tv Fast Money CNBC December 14, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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online for todd's comparison. >> thank you. >> so just like 20 seconds left. intraday sell-off we did see, still positive for the nasdaq and russell but only just for the russell. at the session lows essentially for the dow and s&p. >> and we have a big week of catalysts still ahead, including a fed meeting where there's not much action expected but we are expecting them -- the fed to get into a little bit what they might -- how they might do more quantitative easy if necessary or start to pull it back if necessary. that will be one thing, as well as moderna fda meeting. >> log on "the agenda" as always. we're out of time here on "closing bell." "fast money" starts now this is "fast money." tonight's trader lineups. top the on "fast," we're live on the frontlines of the vaccine rollout. fedex and u.p.s. critical to shipping the shots. we'll break down how you can play these names straight ahead. plus, double down on the doubles. for stocks up more than 100%
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from the march bottom. should you fix with them or fade the big bounce? later, how about a side of fries with that? mcdonald's shares sizzling today. is this a golden opportunity to bet on the golden arches? we're going to be digging in. but we start off with a major turning point in the fight against the coronavirus. happening now, the first batch of the vaccines are reaching frontline health care workers across the u.s. cities and towns at the ready for a chance to deploy the new shot. and another grim milestone for america, u.s. deaths passing 300,000. hospitalizations continuing to rise. new york city's mayor out with a major warning today the city should prepare for the possibility for another full shutdown. and boston just announcing a few hours ago it is closing gyms and museums. the news giving a bid to the stay-at-home trade. check out this chart as the vaccine rollout gets under way. goldman sachs estimating a majority of americans will not be inoculated until q2 of next year. so as of today, health lp is
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literally on the way. but it's still a rough road for investors before we reach that other side. guys? >> no question about it. i like that, fries -- what did you say? do fries come with that? >> want a side of fries? >> a lot of jokes surround that. i won't get into the ones we used to say back in high school in the 1940s, but once again i digress right at the top of the show. i thought for a long time, one of the things i said, you can't get there from here and miles to go before i sleep in terms of vaccine in the second quarter of 2021. the news is fantastic. i think we're all in unanimous agreement that today's news is wonderful in terms of what pfizer's done and moderna's done. you have to ask yourself how much has been priced in? one day does not a trend make but i will say a couple of things, the reversal in the vix closing at 23 3/4 is something to keep an eye on. best level throughout the entire
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year. ibb traded to a new all-time high. started off late but closed positive. something to keep an eye on. pfizer, we talked about this last week when the news rolled out, 43 had been the level dan nathan had been looking for. look how pfizer traded today. clearly a lot of things to be concerned about. the fact netflix had its best day in quite some time i think is telling you something in terms of the stay-at-home trade. >> yes, peloton shares up, royal caribbean shares down. it's playbook, danny. what did you make of the action? >> yeah, pilot pretty interesting, i think it turned around on the opening and how we closed. i think we speak to the fact some of the most difficult days are ahead of us right now when you think about some of the projections is that in cases over the next few months. and i think it's really important to remember we're all very hopeful about the rollout of these vaccines but there's a lot of answers that really are yet to be determined. and one of the big ones is
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talking to people who cover the biotech and pharma space is specifically, does this vaccine prevent transmission? so when you look at the goldman estimate about when people, our full country will be inoculated with this vaccine, that's just one piece of the pie and likely to be rosy and likely we will be wearing masks and distancing and all of that sort of stuff for the balance of 2021. so when i think about what the risks are for investors here, how much of this enthusiasm about the vaccine is incorporated in stock prices and valuations most importantly right here and how much performance have we pulled forward going forward? i am expecting a bit of those answers to come in 2021 and q1. it may be a little volatile for equity investors, especially with equity prices wherer this rig where they are right here. >> karen, you have been a little pessimistic as far as news flow. where do you stand, is it enough the market will be relatively
