tv Worldwide Exchange CNBC November 23, 2020 5:00am-6:00am EST
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♪ it is 5:00 a.m. at cnbc, 10:00 a.m. in oxford, england. here is your top five at 5 more good vaccine news monday morning. starting to be a trend stocks on the rise because there is more positive news breaking moments ago, the astrazeneca oxford university vaccine candidate showing more positive results. we're going to break it down all this as local leaders issue orders for more lockdowns and restrictions the country's most populous country halting indoor dining and las vegas taking new
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measures on its own to stem the spread meantime the president-elect forming his inner circle as president trump's legal team hitting another brick wall and besting the bitcoin? you betcha the crypto asset outperforming them all it's our rbi on this monday, november 23rd, this is "worldwide exchange." ♪ well, good monday morning, good afternoon or good evening and welcome from wherever in the world that you may be watching i'm brian sullivan good to have you on the program this morning it's becoming a trend lately now, mondays, vaccine mondays now tending to show positive data in the fight against covid. and today is no exception. look at that stock futures they are up, dow futures up 208 nasdaq futures up 50 the markets are getting a boost
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this morning on news from astrazeneca and oxford university that broke just hours ago. the university saying its covid-19 vaccine was found to be as much as 90% effective in preventing infections without serious side effects in a large clinical trial in the uk and brazil efficacy rates from 62% to 90% depending on the dosage given. headlines from an on going news conference with the vaccine developers right now, this vaccine can be easily distributed and is stable at normal refrigerated conditions that's important because transporting it at super cold conditions is hard and expensive. this one needs no more than a refrigerator, like moderna they expect to have more than 200 million doses of an active vaccine by the end of this year and plan to manufacture up to 3 billion doses. on a time frame, they will begin talking to the u.s.'s food and
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drug administration later on this week about formal approval. very, very good news all around. meantime two other leading vaccine candidates shown to be 90% effective in late stage trials the one from pfizer and bion tech and moderna the former of which is under fda review for emergency use authorization. watching dow futures over the past six hours you can clearly see when the astrazeneca news hit the tape, boom, right around 2:00 a.m., futures did pop on that another stock in the covid space we continue to watch is regeneron because the company receiving emergency approval over the weekend for its antibody cocktail treatment. that's the same one the president took when he was diagnosed with covid back in october. outside of stocks we continue to watch bitcoin as well, pulling back a bit today but hovering just below 20,000. either way, very good news on both the vaccine front and the
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treatment front over the last 24 to 36 hours. meantime, around the world, mostly higher day in asia, kospi soaring. much more on that in a moment. europe is two and a half hours into their trading day as well but we're seeing more green than red on the screen. in fact, all the major averages as you can see are positive or have recently turned positive. let's stay with the global picture and covid because even countries that look like they may have had covid under control are beginning to see some new outbreaks. now, south korea says it is tightening social distancing restrictions, all part of an effort to stem a rising case load seoul and surrounding areas are now at level 3 out of a 5 tier system meantime here at home, the chief scientific adviser for operation warp speed says u.s. healthcare and other frontline workers could begin to receive our first vaccine candidate within a day
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or two of regulatory approval which should occur the middle of next month speaking with abc's "this week," some 70% of the u.s. population would need be inoculated to receive herden immunity from the virus but a goal that could be hit by may very, very good news. in the meantime, president-elect joe biden is expected to announce antony blinken as secretary of state. blinken was a deputy secretary of state in the obama administration and one of biden's closest policy advisers. "the new york times" also reporting jake sul vain, another close aide as national security adviser and linda thomas greenfield, a 35-year foreign service veteran as his ambassador to the united nations. official news on cabinet nominees is expected tomorrow. but even as cases rise,
