tv Mad Money CNBC June 29, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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final trade -- my mission is simple to make your money there is all a bull market somewhere and i promise to help your find it "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "34mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, my job is to educate, teach, call me 800-743-cnbc or tweet me @aat jim cramer. this market is a dog you can't tell it to stay.
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you can't fell it to roll over you can't get it to fetch. somehow people imagine there is discipline to the process that the action falls clear patterns. for example, when you get a spike of infections, the average is supported to get clobbered and that is what happened friday monday new ball game nasdaq advancing 1.20% the bulls look at the spiking number of covid cases next to the not spiking number of fatalities and figure we made real progress fighting this disease so buy stocks into any kind of weakness we almost got back to even on the dow because mortality rates look like they are dropping. they are buying recovery stocks, not stay at home stocks. if you believe the spike in infections isn't an issue you want to bail on the covid stocks
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too many states are gradually shutting down to write this off as no big deal more on the index later in the show what happened today? let's go over key parts. first, we have a reason that can actually be time stamped to turn around the market. this market was taking a helder this morning then we got a truly incredible pending home sales number. nobody was really looking for anything special but up 44.3% in may. that's outstanding at this point pending home sales are only down 5% year to date in one of the greatest recessions we've seen it was broad based up 44% in the northwest and 34% in the midwest and 43% in the south and 56% in the west that's pent up demand. second, there was an incredible balance to important stocks. nike got trashed when the company had a lot of excess inventory and thought it would sell off again given the disappoint nope people can't resist. it's too good a company.
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nike plunged from 101 to 93 on friday and smelled a bargain it's about the recovery of digital and strength developing as economies around the world reopened future is not the past rally is $2.20 same for facebook. all they could talk about is they are finished. pancaked friday after high-profile advertisers pulled the business siting controversies where the company refused to crack down ugly stuff. verizon over starbucks are leaving facebook the stock is slammed today buyers came back at the 207 level and roared to 220 when investors realized this won't dig the numbers according to jp morgan the rebound was stunning i know mark zuckerberg is a lightning rod but has a great business 8 million advertisers. the consumers haven't moved that aggressively in the numbers. that's why it's not dinged so bad. what else? goldman sachs boosted southwest airlines with a roar double up they think southwest will be the first to launch a comeback we know there are a ton of
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retail investors eager to buy the airlines on a hint of good news so they took the group along with of course their dop l ga dop l gangers the cruise line. boeing 737 max might finally get out of faa dog house testing for safety and there is a chance they might be flying it again by year end. steve said they completed day one of the test. so far, so good. maybe this plane comes around the same time we get a vaccine and air travel can bounce back there is more to come. as boeing goes, so goes honey well and general electric. we have honey well in the show today changing stripes there is rotation because they are clearly doing a better job of protecting high-risk populations from the virus i think we'll probably see significant uptick eventually. those numbers lag a few weeks but in terms of the mortality rate, it's not going to be as
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bad as the original outbreak in the northeast and that's terrific news. this rotation spurred by a host of industries given the back of this market's hand defense i like l 3 harris. autos, i like auto nation and tesla. tesla doesn't quit health care, senten, retail cost costco, tjx and dollar tree. the stocks were able to rebound despite the stress test. i am worried about the banks tonight wells fargo announced it will trim the dividend but on days they can rally it's fabulous for the market. more on that later nobody cared about chesapeake energy that would have turned the market upside down meanwhile, the price of crude finished strong allowing oil producers with good balance sheets to rally. think conco-phillips and chevron. remember last week we talked about the fourth of july trade according to larry williams, one of the greatest in the business if you bought stocks today four days before the holiday and
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flipped them after you made money 80% of the time the odds will get better over the next three days that's a nice tail wind. there is tons of charter good day we got good days coming up according to the larry williams' work when the recovery stocks roar, the stay at home stocks come back down. there is not a ton of new money coming into the market when money mangers buy something, they need to sell something to raise cash. they all got hammered because of the rotation these stocks have had huge runs. it's reasonable to take something off the table but they will come back to them what hasn't changed? speculators still love the story stocks the companies that are too small to mention on air that have been trafficked in endlessly by younger investors who can't seem to resist penny stocks and fantasy stocks i'm begging you don't do this. think about it any company set out to have a penny stock? never. i've studied this. there is one big-term winner
