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tv   Worldwide Exchange  CNBC  April 19, 2021 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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it is 5:00 a.m. at cnbc. here is the top five at 5:00 can the record-breaking rally roll on? i'll show you the futures. despite the run, where have all of the day traders gone? no one seems to care about stocks thank you, china. after a wild weekend, cryptocurrency is surging back right now. china's government changes its tone in a big way. what's going on with dogecoin? no one behind the wheel.
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a fiery crash left two dead as the tesla investigation continues and why apparently nobody was driving. america hits a huge milestone in the race to get vaccinated we will show you the latest numbers. it is monday, april 19th this is "worldwide exchange. good morning good afternoon good evening welcome from wherever in the world you may be watching. i'm brian sullivan thanks for joining us and kicking off your week. hope you had a great one let's kickoff monday with the futures. flat to maybe slightly lower we'll call that flat long way to go today this week remember, we are enjoying real strength in stocks lately. we will see if it carries over to today april, all in all, a winning month for the markets. dow and s&p and nasdaq coming
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off record highs dow transport is a good indication coming off the longest weekly win streak since, get this, all the way back in 1989 wow! if you are not paying attention at home, you should. dow 30 up four weeks in a row. two best performers are names you know apple and microsoft. month to date up 10% and 10.5% resp respectively all this ahead of the earnings weeks. thursday is the busiest day of the season at&t, intel, american airlines are due out. until them, big blue and united and coca-cola. and gold also at the highest level since february this mor morning.
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$1,787 per ounce lumber prices are up again upper. why not? lumber is about ready to break $1,300 for the last few years, up $400 per contract now at nearly $1,300 after a wild week on bitcoin dropping just $52,000 after hitting $64,000, bitcoin is up again. splitting the difference up to $57,000 right now. by the way, the mysterious dogecoin appears to be all bark and all bite see what we did there? it is up 700% in a matter of days mark will be here in a few minutes to talk about bitcoin and crypto and whatever else we get to
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before we get to that and more on the markets and your money, let's get a hit on key headlines for the week what exactly is going on with jack ma? ant group exploring options for its founder, jack ma, to divest his stake in ant group and give up control the move seems a way to apiece chinese regulators have come down hard on all things alibaba or jack ma related ant group dismissing that report releasing a statement on twitter calling the article baseless if you have a peloton treadmill plus and kids, listen up regulators are saying to stop using the tread plus treadmill if small kids or pets are present. this comes after one month where peloton disclosed an accident which resulted in the death of
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the child. the cpc says there was a report of a child getting stuck underneath or sucked underneath the treadmill. the company says there is no reason to stop using the treadmill if people simply read the safety manual and do not allow kids or pets to come near it the stock is down 6% this morning. grab co- founder is set to gain voting power when they list on the nasdaq later on this year who is grab? a ride sharing company like uber based in asia. tan will gain more than 60% of the voting power when listed on the nasdaq that is rare and level and equal only to facebook's mark zuckerberg in terms of voting power and ownership stake.
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let's get back to the markets. dow and s&p up four weeks in a row. nearly every stock is up high lately every single index but one india's sencex that goes along with any other class. throw a dart any commodity, crypto, nft whatever it is it's going to be higher. let's talk about it. joining us is asset managing director robert thieter. robert, every time we talk with anybody, you say how much higher can things go? apparently much higher it is, i guess a huge surge of client cash, is it not >> it is nice to see you again, brian. it has been a rally around the world and rally just about
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everywhere you know, one of the things we're looking at when you mention the situation like india, india is battling covid that puts them on one end of the spectrum china at the other end china has been out of covid for a year that is stalling a bit that is shadowing where the u.s. is moving. we are getting back to normal. we have to watch the recovery trade and when it comes to an end. >> what is exactly that trade? i understand the easy names. zoom, things we think of as purely stuck at home then we look at cyclical economic rebound how deep into the cyclical or quote recovery trade, robert, are you going from a stock perspective? >> i think there is still a window for a lot of the things to work. we are starting to run out of room one of the things we have is go through the 69 industry groups in the s&p when you look through that, there is little that hasn't
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reco recovered. 7% market cap that is still negative 80% is up more than 10% dating back to pre-covid. you had a lot of names that recovered well beyond what you expect from the disruption that has been seen in covid we are running out of the window on the recovery. that is what we are seeing with the dow these past couple weeks. >> what do we do with our money? sock in drawer everything, literally everything, is higher. >> it is a great time for inn vefrt investors. you mentioned a lot of names reportings will be strong. i think when we get out into the summer, we have to think about the normal environment that is still a good environment. for a long time, we had positive
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gdp growth that sets the stage. that is a good environment for investors. it may be time to get more selective. be more careful about the timeline and a great window for recovery it is not going to last forever. >> sort of a cautiously optimistic semi bullish view from robert teeter robert, pleasure have a great day thank you very much. >> thank you you're welcome we are just getting started. on the other side of the quick break, no one doing better work on covid and stocks lately than tom lee. he is here to tell you why one group of stocks is set to soar and why it may be based on one specific commodity the video is a hint. plus, we are live at a conf conference that's right in-person with thousands of
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people eunice yoon at the shanghai auto show what it looks like and breaking down the bitcoin bust and boom. that was yesterday mark is here to weigh in on why crypto should move higher and what is going on with dogecoin a very busy ur sllhoti ahead we're back right after this. and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association.