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better next year compared to this year? >> i think it's enough for some things. to me that news from new york city potentially being in a shutdown, that was pretty negative. as i think about something like a macy's, which is somewhat new york centric with macy's and plooming dales, this is bad news for them. for retailers hoping for some boosts from in-person stores, people being in the stores on the holidays, that would really be some bad news. overall, i'm more optimistic. the thing that freaked me out the most today was this cyberattack. i don't know what to make of it. i don't think you can make anything good out of it. i don't feel like we've seen what the full fallout will be. that's kind of a black swan-type event that's sort of been introduced to the market that i don't think has been priced in. the vix today was pretty subdued for most of the day for the last hour or two. so that was actually a concern
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out of left field i wasn't expecting, which makes me want to own more protection. i'm not going to sell anything and panic but i want to own more protection with the vix relatively low. >> yes, scary stuff. we will get into that a little later in the show. but in terms of positioning and to your end, how do you make heads or tails of it? >> by the way, huggie bear was a great character on starsky and hutch, which i loved. look, i think the law of marginal deminute innishing returns six mondays in a row on great vaccine news, although dan brings up a very relevant science dynamic here, about have we found another strain? is there some limit to what vaccines will do that? that's very scary, although i don't think that's what the market is responding to. the market was up 14% in 28 sessions through last wednesday. i mean, this is a market that's been running, running and it's been growth, it's been value, it's been industrial e. it's
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been reopening. and that's largely the way i look at this. i think you have a market that -- even as bad as the news is, and i'm not here to discount how bad it is, it's shocking, it's scary as we go into the holiday season that major cities barr to shutdown and what it might mean for a macy's, but haven't we already said 2020 earnings don't matter and you're not selling companies when they get to normalize earnings, not buying them. i think this is a lot about market dynamics right now. the world is a scary place but i think we're largely until otherwise told from the science and medical community that we have a cure and it's about getting it out to people in a safe way. >> yeah. by the longer-term picture, that was highlighted by black rarock when they increased to overweight going into 2021, they say the restart will reaccelerate and rates will remain low.
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it's hard to fight those two things which are going to happen. how do you position yourself now with the view of four months, five months, six months? >> it's interesting because i think charlie came out later in the day if i'm not mistaken and said you see subdued returns to the next few years to ten years. a lot of people in different camps. but they answer your question specifically. listen, i think the names that work in 2020, the pelotons, zoom, stay-at-home craze, i think they continue to work in the early part of 2021. by the way, i still think banks can probably continue the trajectory they're on because i think i might be sort of on the other side of this coin, i think rates might get away from the fed. i think rates might go higher for the wrong reasons, which in the short term will be positive for banks. early 2021, stay with things that work, pelotons, zooms, netflix and stay with the banks that obviously had a difficult day today. the. >> karen, on race would you
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agree? >> yeah, i think absolutely that could happen. we could see -- especially if we get a stimulus and economy heats up so rates get away from the fed. i mean, we're a long ways from that but the -- it's more likely, i think, than not that rates are meaningfully higher in 2021. i don't know what meaningful is. 40, 60 days on the ten-year, i think that's quite likely and good for banks. and partly because if the economy is heated up, that's good too. >> >> right, so that's where i kind of weigh in about the economy heating up. it's actually doing the exact opposite thing right now. if you look at the jobless claims numbers that we got last week, we're seeing massive deceleration in jobs growth there. we are seeing weakening consumer spending, weakening consumer confidence. we are seeing lower savings rates. the list goes on and on. when we were really pricing in 2, 2.5 trillion in further
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stimulus months ago causing volatility in the equity markets, when the equity markets were a good bit lower and now we'll just have some sort of cd package where a time the virus is raging, cities are shutting down, mitigation attempts will not end in weeks, they may end in months at some point, so if we can't get a congress and white house and treasury and fed to agree on what stimulus looks like -- and i'm not saying we need more monetary at this point, but we certainly need some for our most vulnerable sit ze zens because we might have scar tissue well after this vaccine inoculated all of us. unemployment rate that's likely much higher when you take into account all of the people who stopped looking for it. many i think it's easy to be optimistic with the s&p up 500 and nasdaq up but really what's going on in the economy now and what the fixes are are very different for the fixes for the market. and that is the thing i think
