tv Squawk Alley CNBC January 4, 2021 11:00am-12:00pm EST
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start off 2021 welcome back to "squawk alley. i'm jon fortt with julia boar ste julia boorstin we have the most important voices in tech this hour we're going to talk to one of the leaders of a new effort to unionize at google labor going to be major issue in tech we'll talk to the ceos of paypal, discovery net worth and docusign and, julia, google and unions. i mean, we've seen a little bit of this at the end of 2020 with amazon warehouse workers unionizing google actually tech workers and across the board workers trying to start a union under cwa it will be interesting to see if this really catches some momentum but now with rather couple hundred workers, it's nacid.
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>> it is i think it is interesting to see if it picks up on google and facebook and apple that will be really interesting to watch then another thing we're just really going to be keeping an eye on in both today in our show and also this year, of course, jon, is this streaming wars. we'll be hearing from discovery ceo, another piece of news today in the streaming wars. we saw that viacom/cbs struck a deal with hulu and we have the report that roku is in talks to buy content. so a lot going on in the tech and media space. what are you watching right now, d? >> well, when you talk about the digital acceleration of last year, you have to look at payments, right? we will be talking to paypal's dan shoalman think about the names. square as well these are two of the biggest winners of the last year it's payments and the digitsal wallet how are the companies really
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bringing bitcoin and cryptocurrencies into the mainstream so, jon, lots of topics to cover today. throughout the week as well. we have a great lineup we're talking to snowflake ceo lots ahead back to the google labor issue, john what will be fascinating to see is how the efforts -- this has been a long time in the making at google. the labor issues are bubbling up when we talk about could this happen at some of the other giants, it may be premature to say that but when we look at the issues bubbling up, i mean amazon is not immune to it either. of course, they have a push from warehouse workers. but also among the white collar workers, jon this has been an issue over last year also. >> yes, indeed let's get right into that very google issue more than 200 employees unionized. a practice highly unusual in tech, especially in silicon valley they're saying we built google
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and this current it raeration is not the one we want to work for. they announced the formation google software engineer joins us now good morning >> good morning. thanks for having me >> so tell me what you hope to accomplish with this union first in terms of numbers. what percentage of the google and alphabet workforce do you think you can get to sign on >> you know, i think that's a really great question. concrete numbers are hard to say at this point. my hope is that we're able to get the support of a large portion of the company i think that the thing that is important to keep in mind is even if we don't get a majority soon, workers coming together and paying dues and really setting up resources for them to organize and, you know, fight for demands and changes in the company is still important and valuable and has great potential for success even if it isn't already having like 51% of the company
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onboard. >> how important is it to you to be seen by management as a partner here some of the language that you used thus far in this op-ed is aggressive to google management and very critical of some of the moves they have taken thus far and also, you say that the company itself has fundamental problems with it so what is your approach going to be? i imagine that's important to some employees who might feel like they want change but perhaps they don't want to be in the face of management quite so aggressively >> yeah. that's great question. you know, i really want to stress this union is meant to be a democratic and open organization where any employee at the company can join and really use to further whatever cause or issues that they're facing i think some of the language in the op-ed really comes from the history of organizing at going which will is like these really
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critical issues around sexual harassment or transparency but that are not the only issues that we're fighting for. the most important thing is that it's an organization for all workers. we want to work with everybody that is interested in fighting to make alphabet a better company. >> i think it's interesting that there has been a history at google of employees putting pressure on the organization and it really affecting change, the walkout of thousands of google employees is a perfect example of that. considering that there has been change affected by employees in the past, why is it so important to try to grow your group of 200 and to do this through an actual union as opposed to through other measures >> that's a fantastic question you said it yourself there are all these other examples of workers coming together and successfully mobilizing tens of thousands of people and demanding change. what of the trends with he see
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is mobilizations depend on the moments, the singular spontaneous moments where workers can come together and sustain that kind of energy in the long term has been really difficult. so the walkout, for example, made six really broad demands. only one of them had been realized so far. our hope is that to the union and to the structure and resources that they're able to provide us and the skills that really hundreds of years worth of labor organizing has generated will give us a what i to keep this fight up for years to come and fight more sustainbly and even bigger demands. >> pearl, i wonder who do you think is responsible for the decline of culture at google as you guys say they're not living up to that motto they were founded on and that don't be evil i wonder if if you can pinpoint a moment or a time where and when it went wrong it is when the founders sweteppd away do you think they should be more