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so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business. welcome back
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nobody is doing better work on covid and stocks and everything else than tom lee right now. his research notes are a much read on wall street. he had sanity and optimism to the fight against covid and how to invest around it. one idea lately is oil m may control the direction of stocks oil has started to firm back up after being weak the last couple weeks. data from the iea says the massive oil glut has almost dried up demand is up production has been down now the one fifth of the surplus ahead of the crash last year remains in tact. in other words, the market is tightening up. for more on this and the keys that crude may hold for the stock market is tom lee. funds global adviser and
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managing partner and head of research tom, good to have you on i know it is early you know i have been tagging your stuff on social media you are one of the few voices that looks past the scary headlines. we dive into the numbers and say, okay, bad stuff here. overall, the trend has been pretty good. that could increase the consumer that could tighten oil up. that could help stocks tie it all together for us >> yeah, brian, that's a great summary. oil demand is still a couple million barrels lower per day in the u.s. than it was before the pandemic a lot of that is jet fuel. what inn vefrt vident er invesy not appreciate is the prices relate to the cyclical trade gdp activity is linked to oil output if you think about it in rough
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terms for every 1% of gdp growth, it is 1% demand growth for oil. that is a strange ratio. if we are talking about reopening happening, oil demand comes back i think investors are not still comfortable with the idea that oil prices will actually rebound new hampin that process. if it does, it is an indication of a strong recovery oil stocks are 20% lower than before the pandemic started. relative performance of energy prices and oil, especially, has a lot to do with cyclical stocks are trading. it tells us it has to do with oil demand coming back >> that, to me, tom, is the most amazing part with the charts and
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correlations all we heard is oil is dead and esg. i won't own it it is going out. it doesn't matter. energy sector is smaller than it has ever been. those things may be true for investors. you connected the dots oil still matters to big parts of the equity market do we know why >> yeah. oil is central part of it is for every activity that takes place, we are going to have to burn or consume some form of energy today, that is not provided by renewable sources. interestingly, the energy sector has one of the best supply demand alignments taking place policy is going to restrict growth or new capital coming in. financial capital is restricted. oil is a sector where there is limited supply and now it looks
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like on the margin substantial incremental demand growth. if gdp levels maintained to 2019 levels, that would be a surprise to the market. that would be pushing demand higher for oil that means energy stocks are up and strength in cyclical trade >> we know from the opec meetings, that the saudis are getting other cheating opec nations in line. we are not seeing a bump in u.s. production you think if with we get to 80 on oil, a long way, tom, if we get tot 80, fle could have 45% up side? >> yes that's going to be a real surprise for most institutional investors. you know, xle is a proxy is up 30% year to date
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if it goes up to 80 and the price relationship holds to il we are talking about another 45% move or bringing the total gains close to 80% i think it would be a huge chase by institutions or what we would see is fomo. >> fear of missing out we will see. oil has been so unloved and so forgotten that any move could get people's attention right quick. tom, i want to say thank you to you and the tireless ken in the research reports they have become nightly reading. i posted a lot of it thanks for bringing a bit of hope >> thanks, brian >> tom pointing out 16 of the 17 worst counties all in michigan for covid. headlines are up remember, you have to dig into the data. still on deck, a scary story about the video you are seeing there. new details on the investigation
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into the deadly tesla crash where apparently nobody was actually behind the wheel of the car. that's next. right now, you're planning for your future. maybe it's for kid number two. or employee number two hundred. maybe it's understanding the real value of your business. or ensuring that what you've built, will be taken care of for a long time. whatever you're planning, you don't have to do it alone.