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from the penny stocks that i could find and that's been taken over no company files for chapter 11 bankruptcy the people that own the common stock get wiped out. rare occasions when they get something but typically that's not how things play out. that's a mistake to play around with hertz or chesapeake the odds are you'll be wiped out. if you need action, buy a good semi conductor company, amd or micron which just reported great numbers this evening and i've got the ceo tomorrow of micron on "squawk on the street." i get the appeal to the sing digit stocks i'm a big believer and the only one on tv that is but that's not what we're seeing. investors are taking $1200 and gambled it with the stock market because the casinos are closed and there are no games to bet on it's about day trading pick the right stock and get someone to take you out and you're a hero. they traded with the best for years. i liked day trading but i always
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knew the companies very well and i don't talk about day trading on this show i hate to see uninformed speculation and that's what we're seeing now the buyers have to abandon things that don't work instead, move to higher quality business that is much more legitimate prospects i don't see that p hahappening time soon. how is the company doing how much money does it lose? what's its track record? come on. the bottom line, we have a lot of encouraging signs but this market loves veering from one extreme to the other friday felt like the end of the world. tomorrow, who the heck knows let's go to dick in florida, please, dick >> caller: jim, hey, lumber has gone up 20% on the future's market the last few weeks. do you think warehouse is a good-bye at this time? >> no, i think it should have been a good-bye. i think it should have been done better i think it executed poorly i think the discontinuation of
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the dividend was a shocker and very disappointing let's go to dan in california, please, dan. >> caller: mr. cramer, you've made my dad and i great money over the last few years thanks to you. >> thank you. >> caller: when this company went public two years ago you compared it to fitbit and go proand warned us not to buy a hardware maker with amazon or google since then it's grown 20% a year cash flow positive and today boasts a sticky install base of 10 million households who on average own three devices. recently they began to monetize with the release of the radio opening up new and diverse sources of revenue on its platform. >> okay. >> this was all precovid when stay-at-home orders were issued this year, business went from good to great to company he vealed an vea -- revealed high margin and since
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made the may their product line is difficult to keep in stock since all channels. >> obviously, you're ahead of me the stock is down for the year i'm recommending spotify that is better stock i think you're making a good case for them. it's a stay at home stock. i like spotify because i thought people were using it at home we had an outside safe party you're okay. one of our places has it whatever i like your reasoning. today was very encouraging but remember, this market loves veering from one extreme to another. three months into the pandemic is the parent of burger king, popeyes still sizzling boeing completed the first test flight of the 737 max what does that mean for honey well i got the ceo and with some economies reopening and some on pause, i'm giving my covid-19
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i see all the amazing things you have been doing. you are transforming business models, and virtualizing workforces overnight. because so much of that relies on financing, we have committed two billion dollars to relieve the pressure on your business. as you adapt and transform, we're here with the people, financing, and technology, ready to help. ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ y-yeah ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ hey, hey
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company before covid came along. the climate control business is a separate company focussing an aerospace. it was a brilliant move. than the pandemic hit. the stock got crushed in february, march rebounding part of an awaken america rally once the thesis was called into question, they called hard i don't think it's understood. this is a tricky situation non-residential construction and two areas hit hard how does the company navigate its way through troubled waters? it adapts. the chairman and ceo of honey well and a better sense how his company is doing welcome back to "mad money." >> thank you, jim. nice to be back. good to talk to you again. >> good to talk to you it has to be a good day at honey well, even though you're no longer an aerospace company, it's good to see the faa giving boeing a bit of a green light, right? >> absolutely. it's great to see the flights taking place and we're confident
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that 737 max will get recertified again soon and the market felt the same we're certainly a fan of the aircraft and huge fans of boeing, as well. >> i think in someways that the aerospace controversy of boeing has hidden the transformation you're working on and i know your predecessor well. i think that it was your airplane as he told me but you are doing what i regard as the software transformation. you have an actual chart in your deck which shows you behind sales force and there is honey well so obviously, you're making a category shift of the first order. tell us about it. >> yeah, i think people don't really understand it we already have a long software heritage i mean, our software business both stand alone and embedded is well over $4 billion today so i think people think we're much more of a hardware company but in fact, we have a strong
