tv Mad Money CNBC April 20, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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to the floyd family. again, the floyd family to come to the microphones in just a little while to share their thoughts with all of us. in addition the president will speak in the not-too-distant future the white house was not specific about it. we're approaching the top of the hour, so a reset as our coverage continues on cnbc. it's 6:00 on the east coast, 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. this is. continuing coverage on the derek chauvin trial. guilty on all counts three different counts count one, murder in the second degree, unintentional murder guilty count two, murder in the third degree, guilty and count three, second degree manslaughter, guilty on all three. as you may have heard our attorneys say earlier, in this case the largest of the charges, the stiffest of the charges would be murder two and that's
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the one that will reign supreme in this case that carries a sentence of up to 40 years in prison under the guidelines, though, in minneapolis or in the state of minnesota, it could be as few as 12.5 years sentencing set eight weeks from now. there is a lot to discuss. we'll hear from the families and attorneys and talk about three trials that are yet to come of three other officers who are on scene at the time. their cases built sort of on the back of this one had this case been not guilty, the others might not have happened at all now a completely different set of circumstances we'll talk to the lawyers about that we'll get to frank holland among the crowd, frank >> get that on camera!
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get that on camera >> that's a live look as the crowd was celebrating, i guess, to some degree we're hearing speeches on rs 13, some local people who are concerned about all of this are making their vision known for a more just and equatable america, let's listen. >> legislatures around the country, we must change. we must dismantle the systems that allow and have allowed the derrek chauvins to thorive we must evolve as a people and society. our greatest failure will be to do nothing knowing what we know. thank you. >> thank you, john. >> the crowds, actually right now rs 15 another interview i'd like you to hear. >> this is not a silver bullet this is not it but this is a step to right from wrong and communities justlike this all over america
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this is a pivot point for us we came here to support our teachers and public schools and students and everybody in this community because this is a lesson, a lesson that was learned and taught the lesson that was learned today was that we have a judicial system that says no one is above the law, and, you know, the lesson taught from all of us that just says, you know, do the right thing and you'll be okay no matter your color, no matter your economic background the american idea you can still have and this country is still the best place in the world. >> from the streets in minneapolis also listening to local coverage on care 11. their 5:00 news has just begun there and they have cameras all about listening to what has what reaction listen in. >> so there is some of the reaction that we heard immediately after the verdict was read around 4:00 this afternoon. let's bring the attorney al
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brown -- >> we'll bring our own attorneys in david henderson is with us there is a celebration in the moment but there are three other officers who faced charges in this case. i believe you said it was built as something of a pyramid and without convictions here, that would have been more difficult but now it would appear come august we have more trials to go through. >> shep, that's right. the only consideration here is whether or not the other three officers may consider to try to arrange a plea bargain in light of what happened to derek chauvin. you have to remember again, this is a historic verdict. we don't normally see verdicts like this when police officers commit the atrocities derek chauvin did. seeing him be convicted may change the other three officers. >> reverend sharpton is about to speak. let's listen live. >> say his name! >> george floyd! >> say his name!