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great idea. ♪ ♪ petco. the health and wellness company. welcome back now to the u.s. vaccination update a major milestone. half of american adults have now received at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine
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in all, more than 200 million shots have been given. 32% of u.s. adults fully vaccinated more than 83 million adults or 32% of the total american adult population are now indeed fully vaccinated this as we wait on j&j's vaccine. the panel is set to meet friday after the pause. dr. fauci over the weekend said he would be surprised if the vaccine is not given the green light even with restrictions or warnings in the meantime, china's cansino will start clinical trials for a covid vaccine administered through inhalation such a vaccine could be more effective than those injected given that the coronavirus enters the body through airways like your nose the eu has exercised that option to acquire additional 100
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million doses of the pfizer vaccine. this brings the total number of doses delivered to the 27-member bloc to 27 million in 2021 to auto news and the battle with ev makers to challenge tesla. it is all playing out at the shanghai auto show today which is actually an auto show with thousands of people inside of a building and cars and also eunice yoon who is there for us. eunice, great to see you at the all conference with other people >> reporter: absolutely. i know usually when in the past when asked to cover a car show, i tell the team, okay, get ready for the crowds this time it was like get ready for the crowds we realize it is a physical space and lots of people are here one of the main themes we are seeing is the fact that there
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are so many companies that are pushing evs. including a lot of brands that have been holding off until now. take gm's cadillac it unveiled the lyric. this is a car that is based off the company's ultra ev technology it was supposed to make a debut in the u.s., but because the pandemic, held off until now also, ford is showcasing its mustang mach e the chinese version. the company will be making that car in china for the chinese market what is interesting is that, of course, we know the ev market is a huge one here. it is largely dominated by chinese carmakers and chinese start-ups. all taking the lead of beijing supportive policies. this time, more and more, we are starting to see foreign companies, up until now, have been hesitant of jumping all in
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on electric vehicles because they were not convinced this was the way to go. now, brian, they feel this is the way to go. part of that is because the market here is more mature when it comes to evs and also beijing policies are becoming more supportive of electric vehicles. >> eunice, cool stuff with the cars i love the ev stuff. i want to know what it is like. i was invited to an in-person conference in a couple of weeks to the u.s. midwest. we said this since the beginning. you are the crystal ball you are way ahead of us now. is it nerve wracking is everybody still in a mask what is it like at the conference itself? >> reporter: of course, there are a lot of protocols here. we have to wear masks.
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in theory, socially distancing that hasn't necessarily worked out well people are carrying signs with reminders. that part hasn't been done so much temperature screenings before we got here, we were asked and required to submit a negative covid test. there were a lot of protocols to ensure it was safe once you are here, it feels like a regular car show on the one hand, you suggested a little bit of nervous as people get close or not socially distancing and taking a mask off. for the most part, it is nice. it is exciting it feels normal which is, you know, not normal these days. >> yeah. it is so great to see you there and a conference going on. we're all looking forward to that as well
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our amazing crystal ball eunice yoon as always, thank you. see you again soon take care. all right. straight ahead blackouts and crackdowns details on the crypto recent run and why it was such a wild ride over the weekend mark will talk about all of it coming up. if you have not already, subscribe to our podcast if you miss "worldwide exchange." don't worry. download, stream it on apple, stitcher and spotify it has a 4.5 rating. one guy gave it a 1 because he did not like me. that's the point give it a review download it. "worldwide exchange. dow futures are down we're back after this.
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so you're a small business, or a big one. you were thriving, but then... oh. ah. okay. plan, pivot. how do you bounce back? you don't, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. powered by the largest gig speed network in america. but is it secure? sure it's secure. and even if the power goes down, your connection doesn't. so how do i do this? you don't do this. we do this, together. bounce forward, with comcast business.