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causes volatility in stocks in 2021. >> quickly, for every point dan raised, there's also you can point to surging resource prices like copper and steel prices because factories are reopening. what is going on and how do you think about the economy in the context of inflation and rates? >> and i think that some of those rising prices and resources are a weaker dollar. i think some of the better run companies, better supply and demand, dynamics and copper, even oil although they may not be balanced. dan is bringing up very valid points about the world we're living in today. i just think that we're going to have so much demand, i think it's going to be out of control when we get a vaccine and when we come out of the winter and they're going to coincide with the same thing. i think you're going to have -- people are going to be feeling great into the spring and summer and i think there's so much pent-up demand that i think that's more of what i would be
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focused on the other side. if not to be blind to the -- to all of the fears that are existing right now, especially as we go into a holiday period where probably this is going to get worse unfortunately. but that's not what the market does. it discounts the future. >> let's talk more about today's market action, joining us the deputy chief officer at bernstein advisers. dan, always good to see you. we were debating the kind of economy that you should position yourself for in the markets. so which economy do you position your portfolio for? >> yes, it's really a good question. thank you for having me, melissa. i think the conversation you guys have just been having is a great parallel with the way the market is looking at it. there's a big debate between the here and now, which is clearly getting worse, and next year which is really that outlook is improving. which economy do you want to prepare for? i don't think you want to go each your skis and go all in on one or another, but i do think
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the most important question for investors is are profits going to be higher 6 to 12 months from now or are they going to be lower? i think the path of least resistance, what tim was talking about, is higher, that things are going to be better. clearly near-term outlook, the way i think about it, the worst the near-term paying gets, the harder it is for the market to look through it. and i think that's what we're still holding but most importantly trying to position from the companies that are going to benefit and drive that profit growth next year. >> dan, it's tim, thank you for joining us. you speak of the risk valve and you speak of those companies that will drive growth next year. what sectors do you want to be in? we've talked about some of the physicality and talked about banks being cheap. . what do you guys care about? >> since april we've been adding some of that cyclicality to the portfolio. we've been adding energy, materials, international small cap, most recently u.s. small
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cap value. these are the types of things we're adding to the portfolio along with credit. those are all of the investment that are going to benefit from the improving growth outlook next year. but if you look at some of the other stuff we hold in the portfolio, we do have a little bit of barbell in the overweight health care, overweight staples. we still have gold in the portfolio. if you are worried about the risks dan was talking about, china actually doesn't have a lot of those risks because they don't have a covid crisis and they don't have a physical clip. in a lot of ways they can be considered defense today as well. >> dan, the week has been a tailwind for multi national. at a certain point is that a head wind for the broader market? >> i don't think so, guy. i think clearly a stronger dollar, you have to watch out for, but that's clearly not the case today. when it pertains to the weaker dollar, i think what matters is what's driving that weaker dollar. the fact is what the big driver of the weaker dollar is the fact
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the market is starting to price in that recovery next year. so i don't think that becomes relevant to anything we are seeing in the markets today. >> dan, thank you for joining us. the dog liked your appearance as well. so i'll go to karen, since jesse seems to have a lot to say. he walked out of the room, i think. >> he does. >> do you consider china being defensive, looking for protection in your portfolio, and for you that means opposite of the market, do you see china playing that role? >> i guess, though you're taking on other risks as well. for example, trade tensions getting worse, something like that, you would be buying that bet as well. but i think it's constructive to look at china and bounce-back dance was talking about, bounce-back there. it's not a giant leap to think we can have a similar type of quick and sharp recovery.
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i think we will. coming up -- the coronavirus vaccine is on the move but it's not as simple as it stands. how are the first shipments and how are the first shipments and delivees gori in this is the new iphone 12 pro with 5g! and it's on at&t, the fastest nationwide 5g network. now, new and existing customers can get our best deal. really?! mom! at&t has the deal for new and existing customers! i will. so what'd she say? wrong person. it's a guy named carl. but he's very excited and on his way. word-of-mouth advertising. it's what they did before commercials. it's not complicated. everyone gets our best deal, like the amazing iphone 12 mini on us.
