tv Fast Money CNBC December 23, 2020 5:00pm-7:00pm EST
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they've been very active we'll see if that gets to a point where it's too much for the overall market to take but it's been the theme all month. >> after a solid day today for the overall market first up day in the last four. just a reminder, christmas eve does bring a shortened trading day. closing bell is on at noon for a change we'll be on noon to 2 p.m. eastern. kayla, thanks for joining us that does it for us. "fast money" begins now. i'm melissa lee and this is "fast money. guy adami, tim seymour, and nadine martin. tonight on "fast" the next aol this high flyer could be in for a reckoning harkening back to the dotcom bust. fireeye rebounding from the hack earlier in the month and plus we knew tech goes old school. the report that sent shares of
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high flying zoom dropping today. don't forget we've got a special bonus bonus edition of "fast money" today. you can tweet us, we just might answer them live on the air. we start off with a major move in yield the spread between 5 and 30 year treasuries hitting the highest level in more than 40 years on hopes of brexit deals in sight the possible passage of stimulus hit three years' high. british surging above the dollar check out some of the gainers after strong starts to the week. what play will yield you the most, guy? see what i did >> what play will -- oh, yeah. yes. you know, it's well spent money on that harvard education, melissa. i have no doubt that you're basking in the afterglow of such a brilliant -- what do they call
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that a pun? >> anyway. >> good for dan, by the way. welcome, nadine. banks have been the way to be -- the place to be. we've talked about that. we've tried to outline a mathematical equation why a name like citi bank should trade up 61.5, 62 dan mentioned morgan stanley was the best looking chart he had seen in a while. block r blackstone making a high good for tim on the resource trade. we've talked about that now, seemingly the entire year. had a bit of a pull back they seem to be back on the train again. if you continue to think that yields go higher, i think those stocks continue to go higher. >> i mean, we mentioned brexit we hardly ever mention brexit. it is the process that i wish would just either happen or not happen but the fact of the matter here in today's session, tim, it had a giant impact on the move in the dollar we had the vix approaching our
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year lows here this is a trend that's gone on down about 7 perfection percent for t tim. does the resource, eem, all tied to a weaker dollar still work next year? >> they definitely work. i definitely think they're part of this inflationary, reflationary dynamic if the dollar weakens, everything gets more expensive good news and bad news there's potentially a lot of bad news that could come if you look at the dixie chart, a very wide range on this is 81 to 110 but there's no question that if we kind of drop below these levels around 89ish you could see the next move lower. meanwhile, rates go higher as more fiscal gets chucked into the mix. this was the formula that a lot of people said was going to lead to lower dollar, higher rates. it's playing out we have rates that after really starting to make a move, you know, six weeks ago went through
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this convalescence period where, really, we have found a digestive base where i think -- i do think they're moving higher i do think banks have a lot of room to go higher. you've taken pressure off the regulatory dynamic everybody thought the biden administration meant eadwinds to banks in terms of regulatory. the stress test highlighted banks do have capital givebacks. the steepness of the curve is a one brain cell there's no question banks should be moving out. banks, resources, ems stay in those rates. >> nadine, what's your take on whether the steepening of the curve continues or is it like a rubber band or we approach 1 on the 10 and we pull back? >> tim is right, it is a play to go towards you have to trade it the dollar down is now a consensus trade. while we had a lot more trade when it was nonconsensus the opposite of that is em up,
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bitcoin up a lot of things do well when the dollar is down once it becomes consensus, we have to be careful and we become traders versus intermediary holders. >> what's your trade >> coming in, we were short edbs and tlts that's the extended duration treasuries i've never seen such a big pop on down so edb was down over 5% today so we took that off the table. what i like to do if i get over paid, santa delivered early, his christmas gift to me, so i just took it off the table. >> dan, you like to be contrarian do you think the trades are now -- i mean, eem, banks, is that now consensus >> yeah, well, let's talk about the dollar because i think as the panelists said, everything comes back to the dollar and i agree 100% it is a really crowded trade
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it is getting, you know, grinding lower and lower and lower. i think it's about to have a sharp kind of pull back here as we look into 2021, if you were to have a sustained dollar rally, what that would mean for u.s. multi-nationals we know some of the biggest tech companies here in the u.s. have enjoyed a huge pull cord in demand the way they were positioned here into the pandemic going forward, they're really going to need that foreign growth we know that's a big part of the stories here a stronger dollar might not be great in 2021. as it relates to the banks, guy just mentioned morgan stanley. we were talking about it a couple of months ago the stocks in the group that were levered to wall street, not main street, did really well morgan stanley did well. the money center banks had consolidated a bit more. guy had a great call on citi going back to 60 i would say bank america to me looks like the interesting trade back to the higher highs, near
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35 it doesn't even feel particularly extended right now. i know a lot of people are going to get behind the buy back trade. i don't think you have to get ahead of the buy back trade because it will go on for months and months, quarters and quarters it's released. tim has been talking about that for a very long time for me i think the big chunky money center banks could make their way back to the prior 52 week highs over the next three to six months. >> nadine, are banks too consensus for you? >> not banks themselves, just the dollar down trade. so what we like to do is be long into the financials. i think you could hold them from this point i don't see a problem with that. you have to be careful if you own other securities, securities that rhyme so they're correlated with the down dollar so when you get oversized wins, you need to take those off the table. i don't think they're completely consensus right now because as guy and tim said, yield curve could keep steepening. if that happens, you're going to
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continue to get paid. >> guy, is there a concern -- i don't want to say a concern, in terms of these particular trades and in particular banks, that the yield curve doesn't continue to steepen, that we do sort of approach key levels on the yield curve and we pull back because that's what seems to have been happening. we approach, what, .97, we approach one, we pull back so if that happens -- >> yeah. >> -- does that trade no longer work >> no, i don't think so. i think tim alluded to that. that's one of the many components to be bullish in the bank if you lose the yield curve, i don't think you necessarily lose the banks. just my opinion. there are other tailwinds working, tim, dan, nadine spoke about those. what i'll say quickly about the dollar being consensus short, we've talked about it seemingly in the last six months, citi put out a note a month and a half, two months they saw 20% potential down side in the dollar in 2021
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i know they watched that we're on for two hours tonight, double your pleasure, guys and gals congratulations because they've single handedly figured out how to make the dollar weaker and interest rates higher. by definition, that's inflationary things cost more and your dol r dollar's worth less. there's inflation all around i don't want to go through this rabbit hole. janet yellen said something about a strong dollar policy, which is laughable the dollar laughed back. the dollar goes down. >> when treasury officials, potential treasury officials talk about the strong dollar policy, it doesn't often mean too much, tim. i'm sure jerome powell has his popcorn popped for two hours ahead of us. president-elect biden has already said whatever passes in congress, whatever is signed by president trump, if he does, in fact, sign some sort of package, is a downpayment, tim. that means to me, that means to many traders, this is why is a
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consensus trade, that the dollar is, in fact, weaker. is that what your belief is? >> yeah. we're having a thoughtful conversation bouncing technicals and fundamentals and momentum essentially. and, look, the dollar is a fundamental trade right now. first of all, if you look at the dixie and components that make up the dollar basket, it's 65% euro which for all of europe's problems, the technicals and fundamentals around the euro are actually pretty good it's a current account surplus marketplace for the euro if you think about the dynamics around the dollar, you think of where industrial growth, we've had a manufacturing rebound in asia ahead of what's happening here this is why this is a consensus trade. i worry less about that and, again, moves in the dollar, moves in commodities and moves in rates many times are longer term cycle trades.