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where have all the retail traders gone markets hovering at all-time highs. a note from goldman sachs revealing the number of i individual investors has seen a huge drop. the price of bitcoin is back after pummeled from recent highs over growing crackdown fears morgan yusko is here and the reddit trader roaring kitty doubling down on his bet on gamestop. tell you how and why
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it is monday, april 19th this is "worldwide exchange. here on cnbc ♪ ♪ welcome. good morning thanks for joining us. i'm brian sullivan let's get right to it. a check on your money and your markets. that's why you're here as we were halfway through the 5:00 a.m. hour, dow futures off about 80 points. coming off a lot of strength let's be clear markets soaring in april dow and s&p up four weeks in a row. nasdaq up three. pretty much every single global market in the world, literally, every single one except india, is higher in april a lot of global strength and here in the united states. now to the top stories are
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this monday. new details emerging in the deadly crash involving a tesla in texas according to our nbc affiliate in houston, police say nobody was behind the wheel when the 2019model s crashed into a tree and burst into flames saturday night killing both men inside. one man was found in the front passenger seat the other in the rear passenger seat new york times reported that minutes before the crash, the wives of the men involved heard them say they wanted to go for a drive and talking about the vehicle's auto pilot feature sad story there. group of u.s. electricity companies telling president biden they plan to work with the white house and congress to cut carbon emissions. the group of 13 companies sent a letter to the president st stressing lawmakers should make
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policies to ensure the electric companies cut emissions by the year 2030. the spac frenzy crash hitting the followers of palihapitiya hard. all of the social capital blank check companies, the name of them, 1 through 6, plunged more than the broader spac market they are still up since the market debut, but down more than other spacs. the day trader known as roaring kitty helped the gamestop squeeze and is apparently doubling down keith gill, his actual name, exercised his 500 gamestop call options that expired friday giving him 50,000 more shares at the average price of $12
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gill bought 50,000 more gamestop shares bringing the total investment to 200,000 shares of gme. i'll say it for keith gill the man has nerve. crypto getting hit hard over the weekend. just days after the much talked about public debut of coinbase bitcoin bouncing back after being down $12,000 from its wednesday high meantime, dogecoin, we have to talk about it. it is still soaring. up 280% over just a matter of days dogecoin was sitting at 5 cents. at one point, up over 40 cents yesterday. a 700% gain in two weeks that's right 760% gain in two weeks of course, dogecoin, which was
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literally started as a joke, really has no use case and no intention of creating one. the crypto is moving all the same all of this is coming in fears of a crackdown on crypto and apparent blackout in china in a region that powers much global bitcoin mining let's sum up what i said a lot of stuff happened in the last 36 hours. let's bring in our friend mark yusko. ceo. mark, good to have you on. i know from the twitter that you think i'm going to ask you about the recent drop and fears of regulatory headline and crackdown. just like i did months ago you said you will buy it and you are right. it's gone up that's not what i'll ask you at all. are you selling everything you own and putting it in dogecoin >> you know, i wish we could just not talk about dogecoin
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to me, dogecoin is everything that's wrong it epitomizes everything that is wrong with the market today. just like gamestop the cult behavior. liquidity from stimulus checks it's pure speculation. it will end badly. >> well, do you think it is like the game we all used to play as kids musical chairs at some point, the music ends and somebody is standing without a chair. do you think dogecoin is just -- i'll set it to you at a higher price until i can until it stops going up >> brian, with musical chairs, there is a chair there's no chair here. this is pure speculation you know, a lot of examples of this across the markets.
