tv Fast Money CNBC April 15, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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>> with goldman sachs bodes well for morgan stanley will see how strong they are relative to goldman sachs standard we're out of time on "closing bell" thanks for watching. "fast money" starts now. >> i'm melissa lee and this is "fast money" tonight's today's trader lineup -- coming up we'll break down how traders are playing the record run. plus slamming the breaks on quantum scape -- you will hear from the man behind the report and attention frequent flyers. we'll tell you what delta said about the future that could have this stock taking flight new developments in the reddit development. remember when musk steps to
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defend gamestop when share s went higher -- >> he's blasting the regulator saying they allow quasi anarchy to rule the markets pointing to tweets that championing the redditers. saying they are comments at a critical moment further destabilize the situation with gamestop on january 26th this year, was tweeted he bought gamestop and later game stonx on the same day. surged to the peak of $350 a share, the following day, they never reached that level since then and he appeared on cnbc to discuss gamestop neither responded to our request to comment in response to the
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einhorn letter a and saying the laws don't apply to him, referring to musk, and he can do whatever he wants. i got off the phone with a regulatory expert who told me it is hard to legally distinguish between those comments when einhorn himself comes out for or against a company that said this person notes from athenical standpoint business celebrities have the responsibility to think of how their words impact finances of those who follow them into a particular trade of i also spoke with amy lynch former s.e.c. regulator who said regulators have not finished looking into trading surrounding gamestop just yet so this story is not quite over from the regulatory standpoint. >> chapters continue to be written. thank you leslie. anarchy in the eyes of david einhorn, guy, but freedom of speech in the eyes of others,
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what do you think? >> yeah, freedom of speech, absolutely listen, so right now as we sit here, tesla has a mark cap of $700 billion-ish, right. he's the ceo of that company he also has 50 million followers on twitter this is elon musk. why on january 26th after the market closes, what's the point of tweeting gamestonk with two exclamation point, it's asinine, if it is sport go shoot clays or something. two days later it traded 483 in a range of 112 to 483 i don't understand that. it's not particularly funny or clever and what purpose does it serve so i'm with einhorn. is illegal no i'm not suggesting it is is it infantile, 100% and does it have far-reaching
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ramifications? i'm sure it is funny to him and his pals, a lot of people made a lot and more lost a lot of money. >> seems a bit of the pot calling the kettle black david einhorn does come on air and he does tweet and puts out letters stating his position why is this different. in social media the impact is more immediate but it's all the same isn't it. >> i think you make an excellent point. right. we know david comes out and has positions and he tells us what his positions are and why he is short or long, whatever it might be he makes one point in the letter i thought was interesting, he is pointing out champion go - going after. robinhood and how terrible robinhood is and not at the time -- or not going out of his way to disclose he has a sofi position which one could see as a potential competitor to robinhood. so david makes that point, which
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is interesting by agree i think free speech. i think, you know -- he said i'm long calls whatever it was, the 115's whatever he boughtnd gave to charity. but i do think it is a little irresponsible to add fuel to the fire. unless you really don't believe that's fuel to the fire. i kind of do so, i agree with guy it's somewhat immature i don't really know why he felt the need to do that. but also, free speech, he did say what he was doing, full disclosure if he hadn't said that i would feel differently. >> right disclosure is interesting in this era of social media stock influencers and asset influencers. think about doge coin with all
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these celebrities tweeting about it and here doge has a massive market cap and gone up a lot so we live in an era influrencers have a big role. as mentioned he didn't go out of his way to tell his position in sofi could be construed as a competitor, there's a lot of other things, people tweeting out who have a position to influence how the stock trades. >> good point in terms of disclosure i think it was a critical point that was omitted or forgeten, i don't know it's hard to point fingers without knowing the full story i think that's just it, we are all essentially in a situation where of these people do have influence, they're social
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influencers or celebrities and are using it to their advantage we seen that from our former president to other investors or speculators. it's hard to say what should or shouldn't happen yes, certainly it's adding fuel to the fire, but i think gamestop is highlighting just the effect social media is having on the stock market and there's a lot of push back there. to me it speaks to the evolution of how information is going to be disseminated. game stonk is somewhat of a one-liner not a lot of color around that. clearly i think he knew what he was doing. but if investors are buying gamestop on a hashtag i think you assume that risk >> nadine, interesting that guy mentioned he thinks it was stupid, immature, whatever it is, be that as it may, was anything wrong done, do you think? >> well, no, i think that number one what karen said, it's about
