tv Squawk Alley CNBC October 14, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
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ceo of electronic arts, andrew wilson as we talk to him about the world of gaming and a lot more john, retrospective of apple's event. >> we're bringing the east and west coast together. apple unveiling its long-awaited 5g iphone 12, but we have been questioning whether the 5g networks, especially here in the u.s., are ready to drive demand. josh covers apple for us i didn't see tim cook hedge at all in his 5g pitch yesterday. he was full steam ahead. >> that's right, john. not one bit. experts are right, they have questioned whether 5g is really ready, but tim cook doubling down on that bet with his new iphone 12. >> the generation of technology that provides a step change in what we can do with our iphones, the next generation is here. today is the beginning of a new
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era for iphone >> 5g promises faster everything, from movies to games, to all kinds of downloads, and that sounds exciting, but it's still just a promise of what could be the reality right now is that 5g coverage here in the u.s. is still spotty in fact, recent reports suggest that in some places 5g was actually worse than 4 dpg. but cook and verizon's ceo are putting a big stake in the ground they think this is a turning point for the technology >> today with iphone, the wait is over. 5g just got real >> and the truth is that these executives could be right. apple isn't the first smartphone vendor to offer a 5g handset here in the u.s. it is unrivalled with brand strength a 5g iphone is a big deal.
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it's a step up the investment, build out the networks and make true 5g more widely available. back to you all. >> josh, thank you we're going to stay with apple's big event and let's bring in friends of the show and 5g skeptics along with the wall street journal's joanne stern. >> i went into the event skeptical of whether they could make a full-on 5g pitch. not only did they do that. tim cook had hans vestberg on the stage, which says to me that even though people are saying 5g isn't ready, with these two brands sticking their reputation on this, i think the experience is going to be a bit better than we expect. >> did they make a 5g pitch? >> oh, yeah. >> they said words about 5g. >> i think they staked their reputations as apple and verizon on people having at least a
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somewhat better experience on 5g networks than they are on 4g it wasn't eventually this will be good. they said the future is here >> they did say that and to be fair, if you're verizon and you're not staking your reputation on your next generation network, i don't know what you're doing. but here's what i would say about 5g and i've thought about this a lot because i have to say something funnier than joanne. in the middle of the pitch for 5g, they announced a feature called smart data mode in the heart of the pitch the thing that smart data mode does for you is it turns 5g off to save battery life so not only is the network not ready, the hardware, because the networks are new and the modems are new, is going to drain your battery life if you overuse 5g the phone itself, unless you are doing something that demands a lot of speed, is going to turn 5g off almost most of the time i did not see a single compelling use case for 5g in
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the entire presentation other than the speed test app. i've been going to dinners and meetings and briefings and pitches for years about 5g and all anyone has ever told me it will do is be faster >> what do you want it to do i've got to take the other side. i know we were just talking yesterday and you said don't expect much from 5g. i don't care that this thing turns off 5g when i'm not use it i don't care that certain apps are going to downscale i like efficiency. i know you'll be tough on this when you test it, but didn't they make a pitch that this is going to be better >> they made a pitch that it's going to be better in the speed test app for normal consumers, and this is what i've been asking for the last number of 5g articles i've done and columns and videos, what is the benefit for normal consumers, where are they going to feel the faster speeds.