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>> george floyd! >> say his name! >> george floyd! >> say his name! >> george floyd! >> say his name! >> george flood! >> say his name! >> george flioyd! >> say his name! >> george floyd. >> say his name! >> george floyd! >> before we say anything, we're going to have a prayer when we first came to minneapolis and went to the site when ben crump called, we remembered how eric garner said i can't breathe 11 times. his mother came with us to the site his family came in and the family stood together for the last 11 months watching this video go over and over and over
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again. this family stood with pain suffering and not knowing what the future held because so many families went and got nothing. they thanked god when they got the indictment, which would not had happened if the attorney general keith ellison took this case and keith ellison fought and put together a team that made this possible and this is the first time in the history of this state a white police officer has been convicted, convicted of a murder this is the first time in a long array of fights that we've seen three counts guilty in all three. we don't find pleasure in this we don't celebrate a man going
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to jail. we would have rather george be alive. >> amen! >> but we celebrate that we, because young people, white and black, some many here tonight marched and kept marching and kept going, many looked down upon and kept marching and wouldn't let this guy and this is an assurance to them if we don't give up, we can win some rounds, but the war and the fight is not over. >> not over! >> two days from now, we're going to have to deal with the funeral of daunte wright in the same county, the same area we still have cases to fight, but this gives us the energy to fight on, and we are determined that we going to fight until we make federal law that george floyd justice in policing act
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must be logged we want to thank all involved especially the attorney general and the governor and others, we want to thank president biden who the first time he came out of his house during the campaign he flew to houston and met with the family and attorney crump and i and he said there and i will never forget he said to george's daughter that i heard you say your father is go ging o change the world we can now tell george's daughter, she was right. her father has began the changing of the world for real but before we do anything, we first want to pray and thank god because somehow god made a way he had mercy we believe in a god that can
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even get through the cracks in the jury room and bring conscious and bring truth and that jury we want to thank them for letting god give them the strength wherever they are tonight we want them to know we broke down in tears when we heard the verdict. we had to hold each other in tears because too many nights we spent nights in jail but today we can wipe our tears away and fight on for another day there is sunlight. we going to keep going until we bring it for the eric garners and breonna taylor's whose boyfriend is here tonight. kenny walker sean bell. so many that did not get this night, this night is for them. let us pray. let's lock arms and pray like we kinfolks. >> that's right.
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>> come on, brandon. come on, you and rodney come up front. i know you is hiding now. brother chris, get -- you're next to the attorney general there. let's pray dear god we thank you for giving us the strength to stand together sometimes we would question each other, sometimes we say this is just going to be a waste of time but somehow you touch us until the midnight hours and teach us to hold on and if we would be fateful over a few things, you'd give us the victory over many. we thank you because we know it was not any doing of ours but your love and kindness and tender mercy that made tonight
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possible bless those who made this prosecution something they couldn't deny. bless those policemen that got on the stand and testified against another policeman. bless the jury that listened to the evidence and didn't listen to those that may criticize them for doing this bless the prosecutor keith ellis season and his staff that did their job even though they didn't know the outcome. bless ben crump that worked tirelessly and jumped on planes and left his family to make sure that justice would rain down thank you for all of the civil and human rights leaders that stood up and we thank you for the nameless grandmas and grandpas that would get on their knees and ask you to give us a victory this time and lord, as we give you the thanks and
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praise, let george know his name is going down in history they may have put the knee on his neck, but he will now be a figure that we will take the knees off our necks now and we give you the praise, thank you and god we give you the glory. these blessings we ask in your name, amen. >> amen! >> amen. let me say that i want to bring on now a man who has symbolized the fight for justice. he didn't seek the role but rose to the occasion. america for many years didn't have someone to stand for us, the last four years we didn't have an attorney general's office that would even hear our cry but we had been raised to believe that god always has a
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ram in the bush, and god has a way of taking the most humble of people and raising them as up. we had an attorney general in black america that has represented these cases with the skill of one that was raised in the south but came to claim this nation in a new direction. i bring you the attorney general for black america, ben crump. >> i love it. >> thank you, reverend al sharpton, not only for your mentor mentorship, not only for being a great civil rights leader, but for being a moral authority, especially making sure no matter what happened that we always mai maintained the moral high ground knowing we're on the right side of history for fighting for
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justice for george perry floyd junior say his name. >> george floyd! >> i am a member of a great team, a team of very talented attorneys and i'm going to acknowledge their -- we got the ocmegas and the kappas and alphas in here. >> that's right. >> i want to acknowledge these great group of lawyers and then the family members, two of three of the lawyers will address you and then at that time, we will hear from the family members before we take any of your questions. i want to acknowledge a great lawyer from chicago, illinois. one of the best i've ever had a chance to work with, attorney tony and one of the best lawyers
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that's been on them, he is from atlanta, georgia, attorney chris stewart. his law partner, attorney justin miller attorney madeleine simmons a great minnesota lawyers, attorney jeff storms raise your hand, jeff. attorney michelle gadeaux. anybody else hey, we have attorney scott masterson who is not present attorney for bonnie, i said michelle we got michelle. all right. and just a great group of lawyers and i want to let you know who we have present here with the family here in minneapolis for this historic day. we have george floyd's brothers.
