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tv   The Exchange  CNBC  April 29, 2021 1:00pm-2:00pm EDT

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buys on this one i like it. i saw unusual activity during the show so i bought it. >> throw up shares of apple before we head out blowout quarter for all of big tech thus far. amazon is after the bell tonight. apple not reacting well. at least the stock hasn't been thus far if we can get it maybe not. there it is. that does it for us. "the exchange" is now. >> thank you, scott, hi, everybody. i'mcaly evans in here's what's ahead this hour. the consensus is no fed taper this will. but the man who called the v shaped recovery tells you they will taper by year ends and what that means for the markets it is draft day. a preview of some of the best names to own between now and the super bowl we start with today's record highs. dom chu is here with those
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numbers. good morning, charlie. >> i know what you mean there. an inside look about kelly's look today and what she represents in terms of movie theaters we have more than halved our gains today. we were up 200 points at one point during highs of the session. s&p 500 up .25%. the nasdaq losing steam as the folks on the half time report pointed out, apple is losing steam as well. it might be behind some of the move and weak innocence the nasdaq amount of place to watch. a dow component, caterpillar shares were higher in the premarket and gained 1% plus in the early part of trading. they are now down about 3% so far today. we are not far away from the record highs we had over the course of the last couple of weeks. however, cat pitter after blowing out quarter results say they can't make enough equipment
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because, yes, the global computer chip shortage factoring in there moving off the highs check out amazon and twitter both of these companies notable reporters after the closing bell today. amazon is roughly plus 7% year to date on that basis. they are underperforming the market twitter meanwhile is up 19% on year to date basis, down 1% entering the numbers two key earnings report that could tell us about the big tech communication services web services type story. kelly, keep it on amazon and twitter. i think they are part of the stock draft, are they not. >> i think they are. fed chair powell continues to signal rates will be low for a very long time at his news conference yesterday he said it is too early to support policies rolling back monetary support >> we said we would tell you
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when we would do it well in advance. and we will do so. in the meantime we will be monitoring our metrics >> mike, it is great to see you again. this is a tough call you don't want to fight the fed. what makes you so confident that they are going to be forced to start tapering pretty soon here? >> thank for having me on again, kelly. i think it is going to be just how powerful this labor market rebound is as we move into the spring and summer months and into the fall. we already saw a very strong jobs report for february i think we are going to get another one as we move into next week n. terms of, you know, moving into the summer i think we are going to be putting up well over a million jobs each month. what powell said yesterday was it is not going to be one report, but a string of reports
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that's robust enough to start to trigger that conversation. so we are not there yet, but i do think in the next three or four months we are probably going to be pretty close. >> it still seems like they are reluctant and like they remember the whole last cycle when they would start the talk about raising rates and then markets -- they kept sort of undermining their own goals. everybody says this year will be different. on the fiscal side it's the going to be different, on the fed side it is going to be different. they are not going the repeat the same mistakes of the past. you are looking at it differently. what is going to happen in markets that you think they are going to have to respond bond yields moving higher or stock prices too high? what would the financial companies look like that would force their hand >> i think it is the shape of the recovery this recovery looks different than the '08-'09 recovery.
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we look at the gdp report this morning for q 1. nominal has been running at a 3.7% annual rate that follows a huge collapse so the level of activity is still below the precovid trend growth path but we are rapidly catching up in a way that was not seen after the '07-'09 crash. that's going to dictate the fed having to move sooner than what some of the consensus forecasts are. >> one more question i thought it would be fun to set up a debate between somebody like yourself and dave zervos. you have similar views on the stock market but he doesn't see inflation is informing to be a consistent problem even the fed is using the word transitory it is almost as if you are calling it an economic boom as
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opposed to an inflation problem; is that right? >> i think the boom is coming first. it is here we can see it in all the data, in the forward looking indicators jobless rates are dropping like a stone and confidence is surging. that's all great news. but i think what happens next year when the economy is back on that precovid trend growth path and the labor market is essentially at yield at that point you really don't want boom conditions for aggregate demand unless the supply is there to meet that demand that's where we could get into more of a complicated scenario with inflation keep in mind you have the s&p 500 enjoying a 23 forward multiple now in an environment where inflation is likely to move higher and market interest rates are likely to move up and potentially we could get a material rise in tax rates in capital those would all go down in my book as head winds to valuations things to think about as we move forward.