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i don't think if we actually have structural weakness in the dollar it goes away overnight. yeah, day to day, week to week we've seen momentum here i believe some of these fundamentals are well intact and jiffy pop aside, which which bye way we've been doing a lot of, that's a good time if you haven't done it in a while, you'll see pressure on rates normalized rates even during covid were more than where we were coming from 160 on the ten year is where we should be. we have a way to go. >> guy has his hand raised you have a question? >> yes i actually -- not a question this is one of those the more you know nbc things which i love i haven't started but this might get me on the track. for you folks out there that have the jiffy pop, you should wear an oven mitt because the metal handle when you shake it across the open flame gets very
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hot and we don't want any of our "fast money" fans and viewers to burn yourself. >> do you not own a microwave, guy adami. >> how do you do jiffy pop. >> i don't think there is that thing you shake in the often i think it doesn't exist here is what could be an ugly side effect of rising rates and that is rising mortgage rates. dan, should we be worried about that mortgage trade that is going to be hot, hot, hot? >> it's going to decelerate. it changed very quickly mid year i don't think any of the home builders or lenders were expecting anywhere near that it's going to decelerate in 2021 all of this talk, everyone is convinced rates are about to go up if you take a 10-year chart of the 10-year u.s. treasury yield and you look at that 2012 low, then that 2016 low, that double bottom was supposed to be a
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generational low that was right near the level tim was mentioning between 1.5 and 1.6. we got there again in 2019 we bounced and then we just crashed through it this year that is massive, massive technical resistance if you think the dynamics globally of interest rates at $20 trillion of negative yielding debt, you think our rates are going too far too fast, if we got above 1.5, stock market is going lower. go back to q4, 2018, we saw the stock market go down 20% in a straight line. to use a line from guy, careful what you wish for in those rates. the dynamics globally on the rate front i don't think really suggest that they should go much higher here. >> i mean, one five, i don't think anybody is thinking one five, but if we even crossed one, guy, what would stocks do >> yeah.
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you know, people will say that's going to be bullish because it suggests eeks no, ma'am mick growth i don't necessarily think that's the case but i think that's the consensus. if you're looking to play the home game in terms of something to watch, the 154 level in the tlt is vital to hold if you want rates to go back down. that was sort of the line in the sand back in june. i know tim has spoken to this as well to answer your question, you know, i think rates going higher is bullish to a point and then you hit the diminishing marginal returns. it probably comes in the 1.5 level. >> datim, you have your hand raised last comment here. could you offer . >> could you offer up a -- >> i think it's crazy in terms of what it means for stocks. >> what it means for tocks >> yeah. yeah sorry. i don't want to answer the question, would you rather
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>> what is better for stocks what is worse for stocks >> what would you rather see basically, correct or what would you rather see, 50 bits or 150 bitson the 10-year as a better for stocks. >> i have a thought on that. >> definitely the lower number if you gave me the choice of 50 or 100 and i could reposition my portfolio, i'd be net short and ask for the hundred. you don't want to see rates go up very much. going to put pressure on equities i would not want it to get another 100 bits. >> going long in the segment, but, tim, i believe you posed that question because you think 150 would be better for stocks
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because it means economic activity. >> actually, if we're going to 50, we should be very concerned about the economy, okay? that is telling you we've got the equation and this is out of control. 150 to me, and it's not overnight and it's not saying it's going to go to 250, but i want to see 150 and equities should love that. let's turn now to the latest on the vaccine front and operation warp speed meg tirrell has the latest. >> reporter: we got a briefing from operation warp speed now and got a sense of the pace and next week's allocations are going to be 2.67 million from pfizer and moderna and the 2.9 million that went out the week before that gets us to 15.5 million doses in december and the rest of that is going to be pushed into the first week of january that is a bit of a lag from what we were expecting for the 20
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million doses, both getting out in december and getting those first shots into people's arms that is going a little bit more slowly than the government had expected so we're going to keep watching this closely hoping, of course, that the pace of being able to administer the vaccines starts to pick up we got updates on the development front for vaccines for johnson & johnson which is the next one where we get data in january, that's one shot. they could potentially if that data is good file for emergency use authorization in late january, early february. astrazeneca has enrolled 27,000 of 30,000 into the u.s. phase 3 trial. the u.k. has submitted their package for approval to the regulator. the u.k. may act on this vaccine while we're still waiting for the data from the u.s.
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novavax is getting ready to start phase 3. now some news that got eclipsed by this deal with pfizer to supply 100 million more doses was a deal between the u.s. and merck to supply doses of its covid-19 drug for patients who have severe forms of the disease. a $356 million deal to manufacture and supply it up to 100,000 doses of this drug through june 30th of next year it has not yet cleared through the fda. it showed remarkable results in an interim phase 3 trial that it reduced the risk of death or respiratory failure by more than 50%. it flew under the radar. they signed that supply deal today. >> wow good news. meg, thank you meg tirrell. more vaccines coming we've got a possible treatment coming dan nathan, all good >> yeah. i think a way to play this when you think of the xlv that's the
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s&p health care select etf, some of the largest holdings are johnson & johnson, pfizer, merck, unh is here around 110. it had a base between 100 and 105. it looks like it's really poised to break out a lot of tailwinds a lot of companies are not going to be making profits that they could on some of these vaccines and treatments, but i suspect these are going to be around for a while here to me the xlv looks poised for a breakout it's only up 11% on the year that's probably a way to play it without idiosyncratic risk in any of these individual names. >> what if you want to do individual names, guy? moderna, pfizer, merck >> merck's its own category. in full disclosure, my wife works for merck. merck has underperformed recently how you play it, pfizer showed its hand the day the big announcement came out, the stock spiked up to 43.
