tv Mad Money CNBC July 29, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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app since you were talking about it. >> is the store open. >> -- >> it opens for me nxpi reported this week and i think the stock is dheep here. >> thank you for my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, i'm just trying to make you money. my job is to entertain and teach you so-call me at 1800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer you know why so many bears keep getting this market wrong?
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it's the fed on a day where the fed presented the monthly heati lly meeting, surprise we heard endless chatter how the stock market is in a bubble of the fed's making. after a good day, the dow gained 160 points and nasdaq fell to 1.35%. you need to know that i think this is totally nuts yeah, right. the all powerful fed created an environment where equity is the only asset class worth owning and bonds are for suckers. it's our central bank with the illuminati and free masons i'm sick and tired of hearing we're in a bubble that the feds over inflating the price of stocks by printing money to keep the economy moving believe it or not, there is more
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to the economy than the federal reserve and certainly more to the stock market first, i'm not saying the fed doesn't matter of course, it's important. they could raise short-term rates to five and that could crush the stock market that would make the bears happy. i can hear them coming on air and praising the fed for giving investors a reasonable al tern ti -- alternative but do you believe they would be good for any asset classes or higher rates would produce more jobs or a better economy of course not. they would put millions of people out of work and for what a better return from cds there is something worth fighting for let me be crystal clear. the bears money managers that want rate hikes don't care about any of this collateral damage. their are talking their book, people hey, i was a money manager i hear them. i know what they're doing. they missed out on the rally and they need stocks to go down or
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else their stocks will go out of business it's about marketing, people end of story there is no rational reason to raise interest rates with double digit unemployment and inflation. of course, they insisted inflation is about to start raging after that $2.2 trillion stimulus package we've been hearing the same story since 2009 oh, yeah, inflation is always just on the horizon. all the smart guys come on and tell us about it it never seems to arrive the bears have a smattering of history on their side. they argue the fed needs to take away the punch bowl before people get carried away and say it's hard to stop. they forget a deflation narcoticnarcotic spiral is equally as hard to stop and that's what i'd be worried about in a recession deflation makes everything you own worthless. the inflation is worse we got enough problems we don't need to add a collapsed economy to the mix because the purest don't think the fed should keep
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rates low. again, there is no serious argument for tightening in the middle of the slow down. the fed tried that in 1937 by the way and caused a recession within a depression. why would anyone want to repeat that mistake other than get things down to make a lot of money and market themselves as good money managers? second point, there is only so much the fed chief can do to keep the economy from collapsing and scotty, that legendary stock trader, jay is giving her all she's got. his decision to buy some bonds to keep companies afloat including cruise lines was absolutely brilliant and yes, did he really buy the bonds? no get the point. sure, we had a number of high profile bankruptcies since the pandemic got started but most were in trouble before we started, j. crew, brooks brothers, they were doing badly in a descent economy powell is trying to keep healthy businesses afloat until moderna or pfizer or astrazeneca can come up with the much loved
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worshipped vaccine the bears would love the approach that forced carnival and norwegian cruise into chapter 11 wiping out stocks to profit from the decline. same with the airlines shorten american let it go under without the backstop plus secretary mnuchin's work, nobody in their right minds would lend the company. you save the companies save the jobs. it should not be controversial other than to the heartless econoberars. to let the industry go under is a bad idea i don't think paowell is causing a bubble he's being prudent recognizing many companies are turned upside down and doesn't want employees to pay for it. he he's effectively bailing companies out but people in food lines, people starving, i don't want some money manager making a fortune because while people
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starve it's not right it's very russia by the way. third, let's take the idea of the bubble head on, not the bubble head. i'm not talking about this this bubble head i'm talking about taking the bubble head on if you study the history of the market or as you simply as old as i am represented by this, the fed has repeatedly been accused of creating asset bubbles but the market is a few percentage points from the highs watching zoom wear a mask and we can't believe here it is happening again, money being made. what exactly is this thing that's happening have the markets truly failed us during this period sure, individual stock pickers isolated big winners are they too big did the investors charge it? did the fed do qualcomm?