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software business to build off of frankly, if there is a common thread throughout all honey well businesses, it's the fact that we're controls come whether controlling buildings or aircraft or industrial facilities, we're connecting to everything so we collect all the data today our control software is what's the. >> you -- glue that glue that ht together and we've been on that journey for a few years. this year the journey will be more challenging but the journey doesn't stop and we'll continue to drive that transformation and our forge platform, which is our industrial iot offering is going to continue to grow and even in this environment we expect it to grow. >> what struck me when i went through things is i don't think anyone else is doing what you're doing. i mean, your enterprise resource planning for industrial for plant, i don't think there's another company that competes
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with you. >> well, i mean, there's always players that play in certain segments but certainly in terms of the comprehensive scope and presence that we have, i mean, we are present in just about, if not all, nearly all process plants in the world. so that kind of installed base is something that we think is a huge advantage for us and frankly, we've developed a level of trust in our deep relati relationships with many customers now we're expanding that to more of the discreet environment. it's not just about industrial plants it's also about buildings and aircraft and warehouses which are building a huge presence in. it's a very exciting endeavor for us it's growing very quickly. we have a very talented individual leading it, and the best days are certainly very much still ahead of us. >> you have a lot of talent.
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i was listening to one of your lieutenants talk about some of the really unbelievable things you're working on. a battery that's non-lithium four to eight hour possibility i mean, that would be a total game changer for the whole world, no? >> no, we -- you know, actually, our materials business is working on a whole different solution to really renew and enable renewals to really take hold and the key part of that, jim, as you well know is economically viable energy storage. we think we have a solution that may change the game. it's still early we're not exactly bringing it out to the market today, but we are going to have prototypes before the end of the year and real customers next year this is just another area of innovation that we're bringing to the market and really enabling something that the entire world is trying to move to, which is renewable's. >> there is so much you're involved in but love the idea you can convert plastics into
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plastic oil. it might be the answer to what is going on in the big aisle in the pacific. >> well, i mean, i think we all -- we all have these things and we all drink from them on a daily basis but what are we going to do with that plastic? how do we renew and reuse it that's another set of solutions that we're working on in our renewable business is our newest business unit called renewable's and all these sustainable solutions for the globe and the great part is we have so much expertise and so much in this area already having already have a solution for green diesel, green jet fuel, these things are kind of -- have been on the back shelf for awhile and now we're seeing much more interest in those kinds of solutions than we ever had they are not new they exists and we've used them and done them and now we have energy storage we have renewable plastics those are all new areas of
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research and it's extraordinary exciting. >> very exciting let's talk about something you know better than anybody safety i know covid is very tough for everybody but you understood social distancing. you understood ppe you were incredibly benevolent to people but you made it feel like i can take a plane ride and it will be clean. >> yeah. i'm very proud of all of our associates and what they have done because i think we've -- honey well had a very big presence in the three phases of covid and i'll give you a very specific example phase one is the lockdown phase and we protected our medical workers through the protectiduc of n 95 masks and spun up two new facilities, one in rhode island and one in phoenix to really rescue the country in need when these n 95s were really impossible to get and now we're producing millions of them for weeks. so that's been exciting. now this middle stage, which i think is the stage between a
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full lockdown and a full complete medical solution, we're developing these healthy buildings offerings. healthy aircraft offerings, remote operations offerings which really will enable people to operate in a safe and healthy environment as we're in this kind of state. maybe the most interesting solution is when we finally get a final medical solutions, probably in the form of a vaccine, we now come up with a whole new storage rather than glass virals, which you probably know are in short demand right now which is cheaper, it's more durable and lighter than a glass vir vile we're talking to pharma how they can use it the world will need billions of these things very, very soon hopefully. >> i got to hand it to you i know dave a long time and he told me it was going to go in a new direction, not to worry
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about it and boy, are you taking it that way. i got dave on tomorrow for his book you should be proud. you've reinvented this company in a fast growing way. always great to see you, darrius. >> great to see you, jim thank you. >> thank you that's darrius, the chairman and ceo of honey well. m "mad money" is back after the break. i know that every single time that i suit up, there is a chance that that's the last time. 300 miles an hour, thats where i feel normal.