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recommercials witht exciting stunts. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's something you shouldn't try at home... look, liberty mutual customizes home insurance so we only pay for what we need. it's pretty cool. that is cool! grandma! very cool. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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>> welcome back to "fast money." the vaccine rollout under way this hour. shipping giants fedex and u.p.s. are at the center of it all. let's go live to the support facility in louisville, kentucky. i almost split your state, frank. >> hey there, melissa. more than 140 shipments of pfizer's covid vaccine are being delivered all across america by fedex and u.p.s. and made a total this week of 2.9 million doses and many will be flown around the country in 747s, like the one i'm standing at here at u.p.s.' world hub and in containers like the one you see right there behind me. the first shipments of this vaccine were dedicated to just the medicine. going forward, vaccines and thicks like christmas presents and other items, they're generally going to be shipped on the same planes and on the same
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trucks. we saw the first delivery, one made in boston medical center in boston by fedex this morning. u.p.s. making a delivery at the university of louisville hospital. ahead of the vaccine effort for both companies say they have the capacity and the technology to handle the life-saving medicine and christmas presents being shipped at the same time and still deliver both on time. >> we plan for much bigger volume than we are seeing even next week. so next week just happens to be our peak week, so we're hoping that as we hit the real peak in vaccines, our christmas peak will have fallen off. >> melissa, of course, we had to ask both u.p.s. and fed environmental about the storm heading towards the east coast. both say they have contingency plans in place should the weather get really severe. of course, their first priority is the safety of their employees. back over to you. >> frank, thank you. frank hollins. tim, we already heard from u.p.s. to limit shipments to
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customers to ensure they make deliveries on time. sound like they're actively managing that flow into the peak week. >> they are and fedex will give us announcements on the 17th, so we're going to hear about their fiscal q2 after a strong fiscal q1. i think the announcement was not big news or we should have paid a ton of attention to it because capacity conversations were ones that were well flagged. i think the story about fedex buying shoprunner and e-commerce platform and vertical integration involved and frankly where u.p.s. has probably been ahead of fedex, i think these are all interesting dynamics. speaking of owning shipping stocks in the holiday season, i think there's more negative than positive risk here, especially for stocks that have had a huge, huge run. what we are seeing out of fedex and u.p.s. and pick your poison, i'm long fedex, is -- are multiyear trechbds that
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multiyear trends that are actually improving in terms of efficiency. how they're able to handle this holiday, surge is something we're waiting to see. >> pick your poison, guys, proposed name you wanted to give -- would you rather. so i'll give it to you, u.p.s. or fedex, pick your poison? >> i know the good folks at u.p.s., and i consider myself one of them, we always put our safety first as we do for our customers. so i know we will focus on this storm coming up on wednesday. but if i had to pick between the two, it would be u.p.s. i just happen to think it's probably a better-run company at this point and the stock to me, fedex had a huge run, it probably should be trading where it is now but it's not up to where u.p.s. was. i think u.p.s. is the way to play it. off the board for 500 melissa, if you really want to play this situation we find ourselves in, it's with medical device companies. medtronic has fallen off a bit. i think that's interesting. even a j.&j in that space is interesting, although it had
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trouble at 155 over the last six months. >> quickly, how long ago did you quote/unquote work at u.p.s.? we've been getting plenty of mileage out of that hint, if you will. >> i hope you're playing the video now. no, it just seems like yesterday, it was such a great time in my life at u.p.s. but it was probably eight, nine years ago at this point in time, melissa. >> is it made a lasting impression apparently. we've got much more ahead here on "fast money." here's what's coming up next. more than 180 stocks in the s&p 500 have at least doubled off their march lows. how shyou trade or fade these names? we'll break that down next. pus --l
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welcome back to "fast money." 176, that is the number of stocks in the s&p 500 that have at least doubled off their mark lows. of check out these monster moves like united rentals, nvidia and whirlpool up triple digits percentage wise. so this happens to be the perfect time to play a little game -- >> trade it or fade it? >> that's right, trade it or fade it, the double edition. guy is a veteran at this game, as you all are. we kick things off with you there. sc is up 460% since the march low. trade it or fade it, guy downing? >> i would rather play wrap it or scrap it and i'm wrapping with a w, and it makes sense. sc is the gift that keeps on giving. i understand valuations are ridiculous but look at the last quarter, look at the active
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buyers, look at the growth there. jim cramer had i think josh silverman on the end of october and he said they have tremendous upside. so despite valuation, trade it and wrap it at the same time. >> dan, as i understand do you not like or perhaps hate etsy? >> i don't hate it but i'm not a buyer here. i'm fading this thing. let me just tell you, let's go back and look at really where etsy came from, really from ebay if you think about it. ebay is a $34 billion market cap company. etsy is $21 billion, trading at, what, 13 times sales. just doesn't make a whole heck of a lot of sense. their sales grew this year. 100% year over year. supposed to be single-digit growth next year. i think it's as good as it gets for a while. and if we're playing another game called would you rather, would i rather swab into ebay and then we see these trends take hold as we go into 2021.