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involved >> i think that's really hard to say. i don't feel like that's an answer that you can really concretely give without consulting everyone that works at the company i do know that over time the trend has been that workers' voices are deprioritized we don't have as much of a say in the decisions that a very small group of people are making right now. and making decisions that affect all of us, that affect the environment that we work in, the stuff that we work on, who it is used by and the hope of the union is that we get more of that we want to be more at the table as well. >> and how has management responded so far are they willing to work with you or do you think they're going to push back against union efforts? >> you know, this is still in the really early stages. my hope is that management is able to engage with us i think that we're exercising our right to organize a right that all workers everywhere have we are trying to do everything aboveboard and our hope is that we engage in the management and
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they'll work with us >> there is a lot of talk about how it is so unusual for white collar workers to organize even at amazon the work organization there is really been focused on people in the warehouses how do you think this as being different from traditional workers' unions and how important is it to have other tech workers at the likes of apple or facebook or other tech companies join you in similar efforts to drive adoption of a union for this kind of employee base >> you know, i think it's critically important we're organizing with pwa and this whole effort started with the campaign that cwa launched which is an effort to organize the entire tech industry, not just google. you're right it's an extremely unique effort. i think one of the first time a tech union is formed but that's why it's so important. because tech does have a lot of really well paid, privileged workers. but there is also a segmented
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two tier workforce that many of these companies utilize where, you know, there are workers that are largely on the ground. we don't really have that data, who are paid less, don't have the same benefits and really work in a very different environment compared to ours our hope is this unionizing at google and alphabet and tech industry as a whole we're able to use our power as well paid privileged tech workers to help the marginalized people in the tech industry. >> finally, talk tactics with us it seems to me that if you look at google, hey, if you look at facebook, both are controlled companies. so there is a limit to types of pressure you can apply also, i'm not seeing a 21st century playbook for organized labor in tech. you can't really have a picket line or work stoppages in the same sense because when it's digital, everybody can cross the
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line without being seen. so how are you going to apply the kinds of pressure that you're going to need to on management in order to get demands met? >> you know, i think some of the tactics that you're referencing are really important and have historically been used effectively. but the organizing comes up in one-on-one relationships, right? building trust with co-workers and solidarity that hasn't changed. that absolutely key to the effort that we built over last year we talked to hundreds of workers who have been really enthusiastic about this idea and are really excited to create that 21st century playbook but i will say it all starts with us seeing each other and working together and really like use our collective force for change and ultimately, we do the work that keeps this company running >> you are at the forefront of a trend that investors need to watch very closely thanks for starting the year with us.
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bitcoin hit $34,000 yesterday. although, it is getting crushed this morning, below that $32,000 mark one of the many things we'll talk about with our next guest stay with us the ceo of paypal is up after the break. turn on my tv and boom, it's got all my favorite shows right there. i wish my trading platform worked like that. well have you tried thinkorswim? this is totally customizable, so you focus only on what you want. okay, it's got screeners and watchlists. and you can even see how your predictions might affect the value of the stocks you're interested in. now this is what i'm talking about. yeah, it'll free up more time for your... uh, true crime shows? british baking competitions. hm. didn't peg you for a crumpet guy. focus on what matters to you with thinkorswim. ♪
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year is to transform capitalism. joining us now exclusively on what to expect from the digital economy in 2021, cryptocurrency and a lot more is paypal's ceo happy new year thank you for being with us. >> happy new year to you too good to be here. >> let's start with cryptocurrency why not? paypal really adding it to its platform last night was seen a major way in legitimizing the rise last year how much bitcoin trading you are seeing since you introduced it what are you expecting for the year ahead >> yeah. well, i think the really important thing is take a step back and to see that there is a tremendous rise in all forms of digital payment right now. and any survey you do between 40 and 70% of consumers want to use cash less. and as a result, there is an explosion in digital payments, all forms.