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we talked about it, take the money and run and trade it down to 37. that's where it holds. in terms of moderna, i thought it was going to stop at 100. you saw where it went. that's a bit ahead of itself it does a backfill to 95 the way to play it, we've said it nor a long time and we have two hours, melms, ibb. oh, by the way because we have so much time, you have to mention i don't know what a yeoman is, mel, i have no idea but meg tirrell has done absolute yeoman's work on the last nine months on the back of everything that's going on, single handedly for meg. >> she is the mvp of nbc that's for sure. high flyer taking a hit on the chin what sent zoom to the lowest in months chris harvey joins us with one of the biggest s&p 500 gainers of the year. could be the next aol.
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considering expansion to other corporate services like email and calendar offerings, that's according to the information what do you make of a company that revolutionized the way we communicate getting into a less than revolutionary program email, calendar services, does that sound like growth to you? >> it sounds like keeping your user in one place and on one platform that makes sense we've talked about this on this show especially over the spring and summer when the stock was skyrocketing higher. if i were these guys, i might take a look at asana it has a $4.5 billion market cap. that's what they do. they were a slack competitor we know salesforce made that bid for slack. i think zoom would be rewarded by shareholders if they were to do this. obviously it would be a diluted deal you want to see how this company is going to grow into this
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market cap despite the fact that they are profitable right now, a sana is not. zoom shareholders would be happy. >> they said to be investing in growth opportunities and in terms of the stock reacting well, nadine, that would be unusual, usually with a big growth company to grow, not -- >> sure. especially when it could be called tan againstal i kind of scratch my head. i'm on the opposite side they started spreading their wings in other parts of health care it's a disaster. you have to say, why are they doing it that means better capital allocation opportunities which means do they have to be going after areas that already have leaders in the space whether it's google, microsoft and
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others i'm more in the camp -- i don't have a dog in the hunt but i would act like the investors did today. >> we're just getting started on "fast money. here's what's coming up next. we're counting down to the first trading days of the new year chris harvey's got a stark warning about one of 2020's high flyers you won't want to miss. we'll tell you what it is and how you should play it. plus, taking the court what a new season of pro sports will look like and what it will look like for sports betting we've got that and a lot more when "fast money" returns.
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of predictions with chris harvey >> good to see you, too. >> let's start off with number 3. this has to do with republicans retaining control of the senate. what does this mean for the market >> what it means for the market, if the republicans do retain control of the senate, typically the returns to the equity market are much better. more importantly, we have a stable tax regime. with a stable tax regime what we expect to see in 2021 is a significant amount of mna and buy back activity. what you have are low funding costs, pent-up demand, improving economy and more than $1 trillion additional money on corporate balance sheets that's going to burn a hole. if republicans stay in control, more mna, more buy backs in 2021 >> prediction number two, the chart no longer needs to look good what does that mean? >> all right, melissa.
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for years on end we were very flip hey, chart looks good. what we were saying is momentum strategies are going to work stocks that were going up continue to go up and stocks going down are going to continue to go down being a contrarian doesn't pay off well this looks like 2003 when it performed exceptionally well going into the recovery. people ran to them as the recession occurred similar to what happened this year as a recovery unfolds, people want more exposure and more cyclicality and that becomes a contrarian indicator they're going to be a source >> are the best days of tech over do they happen in 2020 >> i think we've had good returns to tech.
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you need to get cyclicality. you need to get small caps and financials in addition to that, high jericho individual plays. >> prediction number one, the interesting one, tesla becomes the new aol. >> right. >> is this the aol that was acquired by time warner or the aol of today >> this is the aol of 1998, december of 1998 what we're doing is not making a stock call here but we're saying that was a seminole event. this is also a seminole event. what that marked is the beginning of the end for growth technology, really growth at any price. what happened is aol went to the s&p 500 in december 1998, '99 was a fantastic year for tech, fantastic year for growth but in the following several years many of your tech and growth
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companies lost 50% of their value. in 2020 everything happened faster if it took it 12 months for that to begin or rollover, it takes six months for this to happen now. we think this will be a very seminole event people will look back and realize this is the beginning of the end for the growth in momentum strategies. >> chris, i have a question for you. i'm trying to reconcile this prediction with the fact that implied volatility versus realized vol lativity is plus 40%. for the nasdaq it's plus 70% those are high numbers the max we've seen in quite a long time, 80% i'm scratching my head when people are paying up for protection on something like tech, how do you reconcile the fact that they're already kind of on the other side of that trade? >> so what we've been seeing and what i would say is we've been seeing the rotation since mid summer, right?
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the rotation is going to take a long time. this is going to play out not over weeks and months but quarters and potentially years if you look at the capitalization of tech and growth companies, it's significant. if you want to get this, you have to get into mid and small cap companies. that's going to take you a while to do that with regards to realized vol and implied vol, one of the things we keep saying is we think volatility will be elevated. it won't go back down to levels we've seen before. have people gotten defensive we can look at this in a number of ways. one of the things you do know and we have seen, short covering has been very, very aggressive over the last several months and short interest is down significantly especially in short cap plays and space. that's something to take note of. >> chris, thank you. happy holidays. >> thank you. >> wells fargo guy adami, do you like any of chris's predictions
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we said good-bye to him so it's all right. >> we could buy the guess, i'm not going to bring him back. that's the cardinal rule of "fast money. i thought aol was a good thing i'm confused over the aol thing. i'm a bit of a dinosaur. i'm not convinced the republicans are going to win in georgia and the market is looking past the fact that the chance that the republicans do win. i think there's a risk to the back of the market on that i'm not convinced that's the case the fourth thing, mel, if i may, the former miss runner up usa who is in tennessee, by the way, melissa, there is jiffy pop and they buy it in tennessee >> i know, we have links on where to buy it, pictures. thank you, twitterverse, for keeping us updated on popcorn options. we are heading into the cyber verse and digging deep
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into the surge of fireeye. we'll bring you the trade. there is a bonus hour at 6 p.m if you have questions, we want to hear them tweet them at bccn "fast money." we have much more after this break. our vision is to be the best sports and outdoors retailer in the country with a mission to provide fun for all through strong assortments, value, & experience over the years, we've given customers not just great products, but outstanding experiences. we can't wait to have customers nationwide have fun out there.