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no, not jose cue rrrvo. it's interesting we have to budget trillion dollar tech companies and insist they have practices, not an asset bubble it's the fed sister, mother, sister, mother, the best of the brain yaks doing what they do best, attempted domination because they shouldn't throw the game, should they they should say well, let's just throw the fourth quarter you know, spike the ball no when i look at these winners in this period, i see companies with very smart executives that are simply great at what they do many of them have gotten a huge boost from the pandemic. it's not jay powell's fault am s amsam amazon is the best way to buy things when stocks levitate, you can
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say where else is the money supposed to go the fed is taking away alternatives wrong. there are high yielding stocks that are okay that you can buy it's a question you got to do homework you don't need to be that creative to find something safe for the 5% yield but you have to actually open a book or whatever, a cyber book of course, the dividend stocks aren't the ones roaring here instead, the winners are stocks of companies delivering huge earnings growth and giving us encouraging forecast we heard that from amd and starbucks, a pair of great companies with the travel trust you can follow by joining the club and they did something they wouldn't do before. they gave us guidance. reinstated and that's what is causing this rally reinstated guidance, confidence, not jay powell with low interest rates but american companies with a higher forecast we didn't account on the bottom line, go ahead. you can call it a bubble you can call it anti trust i don't care i call it the fed not choosing to destroy the entire economy
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for no good reason the fed could tighten to please the bears and make a lot of money so they get big houses in the hamptons, i just like decide to punch myself in the face. why don't you put your money together in a big pile and light it on fire and stuff it in the chi chimn chimney? sounds like a bad idea please remember, most of these people making this argument need stocks to go down to make big money so they can dominate and get really better houses than you have in the hamptons and unlike the ford titans who were grilled today, they don't care how it happens or how many people will be hurt by their actions and wishes let's go to george in minnesota, george >> caller: hi, jim. >> hi, george. >> caller: i was wondering how you feel about cliff stock. >> no, no, we're not buying --
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if you want to buy the maetals, buy gold i know iron, people say we're short on ire. actually, i get that we're actually short nickel but that's valet and i would never recommend valet. go for the highest quality we own the precious which is gold dick in virginia, dick >> caller: hi, jim i wanted to talk to you about kodak and the yield that went down. >> right. >> caller: you know, the stuff was $2 and got as high as $6 today and closed $33 so the government came along and gave them a loan of $765 million and out of that, they are going to create 350 jobs so each job if i divide that, each job is worth $2.2 million and divide that over the 25-year loans, say it's worth 90,000 the numbers don't add up.
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>> sometimes the market, the actual mechanism of the market fail because there is not enough stock, there's not enough flow people are short if you look on robin hood you'll see the kodak was the largest of the stock that they had in their leader board of popularity changes. there was just too many buyers came in at once and became a free for all are market as joke no at times they don't work and kodak doesn't work i know that peter navarro and people in the white house who want to be able to make it so that we make pills in this country are doing the right thing. was this the right company to do it the stock wasn't ready for it and it's the way, it's the mechanism that breaks. gary in texas, gary? >> caller: boo-yah jim. >> boo-yah. >> caller: i'm calling because i have a love, love, love for
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alaska air at this point in my life, i'm interested in income and capital preservation and i see alaska air is having one of the best balance sheets in the industry. >> it doesn't have income or capital preservation, sir. it's an airline. look, i know it's a great airline and it was in the old days, remember it was by far the best but now airlines are all -- i mean, the quarantine situation is hurting. remember, almost anywhere you go, you got to spend the first two weeks doing absolutely nothing like when i had to live in the pool house and my wife brought me food and put it in front of the door. that was some vacation you got to remember, you can't really go anywhere without being an a quarantine, particularly if you're from the united states of the america. don't listen to the bears. the fed did the right thing. on "mad money" tonight, americans with diabetes and related health conditions are 12 times more likely to die of covid-19 than those without it i'm talking to the ceo to
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dexcom they don't they let them do more the heads of amazon, apple testified today. i'll tell you why i am praising the companies and again, it's one of the big housing winners don't miss my sit down stay with cramer >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money," follfollow o twitter. have a question, tweet cramer #madtweets send jim an email to or give us a call at 1800-743-cnbc. ss something head to save hundreds on your wireless bill
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>> some stocks, they just don't know when to quit. take a look at dexcom, the medical device company for diabetics that lets you keep track of your blood pressure without pricking your finger a dozen times a day. this stock doubled from the march lows we love this from 25 in part, because people are taking -- oh, it's at 400. they are taking their health much more seriously. diabetes is a risk factor for covid. i hate when a company runs too much in earnings you don't want it to come in too hot. doxcom had a number up a 45 cent beat off a 45 cent basis and more than double the number they were looking for and reinstated their guidance even if this incredible results, the stock closed up 2%