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one part of that is cryp cryptocurrency another is central bank digital currencies but if you look at cryptocurrencies, typically they've been an asset class that you traded in. what we announced is that not only would we allow people to buy, sell, and hold kr cryptocurrencies, they could use those as a funding source early this year in the next couple of months to buy at any of our 28 million merchants. and so we're beginning to add more and more functionality to cryptocurrencies i really think that's their promise. the promise is to use a modern technology to enhance the utility of payments. >> right a lot of folks say that it has to be sort of used, not just as a store of value, speculative one at that. dan, do you think that this year
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is a year that we finally see bitcoin or the cryptocurrencies used for every day transactions like buying a cup of coffee? how is it going so far on the merchant side? >> well, there is obviously a tremendous demand. we've seen of that on our platform to buy and to hold. sometimes sell i think what we're most excited about is enabling people to take that cryptocurrency and effectively turn it into a currency to be able to use it at any of our 28 million merchants. and do that without any volatility know exactly how much of the holdings you need to convert and all of our 28 million merchants will be able to accept it because we'll take that cryptocurrency and we'll convert it into other currency so they can immediately accept it.
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i think that kind of utility will really start to play in both stabilizing cryptocurrency because you won't see as much volatility but very important the beginning of the use of more digital ledger technologies to enhance the very utility of payments due more people included in the financial system to complete transactions quicker and also to do it in a less expensive manner i think there are a lot of reasons to be excited about all forms of digital currencies. >> certainly, dan, it seems like your introductions here of the crypto tools will drive the outlook. i'm curious about your outlook for the coming year. i know 10% of your merchants that use paypal were added just in the last six months when you look at that kind of
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growth, the growth both on the merchant side and the consumer side, do you anticipate that kind of growth will continue or was that more of a one time bump due to covid-19? >> yeah. i think the really interesting thing, if you look at the big picture, is what the pandemic did was accelerate existing trends by anywhere by 3 to 5 years. there is a study that came out that said the move into digital is accelerated by ten years. i don't think we're ever going back i think people across every industry are now focused on how can they digitize? how can they move into the digital economy? you look at the entertainment industry, everything is going to streaming. you look at the medical industry you have more and more telemedicine education is more remote learning retailers are all going to a
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digital first strategy instead of predominantly thinking about physical location. they're now thinking about how do they take advantage of their physical locations not to drive shoppers into the store per se but to basically use them as distribution mechanisms when consumers order online and so i think we're entering into the era of the digital economy. i don't think there's ever going back to what was i think we're moving into a new pa paradigm where things will be done more efficientlily, securely, faster than ever before and there will be more added benefits and value to consumers and to merchants as a result of that >> talk to us about strategy specifically for 2021. based on these trends that you're talking about and where bottle necks still exist you think you can remove so that
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there are more transactions. there are more high quality transaction that's happen through paypal's properties. >> you know, it's a great question what we found, this is really interesting statistic, is that when small merchants implement paypal and start to move into the digital economy, 75% of their sales came fromout of their home state almost an inverse of what it was preusing tools like paypal and investme venmo. i think what retailers and small businesses are realizing is just relying on people coming into their physical location from their local area is not strategy where they can survive and even thrive in the digital economy. they need to be thinking about the products and services and
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really serving a global marketplace for those. i think we need to be sure that logistics keep up with this surge in demand of online. i mean, you saw record, record volumes over the holidays. we're continuing to see high volumes. as i mention, i don't think we ever go back to that i do think more and more consumers are going to be using digital wallets, not just to pay for things and check out but they're going to be doing kind of their looking for the right deals and offers on those digital wallets. they're going to be paying their bills electronically they're going to be doing new types of savings like crypto and they're going to be doing digital payments through kind of these uber digital wallets now that are becoming much more every day utilities. en that is what paypal and venmo
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will be offering to both consumers and will be offering a full platform to merchants to enable them to move with the digital economy. clearly, they need to do that to survive. >> yeah, dan, i want to ask you about the evolution of the digital wallet some might argue that square might actually be moving faster than paypal. in some sense in terms of adding more services, for example they're testing out short term borrowing. what is your approach in 2021? due need to speed up to keep pace with square and the others like google approaching in terms of competition >> yeah. you know, i spend a lot of time thinking about what do our customers need and want? and i spend a little bit less time looking at what competitors are doing. i think the thing that is obviously happening right now is consumers and merchants are