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disclosure and two, what bonawyn said, if you're going to play in the market and not play on a lot of information you're assuming a risk and should know what you're doing. all for democratizing, trading and investing but same time it's up to you to decide how much you risk and over time i believe regulators will be looking into this and will be probably firming up some rules around disclosure as well as information. and you can trade what you can trade, the leverage you get. i think this is part of the evolution. it's just, as bonawyn said, it's a bit of a data point. but there's been enough data points that i think there will be changes. >> let's go to the blow out retail report and bottom market responding with this >> not in my house ha ha ha >> investors batting away fears
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like that geico commercial, i actually do know who this guy is check out the ten year note following the second best note on record yields falling to the lowest level in more than a month even as consumers with stimulus checks pump tons of money into the economy is the bond market giving investors an all clear that inflation is just stem pr-- temporary. karen what's your take >> confusion is my original take normally we'd see retail numbers like that and think, okay, inflation. and we've talked a lot about the feds talking about transitory inflation. and so i was wondering, all right, is that what the bond market is thinking so i turned to my friend andy constan who helps me understand all things fixed income, he was saying yes the bond market may believe it's transitory but also
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the vix is down and risk premiums are down. people want to take more risks one other thing happened, as rates went lower it made the likelihood of mortgages refinancing go higher and those who owned a lot of mortgages the duration of their book got shorter and they needed to buy longer term bonds, that's what really started to move it late in the day it's kind of a circular effect there. it's still -- i still have trouble completely getting my arms around it but basic, bottom line is, you know be in all-risk assets because the fed is there. okay can't fight the fed. for me, i'm staying long but when the vix start to trade down to this level i have to look at buying more protection. >> yeah. 157. that allowed technology to do well that allowed the s&p 500 to hit a record bonawyn, what was your take on all this action? >> well, karen's first point i
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tend to agree with, ful fully, k step you see these retail figures and expect to see correlation to inflation. a lot of us were saying the volatility around this rate change we've seen over the last, i don't know, one to two months, has been astronomical. and we seem to be getting ahead of our self, we've seen the samt dynamic with corporate earnings there's a trade, everyone piles in, the data is disseminated and people take profits or fade the move i think you saw that translate into the bond market today i think we're in a bit of a range. i'm hesitant to say we're certainly out of the woods with inflation but i do think it highlights exactly what the fed is trying to get at, which is, we're going to react to data that long-standing in it's presentation and then there's also going to be some hiccups as we seen with some of the covid vaccines any semblance of us not having a
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linear path to reopening will have effects that reverbate through the markets. seen that today. >> if you are a believer rates are in a range, nadine, this is a signal, putting together what bonawyn said, if there's a lot of shorts in the bond nomarket begin they cover maybe so what do you do now? >> sure. i laughed because i read a headline calling it the caststanza trade. if you think yields are going to go up, everything frommed lumber to materials. you're seeing labor. pressure and services. s a matter of time it's less about supply and less about this retail number everybody knew it was going to be a solid number and bonawyn's right, you saw some profit taking or people taking some chips off the table or covering some shorts, but over the intermediate term there's a lot
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of pressure here and some companies are pushing it through the consumers and some have not yet. we think 234 -- in the intermediate term we see it going up. >> we heard from pepsi going up lumber, guy, you follow closely, lumber futures hit a record. i guess the question here is does transportation - does transistory have an impact on what businesses do, and is a negative impact regardless how the fed regards the flips in inflation. >> it's fascinating. first i am shocked you knew who basketball player is >> even better didn't he play for uconn. >> you insulting me, you're not going to get me. he's one of the many great people out of georgetown
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university 1 is. if you send where will yields be at i would have been wrong. it's fascinated to me how well the bond market traded at certain point if prices to get to a certain price and flatten out inflation does as well -- i will tell you lumber prices through the roof we heard goldman sachs talk about copper i think today. through the roof soft commodities, look at grant market through the roof gasoline going higher. all pointing to extraordinary inflation airy times and yet the bonds market today makes zero sense to me, you can explain it five different ways, karen did a great job, still makes on sense.