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the recovery stocks, you got to remember some of these stories are more substantial than others. there are generally trouble in the airlines definitely cruise lines. i don't think they are worth the risk but don't tell that to risky retail investors you have restaurant brands the parent of burger kings popeyes louisiana kitchen long-time favorite of ours and tim horton was published 100-day letter outlining where the company stands after more than three months of pandemic turns out in very good shape and if covid cases start spiking
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again, these are the chains that can do fine on takeout so let's take a closer look with jose, the ce, oco of restaurant brand the and what the future looks like for this industry is there any. welcome to "mad money". >> hey, jim, how are you doing great to be here. >> i'm thrilled you're on. i'm a huge fan from before you bought popeyes but i got to divide this interview into two because your letter is responsible both for what's happening in the world right now and you are really thinking about that and also your great tasting food and i want to start with incredible numbers with chicken. how are you able to beat last year's numbers when we're in a pandemic >> look, we are so proud of the work that our team and our fran chee -- franchises are doing with popeyes, burger king, tims and popeyes. on chicken, we launched our great tasting chicken sandwich last year in august and then as you well know we had to pull
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back because of a number of challenges including supply and then we relaunched it in november and it's been a big part of our menu since then. it's brought a lot of new folks into the business. a lot of folks that hadn't really tried popeyes or only tries it once every 30, 45 days because the bone in chicken being more of a meal for the family and it's more of a once a month type of occasion so the chicken sandwich brought in the regular daily qsr user for lunch, the single user and those folks are coming in and not just having the chicken sandwich. they are experimenting, exploring the entire menu, deserts and beverages and bone in chicken and sandwich. the business has grown it's fun to watch. i've been in the business 20 years. never seen anything like it. i've talked to a lot of folks that haven't seen it, either we're excited and we see it as an of tapportunity to continue grow and expand the brand from a standpoint here in the u.s. and
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create a tremendous opportunity for growth for the brand here in the u.s. and internationally it's exciting times at popeyes. >> classic innovation and we try to -- we forget how often you can be in an industry people think there is nothing new and crush. in the meantime, burger king not just because my wife says you have better fries than mcdonnelr done -- mcdonald's but the numbers. >> we've done great work with burger king and franchises and folks in the restaurants have done an incredible job working through the pandemic in the early days through takeout, delivery was a big part of the business we had been investing on digital. our dig taital teams developed a great app that connected well with the third party and now we're doing our own delivery through our own app and that's been -- the work that we did 18 months ago, two years ago and we've been working on through
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march was really insurantrumentn getting us going and hoped us come from minus 30 when the pandemic hit here in the u.s. for burger king, we kept creeping up and now we're right around flat which is a good place to be, not where we want to be long term. we think we can grow this business in the u.s. as we're growing internationally and we think we have a tremendous opportunity with b.k. but proud of the work the team is doing and the tech side of it is instrumental, delivery and off premise drive-through business which is part of our business for the last 40 years. >> profit margin on the takeout and delivery. >> profit margins are getting better all the time. the delivery with third parties, we see there is an opportunity for improvements there we've been working with the third party delivery companies and so it's gotten better all the time and it's a increai
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inmental business. plus the improving margins is a win win for the franchises. >> definitely travels well, too. we had impossible on last week loves you guys i know that's got to be a different line it must be very hard to make but there should be demand or you wouldn't be showing it. >> yeah, we have -- we're doing well with impossible we had it in since august of last year. we tested it for quite sometime. we kicked it off and launched it in st. louis back in april of '19. created quite a stir and since we've had it in the restaurants full-time sinc abouts, it's highly increate mea and women have tried it. it's a platform that has room for growth for quite sometime and we continue to invest behind it, digital as well to create trial and get people to come in and try the amazing product. tastes great
