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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  August 17, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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suffering partly because of the yields, and partly because of the setting warren buffett asia continues to be remarkably strong china up despite ongoing tensions in d.c. between u.s. and china, we'll see if it takes a toll on u.s. markets or chinese markets going forward. okay thanks so much for joining me today and look forward to joining me later that does it for "the closing bel bell". fast money starts now. >> welcome to "fast money" everybody, today's trader lineup -- tonight on fast it is a big week for retail earnings with some of the biggest names in the biz set to report so what stock should you be adding to your investor shopping cart we got answers call it a home builder home run, investors buying in big time
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could a bield card d could a wild card derail that run. that chart is a thing of beauty. and later, home depot, what is lighting up to the tune of 80% gain in just three days. wow. a lot to do. we're going to begin with these r red hot markets and quest for higher ground. investors keep investing but not much for s&p 500 closing just shy of a new record, four points off, but believers keep believing. goldman sachs raysing the target to new wall street target to new high 3600 so as the world keeps turning, will the markets ever get to higher ground >> brian, welcome back it's great -- i don't see you, but it's great to hear your voice, again doing gentleman's
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work i'm a little upset we didn't play the stevie wonder version we played the chill yi peppers. version. >> flea is a huge fan. so shout out to flea to answer your question, why not. 3600 for s&p 500, 5.5% from here market seems to go up 5% every day. notwithstanding. so it's reasonable with the fed at their back every piece of bad news is digested by the market why not. with that said, last time we really talked in earnest one thing i was concerned about was back on the record market vol e volatility and i was hoping it would taper down, for a long time we did but for last couple weeks bond market volatility is back and last time it was back in this way it didn't go well for the broader market
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a week or so ago ten year yield from 50 to 70 basis points in a week's time, a pretty significant move, brian. >> yeah it really is tim seymour the goldman note, rbc throwing in the towel raising it from a macro plefl, fe it feels like the bears are chased off are you worried that the strategists are tripping over them selves to go higher and higher over these forecasts. >> yes and welcome back brian, good to have you on. this is a look back, we're at extreme euphoria. the level of complacenty in the market, you have dime dynamics where goldman is always a report you want to read, frankly,
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mr. costan a guy people want to hear one point is the plungsing risk-free rate is part of the dynamic value of plummeting stocks and looking out to 2021 he could get to $170 a share in earnings on the s&p. i think it's very important to know he also says that break even inflation expectations have remained largely the same while rates have gone lower. i'm not so sure about that inflation is something that has me concerned yes i think strategist have pressure to upgrade the market. >> karen, i'm going to ask you to put your professor's hat on as i read something from the goldman note and you can explain to the audience what they mean by bond yields >> okay. >> equity net premium has increased but the fallen bond yields means the effective cost of equity is unchanged what's that mean in layman's
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terms? >> right so a treasury bond which is can viewed as riskless has a interest rate of return that is very, very small equities are riskier investments, no guarantee, they have a premium that should get higher return. so he is saying the equity risk premium, you know, it's -- it's going higher, which is normally bad for stocks because the other rates are so low, that's leaving stocks levitating where they are, or maybe even going higher, i think he goes on to say, that if that equity risk premium falls than multiples will be even higher. was that too wonky was that professorial, i don't know >> no i'd attend the class. >> so everything is virtual and this is virtual learning >> yeah. it's an interesting point he makes. i can't really argue though i
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look at multiples of some things and i think this is insane, we'll revisit this one day and think how did we ever think that was good, or that there was value there. but with the fed here, i think they're going to be here so that is somewhat of a floor but i agree with tim, i am concerned about inflapgs i have -- infligs -- inflation. we saw cpi and ppi was hot last week i think we'll see more of that the rally in the ten-year i think we'll see reverse and hopefully that will be good for banks. >> quickly, before we go to dan, follow up on your own point, what are those inflation bets, inflation protection securities better known as tips how do you -- maybe buy gold? -- all right. i will go to dan dan, before we get back to karen on that inflation trade, i guess