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we have falonis floyd. we have rodney floyd we have brandon williams, who is george floyd's nephew but was more like a son to him they call him woo back in the third ward. >> woo, woo, woo, woo, woo [ laughter ] >> we have kita floyd -- >> while they're doing introductions, i want to release what we've just gotten from former president barack obama in a tweet he said and i'm quoting, today a jury did the right thing but true justice requires much more, michelle and i send our prayers to the flioyd family and stand with those guaranteeing every american the full amount of justice george and so many others have been denied. former president obama in a tweet just a short time ago. >> and we have the mother of his
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daughter gianni floyd, rox si washington and we have gianna. [ cheers ] >> and so i'll make brief remarks and we'll have angela -- angela cuousin paris and uncle vince. all right. any more floyd family? i know it a big crew a.d. a.d. the man he came to minneapolis with so i'll make some brief remarks and then we going to have attorney stewart and attorney
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romanucci. america, let's pause for a moment to proclaim this historical moment not just for the legacy of george floyd but for the legacy of america. the legacy of trying to make america for all americans so that george floyd's victory and america's quest for equal justice under the law will be intertwined. america, let's frame this moment as a moment where we finally are getting close to living up to
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our decoloration, of independence that we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equally and endowed by their creator that life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, in america, that means all of us. that means black people. thatmeans hispanic people. that means native people that means asian people. that means all of us, america. we frame this moment for all of us, not just for george floyd. this is a victory for those who champion humanity over inhumanity those who champion justice over injustice. those who champion morals over i'm minmorality america, let's lean in to this moment inmorality america, let's lean in to this moment inmorality
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america, let's lean in to this momentinmorality america, let's lean in to this moment and let's make sure, reverend al, thismoment will b documented for our children yet unborn as they continue on the journey to justice knowing that the blood or george floyd will give them a trail to find a way to better america, a more just america, a more just america where breonna taylor gets an opportunity to sleep in peace at night without the police busting in her front door. a more just america where ahmaud arbery gets to run free and not get lynched for jogging while black. a more just america where jacob blake and anthony mcclain and
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walter scott and laquan mcdonald and all these other black men, terrance who were shot in the back while running away like daunte wright was just a week ago because for some reason, black men running away from the police is more dangerous than young white men who commit mass hurters and walk towards the police with an assault weapon like kyle rittenhouse in kenosha, wisconsin america, let this be the precedent. let this be the precedent where west live up to the high ideals and promises when we say liberty and justice for all. those sun kissed children are included in all.