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and regardless if everything works perfectly, right, we've got good hardware, good network and you can get 5g all the time, what do you use the faster speeds for on your phone where is the answer to that question is the big thing. cook did point out downloads, certainly downloading video, downloading music, that's going to be faster they also did a lot of gaming demos where you would see things instantly rendering and talking about how this would be faster than your home wi-fi that's a good thing for some consumers, certainly but the killer app, which is what this is all about, we don't know yet that's why apple is betting and the carriers need apple to bet because it's all about the new era that they talked about yesterday. >> isn't it really about faster for video and gaming, they did do that gaming demo? so i wonder if you think that's going to be the market for this. people who are really streaming a lot of video and i guess that's the question, will there really be a market for this there are four phones to choose
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from will people feel compelled to upgrade because of 5g or just because the new phones have new cameras and other gadgets. >> that's exactly it 5g is nice to have at this point. it is not a reason to go out and buy a new phone. if anyone is watching this show, please do not go buy the new iphone for 5g. do not buy any phone for 5g. if you're going to buy it for something else, you just need an upgrade and you get 5g, that's great because you will have this technology on your phone >> sorry, go ahead i want to hear whether you think people are going to buy these four different phones and which one do you think is going to be the winner here. >> i would say in talking to folks at apple yesterday, definitely the sense that 5g is the driver did not come through. they were a little more subdued about it it's obvious that verizon used this moment to launch its 5g network in a different frequency
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spectrum i think most people are going to buy the iphone 12, the middle of the road, aggressively priced, heavily subsidized by at&t, verizon. they're basically going to give you one if you blink at them you've got to get 5g phones on a 5g network and we'll see application developers come out with things to take advantage of it the real question is the upper end and lower end. are people going to buy a very small phone when they're mostly at home or are they going to spend a lot of money on a top-end phone with a great camera when they're mostly at home this is a question we've been asking every phone vendor, but in this moment when people are on two-year cycle contracts, they get a new phone automatically and at&t and verizon are going to be aggressive with these phones i think we'll see a flat demand curve for the middle iphone 12 model. >> i disagree with one thing i think the mini is going to be huge i think the mini will be a huge
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seller it's priced lower and a lot of people do not want that huge phone. plus you're getting a good sized screen in this smaller form factor >> one of the things that, for me at least, put 5g into very sharp relief was when you went around the country with your cooler and set up shop and tried to see what service was like in various american cities. i mean, how do you envision your next time doing that going is it going to be different because of the commitment that the likes of verizon is making >> well, carl, actually i upgraded to an rv. i did this a couple of months ago, or maybe a month ago, where i packed the rv -- >> "breaking bad". >> i had my hazmat suit on and my meth in the back. that's not true. i know i'm on live tv. why i did that, though, is same thing. you've still got to be by these poles to get the fastest service. if you look at all of the tests from yesterday they put up, oh, well, all of these fast speeds,
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optimal conditions the optimal conditions right now for that speed is standing under a tower or parking your car next to the tower and that's what i was trying to do with this experiment, what do you use this speed for so i tried to hook up as many gadgets that i had in my house to my phone using the 5g personal hot spot to try to prove can you get 5g on all of your devices if you stand right under the tower. and it was somewhat successful >> i'm looking forward to the reviews from the wall street journal and from the verge what is going to be the ultimate test, whether you are wrong and 5g actually does outperform your expectations how high or how low is the bar >> i think the bar is two things one, whether on verizon in particular most people can get it right now verizon's network is very limited, with the ultra
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fast speeds is literally street corner to street corner. they're promising on a different frequency band but we haven't seen it. can you even get 5g, that's one question we're all asking. then it's the normal things, does the phone have a good battery life, is the experience of using the phone more compelling than the previous phone, and for me always, always, always is the camera better than last year. and i think there are some questions to be asked there, i think on the edges the camera might be better. but i think the main experience, i'm looking to see improvement. >> and does it make your friends jealous. that's what people also care about. thank you. >> thanks for having me. never make that nothing but a 5g joke again, please, i beg you. >> no promises >> i'm going to make it in my review after the break, an exclusive interview with ea's ceo andrew wilson. we're back in two minutes. stay with us t investhat's new? -audrey's expecting... -twins! ♪
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we'd be closer to the twins. change in plans. at fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. working within amazon transportation services, i really saw the challenge of climate change. we want to be sustainable, but when you have a truck covering over 300 miles, or you have flights going hundreds of miles, it's a bit more challenging. we are letting the data guide us to the best solution. it's inspiring to try to solve a problem that no one else has solved. that's super exciting.