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this idea is simple, it's like a house, if mortgage rates go down you spend more money on your home because your monthly payment, it seems the argument is it is cheap on interest rates so stocks are not as expensive relative to risk premium but you're not having a monthly cost of stocks. >> i got you here's the thing, brian, at end of the day to get it that low we have had to tack on trillions of dollars on the fed sheet, all you have to do is look at 20 year treasury yield it's gone from 6.5% to where it is now 68 basis points. it's not really going to go meaningfully higher so the risk premium you're talking about, risk-free rate in treasuries, okay, fine look at the deficits we're having to rack up to get in here i point you to japan okay i mean, i know that guy was
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trading japanese jjb's in the day in the '80's when it was all the rage, but here's the thing, since rates have been going from the upper left to bottom right to japan in 20 years it hasn't been good for their equity markets until just very recently to me, that note speaks to me, i didn't read it, i know it's in my in-box but it's different this time and i'm not so certain it's going to be that different. the negative events of the global central banks raking on trillions of dollars in debt to keep risk asset as float doesn't make a lot of sense in the long term, in my opinion. >> yeah, i mean, it really is -- we showed the chart of the japanese government bond, yields have gone down 98% in 20 years in japan karen, that follow up, you said you were betting on inflation. what kind of bets are those? >> well, i mean, bitcoin has definite some part of inflation
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bet that fiat currency is out of control so i'm long bitcoin. stocks in general do better in inflation. so that. a yield curve that steepens because of inflation, that would be good, which is banks, we obviously saw the opposite of that today but those are the kind of bets and a lot of consumer products do better in inflation if they can raise their prices higher than their costs go up >> well it's a perfect segue to our next guest, by the way, karen, congrats to bitcoin holders up $530 today the biggest percentage mover of any of the major asset classes congrats on that it's a good segue. even with markets near record-highs, your next guest sees opportunity everywhere from big tech to retail you got to be smart about the stocks you're buying this is principle of company where he manages money mostly for retail
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clients, great to have you on the program. you have a bunch of picks, before we get to individual names necessarily i want to follow up on the conversation we just had one of your pictures is p & g, procter and gamble are you willing to pay 20 or 25 or 30 multiple for p & g because interest rates are low that's on a macro level what goldman is arguing is happening with the entire market. >> thanks for having me. yeah, looking at the weakness of the dollar and companies like p & g and colgate where there's a lot of demand for products, particularly p & g doing over 50% of their business overseas we're seeing long-term opportunity in a place that will be some growth and we do think the dollar will remain weak for some time. >> and you must, as part of your thesis on p & g maybe costco is
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that weaker dollar part your macro thesis. >> absolutely. i think that's the driver and catalyst behind adding some of these multi national names in the past couple week and what the fed has been doing in past several months we see opportunity and demand for those products the grocers and obviously consumer demand for the cleaning product that's p & &g sae sales so that is part of our theater sis. >> we got -- thesis >> we got home builders on fire. even as the price of lumber is at record-highs. their input costs, we talked about inflation, are going up. at some point do you start to trim the dr horton or home builders or are you confident
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this run can continue? >> great question. i think the home builder numbers, i looked this morning and saw how the -- what the home builders look like, tremendous dr horton, as we look at this migration, you know, the slow migration from some of the urban centers to the suburban cities across the country, yeah, we see opportunity there. i think they will continue to grow now i think they might slow down heading into the winter months as the purchasing season starts to slow. but i do think there's opportunity for the long-term particularly as well in a low-interest environment >> dr horton, costco, p&g, jason, great to have you on "fast money" see you again i hope take care. >> thank you. >> all right, what do you think of jason's pick, anyone stick out more than others >> well, i think we're going to talk about retail in a bit i do think the retail sector is