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they have more room to run don't take it from me. let dig deeper with the executive chairman, president and ceo of dexcom to get a better sense of the results. welcome back to "mad money." >> it's good to be back, jim i thought i'd show you my dexcom mask and then we can get on with it. >> it's great. i'm a big believer in masks. if everyone wore one we should shut this down quickly thank you. >> i'm well aware of that. >> think thought this was the quarter you would miss and the reason i say that, there are a lot of different things that happened in health care that have been shut down including things you need to do because of covid. obviously, your device is so important, people still went and got it in fear of covid. >> it is that important and patients depend on this to manage a very dangerous condition where you're delivering insulin several tieme
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a day to control your diabetes and without the proper information they can't make the right decisions. we're embedded in the diabetes culture and patient population many patients don't know what to do without it. and so it important we have technology and added new patients, also. >> there have statistics that show that 40% of the people that expired from covid-19 were diabetic a staggering number of people in this country, a huge percentage have type 2 diabetes. >> a very large number have it it's a prevalent condition and also one that is growing and one that needs to be managed early on and hopefully, we can delay some of the complications or even some of the more expensive treatments we have to do over
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time and that's one place where we're spending a lot of time doing research and learning is how to better manage people with type two d two diabetes that aren't on insulin yet. it's a big future growth area for us. >> you know we have been featuring endlessly livongo and one of the reasons why we have is because they seem to have a very good relationship with dexco dexcom. >> they do we work with livongo well. we want to get our data incorporated one way to manage a patient with type two bdiabetes, they can get the 288 readings we have a day to the patients, that's a huge win. >> one thing you talk about besides livongo relationship, you distinguish and a lot of
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this is through three buckets. the people who go to the drugstore to get it, the people that go to the hospital who get it and the people who seem to find out about it from medicare. but it's this drugstore, let's say, drugstore method of getting dexcom that's crushing it. i've never seen a drugstore be that corporative or helpful, what is going on >> well, one of the things we had to do, jim, one of the things we learned, we need to meet our patients where they are and our patients go to the drugstore for insulin and other medications on a regular basis the easiest way to get product to the patients is through the drugstore. we work hard with the payer network across the u.s. to get reimburse through the departments so patients can go there and pick up the product and not onlyit an advantage through the pharmacy,
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we have made it much easier for patients to get and use the technology that's our preferred channel over time. >> well, i mean, how about, what do we do about in the hospital covid-19 patients using dexcom you address that in the conference call but it wasn't sure the relationship. >> well, it's been very interesting. we got, if you will, an emergency approval or a waiver to use our product in that environment where we're not currently labeled and embarked on what i would call a journey to get our technology into that environment and we learned many things along the way it a little different dealing with the emergency room staff and icu staff and we had to learn about i.t. systems in the hospital as we transmit data to make sure we're secure but the bottom line is we solved two very important problems there. first of all, we make it much easier for the health care workers. they use much less equipment and don't have to go in the room as often and expose themselves to
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these patients because we can monitor them in the hole way and put a sensor on the patient and use the follow app to look where the patient is we're helping in that area but also helping better control for these patients it's very apparent in everything i read this virus appears to have an e if he can on the pancreas and diabetes and respiratory problems becomes an issue. if you have a reading every five minutes or alert or alarm someone is too high or low, they can control the diabetes aspect or glucose aspect of these patients and then deal with the respiratory issues, as well. we had great success. >> kevin, i know we have to wrap things up, but i wish that the medical community knew what you just said. i think it's catch as catch can. i was looking into the literature about whether i could find something about what they
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are doing with people with diabetes and the answer was i couldn't we're waiting for the article. i wish you could get doctors to write the article so people don't think it's just respiratory. it's not it vascular. >> they are coming. >> we need them. the doctors don't know we still don't know enough kevin sayer, chairman and ceo of dexcom with a remarkable quarter that should have been bad but turned out to be fantastic great to see you, sir. >> thank you, jim. >> this remains one of the great stories, unfortunately, of our lifetime not because i don't like kevin but because we can't stop diabetes "mad money" is back after the break. apps are used everywhere...