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those children who overcame slavery, the middle passage, the dread scott decision, ferguson, jim crow and his much smarter son jim crow junior esquire. let this be the precedent where we overcome sisystem racism and oppression and we're a better people and will leave our children a better world, a better world for us all. at this time we'll hear from a great lawyer because nobody does this alone it's always a team effort and we have the lawyers, the preachers, the civil rights leaders, the education leaders, the
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activists. let give a big round of alpplaus for the activists. the people that stayed in the streets. the people that came nationally but more importantly, the people who were here locally who were standing up for george floyd on 38th and chicago avenue. day in and day out -- >> ben crump wrapping things up there. we'll hear from a number of lawyers i'm lead to believe and then we'll hear from the george floyd family also, we're expecting at some point to hear from president biden who we're told will speak from the white house let bring in former detroit police chief sir, nice to see you on this day when we can look back on the proceedings of the last 14 or so days and remember a police chief testifying against the police officer, a trainer testifying about that police officer not following training and the cracks in the blue wall, your thoughts on where we are and where this could lead us in
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policing across america? >> well, sheppaard, thank you fr having me. what i feel is the mag cons -- magnitude of this moment when you see police do the right thing and step up and go beyond the thin blue line but this is accountability but it not victory and what i mean by that is that it a low bar when we can watch a human being killed on video camera and we're celebrating and we're excited at the fact that the person that did it is held accountable that's the low bar that's something -- >> well, it's a bar we isn't crossed that i can remember in quite sometime, ralph. >> bsolutely and i don't diminish it at all but i'm sober in the fact we have so much more to do relative to criminal justice reform, but
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also, reimaging what policing l looks like. >> you're a former police chief in a black and brown city that seen more than its share of turmoil. the city of detroit and black and brown cities across the country, what would be your dream how you're changing policing we can't get rid of police nobody wants that. we have to make changes. what are they? >> we have to look how officers are compensated. there can not be a financial incentive for writing a ticket there can't be over time for showing up in court. we have to compensate officers, number one, at a rate that is in line with the risk and responsibility they hold the second thing is we have to stop over policing and utilizing pretext stops to engage black and brown communities because you have two traumatized entities you have a traumatized electret
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or constituency that black and brown people have a different fear and drtrama when they see e and blue lights and you have officers traumatized and you heard it said before, sometimes people see it as an execution but officers fear for their life if you have two traumatized groups coming together, the initial stress response in either is fight, flee or freeze, two out of three don't work well for a black individual dealing with a police officer. if you fight or flee and as we have seen, the number of black and brown americans killed that ultimately were not armed, were not committing offenses that would even remotely come close to a death penalty yet, we see a dylann roof, kyle rittenhouse that have done and verifiably done horrific crimes and they come into custody with no issue. >> how do we train police to be
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better at deescalation because there is one observation you can make without opinion and that is there was no deescalation that seemed to be in play here. >> that's absolutely true, sheppard where it seems to be a lack of deescalation, it seems to be when people are dealing with black and brown communities and we can't even say it just white police officers because that would be unfair. if you look at freddie gray in baltimore, half of the officers indicted were african-american it's a systemic issue and we talk about systemic racism, we have to be knew wansed so people understand it and not saying while white people are racist. the benefit of black and brown people, policing being one of them how we address going back to the pretext stops. if we are to believe somebody reports with daunte wright, there was a hanging air freshener that precipitated that stop
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that is an explosive situation that never should have taken place. if we start to take back some of the discretion we have given unfettered to police officers because it does not apply eq equally to all communities there are very tangible solid things we can do but it's going to take a clear mandate and national effort because i just think as a country, we cannot survive many more of these encounters where black people die at the hands of police. >> is there a message for police officers who are good police officers, who really are there to protect and serve, who are now concerned that they won't have the protections that good police officers who protect and serve deserve? >>i would counter that with yo don't see good police officers on trial for having their knee on someone's neck for 9 minutes and 30 seconds and one way we have lost complete credibility with the public is that thin
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blue line. we tell the public all the time because there is a no snitch culture, don't -- we try to break that and if you want your community to be safe, you have to turn in your criminals. we are so hypocritical when we say that when we hold our criminals because they wear a badge and hold a gun we have to have officers be like the chief that set his standard and we cannot go backwards that's the way we change the culture because the culture is so entrenched in the thin blue line good officers don't have to worry about this this is a seminole moment from this is the first step in a 1,000 mile journey and i'm encouraged by that but again, very sober because knowing we have tons of work to do. >> you know, it was not a small thing for a police chief to testify in the way that he did we heard ben crump and others,
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you know, speak to this. it wasn't a small thing for the training officer to do that. none of these were -- the new thing no matter how great it is hard for many people to do it didn't appear difficult for those two particular men but it is worth noting and i wonder if you think that there could be incidents where a police officer did the wrong thing and maybe did so with malice, maybe with forethought where in other police departments across the country, we might see the same sort of shift now. could this be a beginning? >> shepard, it is a beginning and let's not under estimate when it did when chief arendando did when he did and emboldened his troops to be coreurageous ad stand up for what is right in law enforcement.
