tv Fast Money CNBC May 18, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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3% from record. >> and the market is unsure about inflapgs the fed is saying inflation is temporary and won't have to move but we got good sine from bank of america, with wages, and until we get another take on inflation we're indecisive. >> that's the way it sey seems >> that does it for us on "closing bell. "fast money" begins now. i'm melissa lee, this is "fast money. tonight's trader lineup guy adami, tim seymour, karen finerman and dan nathan. tonight on fast, a red alert on housing, one trader says the best is in for the builder boom, how they're positioned for a pull back. plus investors on at&t for the second straight day the stock is down 8% since announcing the warner media spin off. how are traders playing the big draw and after-hours on take-two,
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aiming higher after big results. starting with renaissance, three names that serve vastly different segments of the market, monster earnings today, home depot, and -- macy profits didn't translate to good news for the stocks. walmart best day since april macy's failed to hold on to gains. home depot ended in the red. another instance of good news, bad price action market closed on session lows, big tech cap closed on session lows, even with good news these stocks closed lower. >> we talk about it all the time, good news bad price action this is something we harp on when we see it and clearly we've seen it recently we saw it today in spades. listen, home depot, i don't know how to say how ridiculous of a quarter it was in terms of metrics. i think the street had high
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expectations they surpassed everything, manager ibs, inventory was in line smens -- commensurate with sales growth, everything was unbelievable stock rolled over and quite frankly is 12% off the recent all-time high, not to suggest it's broken stock, it's not but take into consideration, given the numbers home depot on $15 run rate is trading arou 15 times earnings which i don't think is expensive but when you see this action you have to ask is the market trying to tell you something, i submit the aechbs answer is problem li yes. >> yes, karen, is the good news that the news is baked in. >> i guess so. i agree with guy what a great quarter i lost you, did you ask me about home depot or walmart. >> walmart finished higher so
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home depot and macy's all of the great expectations for 24these two stocks are they already in the stock? >> switching to walmart, no, it opened big, similar to many other stocks, didn't close on the highs. but i think walmart showed just tremendous momentum, right? they spent a lot of money on expenses and yet they were still able to really improve a lot of the metrics. one thing ifound most interesting is average ticket price going up 9.5%. they had huge volume last year, people stocking in the pandemic. now they're able to switch to high er-margin items, how much is stimulus and temporary? i'm not sure i do think a lot of the customers that they gained will be sticky, but the metrics also there, not crazy expensive so i'm sticking with walmart i was very surprised to see target traded up in the morning as i expected it would, down later in the day, i bought some
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on the close but i think the change in mix that walmart had that was beneficial for walmart, out of groceries into other general merchandise, i feel that will be more so better margins for target mixed bag there though, target down we'll see tomorrow >> tim your take, particularly on macy's? >> by the way i love how karen just played i would rather she decided -- >> -- she's going for whatever she wanted to talk about but i'll allow it with karen, not for you, don't get any ideas. >> i won't it's just great to see karen who is always so well-behaved not listen so i think in the case of macy's this is a stock not listening to the doubters for the last four quarters in terms of putting digital e-commerce sales as the 48% of new dollar spent on their site so exciting stuff. i think the balance sheet story there and really call it a restructuring without tolding having to do that also were they
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able to close down on profitable retail and take some of the benefits of covid. great story, probably priced in. i don't own the name any more, it's something i felt on the balance sheet improvement that is a better business ands been a big ride they have maker issues competing with those numbers they've been very, very cautious and conservative on their guide. i was thrilled to see the numbers for the company. i certainly am loaded up, i should say, is on the watch list to be potentially loading up again. but he think you're highlighting three different stories at the top of the show here absolutely the case in macy's it doesn't belong in walmart or in that case home depot. >> sure. the common thread amongst these three different stories is the consumer is back, the consumer wants to spend money, they've been stuck at home, there's revenge spending going on, at the same time as walmart ceo put it the second half has more
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uncertainty than a typical year, so dan, how do you interpret that across the sector >> i would take that comment at face value you think about we've had waves and waves of government transfer payments to citizens that have been at home and unable to do things they've been able to spend money on and actually a lot of retailers did very well the price action this morning in home depot a stock that literally on march 5th looked like it was going to roll over, it hadn't made a new high with s&p 500 all year, it hadn't been at its high since september and then turns on a dime and closes up 40% until about a week or so, something like that. we're down 10%, straight line, they put up a quarter as good as amazon and apple and those stocks didn't trade higher so walmart is telling you that the back half of this year, on the other side of this pandemic that we've all been waiting for is going to be uncertain then i'd take his, you know, i'd take