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shares of fireeye firing up closing 7% higher. shares were 12 perfection percent higher trading at levels not seen since 2015. shares more than recovering from a hack earlier with sun shares plunging that day. with more on this, let's bring in andrew nowinski at d.a. davidson great to have you with us. i head your note the day of the hack and you thought fireeye would sur reputationly and could possibly use customers what happened? we know so much more of the hack, that fireeye wasn't the target, there were other big companies and agencies that were the target what makes the fireeye story compelling now >> thanks for having me on, melissa. fireeye took the high road with regard to the breech if you look at the transparency they provided, only about 5 to 6
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organizations so far out of the 18,000 that were breached have disclosed they were breached and none have provided any details on how it happened fireeye provided a tremendous amount of insight in the breech and how it worked and how it was stolen of the 18,000 organizations that were breached, they will need services that fireeye can provide to shore up the breach it's highly unlikely that they have enough staff to meet demand i'd say it's a very low margin business as an investor, you don't want to see that kind of business increasing in mix unless it's significantly driving the sale of their products. >> i hate to bring this up because it's typically a non-starter but in this space i think it's worthy of a question. is this an acquisition target.
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potentially could still be at these levels >> yeah. fair question. so, you know, i think everyone is in -- covets the mandean service they have incident response service the demand for that service will likely be in demand from now for the next 30 years. the rest of their portfolio, you know, isn't best in class compared to some other solutions. i say, number one, they didn't stop the breach. they did lose their tools and data it also took them 9 months to detect the malware no one can blame them from receiving that malware from solarwinds they don't make all of the security tools but i would still question why did their hx series not detect this malware? we think crowd strike could have
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stopped this breach which would make fireeye less appealing as a take out candidate >> hey, it's tim you may have kind of just given me some insight into your -- the answer to my question, which is the competitive landscape. where do you see fireeye where do you see the industry like crowd strike who seems to be growing especially within the fortune 500 companies? >> another good question the first thing i would highlight, if you look at the solar winds from last week, they said the first thing they did in response to this breach is to purchase the crowd strike software the 18,000 organizations that were breached will follow this lead we do think crowd strike is absolutely best positioned in terms of the competitive landscape and should benefit from that going forward in 2021. there's other things that went wrong in this breach there's a lot of different products that failed after the malware got in
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we think one of the best ways to defend your organization from being the next victim is to embrace the zero trust framework. we think z scale is one of those stocks that's completely built their entire platform around zero trust crowd strike, also very complementary to zero trust. those are some of the top ideas in terms of who could benefit from the competitive landscape because of this breach >> great to speak with you andrew nowinsky, d.a. davidson nadine, is this an area that tempts you >> it reminds me of what i tell my kids, right if we have a problem, say it early, explain it, don't do it again. that's what happened today as you saw with fireeye as we heard, it comes down to
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products and they're leap frogging each other. we don't necessarily noah long the chain which products have had a problem so i think you have to be careful selecting the companies especially in back of the issue. it's not an area i'm playing we'll let it watch and see if something surfaces that gets a little more exciting. >> guy, hot on fireeye the type of business this might come from is a lower margin business, which you wouldn't want >> i totally get it. the other part of the fireeye move is when everybody else got hacked, that gave air to fireeye and we spoke about that a couple weeks ago. this is completely ridiculous. just short of 48 million so you probably blew out a lot of shorts, a lot of late comers in it's probably the right move the space is in play
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we talked about palo alto network. i think you stay with palo alto. take the money off and look for the pull back in the low 20s. coming up, we are breaking down what investors should expect from the major sports leagues as we head into 2021 often traders are seeing more wild moves ahead inatl tell you what they are lookg and how to play it. much more "fast money" right after this s next level. now get one of our best 5g phones on us when you buy one. and get $500 when you switch. plus select unlimited plans include disney+, hulu, and espn+. 100% obsessed with "the mandalorian." i watch a lot of sports. it has all my favorite shows. and right now, the gaming the whole family will love is also on us. it's like a gift on top of another gift. gifts keep coming at you. everywhere. this is 5g from america's most reliable network. some things are good to know. like where to find the cheapest
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welcome back to "fast money. investors hitting the home stretch to position themselves for the new year will they have reason to cheer in the year to come? mike co has the answer do tell us >> yes, i was taking a look at the vix index, volatility index. we saw puts out numbering calls by two to one. most of that activity was concentrated in the march 21 and 20 strike puts those are puts on the march vix future, not the spot vix which is the number that closed over 23 today last week we thought it might drop lower seems that options traders might be determining that the longer term will be coming in and that
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could be a good sign. >> dan, what do you make of that action >> pretty interesting, definitely on the put side because we know there's an interesting relationship from the puts to the call i'll mention this, if guy is right and there are surprises in this georgia runoff, that's an unforeseen outcome. >> do you think we go to 30? >> easily. we were there last week. >> yeah, that's true mike thank you. as the winter sports season kicks off, we'll look at sports betting. still time to send us your burning questions we'll start answering at the top of the hour don't go anywhere. this super sized edition of "fast money" continues after the break. ♪
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gold bond people are saving hundreds in a land not so far away, on the most reliable network with xfinity mobile. they can choose from the latest phones or bring their own. and because they get nationwide 5g at no extra cost, they live happily ever after. again! again! your wireless. your rules. your way to stay closer together this holiday season.