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>> at soy, at corn, labor cost might be going higher. let's bring in steve to get his take on market reports this morning. >> i will tell you i talked to a bunch of guys in the bond market and they got one of those wow things going, they're just a little bit out of bremg. ers of the -- breath the trade beginning at 8:30 this morning and by 3:00 you clawed back the yield you went 161 to 151 now 158 so about half of those the yield has clawed back there. what i heard was this, beginning the morning actually the day before as strong as retail was, i heard it could have been even stronger there was some talk on the street you might be well into the double digits into the
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res retail numbers add to that a lot of people got short. think of 175 straight shot at the two already. and another thing i heard, the japanese who left the market at end of the quarter to fix up their books in time for the ends of the quarter they may have come back to buy, together with the mortgage buying, all of those things, bunch of people short, and people coming into the market and the market is thin with the fed doing a lot of the buying, all of it came to a pretty dramatic big move i think the consensus on the market is that inflation will be temporary. i don't think that's an outlying opinion any more i think the fed and the market and everybody has embraced it. we're ready for a bit of a ride on the roller coaster and we're not going to lose what's in our
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stomach in the process. >> steve, i've been thinking about this inflation issue a lot. which sounds odd >> as much as you have been thinking about the basket player. >> more. but in terms of inflation how it is regarded as intransfer torrey -- intransistory when tariffs were put on that was f viewed intransit oary as well and if it were transitory it still had a big impact. i wonder if we should think of this inflation shocks in the same way there's many inputs reaching record highs we are also seeing a labor shortage we can't find people to fill these jobs we might have to pay more. all these things s --
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add up don't they? >> they do when we talk about inflation rising we talk about the second derivative of the calculation which itself is a derivative i'm sure you get that. but the idea is you have say tariff the take on the tariff is right, melissa, a one-time upward shift in prices that did not repeat. you did not have increasing inflation rate as a result of that same thing is believed to be true with what's coming now. you have supply shortages, disruptions, if you tell me we are not going to reestablish global trade links, that suppliers are not going to fix the shortages problem, if you tell me people out of work are not coming back to work then you may have the makings in the change of the inflationary mind said a one time shift in the price level is not the kind of inflation federal reserve worries about. it hurts
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it's no, sir necessarily it's not necessarily good but if it's just that one time it is okay >> karen, how do you think about it as it impacts the companies your invested in particularly margin expansion thanks to the pandemic and cost cutting and getting efficient, et cetera those margins look like they will start to diminish >> yeah. it's important to me the biggest knee-jerk reaction on some things i own is financials so we saw the two-year, ten-year spread which had really widened a lot, actually moved a lot today the other way. so banks, everyone knew earnings would be great and they responded, some up, some down. that i think weighed everyonely on the banks today i wonder, also, do we not give enough attention to some of the deflationary things like slowing population growth and increasing productivity
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i don't know how to weigh those but i think the ones that are apparent are inflationary like lumber and grain. >> i want to respond that very quickly. if you think of the amount of money the fed is pumping into the economy, 120 billion in mortgage and bond purchases. zero interest rates. we worry about getting to 2% inflation may speak to what karen is talking about, incredible deflation forces still at work in the global economy. >> steve, always a pleasure. thank you. >> thank you. >> coming up a pump and dump scam to make one look like amateurs scathing words as quantumscape responds and nfl sports betting deal details and how to trade this
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so you're a small business, so when it comes to or a big one., you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. welcome back to "fast money. shares of draftkings jump 7ing after hours as brand new deals inked with the national football
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league, draftkings become the first official sports -- and crease are will integrate official highlights and footage into their platforms. is worth a 5% pop in dkg. >> one second while i tweet draf draft stonk. i think it is a big deal it expands the offerings and this partnership, exclusivity, not just in daily sports -- sorry -- daily fantasy betting but also sports betting in general with the nfl, it's large. you are seeing different attendance at various sports events i think this is a winner and might be what takes this stock the next leg higher, has that top at 70's and after market is
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trending high, definitely a win. >> guy, what's your take? >> i agree with bonawyn. 63 was a pivot level t traded up to 63 last earnings report and failed and back to 57 it has bounced. technically it has done everything right i have no idea the concern is is there another secondary offering in the making. remember last time -- i think you stay with the draftkings i'm with bonawyn. >> we're just getting started on "fast money. here's what's coming up next. >> option traders making a big bet that coca-cola will pop. we'll bring you that play ahead. and next, the short seller behind the scathing report sending quantumscape plunging joins us live. that and a lot more when "fast money" returns