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testing is up and at least three vaccine candidates are now likely on the way. the markets have reacted we are off to one of the best starts in decades for stocks but is there maybe too much optimism built into the recent rally? aaron gibbs the president and chief investment officer of gibbs wealth management and joins us now erin, great to see you again even if it is just virtual look, we're getting closer to the day where everybody might just be able to be on set all together again the markets have responded but do you feel like they've responded maybe a little too aggressively >> well, certainly november has been dramatic. the s&p is already up almost 9% just for november. and when we look farther down into the riskier assets we're looking at almost 17% for month to date. so it is a big bump, but i think this can certainly settle down some of these stocks have been beaten un. what we have really seen in this
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big jump in november is a change in leadership, a reversal. we've seen instead of the megacaps, our traditional stocks being lead thor. we've had consumer discussion nar energy in the large caps and also seen small and mid cap outperform in that sense i think it's coming from stocks that have been massively beaten up earlier in the year. i think it's healthy we're seeing this reversal or change in november. >> is there any part of the market that you think is still fairly or even undervalued, erin >> yeah. there's still plenty of places because just for years, in fact, for most of 2019 and 2020 it's really been just about the megacap. so i think it's actually healthy we're seeing little more breath. one of my favorite areas is going into the small and the mid caps and just using a broad index rather than individual
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stocks i want to verse some of that risk when you look at the price of growth rates we're seeing for 2021, because this is really how investors are investing right now is just giving up on 2020. we're not really that concerned about fourth quarter money it's all about 2021 and the economic recovery. and when you look at the type of profit growth rates that we see in this small caps, we're looking at 60% profit growth versus about 23 for large cap. so two and a halftimes the growth rate, yet they're creating well below valuations and they're still just trying to catch up on their underperformance for the past two years. that's an area investors can still get into there's still a lot of room for growth and price and as we do keep getting this positive news about vaccines, this is only going to further help those types of assets >> any of the so-called stay at home stocks still worth owning, erin
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or do you think their time has come and past? >> you know, i think you've really got to be choosey and look at the fundamentals, look at whether they were solid companies to begin with and how much of that is going to change post pandemic versus just what we need right now during the pandemic so actually today when ever you get good vaccine news, these are great days to buy those stay at home stocks because usually they get pretty beaten up when there's positive vaccine news. so two of my favorites are peloton and netflix, both have very strong earnings and people particularly peloton, a sunk cost and they have that $2,000 machine, they're sort of loathe to change and go back to the gym. so i think also this is about moving to the suburbs. we see these record home sales and so having a home gym where you have more space, same with
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netflix. i think those are two companies. i think some of the more vulnerable ones like roku and zoom their rise might have been a little too quick and they're a little less stable when it comes to earnings earlier in the growth. so not as fond of those. >> yeah. and i know you're supposed to ride your peloton and look at the instructors, but there are people who ride their bike and watch netflix, i'm told. erin gibbs, always a pleasure. erin, have a great day good start to your week. happy thanksgiving we'll see you soon thank you very much. >> thanks very much. folks, we're just getting started on a vaccine monday. when we come back, he helped investors make a fortune off his bet shorting the u.s. housing market ahead of the 2008 financial crisis now he claims he can do the same with climate change and covid. the exclusive next. then, americans ignoring the cdc warnings against holiday
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wall street, the markets are set to open up higher again this morning. dow futures up 207 on the positive vaccine news coming from the university of oxford and astrazeneca. of course get you more on that as the day goes on we also had positive news on the treatment side out of regeneron getting emergency use authorization for their antibody cocktail treatment there as well so, in the last couple of weeks, we've had three positive vaccine news wells the regeneron and eli lilly treatment news, folks. we are getting there all right. well, during the sub prime mortgage boom when many investors were feverishly and foolishly trading junked up mortgage bonds a few savvy skeptics and some people on air recognized the bonds were doom to fail so they took bets against them and made billions now one of those players is doing the same thing not on sub prime, but on climate change and covid