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it hard to distinguish i've converted to the impossible a couple times a week. >> i switched, too i know it's gmo and my kids don't like that but i switched i love your impossible i think it's fantastic let's talk about other stuff you addressed this head on i wish more companies were doing what you did you talked about the change in tone you needed in advertising you talked about taking the colors and flavors and preservatives there are artificial out of the whopper. you talked about social justice at the workplace why are you doing this and why shouldn't more people do it? >> look, jim, we're doing this because it's important to our teams. it's important to our franchises and our guests the things we're doing around sustainability and making progress on cleaning our ingredients and the whopper being 100% clean and we're working on the rest of our menu for burger king doing the same
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with popeyes and tim horton's, as well. it's important to our guest. it's not that someone put this idea up in a laboratory or rnd facility and said we need to do this and move on it's really important to our guests and we're a brand-led company, ultimately what drives our direction and our priorities is what the guest is looking for. this is really important to them they want transparency and great tasting food that's also real and authentic. that was important for us. and we kicked off our restaurant brands for good in december and now we're talking more about it. we have the platform laid out in our website and there will be a lot of cool news on that for burger king coming up soon we've done the same with tim hortons and popeyes with packaging. that's important for us and as it relates to diversity and inclusion, again, our perspective, my perspective is that to create the type of company we want to create, a company that builds the most-loved restaurant in the
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world. you have to have teams that are engaged and connected and really want to be part of something much bigger than them and having a diverse perspective and set of views in the team makes us better makes us stronger and as a result, we put that front and center of our game plan and our priorities for the company we've made progress. we prioritized gender initially, not quite where we need to be but we made progress with hires and promotions with women and now we're prioritizing race and lgbtq and others it's important for us as a company to do the right thing because it will make us better and stronger and that's why we're focussing on it. >> you bet it is this other should listen to you, sir. when you do the right thing, you do well by shareholders. thank you so much to jose, ceo of restaurant brands international. great to meet you, sir. >> great to meet you.
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two months ago we created the covid-19 index it's a group of stocks that worked during the shutdown in the first wave of the pandemic we updated the index and i told you to hang on to covid stocks when the virus was on the ropes and the economy was rapidly improving. we got outbreaks with new cases higher than any point during the first wave, huge states like
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texas and florida started shutting down again and that means the cramer covid-19 index is back even as it got hammered today as part of a short-lived rotation back to the recovery place that could continue tomorrow we had good numbers. some good numbers from micron. i wish it hadn't come to this but you play with the hand you're dealt and this hand is straightforward. since we adjusted the index, it rallied 6.4% meanwhile, the dow is up 4.6, s&p up 3.3%. nasdaq 100, both rallied 5.8 4.8% of the same period and after that big rally today which is exactly what you'd expect with the pandemic spiraling out of control when you look at the biggest winners in the index, they are overwhelmingly tech companies that help facilitate the stay at home economy zoom video, spotify, z scale or
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docusign and the trade desk, square, peloton down today because they didn't buy mirror lots of cybersecurity and e commerce enablers. i want to make a few more changes to the index specifically we're adding vm ware, son jay helping us on that take you places backs through international and kellogg. why these three? last time around we removed the index arguing we didn't need baxter in the same business but the pandemic is here to stay for the next few months. they simply have too much exp e exposure to surgeries that will be delayed as hospitals around the country focus on treating covid patients plenty of health care stocks that work here we're going to dump smith kline. i figured it would be safer than
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big pharma but it's not enticin many they are working on a covid vaccine but we don't need both there is kellogg, we have eight packaged food companies in the index and half are negative territory. we got to cut one. they had pet food kickers. better snacking and conn ag is on fire and kellogg have not kept up. they are disappointing what about the three new additions. the m wear is obvious. cloud king and cloud stocks are consistent winners vm makes the cloud possible by letting you run multiple virtual machines on a ink single server cheap on an earnings basis the subsidiary of dell dell floated the idea of spinning it off. reminds me of paypal before it was spun off by e bay. remember that opportunity?
