tv Fast Money CNBC February 10, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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economists try to do when you're in the fed chair's role, you have to exist in the here and now and he doesn't want to send a signal about assuming they can declare victory he'sstaying to the same line everyone else is talking around him. >> enough for a record there, though declines for the russell, nasdaq and s&p 500 that does it for clo"closing b." "fast money" starts now. guy, tim, karen and bon man. we're tracking shares after action we'll break down the numbers straight ahead plus the ultimate hedge. one top technician lays out six charts to trade right now with stokes hitting all-time high looking for a few good reddit-ers we start off with reefer madness. the pot stocks lighting up today as the reddit rebellion takes a
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shot at the cannabis trade blazing higher in today's session. let's get to frank with more frank. >> hey there you left out one of the biggest bishies, sun dial growers. boosting a lot during this reefer rally you said reefer. i was going to call it reefer rally. sun dial closed 7 -- excuse me 18% higher after hours it keeps moving higher this people with over 30,000 interactions on reddit would be telling the whole story. putting them into cannabis stocks one user who appears to have started this frenzy saying in part, anticipating a victory over shorts this friday. let's get this fred familiar guys, that's get this money. rocket emojis, that's shorthand for confidence that the stock's going to take off.
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another saying we've been putting money in if decades and now we own stock in it trading volume from any of these stocks going through the roof. nearly 400% over back to that one comment about being the shorts here's the short interest for some of the big names. aurora and cronos over 14% nowhere near where the gamestop levels, and most of the companies, they're saying they're short interest on the decline in recent weeks. mel melissa. >> thank you so much we start off here i guess with the cannabis king because we got to go to the cannabis king on this wore talking about no-fly canadian stocks. those are the stocks that are more held by institutional holders in terms of being targets for shorts, potentially.
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does that make them more attractive for this retail trade? >> it makes them shortble, too remember they're trading on the new york stock exchange, you can get a borrow on them look, the u.s. companies we've talked about let's be clear we've talked about the u.s. market and the fundamentals there. some if not all don't have the same short sell dynamics you could short them in canada but we're talking about the dynamic going on in the short squeezes here, the tillray short is more compounded by the fact that tillray have merged it's going to create some merger dynamics that need to cover related to that. people are looking for the catalyst the catalyst mostly for cannabis, the fundamentals have gotten better. the legislative calendar was a sign that business may be open for tillray and afrea faster
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than expected. tillray, remember, this is a stock that in the summer of 2018 squeezed up north of 280 a share and has moved down ever since that appointment that was a short squeeze then. this happen a target because of the nascar listing i think for that reason, it's been a vehicle >> i think the latest number is about 22% shortage bonawyn, some might have argued were headed to bankruptcy, had difficult times ahead. it's whatever euphemism you wanted to use. they had fundamentals behind it. there are bullish fundamental reasons to be in this sector here we are getting that extra juice from the retail trade. >> no. i like that you drop parallels and comparisons between the two. it really is a recent phenomenon that's taken the mark by storm
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now, when we look at playbooks and you mentioned gamestop, yes, there are very much differences. i'll start with the short interest till spl ray is trading around 22, 23% in order for you to fund and borrow those shares to short. there's been some interest there. where i kind of caution is generally jumping into names saying setting a threshold for short interest and saying ok this is a good opportunity to buy. buying short companies or buying companies that don't have the requisite fundamentals is not a long-term investable strategy. you may realize profits in the short term, and i can understand people pursuing that, but i do want to make sure that we kind of level set here and understand that there does need to be some fundamental analysis and support for why you will put money to work in these names. it can't just be a general screening for short interest percentage as a percentage of flow >> i get that, you get that. a lot of people on our panel get that a lot of people out there see
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the momentum behind these names. guy, sun dial's 30-day average for volume is 571 million shares, 571 million shares of 30-day average just to give you a comparison. microsoft's 30-day average for volume is 30 million shares. i mean, the momentum is there. how as a trader, guy, do you reconcile perhaps the nagging angel on one shoulder that says fundamentals versus the other one that says but look at the momentum, ride that. >> so, you know, you're making animal house reference here that i won't necessarily get into >> really? no idea. >> yes, mel. i know that does not surprise me in the least. the ice breaker did a whole nbc, the more you know. that should be -- that little music, the more you know, he