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switch and save up to $400 a year on your wireless bill. and get $150 off when you buy a samsung a series phone. learn more at welcome back to "fast money. the nba season kicked off with a bang last night. the brooklyn nets beat the golden state warriors. the league is looking at new
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media strategies and sports betting to fill the gap. how could that look? our next guest has some ideas. paul wrable has some ideas you say this provides a singular destination for fans i would imagine this gives the sport an advantage as well in terms of selling itself whether through media coverage, streaming rights, any other kind of rights to carry the games >> yeah, absolutely. great to be back happy holidays i think with niche sports in particular, the ability to coalesce and have a singular message, that's important. larger revenue, looking at the commercial opportunity now entering our third season, 20 years in pro lacrosse, that's looking like close to 4,000 hours and 20 years of games that the mls played
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we'll expand to an eighth team which is additional commercial assets in market now as we continue to grow, we'll catch up to the legacy leagues >> hey, paul, it's dan great to have you back, bud. congrats on the deal. >> thanks, dan. >> quick one for you here. you had that bubble season this past summer. very successful. all over nbc, all their properties, everything obviously no fans. how important was the sports gambling integration you had done a deal with draft kings. do you see that as an important part of the media offering going forward? >> yeah, it's huge a lot of the sports properties have learned that you need to be more nimble and not as reliant as, call it major league baseball and the path building the revenue on sports trails we're looking at a modern sports
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page where it's media rights, sports betting on the sports betting front, dan, we did a deal with draft kings. it was huge. live broadcasts, live integration. we're seeing networks cut deals with gaming operators so the properties are going to wedge their way in that's part two. i don't think it will start happening -- on players, integrating into the broadcast experience leading to a huge handle sports betting in october had $3 billion legally registered we'll see that number continue to grow. more league revenue opportunity and revenue opportunity for
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2021 always great to see you and get your thoughts. >> thanks. >> paul rabil, happy holidays. tim seymour, you like the betting franchise? >> i do. i like what paul has to say because he's giving us a bigger picture look at sports media whether it's bins linear tv especially though. i think sports is an opportunity to really get the engagement going again. he's talking about metrics being related to players and being able to get deeper into the underlying participants. the odds and sports betting that keep people glued to the screen. the question is, who wins? a changing of the guard certainly is going to include some of the biggest streaming companies in the world, not necessarily some of the legacy players, although let's face it disney and nbc and comcast
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certainly our parent company are as good a place as most of the legacy players watch youtube, amazon, i think you're going to reset the sports media world. >> is that agreeable to you? >> it is i don't have to be participating in the underlying product but i can like it and invest in it this is the new generation and the way people want to spend their time and money from decades ago. it's a place you want to be invested and so i like what i hear i don't have to wash the cross but i get engagement you have different sources that are more attractive. >> time for the final trade. somebody who does like lacrosse a lot.
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dan? >> yeah. good for pll i like xlv here breaking out. >> nadine? >> adyen, adyey. >> tim. >> higher rate for sherwin-williams housing trade. >> guy >> typically i don't know how much there is left rabil is a stud and blackstone goes up too. >> do not go anywhere. a bonus edition of "fast money" begins right after this. labradoodles, cronuts, skorts.
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midwest. airlines, i have been watching them for a while and with the vaccines out and people are starting to come out to travel, just curious is now a good time to jump in some of the airlines stocks happy holidays to you and your family >> guys, what would you tell andrew in washington >> andrew, thank you for calling in american airlines traded up to 20-ish and failed. delta traded to the june 8th high and ratcheted through one of the things we have talked about the last month or so is spr spirit, that stock has been on fire. delta over american, spr over both >> you go for the airlines or the parts supplier to the airlines >> i think you go for the
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airlines here is a little fun fact from the pacific northwest. if you look at that picture, go google it, kids. db cooper jumped out of a plane in the pacific northwest, that being said, jet blue is really interesting. i think you want to stand on these domestic place and you want to stay with the one that did not have the max exposure and i will say this. i bought my first flight in a year which is astounding when you think of how frequently we used to fly which is 13 months from my last flight which is an astounding thing i george bush turnpike jet blue. >> tim, you are in actual airlines >> yeah, i own delta, a little alaska and i think this is a case where you had good run. you need to be careful about buying airlines that would normalize earnings faster.
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we know business travel which is the bread and butter that's going to come back out more slowly i do think we got a case that is stronger delta did nothing in terms of equity shares. i am a long-term holder. >> i can hear the intern breaking all the people google linglin db cooper. >> there is a problem right now, i have to leave the show because you will see investigations circling my house because they have been looking at db cooker, who to say that i am not >> and dan just ousted me, jerk. >> we'll see let's get to our next question from air to space. >> virgin galactic caught my attention this year. i am currently holding a large
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block of shares which i purchased about 20 i am wondering should i go long in the entire position, trades some of it on swings or consider other alternatives >> interesting question, tim, what's the answer? well, trading this thing on swings and momentum and volatility something you get a lot of this stock is as thematic story which is not one anyone should carry about fundamentals frankly. i am not a player in the space i do think this is an interesting concept, obviously the aborted mission about ten days ago gave the stock a lot of volatility to the downside the chart looks quite interesting and it looks like it consolidated and certainly brought back those losses and looks like it is probably moving higher >> that was a 17% drop or so that day >> guy, what's your advice >> well, if karen fineman is
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here she would say does not matter where you long something, it matters where you are going when i said opportunities to mel 's point, it has 15 or 25, take advantage of that. that would be my advice. >> our first question onto 2020 ipos >> andre here, question on draft kings with states running a deficit, probably need to find money some where and the easy answer would be legalizing online betting thanks >> dan >> yeah, i think you have the time horizon correct i think you have the catalyst also very correct. again, i think just like you were talking about that last name, this stock has been volatile there is going to be a lot of supply and it became public this
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year through merger and speck and there is going to be lock up you will have these periods where the stock sells up. there is a trend line, go back to april that looks like a good opportunity to reload. around that same question, the last one you trade around a stock like this with the idea that you have a long-term time horizon. >> it is an interesting notion, therefore, we'll look to legalize something when we saw that play out to some degree in the cannabis space we are continuing to see that play out across states, do you believe this happens in bedding as well. >> there is rationalization around is this something that can raise money and how bad was it and if we regulate it and make it transparent and the ability to make it safer this is all good stuff these are the same things that gone on in cannabis. i think as it relates to bedding, you have some of the
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same risk and well defined risks in term of where betting has been off limits for sports and embracing of the sports community and the cobranding and to me i think is very early days and unlike galactic which i have trouble buying something that does not make money. the market share and the way you value this on a price to sales but some percentage of this addressable market over the next two to five years at least right now is why i like draft kings, one of the legacy players. >> guy, you are nodding i assume in agreement >> how many u.s. states are there? that's not a trick question, i know you know the answer to that >> 5-0 >> when you say half a hundred because when you say 50, it sounds like 15, that's another psa. my accent is -- >> are you going to comment on