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diana olic reports ♪ when we first met dave bert almost a year ago he was working on a thesis and a bet. he calculated that about one third of u.s. homes are over valued because of the rising risks from climate change. >> these hazard events are increasing these costs are increasing these are just facts i'm just not wrong about that. >> floods, fires and wind will cause more damage, making the cost of owning a home go up. costs from higher insurance rates, higher taxes, and uninsured losses as the costs go up, the value of the home goes down and consequently, the mortgage on the home is at a higher risk of default just like during the subprime storm when home values crashed and millions of mortgages went bad. bert should know he was one of a few clever analysts who recognized this early. he helped investors bet against the subprime market and make a
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fortunate. he was featured in michael lewis's best-selling book "the big short". >> bert had the most sensational information and models to analyze the information. >> true. >> can you do the same thing when it comes to climate risk? >> that's what i'm doing right now. >> that was just before covid hit. now, he's adding it to the mix because he believes climate and covid together make the bet even bigger >> covid has created a lot of problems fundamentally for the systems that support the housing market >> about 3 million mortgages are now in government or private sector covid bail-out programs and there is no guarantee that those borrowers will ever get current on their loans again so the homes are at risk of foreclosure. >> you're talking about very high delinquentsy rates on mortgages that we all thought were much higher quality than for instance you saw before the crisis >> and that could cause that jump in foreclosures
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and foreclosures cause surrounding home values to fall. now home prices right now are really inflated because of huge demand from covid stay at home culture. bert says he's now in the process of creating an investment vehicle, that is a short that will pay off big, he says, when these mortgages fail just like they did in subprime and he says, brian, he already has a ton of investor interest big surprise there >> yeah. i guess the difference is that back then nobody really knew what a credit default swab was and the market was very liquid, so you could place huge bets with not a lot of money. hopefully we're a little bit smarter this time. do we have any hints as to what this investment vehicle might be how is he going to do it maybe the same way >> well, yeah. it actually is going to go through a type of fannie mae and freddie mac vehicle. it's far too complicated to get in the amount of time we have. he's got it set up he's been talking to investors and even for the past year he
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says that investors have been interested in this and he's getting ready to put it to work. >> diana, fascinating piece. cornwall capital david bert. one of his characters was played by bradley pitt. you may have heard about him diana? >> yes. >> great stuff see you soon have a great day thank you. on deck, they call themselves the airbnb of warehouses how the former ceo of a dating website is now changing the game in logistics (people greeting one another) the same.
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the usual. the what you don't even have to say because they already know it. your go-to small businesses are relying on you to come back and shop small again. and again. and again. we know them. we love them. so let's go shop small. with american express. at morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view. ♪ we see companies protecting the bottom line
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by putting people first. we see a bright future, still hungry for the ingenuity of those ready for the next challenge. today, we are translating decades of experience into strategies for the road ahead. we are morgan stanley. at cdwwell we've made our happy,office pet friendly.s. [ bleat ] [ cooing ] maybe a little too pet friendly. well you know cdw can design a mobility solution with light powerful devices from lenovo to make your people more productive in or out of the office. anyone have any questions before we go? that's great cause i really need to get out of here. snake people are freaking me out. hey sheryl, you have a sec? -nuh, uh. for work place productivity you need lenovo, and it orchestration by cdw. people who get it.