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absolutely nailed the entire thing. what i'll say is this. couple weeks ago i had an opportunity to do a power lunch with morgan brennan. we talked about gamestop and she says said what do you think. i mentioned the volume being 180 million shares and how it was 10 times normal volume and i said that day the move is probably over based on the volume dlil i know a week later it would be trading $480 or so. i hear what you said, but when the momentum, when the crowd gets behind it, and things can go a little crazy, so maybe it's not necessarily over maybe it will overshoot. i don't think to the magnitude we saw with the gamestop, but right now volume events are not necessarily dictating exhaustions of moves >> tim you had your happened raised dove a comment >> trying to be plight sun dial is a penny stock. >> yeah. >> so that share count is
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extraordinary because of the dollar price of it or lack thereof. because of some of these flow dynamics, i put a position on -- at least grew a small position six to eight weeks ago i sold into this strength today. someone that's been long on tillray, in my view, first of all, a lot of this is a gift the stock's up 440% already this year to me, i run an active fund. i'd like to take advantage and fade some of the strength. it will probably go higher, but i sold 40% of my position today because i think that's the thing i'm supposed to do as a fund manager. >> we say penny stock but sundial has a market cap that exceeds $4.6 million karen, i doubt you'll ever find yourself in this situation, but
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say you wake up one morning and you have a stock that you have learned has become a reddit target what would you do? >> uh-huh. i would -- i'd be very excited about it, actually, to be honest you know, i really would want to understand what they like about it, is there any fundamental story that they like about it, so that would be pun one thing and i believe here in the cannabis space, tim has highlighted numerous times, there is a fundamental story however, tillray is trading. if you buy it here and wait till it gets to a crazy price, i don't know maybe its there already. i have wouldn't be hanging on to my position. i have one particular stock that has a short interest i wouldn't be hanging on to it hoping that it got to insane, insane once it got to like, wow, this is getting a little out of control, i would certainly sell some i think tim did the right thing,
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for sure you have to have some sort of risk management mechanism and up this much in one day you know, you've got to take some money off the table if i were in that position, i'd be taking money off the table, too. would i let a little bit ride just to see? yeah, probably, hob honest >> i think that's what a lot of people would do. let's bring in owen bennett. great to have you with us. you made a good point about what robinhood allows in terms of trading of these stocks and what it does not allow and that's why we're seeing the canadian names move more so than the u.s. names. >> i think the strength in canadian names is almost entirely come from retail and in the red itself community there's a couple of factors driving the retail interest.
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first u.s. legislation, meaning retail wants to get exposure to cannabis on a platform like hobinhood. even on platforms where you can buy the u.s. names, arguably, any investors on to where. it's always the canadian names that grab the media headlines. obviously you guys are focused on this. so the canadian names were heavily shorted by institutions and therefore retail arguably also the same time trying to squeeze those shorts, like they did with gamestop. >> is there also any etf dynamic that we should be watching out for in terms of names in the sector being dragged higher because of this interest in the canadian names, when you take a look at etf, the mj etf, for instance. >> what you see now, there seems to be more awareness off the m sauce and etm and retail
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investors because it trades on the new york stock exchange. arguably now given a lot more volume and the fundamentals of the u.s. and are significant right now, there's a huge mixed match in u.s. and canadian names. if you take the biggest four u.s. names, combine the biggest 26 billion last quarter to combine sales 825 million on combined cash flow from operations 17 million. for the top five canadian ep with 55 billion. last quarter's 351 billion and an outsnow of 1.billion. you can see the discrepancies. it's likely you could see more money shift into that buying of atf. >> hey, tim eymour thanks for joining us. let's talk about cannabis
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multiples relative to other high growth multiples let's focus on the u.s we agree this is a much bigger addressable market there's also proven profitable operators. managing money in any sector so i think people need to be very aware of that talk about where this sector can go and how, you know, how far into a rerating process do you believe we are for the top names in the u.s.? >> i think the big thing holding back the u.s. at the moment is the fact that institutional money can't get involved and if we do see legislative reform, wherever that is, safe harbor land, the safe banking guards or more broader legislation that opens up the capital markets we're going to see huge inflow, huge money into the u.s. names and i think that will drive materially rerating. >> material rerating such as, can you give us an example just
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for fun? >> you look at what's going on now. you look at the canadian -- sort of the u.s. names trading on a next 12 month sales of five, six, seven times you're looking at the canadian names with fundamentals. they're trading on double digit. >> wow >> it's easily scenario where all the u.s. names overnight move to double digit >> all right owen, got to leave it there. thank you for joining us appreciate it. >> thank you >> pretty big moves in cannabis options today. let's get to mike co with that mike, what are you looking at? >> yeah. so i think it's quite incredible what we're seeing here let's focus quickly on six of these companies. i have them. tilray, organic graham and cron oes. every company traded over a hundred,000 contracts. the average s&p 500 is about