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>> it what's going on tonight? we're playing a game, trade it or fade it? simple, simple. we'll move on. next up united rental up 375% since his bottom hit in march. karen, i know you will play this right, trade it or fade it? simple question. >> trade it. i do protest trade it as being on the buyer but i am long, so that would make me trade it. obviously this stock rebounded a lot. it never should have been where it was in the march low. they have some doubt that people i guess got a little afraid of at the time. debt is not an issue for them. they'rep on the lower side where they want to be in terms of their debt to ebitda ratio. so i'm optimistic on growth, obviously the stock run gives me a little bit of pause but i'm staying long. also, i think we've got other good news from sunbeam, the direct com. they reported decent earnings.
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hertz reported decent earnings. i'm staying long so trade it. we will put a pause here because we have breaking news and want to go straight to kayla tashi for that. >> the secretary of state for the state of california has just tallied the votes of the state's 55 electors for joe biden and kamala harris. now officially the president-elect and vice president-elect, after surpassing the threshold of 270 electoral votes, now certified by the electoral clem across the country to be president-elect. those votes will be delivered to the united states congress and counted on january 6th, which is the next date we are watching. meanwhile, allies of president trump and trump campaign have vowed to continue fighting and assemble alternate place of electors in the unlikely, if not impossible, scenario there's a court victory that recognizes or reverses some of these tallies battleground states. melissa? >> hasn't president trump said he would respect the decision of
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the electoral college? >> he did, he said on thanksgiving day if the electoral college backed president-elect joe biden he would recognize that, even though he said at that time he believes if the electoral college did that, they would be making a huge mistake. but just this morning stephen miller, who works in the white house but was appearing in campaign capacity, said they would continue fighting right up until inauguration day on january 20th. and that they are trying to assemble these alternate place of electors in the, as i said unlikely, if not impossible, scenario there was some long-shot avenue to victory for them. >> kayla, thank you. california tashi keeping us up to date. it is official tim seymour, the markets largely expected this. and so could you foresee any reaction tomorrow? >> no. i think this is unlikely, if not impossible is where this stands. long shot, i mean, this isn't even -- i don't think markets --
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again let's focus on markets are even focused on this being in dispute. there are things that could happen that could be a risk for markets and certainly be troubling and add to volatility in terms of opposition. but let's be clear, this is -- the markets have moved on. and maybe that's the message. >> let's get back to trade it or fade it and talk about the stocks that have doubled since the march bottom. i want to get to nvidia, this is a big one. rallying almost 200% since lows this year. dan, trade it or fade it? >> yeah, listen, i'm not going to play the game again. in near term, it looks like a trade. it looks like it gets back up to the prior highs. longer term, it's a fade. this is a $330 billion market cap company up over 200% trading at like 20 times sales. much it's not suss tapeabltaina. it's also becoming a bit of a roll-up. they're doing a lot of things great but easy money is a fade
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at this point. i don't know, i'll fade it, i guess. >> i don't even know how to respond to that. >> i don't either. >> play the game by the rules like i do. i'm wrapping this sucker, which means i'm trading it. the stock went from $590 down to $515. we've seen sell-offs like that before in nvidia over the years and each time it's a huge opportunity. that's what we are seeing now. and just take a look at a name like xilinx, for example, that stock traded up $150 and i bring it up because it specifically through the bid 130 or so. these stocks continue to be in play and i think they go higher. so i will play the game, mel, trade it. >> you haven't, this whole time. you were talking three minutes on nvidia and you were not playing by the rules and threw in yourself would you rather. so i think we will look at this night and say that's the night trade it or fade it died.