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that warning, we know input cost is going up, and there's certain inflationary pressure as it relates to wa wages. i think the stocks will interpret your ability to push forward or pass increases to consumers at a time consumers ld be a hit to manager ib guy talk -- margin guy talks about s&p 23 times, no one cares on the way up but may start to care if we start pricing things in 2022 with normal earnings in increased margin. >> to dan's point stimulus will end in the back half of the year when we t think of retail -- before the pandemic we talked about retail, the death of those kind of stores, walmart and home depot
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don't fall into that category -- but post-pandemic we're talking about a resurgence, renaissance in retail, that they are stronger than before, going to the second half of the year with these uncertainties, do you buy that narrative >> no, i don't think they're going to be stronger than before i think you'll get through the wave of pent-up demand tim's been talking about for months, correctly by the way, and things will get back to normal. there will be a time everything sort of normalizes on that front. go back to last fall and we were talking about the death of retail. >> exactly. >> we talked about it all the time so i don't think anything has fundamentally changed on that front, other than what we've lived through and this little pop we'll get on the back end, which all makes sense. in terms of walmart, quickly, karen makes a fantastic point, my push back is unlike other stocks wall mate made an all-time high november 30th and
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spent the last half -- end of last year and early this year trading lower than home depot. maybe walmart was leading then by few months and maybe will lead back up i do think walmart can go higher and others trend lower. again, walmart took the lead on the way down, could take the lead on the way up. >> on uncertainty back half of the year, if it is full of uncertainty then that's exactly where you want to be, karen, whether the consumer is stronger or not >> right depends if it's priced for uncertainty or priced for something else i think though, a lot of retail they use the pandemic as painful as it was to accelerate a lot of changes toscano-anderson changes, to streamline, to rationalize their store base so a lot of them came out weaker but ready to survive a difficult environment because they were able to do so much during the
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pandemic and you had some competitors go out of business. those are generally good things to happen. >> those are all good things. >> you could do whatever you want. >> that's true, i can. no on with reason, of course. let's just take example, macy's for instant. their e-commerce business is much better, they have attracted a new customer they hope will be sticky but do customers still want to go into the macy's that existed before the pandemic where you walk through the perfume to get past the handbags to go up the escalator to get to the women's clothing that was the death of a box store like a macy's before the pandemic and i don't know that the pandemic has changed that. >> i agree with you there, on, you know, on -- well, there were some like macy's that, you know, didn't survive that was sort of happening before a sears and a jc penny for example. i agree on macy's.
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but there were others i think did a good job switching to e-commerce, building that business, being a brand is important, macy's brand i'm not sure what it is so i agree with you. >> our next guest said retail come back is in the early inning, dan runs raider hill advisors, dan, always great to see you. >> good to see you thank you for having me. >> why are we in the early stages, we just came off the pandemic, the consumer is filled with stimulus, is that fuelling this nine-inning run if we continue to use this metaphor. or -- i mean, we see the end of the stimulus in front of us, the end of the additional unemployment benefits in front of us. why is there a long run still it had >> because there's enormous pent-up demand and i think a lot of the retailers use the pandemic to get better you asked a great question, are people still going to walk by
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the perfume and hand bag to get to the women's wear at macy's, they will if they have the right merchandise, they will if they are a good retailer. where they suffered in the past is they were stale and tired, if they use the pandemic, which i think they have and others have as well, to revamp their merchandise and revamp their appeal to the consumer the consumer is ready to go. our savings rates are up stimulus is still out there. people have pent-up demand we'll have a bit of a tail out in the summer months, but we always do, but back to school and holiday should be robust i'm more concerned about next year to be honest, comping this year's numbers because i think this year will continue to be very strong. >> hey, dan, it's karen, i actually can't see you about nice to hear your voice. >> thank you. >> i agree with you on this potential bubble into next year but what does this mean for the malls? or the mall reads? >> well, traffic is up i mean, one of the things that we have to distinguish right now
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in retail is that people talk about retail as if it is a single asset class and the resiliency of retail is very different from open-air versus shopping mall. open air is incredibly resiliency resilient with a lot of capital chasing assets and went through the pandemic with great strength and the malls did not. the malls will see increase traffic but i think the malls have a much longer way to come back because they dropped much further. we saw a real market capitcap it regarding the mall and we didn't see that in open air we have to distinguish in open air and closed retail because everyone is talking about it as if it's the same, and we learned through the pandemic it is clearly not. >> hey, dan, it's tim. >> hi tim. >> are we looking at higher margin business that's deserve a better multiple?