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>> my final question to you, what is your message the investors if all this bears out. you were one of the very few people who was talking about the kind of recovery we have had at this time last year. if they listen to this advice today what does it mean for their expezzure to the stock market especially to tech stock >> i think we have to be a bit careful in here. specifically regarding some of the highest multiple stocks and the highest multiple sectors so that includes parts of technology, but also other -- you know, other stocks and sectors that would mostly be in the nasdaq 100 in particular, there are 11 stocks in the nasdaq 100 that have a negative equity risk premium meaning the earnings yield is below the turned ten-year tressly yield those stocks are 15% below the highs of the year and could in my opinion be in for a severe rerating lower in an environment where multiples are compressing.
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i think there are risks out will for the high growth areas enjoying really really high valuing as >> interesting so you would say this correction is not fully played out for those names in particular. michael dardena always great to have you on thank you. let's turn to the chip shortage ford warned investors it will lose half of its production as a result some say the government should step in to help the u.s. regain its former dominance in the chip industry some say not so fast you have a great piece in the "wall street journal" about this welcome. >> thank you >> go ahead. you know -- i know you have a lot of thoughts on this, i think your analogies to the past are interesting. we are not necessarily talking about the government building its own semiconductor factory like it tried to do without much
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success in former years. but what about its support of companies like intel do you find that problematic how should this chip shortage get resolved do those two issues have anything to do with one another, intel's struggles and what happened because of the pandemic >> no. intel is struggling because intel was not well-manage for a long time contrary to their entire history they have a new president right now. i know two or three people who worked with him and say he is a very, very strong anager and i expect intel to turn around you know, put it on the board of intel this they allowed the company to get behind tsmc you mentioned semitech the 1980s consortium where the government dumped $500 million bucks into the semiconductor industry nothing happened with that it was always the money. the point of remembering that is that the last time there was this problem, you know, the government had to help some way,
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and the democrats had to blame the republicans and vice versa, standard political stuff of course what they did was build a fab that was no longer needed that was obsolete they converted it to -- electronics and then they shut it down. the government can't help is the point. they will basically give a bunch of money to chip companies i testified in front of congress five times that we have some of the smartest richest companies in the world i can't understand why tax payers' money, hard-earned money is going to be shovelled into these chip companies to make ends meet. they can't make enough product in it is boom times not bad times. >> america's role in the chip industry has shrivelled to a shadow of what it once because why not give companies like intel $50 billion to expand production and move more of the
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sploi chain onto our shores? that unrealistic in do you think that money is going to be wasted >> it is completely unrealistic. move the vacuum industry back on shore. i can remember a day when america owned the vacuum cleaner industry most chips are commodities they can be made in a dodd countries in the world it doesn't matter that we are not making them. this whole idea -- i joined the chip industry 60 years ago when chips were hard to make. you had to have a ph.d. to understand how they worked that's not true anymore. there are only a certain number of high end processors, high end memories and high ends analogue entities that really matter. to answer your question directly, why doesn't intel take 50 of their own million dollars out of the bank if they want a plant in america why would the government give them money to build a plant in they have money all over the
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place. >> then my question would be, people can't get their hands on one of these vehicles. it happened with my neighbor couldn't get the minivan she wanted do we just wait it out it is on oddity of the pandemic? and we are going to come out this maybe stronger as an industry is that sort of what you would say? i mean are we in a good position this country as it relates to this vilg piece of the supply chain. >> we have -- this vital piece of the supply chain? >> we have some companies, even a company i am associated with that are limited in supply because of semiconductor chips if you want to ask why is the automotive industry limited in its supply of sem conductor chips tell the ceos to look in the mirror with one essential, toyota right now, it takes about 120 days, a long time to make a new chip and it takes another couple weeks going around the world to put it in the package and test it okay so if you order a chip, you are