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except work. why is that? is it because people love filling out forms? maybe they like checking with their supervisor to see how much vacation time they have. or sending corporate their expense reports. i'll let you in on a little secret. they don't. by empowering employees to manage their own tasks,
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hearings al b alphabet, amazon and facebook are the best things the american economy has going for it are there real issues? of course. they abused market power against businesses that use the platform, merchants and app developers and facebook owns instagram which means they dominate social media. alphabet has google which means they practically own the whole search category. there is a world with a discussion how to regulate the big tech platforms but unfortunately that doesn't seem to be this world today's hearings feel like an opportunity to rake the ultra rich over the coals. who can avoid it sure, congressman david sicily portrayed them as goliaths, destroyers of the hopes and cre dreams of the davids in the countries. take a listen. >> many of the practices used by these companies have harmful economic effects
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they discourage entrepreneurs p entrepreneurship, take shjobs simply put, they have too much power. >> that's one way to look at it but not my way i'll reframe this discussion let me ask you what does america do well? how are we competitive in the rest of the world? we're certainly not winning any prizes in public health. most of the manufacturing sectors spent decades being gutted by foreign competition particularly from the prc. we used to be a leader in aerospace until the most popular plane started falling out of the sky, the 737 max has been ground for the over a year if it gets clearance to fly again you can't call that a triumph of american ingenuity. nobody wants an economy led by banks and not after the financial crisis and by the way, you should not own the banks right now just a bad moment for them we had a huge service economy but for the most part, you can't export services. we're very good at making drugs and medical technology that the fraud because in the rest of the world they have
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price controls we're still good at technology, thou though we've lost some ground but there is tech, semi conductors where america is the top dog but most importa importa importantly, the parts of the industry facebook, amazon, apple and alphabet first, amazon. we may know how much power amazon has over third party retailers. tells you that amazon has real competition and we like that shopfy for 1,000 points and look, there is no denying they made themselves essential in place of the economy i tell you amazon saves lives by keeping prices low but that's actually exhibit a predatory pricing. so maybe not the best defense. second, alphabet owns search, no question but the search business loses value which is what i expect to maybe tomorrow washington dislikes google's
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power. washington dislikes the lack of power. with amazon and a big push into advertising, that's real competition. the fact that companies can live and die buy google's algorithm is suboptimal and they keep the algorithm secret to keep companies from gaming the system that ruins the user experience they fund huge blue sky investments in health care, autonomous driving, artificial intelligence that's what we want. for facebook, of course they dominate social media. give them a break. this whole industry tends towards natural monopoly the whole point is everyone is on them. instagram shop is the single greatest job creator during the pandemic it's the cheapest way to reach customers in your area. with the chinese owned tiktok reeking havoc on facebook, it's time for the government to look at tiktok. last, applement let
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without apple we would not be using american made phones everything else from any scale is from china, south korea or japan like tvs you have an american tv? no, we don't make them the app store created more than 2 million jobs is it predatory? apple taking a 30% cut off sales is excessive but i have news, without the app store you have no sales i'll give apple 30% rather than give them 100% of nothing. here is how i look at it at every other industrialized company as so-called national champions. these are companies that let them compete worldwide and their governments bend over backwards to give them an edge in a globalized economy, maybe america needs to national champions of its own i have four of them. i nominate facebook, am sazon, apple and alphabet that's a good start. i got a fifth. let throw in microsoft for good
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measure. let speak to jack in pennsylvania, jack >> caller: hi, jim my son jack has a question for you. here he is >> caller: boo-yah jim i just finished one of your books. can't wait to read the next one. >> i got seven of them go to work. >> caller: all right i got to talk to you micron technology. >> right okay here is the problem with micron. i got the semis, corvo going crazy tonight. that's a joke. we got qualcomm going crazy. i think broad com. that the right better than micron that's your play i would say invidia. amd, well, the companies in the hot seat happen to be the best things they got going in the u.s. economy
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alphabet, amazon, apple and facebook are my heroes much more "mad money" after this infrastructure was interrupted by the pandemic but does martin marietta remain on the road to profit one of the few canadian cannabis plays that is close to turning a profit the stock took a hit after earnings i'm sitting down with the ceo of the informed canadian company because they had shopify on the closing bell and see how they are fairing and rapid fire tonight's edition of the lightening round stay with cramer blatch