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massive investment in e-commerce we talked abouit with walmart, obviously talked about it with macy's and other discretionary retailers what do you think, do they start paying dividends on gross margins does it matter for investor >> it depends over time. it is a show-me market macy a.i. 's -- mac mace's has $10 billion e-commerce business because they trade like a department star and they have to show e-commerce is the wave of the future and the market doesn'ting to dragicing it down. i think the market is waiting to see. they're successful stores like macy's and others do deserve to trade at a higher multiple if they prove worthy of that multiple over time we're just starting to get a taste for what the post-pandemic world will look like and certain
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retailers were strong going into the pandemic during the pandemic and then stronger coming out others had to evolve during the pandemic i think the market wants to give a little bit more time to see if they can prove they're worthy of a higher multiple >> we're showing a graphic of your top picks in retail i wonder which retailers do you think are weaker during the pangd. -- pandemic. names that may have been brought up with the rest of the sector but don't deserve any sort of appreciation >> well, i think there's no question there's certain sectors, if you really look at fitness, if you look at the theater business, you know, they have been devastatingly hard they are much weaker than going into the pandemic. for obvious reasons. food and beverage is weaker. now whether it has a massive recovery or not, we'll see people are talking about that. we still know a very large percentage of retailers went out of business and are not coming
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back markets are efficient. we knew people would step into those locations but that business has struggled, no question i think the experiential retail everyone talked about pre-pandemic suffered most obviously during the pandemic and the retail that people thought was weaker going into the pandemic, particularly ready to wear apparel, mass merchants came out much stronger. >> indiana, thank you if . >> dan, thank you so much. interesting when talking about the death of the mall, reviving the mall included putting in experential retail experience, sort of retail or locations that would have brought people in and now dan is saying that is actually the weakest part of the equation here. guy, where do you go in terms of this trade and the outlook for the malls is very interesting because we were just talking about the death of the mall. >> if you look at a name like
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simon properties,s had a big run, it's not gotten back to levels to january and february obviously of last year, so it's a bit of a cautionary tale where would i go, normally i say dollar general, a fantastic company, it topped out october last year 225 fell 20% basically retraced its entire move and seemingly have failed so a lot of companies that looked great in terms of earnings and valuations haven't traded well that's certaining and throw leftoration hardware a number we collectively love have not traded well over the last couple weeks so the stocks in my opinion are telling you something in terms of down-side risk. >> dan you're skeptical. do you think any retailers are worth a short here >> skeptical, like in general as a person i'm skeptical no i'm a rosie guy here. listen, i can't speak to the malls. i haven't been to the mall since
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the 80's i think we spend a lot of time talking about mall rates they're all going away they're all going to be amazon distribution centers probably a lot of the department stores might have gotten fixed the dillards move, it will never get better for dillards. it will never get better for macy's it will never get better for nordstrom. i just don't think we're going to have a roaring 20's to fix retail, all of the problems we had before it, so i suspect if you were skeptical of the mall reads and department stores pre-pandemic, remain skeptical and you just got a gift if you want to take the other side >> all rway. we will get the details next amazon in talks by mgm studios is there a better buy for e-commerce giant the traders are priming their best picks, all that and much more when "fast money" returns
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we'll keep you ready for what's next. get started with a great offer, and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus, for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. welcome back to "fast money. we've got an earnings alert on take-two, staging a big reversal on after-hours highs let's get to josh li pton with