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one of the many industries continuing to benefit from stay-at-home tailwinds firms like ea seeing record demand for new releases and record engagement on its network. electronic arts ceo andrew wilson joins us now in an exclusive to discuss thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you for having me good morning >> so, andrew, you just launched fifa 21, a record 3.6 million players at launch. that was friday. give us an update on how the
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game has done since launch, where are you now? >> well, let me tell you, i think that the game is doing really well. i continue to be amazed by what our teams are able to do during this lockdown. through the last six months we've launched ufc, madden, star wars, 200 live updates to our live services, nearly doubled our e-sports programming, and now we've launched fifa 21 and the team has done a spectacular job with the game. the demand coming out of the gate was really strong and continues to be high we're reaching daily active user records. so really proud of what the team has done and really excited to see people using games to kind of come together at this time where they still, you know, for the most part around the world, are apart. >> but any specific updates on fifa's numbers in those first five days or so? >> well, i mean, you talked about the ones out of the gate
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i would tell you that, you know, engagement is up nearly 20% year over year across the board we're reaching daily active user records and feeling really good about where the game is going. >> tell me, how much do you think these trends you're seeing are a result of covid? how much has user engagement changed over the past six months and how much do you think these trends are sustainable >> well, i think before covid we had seen, you know, two fundamental secular trends one was that social interaction was moving from physical to digital, and two, the consumption of sport and entertainment was moving to interactive. we had already started to see those trends what we've seen is covid accelerate them. more and more people are coming to our games and using our games to connect more and more people are using our games to enjoy the things they love, live sport, at a time where some of those things in their traditional forms weren't available. as we look at where they're at
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now, again i talk about how many games have lunched and the lift we've had. we've had tens of millions of people come into our network during covid, to add to the hundreds of millions of people we already had and we're seeing them engage deeply in the new games. even as parts of the world are kind of moving past covid right now. our expectation is that this growth we've seen wasn't unnatural. it really was just an acceleration of a trend that we had already started to see pre-covid and we're excited about what they're going to be able to do for players as we move through this. >> andrew, as you look at this granular data from countries around the world in the markets where things are starting to open up, as people start to have live sports to watch and as people can leave the house more to go out to restaurants and do other things, are you seeing that engagement drop or is this a permanent addition of new users or more of a fluctuation due to the fact that people are stuck at home? >> i think it's still early for us to tell, because we are in
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this very acute phase of the transition from a total and complete lockdown to kind of a varied lockdown rate in different parts of the world but, again, i would point to what's happened with our games the last season of apex legends was the biggest season since launch madden last year had a record year, the biggest year ever in the madden franchise was last year's madden and we're up 20% year over year this year fifa last year was a record fifa and we're up, you know, across the board in engagement in that game ufc that we launched, even as the ufc was, you know, back holding events, both in vegas and they were doing a great job of delivering sports to fans, we saw our ufc game respond significantly better than the last game and both unit styles and engagement up, versus where
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we were on the last game to our anticipation now is what's happened is that games even more are becoming a central point of people's digital lives and a central point of how they connect with their friends and they're becoming a central point of how they consume sports more broadly, and that we believe will continue to grow even as sports come back online. >> andrew, a lot of our viewers spend a lot of time trying to ferret out who is truly leading innovation in chip technology as it pertains to gaming. i just wonder who impresses you and what innovations maybe the market doesn't fully appreciate yet. >> well, you know, i think we're seeing a strong push across computer chip technology across the board, we're seeing intel continue to push, amd do well, nvidia doing great things with graphics we heard about apple yesterday and their dhip in the phone. at the end of the day for us, anything that enhances our
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ability to deliver, you know, highly immersive entertainment to our fans is a really good thing. as we think about the advent of these new chips and the advent of 5g networks and our ability to use the cloud to deliver these experiences to our players and our ability to kind of bring hundreds of millions of fans together in a single game to drive entertainment and communication and social interaction, we're really excited about the future and you should imagine for us as we start to think about the future the concept of the consumption of sports more broadly, how do we expand and enhance our role of delivering sports to fans we know fans consume sports differently, they consume more sport than any fan before them, but it's about engaging in social commentary and the participation in our games it's about interacting with their friends through fantasy and i think we will have the ability to bring that together. >> you mentioned 5g and that's
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exactly what i wanted to ask you about. yesterday apple's tim cook, verizon's hans vestberg, made the full-on pitch that the iphone 12 marks the beginning of the mainstream 5g era and we saw league of legends coming to the iphone 12 as well. if that's true, i would expect that electronic arts is going to be specifically investing at a new level in mobile and in 5g capability for the near term, for 2021 are you doing that do you think this marks the beginning of an investable 5g era? >> almost certainly, and i would tell you we've been thinking about this at length for some time the notion of 5g is not new. we've been working with our platform partners and network partners for some number of years about how we think about a world in which 5g delivers streaming of content to every device you own, including your mobile phone what does that femean for us?