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23.5,000 contracts a day i think what highlights it, this whole thing is really more of a trading opportunity and is not investment conversation is when we look at what the options market is implying implied volatility to s&p 500 stocks on average is about 35 %. the options market implying a move about 8% higher or lower over the course of one month what is it for these stocks? 200% the options market is implying and the average move for these stocks higher or lower of up to 45%. what are people doing? are they investing for the long run? this suggests absolutely not what they're doing is they're speculatesing on the volatility, trying to play off the momentum, and it could be risky. it's not an investment game, it's a trading game and there will be winners and losers >> sure and some will say there's nothing wrong with the trading game as long as you know
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that the money you're putting at risk is money you're willing to lose what did you make of all that options activity we saw today. >> i've got to shake the stars out of my eyes i was swooning when mike was talking options talk and i was getting excited there. what i will add is some of that option volume in the calls is what you're seeing are synthetic positions. unlike gamestop a lot of institutions are getting ahead of this move and securing borrow so that they can retrench at various levels of stock price. i want to point out -- and mike hit the nail on the head here. there are other options playing out that allow institutions to get better access to stocks that they can trade more dynamically. that's the biggest difference i've seen in this instance and gamestop previously >> mike, thanks for that we've got an earnings alert for you. uber dropping.
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let's get to deidre. >> you can see it. some of your other traders do. uber strong growth in the food delivery market, still not enough to make up for the decline in ride share booking. the big question coming out of the quarter is what happens after the economy reopens. he's spent the last year pouring blgs into the pivot to food delivery but look at this chart for the first time since the pandemic began, it eked out on a dollar basis does the economy recover and put uber in an interesting position. he kicked off the earnings call saying he has increased confidence, similar to what we heard from lyft last night they're looking for a strong recovery and raching up on
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investment we heard from both ceos concern that there may not be enough drivers. at the same time when it comes to food delivery, uber is investing. it's not just food but all goods. there are acquisitions uber, though, is still lagging rival door dash's delivery market space and facing intense international competition. lastly i want to note net losses, still a staggering number $6.8 billion in revenue in 2020. back to you. >> de-vo she's known on the show it does not erase the gains it put on on the regular session. guy adami, this is a stock, uber, that is, that had done well, better than lyft because of how it's positioned
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coming out of the stock, could it still do better in. >> no i don't think so we talked with gene munster last night and he did a sophisticated would you rather without us realizing it it will be fascinating seeing how lyft trades and how it trades tomorrow. i still think the paris trade we talked about in the fall works not necessarily short uber but rather then uber i think it continues to -- i think that's what's going to continue to manifest itself. i think lyft is a cleaner model. imagine having 60 or so california situations in terms of what uber's dealing with internationally. so the take-away, i get from this is how will lyft trade in the aftermath of uber. my sense is it will come off at the beginning. i think it will firm up sometime tomorrow >> uber bought drizzly for a billion or so, the alcohol delivery company it's interesting to make an
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acquisition of a company who you could argue is having the best time of its existence during this pandemic. as we are coming out of the pandemic >> yeah. although i do think that some of these habits that people have developed in the pandemic will remain, right. once you spend a lot of time on your couch and have food and drizzly liquor delivered to you, it's hard to motivate to get out there. so i think that a lot of that sort of market share from restaurants will remain. however, i agree with guy on just looking at uber versus lyft i'm -- it's had a big run up, so it's not surprising it's in a little that ride miss was rather substantial, so back to your -- you're not even would you rathering me, but i would rather be in lyft than uber riding here but they've done a good job in a very, very difficult situation, but i just think it's too
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welcome back to "fast money. another earnings letter on mgm the conference call is under way. let's get to the details contessa >> well, melissa, the thing mgm resorts has going for it, it doesn't have all its eggs in one basket in a year where the strip has not record, the customers who are coming are younger and richer, and pool season is right around the corner. that's a significant source of cash for the company mgm's bright spot, it continues to see marginal improvement. the conference in group business has taken a gut punch, forcing midweek closures at casinos. the ceo highlighted a survey
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saying respondents are sick of zoom meetings. they're eager to resume face to face, probably a lot like your panel, plus giving the bookings they're anticipating opening these hotels even though macau is still suffering, this week is chinese new year, it's a crucial time for these casinos. we've heard from others about cancellations. as china is vaccinating its population, we may see some ramp pant business there. finally, mg m. gaining market share, expanding into states. 12 we're told it will be in 20 markets by year's end. in the i game. remember i tell you about the casino games hornbuckle said mgm is the leader melissa. >> contessa brewer, thank you. karen, you're long mgm >> yeah, long m manager.