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. >> when martin marietta materials, concrete, asphalt declines to give guidance. the stock gets crushed the results were astonishing the company delivered slightly higher than expected sales they earned $3.40 per share and wall street was looking for $3.03. even better, i love commentary turns out conditions were far better than feared, residential construction is on fire and data centers in the weakness non-residential construction there were concern about big infrastructure projects being interrupted by the pandemic and use light traffic to get much-needed road work done martin marietta, this is totally reasonable give you a forecast so many moving parts more states need to shut down. the next round of stimulus timely and big enough to matter? we don't know. the company said they would reinstate guidance when they have more visibility the stock plummeted to 7%
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yesterday but inched back up today. could this be the rare chance to get into a stock that has rallied nearly 70% from it's march lows let's check in with the chairman and ceo of martin marietta material to get a better read where his company is headed. welcome back to "mad money". >> great to be with you again. i'm sorry i'm not with you today. >> same here, ward you do such a terrific job what i wanted to try to get at was to me, given the businesses you have, there is just always a lot of things that are working i mean, it was interesting non-residential but warehouse data center good, housing good and a lot of the different states are using this moment to do a lot of road work. >> jim, that's exactly right what we saw during the quarter to your point we actually turned in the safest half year we ever had in the history it was the most profitable half year we ever had in our history
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and i fish sefficiencies and lo cost how becausing housing will do well and we're seeing gasoline taxes have come back to within 6% of where they were precovid and and the days and healing notions to the side of construction right now but i have to tell you, i was incredibly proud of our team and the performance they put in in the second quarter and first half. >> well, there are states out there you dominated and that sound like there is so much good happening that i was worried about. north carolina, i mean, that is just a place where a lot of business is being done. >> well, it is a lot of people are moving to
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north carolina the population trends are enormous and here is the big change that we saw in that state when we were talking in q 1, we were anticipating properly $600 million worth of bidding activity in fy 21, which has just begun and now north carolina dot has estimated they will have about $1.3 billion worth. north carolina is an important stand state f state and so is colorado and colorado is issuing significant bonds in that state to continue construction up and down the i-25 corridor, which is home to well over 80% of the population there. but what's important, too, are states like texas. that's our largest state by revenue. they got a lending schedule of $7.1 billion for the fiscal year that's going to start on september 1. very much in line with where they were in the previous year and keep in mind, jim, they got a nearly $10 billion rainy day fund that right now looks like they might not even have to tap. so where you are in this
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business, the states in which you choose to do business and msas in the states you locate really drives the success of a business like ours. >> let's talk about florida. florida is always big. florida doesn't have any actual stone in is it, doesn't it don't you have to bring everything down and own the market there is no mom and pop outfit you're competing against. >> you have a bsituation they have limestone but not granite you need granite to make hot mixed asphalt in the most efficient way and something with good anti skid stopping for all the cars that stop in a rainstorm in florida we're the largest importer of granite in that state and come income by rail so csx rail and norfolk southern bring us in but we come in by vessels at four different locations throughout florida and that gives us very good state coverage and to your point, the florida dot budget is sitting at about $9.2 billion in the fiscal year
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consistent with last year. florida dot did something we thought was incredibly wise because a, they could and two or b, they have a lot of work they accelerated nearly $2 billion worth of infrastructure work and when you see that type of infrastructure work in a state like florida, that is to your point a disproportionate amount of our business. >> one last question, this is the first time that i look at your documents that i realize you are e commerce play. >> you didn't think that. >> i did not. >> who would have thought? if you're looking at data warehousing and warehousing, these are important non-res projects data warehousing and data centers, the inventories are low and demand is high but several things happened that we think are important. they are incrediblying intensiv
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the sheer size of them and number two, the design and me method of construction if we're looking at an amazon warehouse versus a big box, they tend to be seven to ten times more intensive and here is one of the reasons if you can think about how they are building them, they are not building them with block they are typically building them with tilt up walls so it really almost a concrete envelope and if you think about the traffic going in and out of those facilities, it's really big trucks and they will have to ride on really thick asphalt or more to the point concrete roads in that circumstance you're right, we're reaching out into e commerce and retail strategies in ways we never imagined. >> i got to tell you, i think you have a very exciting mosaic of business. the stock is too cheap great to talk to you sir. >> thanks, jim.
