tv Fast Money CNBC October 5, 2020 5:00pm-6:01pm EDT
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secretary mare talking. >> i think it's a sooner or later not necessarily it has to happen imminently. i think right now with prices higher, it raises the stakes for the market's craving for progress on a deal for sure. >> we're out of time here on "closing bell. coverage continues on "fast money" now >> i'm melissa lee thst is fast money tonight's trader lineup. tonight on fast, stocks rally as president trump says he is leaving the hospital tonight we're live in the nation's capital with the latest. plus, tracking the treatment shares surging on news that president trump is taking the experimental coronavirus treatment. we'll get a top analyst take on that move. later, choose your own adventure. the chart masters laying out five different scenarios on how the market could end the year. find out which path our traders are taking we begin with breaking news out of washington.
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president trump's medical team confirming just a short time ago that he will be leaving the walter reed medical center in in 90 minutes from now. much let's get straight to eamon javers outside walter reid with the latest >> yeah, that's right. the president's doctors said he's feeling well enough he just doesn't need all the bells and whistles of this facility you see hund see behind me. they brought him out of an abundance of caution they're convinced they can monitor him back at the white house where they have pretty good facilities of their own here's what the president's doctor said a short time ago >> we send patients home with medications all the time in fact, yesterday afternoon he probably met most of his d discharge requirements he is returning to the white house medical facility
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physicians, nurses, pas, and the unit here, the team here behind me is going to continue to support us in that nature. >> now the president had a tweet just before the doctors came out explaining his decision to leave. we should see that departure coming up later on this evening. the president in his tweet saying he'll be leaving walter reed feeling really good. don't be afraid of covid-19. don't let it dominate your life. we have developed under the trump administration some really great drugs and knowledge. i feel better than i did 20 years ago. so the president on a high here as he gets set to leave walter reed feeling very good heading back to the white house this evening. then we'll see to what degree they can resume business as usual during the course of the rest of this week. of course, the virus itself is still rampaging through the president's staff. kayleigh mcenany announced today she has diagnosed positive with covid-19 a number of other white house staffers, it was revealed today,
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diagnosed positive over the weekend as well. so the virus continues to spread through the president's staff at the white house even as the president prepares to go back to the white house tonight. melissa, back to you >> thank you eamon javers outside walter reed take a look at the reaction. stocks rallying late in the session on this news that the president is leaving the hospital for a market that is shrugged off the president being hospitalized on friday, it is quite a reaction that we saw in today's session, news he's being released >> without question. a couple weeks ago i thought there was a really good chance we would trade up to 3395 which is the prior all time high in the s&p 500. made in february i thought we would fail there. friday that looked to be sure. today blew that up the market is obviously resilient. the there is a lot of things going on here. that news is jooutstanding. still about stimulus
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but i mentioned two things that i think are worth bringing up. the fact that the vix is so stubborn still around that 28 level it closed higher on the day. take that for what it's worth. you saw one of the biggest one day moves in the bond market i think in terms of yields, i think that the ten year is the highest level we've been since june 16th. and in terms of the tlt, the lowest we've seen since that date that is something to watch as well but just looking through the prism of the s&p 500 and the russell, very, very encouraging for the bull camp. >> it was about a seven basis point move over the course of the day from morning to evening here so what do you make of that move in the bond yields >> and we started to see the bond yields tick up thursday and friday even. so as guy pointed out, if if you look at the ten year outside of a move in june, we're really effectively or near the highs going all the way back to april. what it tells me is two things he had better data and ism and better services.