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if i go back to the fundamental trends, which is social interaction moving from physical to digital and the consumption of sport and entertainment moving to interactive and the fact that video games are at the very intersection of those two things, you should imagine that as we think about the creation of games, as we think about harnessing the power of the hundreds of millions of people in our community around creation of their own experiences inside those games and how we link that to the rest of their lives so that the game becomes the central point of our community's digital life we're very excited about what we're going to be able to do and you should imagine we've been investing in that for some time. >> a question about the way you're looking at all the different platforms right now, all the ways you can distribute games. you've done deals with microsoft game pass, google, how important are those partnerships and are those deals and the way you reach consumers less profitable than if a consumer comes to you and buys a game directly >> i would tell you that, you know, one of the great strengths
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of electronic arts over the last 40 or so years is our ability to get to players where they are, regardless of platform we've been a platform agnostic company since our inception and our orientation was always to be where our players are. there are things we can do differently with our players when they interact with us directly through our platforms, but i would also tell you as you've seen with our relationship with steam, we now think our community with the steam community. when we talk about what we're doing with playstation 5, we link our community with their community and the same is true with our subscription being available with game pass so a lot of the things that were traditionally available to us with respect to the experiences we could deliver to players as part of our own platform, now through the very strong relationships and great partnerships with them, we're able to deliver those things to our players regardless of what platform they engage in. and you should imagine that given the strength of those
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partnerships, the business relationships and the economics of those make complete sense for us >> well, andrew wilson, we appreciate you joining us to talk to us on the heels of the launch of fifa 21. we appreciate it and hope you'll come back again soon >> thank you so much guys, take a look at zoom today. shares down a touch, dispute a new feature announced today that will allow users to put on live virtual events that people can pay to attention go to for more on how that works and stay with us as we look at some headlines about pelosi and mnuchin's phone call today. the president in front of the economic club of new york when we return. insulin injections can make diabetes complicated.
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about an hour and her office called the conversation productive and said they're still seeking clarification on language they said one major area of disagreement remains over whether a national testing strategy is needed and her office said that the speaker does believe we must reopen our economy and schools safely and soon now, this all comes as the senate is reopening the debate over stimulus by holding a vote next week on a $500 billion targeted relief plan obviously that number is still far away from what democrats have wanted. difficult to see at this point how all three sides bridge their differences, but pelosi's office did say that she does plan to speak again with the treasury secretary tomorrow, john >> an important update thank you. and bill gates says he is not concerned about all of the stops and stalls and starts in the phase three vaccine trials for covid-19 to find out why, head over to
11:29 am for our full interview with the microsoft founder stay with us more "squawk alley" still ahead. >> all of the phase three trials have a specific tracking of getting elderly people into the trial, which has gone very well, and of looking at the primary end point of how you improve the health and what kind of antibodies you have in those older people that is a very positive thing. the antibody levels look very promising. some vaccines do not work well in older people, some vaccines do work well and these constructs right now, the da on tathat, is quite positive, which is super important. ♪ we'd be closer to the twins. change in plans. at fidelity, a change in plans is always part of the plan. the annual enrollment period is here.
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welcome back, everybody. i'm sue herera here is your cnbc news update. supreme court nominee, amy coney barrett, is back on capitol hill for the third day of her confirmation hearings. judiciary committee chair, lindsey graham, saying president trump has made history by nominating someone who was, quote, unshamedly pro life, end quote. in liverpool, england, street parties on the night before stringent restrictions went into effect they surrounded a police car before crowds were dispersed
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separately, wales says it will ban entry from covid-19 hot spots in the rest of the uk. in spain's catalan region, bars and restaurants are being closed except for takeout and delivery it's all part of new measures to limit the latest outbreaks that include limited opening time for shops and parks. and a russian rocket launching earlier this morning, taking an astronaut to the international space station. they have already arrived, in fact a new flight plan cut the time of that journey in half, which is an amazing part of that story. you are up to date that's the news update this hour julia, i'll send it back out to you. >> thanks, sue apple's big unveil of its 5g unabled phones will have a huge impact on t-mobile's announcement, ending at an all-time high. the stock is giving up gains,
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down 3% today. verizon ended down yesterday, losing 1% today and at&t dropped over 1% over yesterday's session, down further today. new research saying t-mobile with the broadest 5g reach is in the lead, verizon as the launch partners puts them in a better position than expected, saying t-mobile got what they needed, saying we continue to think the iphone 12 will drive upgrades and switching and the switching will thelp t-mobile. a cameo from verizon's event, shows that apple views verizon's approach as a differentiator, saying they're in a position to make switching to 5g feel like it's worth it. the price tag of the iphones is actually higher if bought through t-mobile, but, carl, t-mobile says it will aggressively discount so the prices will actually be lower. we'll see how it all pans out.