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details. >> remember take-two was under pressure down 15% in past three months, it was down 20% this year, but as you said, higher here in the after-hours. i checked in at jeffreys, the core was fine but the focus was fiscal '22 guidance lighter than expected 3.2 versus expectations $3.5 billion this could be a transition year he says because looks like take-two will have new aaa title. his was hold given limits visibility on the pipeline on the call anticipating the overall market for this industry will be notably larger as it was pre-pandemic but as returning to normal expects moderation of trends that benefited the industry in the past year. they say 60 titles will come in the next three years and sounded
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like a confident tone to achieve sequential growth in fiscal '23 and coming year and will have better performance than delivered in the past year melissa, back to you. >> josh, thank you the market will be notably larger verse pre-pandemic, tim, that's great news for investors. >> it will be notably, significantly, major secular tailwind, whatever you want to say. interactive media is hot, it should behot, we talked a lot about the changing media landscape this week and this is part of it i heard management on this stock more emphatic about their pipeline saying it is extraordinary, it's the best it's ever been so the titles out in '22, '23 is what you got excited about. there were no launches here, there were comps 10 percent ethic recurring single digit revenue. in a case this guy needed to be
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very good and wasn't very good, it wasn't awful but i think you're buying weakness 25 times next year nottence -- not expensive to be one of the great segments in media. >> guy, yes we may not spend as much time gaming but if you have more customers, doesn't matter how much time they spend on the game, 10 minutes or 5 hours, but you have all these new people who are gaming now. >> no question about it. it's not coincidental that the stock sold off significantly when you have all of the good news about the vaccines. make sense, right. looking at the fourth quarter in terms of what they did it was pretty remarkable, given what the street was looking for by the way, they're running things better, dan will make fun of me operating margin 25%, street was looking for 14.5% i thought the guide was
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miserable for the full year. tim said not great we can flip over that. i think it's a bit of a sandbag. i think you buy the stock because what they've proven, pandemic or no pandemic, people are coming, this is the wave of the future i think the sell off was over down and the stock can challenge the all-time highs we saw in february. >> michael told me to wrap, dan, but if you want to make fun of guy, i will allow it he cut his mic we lost it i thought they were punishing me for ignoring the producer. go ahead, dan. >> sorry, just to be clear, i literally texted guy and said those operating margins were redic and i knew he would get in there and say it. >> we're just getting started here on "fast money. here's what's coming up next. >> amazon is looking to buy. but is mgm studios the best bet, the traders have their prime
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welcome back we've got a buzz kill on shares of at&t, the stock dropping another 6% as investors continue to fade the deal to merge warner media discovery bringing losses for at&t more than 8% since announcing the move. i imagine part of this is has to change its shareholder base. >> yeah. a very different shareholder base from the conservatism and
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dividend and all those dynamics. they defended the dividend to be exactly same as verizon. i have peak to trough two-day move of 14% to the down side before recovering a bit. that's really disappointing. again, kind of cashing in their chips in the media world when we're starting to get some traction, at least as an at&t shareholder i realize i'm now also a discover shareholder. i still think there's a lot of confusion, ultimately. a lot of linear networks left here, that's some dead weight. i realize discovery is very lower content spend, unscripted is very exciting and has done very well but i don't see a lot of answers here and they'll be competing with some of the biggest media companies in the world. i like the old model i like the sum of parts, it made me sleep at night.