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you had better pmis around the rest of the world. there is some sense that the global economy is picking up some steam this is not run away train here. you have concept that there may be inflation in the pipeline and seeing some of the trades work so the parts of the market that were flektive of the bond move, i think where everything from energy which we'll talk about but also resources and, of course, banks. let's wait until we get more resources out of the banks uptrends are largely intact even for the xlf from the lows. but then look at semiconductors and the cyclical parts of the economy. semiconductors are at all time highs. watch the bond market. it is significant. we're also getting leadership back from big cap tech that may have been the greatest strength today >> what do you think today's rally is built on? >> i think it was built on hopes
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of a stimulus. i also think it is built on the possibility of a democratic sweep as biden improved in the polls even the last few days earlier in the day we didn't know if the president would be released today or tomorrow i don't know that it would have made much difference the last 50 points, not the first 400, i think, were prior to the announcement that president would be coming home today. so that's what i think was really driving it. any kind of stocks went up zoom, tech, industrials, resources went up. we haven't seen that kind of global move up probably since the fed first started really, you know, coming out with just
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bazookas that was interesting to me >> steve, what did you make of this rally and the notion that a democratic sweep is good news? consensus just days ago is that would be the worst scenario for the stock market >> yeah, i think people make too much what political party the first knee jerk reaction to. i think karen hit it on the head the fact that everything rallied means that it's about stimulus so if you have tech rallying with energy rallying, it's a little bit about rotation. but it's a lot about reflags reflation there is going to be a ton of stimulus but they need the senate as well to get anything passed the market is saying that we're excited about president getting out of the hospital. more so about stimulus
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the historically, markets shrug off whatever illness presidents do have in short order pretty much i would say this is about the reflation trade. spending money they're talking about if the senate goes blue as well, you can talk about spending packages up to $10 trillion it's an enormous amount. between now and the election and now and year end, you sort of get a little poker face play here no one wants to short the market ahead of the election. but after the election and into year end, you can see some jockeying based on i i would say tax rates. you have to remember, cap gains tax are set to double under a president biden. much that's where it gets dwran ullr and specific. and that's where we see the market in trouble.
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where they're selling these big large cap tech names to take the profits out of and then you can see a rotation into the other names that are not up as much. >> you also have a rise corporate taxes. fiscal stimulus is greater than the impact, offsetting impact of the rise in corporate taxes? >> yeah. i don't know what the answer to that question is i think the market absolutely wants that baton passed from what is a decade or longer monetary policy. that is bullish for the broader market i think that would override the taxes. but if you also believe that, i think you also by definition have to believe there is another leg lower in the u.s. dollar in my opinion which means i think to tim's earlier points, this
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whole commodity trade and this resource trade will work in a major way. stay with the minors, stay with the resource stocks. that's how i interpret this. >> joining me now julian he emanuel. you think 2021 is setting up well for the stock market. what is the context? >> the context is as we've been discussing here. stimulus okay there is going to be stimulus. in all likelihood or slightly after the election however, even if there isn't going to be this package which we think there will be, the stage is being set for increased government spending next year. we think regardless whether there is a blue wave or some other type of outcome. we have done a lot of work on the aftermath of elections when you had years such as this
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year where the stock market has been sort of mixed along with an economy that is in a recession, when you go from divided government to united government which ever way, obviously, the presumption is it's going to be a blue wave, the market is up 7 and 8 years with an average gain of 17% so there is every reason to believe that fiscal policy is going to help guide the market higher next year >> the fiscal policy, is that greater than in terms of the impact of the stock market, the negative potential impact of higher corporate taxes >> we believe so we believe when you look at it particularly coming off a depressed earnings cycle such as we've been in for the last several quarters, you know, the unlocking of potential and the unlocking of confidence, i think what one of the things we fail to remember is that during the
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entire sort of upcycle of the last several months, while the economy is recovering, the jobs pictures are recovering. the one thing that lagged is actually consumer confidence so to extent that you get fiscal and a lot of this rests on some sort of medical progress against the virus which i believe is the base case and we view that as a base case as well. you really do set the table once again. the fiscal and the other elements to sort of overrule any tax increases you might see. >> julian, as it relates to earnings season coming up, it's tim, by the way, in case you can't see me is there any particular sector that you think is well positioned going into this how much do you think this market has prepared for earnings in some sense going into the second quarter earnings, we got some sense of where we were. i think we're on both sides of the map.