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these guys vastly. i mean, it's the next generation content delivery network i don't feel like calling it a cdn so much better than that it means they help ensure everything works smoothly over the web. i wish i included it in the original index because it's the hottest stock in the market. i didn't realize how good the story was until we put the ceo on a month ago wow. since then the stock surged 81%. i think it may need to cool down some or maybe that was the cooldown this afternoon. but it's too important to be left out of the cramer covid index. "the new york times" stripe among other great customers really good reading by the way if you go to see stuff they are up to. third, with the virus resurging and states going into partial lockdown, we need more against the economic chaos which brings me to the minor created by gold corp we just spoke to the ceo two weeks ago. he let out a conservative strategy whether or not gold prices keep roaring. so with those adjustments out of
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the way, one of the most enticing stocks in the covid-19, i know you want this the problem with the covid stocks many have run up dramatically even with the virus spreading like wildfire, there is only so much upside you can squeeze out of a zoom video or docusign or peloton. this is a good time to pick among the highest quality laggers in the covid index blue chip stocks that are down over the last couple months because they are not sexy enough for market that's fallen in love with speculation and robin hood trackers and people coming in from out of our business and saying hey, listen, stocks only go up as the virus spreads in parts of the country go back into lockdown, these beaten down blue chips will look more attractive through the rotation that lasts for three days. we're day one. as of this past weekend, there were 28 names of the index down since we put this list together in april of that 28, i can give you a dozen i'm enthusiastic about
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right here there is crown castle a real else state investment trust that owns cell phone towers 3% yield we hear from them tomorrow night. there is an idea, huh? second, united health unh. the benefit from covid because hospitals postpone procedures that would ordinary ily cost an arm and a leg. third is proctor and gamble. when the recovery plays were in style, nobody cared about the consumer package good plays but the recovery is on ice again fourth, these guys, why should i put them in to begin with? the frozen food aisle is dominated by them. states shut down and restaurants, hey, jersey we were going to open our restaurants inside uh-uh. we'll have them on the show tomorrow, too. what a show we have tomorrow fifth -- how i find out about the show, this stuff fifth, campbell's soup we spoke to the ceo two weeks
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ago. what a story hey, come on get off the -- stop buying royal caribbean already. sixth, barrett gold. we like gold here as insurance against economic chaos seventh, verizon among the west performers but an incredible stable business. another safe haven is covid cases keep exploding and interest rates are low walmart, sam's club is kicking butt retailers that have the scale to survive during this difficult period and take market share through the competitors. walmart is the best of them as the stock pulled back hard from the highs in mid april best retailer in the world not named amazon look at this company ninth, i can't believe how out of favor this has fallen even though micron reported great numbers tonight. this company sbis better than al and treading water for two months you have to send a floatty out for it the data center and take share from intel
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stocks pulled down 15% this one, that one is a buy. all right. 10, 11, j and j and pfizer worth doubling down on we don't have that right now we're all busy buying norwegian cruise there is the worst performer in the index. this is incredible cnc run by michael this is a health insurance play that specializes in a government sponsored plan they can lose a lot of business if the trump administration succeeds to overturn octobebamae they have their bases covered. poll after poll, it could be a winner bottom line, as the pandemic flairs up again, get ready after the industrial rotation ends to circle back to the blue chip covid stocks way off their highs. that's what offers the best risk reward i love a rotation. they throw out the good and buy the bad and change their mind two days later mad mad is back after the break. let me give you a look what
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are you ready ski daddy? steve in new jersey, steven? >> caller: hi, mr. cramer, thank you very much for taking my call. >> you're quite welcome. >> caller: what should i did with financial services? >> square or paypal. both are better even though both are coming down. craig in texas, craig? >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah >> caller: okay. i have a descent profit in lockheed martin. should i buy more? >> it didn't take what is coming and gains made us so much money in american tower. don't you touch that stock other than to buy. david in texas, david? >> caller: jimmy, how are you, sir? >> doing well. how about you? >> caller: good. you and i are about the same age. we've seen well over 100 cowboy eagle games. a ben hawkins boo-yah.