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this will be historical on "fast money." tim, we will move on and see if you want to play or be part of the mutiny here. whirlpool, trading higher since march. trade it or fade it? >> there's no i in the word trade and i will play it the way it's supposed to be played. i'm not going to scrap it or create it or all of these other things. i'm going to trade it. whirlpool is one of the ways you play the housing sector. this is a story where you have an enormous pent-up demand. a valuation that mostly still makes a lot of sense and operation margins improving. i think the supply chain dynamics were a concern early on. i think they worked through most of it. i think the housing trade is in the middle inning so you trade this one. >> yeah, there's no i in tim, and no e in seymour either. but everything else tim said, i agree with the story can and
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multiple crazy stock people think they pulled forward the demands. the geographies, latin america, for example, where things are improving, i don't believe it's all been pulled forward and i like it right here. >> since the majority of you guys don't like this game, we're going to play a bonus round. at&t is up 17%, which sound pretty decent, but only 10 other stocks in the s&p 500 have done worse since the march bottom. in the entire index. tim, since you're the only one who played it right, played it straight, what do you say? >> i will play it straight and right depend and i'll tell you at&t is something i would like to trade. this underperformance is a function of many things but people have forgotten the media assets that are part of the sum of the parts, which makes at&t very attractive. the 7% dividend yield is not why you own this but up yudt performance had something to do obviously with what's going on in the wireless and prepaid. but i think that is a less competitive environment than it used to be. and i like at&t here.
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i think the low-rate environment is also good for a company with a lot of debt. >> by the way, if you're looking to trade some of the other stocks that have done the worst since march lows, look at cnbc pros, and we will tell you when the economy reopens. coming up -- the government attacked by foreign espionage. who
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welcome back to "fast money." we're following a developing story out of washington. the national security council confirming to nbc news that it is investigating a cyber hack affecting the treasury department and unit of the commerce department. let's get straight to eamon javers, who has the latest at this hour. eamon? >> melissa, today the russians are denying they're behind this cyberattack on the u.s. government and number of companies across the country but experts i talked to today said this attack has all of the hallmarks of a russian attack because this is the type of information that the russians have been good at gathering in the past. how they allegedly did it this
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time is crucial here because the company involved is a company called solar wind. that's not a company that most people will have heard of but your i.t. department probably has heard of them. they provide network management software that dozens of agencies in a lot of companies around the world use. the hackers here allegedly got into solarwinds and that company put out a notice now to 33,000 of its customers alerting them to this hack. they say just around 18,000 or just under that number, may have had the specific vulnerability that allowed the attackers to get inside here. experts are saying this hack could affect hundreds of fortune 500 companies. if i were cybersecurity company, melissa, is now notifying companies that it has determined have been impacted by this hack. fireeye said it was one of those companies that was involved in this hack. we learned that news last week. what we're being told now is this attack began in the spring
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of this year and remained undetected for months and months. whoever these hackers were were able to get inside these networks and have what experts toll me was god-like access to their infrastructure data, emails, all sorts of information, get that information out before being detected just this past week, melissa. so we're still learning a lot more details about this and i suspect we'll learn of more federal agencies and companies in the days and weeks to come that were affected by it. >> it seems, eamon, we're going to learn in the months and maybe years to come what information was stolen in this massive hack. >> right. this is reminiscent of the chinese hack of the office of personnel management where you get this huge data cache and then you can spend years exploiting that and figuring out what it is you know about the deep inner workings of these companies and these government agencies. you think about the data that's inside the treasury department. the good news is at least if you're looking for silver linings here, it seems just to
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be an intelligence operation. it seems just to be about gathering information, not about disrupting these systems. so while the information may have been compromised, theres no indication, at least as of right now, whoever the attacker was here was trying to disrupt the treasury department or disrupt these companies affected. they're simply trying to understand as much information they can and presumably use that to their advantage in the years to come. >> eamon, thank you, eamon javers in washington with the latest on this developing story. guy, solarwinds is a publicly traded company. ticker symbol down 60% this week. fireeye attacked this week. a lot of analysts saying this could be a threat. obviously if a cybersecurity company is hacked, what kind of faith does your customers have in your ability to defend them against attacks? >> yeah, it's the bingo card the buzz word this year. i clearly didn't have fire eye getting hacked on mine. with that, palo alto networks