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a lot of companies pulled good news forward talk to me about that. >> the market really is not prepared for earnings per se because, you know, obviously the macro and the politics and so on has really swamped everything for the last call it 45 days however, going into earnings if, you're able to either a, revise your guidance higher or in some cases, in fact, just reinstate guidance, you're likely to do pretty well. now the stocks that have really worked, again, you know, technology, those types of high flyers, the bar is difficult because their valuations versus expectations for next year, you know, the valuations are high. the expectations are less high and an economy likely to accelerate is likely to show disproportionate gains for those more cyclical areas you talk
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about. we favor those very substantially particularly given what the interest rate market is telling us and the interest rate market by not moving during this down draft in september says long end yields in our view are going higher >> you also like health care i thought the reasoning was interesting. strategically important sector for the government what does that mean? >> so basically, if if you look at it, we've had had years really going back to 2015 and 2016 of adversarial segments of the government that hasn't diminished entirely. obviously, we're going to hear paenlly the a. consider a being adjudicated in front of the supreme court. but the but the bottom line is the discount on valuation basis versus a historical premium average of 1.5 turns, health
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care priced in all the bad news politically that it possibly can. at the end of the day, given what we've seen over the last six months with hard course of the virus and the fact that we're still going to need at least, you know, all of next year to get back to a semblance of normal, it's very clear to us that either a democrat or a republican will view the health care sector as something that you cannot be adversarial about. you have to find workable partnering and relationships we also think that's going to encourage m & a. >> quite a change from the last election julian julian iman ua julian iman emanuel. if we give something back in terms of regulation, then how does that impact the sector in
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your view? >> i think to me the credit issue is the most important thing for the banks. i want to update you ten days ago i talked about buying a position of -- a trading position in banks as well as my long position i'm out of that trading position now. >> i think the credit issues are going to be less than the market has priced in. but also, i really want to hear about what their view of the economy is we have all these other things that matter, covid-19, fed, stimulus, election uncertainty and all of that. we don't know anything about fundamentals right now that isn't moving the market the i like when fundamentals move the market. that makes more sense to me. so um hoping that starting next -- i think it's tuesday -- we'll start to return to fundamentals and i'm long banks going into that. >> all right coming up, we're tracking the treatment trades big moves in bioteches as president trump gets treated for covid-19 later, the big call that sent this dow component rallying
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money" this is a live shot of the walter reed medical center outside of washington, d.c in an hour, president trump expected to leave there and head back to the white house where he will continue to get treated for the coronavirus. let's get to meg terrell with the rest of the treatment plan hi, meg. >> the president is going to be sent back to the white house where they've got a full medical suite to continue his treatment that he began there at the white house and then continued at walter reed. let's look at the combination of medicines that his doctors put on he got the experimental antibody cocktail later that day he began a five-day course of remdesivir which is emergency use authorized anti-viral medicine saturday he started the steroid dexmethozone he'll finish the remdesivir at the white house while he continues on the steroid the big question mark in this
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regiment is the antibody cocktail from regeneron. it is not approved and only saw the first data on it six days ago. we talked about the signs he has seen so far in the president and whether that says it looks like it's working >> you're asking me did we help him? i'd like to think so it's impossible to know with one patient. but the evidence we have from hundreds of patients is if you give this drug early in the course of the disease, particularly people that might have a high virus or maybe they don't have enough of an immune sponsor appropriate immune response, you can really help them clear that virus. >> now melissa, if it did help the president, there is going to be a lot of demand for this medicine and supply will be an issue at the beginning. regeneron said if authorized today and it's not yet, it would have 250,000 doses available they aim to ram thap to 300,000
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under three months it produces those at no cost to americans. and you just think about the timing here, analysts are already saying within days we could potentially see emergency use authorization of this drug we've been talking about election day tied to a potential vaccine. well, through this incredibly crazy turn of events, are we going to get a drug approved or emergency use authorized before the election we'll see. the. >> and with barely 1,000 patients of data on this particular cocktail. i'm curious for the barta contract, understand that a little better. so the first, what, 300,000 doses? i'm trying to understand at what point regeneron make any money off the doses? >> yeah. so the number of doses is contingent on the level of dose that they end up giving. what they found through this trial is they can give the lower dose and it will work well the president, of course, got the higher dose that they looked at in the trial.