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>> yeah, some of the deals are starting to get laid out, especially for those who are existing customers, you're absolutely right it's app developers, those companies themselves, what about apple's continued fight over the app store? joining us to talk more about that is base camp co-founder back with us on how things stand on that front. welcome back, good to see you. >> thanks for having me back >> we did get that judge ruling on monday where apple can ban fortnite from the app store, at least for now. in terms of directionally, where do you see that standoff going >> well, i think it's going to go on for a very long time, unfortunately. that's the way these things go this is why all us smaller app developers are thrilled that epic is taking on this battle, not because we're going to get eminent relief, but simply because someone dares to stand up to apple in a court of law. i think it's unfortunate with some of these rulings the way
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there's a sense of splitting it down the middle, that they're not going to touch the engine, but then fortnite won't be let back into the store. that's the way the court game goes and that's just one plank that this whole thing is playing out upon i think more interesting was the release of the congressional report, more interesting is the building of the cases from doj with regards to google and hopefully that will include their app store issues, and then all the stuff going on in europe and the rest of the world. this is not going to be settled in a day or week or even a year. >> right so we'll watch how that sausage gets made, for lack of a better word now you've got to roll in the additional dynamic of 5g what is the underlying effect on some app developers as that new technology rolls in? >> to be frank, i don't think it's going to be very much at all. ithink 5g is vastly overplayed i think the telcos and apple are
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conspiring to over-sell that this thing is going to revolutionize, when for most people it will do nothing of the sort 5g has been oversold in what it can actually do, but the claims apple made yesterday in their announcement, they couldn't agree on what the theoretical through-put was going to be. was it going to be 4 gigabytes or 3.5 the reality is that all the independent testing, particularly in the u.s., is that 5g is actually slower than 4g in a bunch of places. i don't think this will be a main driver or have any main impact on the majority of app developers out there, because speed is simply not the constraining factor. apple's policy is the constraining factor. if apple wanted to unleash innovation in app development, they should look at their app store policies rather than just blow into the hot air balloon. >> is there anything that apple announced yesterday with the
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iphone 12 plus announcements that you think is important for developers who are working on the platform, whether it's capabilities of the a-14 bionic or camera capabilities, things that might allow apps to do things in different ways >> i think that the new iphones, they look great, just like the iphones looked great last year i think we simply have to accept that we're leveling off here the amount of innovation that's happening in the new releases of the iphones, no matter how amazing tim cook says this or that is, it's just not tha amazing. and you can see in consumer responses that people are holding onto their devices longer and longer because an iphone from three years ago is still a great device there's less and less reason to upgrade. and i think app developers are essentially facing that same thing. we can't depend on the hardware just getting better and that driving upgrades or interest there's just saturation in terms of everyone having a phone, there's saturation in terms of the new prospects for upgrades
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i like speed as much as the next person i'm looking forward to the a-14 chip do i think it's going to have any impact really on our business, on our customers or even on my personal use of mobile phones? no, i don't think so >> david, i want to go back to something you just referenced briefly about the congressional report and where things stand right now in terms of apple being -- and the other tech giants being m the cross hairs of regulators. what do you expect to happen now and what would you advocate for as there's more and more conversation about antitrust concerns >> well, first of all, i think it's wonderful to see this extremely comprehensive report i've only just started reading it after coming back from vacation and sort of dipping in and out of it. but the research that has been compiled in this report is truly astounding and the tone it takes is refreshing that this is not a
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soft glove approach to dealing with these companies it's extremely hard hitting and the evidence presented in the report is just damning i was just reading the segment of the report that talks about the former executive of the app store essentially admitting to the fact that apple uses the app store policies capriciously to drive competition advantages and all of the things that we've been alleging for a long time. so to hear a former executive from apple essentially implicate apple in all the things that we knew to be true was still a huge deal and i think that this report is really going to open the doors, hopefully, for us to get some real legislative action, such that the enforcers of that action can have better tools and more clear guidelines that this is actually a thing that matters, that we haven't cared about monopoly abuses for 20 years in the technology industry now is the time to care. and that sends a signal not just to american regulators, but also