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have been highlights this year. i think we're right to highlight them for sure. the sell-off down 13 1/4 so fire eye probably needs to be bought but the fact they got hacked means can't make you feel good. and i like the fact e.j.'s trying to paint this in a rosie picture. i think this is a huge existential threats to markets and i don't think markets are paying enough attention to it. maybe i'm wrong but the fact this is going on in the spring and we're not just finding out until it now is somewhat disconcerting. >> think about how many months this entity had those god-like powers eamon was talking about. solarwinds, by the way, services 400 of the fortune 500 companies. karen, you're worried enough where you think this could be like a black swan event for the market? >> yeah, it theoretically could. the margin down this little
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amount today, i'm surprised solarwinds wasn't down more. i'm curious how it was detected and there's any way to know what kind of data. i agree learning as opposed to disrupting something, we don't know if they would use that information in the future to disrupt something. i don't know. i do think it's a bigger tail risk than we thought. it's always been a tail risk, we just didn't know it could be this pervasive a hack. so i think, you know, we will need protection for a big move. not a big move, not down just 3%, 5% but down 10%. imagine if they get in the way of the treasury department functioning properly for a brief amount of time, that would be terrible. >> let's get back to eamon javers in washington. we have breaking news. >> melissa, this is a tweet from the president of the united states saying the attorney general bill barr is leaving his job sooner than the end of the trump administration. the president saying barr will
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leave before christmas and, quote, spend the holidays with his family. the president saying he's had a very nice meeting with the attorney general bill barr at the white house today. he says, our relationship has been a very good one. he's done an outstanding job. that said the president goes on to say deputy attorney general jeff rossen, outstanding person, will welcome acting attorney general, highly respected rich donohue taking over the dupeties as deputy attorney general. thank you to all for serving the president of the united states. this comes on the heels of reports the president was extraordinarily frustrated with barr because barr would not go along with the president's claim that there was fraud in the presidential election in 2020. barr came out in an interview with the associated press and said the department of justice had not been able to find evidence of fraud that would move the needle in terms of the outcome of the election at the same time the president was claiming there was such fraud. the president was said behind the scenes to be extraordinarily frustrated with barr over that issue and then again in recent
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days, frustrated with his attorney general because it turned out the department of justice had been engaged in an investigation at least as far as we know into the tax situation surrounding president-elect joe biden's son hunter biden, and that barr did not make any public comments about that during the election season. the department of justice historically has been wary of making any comments about investigations that could move the needle in an election season. the president was reported to have felt as if barr should have said something about that during the election. that might have made the difference politically to the president. he felt that barr did the wrong thing there and now this announcement, that he had a very amicable meeting today at the white house. but nonetheless, barr is out before the end of his term, elizabeth. back to you. >> eamon, thank you. looks like barr will leave office december 23rd and the justice department will continue to pursue allegations of voter fraud. for skin that never holds you back don't settle for silver
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harsher coronavirus crackdowns across the globe. energy stocks still performing but our next guest said there's one name that's steeling up for some gains. let's welcome back the ceo of capital grace, kate, great to see you again. you're looking it shnear energy again. what's your top reason to be with shnear? >> okay, bottom line, the world needs energy, okay. there's an energy demand story and then there's the money story. we all want energy to come from renewable sources but this is not possible. we need an src balance, the sustainability and reliability and costs. energy, gas, natural gas, is the way. lrg can play the role. chenier exports globally. if you can believe it, melissa, 25% of energy still comes from coal. imagine natural gas replacing all of that. so that's the energy story. in terms of cheniere, 27%
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growing dividend. they probably went through the worst environment for energy this year and they made it. valuation is cheap. fundamentals are good. there's no commodity price risk. many these are paid for pay kshts. that means they get paid no matter what. there's no volume risk. there's no price risk. that's why i like them. >> and that 7% dividend is covered. karen, you looked at this name in the past. >> i'm wondering if i hear what you say about pay or paid contracts and that's a straight aheady income that investors like but what about longer term by the administration if they're against fracking, and we will see maybe the supply of natural gas available to be in a pipeline or shift decreases, does that worry you at all? >> not in the least. you know, we have -- the u.s. is aloft in natural gas. we probably have 100-year supply
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of natural gas, fracking or no fracking. and it's really cheap. natural gas is like really cheap right now. so it's not something that keeps me up at night. >> you have to believe, cate, in the overall energy story in order to believe in chenier or can you see the sector overall sputtering, if you will, if there were more lockdowns in place? >> in the short term, yes, you can see that. bottom line, the world needs energy. i would love for it to all come from solar, wind, bio mass, but we're not there yet and we're not going to be there for a while. so you need energy. natural gas is better than coal. natural gas is better than oil. and that's why i think cheniere is the way to play it. again, you're not worried about the price of oil going up, down, what's going to happen, opec, this, that.