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the minnesota? >> this was tremendous it is unbelievable good for john, number one draft kings basically that secondary and 32 million shares secondary they did, 52.5 it recaptured that and it stayed long at this level and to tim's point is not what they are doing right now. it is addressable market it is true with draft kings, i think it goes higher, john thanks for calling in. >> it is a video question, thanks for sending the video in. i want to get to this next question because it is a special one. >> hello, i am sam >> i am ali. >> i am kate >> when each of us graduated from kindergarten, we chose two investments. we all chose disney which has done very well our other stocks rely on strong consumers domestically and foreign, we want to know what
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you think of our stocks. would you rather >> starbucks >> apple >> or mcdonald's >> thank you and merry christmas. >> sam, ali and kate are adorable and they are estute investors. >> first of all, the approach to starting them young and learning about markets is extraordinary and how well spoken, those girls are adorable would you rather, rather, the story around disney and some sense that the reopening trade is something that disney is part of the reopening process and starbucks as well. if you add me to would you rather rather, i think is starbucks. starbucks to me is the most bullet proof stock in the middle of this. they proven that in good times and bad, they're growing their investors on their digital and
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their loyalty program means this company is more valuable than it was yesterday. that continues >> guy, what's your advice to the three young ladies >> stay in school. that's my number one i am kidding that's a joke. of course they're going to stay in school. they sound like the andrews sisters. mine would be mcdonald's, apple ace great call and disney, a price target raise on disney that thing headed well north of $200 a share mcdonald's a mcdonald's is a standby. mcrib is back. >> we love the mcrib dan, are you going to confuse the girl and say apple >> it is a good thing we didn't line up guy's three kids because they would have said tilray and
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draft kings -- the answer for those three beautiful young kids would be apple a lot of the reopening trade is in starbucks here. disney their streaming stuff is accounting for a lot of stuff that'll be apart of the opening trade when that happens. right here i just think apple looks poised to break out into the new year so to me, i like the apple here >> already, by the way, girls, send us another video and let us know what you ultimately choose. we would love to hear. coming up on "fast money," answer your questions, hotel stocks verses air bnb and returns of the banks since 2021. we'll be right back. for skin that never holds you back don't settle for silver #1 for diabetic dry skin* #1 for psoriasis symptom relief*
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lelet's get fast, accuratell range oresults.ions. introducing letsgetchecked health testing you do at home. know your health. know yourself. order now at letsgetchecked dot com people are saving hundreds in a land not so far away, on the most reliable network with xfinity mobile. they can choose from the latest phones or bring their own. and because they get nationwide 5g at no extra cost, they live happily ever after. again! again!
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i am a huge fan of "fast money' and i watch it every chance i get i want to hear your thoughts of hotels the vaccines rolling out, how do you see the stock performing next year? thanks so much >> before we answer, jackson from houston, let's bring in seema mody >> it certainly is, nearly a billion rooms left empty this year that's a milestone the lodging industry never thought it would see. it reflects how covid to more remote locations and decline international tourism challenged the sector going into the new year, their rate continues to fall as covid cases rise as 38%. that's one of the reasons why many high profile hotels had to shut their doors this year nearly 70% of properties in houston and 50% of chicago
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hotels have fallen behind. the promise of a highly effective vaccine prompted a rebound in marriott, hyatt and both of those shares up 30% in the past two months. how quickly will travel pick up? more americans are getting more comfortable with the idea of taking a vacation four to six months from now but the key question is will they pick a hotel or air bnb that's a good question seema. >> we'll get to air bnb in a second we want to answer the questions on hotels. tim, what's your answer to jackson? >> my answer is i think if you can be a longer term player than i think and can be patience and find the balance sheet, it is a neutral trade for me right now if you look at highs, they lost about $15 million, if you look
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at their revenue per available room, it is double off the lows. i think those trends will continue i think it is a company that's well positioned. there are secular trends that are issued in the industry i think hyatt long-term looks good >> dan, you said you booked your first stuff, hotels and along with it? >> i think tim laid it out nicely there i would say technically on the hyatt, $70 where it has been basi basing above over the last month or so. go back to 2019, that was the level it broke down below earlier this year when the pandemic made it very clear that people not going to be traveling and staying at hotels. to me, you have about $10 a downside if you have this reopening trade kind of slow down a little bit over this winter i think you have probably two $20 upside i like the trade if you can hang out with it. >> you agree on hyatt, guy, you like it? >> it went from 94 to 24, traded
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back to 78 level i think it is going to go down it announced expansion in europe by december 7th, which was the worst time you can announce. the most famous is bump phillips when asked to run about a mile, i won't give them the ball i am loaded with psa tonight >> a font of knowledge, guy. >> seema mentioned hotel alternatives are also in the minds of travelers and investors. >> happy holidays. my question is about air bnb, their ipo, the stock moved in opposite direction as traditional hospitality stocks like hotels and cruise lines is this your consensus or if so,
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will this trend continue overtime thank you. >> dan, what do you tell vince in california? >> that's a great question, vince. i would say it has more to do with the dynamic of supply verses demand. there are not too many companies out there that do what air bnb does expedia has a big part of their business i just think as investors saying to themselves this thing just came public and i want exposure to disruptive company and that's why you see money goes in there. i like air bnb hotel industry will be around. i don't think you have to buy air bnb right here >> it may not make a great investment at current prices tim, where are your thoughts >> you talk about current
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prices i think that's actually what it comes down to for me i hate the valuation, i think there needs to be some consolidation here totally different industries on the same level they also were revolutionizing transportation as a service uber, it took a long time for ip investors to understand the valuation before you built the base here. i think you have to see the same thing in air bnb ipo is extraordinary ecvent and extraordinary for me i find it uncomfortable. >> you talk about great investors of the 24th century. he's on that list. air bnb was one of them. we ask them to spot the same question he did not hesitate. he still liked it here if it is good enough for rick heisman who knows the space called is good enough for me
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congratulations and stay with it >> we get a lot of questions on reopening trade and travel trades within broadly. what's your top pick >> within travel sorry, i diplomat hedn't hear. >> i like bookings it is a relative value play over expedia. if you look at the margins there and frankly the management team is proven to be slightly ahead of the field i feel comfortable with that business model they'll come back and that's one if you pay your dues, you are going to see better days ahead >> we still got a lot more ahead. we are taking your questions up next the battle of the banks continue, can that continue to 2021 the calls going louder facebook facing the possibility of antitrust regulation in 2021. we'll discuss that, back in two. this is decision tech.
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find a stock based on your interests or what's trending. get real-time insights in your customized view of the market. it's smarter trading technology for smarter trading decisions. fidelity. this holiday, get the phones everyone wants on the 5g america's been waiting for. verizon 5g is next level. now get one of our best 5g phones on us when you buy one. and get $500 when you switch. plus select unlimited plans include disney+, hulu, and espn+.