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flocking to paypal and to venmo. we had record growth on the platform over the past several quarters we continue to see really good growth as we enter the year. i think it's incumbent upon us to continually look at what customers need i think what customers are telling us is they're thinking about digital wallets across three different areas. shopping, financial services, and diblgital payments you know, as we mentioned on many an early call, we're very focused on rolling out tremendous amount of new services we started to rollout bill pay, crypto, pay in four, venmo credit card and you'll continue to see us rollout more and more services as consumers and merchants get more and more comfortable operating in the digital first
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world. >> yeah. well, we'll certainly be watching all of those evolutions thank you so much for taking time for us this morning happy new year again >> happy new year to all of you as well. thank you. >> and discovery plus launches today. don't go anywhere. meantime, let's get a quick check on where we stand about two hours into today's trade the dow down about 1.6%. the s&p 500 down 1.5%. and the nasdaq is down 1.3%. this holiday at t-mobile, it's not about how far apart we are, it's about how close we can be. so we're bringing out our best deal on the new iphone 12 with 5g, on every plan. right now, get the iphone 12 on us on every single plan. switch now and save 20% on your bill versus the other guys. that's the best value in wireless. that's right. the iphone 12 on us. on america's largest 5g network. and save 20% per month.
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iran seized a south korea oil tanker tensions between tehran and the west iran also starting to enrich uranium to an extent it has not done since signing a deal in 2015 to curve the nuclear weapons program. in london, a judge rejected the u.s. request to extradite wikileaks founder julia assange on espionage charges the judge says assange is likely to kill himself if sent to the united states. and the jacksonville jaguars have fired their head coach doug malone less than a day after finishing their worst season in franchise history. the jaguars won their season opener but lost the next 15 games in a row you're up to date. i'll send it out to you. >> sue, thank you for that happy new year as we head to break, let's get a check on shares of eb battery maker. it is down 35% today there is scrutiny over the runup
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in valuation just this time last week, that stock was near $120 a share. today, it is under $55 a share and, again, we're watching the selloff accelerating with the dow down around 500 points we'll be right back. do stay with us. so you want to make the best burger ever? then make it! that means selling everything. and eating nothing but cheese till you find the perfect slice... even if everyone asks you... another burger truck? don't listen to them! that means cooking day and night until you get... [ ding ] you got paid! that means adding people to the payroll. hi mom. that means... best burger ever. intuit quickbooks helps small businesses be more successful with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping. how? they have a better finance system than we do. i feel like they might have a better finance system than we do. workday. how do they make better decisions faster? workday. got to do something. workday! i think i got something.
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1,000 hours of original programming for more than a dozen different networks joining us now exclusively is discovery ceo. david, thank you so much for joining us happy new year congratulations on today's launch we appreciate you joining us today. >> we're excited to be with you. >> it seems to me, big day indeed the big question is, you said that you believe there is an address ab addressable market of 700 million in the u.s what is your target for this year of how many subscribers you'll add and how will you measure success? >> thanks. it is a big day for us discovery plus, we launched here in the u.s we already launched in europe. our number one goal is to be available on every platform in america. and we did a deal with roku. we did a deal with amazon. we did a deal with sam sung and people wake up today on monday with discovery plus, stream what
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you love, and anywhere they go on any platform they can buy discovery plus $6.99 for no commercialo commercials or $4.99 for light commercials. the second objective for the last five years we've been acquiring i.t. with the guise of we need to be differentiated there are six, seven, eight players trying to do scripted series and movies. netflix and disney are global and got big scale. and there is another big group that is fighting in that space we're one of one we are in the nonfiction, real life entertainment space and people spend about 45% of their time watching scripted series and movies in the last 20 years. but they spend 50 or 55% of their time watching our stuff. that's why we did over 1,000 hours of originalals. we picked up history and with
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oprah and chip and jo and we put it together and we believe we'll let the rest of that group fight out scripted series and movies. but we have a great lane in the u.s. and around the world and that lane is that we're -- we have great content that people love, 90-day fiance, chip and joanna gains and oprah winfrey and we're different. we have basically everything in our category people are starting to see that today. verizon saw it we sat down with hans and with his entire team and verizon is the number one direct to consumer platform company and marketing company in america and they choose us they chose us to co-market, to help drive verizon, reduce churn and get subscribers in the u.s we did the same as we announced today with vodafone.