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good morning and welcome back well, despite the government's warnings telling us all to stay home, apparently everybody just got on the plane this weekend any way. more than 2 million americans flew over the weekend. and look at this, on friday alone, more than 1 million people hopped on a flight. that is about 150,000 more than the previous two fridays combined nbc's jay gray in chicago with some on the ground perspective jay, i know right now obviously there's not a lot going on, but apparently o'hare was pretty busy over the weekend. >> reporter: packed. brian, i don't know any other way to explain it. a ton of people getting on planes and taking off. i want to show you now we're at, what, 4:20, 4:21 in the morning. there are already people here in line and making their way through -- not a ton of social
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distancing, although everybody has their face masks on here you talk about the number of people flying the last few weeks has been growing just like the infection rate of the virus. and this morning, not only here at o'hare but across the country we expect to see crowds at airports for a lot of people packed roads and airports are a holiday tradition. >> people are traveling and, you know, going to see family and friends. but a lot of those decisions are being made last minute to make those trips. >> reporter: trips that doctors, nurses, health officials, city and state leaders have for weeks been urging travelers not to take >> you should not be traveling right now covid is surging across the entire united states. >> reporter: in many cases, spread as group as families gather from across the country, still for some, spending months cooped up and the pull of seeing family and friends feels strongly right now than the risk of infection
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>> we just felt like, okay, it doesn't seem like it's getting any better, so we might as well just try to just have a little bit of fun without getting sick. >> reporter: passengers are required to wear masks and airports are trying to enforce social distancing. >> no one is six feet apart. like, everyone is kind of three feet apart or two feet apart it's horrible. so, yeah it's bad to travel right now. >> reporter: that concern driving some travelers to the road aaa says 80% of all trips will be by car. >> the car offers so much security to people it's your own space, right you know who will be with you. >> reporter: still, health teams worry about exposure because they say the virus is growing and traveling this holiday season as well yeah and remember, look, this is just the start of the holiday travel season it looks like it will be a busy one. many fearing that it will trigger the highest rate of infection we've seen in the u.s.
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since the pandemic began, brian. it's a tough decision for a lot of people and it looks like they're siding on the idea of getting out and making this a normal holiday, which it's not >> it's not. but you know, jay, you and i both moved around. i've flown six or seven times since the pandemic began and you talk to people you spoke with that an stay sa she said, listen, if it's not going to get any better for the next few months, people are smart, they look at the data and realize they're probably going to be okay and just getting on a plane. that seems to be that over it mentality, whether or not that's smart or not, i doubt. you travel more than anybody i know, jay. you see it the attitude is very different everywhere outside of the new york metro area, let's be honest, right? let's be honest. >>. >> reporter: there's no question about it there's no question it is very different once you get outside of new york and that area. and the difference comes in the
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fact that, like i said earlier, people are just fed up with sitting around they're ready to get out a lot of areas they're moving to see family and friends in warmer climates and hope to spend some time outdoors, so they don't really have to be together so much and i think you hit it right on the head, brian. it's just an issue of we're over it and it's time to move on if that's the case, we'll find out. >> well, we are going to find out, 2 million plus people getting on a plane this weekend. jay gray, 4:30 in the morning. look at the lines behind you, jay. where are they going either way, happy holidays jay, best to you as well thank you, jay >> thanks. >> jay gray everyday he's in mobile, alabama, the next day in green bay, who knows let's get a check on this morning's other top headlines including the latest on the election and your typical puppy
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meets giant alligator story from, of course, florida nbc's phillip mena with that and more good morning, phillip. >> hey, brian. good morning jay gray travels more than anyone i know as well. today, michigan and pennsylvania they'll be certifying election results today. and president trump has sued in both states and lost the federal judge in the pennsylvania case called the trump campaign's legal arguments a frankenstein's monster, haphazardly stitched together. said their case was based on strained legal arguments and speculative accusations. the campaign has appealed that decision asking to reframe its argument california governor gavin newsome is under quarantine with his family after being exposed to a california highway patrol officer who tested positive for the virus. as cases in that state soar, los angeles county will be halting outdoor dining starting on wednesday. restaurants in the nation's most populous county can offer takeout and delivery for the next three weeks. story you were talking about here, brian.