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not going to get it for six months that's point one point two is if you aren't qualified and you have to order chips, get them and qualify them, the automotive industry takes 12 to 18 months to qualify a chip if you knew you weren't going to get oxygen for the next 24 hours you would buy yourself a bottle of objection yen and have it so you could use it when you needed it what the automotive companies have done is they pushed inventory back onto the chip companies. they have -- they use the toyota production system. they have a thing called the conbond, it is the space in the manufacturing floor with a yellow line around it. the conbond needs to be kept full by you all the time exactly the same way -- it is copied from america. exactly the same way the grocer says to the bread guy i want
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bread on my shelves all the time it's your job to deliver it. when the car company says my god, pandemic, we are shutting down the chip industry follows that because also what's true you don't get to put that inventory on the car companies if they shut down and that model that you were talking about becomes obsolete, the chip company will eat a bunch of industry -- inventory. so everybody slowed down and it takes 120 days or more to rev the wheel back up. have a little invenn store in stores which toyota did. they had five weeks of inventory and you will make it through it is that simple. run your company better don't ask the government to help. >> i was going to ask you if you could boil it down you just said it right there we will see if the automakers want to elaborate on how they goat themselves in this position i i hear your point that it is not a problem that needs to be
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solved the way they have been discussing bloomin brands is much higher after a strong quarter. the stock is up 00% from the march lows the ceo will join us exnext. he will talk about rehiring price pressures and the fight for good workers in the industry. at the top of next hour, it is the cnbc stock draft, from investors to sports icons, to model asks tiktok stars it is going to be a fast paced hour you don't want to miss as they battle it out for the stocks they think will dominate this year we are back in two minutes don't go anywhere. >> announcer: this is "the exchange" on cnbc. ake up thinkig about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech from fidelity. [ cellphone vibrates ]
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welcome back to "the exchange" look at shares of outback steak house parent blooming brands today. reporting u.s. comp sales across all of its chains more than doubled during the first four weeks of their second quarter. they say they are positions to keep growing not just in sales but also to take market share. let's welcome in david dino, the ceo of bloomin brands. david it is good to have you
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here i would like to start with the rebound we have seen of course you are going to be up compared with last year but we spoke at the top this program about economic boom conditions unfolding across the country how strong would you describe things are in your strants right now? >> things are going really well in our restaurants in fact we are not only up versus 2020. but we are 12.6% versus 2019. >> what? >> which was well ahead of the pandemic yes. customers are coming back, enjoying our food in our restaurants and importantly we are keeping our off premises delivery and carryout business as dining rooms reopen. >> do you think that's are ultimately going to grow revenue in way that -- you know, maybe bring in some of those pickup customers who simply wouldn't have existed in the past >> yes, i think we are going to have -- our goal is to sustain that carryout and delivery business that we had during the pandemic because people are now understanding that they can get great casual dining food at home then as restaurants reopen, if
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we can provide great service and continue to provide great service we will get the magic of the and and get sales growth in off premises and dine-in. >> you are busier than ever, with more eating options than ever up 12 fundraise from 209, insane to me. how are you staffing your restaurants when we are hearing about the shortage of workers. are you experiencing this. >> we made the decision last year not to let go or furlough one person in our restaurants. not one. when we turned the dining rooms back on and people came back in we already had staff we had a very high base. our turnover level is very, very low compared to the rest of the industry and with 12% same store details sales growth we have got the staff the restaurants. and we do that by what we offer to the employees. >> does it came down to what you pay employees. do you have to indicate