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i bought it -- i don't remember -- in may or june the 13 d that iac filed. remember barry diller and joey leven went on the board never -- not never but i don't recall them taking something this big they're a buyer of companies to put in their fold. they like this and they believe that the online gaming business could be huge for them and obviously we see that starting to take lays place that was really interesting to me to follow them. the stock didn't trade up that much on the heels of that. given that not different prices than they did in the low 20s was really interesting to me plus you have the reopen trade stocks open up a lot going into this earnings. the stock -- the story isn't about this quarter's earnings. i'm going to hang on to it i like it. i think it's a reopen trade and i like gaming as well -- the
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online gaming as well. >> guy >> think about it. i mean, mgm closed higher today than it closed its previous high back in february i know it's karen's right to not talk about this quarter but for perspective, the occupancy rate was 30% or something, so this has been bailed out by mgm but probably can ride this il caution the folks out there, we've been very positive on draftkings for you technicians out there, the 64.5 level, the high from october, we just basically traded up to it again seemingly have failed, so look out for double top in draftkings probably not a bad place to take some off the table >> check out shares of zillow, soaring after hours. we'll bring you the details. first, worried that the mark
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rally won't last chris va rhone is here he's found cover in a surprising sector safety play when "fast money" returns. modern or reliable. we want both - we want a hybrid. so do banks. that's why they're going hybrid with ibm. a hybrid cloud approach helps them personalize experiences with watson ai while helping keep data secure. ♪ ♪ ♪ from banking to manufacturing, businesses are going with a smarter hybrid cloud, using the tools, platform and expertise of ibm. ♪ ♪ ♪
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welcome back to "fast money. stocks hitting all-time highs today. if you're starting to feel worried at the top, our next guest says he has the hedge for your money chris, what are you looking at >> i think it's important we're 70% off the low over 10 months the russell two, i just want to be respectful of tape and get an understanding of what some of the market's more defensive corner are trying to tell us when we think about defensive groups in this mark, really have
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four or five options staples, youths, gold or bonds i thought i'd take them one by one. we'll start with the staples, the first chart we brought the trend has been up but they haven't been a leader. if you look at staples making multi-year relative lows right here, i think we can cross them off the list they aren't providing any type of protection in this market, discretionary is still better. let's say it's not staples here. let's move on from that one. what about utilities utilities have been weaker in the absolute sense, has not met a new high it is also making multi-year lows the fact that bond yields have gone up, utilities have softened staples and them making multi-year lows. that's not how we think you can play defense in this market. what does that leave us with bonds, gold, and reeves. this is a look at all those
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defensive groups since november, since the vaccine news on november 9th just one of these groups, that blue line, that's the reits and kept their head above water over the. i think this is where you can go if you look at where the money has gone over the last 12 months, these are the top six sectors of inflows over the last 12 months. i don't see rervegs eit on the list if you go to the next list, the bottom five secretary obvious attracting among the least amount of money over the yast last year. we don't like them because they're last on the list we like them because they're getting better and they're last on the list. what moves can we play in this space? i want to focus on the mall reach. this is simon property ticker spg. this is a stock that didn't peak
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in 2020. it peaked in 2016. you had a five-year bear market here you based for the last months. you've broken up a hundred bucks. 105, 106 today i think it can trade 135, 140. another improving name, its under performance predates covid. i think this has bottomed in a very big way, breaking out here over the last several days this is another one in the context of wanting to put defense on in a defensive sector, this is a way to do it reits better than staples, utes. >> let me ask you about reits in the commercial office space. is it -- things i think will continue to get worse. we haven't seen leases roll over yet. do you think this sector is so bad and already pricing in just
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further down side that the risk-reward is compelling here >> this is another area where i think you know, peak in january and february of last year. a lot of these peaked four or five years ago when you're a relative laggard and you get a nasty event like covid, you're the stocks that get punished the most. that already happened. a lot of them traded down 70, 80, 90% in the lows last march they spend the year improving. i think the rates are improving parts of the sector. conversely on the other side, the area everyone has played, the data centers and towers, sbac, american tower, those are the ones rolling over here much like you're seeing with the broader market more offensive leadership, even with defensive groups like reits, you're seeing the defensive names start to under perform.