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it is time, it is time for the lightening round buy, buy, sell, sell, sell and then the lightening round is over are youready ski daddy time for the lightning round mike in new york, mike >> caller: hi, cramer, how are you? >> good, mike. speak to me. >> caller: okay. my question is on bdrx. >> wait, this is kicking around forever. let's up our game. let's up our game. let go to the regenerons of the
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world, eli lily. >> in florida, how are you doing today? >> i'm telling well, thank down for asking how about you? >> not bad thanks for asking. what do you think about lumber lick d >> it can go higher. let go to justin in new york, justin >> caller: boo-yah. >> boo-yah. >> caller: what's up, my man >> i don't know. you tell me. >> caller: okay. here we go growing fast, e commerce being the hottest trend, will the reporting of amazon help knowing more about this stock that is up 50% this month are your thoughts on the africa amazon >> it was down hugely no, it's amazon and then you want to buy -- let's say i'm trying to figure out whether i want to recommend it they are a very good idea but in the end, let's just use those
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because you mentioned them and i think they are good. i was going to say alibaba but you covered it ronnie in new york, ronnie >> caller: hi, jimbo looking good on age, man i want to know what is the deal with neo. >> neo is a stock, it's a cold stock. it's a chinese e.v. stock and another one coming i only recommend one chinese stock although i should recommend j.d., too it's good. i'm recommending, you know, i just -- alibaba. i don't want to go crazy stop it. let's go to andrew in california andrew >> caller: hey, jim, i want to get your feedback on a company called gtp with 5 g coming up, maybe if it bottoms -- >> if you went 5 g i'll give you sky works solutions and marvel technology and corevo and
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qualcomm any one of those is better than the one you mentioned. let's go to david in virginia, david? >> caller: big end of the working day boo-yah from virginia. >> every day is a working day because, you know, what you want on your tombstone is he worked too hard that's actually not true go ahead >> caller: oh. i was in a lot of pain but back to even. is the health care going to continue or did covid kill revenue for the hospitals? do i buy more? >> i think hca is under valued everyone knows it hurt them. in the end, they always end up making money don't ask me why can you believe square and paypal doesn't it get on your nerves after awhile that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightennig round. >> announcer: the lightening round is sponsored by t.d. ameritrade ♪
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after getting hammered for roughly a whole year, the cannabis cohort bottomed with the rest of the market in late march. since then they have blazed a trail higher we had a little remembnaissancen the stay at home economy but maybe some stocks flew too close to the sun one of the major medical and recreational marijuana and by the way, one that is doing the best reported what i think is seemingly a mixed quarter. sales came in higher than expected they posted a larger than
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anticipated loss though much of that wasn't operational. more importantly, management couldn't give guidance, the stock plummeted 20% today over reaction that is a tough nut to crack. they are adjusted earnings for interest taxes and depreciation were positive. they also had a host of problems, balance sheet issues, litigation but mainly, this is a case where the stock simply got too hot going to the quarter it already trippled from the march lows let take a closer look with the legendary chairman and ceo remember him, do you remember him from the quarter mr. simon, welcome back to "mad money". >> hey, jim, how are you >> irwin, looks like we're not in hane anymore. what's behind you? >> jim, if you look behind me here, there is a lot of cannabis
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growing, a lot of plants i'm up here in ontario today at our facility that's 1.6 million square feet. we grow over 150,000 kilos it's probably one of the most modern and one of the biggest cannabis facilities until the world today, and it's great to be here. great to get up here and see our thousand employees and let me tell you something they work through this, you know, time and we had very few covid cases up here and they were able to produce and that's why, jim, we had a great quarter, as you talked about it, you know, consumers stay home and they were, you know, up here using cannabis and our sales, our share and everything increased and it was great to see. >> well, let's go over it. you have a mixed evolution into products, supports with the creative margins you have adult use you have medical and you have got wellness