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finally in florida a normal day in the sun turned into a fight for survival for a puppy named gunner an alligator dragged gunner into a pond so his owner, richard, jumped right in for the rescue this is catching the owner wrestling with the alligator, forcing its jaws open so his dog could escape he and his dog had only minor injury the most amazing thing to me here, brian, hard to see in the video. the guy still has a cigar in his mouth. had it the whole time while he was saving his puppy >> and i got to issue a correction i called it a giant alligator story. i did not know it was apparently a puppy alligator as well. still, that was a heck of a rescue he saved the dog he saved the cigar that, phillip, is america. >> that's the play of the day right there. it's a big alligator, little alligator, i would still be scared either way. so you know, does not diminish that accomplishment at all
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>> correct that is a -- either way sharp teeth. phillip, thank you very much, buddy. appreciate it. >> all right on deck, futures are surging again. happy monday as more positive vaccine news comes out a third candidate rolling out their results moments ago and it's looking good. all as more americans hit the roads for the holidays as we head to break, check out some of the premarket winners on the dow. futures up 213 boeing, chevron, disney, cisco all higher goat get out and travel stocks might look good again today. we're back right after this. when you switch to xfinity mobile,
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oh, you investors should feel thankful this morning stocks looking to kick off their holiday week on a positive note. stock futures up 200 on the dow. 43 on the nasdaq. fuelling the gains, more good news on a vaccine astrazeneca and oxford releasing their results. they are positive. and facing new pressure in a stimulus deal done even as they head to break. it's monday, november 23rd and this is "worldwide exchange". ♪ well, i feel like mondays
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now may be the song does remain the same because three mondays in a row we have had positive news on the fight against covid. good morning, everybody. i'm brian sullivan here is how your money and investments look right now as we are halfway through the 5:00 a.m. hour. futures up 200 points on the dow. markets getting a boost this morning following breaking news overnight on the fight against covid. we had more positive data coming out of oxford university and astrazeneca on their vaccine candidate. we'll get you that in a moment now, outside of equities, we also watched bitcoin it's been the star recently. although, there have been cryptos that have done better. that's our rbi i don't want to give too much away that's your rbi. that's astrazeneca i just moved -- i'm so pumped to be with you every monday morning i just speak so quickly that nobody can keep up by the way, it's all natural
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believe it or not, folks, this is decalf. scary. i know now to some of your morning's top stories and that breaking news on astrazeneca and oxford university. reporting their vaccine candidate found to be as much as 90% effective in preventing covid infections without any serious side effects they say that the large scale clinical trial both in the uk and brazil showed efficacy from 62% with just a half dose at the beginning to 90% that's all positive. other headlines from a news conference with the vaccine this morning, a short time ago, number one, it can be easily distributed and is stable at normal refrigerated conditions in other words, you don't need negative 80 degrees, hard to transport. you can put it in a refrigerator they expect to have 2 million active doses by the end of this year up to 3 billion total doses coming and they will begin talking to the u.s.'s fda this week about
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approvals here in the united states now speaking of the fda, it has also granted emergency use authorization to regeneron for its covid-19 antibody treatment. company submitted its application for the authorization last month after pre-clinical studies showed the therapy reduced the amount of virus and associated damage in the lungs. that stock up 6% right now this is the same antibody treatment that was given to president trump when he contracted covid meantime, nevada's governor issued new restrictions for las vegas's casinos and other steps amid rising case numbers beginning tomorrow, the new rules reduce occupancy limits in casinos, restaurants and bars, from 50% to 25%. it also reduces the cap on public gathering sizes, including entertainment venues to no more than 50 people or 25%
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capacity, which ever is fewer. we are watching shares to casino stocks they're mixed. when you have positive vaccine news, we know in a few months it looks like we'll have a large swath of population either vaccinated or getting vaccinated markets able to see past those kind of headlines. meantime now to washington and the renewed fight over a potential new round of stimulus. a group of more than 100 economists are now weighing in, calling on, urging, lawmakers if you will to get a stimulus deal done and another round of checks to americans good morning, elon good to see you. happy monday. >> good morning, brian well, we did get the first look at that new open letter going out today signed by 125 economists, urging congress to send out another round of stimulus checks. this letter calls them the quickest, most equitable, most effective way to ensure the economic recovery. and some of the people who