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nope. >> cate, great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. >> kate faddous of grace capital. guy, what do you think of lng? >> i get the argument and bank of america just upgraded its stock a few weeks ago from buy to neutral. put a $61 price target on it. maybe gets up to 62 1/2 where it broke down from earlier this year but there's no easy money in anything. i think a lot of the easy money is made in the run-up. i think it fails 62 1/2, 63. >> tim? >> i like the story. i think largest contracted growth, i think mlps, especially those like cheniere that don't need to raise equity financing any time soon as far as i can see are very interesting plays, especially in a world where i think we at least worked through some of this imbalance. we're going to continue to have an imbalance, but i like the cheniere story. let's move on and check a share of drop bbox heading for e
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clouds once again today. let's bring in mike for some unusual activity in the name. we highlighted this in the full edition of options action, which i know everybody out there watched, but we saw pretty interesting activity then too. >> yeah, i hope they did because one of the things we talked about was the potential price, and there's obviously some speculation about a deal there. where we saw a lot of the ak thetivety today traded five times its action volume and called out pace puts by 21 and expires this friday. over 20,000 traded about 60 cents, buyers obviously speculating the stock continues through the strike. that would mean an increase of another maybe 5%. skbre generally if you see a deal, you will see upticks but they're
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welcome back to "fast money." check out mcdonald's, topping the market today, to buy ubs, the name just about flat over the past month, guy, a number of reasons why this particular analyst was so excited about mcdonald's reaccelerating after this lull including things like spicy chicken mcnuggets and the mcribs. >> listen, without giving away my final trade, i'm so with this ubs analyst. obviously the stock pulled off from a prior all-time high.
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i think they're picking the right time to upgrade this name. performed well on lousy pace. comps will come back and i agree. without giving too much away, i like what they did here at mtd, mel. >> final trade, mcdonald's? we'll find out in a few seconds. >> yeah, i'm not giving anything away when i say that i think mcdonald's is long-term holding in any portfolio, not because dividend yield and structural foundation of the company but because they stayed with the times, they actually upgraded and the cool factor of mcdonald's is less important than kiosk, digital, more helpful food and evaluation in that space that isn't the most expensive relative to peers. i like it. >> they're pretty well positioned in terms of a pandemic, karen, in terms of their drive-thrus. >> they are. they had a little trouble i guess with breakfast but digital has been great for them. they've just been continually transrm forming their business.
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they deserve a premium multiple. i don't think it's that extensive. it's similar to starbucks, same thing. great job with the digital business. it's expensive but deserves to be expensive. both great companies. >> dan, your take. >> yeah, i mean as things pull back here, it was prime for a little bounce. i don't think it traded that well on a change of sep settlement. it probably feels like there's room below 200 here and it's opposite from work-from-home and stay-at-home trade so when things reopen, it will go upstream. many. >> time to go the final trade and go around the horn, tim seymour. >> i ma i sound like a broken record but with at&t, any rerating especially around hbo max and feature films is very important for this company. it's underperformed. why not own it? >> stan? >> yeah, i like mike highlighting of dropbox but i like box here better. i see a move back up to $22. >> karen? >> taking the play book from
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