two days and late last week we learned about two more deals, spotify signed kim kardashian for criminal just investigations crime stuff is huge. to produce and distribute an original slate like the old school radio place in response, boom, look at this stock up for the first time and
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keeps surging, new shareholder base right here. honestly, this reminds me of when netflix made that pivot to original content in 2011 remember, it took them years to make "house of cards." it cost a fortune. the shareholder base hated it but netflix said it was an opportunity too big to be ignored. it's up 3500% since the end of 2012 how is your s&p fund the bottom line, spotify is doing the same thing and now that the market is in the pod casting strategy which is great. what matters is subscriber growth as long as spotify can hit the numbers, if you have a huge gain because you listen to us and take something off the table, nobody got hurt taking a profit but let the rest run let's go to jack in texas. jack >> caller: boo-yah, cramer long time listener, first time caller shutout to the
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intelligent investors. i have a question for you about a mega cap stock google. what should i do for the long term >> you may see a change in ad revenue for some of these divisions, particularly youtube. i don't want to get too negative but the anti trust is a distraction. they have had this already once before hello? just bring out the usual suspects here. i am not considering it. my travel trust owns it, doesn't sell it. i feel terrific about it spotify has more upside. don't be greedy but they have really gotten it together. much more -- actually, they never did have it together the shareholder base didn't. much more "mad money" ahead. check point as you think about heading back to the office, i'm asking check point's software what cybersecurity's new normal will look like and it's not great. new highs with old favorites, i'm counting down the
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stocks that have recently hit new highs and giving you my take aways why that happened and all your calls, rapid fire tonight's edition of the lightning round is stay with cramer. at cdw we get you want happy, productive employees. well we've made our office pet friendly. [ bleat ] [ cooing ] maybe a little too pet friendly. well you know cdw can design a mobility solution with light powerful devices from lenovo to make your people more productive in or out of the office. anyone have any questions before we go? that's great cause i really need to get out of here. snake people are freaking me out. hey sheryl, you have a sec? -nuh, uh. can i find an investment firm with a truly long-term view that's been through multiple market cycles for over 85 years?
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with capital group, i can. talk to your financial professional or consultant for investment risks and information.
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ksecuritye one problem with the cyber secybersr they run a lot they play catch up even though it's a slower grower how about check point. this is a israeli play unlike the purest check point stock is down 4% for the year.
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it is practically valued trading at less than 16 times less got 4 billion in cash. could this be the safe way town vest in cybersecurity or is there a reason it hasn't caught fire it's check in with the founder of check point welcome back to "mad money". >> hi, welcome, good afternoon, i guess? >> okay. so gill, this move to home, this work from home, it's been one of the greatest thing that ever happened after the cyber bandits, isn't it? >> hey, i think it's been one of the biggest challenges that we all have i mean, it's a very, very big change in the way we work but it's a huge change for cyber and i think it exposes the attack surface in a way we've never seen before and what we are now busy is making our customers ready for what is behind us working from home and how do we get ready for the cyber pandemic that might, i hope it won't, but
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might attack us after the coronavirus pandemic we're facing right now. >> i was looking at your site. there is an incredible graphic that shows when i was watching, there was someone from the united states attacking korea and someone from korea attacking poland then there are multiple attacks on poland. is that real is that live is that what is happenhappening? that is happening in our world every second for the last few decades. servers in many, many countries attack computers in other countries and we are in a constant battle with them. we're seeing big increases right now in spite of the corona situation and i think our challenge is to prevent that and stop the attacks. >> you put out kind of a very for the general audience, a most wanted malware you put out a top ten basically
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of what are the ones happening right now. how is that a value to your customers? >> i think first we are -- first our system is protected automatically. it more value to our non-customers so they know what we need to protect it's very, very important to understand the trends. for example, for many times we see trends of, say, financial malware going up in the last few months we seen malware around the corona to mislead people into getting health information or getting government stimulus packages and when they do that, they are downloading by mistake spyware that might create an internal pandemic in the i.t. network. >> gill, there is no doubt about it you're the dominant player with a lot of banks, a lot of very smart hedge funds but you do not have the high double digit growth that a lot of your competitors have but you have
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more cash than that. do you think that you've been too conservative should you be buying some of these companies that can offer more to your customers i try and understand why the stock is lagged. >> i think one of the biggest challenges for any i.t. buyer today is the proliferation of too many solutions enterprises today in many cases use security products from 50 different vendors and that's impossible we're trying to console late architecture to reprovide the highest level of security. so now we're challenge not to buy more technology but actually to get high enough in the organization and convince the chief information security officers, the ceos, they can fight the attacks, yes, they can stop the cyber attacks and we don't have to sit there and see their networks being attacked every day. >> but what are you -- what do you want to do with the cash balance?