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the european front this is an international ecosystem and every ball that's being bounced off the wall ricochets somewhere else and we're going to see some of these initiatives that's happening in europe. there's something coming out very soon in the netherlands that we've been involved with. there's other actions coming in germany and the uk and other regulators really taking a close look at this and i think it's going to be a huge story come next year. >> that's one of the things that makes it so hard to understand and cover, is because it is global and very 3d david, thank you so much a lot to talk about. we'll see you soon. >> my pleasure thank you for having me back >> meanwhile, it's been a busy year for ipos with startups like airbnb and door dash perhaps next in line could election uncertainty affect those debuts? >> john, as you well know, the last few months have been a
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sweet spot for public listings the rush came after the onset of the pandemic and ahead of election uncertainty, leading to the busiest third quarter for ipos since the dot-com area. the consumer names decided to wait and the uncertainties for them are increasing. now, as john mentioned, the election is a big one. markets have been on a tear for most of this year, but volatility has risen as investors start to worry about the outcome of the presidential vote there's also regulatory risks tied to the election, prop 22 is now the most expensive ballot initiative ever in california. it could force gig economy companies to reclassify their workers, which would upend their business models. and there may be caution given that last year's ipo's uber and lift continue to trade below their prices so the question, will the next class fair any better? the unicorns waiting in the
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wings will some of the most senior, airbnb is more than a decade old, door dash was founded seven years ago. while the pandemic has hit them differently, some for better, some for worse, all three are likely unprofitable on a gap basis. another question with more options on the table to go public, traditional direct stock, which route will they go? it is still early days but take a look at how a few of the recent software debuts have fared. palintir and asana trading below their first day. snowflake and unity fairing better because they are traditional ipos. >> as we head to break, shares of amc entertainment plunging today after bloomberg reported that the theatre operator is considering a a potential bankruptcy filing. you see the shares down 14.5%. the ceo telling reuters the report is completely inaccurate
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web. according to security analysts, credentials are for sale for as little as a few bucks on the internet the average person can't access the sites without specific software, but we had a tour of the dark web and we saw dozens of portfolios listed from vanguard to charles schwab, with balances from $1,000 to half a million. but accounts on stock trading startup robinhood tended to fetch the highest price tag. analysts say the premium is likely due to perceptions that robinhood is easier to hack and criminals thinking that if they buy those credentials, they're more likely to get in and cash out. other analysts tell me robinhood traders may be more at risk if they're touting on social media, talking about trades on social media could be putting a target on their backs consumers are taking notice as well mentions of the word hack and robinhood app reviews have quad rupled in the last year. we spoke to four robinhood
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customers who said they were hacked and complained of not being able to get somebody on the phone. robinhood said that's by design. they do most of their communication by email they say there have been a limited amount of hacks this year and there are new safety precautions, such as push note any indications and encouraging stronger w stronger pass words. the warning comes as more people work from home and turn to day trading with firms ushering in record new accounts this year. guys, back to you. >> that's such a quickly evolving story, kate good stuff kate rooney joining us on that when we come back, two days not fast enough for your delivery? how about two hours? we'll talk to a company who is behind a promise like that the dow is sharply negative, mnuchin saying a deal on imusefe e econay
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plans available to anyone with medicare. many plans provide broad coverage and still may save you money on monthly premiums and prescription drugs. with original medicare you're covered for hospital stays and doctor office visits, but you have to meet a deductible for each and then, you're still responsible for 20 percent of the cost. next, let's look at a medicare supplement plan. as you can see they cover the same things as original medicare, and they also cover your medicare deductibles and co-insurance, but they often have higher monthly premiums and no prescription drug coverage. now, let's take a look a humana's medicare advantage plans. with a humana medicare plan, hospital stays, doctor office visits, and medicare deductibles are covered. and, of course, most humana medicare advantage plans include prescription drug coverage. in fact, in 2019, humana medicare advantage prescription drug plan members saved and estimated 7,800
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dollars on average on their prescription costs. most humana medicare advantage plans include a silver sneakers fitness program at no extra cost. dental and vision coverage is now included with most humana medicare advantage plans, and you get telehealth coverage with a zero dollar co-pay. you get all this for as low as a zero dollar monthly plan premium in many areas, and your doctor and hospital may already be a part of humana's large network. if you want the facts, call right now for the free decision guide from humana. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network, to find out if you can save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana - a more human way to healthcare.