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signed it uncollude boldface names like jason ferman, president obama's former economic adviser and allen blinder, the former vice chairman of the federal reserve. now, the letter reads, a stimulus at the scale of the recession will boost consumer spending, driving the economic recovery and shortening the recession. now, a recent survey by franklin templeton and gallop found that many americans plan to cut their holiday budgets this year as hope dims for more help from washington according to the survey, without another round of checks, 37% of americans say that they'll spend less this season, but if congress were to step in, that number would drop to 30% now, the letter does not specify how big these checks should be democrats have proposed matching the $1,200 per adult that was in the first round of stimulus. they've also proposed boosting the amount per child to $1,200 as well. but there is a lot of debate about this with critics from both sides of the aisle concerned that people who may not need the checks might still be benefitting from them
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now, the letter does emphasize that the checks could be most effective and most helpful if they were targeted to the bottom half of households brian, they say that would ensure the minority communities hit hardest by this virus would not be left behind back over to you >> listen. you and i have talked offline and online, ylan you have kids. i have kids. they're learning from home let's be clear i'm in kindergarten everyday when my boy is on zoom, because he's a sullivan and all manic and everything, i have to be there. i'm basically in class with him. i know you've dealt with is this these working families, they have a choice. they can either go to work and leave their 9-year-old home alone, or they cannot go to work because they need to be home with their family. they don't have an option. millions of people are not able to work because the schools and they need help that's what these economists in
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large part are trying to sort of wrap the congress over the head with, if you will. >> that's right. and you know, the funny thing about this is that this is something that the white house had also wanted. they wanted to see checks go out to americans albeit before the election, but still something that they had offered to democrats clearly something that democrats had wanted as well but not something that they were ever able to agree on as the broader negotiations over stimulus gets stuck. so what you're hearing is economists just trying to push congress and push the white house over the edge to have them get something done this holiday season because, as you said, brian, so many americans are suffering. >> yeah, they certainly are. all those families that can't zoom from home, they're there in the warehouses and the restaurants and the grocery stores and we should all thank them as we go out to buy thanksgiving stuff ylan, thank you, by the way. always great to see you. >> no problem. well, i'm told that the holiday shopping season
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officially kicks off this week with so much spending shifting online, one of the hottest must-have items this year is a warehouse. spikes in demand for some products push supply chains to their limits or more one company hoping to ease that bottleneck is warehouse exchange, which uses an artificial intelligence platform to help companies, big and small, find space and also help owners of the warehouses monetize their unyiused square footage. grant, good to have you on listen, my wife works in consumer products. i talk about supply chain and logistical issues if not daily, close to daily trust me i get it how does this -- you do not own any buildings. how does warehouse exchange work for smaller companies in particular >> it is essentially airbnb for warehouse space, brian that's the easiest way i can say it for you we have buyers and sellers and
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bring thel together on a platform, match them up and they transact business. it's just that simple. >> you came from e harmony so you're pairing people up. now you're not pairing people up, you're pairing companies and warehouse space up so let's say i own a small business i'm not big enough to own my own warehouse. i need some space in denver because i'm trying to get my stuff out to california for the east coast what are my contracts? how much are you locking me in for? what are the risks for me? >> i think the easiest part of this process is the change in the legal. if you tried to get a warehouse today, it's typically like 30, 45-day negotiation with you and the warehouse owner. we put that into essentially a standardized contract so that you can look at it in ten minutes and you can say, this looks good to me the supplier has done the same and you can agree to that deal as far as term goes, kit be