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do you think cash is king? other guys may spend too much and there's a change and that's when you might be able to pass >> so first cash we see the crisis and sounds like we are today but provides a lot of stability to us and our employ o yea -- employees and customers that will know we can by pass any crisis this is like probably the third if not the fourth crisis i face the ceo and we always came stronger for any crisis like that if we find the right opportunity, we'll easily have no doubt and a lot of smaller technology company if that helps, doing a lot of tech with our cash but having i think the cash we have around $4 billion in cash on our balance sheet i think is a great thing, especially these days. >> do you advice companies whether to use a particular video operator, we know ring has
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an offer, cisco, zoom, do you favor one or are you just whichever? >> personally, i like zoom it will change the world and our life and it's a great software other good ones, they provide different attributes like teams from microsoft and others. zoom, i know zoom has been under a lot of attack about it's security and so on it's a very solid software they are very serious about security and i think if you look at the digital transformation in general, it's really, really safe with this crisis. i cannot imagine going through this crisis when the entire world is faced with the situation that we've never seen before without the internet, without the teleconferencing software, without all the amazing things that the internet provides us. when i start to check seven years ago and felt the internet
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would change the world, imagine to which extent it would change our life. >> excellent you're the dean of the group fantastic conservative cash. and starting to grow a little faster i think that's great, gill ceo of check point software technology great to see you, sir. >> thank you very much with cnbc let me give you a look at what my friend scott has tonight. >> announcer: tonight at 7:00 p.m. is a return to school this fall in jeopardy already plus, contact tracing. is it key to controlling the virus? but it's not an easy task. find out why and the booming business of ppe vending machines all tonight at 7:00 p.m. with scott wopner
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there are times when our need to connect really matters. to keep customers and employees in the know. to keep business moving. comcast business is prepared for times like these. powered by the nation's largest gig-speed network. to help give you the speed, reliability, and security you need. tools to manage your business from any device, anywhere. and a team of experts - here for you 24/7. we've always believed in the power of working together. that's why, when every connection counts... you can count on us.
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it is time, it is time for the lightning round. buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell, and then the lightning round is over are you ready, ski daddy the lightning round. let's go to michael in massachusetts, michael >> caller: boo-yah big jim first-time caller here. >> okay. >> caller: unm group, is this a good investment? >> it has liabilities you don't want wow, gee i met with them a long time ago. they didn't do it split. stay away from them.
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there is hidden risks there. jason in california, jason >> caller: boo-yah from the city of oranangeles, how are you >> good. >> caller: ces. >> we had them on. it's a got company and a smart ceo. i'm there for that one let's go to christian in new york. >> caller: boo-yah always wanted to do that how are you? >> i like to do it, too. >> caller: my question is with the upcoming stocks in july, is all alibaba a buy? >> the chinese, we have disputes but there are companies in china doing very well with american style financials and alibaba is one. >> caller: i have a question for you. >> sure. >> caller: hey, jim, i'm a first-time caller, i'm 17 and i
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just got started about a month ago. >> okay. i've been interested in self-driving technology. what are your thoughts on yndx >> look, you're 17 and i'm not going to discourage anything that you want to do okay because i need you to learn. so i'm going to say that's fine. i have other ideas, i have them in my travel trust but a 17-year-old who is interested and done homework on that is okay with me let's go to joel in florida, joel >> caller: boo-yah jim. >> boo-yah, joel. >> caller: first-time caller big fan. i'm wondering your thoughts on caterpillar. >> caterpillar needs a very fast -- it needs an infrastructure bill and acceleration of our economy. it's very well run now it's not going to be like the old days back to 60/70 but i wish there was more to hang your hat on let's go to greg in louisiana,
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greg >> caller: boo-yah and happy father's day. >> thank you same good one what's going on? >> caller: i'm a ma leillennial investor, i'm up 70% on the clean energy from sun run. my question is do i let it ride or do i rotate -- >> you know what you know it better than i do i have not done enough work and one of the reasons why is because i say if you want solar, you buy tesla and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by t.d. ameritrade it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip.