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>> i guess i saw the cowboys play the eagles at franklin field in '64. yet bob haze, he caught a pass he's still running what's going on? >> caller: still running jimmy, i'm a first-time caller, long-time fan, read all your books. >> thank you. >> caller: actions alert member. >> fantastic >> caller: i do want to say thank you to you and your staff for everything you do. >> staff is fabulous thank you. >> caller: jimmy, i have a question i have recently added colgate to my portfolio and i'm looking for something to add to the other end of the barbell and i'm looking and i want your opinion on union pacific. >> i've thought long and hard. you've been reading my mind. it should be on the other side of the barbell great stock. we had them on so many good things happening there. leg into that stock, sir you do well and thank you for the incredibly kind comments let's go to jeff in my
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daughter's hold home state of oregon, jeff >> caller: hey, jim. i want to give a boo-yah shoutout to wall street's best how are you today, my man? >> good. how about you? >> caller: i'm doing fantastic i wanted to talk to you about gap. what do you think is going to happen with gap? >> kanye, that was a big signup for them and i think people will go back and look maybe it goes to 15 but not beyond that. why? it's in too many malls i saw simon properties declares divide dividend, had to trim it a little bit i'm not a big mall guy what can i say john in new york, john >> caller: jim bo. a big time boo-yah. >> now you're talking. i like that. spirited what's happening >> caller: my man, i'm a first-time caller and i love the show and energy you bring to us every single day. >> i sure try, man i'm aching today had too good a time this
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weekend. >> caller: i held the stocks since the markets marched low and after watching the ceo on your show i felt more confident this company could be one of the first that develop a vaccine last week the stock went on an absolute tear with the department of defense versus 900 devices to the military totaling 16.5 million and giving another 71 million to help square the manufacturing of the device. this week the company should be announcing results from the stage one human trials, the name of the company is -- >> down a block from where i grew up, that's how i know them. all those things are very true but anything you do with biotech are high risk before they do announce anything caching. i want you playing with the house's money and promise me you're going to do that tomorrow tim in michigan, tim >> caller: hey, jim, know you're just trying to make me some money but i consider you a friend.
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>> i like that thank you. >> caller: the dividend has no deck, doesn't have really a phenomenal growth, i'm wondering is weis market >> it's very nice. it good. you have a good one there. it's not going to shoot the lights out but that's good that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritra ameritrade well have you tried thinkorswim? this is totally customizable, so you focus only on what you want. okay, it's got screeners and watchlists. and you can even see how your predictions might affect the value of the stocks you're interested in. now this is what i'm talking about. yeah, it'll free up more time for your... uh, true crime shows? british baking competitions. hm. didn't peg you for a crumpet guy. focus on what matters to you with thinkorswim.
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>> did we get a glimpse of a bleaker future last week when we were told some banks could fail so they need to cut dividends? did we get a taste of things to come when wells fargo said they had to cut dividend but not how much this is a total wakeup call. the bank is the achilles heel of the market when the market is up on a day like today despite the declining economy or spike in covid, there is nothing to do with each other. almost a total disconnect but it may not be permanent what could force this market to reckon with reality. on july 14th we get earnings from major banks, wells fargo,
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citi group and j.p. morgan they had good earnings for ages. j.p. morgan plunged from 141 to 93 citi group from 83 to 50 wells is cut in half 54 to 25. they all traded lower when the market fell apart in march now i suspect that each of these banks will report something people dislike j.p. morgan by the trading division but would be viewed as a huge negative. citi has a terrific credit card business and defaults like we saw in the paper today i'm expecting poor performers by a host of loans and decision to announce a cut of size this evening sure did make me feel warm and fuzzy when you see a yield that's as high as that of wells going into the session, it's a sign it's in danger and sure was. for the banks, the payments are a sturdy crutch that prevented stocks from getting anallatnihi
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and the banks are the glue because they involve credit. it can't be helped there is no cordening off the damage from the financial system if credit goes awry. why am i so certain these dividends could be at risk even more than we heard tonight a lot of people can't pay their bills. what happens when you stop paying rent? happens when you stop making mortgage payments or credit card payments you default and banks lose money. the ex petended $600 a week unemployment have kept people afloat the huge office landlord said 98% of office tenants paid rent this month but boston properties doesn't cater to small to medium size businesses in trouble here. they are not trying to collect from individuals that lost their jobs there is no threat of eviction but the shopping centers and health care and hotel not good at all i'm very worried about what the banks will say when they report in a couple weeks. maybe the fed gets fickle and says we don't care what you guys say. we're telling you dividends are
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suspended and that's my biggest worry. the good news, when the bank is away the cats will play. we have 11 business days to trade. remember, last week larry williams put out this historically is a terrific week to buy stocks for a short term trade. with the banks reporting in mid july and speculation everywhere i look, the next one may be a great week to sell stick with cramer. this is decision tech.
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