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which are the areas where the most money can be made >> so, number one, jim, and, you know, our cannabis sales, you know, quarter over quarter were down a bit but the recreational cannabis sales were up 28% that the where the big opportunity is recreation of cannabis because you can look back at canada today, it's legalized in canada. today they probably have 1,000 stores, all of canada and will triple that to 3,000 stores. also, we have a good size medical business and we expect to grow that both in canada and europe and jim, one of the biggest things is listen, we have seven brands. our brands are either number one or three in canada the rip brand, the good supply brand. i know how to build brands like i did in hane and here one of the important things is and you always talk about it is legalization in the u.s. >> right. >> with us perfecting canada and being the number one, you know, player in canada, it's going to
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give us a big opportunity to go into the u.s. market and some of the things we'll look at is are we going to buy something in the consumer area that allows us ultimately when legalization happens, it will allow us to be into the u.s. market but i got the tell you, the opportunities are tremendous also in medical we got a big operation in germany, you know, in italy. even though we took a write down on some assets, we're not withdrawing from colombia and argentina. we have to do business there and we'll either reduce products in canada and build a smaller facility. >> okay. so irwin, you're in shopper's drug mart. i don't know the company but would seem to be an analog at 1300 stores, nine provinces to the kind of thing where you might beable to go into a walgreens and go into a target you have great relationships with all of the major outlets. are you ready if the democrats
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sweep in november, which is a possibility, to make those calls and say look, i want you to be having broken coast in good supply and rift and let me tell you how they work? >> so, jim, i love that you know our brands and hopefully maybe you tried them once in awhile. okay more important is this here, jim. you know, we today have over 2.3 million square feet of greenhouses up here in canada. we produce over 265,000 kilos here okay we have in germany a facility that produces medical, the medical patients in germany. so, again, if the democrats sweep or even if mr. trump gets elected and they say here is what we're going to do, we're going to legalize medical cannabis on a federal basis and each of the states that need money, you go ahead and legalize it on the state level so hey, after 2.5 yearyears, we know
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everything about growing cannabis and building brands around cannabis and cultures and strains but the most important thing is, jim, in the canadian market today, there's about $5 billion of cannabis that sold. 2.5 to 3 billion is still sold in the elicit market and with our quality, with our regulatory, with our brands and with our pricing, our ability is taking it away from the elicit market and jim, how many study the are coming out today that say alcohol is one of the major causes of cancer >> absolutely. >> nobody is coming back and saying hey, cannabis causes this cannabis does that. >> cannabis is not the leading cause of murder at home or alcohol. you can't hear a lot of people getting stoned and killing each other. >> and jim, some of our biggest users today are, you know, over 60 years old that are using it today for anxiety, for pain, using it for sleep. >> right. >> and wouldn't it be great today to use one of our vapes
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that we'll sell close to $100 million next year in regards to hey, this is something that's going to help me with my health and well being. >> i know. look, it beats opiates and lunesta. we have to go. great to hear from you i've missed you and you will own this category because this is exactly what you know. don't forget, give us stuff that has no pesticides, promise >> i promise you there is -- jim, i promise you, no pesticides anywhere here and gyp, the opportunity for consolidation and growth is tremendous. >> i agree with you. >> listen, this is two years old only so you think about it, look at the opportunity here. >> all right irwin simon, welcome back. the chairman and ceo of aphria with a profitable cannabis company. "mad money" is back after the break.
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tomorrow night, founder of a category-defining company, spanx, sara blakely, joins the tank. these two shark women are gonna take a huge bite out of you. join me as we show the world the beauty of africa in design. so, who wants to blow this market out of the water? i like a lot of it, but not enough of it. - as a mom, it's a hit. - as a dad, it's a hit. as a future teller, it sucks. i have to call out the white elephant for me in the room. radzely: i just need that person that has been there, done that, knows how to make money. we're ready to scale. i think that it's super-cool. oh, i can't get it off, for real! - [ loud pop ] - oh! oh, my god! and that is how you do a deal.
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