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fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position. you two are all set. have a great flight. thanks. we'll see ya. ah, they're getting so smart. choose the app that fits your investing style. ♪
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like real bad. we can't wait to get you back so we've added temp checks, face coverings, social distancing and extra sanitizing to get the good times going again. we're finally back... and can't wait until you are too. sometimes, sometimes it's as simple as looking at the new high list. this market had an enormous run. 139 new highs on friday alone
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among companies large enough for me to discuss on the show. that's incredible when you consider how badly we got hit during the march meltdown. stocks from the s&p 500 hit a 52-week high and make sense of what is pushing them higher or momentum often correctly at stocks to this market. number one, regeneron that is working on a vaccine or get you out of the hospital more quickly. believer video game story with great products bio take speculation with many shots on goal and adobe were on the show, driver of e commerce you know it as everything you need to turn the country house and grow the best garden i get my apparel there, too. my big, big numbers here thanks to the counter urban trade six is whole logic we had on the show medical technology company with
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a fantastic diagnostic division and competitive covid test on the show many times cloud software play blowing the doors off opportunities as businesses move to digitize and transformed to mass in an incredibly short period of time. believer eight, clorox. when you have the products or allocation with sky high demand, i have mine like mad money when you have a new business partner with air launch and movie theater chains, you're a brand-new service company. they can go to europe with a huge covid winner. nine, microsoft is reinventing itself and play while maintaining dominance. i don't know how to value this one frankly other than it's a blue chip. it's not enough. do you think my travel trust wants to sell it no nasdaq, this used to be an exchange company, now it's data.
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financial tech play. 11 is amerisource. the loan value stock on the list drove ahold sellers seems cheap by comparison. maybe running on takeover speculation. i couldn't figure out on what it's doing 12 is apple. they had developers conference and the stock got a huge push this morning mistake to sell ahead of the 5 g cycle. a lot of peel bougople bought id own it, don't flip it. 13 we never talk about electronic design automation firms. someone clearly cares or it won't be on the high list. canes is a terrific company with 5 g. 15 is about the best medical instrumentation company on earth other than thermo fisher came down, buy 16 opportunity t-mobile. this is all about the sprint merger i think the combined company will be big. doesn't have a lot of sponsorship which means it can keep going and you might want to
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buy the 134 million shares that soft bank announced it's selling this evening 17 electronic arts and other video games stay at home trade 18, fantastic conductor. both downgraded. limited number of companies in the business don't sell 19, l lowes, the ceo whipping te home improvement center into shape. a lot of ground to make up against home depot the wind on his back i love the home improvement trade and lowes. next is paypal it would take a nuclear war head to keep this stock from going up with the exception non-of them are cheap. you don't get cheap up there however, they are seeing what is working now. would i chase them i prefer pull back i pounced down 5 to 7% on any one of these stocks and if that never happens, we'll just say you missed it. we'll find the next. stick with cramer.
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you are creating the future-- on the fly. and we are helping you do it. vmware. realize what's possible. can i find an investment firm with a truly long-term view that's been through multiple market cycles for over 85 years? with capital group, i can. talk to your financial professional or consultant for investment risks and information. you know apple stock was up big today? the same reason i spent two hours photographing a happy fat bumblebee on a plant because it's amazing they do amazing things and the scenical and skeptical got it wrong. it's great i like to say there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to find it for you on "mad money." i'm jim cramer and i'll see you tomorrow
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good evening, i'm scott wapner on day 176 of the coronavirus crisis and tonight a new warning about school in the fall a warning for parents and the economy. are schools really ready for kids to return >> by next week we'll be able to order from the table. plus, new york's grand reopening phase 2. another big knock on sports as more players on more teams test positive for the virus and meet a top virus detective trying desperately to aler


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