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a place a lot of people have underestimated the earning power especially in the post-covid world. if you look at xrt it's outperformed s&p by almost 16%. that's something people don't understand i do think you're going to continue to see some of those plays in the retail sector which are advantaged by the stay-at-home upgrades. we talk about the millenials buying fixer upper theme that's are very much in tact and they play into all of the companies that are certainly surrounding the home improvement trade. >> karen >> yeah, i agree with that one actually and i mean, good for jason for owning p&g i wouldn't have owned it for i don't know how many points it continues to be beneficiary
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of the weak dollar and the consumer wants the product good for him for owning that i too like the home builder space and relate it a lot. i i think a lot of macro is setting up well. it was under supplied kooming into the pandemic and -- coming into the pandemic and so many rushed to the suburbs and very, very low interest rates. probably the labor shortage housing was face something probably better now as well. a lot of things to like. i like a lot of the space. >> procter and gamble, brian, excuse my phone going off, i understand people love procter and gamble but i understand it's expensive given its history and expensive to the market. valuations at some point do matter and you don't have the earnings growth to back it up. though that stock continues to make new all-time highs understand this is not cheap by any measure whatsoever and at
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certain point valuations will matter not only for procter and gamble but for the broader market as well. >> you heard jason talk about weaker dollar theme, if the rates and dollar keep going down do we give a you-no-what about valuations they make swifer at 30 times earnings. >> yeah. listen, we were already ready to pay 22, 23 times for some of these staples, dominant retailers, like a walmart. so i look at consumer stakeholder like coca-cola that is been hit harder than it's staple peers, this stocks to me has been a massive lager, i think you get it above $50 in next few months especially if the dollars keeps going down and interest rates low this could be interesting deal we know this is a unique hit,
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lockdown situation to coke, if they at some point of companies hit by the pandemic at some point i expect money to flow into a name like coca-cola. >> there you go ko on coca-cola. jason snipe just talked about p&g and costco, one massive retailer and one massive company who sells to massive retailer. this is a massive weak for retail earnings so we thought we'd play a game of would you rather everybody, let's kick it off, dan, walmart or target, which would you rather >> yeah, so, listen, i like both of them. i like both of them into the print. we've been talking about these names for the last month or so i think walmart's break out today is important it reports tomorrow morning. listen, you might be disappointed what they have or don't have to say about their amazon prime subscription service that got competition,
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walmart plus, it's been pushed out a little bit i see it as a good catalyst and opportunity for this company to grow into that valuation for me i like walmart here breaking out or even tomorrow on a little bit of a pull back. >> karen, would you rather, target, walmart? >> well, i'm torn because i agree with dan so that's a bit uncomfortable. but i agree with everything he said on walmart, i like the subscription i like them really going on offense. i think they're trying to turn the massive customer influence they v. had from covid into more permanent not just temporary good for them doing that they have multi exposure good for the market i'm completely aligned with dan. >> there we go, not sure he heard that in a long time. next up, a look at the home improvement space. would you rather pretty much the only two names
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home depot or lowe's >> you know, brian, i would rather home depot. this has become a very interesting trade to do for the last year, if you look at where we were december, into the bottom of the market from, say, march 13, march 17, home depot outperformed lowe's by 33% has crushed home depot from the bottom by about 33%. the spread is now reflecting in favor of home depot. home depot has traditionally traded at two to three turn premium to lowe's for good reason they made investment in online and into their professional business in advance. i think now's the time to be in home depot i think both stocks will continue to run. if you play it on paris basis the outperformance of home depot is picking up steam and i like that
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trade. >> guy, would you agree or disagree with tim? >> i'd rather agree with tim, which means i'd rather home depot. to tim's point, lowe's was lagging but absolutely caught up not in terms of valuation, but i don't think it should, to tim's point home depot should trade at premium valuation. the catch up trade happened already. i'd rather home depot. on the prior would you rather, i'd much rather target, that's something i've been stead fast on for a while, there you go there you go, brian. >> but we're not done yet. we're going to stick to retail and another big name kohl;'s\ kohl's or tj maxx. >> i am long tjx definitely not long kohl's i know tjx had a very nice run in the last week or so but they sort of had reopening