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and so that does under the barta contract give them 300,000 treatment doses. the now if they use this for prevention which we haven't seen the results on yet, they can provide more doses because it's a lower dose of the medicine needed. it's hard math you can bet they're hard at work on that. >> we got one coming up, meg, thanks shares of regeneron up more than 7% just today alone on this. the steve grasso, is this a reason to buy the stock? the fact that the president himself is taking it, does that change your view of regeneron? >> the stock had rolled over, started trading below the 50 and 100-day moving average then it popped up on this headline i think you have to be quick on these for all of the questions that you followed up with meg. i don't think they're great investments right now. if you look at regeneron and
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gilead and lily, all of them are down significantly from either if you look at gilead's case from march and april, the stock is down dramatically and the chart looks terrible look at regeneron, they're down 17%. lily is down 25% you can trade the stocks the i wouldn't invest in them based on a vaccine because the profits are not there as far as mu fun fu fu fundmentsals are concerned your last note was the cocktail. modestly reduces viral load but unlikely to be a game changer. the fact that president of the united states is taking this and it appears that there are positive outcomes so far, is that in it itself a game changer to your view
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>> not at all. i think the problem that we're seeing again and again in all of the data that we're seeing for this is you can't go anecdote to see what the effect is most patients recover. president very likely with no treatment would recover. using anecdote to project what drugs work and what drugs don't work is really a major flaw in the analysis here. that's why we do randomized controlled studies to measure the true difference from pla tebow. you recall in the april-may time frame, there is a lot of enthusiasm for remdesivir. people thought the mortality rates we were seeing in single arm studies were really amazing. then we saw the actual data and it works it's a drug that seems to have an effect. but that enthusiasm that it really changes the paradigm for this disease really never materialized in the clinical data i think you'll see something
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similar with the regn-cov cocktail i find it difficult to believe this is really changing the game even when you look at the time course for the president, you know, it is unlikely that it's contributing a major benefit to him. he did start this on friday. if he was really doing just fantastically great, this had just completely decimated his viral condition. he wouldn't start dexmethazone on friday. it is probably having a small effect i don't think this is what is curing him of the disease. guy, sorry i didn't know if he had a quick point. i was going to ask you a question you're saying sort of what steve just said. obviously, i understand what
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regeneron and got the headlines. one of your competitors upgraded the stock $690 price target on the back of a completely different drug for a completely different thing. i see the headlines. it's more about other things that they have that are out there and working, isn't it? i think those are the reasons why you want to stay with a name like regeneron >> so i wouldn't necessarily disagree it's been a great drug p it's a profitable endeavor but it was the same as it was a year ago when the stock was trading at $300, vhalf the valuation. i don't think there is a huge dynamic change when it was $300, i was much more positive on the stock it's ridden a lot on the vud thesis and, you know, i think it's fair to say a lot of these names have not really supported long term valuation from covid-19.