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retention bonuses in order to keep people on past 90 days? >> people want to see two things one they want to know a they are going to be paid and they want a great environment. they want to work in a great environment. we think we offer both we have been able the recruit the people we need. >> final question. here's another one what makes me go haugh you expect commodity inflation to be flat for 2021 and raising prices is the last thing you want to do. >> correct. >> that makes you unique we hear about a ton of provides increases on the consumer and consumers seem happy pay them frankly. how can it be that you don't see any commodity inflation? >> we have a great display chain team that locked in our commodity costs last fall. we were set last fall for all of 2021 the last thing we want to do is raise prices we want to keep our value equation for great food coming
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to the customer. >> is that going to create a hangover in 2022 all of a sudden it is up triple. >> i don't think so. we have been able to navigate it in the past quite well i think we are in great shape on the commodity saide. >> it sounds like it is a positive time for you, it is reflected in the quarter and the stock price reaction i appreciate you joining us today in thank you we have a fantastic team that's making these results come alive. thanks for having me today. >> david dino, the ceo of bloomin brands. the pandemic isn't just sending people out to the suburbs. restaurants are headed there too, more about that trend. sofi wants to give you ethereum and maybe even dogecoin. in inspiring america we have been highlighting extraordinary people making a positive impact in their communities today we will give you a sneak peek at this weekend's special
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we sat down with bubba wallace and talked with him about his being the face of nascar. >> one of the things i always enjoyed about you is that you seem to really enjoy what you are doing right now. you seem to be really enjoying being one of the faces of nascar is that an accurate assessment >> i mean you have got to enjoy where you are at if you don't, then find something else to do right? am i set out to be the face of nascar no, i am set out to be just another driver who is trying to make his way into sport. with everything that happened over last year, two years, it's been a lot >> you will hear more from bubba wallace and many other incredible people on inspiring america, the 2021 inspiration airing saturday may 1st on nb and here on sunday on cnbc at 3:00 p.m. eastern time "the exchange" is back after this
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did you know that petco, is now a health and wellness company? their groomers work wonders for my confidence. i trust their vets, and i'm known to have trust issues.
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are having a good day with century communities and meritage leading the way after earnings both stocks on base for their best day of the year century is up nearly 12% e-bay on pace for its worst day since january 2016 it comes after earnings. it beat on the top and bottom line disappointing outlook explains why it is down nearly 11%. here's what's happening. an hours long standoff at a home in north carolina ended with the deaths of five people, two police officers and three family members. officers came under fire during a welfare check of that family the suspect is among the deceased. cleanup is under way in north texas after a hail storm pummelled the area some of the worst area occurred after baseball sized hail and strong winds destroyed homes and businesses. alexi navalny being seen publicly for the first time
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since his three-week hunger strike and receiving the medical care he requested. he appeared in court via video link to appeal a decision that was upheld by a jnl. joe biden is on his way to georgia to repeal his economic agenda and also meet with former president jimmy carter you are now up to date kelly, back to you. >> rahel, thank you very much. coming up, sales are nice, but margins are better d resweet sound of tiktok. anhe come the last of the fangs. we are back in a moment.
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or visit and xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. let's catch you up on a couple stories today that should be on your radar it is time for rapid fire. here to break down today's headlines, josh lipton, deirdre bosa and -- apple had better an expected earnings per share. revenue soareder inially 50%ier on year. and for the second quarter in row they had double digit growth
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in all four product categories 42.5% gross margins, how do they do it. >> when they gave color about the guide they said 42.5%. that's a tick up usually it is around 38 or 40% as you said, smash expectations. the numbers are off the charts i think investors are wading through cross currents today apple like a lot of companies is trying to navigate the historic chip shortage. they said it is going to impact mac and ipad in the current quarter. others say the numbers with so good how can you sustain i asked tim cook how do you know whether you are pulling forward demand or whether something significantly changed in terms of how people think about work cook said he doesn't know for sure but his bet is that something has changed, remote