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problems that slowed down the momentum that tjx i think would have had but i still believe in the model and i think the management is fantastic, plus they're going to have so much suppose. the raw material goods are going to be very, very cheap i like tjx i don't particularly like kohl's they're in a challenged position better than other department stores but but tjx i like by a lot. >> tjx wins the battle of would you rather coming up, too big to own. investors bailing on the banks today and really all year. at what point does it become good value for you coming up. before that, nothing semi about it one wall street firm getting a 10% jump ahead the who's and why's after this we're just getting started a lot more "fast money" still
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ahead. come on in, we're open. ♪ all we do is hand you the bag. simple. done. we adapt and we change. you know, you just figure it out. we've just been finding a way to keep on pushing. ♪
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welcome back to "fast money" you're worried your kids are going to be playing too many video games, while they're supposed to be learning virtually. maybe you can make money on it weaker expectations for nvidia combined with new gaming video coming out will drive shares higher boosted to 450 this coming amid of the rumors they're set to take over soft banks arm holding. your thats on that note and nvidia >> i think nvidia continues to
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defy valuation because they've been in the most high profile and chip space around graphics gaming and even data center. data center continues to be a back bone here i do think this acquisition makes a lot of sense for the company. armis certainly from an i.t. and i.p. perspective involved in all of the chip processing and at these levels why wouldn't they. i think the valuation is challenging. i think nvidia has the pole position in some of the hottest sectors in the chip space. >> dan, your take? >> yeah i take issue with the thought that skpktations are low heading into the print obviously the stock is up 6% today. on the heels of this note it is also up 100% on the year 160% from its march lows yes earnings are growing 35% this year. 40% g. sales growth or so in the
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middle of a pandemic, that's phenomenal, but trading it 60 times seems a little aggressive. this is $300 billion market cap company. i want to put that in perspective. intel is $200 billion market cap company with -- $705 billion in sales. it is a expensive chip is it stock. they do have a good balance sheet. everything seems to going their way right now but investors start pricing in massive deceleration ratio next year and year after so acquisition of arm makes sense to me. >> dan points up the stock is up 109 year-to-date % it is up 210% over 12 months. do you take a chance on a stock people 12 months ago made a coin on is this the time to buy? >> i don't think so.
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i thought this with amd as well. i thought you take profits into the number proved to be incorrect you saw the huge move to the upside post earnings like nvidia had ridiculous move trading 50 times next year's number i take the same umbrage tan takes in terms of the stock. think of the fall in 2018 when it went from $230 a share to $125 seemingly overnight obviously wasn't overnight but you understand, the stock does go down and has in the past, if you have enjoyed the move in the upside, number one, good for you. number two, we have been talking about it in a bullish capacity i think the prudent thing to do is take money off the table with this number. because the risk-reward at this point doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me, at least. >> you know, karen, i'm not only a substitute host of this program but i'm also a client,
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fast money and when i hear all these conversations at night almost every one of your conversations lately starts with, well, i know valuations are high. and i feel like at some point maybe they will be matter and nvidia may just be the poster child for that ses kwana doesn't believe it. >> i agree with the guys, it's too expensive. i think it matters at some point, for me it matters now, i couldn't buy it even though they're great, but you know, valuations in the 60-times, no, not for me somebody smarter >> yeah, fourth best performing stock in the nasdaq, 100 over the past year behind tesla, docu sign and moderna coming up. should you bail on the big banks or will investors be bailed out. we'll file up the financials
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coming up jeff basbezos with his head one company you may not think. businesses are starting to bounce back. but what if you could do better than that? like adapt. discover. deliver.