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i like the div. >> karen, what do you make of the deal as a whole >> i guess i sort of look at it and think three years ago, why did they buy it at that time i didn't really get that >> million- -- that's a $100 billion question, karen. >> exactly and i think the architect of that is the architect of this. i don't really get it to be honest, how this makes it better i feel like the stock is in the dog house, but it deserves to be in the dog house, how much i don't know i'd rather look somewhere else did they say what resize means when they talked about the dividend i don't know i don't like the whole thing it's interesting that both of them traded down. >> yeah. >> that seems, you know, so i'm just staying away. >> both traded down and traded down again today as at&t exits the media game amazon is tightening up, the tech talk in talks to buy mgm
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film studio in a multi-billion dollar deal. let's hear from julia boorstin who has been very busy. >> melissa, it has been busy, sources tell me mgm and amazon are in talks, unclear on the price but mgm looking for $9 billion, far more that be the $5 billion that other companies have valued mgm at but with warner media discovery merger and sony partnering with netflix for first-look deal on its films there's a land grab right now for original content for streamers and mgm is one of the few stand alones studios left with library of 4,000 films, 17,000 hours of tv and cable channel epics and mgm would produce from "pink panther"," rocky" and "james bond" in which mgm owns half
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and it's in talk that amazon is -- f it does go through in the $9 billion range after it spent nearly $14 billion to acquire whole foods. now morgan stanley believes engagement with prime video has been important for subscriber growth and retention and say mgm's robust library should help to drive retention further of course for amazon it's all about getting the prime subscribers because they spend more money melissa. >> julia, thank you. julia boorstin by the way on the full screen we had mgm resource up but that's not the mgm we're talking about, we're talking about mgm studios. dan nathan what do you make of this reported deal >> julia mentioned it is about prime retention so the more you
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can offer them, i've had prime for 15 years since the day it came out and i probably spend two or three times as much as the non-prime subscriber but can't tell you the last time i watched anything on prime video or prime music for me, at $9 billion, rounding here, a $6 billion company going to do half trillion in sales this year, it doesn't really matter so to me, you know, i'd be bolting on things like aws as some other competitors are starting to take market share, that's my view. >> guy, what do you think? if amazon is looking to by content is mgm the way to go, talking $9 billion versus $5 billion julia had cited >> it mentions it, it's a rounding error i think it's probably misguided but probably better suited to do it themselves but it is a rounding error and if it works it works big, if it doesn't nobody remembers in a few years. it's better than some things at&t has done, not to go back to
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at&t, they make $85 billion mistakes and 45-billion mistakes, for amazon for 9 or $10 billion it's that said rounding error dan spoke of. >> we all love shopping on amazon, except maybe guy, but if the tech titan wanted to spend $9 billion what should they buy, tim what do you think? >> i threw out the rules and said $9 billion for amazon is absurd, as said, rounding error, so for $25 billion i said why not buy expediaia. makes total sense given the engagement, the prime factor, you can get people to shop through expedia while they do other things the improved model in general in expedia in general is attractive and matches up with amazon
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i think the business it's belong thogt, $9 billion, $25 billion, who cares. >> karen, what do you think? >> well i try to play the game by the rules as i mostly try to do. >> face up to $9 billion. >> yes so i stuck to the $9 billion-range. so you know -- true that -- yeah so earlier -- sorry. well, actually earlier tim and i were talking about this. but, so mine is skills and so just like amazon creates little marketplaces for small vendors, skillz is a development platform for people who want to develop and play games also they have e-contests and amazon also owns twitch. so skillz is a recent spac so the shareholder base is probably pretty up for making money quickly. they could do this, it's only a $6 billion company now, so the premium you end with $9 billion, an interesting little tuck in for amazon. >> dan, what should amazon buy
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for about 9-bill >> i like both of those picks too. i think both of them were trying of disrupting businesses outside their core business here i think this ipoe which on june 1 will start trading at sofi, social finance company this has also gone -- or will be going public through a spac. there's massive disruption company like amazon can do in this space, whether lending or asset management, a host of things they do well, i love that company, they will be a big disrupter and ultimately amazon will get in the financial services space, why not now when sofi is at $9 billion. >> interesting one guy, what will you say. >> i too will play by the rules. >> thank you. >> and why not lookat michelle gas the ceo of kohl's took over in 2018-ish and first thing she