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all around the world people are literally using the gameification of the markets to invest it is not investing. it is not even trading it is ponzi-nomics we social eized this idea that t is okay. i don't want to talk about it. you are the host i have to go along >> well, mark, mark, mark, to be fair, we are not talking about dogecoin itself. i agree with you 100%. we have been doing this for 25 years. we are talking about after asset class. dogecoin whatever it may be the idea there are dangerous, frothy markets we have to say be careful. i don't want to talk about dogecoin itself. inasmuch as the frenzy it has gone from a nickel to 40
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cents. on no news, it makes no sense. >> that's right, brian just the awareness of the types of movements is really important, right you were talking about roaring kitty and gamestop and the redditers. that sounds like predators, right? i think the total gamification of investing you and i have been talking about this coming up on three decades. hard to believe. we actually talked about this construct of investing and what it means to put capital to work and what it means to buy things that have good management and good ideas and good businesses this is not that this is what happened in 2000. when you get to a bubble and excess liquidity and you get people blelieving they can buy anything that moves and that's okay, that's just gambling
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there is a predelection to gambling there is an extreme of that behavior >> i'll put something up on social today or tomorrow, mark everything you need to know about right now, you can learn from "forbes" cover from 1999. digital money. how kids were taking over wall street and scaring the quote establishment. how you are not smart, not you, but we are not smart enough to understand the new technology. it rang true let's talk about real news good news out of china chinese official coming out and calling bitcoin quota e an investment alternative not exactly a ringing endorsement, but not a takedown either any slightly positive comment from china and other big
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regulators has got to be perceived as positive, does it not? >> sure. especially when that commenter is related to the central bank of china look, i believe that bitcoin will be a central bank reserve asset at some point. whether china or europe or u.s don't really know who will go first. i absolutely believe this is a huge positive sign look, bitcoin is, i think, everything that's right with markets. this is a long-term monetary system it is designed as an alternative store value to currencies which are destroyed around the world think about the dollar we created 40% of all the dollars that ever existed in the last 12 months when you do that, you de-value
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them it is because we have too much debt at government levels around the world. when you see central bank governors talk about an asset that they think could preserve wealth we have seen it with corporations and michael saler that is why i have m my #probablyafad with a wink this is not a fad. this is not a ponzi. this is something that will be with us for a long time. it is a straight value digital gold >> we are printing trillions of dollars. money is a construct you will love the rbi. any other crypto you like? ethern litecoin >> i like ethereon all of wall street will
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eventually end up with a lot of growth and invest. >> good stuff there. mark, we talked about dogecoin, but we didn't talk about dogecoin we said good luck. wish everybody well. be careful mark yusko, thank you. >> thank you, brian. >> take care coming up, diana olick will join us and look at the booming business of homeowners caught in the growing path of flood waters on the rise. wi ehae"s ckn ba i just a moment.
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welcome back president biden will this week turn his attention to climate change with a summit that focuses on carbon emissions. he will touch on sectors of the economy include real estate. diana olick is joining us now how homeowners are dealing with flooding without moving to higher ground. it is part of the continued rising risk series >> reporter: adores living by the water. >> i grew up on the shore. for me, it is a no-brainer >> reporter: the flood risk to the new jersey home is getting higher to stay, he needed to lift the house higher >> it is something that we are
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faced with whether it is climate change or anything else. >> reporter: the family lived at the home because when they de decidedrenovate, they had to comply with the building codes >> barely safe >> reporter: brian hess is a foreman. he lifted all kinds of homes from small ones like this to 7,000 square foot homes. there will be more new jersey tops the list of states with the most homes that based on projected sea level rise will see one major flood per year by 2050 more than 70,000 homes according to climb ate central. followed by florida, california, louisiana and north carolina from homes on the jersey shore to the 2,000 ton waterfront building in san francisco. as the water rises, so, too, must the real estate
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>> any coastal areas or areas with large rivers. >> reporter: michael has been in the house lifting business for two decades. working residential and commercial he says lifts start around $10,000 for a small home and over $1 million for a large historic building. >> the more things flood, the more the need. >> reporter: the flood risk is part of the waterfront reward. >> something about not being able to get to the beach in less than ten minutes that is something i wanted to do >> reporter: the risk from rising water is high, but the risk of lifting the house is actually not that bad. these companies say it is a precise, gentle, ginger practice that happens slowly and carefully. you can, in most cases, leave your furniture inside. there could be damage, but that is why there is special insurance for the company and the homeowner.