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work is going to be important even post pandemic if cook is right that would be a continued tail wind for mac and ipad when supplies do improve. >> is it the mix of businesses, services growing, a higher margin business, or the price of the iphone what do you check it up for? >> i think thisser quarter it was because of iphone. there is pent of demand. we saw a new design for the phone. it was a big story all around. don't count out the m 1 chip people love these lap tops they are cheaper for apple to make than they were to buy from intel. >> they run cooler, quieter, more battery efficient >> i love how casey calls this an iphone quarter. it was but it was also a mac and ipad quarter. i mean just firing on all cylinders. what do you even call this
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an everything super cycle? one of our tech check viewers responded to us on twitter and said that now apple is on the expectations treadmill this is what josh referred to. when you have mind blowing results that are so good on every level, how do you ever live up to that? what's the story going forward that's probably the next leg of this for now, you know, apple investors can enjoy in spectacular quarter. one analyst said it was a drop the mic quarter. >> i saw that. shares down today fractionally, but also fret flat on the year now. whether that's owing to unique dynamics here or what's going on with rates in the fed. i mean that's what we are going watch for all of the tech names as the next quarter moves in let's turn to another trillion dollar name. amazon they have earnings after the bell today it is the first quarter with ceo jaffe at the heldm instead of be bezos. up % on the year
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though amazon's quarter is usually thrower than others the bar, deirdre -- seriously looking for $104 billion in revenue for just the first quarter? >> yeah. apple had one -- amazon had one last quarter this would be the second $100 billion revenue quarter, which is pretty astounding we just got e-bay results, it talks to the e-commerce story. and the issue of are these gains sort of pulled forward or amazon of course there are just so many businesses. it is not just an e-commerce story. it is cloud. it is grocery. it is a devices, it is an advertising story increasingly there are so many businesses to draw upon. analysts on the street are expecting another huge quarter the guidance for the second quarter is going key kelly we had that announcement about boosting pay for employees
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after all the labor tensions we have been talking about over the past few months. >> we talk about it but aren't they the biggest employer in the country, on par with walmart maybe more so. it is something to think about but the stock is not priced like that's the story it is priced for perfection, it's priced because it is a $100 billion juggernaut that semmingly can't be stopped. >> if you think of their job as taking a portion of all of the activity on the internet the internet is exploding. people are not in offices, we are relying on, he commerce. there are many internet businesses getting started every day. for awful those reasons amends has the wind at its back. >> last word, josh. >> truist has a buy on this name it is going to be a strong print. we are still on line, doing our shopping -- 42 cents out of every e-commerce dollar is going
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to amazon. also, the advertising business that deirdre was talking about, they will continue to spend more money there. it is not just google and facebook anymore aws, a juggernaut. we saw strong cloud print in amazon as well. >> great point about the advertising spend. in some ways amazon is the best opportunity to thwart the existing deonly. great, it just goes to the other guy. tiktok we know the music very hit a massive hit last year because of canceled shows and tours but goldman is saying record labels and music ventures is heading to a strong gain thanks to tiktok. goldm man think they provide a w opportunity for the music industry to monetize 21% this year, 26% next year i don't understand how the
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monetization of music on tiktok works. but it is a crucial part what have makes that site so fun and attractive. >> that's right. it has become an incredible hit maker. there was a great story in bloomberg last week about how meghan the stallion's people worked with tiktok to identify the most liked song on her album. it became a worldwide number one. tiktok is popular with younger generation there is a lot of upside there. >> if you want your video to do well on tiktok you have to kinds of hop on one of the trending music -- one of these trending songs and take it from there >> yeah. you know, i love seeing some of the songs that are trending like bony m recently. i am not going to lie i did listen to tiktok hits on spotify last summer. it was not a bad play list which was interesting about this note is it is not just tiktok. it is connected fitness.