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it has sort of been a temporary trade. and, look, maybe this will be the drug and i'll be wrong and we'll see some full randomized control data and this will be the drug that really drive profitability for regeneron. you look at the trades, the enthusiasm trade is temporary on, you know, across all the covid-19 stocks. >> so just to underscore that point. basically, gilead, regeneron, you're not expecting them to make money off any of the treatments is even if tomorrow an eua was granted for this antibody cocktail, they wouldn't make a penny, would it? >> i don't know that they wouldn't make a penny. the i think in the scale of the valuations, i think the profitabili profitability gener profitability generated will be insignificant. >> thank you >> thank you >> brian scorny of baird tim, what do you make of the -- you know, he said they are trades look at them >> i agree and we've seen that. we've seen that for the last
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five months as we've been talking about really this run. they've been market days and they've been trades. if you look at gilead, this is a stock that is basically trading near three year lows the driver for gilead is this deal they did at 808% premium. and some sense they actually knew some of the data on their key drug going into this that gave them the confidence to pay what they paid i did gilead and my view is that both the valuation and balance sheet which is able to do this deal of $15 billion in cash and $6 billion in debt is attractive at these levels and a stock that bounced from the levels. that's you want to own gilead here they made the big transaction. i think the market better understands the strategy >> all right v to take a quick break. here's what's coming up next >> it's a "fast money" version of choose your own adventure we lay out five market scenarios
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welcome back to "fast money" we're a few days into the fourth quarter. the chart master is gearing up for year end he is laying out five different scenarios on how we can finish out the year the carter, take it away >> sure. so this is going to on the fun side, this report is done every year the 14th annual choose your own adventure. the idea is to try to determine once q-4 started not so much how
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it ends which is important but the path traveled. take a look at the five scenarios put out this morning first chart is the s&p 500 itself here we sit after our 10% plus correction and a little bit of strength the first choice, scenario one is where we're basically as we are, sort of 3400 plus, minus range bound. and then we aggressively rerated right after the election right to the september 2nd high, a 5% move. for the rest of the year, drifting higher from there with a close at 3725. pretty big year up 15% the second scenario, also bullish, is where we're range bound here we do get rerated higher after the election but we stop at the september peak september 2nd peak and then fade into the end of the year ending around 3450. still a pretty good year up 6%, 7%
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scenario three, bearish side we get rerated lower pt immediately after the election and yet then it stabilizes, the s&p 500 around 3,000. the and is able to climb back to the 3200 plus or minus level where it closes the year and that would be actually a loss of 1 .7%. number four, also bearish. rerating lower after the election and then a very big recovery seasonal or what have you in december and gets us back to 3350 gain of 3% on the year then the funl choose yoinal chon adventure scenario, an aggressive rerating lower. we get as low as 2850 and don't really recover much. a little kick save in december
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and then get 300 or 400 responses from p all over the spectrum and we're adding them up now >> okay. the so the opening question is choose your own adventure, which scenario we put it to the traders, carter, we'll get your pick of scenario let's go around the horn guy, you're paying close attention. which of the five scenarios do you think is going to play out for the year >> you always start with me. but this time i was paying attention. door number four for you let's make a deal. i know there are only three. i pick four. carter worth would have been a great uindiana jones. the most likely is we basically get back and see the levels that we saw a week or so ago. vacillate around there i think number four for me makes the most sense >> all right tim, what do you say >> i know you're a big fan of the bambino. so i chose number three. and i'm also a fan of letting the market find its place here in some of the uncertainty
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i think we had had an enormous rally through the summer you can see the market is really trying to respond to that. but going into a period where really whatever happens in the white house i think markets are gearing up for 2021. but banks need to get going if this market is going to finish positive i'm no the sure we're going to get that i don't think it's devastating i think the fed is still your friend karen, which one >> mine is number two. pt i think that this circle here is we get some certainty on the election up on that and then kind of a drift lower into the new year. so up 6.8% i think for the year? not wildly bullish >> all right grasso >> i'm looking at for scenario number five. i'm looking actually for -- carter said 2875 i think we actually finish a little lower than that but i think that's right in the same ballpark.