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welcome back to "fast money" investors withdrawing from big banks this session, heck they've been doing it all year, financials the worst performing sector dropping 2% wells fargo, down 2.5% fd you continue to point out the weak sentiment around this group. any sign you see it will turn? >> i see no sign and it goes back to the conversation we had the the start of the show with
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interest rates think about, some people think it's unamerican if you say rates will stay low or possibly even go lower i just don't see how they rise any time soon. i think the banks have been telling you that all year. i like too look at j.p. morgan, obviously best of breed here, this stock is still down 30% from all-time highs of january 2nd. it has made a series of higher lows but let me tell you that rally it just had from the july lows that it just failed at is half of what it had from the may lows to the june highs i see waning momentum in these things, i don't see anything building, if rates go lower, back to the 51 bip or march low of 31 bips banks will go down hard with it it sells a very different story, the winners on the pandemic, anything on the side of tech, cloud, but banks really reflect
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what's going on main stream here. >> yeah, may be. karen, we know j.p. morgan is a favorite of yours and you own the stock, it's held up better than most, i guess the high is buy low sell high or buy high sell higher, at some point these stocks maybe become a better value. >> i'm long right now, i think they're a good value now sentiment is bad no question, don't love to see warren buffett decrease stake in j.p. morgan, he was buying bank of america. part of the reason it's down because of the ten year yield move people are concerned with how big the losses are going to be, i totally understand that. i think they're also under estimating the power of these banks to continue reserving in a very big way and still make money which will set them up well i think, you know, when we get to the next quarters earnings
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and people start to look to 2021 you will see banks do much better you will see they'll have the balance sheet and the reserves for the losses >> guy, i'm going to quote a great guy which is that maybe mr. buffett's sale of wells fargo is le less of an indictment of the bank but boost of part gold boost with the same money, but you get my point. >> i think it because you said it and you quoted it so i must be right i guess that's somewhat circular i think people are missing a pretty big story here. whether it was warren buffett did it himself or some of the people on his team people say well a buffett forray in the gold today is not the same as five or six arguments. but my sense is he signed off on this, it's a pretty huge
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endorsement what's going on, the fact the world is a wash in fiat currencies an pld buffett and berkshire hathaway see that and putting their money away in part gold i think speaks volumes, more so an endorsement of what he is seeing people better wake up the gold market though had a rough couple days, as did ilver, i believe this is just getting started and mr. buffett is backing up those beliefs. >> tim, your take? >> i think what's really interesting, i don't know if you have to connect his movement in banks and trade in gold but p t barrett this kind of move for mr. buffett is important to understand this is an improving balance sheet. been long time since we talked about minor and said it could be positive cash. they have $1.4 billion in --
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$3.6 billion in debt couple years ago. free port max, similar story what we're seeing with the lower dollar but when you look what's going on with part and with gold prices, depending where you want to be, the notes on the street give you scenario analysis if you want to put $2200 price per ounce on gold and throw eight times on part this is 48 to $50 stock. not sure you're supposed to do that here but when you listen to what is going on with gold prices it makes sense. it's a balance sheet play. net free cash flow play. and i think it's independent of bad trade. >> yeah heck of a day if you own bold and bitcoin today's your day go to a restaurant socially distance. sit outside. coming up, we're going to raise
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the roof on home builders, they're on fire, the sector hitting a new all-time high. have you missed it if your not in it. and we talk about petroleum tanks, but one sees a rally on this really beaten down oil and gas day. what's the trade we'll let you know lot more to do, stick around how we come up with new ways to serve our customers... and deliver our products. but no matter how things change, one thing never will... you can rely on the people and the network of at&t... to help keep your business connected.