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welcome back to "fast money. quantumscape plunging today after a scathing report from short seller calling the ev a pump and dump by celebrities -- am among allegations claiming quantumscape is making claim that's are misleading, grossly exaggerated or fraudulent. scorpion reports v wrks employees indicate engine interiors and battery experts are highly skeptical of quantumscape's claims. they get nice powerpoint slides. quantumscape saying in part it stands by its data that speaks for itself, --
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we're join issed now by the author of the short report and founder of chief investment officer of scorpion capital great to have you with us. >> thanks for having me, melissa. >> the headline is grabbing, the irony is some say your report is also a pump and dump, let's get that out of the way. you have a short position in quantumscape. >> we do. >> how big is? are you short by stock or by options, can you give us more details and whether or not you got out of your short position today in any, way, shape or form based on the fall in quantumscape. >> we have a substantial amount of risk and exposure related to this short we don't disclose the size of the position but our model is to focus on shorts unless $5 million we don't focus on it which is an indication of the
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level of risk and exposure we like to take in our positions. we still have a short position it's a very high-conviction position we did a lot of work on this name we typically spend three or four months doing a lot of investigative due diligence. so the kind of exposure that we take is really commensurate with the level of time and effort we expend. >> it's a big position for you, so just to be clear, did you get out of any of your position today? you released the report this morning, did you take advantage of the decline in quantumscape in anyway? >> we don't comment on day-to-day trading activities. >> okay. >> just suffice to say the level of exposure here is substantial. it remains substantial this is an extremely high conviction short thesis. and we don't really think of this as like a, you know, an in and out kind of a trade.
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this is a long-term fundamental thesis there's a long history o companies like quantumscape that have made exactly the claims particularly in the battery space n the niche of solid-state batteries and a lot of these companies with high-profile backers, automative companies and venture capitalists back them and surprisingly those companies turn out to be flops, and a lot of them frauds, we think the pattern of over high claims have characterized companies in the battery space we think quantumscape is a text book example and some will look back on quantumscape the same way they look at the companies that have come and gone. so we think it will take time to play out this is not a one or two day thing for us i will leave it there. >> all right within your presentation, which is a very long slide deck, i think 160 pages or so, you actually cited in part you had a
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screen grab of interview ceo did recently on cnbc on "mad money." i want to play that sound byte and get to the claims about the technology because that's at the heart of the short-selling report >> we've tried to say what we're going to do and do what we say we're gonna do obviously if december we announced the performance data which was pretty amazing if we say so ourselves, we're excited with the multi-layer results which was a big mile stone. i don't think folks expected it that early. >> he talked about by slide deck that you cite in your short-selling report i want to pull up page 94 for those following along at home. it's battery life. the reason i picked up on this slide is quantumscape had this
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particular slide within their response to your report and yet you had this slide within your report. so it seems like you both are showing the same slide and reaching wildly different conclusions. so the point that you're making here is if you look at the green minute at the bottom left corner of the screen there, in the chart, you make the point that they are saying one c charge in discharng. -- discharge. they are saying that that means the battery life is an hour. what are you saying? >> so i'm not sure exactly which slide you're referring to but there's two technical claims they make related to cycle life. and you're right, so, they had a data presentation they laid out five or six key technical claims and our report investigated those by talking to former employees of the company and talked to quantumscape partners,
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source to validation to technology as we went through all of the claims, including the battery life claims i will comment on in just one second, they didn't really stand up to scrutiny. and on cycle life they make two kinds of claims, to step back, cycle life is a very important perimeter for the battery. the battery has to last for typically 800 to 1,000 charge cycles, 200 to 300,000 miles and has to do it in cold weather, you have to show two kinds of cycle life when we look at the data that quantumscape show two e when we look at the data that quantumscape shows they're huge red flags one of the standard measures is columbusic efficiency. there's nobody who does credible battery research who doesn't utz that to talk about the cycle
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life per cell and experts make comments like, there's no slide in the entire presentation they talk about cycle life but they use the one metric everybody uses to actually back it up. >> so it sounds like you did a lot of work. you referred it to it with a lot of experts to get their takes and when i looked through the report i didn't actually see any names of the experts you do concede in the caveat of the report that you spoke to former employees or those formerly connected from quantumscape or volkswagen but they are separate from the company so some of the data they're citing may be in fact dated. why wouldn't you give us the names of the battery experts that you consulted with in terms of, you know, poking holes within quantumscape' claims. that would seem to be the best way to sort of say, this is -- this is the expert, here's what