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as you stated earlier, this rally has been built on lower regulation and lower taxes i think after the election you're going to see a drift lower. you're going to see big tech companies in the target. there's going to be multiple reasons to sell the market i think everyone is afraid to sell it up until the election because donald trump has used the markets as his barometer so he could pull anything out of a hat going into the election. i think your chance for the bulls is going to be between november 3rd and the end of the year and that's where you see scenario number five >> all right so grasso's adventure entails going to the bunker. nobody's been picking the most bullish scenario carter, what's your adventure? you get the final word st. >> sure. you covered. karen, you got a fairly bullish one. grasso the most bearish. i went with number four. again, it doesn't have to be five it could be 50
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so that would call for basically weakness in response to the election and with a seasonal recovery and strength in december >> okay. carter, let us know what your clients vote we're curious. thank you. >> you bet >> coming up, they're loving it. shares of mcdonald's rallying today. the big call and big name that sent this stock surging. m plus, we'll tell you about the one options trader that went diamond hunting to day at cdw we get you're always looking to modernize. yeah. i'm just not sure office drones were the way to do it. [ laughing ] drone voice: l-o-l. our market share looks good, but... drone voice: where are the bagels? well, cdw can help you modernize your company the right way, with a scalable infrastructure from hpe,
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welcome back to "fast money. investors loving shares of mcdonals at bank of america raised the price target to a new street high of $250 a share. analyst there's pointing to strong drive through numbers during the pandemic. separately, mcdonald's announcing a new partnership to a meal that includes his favorite menu items. are you lovin' it? >> well, jake is my favorite artist i mean, i have all his work. it's pretty incredible to see
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the sort of the trajectory of it obviously culminating with this partnership with mcdonals is tremendous and that is reason alone to buy the stock. medium fries to me is a little silly. we talked about mcdonald's for quite some time. i know tim has we've been saying how technically it's doing everything right 220 was prior high back. st this time last year the i do think the stock continues to ratchet higher. people will say no good on valuation. i say stay with the name >> tim,you actually tweeted about this you've been a shareholder of mcdonald's >> i have been look, when did mcdonald's get so hip? mcdonald's is defining hip i know it's crazy. this is where they are and they're actually finding cool there whether it's an oreo mcflurry or travis scott, i forget what his milk shake was but the bottom line here is through covid-19, obviously, the drive in, the takeout, the themes that mcdonald's have been
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a beneficial trend continue. but also the valuation that comes for diblgital and online d the loyalty programs is exactly why i think the stock moves higher >> hip or not, the drive through, the digital, karen, that is perfect for a pandemic >> it is the i mean, mcdonald's, there are a couple of them that were already heading that way of being more diblgital being more important. if you look at a starbucks, mcdonald's and then they accelerate into the pandemic i think obviously the stocks are doing okay i think the businesses will all be better for it on the way out. >> quick grasso favorite restaurant trade >> yeah. you know where i'm going i'm going to shake shack with their shack tracks the i think they're trying to follow in tpath of mcdonald's o lower scale. they were spout to be sur vuf in city areas now they're branching out to suburban areas shake shack would be my dark horse bet.
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health care back check out shares of tiffany and lvmh they've been locked in a fierce merger battle. just when it looked like the deal might be off, one option trader is dating $1 million that they'll end up together. what did you make of the action? >> yeah. the so in tiffany we saw more than three time the afrnl daily call volume today. all of that the result of a single trade in the november 125-130 call spread. somebody paid a little over $1 for 10,000 of those. every call option is 100 shares. of so the total outlay of premium is over a million dollars in premium and, of course, the most that it can be worth is five for each of the spreads or five million dollars. so essentially what is going on here is someone's making a bet at 4-1 odds that the deal actually takes place
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the idea here is risk a lull in case it does happen. and then make a multiple of your money. still less than 50/50 odds based on the prices we're seeing >> karen, as our resident arbitrager, what do you make of the deal now >> well, i thought it was a really interesting trade you need some sort of outcome for sure with certainty to have this trade work. it did work with a shaped price at 130 or work the original deal goes through the thing that is interesting to me, this trade expires around the time that depositions will need to take place p i'm betting, i don't have this trade on but maybe the person who put it on is betting they do not want to sit for a deposition and cave before that and say fine, we're done >> and is that how you're positioned >> i'm long stock. i'm willing to long the stock.