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>> so certainly, david, you know, doing that partnership with verizon is taking a page from what disney did with the launch of disney plus and then, of course, that vodafone deal. i have to ask how meaningful you think the deals will be for driving long term subscriber growth do you expect to be able to convert most of those subscribers who are going to get it free for a year to paying directly or do you expect to extend those deals beyond that first year that they -- that those deals are set for right now? >> we think it will be hugely valuable you'll see starting to day we're marketing discovery plus but so is verizon. everywhere in the u.s. in their stores. as you go to europe, vodafone reaches 12 million people in 12 countries. they know what their customers want they're going to be marketing with us. and so you're right. we are following the disney lead bob iger is brilliant in building a global platform
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and they were on every distributor in the u.s we're on every distributor we're very clear about what they are with their brands. and we're very clear what we are. we're very different than everyone else. but people love our content. and that we do think that having a big direct marketing company helping us and we have already seen it in europe where there is a leader in sports when you get somebody else to drive you, the churn goes down and take goes up so for us it's all about scaling globally and with both verizon and sky in the uk and now vodafone, we think we have a real chance over the next year to get big scale we see what disney's done. and we see -- there is no reason we shouldn't be very big >> we certainly know sky here as part of the comcast nbc universal family, david. it's jon fortt, good morning >> good morning. >> i want to ask you specifically about the content though do you have a hit, kind of like
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disney plus had a few movies and netflix, of course, had the names. do you need one at this launch what is your strategy whether it comes to the big have to have content? >> one is we think we do and so the only place to get chip and joanna gains and this new fixer upper series and joanna's series with magnolia kitchen, the only place to get a globally all of the natural history and environmental programming with the bbc and we take a lot of our content like 90 day we have taken the property brothers we think that these categories, 90 day is the number one show on television with the 15 to 49 demographic. there are 20 to 30 million people every week are on social media talking about 90 day the majority of 90 day, including 150 hours of original content in the 90 day universe
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is discovery plus. we have 1,000 hours of original content with big players that, for instance, this week on the cover of "people" magazine is "hometown. those are characters that might -- different from the "crown" or "undoing," this he can watch anything and they choose our stuff that's one but, two, we're a great companion to disney and netflix. if you have disney or netflix, you have two great products. but we're completely different with he go very well with them so we think we're a great ca companion around the world for people hanging around the house. people don't watch "the crown" all the time >> david, you made a great argument for how your content is complimentary and not competitive with the likes of disney and netflix you made a great argument about how you have this advantage distribution through vodafone and verizon. the reality is you're launching late to the extrestreaming gamed
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people already pay for a lot of subscriptions. can you give us a number of how many subscribers you hope to have either in one year or three years? the rivals have given guidance for how many subscribers they expect to have over certain period of time can you give us a sense of what will mean you hit your targets and what the targets are >> so first, we don't think we're late we think we're just in time. in many ways, disney and netflix plowed a new road. they taught people how to download content get used to paying content how do you move it from your phone. where do you get it? all that is done for the next two to three months, unfortunately around the world, people are going to be mostly at home and our content has been growing dramatically around the world. we have great content that people love. and we hit the market now in early january when we have a