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peloton's collaboration with artists like yons. there is so much more tune now how they monetize that revenue is an interesting question but there is just a lot more place force artists to gettess exposure as we have all sort of moved on line over the last year and these platforms emerged as huge players. >> i was googling bony m if i heard you correctly. they say they were active between1975 and 1986 >> i know it is older. it was introduced to me by my husband. he was a fan of abba and bony m. i wonder if he's going to kill me now. >> probably. josh. >> me and my wife are not on tiktok we don't know anybody that that's how hip the liptons are i get the short form video i wonder how much post pandemic we look back at some of the platforms some of the mediums and realize how much was built in because we were stuck at
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home i think kelly, clubhouse -- it is not apples to apples. i like clubhouse i am on there. it is terrific conversation. >> josh, you are kidding me, you are not on tiktok but you are on clubhouse. >> b >> the new people is that one is on clubhouse anymore? what are you doing on clubhouse. >> i listen -- there is a lot you have to wade through. >> party hour if. >> no. >> i lucked out. >> i have enough invitations there is one waiting for u. you have got the weight wade through a lot of clubhouse but there are good conversations. >> i have logged in casey. but that's about it. quick final word on this it is maybe a reminder that if we kind of let innovation run all of these industries that we might think are kind of left for dead -- i am looking at the nft thing it is and unbelievable i think i just saw a young lady who earned half a million
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dollars is paying off her college loans because she had a viral video 15 years ago this to me is crazy exciting stuff. >> it is, i have been covering tech for about ten years now this feels like -- the only thing i can compare it to is when i first landed in san francisco in 2010. we are seeing all sorts of new ways, particularly for individual creators to monetize. tiktok, to clubhouse, to selling nf, thes there is a lot of opportunity. it is exciting to be watching and be part of. we spoke about the gemini and mastercard crypto reward card this week sofi has an option for a credit cardholder to redeem reward points directly into crypto via their existing sofi infused products all of this as the evolution of
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crypto continues i said when we were talking about this the other day, deirdre, that it makes sense to get exposure for your cash to have a crypto exposure now with the upside we have been doing. but if there is downside it is not going to look so great people came at me. i don't understand why you wouldn't want to take the cash and buy the crypto why do it this way >> having exposure through credit card rewards is a low risk way to do it. you are not putting a ton of money into cross examination but it is a way to become familiar with it which i think there is appetite out there for. i remember when everybody wanted a chase sapphire card. then the apple card. now the card linked to cross examinations it tells you sort what have consumers are looking for. i think it is a really interesting proposition and an easy way to at least get to know this world >> casey, i think sofi is just
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trying to be cool. what do you think? >> yeah. i think that's a pretty fair characterization i mean, look, the blockchain is having a big year. it is going mainstream right now it's still kind of focused on the nerd energy inside reddit. but this is how products like that go mainstream they go added to the most boring products on the market. >> the nerd energy inside reddit losh lipton, deirdre bosa and casey, thank you. still ahead, super models, nba stars, and tiktok influencers. they are all coming up in this year's stock draft up next, guy adami joins me with his to be picks and the best performer. back in a moment (♪ ♪) a fashion first, (♪ ♪) a science first, (♪ ♪) or a first for us all
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(♪ ♪) whatever you hope to achieve for your business, cloud first helps you get to value...first (♪ ♪) let there be change accenture
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welcome back we are just moments away are the 2021 stock draft we do it every year geared to the nfl draft.
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in our case, ten go head to head to see who can be the best stock picker until the super bowl. you can pick from everything from blue chip stocks, recent ownerships, here to break town the list of candidates and review the draft is "fast money" trader guy adami good to see you again. >> what is up? i heard you like my drapes i have been getting nine out of ten on room rater. if i put a plant or a pineapple i will get a ten. >> what should be up big in our stock draft next hour? if you had the number one pick, who would you think? man tim seymour has it we have not talked that's not cool but i want to get in his head.