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he said, you decide. instead of distilling it and saying, according to an expert. >> yeah, several reasons just to step back for a second right. the kind of work we do tends to be very pharaoh and we talk to nine former employees of the company, whether they left six months ago or three months ago or a year ago, the science is the science. there's certain scientific perimeters you have -- parameters you have to hit for your claim to be credible. that doesn't change over the span of a few months an the battery experts we talk to are some of the leading researchers in the field we respect their confi confidentiality. short sell sometimes are controversial and people don't want names in the report but these are highly published
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professors at credible institutionalizations and well-known in the battery world the other reason we want to be very careful about mentioning the names of people is there's one expert we talk to who made a very inaucuous, critical comment about the company in a public forum and that expert described receiving interesting communication from the company that you know, the expert found very distressing. so i think there's this pharaoh nose esque climate, to describe the claims the company is making, the fact they don't stand under skrunitty, a lot of those dynamics when you do this kind of research in this kind of a situation, you have to be very careful. >> sure. we're just about out of time but
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i do want to ask one last question, that is, you said this is a long, high-conviction, long-trade that you are in you make the comparison time and time again to tharno throughout the report and this interview. does it end that way because it's extreme way to end. tharno went up in smoke basically and the founder of tharnos was on trial is that how you see this ending? >> the people who end up on trial, i have no idea, i can tell you as far as the company having a viable technology on the market, you know, in a car, we just don't think that's realistic. if you look at the battery companies the same investors this company have backed, they are generally ones that pretty much all of them went nowhere. so we don't think it's going to be very surprising quantumscape ends up being another one of those companies.
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i don't think it's extreme at all. if you have a technology that doesn't stand up to skrunitty and you're do scrutiny and you're doing tested that are cherry picked and not industry-standard and very unusual, all kinds of flag, i think it's suggested the technology may not be viable and those kinds of companies tend to go away. >> all right, krks -- kir we appreciate your time scorpion capital we extend an invite for quantumscape ceo to join us, that offer still stands. let's trade this, guy, we should know quantumscape up 1.3% in the after-hour session what do you make of this whole thing. >> i was going to say, i never heard of his firm, i didn't read the report and i can't speak intelligently about quantumscape is this is what i do know. i admire him for putting this
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out. they clearly did theiro work but we live in an environment where someone getting back to the top of the show tomorrow someone could tweet quantum with rocket ships an the stock up 10 to 15% and all of the work could be for naught that would be my question, you know, in this environment is worth coming out that way. again, i find it fascinating and i'll watch it carefully in next couple weeks to see what transpires, that's what i would watch for. >> yeah. when this report hit this is the third short-seller report i know of that went after a spac in the ev-space specifically i thought what's going on here what do you think? >> yeah, i thought that too. first of all, i think they may have been insulting to tharnos who did a bang up job as anybody on a fraudulent enterprise not saying this is that.
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but i thought that too is because -- you know, i don't have any long short, any skin in the game in the ev-battery business, is because it's very difficult for retail investors to understand, it would be for me to understand cycle life and some of the other things, you don't know the metrics he cited. so does that lack of retail experience or retail knowledge in the space make it right for fluff, let's say >> yeah. >> when they describe how -- and then -- in the larger space, the ev's really exciting, that's happening, we're switching to a ev-world we know that. so the macro is there, maybe people just hope on the micro. i have no opinion about this company. i don't know but i thought the exact same thing, we're on the same wave length missy. >> yep coming up lose of shares in delta dropping despite comments
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from the ceo what it means for the trade and shares after a surge we have the name when "fast money" returns eo build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. principal. for all it's worth. did you know that petco, is now a health and wellness company? their groomers work wonders for my confidence. i trust their vets, and i'm known to have trust issues. they deliver high quality food the same day. i was outside digging, what'd i miss? just everything regarding our physical, social, and mental health. exciting. i'm gonna take a spin around the room. great idea.
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delta shares down nearly 3% today after the airline reported earnings, phil has the details >> the reason delta shares were lower, one, a wider than expected loss for q1 two, the guidance for q2 on the revenue side may have been lighter than what expected and it put pressure on shares of delta today. let's talk about the optimism in terms of the analyst call, the outlook and our interview with ed bastion on squawk box couple things cash booking double from january to march, clearly accelerating and expect to to break even by the end of june and in the third quarter. travel credits are people who book a ticket in the past and didn't take it because of covid-19 restrictions that's now just 10 to 15% of their bookings leisure travel is now 85% of the 2019 level only down 15% compared to pre-pandemic levels.