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from that standpoint, it a great start. this is our real issue as a country. we have 18,000 plus police departments with 18,000 different ways of how they have a culture in their policing. so that's why there has to be part state intervention, start local intervention but a huge national push to incentivize officers doing just like the officers of minneapolis did and they have a lot to be proud of and they as a country have to take that as a key awoou queue d changing the start. >> ralph, thank you so much. appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. >> i want to go back to civil rights attorney, cnbc contributor who has been with us from the beginning we talked about chief arradondo
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and how much of an impact you believe that section of the trial might have had on this jury. >> absolutely, shep. i think that section of the trial had a huge impact on the jury and the manner of which the testimony was handled in the courtroom does present problems inside the courtroom and we have to draw a distinction. presenting the police chief was effective because you have people on the jury who no doubt sympathize with law enforcement and may have blue lives matter signs in their yard and you don't want to alienate them or there is no way you get a verdict back this quickly guilty on all three counts. at the same time, having broader discussions in an environment like this, we're talking about long-term police reform, we have to recognize that derrek chauvin
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was guilty 100% but that doesn't make the minneapolis police department innocent. the lawsuit where they made $27 million to george floyd's family was paid because it was based on systemic problems within the minneapolis police department that derek chauvin was part of effective trial strategy it played well to the jury i think it had a huge impact on their verdict. at the same time, it doesn't mean there are not systemic problems within the department that will lead to other harms if we don't remain diligent that's why leaders are encouraging us to consider this a first step in the right direction. >> david henderson, thank you, stay with us george floyd's family is being introduced now at the news conference we were watching a short time ago let watch and listen in there. >> tony, i remember all he could do was cry because he was heart broken because remember, so many
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times we are -- it's a case to us it a cause, by sign it's a hashtag but to them, this was their flesh and blood. they slept in the bed with george i mean, the stories that think t -- they tell, you know this was a close family he tells the stories how he used to pee on george [ laughter ] >> he has become so digfied. >> speaking of falonious floyd, george's brother. >> the fight for justice for his family, not just the fight for justice for black america but he really has become so articulate and said we have to fight for all americans.
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mr. philonise floyd. >> calling me steve harvey, man, i feel relieved today that i finally have the opportunity to hopefully get some sleep a lot of days that i pray and i hope and i was speakingxistence. i said i have faith that he will be convicted it's been a long journey and it's been less than a year and the person that comes to my mind is 1955 and to me, he was the first george diploid that was emit teal.
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>> wow. >> i did on cnn with debra watt and brought him back to life people forgot about him but he was the first george floyd but today you have the cameras aural around the world to see and show what happened to my brother. it was a motion picture, the world seen his wife being extinguished and i could do nothing but watch especially in the courtroom over and over and over again as my bother was mur murdered times, they are getting harder every day. ten miles away from here, mr. wright, daunte wright. >> that's right. >> eah. >> he should still be here
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we have to always understand that we have to march. we have to do this for life. we have to protest because it seems like this is a never ending cycle reverend al always told me we have to keep fighting. >> that's right. >> i'm going to put up a fight every day because i'm not just fighting for george anymore, i'm fighting for everybody around this world i get calls, i get dms, people from brazil, ghana, germany, everybody, london, italy, they're all saying the same thing, we won't be able to breathe until you're able to breathe. today, we are able to breathe again. ms. garner, i told you we'll get justice and still, we'll fight
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for your, too, we're going to fight for everybody. thank you all for giving us this time we're here and not going anywhere and i want to thank all the protesters, all the attorneys who stepped up, all the act ivists who stepped up an many who are advocates, thank you-all. >> amen. >> because justice for george means freedom for all. >> all right. >> yeah, he did that. >> terrance floyd. >> he dropped the mic. >> we'll have terrance floyd, the bother from new york city. the preaching man. >> reverend floyd. [ laughter ] >> i'm not going to preach today. >> you not going to preach today? >> i ain't going to preach oh, man, so many emotions right
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now. but i'm thankful and grateful for the people in the world, for the support, the prayers, the love that was shown whether you sent it by social media or whether you sent emails or hoov however, we just appreciate the love and the team, the crump law t team i call them unc. we built a bochnd and relationsi through the kojourney. he would kcall me in new york an ask me if i'm all right. everybody else is down south so he never thought twice to checkup on me and i'm grateful for that. >> i love ya, man. >> i'm grateful for reverend sharpton. >> thank you.