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did was strike a deal with amazon i think in her head she's saying we'll really do well, it will be a nice partnership and maybe in four or five years amazon will buy us, that might still come to fruition and not far fetched when you think of what amazon did with whole foods and kss, that would cost the aforementioned by the rules, $9 billion. >> very good, guy kafrn, karen and done coming up. trader breaks down why they think the best days for builders are baked in plus the crowded crypto craze. new porerts from bank of america, don't go anywhere, "fast money" back in two
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monitor, check and lock down you money with security from chase. control feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. welcome back to "fast money", home builders getting hammered today, housing price falling 10%, far above expectations it's been a hot year for the housing trade. dan says this could signal trouble ahead, dan, why. >> trouble ahead, trouble behind here's the thing, mel, some of the supply/demand dynamics are out of whack, we have no way to put it into context going
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forward, then take in the input cost, the stimulus and rate move, a lot of things are going in a lot of different ways as the nasdaq has under performed year we've seen a few groups, banks, home builders, energy, and materials really outperform of late and we're starting to lose those groups. we just lost home builders, went on a parabolic move. you're starting to see bad data and seeing inputs like lumber roll over, you say it's good for home builders but maybe not when you see the activity scale back. when i think of the other side of this pandemic a lot of the oddities of the housing market in the last 13, 14 months may go the other way. i wouldn't be buying home builders and i'd remember home builders topped out in '05, early '06 before the housing bubble it's not the space i want to be in. >> the argument against that, tim, going back to the way things were, there was a supply
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imbalance, there wasn't enough housing on the market then it was tight supply pre-and and only tighter now maybe going now has been terrible thing for this trade. >> yeah, and you know this notion just crossed my mind, dan. i think this is a case where you got single family starts which were 10 dis -- were so disappointing today, running into things like lumber, you can't get lumber, how about that, copper prices all-time high, the dynamic for the pryce doesn't make sense but the supply dine am eickhoff you're supply dynamic, you're right, there was lack of supply and the trades are not done, some of the housing markets have been over heated some of the migration out of the upper, northern mid-west very much in play and lower interest rates i think are here for some time you tell me, housing pricing and pressure upward, maybe not through home builders but
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through other components and supply chain and even home depot and lowe's after a pull back, i think to stay in the trade. >> the notion should just crossed my mind, is that some lyric guy? >> it's a lyric from the song "casy jones "a.i. t - caseyrks jones " "casey jones" it's one of the grateful dead calls. >> we're getting to a housing trade, right >> you asked me a question i don't know what to tell you. >> it's true it's my fault. >> i'll give you a housing trade. here's your line in the sand tlt, the 20-year bond etf goes through 133 on the down side and you're few handles down from that will equate to 1.8 on the ten-year that's when i think you will lose the housing trade. if you look for a bogey 133 on tlt
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is the one for the housing trade >> coming up, bank of america is saying bitcoin trade is getting crowded. what's it mean for the cryptocurrenciesy we hit that trade next and professor khouw will break down action when "fast money" returns every day is the day. there's the day your store has its biggest sale. the day you have a make or break presentation. and the day your team operates from across the country. but there's also the day you never see coming- the day when nothing goes right. see- that's the thing. you never know what the day might bring. so whether you do business on wall street or main street you have to be ready. with the power of the network that can deliver gig speeds to the most businesses. the freedom to control that network from anywhere. and advanced cybersecurity to help protect every device on it.
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and honor our rich heritage. cnbc celebrates asian-american mont . welcome back to "fast money. we have crypto news, latest fund manager showing long bitcoin is the most crowded trade in the world. the whole entire world the survey notes the most crowded trade has reportedly -- the u.s. dollar -- and 2017 karen. what do you make that fund managers perceive something to be a crowded trade. >> i wonder, did this come out april 14th, that was the peak. it's down 21, 2,000 since then i never quite understood what over crowded means or it's over
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owned. i don't get what that means there's a number of bitcoin, 18 million and there's always a number of shareholders who own it but if you say the momentum traders, the hedge funds, yeah, i believe it's over crowded. i don't think trading around whether it's overcrowded or not is the fundamental story of bitcoin. we know how volatile it is we've seen draw downs bigger than this many, many times before the question is, do you still believe in the theory behind bitcoin. i actually do. i'm long i've been long for a long time that and i number of other currencies, so i guess i'm in the over crowded trade of the world. saying it. >> yeah, remember the chartmaster was on yesterday saying the average draw down on bitcoin is 55%, i think it was 55, somewhere in the 50's for sure, percent, and we're sort of in the middle of that at this point, tim, so what do you think of bitcoin here? >> well, the term was garden variety. >> garden variety, yes.