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here's ed bastbastions talkin 25uking about bringing back business travel. >> i expect we'll start seeing offices reopen this summer i think by fall we'll see a pretty significant bump in business travel. people need to get back to their customers their own people, get out to the marketplace, continue to drive their businesses forward. i know here at delta we're planning on reopening our campus officially in the month of june. >> take a look at shares of delta. keep in mind there are two parts of the business that basically half the business, that is, under pressure right now business travel as well as international. he talked about business on the international side don't expect anything soon not just for delta but all the airlines when you talk to executives they all say look for the uk before
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the eu opens up, again, not expected to happen soon. next week you have american, alaska, united and southwest we'll see their path of profitability next week. >> phil, thanks. nadine, do you have a position in airlines? >> we do, we'd take a flyer on delta, if they can generate some cash in june they have mentioned non-fuel cost going up but we think this is a bit of a cold spring and trading low end at $46 and change implies high end 7 to 8 upside on the near term. so we like where there's a lot of negativity baked in it's really about execution, the economy coming back, some of the travel coming back, so we like it. >> bonawyn, where do you stand now? >> i think it's a name you can own because you see valuations in every other part of the market just so high.
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you're going to see a flight to things that have under performed though it is quite up a bit from its base i do think the road to rebounding will be a bit more protracted perhaps because where you see rebounds is lower market business the international and business aspect of travel is really what will propel this forward and i'd be looking at those data points. >> coming up, feeling refreshed? options traders are, we'll laid out the coca-cola trade when "fast money" returns no one likes to choose between safe or sporty. modern or reliable. we want both - we want a hybrid. so do banks. that's why they're going hybrid with ibm. a hybrid cloud approach helps them personalize experiences with watson ai while helping keep data secure. ♪ ♪ ♪ from banking to manufacturing, businesses are going with a smarter hybrid cloud, using the tools, platform and expertise of ibm.
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bounce forward, with comcast business. welcome back pepsi shares going flat despite reporting higher than expected earnings the company reitierating it's 2021 forecast. coca-cola is on deck to report next week and one options trader is saying it will pop. tony what did you see? >> yeah today we saw some fairly unusual flow here for coca-cola, second biggest name in xlp the consumer staple sector now coca-cola does trade fairly actively, about 53,000 contracts today. today more than four times more calls traded than puts one unusual trade we saw across the tape where a trader bought 10,000 contracts of the september 57.5 call options for about 96 cents this trader laid out almost $1 million in premium to bet coca-cola would be above 58.5 by
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september expiration that's about 9.5% higher than where the stock closed today year-to-date the stock is only up 1 mercedes. up one percent this is a fairly large and aggressive bet that over q2 and q3 that coca-cola is going to take advantage of this recovery. what's interesting, it's only risking 1.7% of the underlying stock value by buying this out of the call action going to september >> tune in for more "options action" 5:30 tomorrow. up next, final trades. ♪♪
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♪♪ hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this... your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee... yeah i should've just led with that... with at&t business... you can pick the best plan for each employee and only pay for the features they need. will there be an ev for me? what about me? one for me?
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you mean us? what about me? and me? how about us? yeah, how about us? great question. wait, can i get one in green? got one for me?! hey, what about me? what about us? is there an ev for me? ev for me? us? what about me? me? for me? ♪ ♪ (dog whimpers) some say this is my greatest challenge ever. but i've seen centuries of this.
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with a companion that powers a digital world, traded with a touch. the gold standard, so to speak ;) time for the final trade, let's go around the horn karen? >> yeah, my final trade weight watchers it's down 20% they just did refinancing, good for them earnings in two weeks. >> bonawyn >> oh is approaching the 180 support level i will look at that as a point of entry. >> nadine? >> thermo fisher, best in class
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operator love the acquisition in the cro space and they're sand bagging with $125 million of synergy 12k3w4rz . >> guy >> hope elon musk doesn't at us. oracle >> thanks fo my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you a little money it's my job, not just to entertain but to teach, educate. call me, 1-800-743-cnbc. or tweet me @jimcramer listen to me throw out your economic textbooks.
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