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brian. >> pretty amazing to see the big -- not small homes big homes lifted up. diana, i want to flip gears because i read an article which summed up real estate now and the problem of inventory according to the journal, there are now more real estate agents in america than there are homes for sale is that because everybody now wants to be a realtor again because they see it as easy money? no homes for sale? some vicious combo >> reporter: i say we did that story a couple of weeks when you were off >> i was off give me a break. i didn't know! >> reporter: come on yes, that is the story that there are more real estate agents that is because more agents got into the business during the pandemic at the time when there was so much demand that homes
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were flying off the shelf. we have the tightest housing market in history. that comes from the decade of under building after the crash all of the demand for homes and investors buying homes for rentals. the hope is more will come on this spring. it hasn't. silvers are reluctant despite the money they can get for the home to put them on the market especially when there are still unknowns going forward on variants and et cetera it is a tight market it is a pricey market. until we see more construction, it will not get that much better >> you know, diana, i don't feel bad about not watching the network every day. i should have listened to the podcast. "worldwide exchange" available on spotify and apple and others. i would have heard you do that story and we would not have had this segment >> reporter: no problem. >> that's why i like diana
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she takes no guff. diana, thank you very much breaking news. cite diana we're back after this talking about your money and markets and rbi you want to hear about cash. stick around need better sleep? try nature's bounty sleep 3 a unique tri layer supplement,
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that calms you helps you fall a sleep faster and stay a sleep longer. great sleep comes naturally with sleep 3 only from nature's bounty
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time for the morning rbi it seems like nobody likes money anymore. money is becoming an idea, but it does appear actual cash may come to a quick end. according to the new survey from merchant service in the uk, 64% of adults there have not completed any transaction at all with cash in the past year 61% of those surveyed say they adopted some new payment method in that time and taps, not touches, are en
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vogue. and 77% made a contactless payment for the first time now this is mostly due to covid. many of us were afraid to touch anything sometimes black swan events can super charge trends. as we come out of the pandemic, many things will get back to so-called normal and out and about more and everywhere, it seems, but apparently the atm, machine, is this actually the end of cash? in the uk, it just might be. random and interesting let's talk more about the broader markets. and your money we are keeping a close eye on things like fear apparently nobody is afraid anymore. the vix down 30% this year lowest level since january of last year. pre-covid.
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and a note over the weekend, goldman sachs citing falling retail trading as a key contributor to the drop off in the vix. online retail broke daily average trade dropped sharply. call option volume dropped to the lowest level since late 2020 we are joined by kate faddis kate, good to see you. i guess everybody is giving up on stocks and buying dogecoin. i'm sure that is actually part of it. that's not the road for you. you like strong. you like steady. you like a bank called pnc financial. despite being huge, doesn't get any love out there >> hi, brian how are you? i love pnc pnc gets no love i don't know why it has done well since monovembr they had good earnings
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mainstream bank. this is not jpmorgan chase or morgan main street bank earnings were flat revenues were flat to slightly down buying up bbva american assets. i think pnc. we own it. we love it >> good. everybody i talked to said it is a well run company, but doesn't get the attention. i want to say the word mongo mongo db all of the database kids say oracle is out and mongo is in. why do you like mongo? >> back when the original database was created, data was expensive. they had to keep everything
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tightly packed think about a car. what is the best way to store a car? the garage desk dismantle the car and put everything in order. data is cheap. we don't have to put all of the tires in one place and have a programmer say bring me this, bring me that. programmers love it. kids love it the market is still growing. mongo doesn't have to steal oracle share it has revenue of less than $1 billion. it has a long way to go. >> quickly all of the attention on covid the last 13 months for good reason we forget there is bad stuff a lot of cancer. novocure >> i love novocure very innovative. you have brain cancer. guess what you don't have to have chemo or radiation. they put something like a
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swimming cap on your head and it literally zaps the cancer. keeping the good stuff good news. >> you heard the music, cate not my call. the end of the show. another show "squawk box" that wants to go on the air they are champing at the bit cate, we'll get you back on soon have a great day thank you very much. it goes fast i have to turn it over to "squawk box. thoroughbreds in the gate. i don't want to take a second away from them i'll see you tomorrow on "sawxcngde ehae. quk box" coming up hard in lane three is next
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good morning bitcoin bouncing back after a weekend plunge that saw it fall nearly 21% from last week's record high. all in a week's work for the crypto vaccine milestone. half of u.s. adults received at least one shot and the cdc will meet this week to determine whether to resume the use of the j&j jab. a safety agency warning parents to stop using peloton's treadmill immediately. not warning the parents to stop, but alerting the parents of possibility of issues with kids and small pets peloton is calling the report misleading and inaccurate. it is monday, april 19th, 2021 "squawk box" begins right now.


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