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short. you know, that's one of the big changes that has happened over the past ten months is no one wants to be obligated. and that is small companies or big companies. everybody wants as much flexibility as they can possibly get. and so, we do 30 day leases. we do month to month leases. we try to keep things as flexible as they can possibly be >> and so what's the owner of the warehouse's, i guess, incentive to partner up with you rather than simply leasing it out to just one customer and locking that person into a ten-year deal they don't have to worry about it >> well, ten year deals are very, very hard to come by these days that's the first thing imd say large commitments are hard to come by just as a general rule and so what we're saying to people, not just warehouse owners, i mean, i think this is an important distinction there are so many entities so many businesses that have space. they don't even think of it as space. they kind of think of it as sunk
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cost when they see 20,000 square feet over there in their 300,000 square foot building, can't get a broker interested in selling that or leasing that it will just sit there we're saying to them, no, no, that's valuable property you know, much in the same way that people used to not think about the room over their garage as something that they could lease out to people who are in vacationing in that town, we're helping change the way people see the space they already have. and so, that's the real incentive for them sure, they can go and have a broker look for 18 months for someone to take a ten-year lease. we can fill the same building in 30 days with two or three smaller tenants. and it's actually a more stable situation because one bankruptcy isn't going to put you into a panic. >> grant langston, warehouse exchange from eharmony to warehouses either way, you're building relationships, grant and we appreciate you coming on cnbc
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term optimistic? here is one. bank of america out with a huge new study on so-called generation z and they found some very interesting things about the teens and between generation coming up behind us. joining us is the author of that report, head of global thematic investment research at bank of america merrill lynch. i loved this report. as soon as i read it and saw the title okay zoomer. you hooked by by the way with the title. i just found this so fascinating to hear about this massive trend in shift coming up behind us from an investor's perspective, in your mind, what are the one or two key money take aways from what you found >> well, we need to understand how gen-z thinks, how they consume and bank and work going forward. they're going to start everything online. why? because, brian, this is the first generation ever in history that was born into an online world. it does not know any other reality. so we're big believers in
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ecommerce and big believers in technology and big believers in media, or new media. those are going to be some of those winners of the new world they don't understand any other reality. gen-x, boomers, millennials born into an off-line world so for us, it has become a reality. they were born into this kind of reality. they're not going to consume alcohol. they'll be very, very different from all the generation, but they just anecdote here, brian, is that all the generations will become closer and more linked to zoomers and not the other way around first time ever in history >> they also apparently don't want to own a home, at least not yet. now, listen, things change once you have a kid, your apartment gets small or use a credit card probably from listening to their parents complain about two major financial downturns over the last ten years when they were young kids is what i'm guessing.
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>> they'll be very different financially from all the generations. first of all, yes, when we surveyed gen-z roughly 50,000 from around the world, we were very shocked to see that credit cards is not on the list of payments they're going to try first and foremost to use their phone's payment apps and be financially conservative because how their parents were lived and going through financial crisis and because it hit their experience they will not want to take a mortgage yes, they will buy a house one day but it will be smaller they'll get married later, have less kids than us. they're not going to take student loans. they actually don't belief you need to spend four years in university anymore they will not want to be supported by anything that has debt in it because it will kill their experience this is a generation that wants to experience rather than just think about the very, very long-term. >> so amazing. so what are some of the investable take aways, the actionable items for our viewers
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from your report >> so, we're big believers in ecommerce. we feel that ecommerce is the way going forward and believe that gen-z, covid crisis leaped forward ecommerce by four to five years that trend will continue even after covid. we believe in gaming we believe in new media. average gen-z will spend six years of his life in social media. this will continue we are big believers in esg. gen-z will invest according to esg standards, althoughthey don't really call it esg it's not very wall street phrase, they're going to start renewable energy, sustainability >> really amazing stuff there. look to emerging markets, look to gaming. six years on social media, gosh. haim, thank you very much.
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appreciate it. >> thank you, brian. on deck, it is your morning rbi and the crypto that is outperforming -- bitcoin, just move aside, bitcoin. we have one that has done even better you'll hear about it coming up. plus new street advisers lays out the moves to make amid this latest vaccine news dow futures up 211 we're ba aerhickft ts.