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fresh library as big as netflix, all the originals and great stuff out, there people are picking through that amazing content for the last several months so one, they're much more comfortable buying they know how to buy they know how to get it on their set and we're on every platform. it's just disney and netflix and us that can say. that two are global, us, netflix and disney are the only three. the fact that other people got very used to loving streaming services but they're probably asking and we know they are, the same question i ask. you know, what should i watch now? and when people go to discovery plus, they're going to see all the characters they love, all the brands they love and it's a very easy from a creation perspective. the great thing for us and disney did this very well too, we're not just a list of great shows. not only are we just great
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characters and great brands but easy to curate people know our characters and brands we think when you put that together with the fact that we're one of only three global companies and with great direct marketing companies helping us, consumer direct marketing companies, that we can be very, very big and that's our bet >> david -- >> we put a lot of resources behind it. we'll be reporting out our numbers. and then we'll be projecting out how big big really is. >> well, we look forward to seeing just how big big really is and hope you'll update us with those projections as you have more of a sense of subscribers. just a final question to you, david, about managing during these uncertain times. i know you have a new headquarters building in manhattan. and my question to you is this what does the future of your workforce look like and will you be mandating that your employees get the vaccine? >> well, it's been a challenge
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our leadership team rose to -- we learned a lot we've been working remotely, fully remotely as a company, 10,000 plus employees. we learned a lot about what kind of real estate we need we need a lot less we learned a lot about working at home. people can be very productive working from home. we think having spoken to our employees, most want to work from home. he'll never be in a position where everybody has a desk so our overall footprint is declining. we think our productivity could rise and in terms of the vaccine, we're going to be very careful we haven't made a decision i'm certainly going to take it i'm encouraging people to take it but we'll look at the data and make a final decision as to whether we'll go -- we'll join the bandwagon of many companies that are saying you must be vaccinated to come back on campus >> well, certainly interesting times. we appreciate you joining us on this big day for discovery and we hope you'll come back soon and give us an update on the numbers. david, thank you so much for
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joining us. >> thanks so much. >> thank you looking ahead, looking forward to the projections as well still ahead on shoathe show, on biggest stock winners on 2020, can the rinne continue this year the ceo of docusign joins us next as we take a break, look at the major averages selloff continues to ramp up the nasdaq which is high earlier now down almost 1.5% don't go anywhere. we're back in just a moment. hi, this is margaret your dell technologies advisor to listen, is to hear more than what's being said... and offer the answers that make someone feel truly heard. i understand, let's get started call a dell technologies advisor today.
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shares rising 200% as the home work trend continues. can the hot streak continue in 2021 and post vaccine for docusign we hope that comes sooner rather than later joining us now is the ceo of docusign, dan sprirnnger let's talk about the e-signatures business and what is driving it and what you expect to continue to do so this year >> absolutely, jon you think about e-signature, that's put docusign on the map, it has been significantly accelerating through 2020 and beginning in 2021 partially due to, as you head, among the covid-19 issues and people took
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the digital transformation and accelerated that we think it's a small part or the truly short term components related to the pandemic. and more just a change, what people are realizing they need to have a more digitally transformed business the so our expectation is it we're going to continue to see the significant growth that we saw in 2020 continuing very strongly in 2021 >> i believe you said in your last earnings call that your enterprising commercial customer count grew 64% year over year. which is a huge number how should investors expect that number to continue going forward? based on investments in salesforce or other means to increase your exposure to enterprise and commercial? >> we're absolutely investing for growth we went public a couple years ago. of course, we want to be responsible in our growth.