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i'm waiting for the trial. i think it will be fantastic could absolutely get resolved before then in a way favorable >> guy >> first of all, i love the word arbitrager it's fantastic i die gres once again. we said it for a while the i think the florida in tiffanies is about $112 or so and traded on the long by. that tiffany i think is worthy of this. and they're going to ram something through regardless of them drinking champagne or whatever at the deposition in paris. >> mike, back to you >> what we see is call prices above that higher 130 strike price, very, very low premium. so the possibility of something above that taking place is it being heavily discounted by the options market not just the specific trade. of course, the lower strike options are still pricey as that uncertainty persists the. >> all right mike, thanks for the action.
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for more options action, tune into the full show 5:30 p.m. eastern time rough day for draftkings we'll explain what is dragging this stock down next and tonight, do not miss an nbc town hall with joe biden lester holt is sitting down with the democratic nominee as we close in on i election day catch that live 8:00 p.m. eastern time rig he cc. hteronnb ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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"a good education takes you many different horizons" and that sticked to my mind. so, when $1 a day came out, i said, "why not"? why not just utilize that resource. and walmart made that path open for me. without the $1 a day program, i definitely don't think i'd be in school right now. each week for me in school is just an accomplishment. i feel proud every step of the way.
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welcome back to "fast money. shares of draftkings following on news of a massive secondary offering they will issue 32 million shares of the class a common stock that is 16 million shares from draftkings, 16 million current shareholders the what is your take on this news, tim? >> i think it's a smart thing to do at a time when the stock has been stratospheric the stock performed very well today when you consider the run it's had and another 32 million shares out there essentially 16 new, 16 in sole by insiders. look, if you saw this caesar william hill deal two weeks ago, you can effectively see this is a land grab.
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and essentially these two firms have the poil position when we see that addressable market grow or will probably through the next election season, i think it's very important that those who are fighting for that land grab continue to be as aggressive as they can be raising capital. it's a very exciting space to be in >> steve >> if you look at a market cap basis, melissa, i'm sure you would be shocked when you saw this it's a $21.5 billion market cap if i told that you wynnn is at # billion and mgm is at $10.6 billion, kind of a head scratcher. i feel they can grow into it but just that shear relationship is shocking to me.
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they're eclipsing sucking up all the air in the room. of and thaur not overbought on an rsi at this point so to tim's point, i think the stock reacted pretty well. i think there is a bright future but at a certain point, you got to take some chips off the table and just be prudent. >> then there is the issue of, you know, as we hear about more and more professional players testing positive for covid-19, will the season's progress will the agames be played? will that then impact the amount of betting that goes on on a platform like draftkings karen, what's your take? >> i think it will but that's in the short term you hook at near term fundamentals you can't justify it it has to be further out think that will be a blip. but i do think that valuations are getting to be pretty rich here >> yeah. >> good for them for selling it. the use of proceeds is just general. i don't think they had anything
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take a hook at the live looks at the walter reed medical center as well as the white house. we're expecting the president to leave walter reed in just about a half hour and return to the white house. continue to watch cnbc for live coverage of that it is now time for the final trade. let's go around the horn what do you say? >> whirlpool broke out to five year highs the housing trade is very much still on but it should be played through building materials of which i throw whirlpool in there valuation not expensive breaking up >> karen some. >> yeah. all this talk about the gold rush for vaccines. what do you want to own in a gold rush? pickaxes and metal plates and you look for gold. so who makes all those stuff, chemicals, reagent, supplies thermo fisher. >> steve grasso? >> solar etf
6:00 pm
tan is the symbol. you'll see more and more states having mandates about solar power needing to be used f biden comes in, you're going to have a green new deal a huge deal. money is going to be flowing into solar tan, etf >> guy >> my mission is simple, to make you money i am here to level the plain field for all investors there is always a market some where. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now >> hey, i am cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramer america. i am just trying to make you money. call m
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