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time for your morning rbi. today let's hit what everybody seems to be talking about, again, the cryptos bitcoin has been hotter than a las vegas summer, and it's been getting a lot of attention for it up 43% in just one month, but just because bitcoin gets all the love from us in the media doesn't mean it's the only one worth looking at in fact, check out ether it has gone into the stratosphere, it's up 50% this month and now gained a stunning 560% from its lows of under 90 bucks two years ago. now, if you were smart enough, or brave enough, or lucky
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enough, or probably some combo of all three of those things, to drop 10 grand into ether at its lows you would have 65,000 bucks two years later. little historical lesson from all the way back to two years ago. ether was $1,300 to begin the year 2018, by mid december, it was under $100 that kind of crash happen again? who knows. i have no idea but crypto has shown it can be prone to wild and big swings the digital world with real world profits and losses it's a heck of a ether the real crypto star, random but interesting. now to the broader markets and stock futures up nicely on the astrazeneca and university of oxford news now we are joined by financial adviser at new street advisers group. good to have you on the program. we just had a conversation with
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haim israel about how gen-z is hooked to the internet, hooked to video games, by the way video games is a sector, i believe, that you do favor here. >> what we're weighing again is the lockdown measures versus with covid cases as well as, you know, obviously as you mentioned the vaccine news which is good news for the time being. i think when you look at those things, you want to be in a place where you can hedge appropriately. and when you look at those things we're having people indoors, we're being situation and being safe and hopefully locked down. what are ways we can find internet we can stream but also in other areas, people are in a very growing market e sports and video games is an area that is a growing market and still has a lot room to grow that's a place that we think is attractive we have the next gen consoles that also came out and i think they're being well received.
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that's something that we're watching closely and we have put clients in different areas >> yeah. i mean, i don't know if that's the gen-z trend or the lockdown trend. one trend we have seen delano, people are selling these work from home or lockdown stocks and buying the goat stocks i call them, get out and travel stocks as well. are you buying any of these work from home names, the zooms, the docu signs of the world on their weakness or do you think they should be tossed >> 100% buy on the weakness. zoom is a stock that we've liked, even prior to the pandemic 100% buy as you saw zoom pulled back over the past month that's a great opportunity for investors that really believe in the long-term play of zoom and not just for let's call it a pandemic play but something that actually has a viable business past that. so we have been buying some of that in the weakness, especially you mentioned zoom, docu sign.
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as we look into the new normal, past these times we hope to get past, these are companies we buy and companies we believe are still viable and still strong past that and where we have a new normal where people are being careful in those areas whether it's cashless buying and some of those plays. but those are things we still highly believe in past the pandemic play board, buying into those weaknesses for sure. >> are you playing any of the cryptos? i just talked about ether and bitcoin. you have light coin and others are you playing any of that world, delano? >> yeah. it's funny for clients, no. for myself personally i've been in that world. it's funny clients as it gets more popular, the stock -- excuse me, the price has been rising, clients have been asking, inquiring more it's really interesting play they have. so it's one of those things where people have to -- as we mentioned, you mentioned, understand the viability what is going on where we're talking about the adoptability for the transactions when it
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comes to -- because the gen-z and those areas really find it so interesting that's an area we're obviously looking at in more depth personally, smaller positions as a hedge but it's something we find very fascinating. >> yeah. delano, amazing the clients. you hear about these cryptography currencies. what is these things here? pleasure to have you on. have a great day and happy monday and good thanksgiving thank you. >> thank you. we're done here on wex you'll see me in two minutes i'll join becky and andrew on "squawk box" for the whole three hours. lucky you. dow futures up 200 we're back after this. ♪ you can go your own way
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it's time you make the rules. so join the 2 million people who have switched to xfinity mobile. you can choose from the latest phones or bring your own device and choose the amount of data that's right for you to save even more. and you'll get 5g at no extra cost. all on the most reliable network. so choose a data option that's right for you. get 5g included and save up to $400 dollars a year on the network rated #1 in customer satisfaction. it's your wireless. your rules. only with xfinity mobile. as amy first jober, is to care for derek. everything i do is for him. when i moved to this apartment after six months, we need to connect with the world. i use the internet to keep him in the language, because that's the way to connect to my family's traditions. he has to know where he comes from. we need internet essentials.
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vaccine breakthrough. in washington headlines, president-elect biden set to name some cabinet picks while president trump continues his election legal challenges. and it's thanksgiving week traditionally a time for travel and shopping, but things are expected to be a bit different this year. we'll talk about the businesses most impacted. it's monday, november 23rd, 2020, and "squawk box" begins right now. ♪ ♪ go big or go home ♪ go, go, go big or go home good monday morning, everybody. welcome to
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