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you want to look for fox that are going to perform over the next year. that not stocks that have performed. are going to perform palantir i think is poised to have a great 2021. the other name that i look at, if you want to get into the weeds, look at the move in till real estate. huge move to the upside. i don't want to get tierrasanta tim seymour's head he picked general electric before i could see tim going tillray one. second round i could see him doing letter f ford. i don't know anything i am just throwing it out there. if you want more, you have ten or nine or eight contestants, however many it is, i am happy with any of them winning except kevin o'leary. approximate bitcoin falls to him at four he's going gobble it up and watch him in the second
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round scoop up arkk. i am throwing it out there. >> you think cannabis is a hot prospect bitcoin is a hot prospect. and maid the case for palantir what do you think people should fwrab for. if they are still on the table who should not be left standing? >> roblox. think about it they have a partnership with hasbro i think they report on may 10th. you have the run-up into the may 10th earnings. lot of people love this name they will knock it on valuation. my sense is james cramer, that's a name he is going the look at and i think viacom you have seen what happened in the last six months. huge move to 00. completely retraced the whole thing. you are able the buy viacom here looking for a potential similar move in 2021 i think that's a name that might
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come out early as well is this done had he own sponge bob that could be -- >> come on stop seriously in. >> i same for real you are a group of people saying don't mess with some of our best loved things in the world. i think sponge bob is one of them we will see you in the next half hour don't tweet us wait for us to announce it don't go out to tim and say i hear see more is picking -- >> that's not how i roll we don't do that at "fast money." >> we will see new 40 minutes' time guy adami thank you. with his analysis of the draft. up next it is not just city dwellers moving to the suburbs the mediterranean restaurant chain cava is also making the migration. we will hear from the ceo after this quick break
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welcome back the fast casual restaurant chain cava raised nearly $200 million this week. love the spicy lamb meatballs. kate rogers spoke with the ceo about the expansion plans and has more on that for us now. hi, kate. >> that's my favorite item there, too
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cava is using the fresh funding to continue the expansion into the suburbs and sun belt communities. more than 80% of the locations are in the suburbs to boost the business in the pandemic it grew the dinner date par by 50% with workers migrating away from the big cities. >> the pandemic behavior has shifted more people to suburban living and the dinner day park we sit on zoom all day and not going for a typical office lunch but then going out to the dinner day park at a restaurant. >> the company also adwyered zoe's kitchen in 2018 and will use some funding to convert them into cava locations allowing it to expand at a much faster pace into new markets schulman says. >> conversions allow us to create a restaurant at half the cost of capital of a new build
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and it allows us to do it in about a third of the construction time as well as enter markets much more rapid so for example the atlanta market is a market we wanted to enter and to line up sites that were attractive takes multiple years and the zoe's acquisition we have significant real estate in the city or the surrounding areas of atlanta and we'll go into the market late ir this year and open 14 sites within a matter of a few months. >> a third area where cava puts the funding to work is expanding the consumer packaged goods business selling the danny pelosis and spreads in whole foods and building out a second production facility to continue growing there, as well back over to you. >> i saw the spicy hummus the other day and if they bring the menu pricing down a little bit that would make it i think more enjoyable for us and it's a
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favorite around here thank you. don't go anywhere. the stock draft is back and it is just moments away after this. we'll join tyler matheson and panel of stock pickers for the 2 2021 stock draft stay with us or ensuring that what you've built, will be taken care of for a long time. whatever you're planning, you don't have to do it alone. we'll make that part of your plan. you have a team who's been preparing for all kinds of futures for nearly 170 years. learn more at that building you're trying to buy, 170 years. - you should ten-x it. - ten-x it? ten-x is the world's largest online commercial real estate exchange. you see it. you want it. you ten-x it. it's that fast.
1:56 pm
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♪ all right, everybody welcome to the 2021 cnbc stock draft. i'm tyler matheson with kelly evans. welcome. we'll get to the others in just a moment now the draft is back. the pandemic knocked us down last year but it could not knock us out it couldn't keep us down for 2021 we are here socially distanced and in a new studio and you can see all of the teams are joining us remotely. there they are on the big wall ready to get started all of them one way or another on the clock starting line. >> very exciting we have a supermodel, athletes and stars from twitch and tiktok
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and the first pick of the cnbc 2021 stock draft belongs to tim seymour on the clock we need to get to dom chu to introduce the participants and the rules. dom? >> the ten teams making two picks each from 60 investment. 56 stocks plus oil, gold, bitcoin. we have the blue chips the big tech stocks like facebook, alphabet, appling amazon and microsoft and the new kids on the block zoom, draft kings, roblox and door dash and there's a gamestop, tillray. all that and more on the board the team will have the biggest stock appreciation not including dividends. the game kicks off with today's closing prices and ends with friday before the super bowl this year's contestants kevin
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o'leary. supermodel petra olympic swimmer ryan murphy. steph link josh richards. professional poker player maria ho and tim seymour. who will take the top prize? >> you know how this works we gave our teams a list of 60 stocks and investments and before the first pick, s&p all-time highs stocks are surging what should the strategy be? >> i'm a huge believer to take advantage of momentary declines and talking about a period of now and the super bowl to find something that could be a coiled spring, something down right now because if you're going for


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