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>> thanks, chris >> thanks. >> tim, i think that's an important point in that there is a big component within the reit sector that is releveraged to the opening trade. >> oh, yeah. i think the other thing we all say -- i say it too much -- but the best returns are sometimes derived when things go from terrible to just bad if you think about mall property reits, were there darker days than the downfall of essentially the shopping mall, period, meets covid. so i think to the p extent that the simon property group is seeing some leverage to a reopening, where a lot of bad news has been processed in terms of landlords having to break leases, renegotiate. mall traffic, we know where it is i like the call. chris always lays out a great story. in the defense, i would look at mlps and the energy sector which are also in some sense maybe
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seen as not as defensive but and at times have been riskier, but again yield plays that i think right now are very much in vogue. >> bonawyn, your top defensive play >> well, i -- listen, i think that -- i follow this logic in terms of this being a relative value play where i have a bit of a question is in terms of presenting it as a defensive play only because we've seen so much price volatility in the reits and the properties themselves. i think if you play defensively i still like some of the health care names, emerging markets names. in terms of a difference between names that have had triple digit returns versus names that are still somewhat relatively under the radar and don't have the same risks i don't want richgs because i can't forecast that. that is kind of how i'd be positioned in terms of playing
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it, quote unquote, defensively >> coming up, what one company said about getting involved in krimto currency. and how to capitalize on the red itself revolution. how they're yitrng to get rid of soft squeezes. more "fast money" in two 've crew way for you to sell your car. whether it's a year old or a few years old. we wanna buy your car. so go to carvana and enter your license plate answer a few questions. and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds. when you're ready, we'll come to you, pay you on the spot and pick up your car, that's it. so ditch the old way of selling your car, and say hello to the new way at carvana.
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welcome pack to "fast money. take a look at bitcoin, pulling back from all-time highs guessing a major boost this week after tesla bought currency. the question we've been asking is will we see more big-name companies follow suit. listen >> when we think about our balance sheet we think about matching how it's invested and the currencies in which it's invested relative to how we might pay people, whether it's paying for a service to us or paying employees so a lot of thinking about how we should pay them should they be asked to paid in bitcoin. whether we need to have bitcoin on our balance sheet should that happen it's something we continue to study and look at. we want to be thoughtful over time, but we haven't made any
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changes yet. >> i think it's interesting the distinction that twitter cfo and test ha, it is the use case for bitcoin as opposed to the store value argument, guy, which a lot of bulls on crypto right now are making it's a store value, it's a store value, it's a store value. for companies, though, excuse for adoption, it's been because of the use case or potential use case >> i think that's fair, the bk, bitcoin have been arguing about that good for him for e michael seller, he's basically telling people you're in this worth lest it's also live by the sword, die by the sword the run has been tremendous. but on a benign day for bit
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copy, microstrategies are down 24% today and i think these are the types of market fluctuations we'll be seeing. we talked about it last night. we have to talk about it again this evening, mel. >> are you considering putting bitcoin on the balance sheet and you noticed that happened with gm. >> actually is near the top of the call i wrote it down so i could say it exactly we don't have any plans to invest in bit county, so full stop there i mean, no she closed the door on that. later -- if her customers want to pay for their cars with bitcoin, that's something they would probably look at, but in terms of for their balance sheet, no. i think we'll see the a lot of -- we're going to see the question in every conference call, but i think we're going to see a lot of no for now. >> yep coming up, the mouse house reporting earnings after the bell tomorrow. we'll break down the disney
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trade ahead. first, zillow zooming ahead. is it a buyers market for isth stock. all that and more when "fast money" returns shaped by technology and human ingenuity, we can make it work for you and your business. ♪♪ your grooming business is booming. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base. claim your seventy-five-dollar credit when you post your first job at
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welcome back to "fast money. check out shares of zillow, on pace to hit all-time highs, the real estate app doubling what analysts were expecting as the u.s. housing market remains red hot. 201 unique monthly users what a phenomenal number that is >> i mean, the number -- the bar was really high, and they -- dwight stoned it i know tim and guy might have another approach i know dwight stone's a friend of the show. it was extraordinary expectations were high this quarter was so good, it was ridiculous i had not been a fan of their home buying, which wasn't the star of the quarter, but i guess that fly wheel approach of them being in every part of the business from internet media, technology to loans, just being the center of it all extraordinary quarter.