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>> and i think, bk pointed out some of these draw downs, and you've maintained bull market status look, the move to an institutional base, the growing pre prevalence of etf products with exposure to it, the sense of fomo that ironically wall street went through after non-wall street players in crypto had been alive and well for five years. so yes, by the way i love bank of america's work, it's very interesting stuff, in the case of crypto you may have a slightly different dynamic look, we've already taken a lot of that froth off. >> all right we've got a news alert on square space, setting records price for historic listing at $50 a share. we'll watch that for tomorrow's square space dan, what do you make of this? >> if i look at direct listings in tech, coinbase, spotify and
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slack all of them traded to that reference point at some point and went lower, coinbase -- not that it is so important was $250 traded high as $420 and closed today at $239 all in months traded below those numbers and we know high-valuition tech names are not trading well, the ones that went in the last six months so to me you have to see what this it supply will be on the direct listing because a lot more share with the ability to be sold right away. >> and they can still raise money after they go public as we saw with coinbase yesterday. so don't think you're immune from that. coming up, options traders are looking up and checking out old school tech earnings that trade next, and message from tony zhang as cnbc sell bra-- celebre
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5:54 pm
welcome back here's a sneak peek at the cramer cam, jim talks with the ceo of plug power, catch that exclusive interview at the top of the hour on "mad money." let's get to tomorrow. cisco reports earnings after the bell, let's bring in mike with the set up in the options market. >> cisco is seeing calls outpace puts by two to one in the last 20 days and achieved that comfortably today, traded almost 3 times as many calls than puts. right now implying move of 4.5% by the end of the week, less than the 6.7% or so averaged in the last eight quarters. the two last options are big over right roll but active options expiring at the end of this week are the 53 strike calls bye erof those calls are taking advantage of the fact options
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premiums are lower making fullest bets going into earnings betting the stocks will be higher by the end of the week. >> thanks for that, mike guy adami, one of names outperforming nasdaq almost double year-to-date. >> let's not get carried away, not suggesting you are, but cisco made an all-time high in 2000, we're not remotely close make the all-time high, same market cap, effectively the same company when you link the two, yeah, i know you know, oracle, which by the way is a whisper within its all-time high so ernl sure of the o in hope trade. that would be oracle. >> o in the hope trade, you're bringing that back tim, amongst old tech names do you like cisco. >> he's pretty well-behaved and he followed the rules, and i didn't
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let's call it what it is i like cisco here. it's very different than what it was, it was a hardware company and is now a software company and soon-to-be security company and i like the valuation relative to other mega tech cap, staying long. >> thanks for that, stay tuned for "options action" friday 5:30 eastern. up next, final trades. de. oh yeah, you going to place it? not until i'm sure. why don't you call td ameritrade for a strategy gut check? what's that? you run it by an expert, you talk about the risk and potential profit and loss. could've used that before i hired my interior decorator. voila! maybe a couple throw pillows would help. get a strategy gut check from our trade desk. ♪♪
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time for the final trade let's go around the horn, tim seymour? >> yeah, look, i love those numbers from walmart, investment in e-commerce andeven advertising business in the next five years walmart, moving higher. >> karen finerman. >> yeah, i love the numbers from walmart also but i think the mix so good for them will be better for target so my final trade is target. >> dan nathan. >> yeah, i like buying this ipoe which will soon be sofi on the nasdaq into june.
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>> guy >> yeah, i love the dave brooub quartet, take five played it didn't sing it i'll take three off that and take two melissa. >> all right, thanks for watching "fast money." see you back here tomorrow at 5:00 for more fast meantime don't go anywhere, "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm creamer welcome to had money welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, i want to make money. my job is not just to entertain but educate and teach you. call me or tweet me @jimcramer it's not just a reopening but a reopening in a country that is flush with ch.
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