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welcome back to "fast money" check out the xhb. what is the xhb? that is the home builder etf the s and b spider hitting new all-time high. optimism picks up. talked about it with jason
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snipe. things may not be as rosie as they appear. now more with diana on this red-hot space. >> yeah, brian, stocks were up because treasury yield fell a bit and loosely followed the ten year and builder confidence reading this morning hit record hit hit in 1998. the survey from national association of home builder shows buyer traffic up to highest level and big gains in sales expectation in the next six months there's one big flag, the cost of lumber doubled since mills reopened and reopened to stronger than expected demand adding $14,000 to the average single family home price, builders saying that could quote, dampen momentum going into the fl fall builders continue to flight to
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the suburbs as consumers seek more space in this new stay at home economy but as price goes higher that's going to be a problem. >> that was our rbi on lumber prices by the way, it's not just the higher cost, is it, we're getting reports of builders not being able to find lumber to build the home somebody may want to buy >> yeah, you talk to contractors just in this neighborhood and they are all over the place. for they say there's delays in the shipments, the shipments getting the lumber and some will only sell to the big contractors not the d-i-y >> yeah, there you go, thank you very much. let's trade this guy, what's interesting about it, we think who care s about lumber, diana's point, $14,000 could be your savings on low
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rates, this higher input cost might mitigate the benefit to some buyers. >> yeah it's fascinating i'm a huge west fan as you know. sometimes a participant often times a viewer, but what i will say is again just illustrates the fact if the fed actually measured inflation it's all around them, they just choose not to acknowledge it. with that said, tale of two cities, well, tale of three cities with the home builders, dhi blew through its february high in a meaningful way toll brother is nowhere, topped out at 50 in february, think we're trading 42 now and pulte homes against the february high. i think you play toll brother for catch up and major double top potential in pult homes and let dhi run because it's outperforming the other two. >> and not just the big games
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but names we rarely talk about, meric homes, other smaller players up 2%, looking like tech stocks. >> and they're not all created equal. you have to be a little bit careful here i'd rather play this, if you look at xhb as a reference point, 125% off the bottom, 84 rsi which is a measure of momentum anything above 70 it's now very, very over bought, doesn't have to last forever the more important names, what's notable, whirlpool. if you look at mask co. if you looks at carrier. if you look at components, ingredients. if you look at materials that are part of this process. we've been talking about lumber. i think that's a better trade. they're the ones basically giving the price opposed to the folks that have to take the price. in the kasz of whirlpool in the
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price with the pent up demand and all we're seeing in new home building is very strong for this multiple and i'd stay in that trade. >> yeah, great point about etf's. know what you know it's whirlpool you're getting a washer and drier etf with home builder throw in coming up, it may have flopped on it's ipo day but now rackspace racking up big gains on report of possible investment by one jeff bezos. could this be the next red, hot cloud name you got to own. we'll break it down. plus, shares of okay occidental. more to come on "fast money. stick around
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welcome back to "fast money. amazon possibly looking to take a minority stake in newly public rackspace, shares in cloud competing up more than 10%. one thing rackspace does it help clients migrate their data to aws, amazon web services rackspace up 11 from first two trades weeks ago and lower from its ipo price of $21 so what do you make of this potential timing of this potential deal, karnl? -- karen? >> very curious. how long have they been public, two weeks? remember, 21 was the offering price and i they hoped original price would be larger and after that opened poorly
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and traded poorly all until now. makes me wonder if amazon had conversations prior to ipo and couldn't agree on price, well, we'll have to go public maybe pay more, but didn't work out that way so amazon is in the seat not only do they service aws but google and azure and others. it's interesting, up $2 on potentially big news has my eye. that's interesting. >> yeah. tim? >> i think it's actually very interesting as you point out, karen. that they have customers that are also major competitors in the cloud to amazon. so, 11.9% stake is what's being discussed. the fact that, yeah, i think aws growth was under the spotlight and not the stellar part of this last blockbuster blow out by amazon i think is somewhat
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related. look, i think the migration to aws is very important part of the infrastructure we seen amazon has taken a more vertical approach to their core and building infrastructure, that's what they do. i'd stay close to this name. amazon cares, i'd probably care. >> good point. coming up, shares of ok -
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all right, check out shares of occidental, slammed to start the week, down 5% today. warren buffett, you may have heard of him, helped to finance the big an darko deal sharing shares of occidental, not the only one, that stock down 66% this year. in the options market one intread ip trader -- intrepid trader just bet half million dollars. is the stock about to get restarted. mark on that >> hey brian
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occidental traded over more than two times the 37,000 typical average over the last 20 days. the most active contracts were november 16 and 20 stripe calls and the trade you were alluding to was a big one we saw earlier in the day where 8,000 by 12,000 of the 16 and 20 stripe call tralded respectively for about 60 cents per contract on the smaller of those legs. when we look at the situation the stock is in dire trouble, behaving very badly, it's possible buyers are speculating some of the selling pressure has been lifted because buffett exited but may be upside using calls is hedge way to make a bullish bet so they're indicating risk to the down side as well. >> okay so bullish bet with a little bit of hedge to make sure mike, thank you very much. guy, your thoughts on occidental here >> lever plays are dangerous.