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they've done a tremendous job. i think they anticipate further acceleration so i blew it i missed this one. fantastic job. now i'm sad but good for them. >> don't be sad. there are other opportunities. tim, what do you think of zillow and where would you go in the housing trade if one were to believe housing will remain fast >> referring to fozberry we love to talk about him. >> we're the only ones >> yeah, sure. >> look, housing trade, i continue to think especially after the charts have done some consolidating but also we've had a chance to look into the fundamentals, home depot i think home depot over lowes. two lowes over the last 18 months i still think there's more money in the pockets of homeowners through lower interest rates in addition to the appreciation of
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their homes, people are still investing in their homes and i think they will more so after the pandemic ends. >> bonawyn >> i think this is continued testament to the strength of the overall housing market and place that make in tertiary or secondary type stocks which is in the builders themselves i have a hard time fighting momentum here. i understand we're consolidating and the trade is a bit long in the tooth, seemingly for this sector and other sector, the proch position of fighting momentum, i don't like the risk-reward. >> will it be a happily every after? we'll dive into the options markets later. the job posting that is a major sign of the times on wall street "fasmoy' bk tt nes"acinwo
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earnings the stock hitting another new all-time high in today's session. guy, what are you expecting? >> well, i mean, i'm sure they're going to talk about disney plus and it's been staggering, obviously, what's been going on there in terms of growth karen has been all over this they're getting the valuation in spades at $190, probably trading close to 40 times or so next year's numbers, which is extraordinary but maybe well deserved given what you're seeing with hulu and netflix. i don't think it has to be in earnings, a huge beat to the up side to keep this stock moving i think it comes down this transition the company's going through. i'm inclined to take profits but that's been the wrong thing to do now the last four or five months >> how are the markets setting up on this one >> i like guy thought about an options story.
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call outpaces puts compare that to about a 3.5% move on the back of earnings on average. the trade that jumped off the trade for me, about 6,000 of these traded over the day. they were purchased early in the morning for about 189. 110 mischaracterize on the spot. another short day. it's already trading at an all-time high but people are pretty bulled up >> that's a one-year char but that's a lot a big gain here. where do you stand on dizzy at this point >> very bullish. i -- the valuation is difficult, except for i think the valuation in the multiple need to go higher, i think they've got almostably conservatively. i think 95 million is a
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conservative number. that's applauded that's not a problem i talked about yesterday companies that are in a position to over shoot on a reopening trade. why isn't disney one of them people be running to their parks and experiences as fast as they can and i think studio will come reborn it should trade expensive. it will. >> imagine the kids across america who have been begging their parents to go to disney. we can't go because of the pandemic when it hopes, they got no more excuses. >> it is extraordinary guy, you gave me credit. i don't deserve it i have not been long this for points more than that. i missed that one as well. i think -- it's not like the parks are priced for free now, so i don't know. if it goes higher, it's going to be without me. good job, tim. >> be sure to tune in to the full show friday
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5:58 pm
. welcome back to "fast money. wall street is apparently looking for a few good redditers. new york based hedge fund posting a job listing for a sentiment trader who will spend most of their time on reddit, diskompltd among their requirements, an active account on the wall street bets. no quote mainstream financial brainwash. we to be honest did not confirm this job listing but it's -- it is out there, out there, guy i don't know if you're interest -- i know you're active on discord, for instance >> it's interesting. said to be honest, if you wane the to be, you got to say tbh. i think there's going a line behind ben affleck and vinh decembered for this job. i'm clearly not qualified.
5:59 pm
although i do know what a gif and a people is. >> let me clarify. this is unlinked and we confirmed it on linkedin but did not talk to anybody at syndicator capital but sign of the times, right i mean, tim, if you were momentum -- hedge funds are often fund traders you got to know where the trade is coming from >> i love you all, i love you people, but it may be time for me to take that job with jt marlin see you soon >> time for the final trade. tim, kick it off >> i talk about mlp's. gets you the index i think there's a lot of gain there. >> doubling down on the vics we've talked about all the volatility >> karen >> yeah. my hunt for value, i keep coming
6:00 pm
back to greens boots >> guy >> psx look at these leveraged names, going higher psx continues to rise higher >> all right thanks for watching "fast money. see you back here with my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. >> hey, i'm cramer welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, i'm trying to make you money. my job is not just to entertain you but educate, teach and put this in context. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. s&p edging dow
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