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>> he been fighting a long time. long time. man, reverend jesse jackson. >> thank you. >> a lot of history here. >> yes, it is. >> history is here. >> yes. >> we made it. >> this is monumental. [ app [ applause ] >> reverend jesse jackson and al sharpton lived to see this their fight wasn't in vein it just didn't happen when they did it but it happened now. >> amen. >> they here to see it and be proud of it. it go back to when they did that prayer service my family is a family that will not back down from prayer. >> yes. >> come on. >> and i believe because of
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prayer, we got the verdict we wanted >> amen! >> amen. >> we got on our knees some of us stood up but we asked the right person, we asked the right one. >> yes. >> come on. >> god. >> we said god, we need justice. >> yeah. >> we need it now. >> and he answered. >> yes, he did. >> good job. >> man i'm just grateful. i'm grateful that my grandmother, my mother, my aunts, they just got to see this history made i'm grateful my brother isn't here, i'm grateful and proud of him. >> amen. >> i will solute him every day of my life i will solute him
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because he showed me how to be strong and respectful and speak my mind. i'm going to miss him but now i know he's in history what a day to be a floyd, man. >> wow. >> wow [ applause ] >> thank you. >> thank you, terrance now we'll hear from george's baby brother rodney floyd. [ applause ] >> hey, rodney. >> oh, man you know what? i'm going to say this first, i would like to thank all the advocates, the activists, i'd like to thank the people that stayed in the streets manking night and day, people in portland stayed in the streets for 83 days, i think, i may be wrong but thank you for everybody that stayed out there and encouraged us on our dark days dark nights. we had them.
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we got so many messages flooding in from social media sites can't read them all. there are so many. thank each and every one so many people at grocery stores who walk in, we hear from the elders, i believe and respect in the elders giving you guys all the respect men and women and i hear them walk up in the grocery store, stop me i'm masked up, face, hat and a mask and they say hey, i recognize the side of your face. let me talk to you i know who you are they tell me what they experienced as a child, what they saw and need for change they said we're here for you this is everywhere i go, my brother go, we all go. thank you for the love in the streets. we couldn't have done this and this is a victory for all of us. this is everyone held down, pinned down, there is no color and you know what, people? we stand together in unity and this right here, i'd like to thank our team, mr. attorney ben crump, his team, the witnesses,
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donna williams, i would like to thank the jury everybody. thank god. thank god almighty thank you. we not done yet. my brother george, he's smiling. his beautiful daughter is here dianna, baby, you're so beautiful. you're so smart. roxy, you have my heart, baby. thank you for holding her and keeping strong i know how hard it is. i know how hard it is. we'd like to thank everybody helping on the case and the jury having hearts and mind sets we've seen in the video because we know this video is an open and shut case. everybody knows this video and guilty as charged. i'd like to thank them i'd like to thank everybody, the press and all. but for george, this fight is not over we going to stand together and get the george floyd act passed,
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the act has to be passed we'll keep pressure on the senate, everybody. thank y'all all for coming george, i know he love all y'all. thank y'all. >> all right rod rodney. >> and next, we going to have a man, him and george used to text each other all the time. congresswoman sheila jackson lee always talk about quiney holms, houston, texas, back there i think y'all call him woo we going to hear from brandon williams like a son to george. >> woo. >> woo. >> a very emotional day for me i'm out of words i'm overwhelmed by joy i want to start by saying thank
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you. first off, thank you to all you guys advocating and protesting during a pandemic and putting lives and safety on the line appreciate that. especially to our legal team ben, tony, justin, chris, justin back here. definitely, definitely thank you to keith ellison and his team. plausz plausz. [ applause ] i think they did an amazing job start to finish. all the of the evidence, all of the witnesses proved what we saw in the video but yet we still question the jurors. often time this system fails us as black men and women in america. everything pointing to a guilty verdict, we somehow still don't get the guilty verdict or in some cases i got my good friend
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kenny walker back here, we don't even get charges so today is a pivotal moment for america. something this country needed for a long time now and hopefully today is the start of that when i say a pivotal moment, we need change in this broken system it was built to oppress us and against us often times we see people supposed to protect and serve. supposed to protect and serve, they do the total opposite on the first day of trial, rev sha sharpton, we had a press conference and kneeled for 8 minutes and 46 seconds and when i got up, and it was my