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welcome back, we are tact tackling financials with this next question. i was wondering which one you would recommend, bank of america or morgan stanley? >> which would you rather? remember a few days ago, "fast money" friend chris verrone weighed in >> our favorite name is morgan stanley. no one has made more money in 20 years. this is a huge break out over the last several weeks here. any weakness into the new year's should be bought the bank in general are starting
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to assert themselves and which we have said is as broad market and the banks are getting involved is reflective of that >> it did break out to 60. his message buy it on any pull back which is a multi-year break out. if you back the chart all the way out. it broke down that down trend. you have a high that's close to $85 or $90 i don't think you are plowing into them here we said that in the last hour because of the buy back announcement but there are some good trade set ups for the near future thank you to answer peter's question which is?
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>> morgan stanley. you went onto ask chris if this is just in the banking space and he went onto say no, this is one of our top picks overall, high convicti conviction, the acquisition on top of the e-trade but they're moving more into the asset wealth management businesses which they are already strong and de-risk this company, i like morgan stanley i like them both but i think city and bank of america are poised to out perform here because they were the cheaper ones and have operational leverage to all the trends that we are talking about >> that's a key thing. one does not preclude the other they do expose you to different things with that in mind, i believe you like morgan stanley as well.
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which other bank would you pair with morgan stanley? >> yeah, i will answer questions, first the answer is morgan stanley for all the reasons that guy stated. where else would i be? citi, we outlined the argument for citi it just did not make any sense that's where we are now. i think black stone to go off the board for 500 is very interesting. i think that made a new 52-week high, that's a name that you can see at these levels. it pains me to say it is a great deal everyone seems to love goldman sachs. >> i think that's an addendum segment to which would you rather off the board i will pose the same question, if you had to go off the board, which financial?
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>> if i had to go off the board, i probably get into, the question is do you get into the insurance company here which has healthy dividend yield and now we have a little bit more clarity. i like the money center banks and i want to be exposed to bank of america that's on the board. >> yes, it is on the board >> let me go with an hig insurance plays in the financial sector is going to continue to perform. >> it puts you on the spot a little bit >> you have to think off the board. dan, the same question to you? >> american express, it broke out on november 9th, that was the day the pfizer vaccine broke out above 100. it came back in and i thought 110 was a good level here. down from 125. so i like picking at this one
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playing for a our high, back towards 125, that was where it was trading before the pandemic. >> guy, you are on fire. now off the board so you get two gold stars for the month of december around the bend. more of q&a version of "fast money. will 2021 be the year of tech? facebook or amazon you asked it, we'll answer it. this holiday at t-mobile, get an iphone 12 with 5g on us on every single plan. switch now and save 20% on your bill vs. the other guys. that's right. iphone 12 on us. it's time to holiday on with t- mobile.
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next one >> good evening, my name is jack in michigan. do we think is time to take profits off the table and look elsewhere for tuopportunities? >> before we answer jack, let's get to julia boorstin. >> facebook has warned about head winds in part of apple's operating system which will make it easy for users to target out of ads another big change is coming, google is joining chrome and fire fox and phasing out third party cookies. that phasing out is supposed to happen by the end of next year we are expecting more privacy regulations. the ftc directed nine companies
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including facebook, youtube and snap to provide information about their data gatherings, algorithms and advertising. the eu letting users see and modify parameters for add targeting. google and facebook market shares is peeking and could decline after next year. new opportunity on online shopping ecommerce will reach $6.3 trillion by 2024. that's up $3.9 trillion this year it is well positioned to lead the industry melissa. >> thank you very much julia boorstin with the latest on facebook and competitors there antitrust issues have not historically move the stocks or impact the stocks much, could they in 2021 or is it this sort
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of focus on ads that'll drive the shares >> well, i think both, right we talked about this the other night. this is the company growing earnings 12% next year we know there are a lot of sales. sales trade about 25 times it is a cheap stock, all that being said, the suits are coming now from the government and we just don't know how this is going to play out and anybody who wants to tell you this is similar to microsoft, i am tell y ing you it is going to be different. it is around consumer face product with their browsers. given what facebook had to deal with on the social level and political level, i suspect it is going to be a head wind next year you may see earnings not as r robust as they are and sales growth may plateau and you may see some market share losses and
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maybe there are other places to be that's an interesting point and people make that comparison to the microsoft antitrust trial. what happens to microsoft afterwards which is microsoft stock got stronger and did fine. microsoft was never called the force that causes all society ill. it is a very different perception of facebook these days >> i think you are right i think antitrust for facebook we talked about it at times can be a catalyst for the stocks we talked about the under value notably instagram and watsapp. i think that's a positive. i think the growing awareness, social awareness of the social dilemma is something that's a big issue for facebook i will let guy talk about esg because he brought it up and he's right you can see where apple and obviously google where they are
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in competition are going to seek to distance themselves from whatever you want to call it, maybe it is a stigma or the reality. i think this is something to watch. the flip side of that, once again for facebook is their growth and ecommerce and facebook shop, a big area for them and it was part of the rerating the stock 2020 20 or 280 >> we had a fun conversation >> always fund times >> i find it to be especially we can talk about it on the two-hour show. my point was again, i have said it 100 times on the show, there is nothing about facebook i like other than the stock when i tried to point out last night was the stock had been
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lagging now for quite some time and it is something to watch by the way, all the things we talked about, the one thing that concerns me and the reason why is existential risk. if they fallen into esg investing, watch out look at what happened to tobacco and big oil over the last year it is something you have to consider don't be so dogmatic in your views, folks >> we have more answers to your questions on this bonus "fast money ft money" including splits, which will impact nike more in the new year, we'll be back after this
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this is the new iphone 12 pro with 5g! and it's on at&t, the fastest nationwide 5g network. now, new and existing customers can get our best deal. really?! mom! at&t has the deal for new and existing customers! i will. so what'd she say? wrong person. it's a guy named carl. but he's very excited and on his way. word-of-mouth advertising. it's what they did before commercials. it's not complicated. everyone gets our best deal, like the amazing iphone 12 mini on us.