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season not even halloween yet but consumers are taking the bait. amazon saw sales up 46% in the first hour of prime day at 3:00 a.m. eastern that's according to edison trends up an average of 26% peaking at 9:00 a.m. meantime, walmart's big save launch saw the biggest boost sunday night up 32% in early hours up an average of 18% in the first 15 hours before amazon got going with prime day and even though there's still one day and a half left to this week's big save sale at walmart the store's already getting us primed for the holidays and will open doors at 5:00 a.m. on black friday but, you know, the overlap in these sales is no doubt making consumers wonder if they need to buy early if they'll roll on one from the other one thing you need to do, see if they still have inventory and
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you can use one of those third party track attorneys see whether you're getting the best price. >> so true, bertha not all companies are excited about selling their products on amazon specifically. they're a little leary about giving their date to to another big platform the ceo of dark store, a micro fulfillment company that helps nike deliver their products. >> thank you for having me. >> micro fulfillment basically talking, what, a couple hours from order to delivery i'm assuming we have to be approaching the edge of the envelope of just how quickly this can happen. >> yeah, you're absolutely right. we talk within minutes, so our darkstores which are micro fulfillment sends are just around the block from where people live. >> i assume this is highly concentrated in urban or maybe you found ways to do it in
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suburbs where you're not just a few blocks away. >> totally urban now and given the state of the world, our mission to make all the world's products accessible within two hours and with darkstore we are doing that with micro fulfillment centers within neighborhoods that enable e-commerce to be delivered within two hours and our newest offering with fast af with customers and dtc brands are extremely excited about enables you to get brands like nike, asop and glossier delivers within two hours of you. >> tell us about this fast af app. your first consumer facing app as part of darkstore where is it available and how quickly can you roll it out when trying to maintain super fast delivery speeds? >> currently we are in los angeles so that's where this darkstore is you see all the products behind me we have sonos and nintendo and
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glossier available within two hours and we'll be coming to new york just within a few weeks and for us, you know, for the past few years we spend our energy and time laying 9 groundwork and have a network of 550 darkstore as cross 280 cities that allow us to roll this out really quickly going forward. >> you seem to me like a reverse department store i mean, within minutes, within two hours -- we used to call that department store at the mall where you could go and get a bunch of different brands except you had to drive to there and you instead are driving to the customer s that fair >> that's absolutely correct you know, for us what we do is we bring the store to you and the store can almost invisible so we have over 200 direct to consumer brand as valuable within two hours over 1200 products everything from personal care to health and wellness to fitness, all available just with the tap of a button.
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>> lee, really quick, some of our viewers might be old enough to remember and urban fetch from the turn of the century. what's possible now that wasn't possible then? >> yeah, really think it's the state of the world i think it's, you know, we focus on three things, so first, you know, retail shifted no longer do consumers want to go to the store, you know, they want to have delivery brought to them and you're see that with groceries. it's commonplace to have your grocery delivered and not go to the store. we're also seeing, you know, people, you know, not want to get those legacy brands and you see, even companies like express where their market cap is 50 million, some of the brands behind me are doing more than that in revenue. and i think the last piece really is, you know, this shift in the overall economy and state of where department stores were, you know, those are being turned into micro fulfillment centers
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to be used for e-commerce. those three trends are really the tailwinds behind us enabling this customer service. >> yeah, so many dynamics in there. the phone, the pandemic, the consumer mind-set have changed lee, thanks for the time look forward to having you back. lee hnetinka let's get to the judge and "the half." >> welcome to "the halftime repohalftime report." even as one notable investor now warns the market offers the lowest prospective returns in history. we debate your money with our investment commitment. joining me joe terra nova, john and jerry and the ceo of momentum advisers institutional adviser group, a cnbc contributor. majors going for their fifth positive session in the past six. got work to do down about a half a percent or a touch more
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