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turn to speak, i said that every time i come out here it hard because this is the exact place where they took somebody from me that i love and i absolutely just like coming here. but i also said this timing was easy we came for one thing and one thing only, that was justice for george floyd and today that's what we got. so this time it wasn't hard at all. it wasn't hard at all. i'm big on faith and prayer. i had a lot of faith but i was also optimistic. we need police reform bad. >> yes. >> these guys are able to wear a
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badge and go out on the field which means they are qualified and trained to do their job at a high level but when you shoot and kill a man that's running away from you that doesn't pose a threat, you're not qualified and under trained or it's a choice and you want to kill black men and women i think today keith ellison and his team proved that just because you are the law, you're not above the law. >> yeah! >> we need each and every officer to be held accountable. >> that's right. >> and until then, it's still scary to be a black man or women in america encountering police so when i say today is a pivotal moment, it's a change for america to take a turn in the right direction and right a lot of wrongs so we don't keep adding to the names so that
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little girls and boys like gianna are not growing up fatherless and feel the pain we feel there is a lot of sleepless nights no family should go through that and hopefully, our country take a turn in the right direction today. and this day in history proves that it was a turning point. thank you. >> good job, brandon [ applause ] >> we're going to hear from just a few more family members and then we'll try to get to your questions but i would be remised because brandon said i have to acr acr acknowledge his man cliff that worked for us and talked about kenny walker, chris, as we talk about all the brothers, we can never forget they're killing black women, as well and so we got to be brianna taylor sandra
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bland and we know tamika mallory, may 13th, pam turner in a couple weeks, we're having a march for black women in baytown, texas because if you was outraged when you saw the video how george floyd got killed by the police, then you should be equally outraged when you see the video of how they killed pam turner, an unarmed black woman laying down on her back that he shot in the face, in the chest and in the stomach. justice for george floyd means freedom for us all like philonise says so we're fighting for pam turner we'll bring up people that come from that harris county, texas area, cousins of george floyd, sharita mcgee and tara brown. >> let me say my cousins and woo
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covered everything there is not a lot left for me to say i want to echo the sentiments of them when we started this journey almost a year ago that we were committed to doing a couple things one thing is to ensure justice is served and we'd be here visible until we saw it through we are a family that's strong in our faith and relied on it in other areas of our life and today was no different and we pray to god and rwe expected ou prayers to not come back void and he delivered for us today. we're e tternally grateful for everyone from the press to the acti activists, the prosecution team, everyone we have so many people that we want to thank that i just really feel like we probably will leave somebody out but i hope you'll charge it to my head and not my heart because we sincerely
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appreciate everything everybody has done and we thank you. >> thank you. >> well, i'm really overwhelmed with emotion and i just am grateful for this day, it's been a journey for sure and this victory for george floyd today is a victory for many and when we started this journey like my sister said we are committed to know we will never get george back but we're fighting and will continue to fight because we've all individually and together as a family had that conversation that if we could have been there with george on that day, there would have been more than one death but we couldn't be there we can't bring him back but we can save lives and we want the
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actual reform that's going to not only give us the change we want but make sure not another family has to suffer what we've suff suffered thank you-all. my sister kind of touched on everything we have an amazing team that helped us on the journey and grateful for everyone that supported us along the way we're forever grateful to you and we love you-all. thank you. >> thank you, tara so we're going to hear from two more cousins and hear last from the family roxy and gianna are going to come and reverend al may have reverend jackson and others address you at this time, we're going to have angela and paris come, cousins of george floyd.