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obviously work for you in great times and can work against you and mr. buffett liquidated close to 19 million in shares is in part the reason why it moved today. -- i will point out j.p. morgan just upgraded the name and left $19 price target they upgraded it on valuation. so i think you have a lot to take in. if you're at the $100 table the risk-reward could set up really well but understand this has been, you know, what we term in the business a widow-maker for the last year or so. >> it's been tough down far more than the big cap stocks in oil or gas dan your thoughts on options mike laid out. >> real quickly the stock was trading high as 45 earlier in the last 12 months, down here at $14. i think the trade that mike laid out is a really good way to get bullish exposure. if you think
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there's any reason to be be long this thing up to j.p. morgan target in next few months you're defining your risk and there's a lot of leverage in that trade. that said the stock is absolutely horrible. there's a massive, massive pile of debt, multiples to its market cap and the earnings hole in this past year is massive so to me i'd be defying my risk if i look at this as bullish bet. >> okay. thanks everybody be sure to tune in the full show every friday 5:30 eastern time you know that by now coming up, one pop starin ling up for blazing hot rally. i'm searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like i'm just wasting time. that's why td ameritrade designed a first-of-its-kind, personalized education center. oh. their award-winning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests.
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all right. to paraphrase one of the ten greatest bands of all time," the who" we're going to wrap up the show talking about growth generation here's a soar not up just today but up 295% on the year. i knew you'd love the music reference and would love the stock performance are you selling any strength >> the two are actually in the top thre . >> the . >> the who are actually in my top three. like the stock like the company for a long time it's become an institutional play $800 million market cap after doubling in the last week, so not massive but it is traded on the nasdaq it is institutional.
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they're the home depot of cannabis, in an industry highly fragrance fragrance mean there's organic build and ability to consolidate in the independent profitable at a time they have whole sale and retail business at a time the industry is booming. it's very well ran and it's a nam i like a lot and yes, i own it >> tim, i got a question for you. can consumers by this? just asking for a friend >> this is something that actually, first of all, they don't touch the plant, per se, that's why it trades on the nasdaq it's a choice for folks looking for more an ill airy picks and
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shovels plays but their well positioned with the biggest multi stage and biggest operators and people that might be asking for a friend. >> good stuff there. on growgen and strong call, top three bands, the who, we could debate that by the way, speaking of grow generation sneak peek of the kraemer cam, don't miss "mad money with jim cramer" at 6:00 p.m. eastern time time for the final trade, kick it off with you tim. >> i think you stay with home improvement trade. i think you stay with home depot. a place that is well-run company and margins are moving higher and valuation deserves to be moving higher. >> big and bouncy call there karen? >> yeah i'm going to stick with the girl that brought me walmart. we'll see tomorrow how well they've done but i think amazon
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gave us an idea. and national exposure should help so walmart. >> dan >> yeah keep a close eye on xlf i think it will break the up friend from the march lows >> i got toll brothers into their release on my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to kw"mad money." welcome to cramerica my job is not just to entertain but educate and teach so-ca cale at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me


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