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go rogue in the all-new, fiercely reimagined nissan rogue. welcome back to a bonus hour of "fast money." we are running right into this next one >> hey, fast money, my name is vinny, big fan of the show i watch it all the time. i just have a quick question, i was wondering of a possibility of another nike split. five years ago it was around the same price and up to 2-1 split thank you for your time. >> long island go long island tim seymour, what do you tell
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him? >> love long island. the story on nike, i don't think it is really about a stock split. we spend a lot of time because we had a lot of team talking about stock splits whether it is tesla or apple and what it has done for the share price the most important thing was the announced number, they're digital and their business continues to crank that's helping and the margins he will up even dieespite the feedback it could be an impact the biggest issue is all in the price. on a trailing basis and the reason i bring it up nike has had a great year through covid and some of the trends i have talked about it is 80 times trialing. this company is not cheap. i am long and concerned of the valuation but i do think it is part of why this company is what you want to own. they should be trading at a
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premi premi premium. >> we have geno's pizzas. >> there is a lot of area of great neck, which part are you from >> i am from south great neck. >> great neck south is called. >> it used to be the rebels but i believe they changed it because it is no longer acceptab acceptable, let's say. >> you went to high school there and you don't know their current mascot >> this is a thousand years ago. >> oh stop >> anyway. >> vinny, i know you watch and we play this great new game called "wrap it or scrap it. i think we said wrap this sucker up and they performed on a quarter. they got it higher for 2021
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margin improvement five different analysts raised their price target post earnings, you stay with the stock regardless of whether or not there is going to be a split. >> let's get to frank in florida. >> hey, "fast money. this is frank from miami, i want to ask you guys about at&t i feel attem&t is not trading f off and people are under estimating of the content? >> there are a lot of concerns with at&t, t-mobile is gaining shares and disruption of all these streamings and competitors. >> it is really ironic, guy went on the show of how t-mobile have been eating their lunch and taking some shares at&t tried to buy t-mobile years ago and the government did not let it happen.
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they started buying these media assets and they bought direct tv and a whole host of things they are trying to sell everything that's non-core and not bolted down to raise cash because they have to pay down a lot of the debt and so to me they're selling and trying to get rid of direct tv or at least a big stake event. not until the picture becomes a little clear with the wireless group. tim got a good call in this. they need to pay down that debt. the stock has been so bad that ultimately you see this thing bounced in the new year. >> you own the stock. >> again, we have to applaud t-mobile and how they completely turned the industry upside down and focus now on 5g and seems to be up front. at&t, yes, there is $140 billion a debt
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they have paid down 30 in the last year. the free cash flow would be about $26 billion this year. the debt does not keep me up at night. they have done an effective job and lowering the cost. the key is around the content and the other part is the core cellular business returning to some sense that's not over predatory. i like at&t at some part dan hit the strategy step. the company should reverberated back to the covid level. >> still coming up with our q&a session including amazon with a vote at a warehouse inlama aba distribution of covid-19 vaccines where it begins we'll be right back.
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the market, it seem is to be stuck right now. the hi i am just wondering do you think this is a good entry point for amazon or do you think i should wait for a better entry point of amazon your thoughts, appreciate it thanks, guys >> the latest with amazon, kate rooney >> thousands are close to holding a vote whether or not to unionize amazon workers agreed on the size of the bargaining group the group could include seasonal i am employees this sets the stage amazon workers had an opportunity to vote on unionizing
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last came six years ago at adel ware warehouse which did not passed amazon added 1400 employees per day. the safety and pay of those amazon workers at the fulfillment center as and groce stores are now front and center. it is expected in mid january but amazon and the union stale disagree on whether the vote should happen by mail or at the facility >> kate, thank you, the latest on amazon unionization threat. i say threat because this could mean increase costs for labor, amazon and in terms of benefits and wages and etcetera, what do you tell phil in new jersey about amazon >> the concern is margins would contract, that's the big i am puts there in terms of the stock. when i tell phil, go back to
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september 1st, the stock went from 35 to 50 and 29 to 50 a straight line of the two-week period we are in the middle of that now. i layer in and never really say this in terms of amazon, i think you can. you buy a portion here and you look potentially >> tim, what's your take on the story? >> i am less worried of the dynamics of the story and the cost impact of amazon. i care a lot more about the ecommerce trends that are very much in their favors i like the fact that stocks have been consolidating and under performed a little bit slower growth is a problem for the multiples. i love the ecommerce trends and it only dominates more next year >> margins get thinner you get volumes up
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they'll stick higher because people change the way they shop. >> yes, retail margins always been about as thin as it could get for the story. i agree with tim on the consolidation here this thing had such a huge ramp off the market lows. it continues to run into the end of the summer and it is now consolidated and it is kind of bullish. when you see money come out of this rotation trade and industrial and energy and financials they kind of revert a little bit and you will see amazon moving towards the high as as trade, play for those levels of 3500, sometimes in the new year but this is one that i think people want to put away for their kids >> let's get to pharmacy and retail space >> is cvs stock a steal at the current price level? >> cvs, guy, what do you say
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>> that was a synced question? >> i don't think it is a steal you have flat eps year of year, it is not a steal in that sense. 77-ish has been a double talk. you are looking at a break out above there. i don't think it is a steal at all. you have to wait and see into earnings and i believe early february one of the concerns here at cvs is that it is going to get amazoned going back to our prior question >> tim >> yeah, i think the valuation is a function of where the pharma business is changing and amazon's entrance into the pharma's bid the pharma benefits dynamics of the company. as a retail play, i think they benefit in the next 6 to 12 months of fiscal support and
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where people are doing their shopping i like the stock longer term >> they are instrumental and vaccine distribution at this point in time. shorter term, what do you think of cvs >> again, one at 55 and 65 if there is something that you like about the story, you buy it on weakness thinking it is 55 to the downside is worse case scenario in the near term. can you believe it >> this is the last question of this particular bonus hour of "fast money," reflected of the volatile year we had >> "fast money," a couple of investors i have been following have hinted it is a good time to take some money off the table, what do thank you think? >> i live that bill in idaho is filming himself in front of a
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deer tractor, it is gold >> wonderful state by the way. yes, i have been they're geniuses if they are getting cautious here is not a bad idea to be cautious shep smith could be sitting and wishing he was hanging out with us at the entreprened of the sh. >> he's off today. the lovely contessa brewer is going to be in just as exciting, at least for me >> dan nathan, bwhat do you say? >> they invest in companies and early stage of the growths the time horizon is different. what they are speaking to is about valuations, some of these companies exited and gone into the public markets, they're trading at valuations they never
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new n "the news with shepard smith" starts right now. >> i'm shepard smith on cnbc this is "the news. >> he's undermining our economy if he doesn't sign this bill into law >> playing politics with disaster relief while millions of americans are running out of money and food the chaos and confusion on capitol hill >> exposure of co2 can cause dizziness, disorientation. >> the dangers of dry ice. it's critical to keeping the vaccine safe but a threat to people around it tonight, what's being done to protect workers throughout the supply
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