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that's why you see our profitability increasing we want to focus on growth first. we're going to continue to make the investment the customer adds is a new metric 61% before that. those are heightened levels. you're going to see us continue to hit that apex of the growth opportunity. part of the reason we're so excited about investing for that growth opportunity is that we see this phenomenon of the signature company and we're thrilled about the signature business but now we have a broader agreement cloud opportunity which takes it from $25 million to almost double that we say there is a tremendous amount of runway ahead of us to continue to invest aggressively. sales to marketing is a component. but we're a software company you'll see to continue us put a lot of resources into building fantastic software as well as m
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& a opportunities when we see them to expand the product >> dan, talk a little bit more about that agreement cloud opportunity. i know you are an early adopter of block chain so what other applications could that open you up chain so what other applications could that open you up to? does that mean we could see docusign move into areas like e-commerce or digital payments >> i think what siel you'll see we're pretty focused on customer success. you'll see us continue to provide what our customers are asking for our traditional service has been in signature, our customers said we also need help before the signature, preparing agreements, so this p they couey can be roun there's a customers life cycle
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con constru construct and we want to imagine those agreements throughout their life cycle >> dan, you mentioned that you guys are open to m&a opportunity. are you actively looking and do the valuations, especially in the enterprise cloud software space, do they worry you >> i think the valuations are at level we hadn't seen before in the software space that's true for docusign and for companies we might consider acquiring. i don't think we're a company that's been focused on trying to do big blockbuster deals or growth through m&a but thinking it have as of it as a way to add things to the suite or our customers, thinking about seal soft care where we're took our advanced analytics to a whole other level
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as cruustomers are saying we ne that advanced capability to run our cloud better that's what i would be looking for. >> dan, a question as you look out towards the rest of this year you recently announced this sms capability i'm curious what kind of functionality and new applications for your company, for your service do you think will be possible now that people will really be able to use docusign on their phones >> i think mobile is a huge part and we're definitely a mobile-first company the biggest component that we first saw that was important was we get the fact that people would be users of the software, that they have a great mobile application and they can still quickly sign and get on with their lives. you make it so much easier for people to manage their live digitally. now we're seeing users and
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customers both want to have applications so we're seeing people want to have docusign anyway so integrations with other software where people say docusign can be embedded across their own ecosystem and mobile will be a big component of that. it's how many people are doing that work today. there will also be new applications if you think about notary, it's a great experience where so many of our customers have also said we love documek you've sigusign signatures on our agreements that's another area where you'll see us investing and this year we'll announce fantastic new capabiliti capabilities >> you're one of those companies that allows people to get critical work done without meeting face to face so tell us what your plan is for bringing workers back into the
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office and whether you plan for those workers that do come back in to mandate that they do get a vaccine? >> so this is a super important top uk fic for us obviously, jo. it's somewhat ironic to your question we enable people to work effectively in a remote fashion. from the docusign employee standpoint, it's been really hard for me to not be in the office collaborating with my colleagues of day. but we've seen the world has changed. we've seen productivity for a variety of different jobs in remote settings. we want to give choice to our employees across the vast majority of our jobs where they can determine the most amount of time they want to be in an office versus working remotely we don't have all the details worked out this is sort of virgin territory
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for us we want to create a model, if they are going to be in office, we would like them to be responsible and get vaccinated but adjusting for corner cases, we think it's a responsible thing for everyone to do in this country and in the world to avail ourselves of this and address the vaccine fight against this horrible pandemic for people who will lock into more remote-first environment, it's not probably something we would require, wouldn't be something we consider a job requirement to have a vaccinine. this -- vaccine. this is going to be a tricking question, finding the balance between the social responsibility and the rights we want to provide individually to each of our employees. >> yeah, it is a tricky question, which is why i appreciate you answering it with such candor. i hope you'll cop back throughout the year and update
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us on how that employee choice is working out i'm sure lots of investors and other executives would like to know thanks for kicking off the year with us. >> thanks for having me, john. >> i like to note the dow, s&p, nasdaq -- go ahead, julia. >> great stuff there, john stocks could fall as much as 10% if democrats win the georgia runoffs. that's according to a new note out of oppenheimer this morning. read the reasons why only on cnbc pro meantime major averages continuing to sell off more on what's driving today's downswi swing next. back in a moment ou may be able to get more healthcare benefits through a humana medicare advantage plan. call the number on your screen now and speak to a licensed humana sales agent to see if you qualify. learn about plans that
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take a look at the broader selloff today. we have the dow down 2%, s&p down nearly 2% and the nasdaq off nearly 1.8%. >> everything really getting hilt here. looking at the work-from-home names not immune from the selloffs, seeing a massive outage this morning that is so damaging to the company. i have turned to teams this
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morning that tells you what happens when these big tech companies have these outages >> yeah. salesforce has got little safety net under that, i'm sure but zoom is actually up about 5% so that work-from-home trend working somewhat wayfair is up. yelp and groupon are down, those local names not doing so well. and with that, that will do it for "squawk alley. dierdre, julia, let's get to scott wapner with the "half. happy new year, everybody. i'm scott wapner the big selloffs in stock to start this new year. and what billionaire carl icon told me what he sees for stocks this year. however, the warning first from mr.
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