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>> hello, i'm angela harrelson and i'm george's aunt and this is a cousin here so anyway, i just want to say that this has been a hard role not just for the family but for everybody and i want to especially thank the minneapolis community for holding it down at the george floyd square. i mean, ganelle austin, maya washington, these are community leaders that held it down at that place they kept that place sacred for everybody to go there and express condolences. we appreciate that and this verdict is a verdict that is well needed and is over dued and i want to say to the people around the world that is listening, it was a darkness on may 25th was a very, very dark
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day. there was a lot of pain and there was a lot of hatred but i want to say at the same time, i got a chance to witness something. i got a chance to witness love that i saw around the world that was poured to the family i don't know if i'll ever see that again in my lifetime but i'm glad that i got a chance to see the love that you have shown me, my family, and everyone because you touched us and i want to say thank you and i'm so glad about this day thank you. [ applause ] >> i just want to thank everyone, again, all the family up here has basically said the same thing so i just want to thank you. thank you to the community you all are very special to me you're just like family. and i appreciate you at the
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square so i'll leave you with the statement that i always say, you have to keep walking the walk. >> yes. >> the journey isn't over. so continue to pray for us pray for everyone and keep walking the walk. >> yes and i want to say one more thing, we must not let his death be his last word thank you. [ applause ] >> and lastly, we'll is tiffany hall, a sister-in-law of george floyd. >> i just want to thank everyone for all the support. we couldn't do this without you guys and we appreciate all the time and energy that you guys have put in to help us get this justice. just know that this is the beginning. we still have a lot of other families we need to fight for and we hope and pray that this will speak volume and we'll have
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a change in this world and we won't have to add any more families with our families okay so we're really hoping that this will bring on a change thank you guys and -- thank you, guys. >> thank you, tiffany. now we will have reverend al come back to the podium and acknowledge some important individuals. >> two minutes now until the top of the hour and the start of the evening news here on cnbc. i'm shepard smith and we've been watching the aftermath of the guilty verdicts. three guilty verdicts in the case against derek chauvin in the trial that surrounded the death of george floyd. a few programming notes for you. the mayor of minneapolis is scheduled to speak shortly in addition, the police chief about whom we've been speaking so much who testified during this trial essentially against
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derek chauvin, the police chief and the mayor are scheduled to speak in just a couple of minutes and we will have live coverage of that, unless the president and vice president are speaking we have been told by the white house that the president and vice president will speak at some point we are expecting that that will be at some point soon and when that happens, we'll have live coverage of that, as well. the police chief will be of particular interest as we actually have the governor speaking now let's listen there. >> i want to be very clear we know our work just begins this is the floor, not the ceiling of where we need to get to i want to take a few minutes to thank folks involved in this and this trama that has spread from 38th in chicago across our state, across the country and the world. i'd like to thank my friend minnesota attorney general keith ellison. the remarkable work he and his
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team did made us proud and believe for today and we need to hold that thought that justice is possible. >> and that's the governor of minnesota speaking i mentioned that we're approaching the top of the hour and the news hour here on cnbc we'll have highlights of this, plus the president and vice president, the the police chief just ahead right here this is the news on cnbc breaking news coverage we have now listened to george floyd's family after a jury found derek chauvin guilty on all counts and now we're waiting for remarks from president biden and vice president harris. celebration and cheering erupting outside the court house as well as outside the corner store where george floyd died. listen to the moment the verdict was read and the reaction outside the court house. >> the jury in the above entitled matter as to count 1, unintentional second-degree
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