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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 17, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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lens we talked about, draftkings should have been down a lot more on the back of that hindenburg report and wasn't -- >> thanks for joining us on "fast money. don't go anywhere. . my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money," welcome to kra america, i'm just trying to make you a little money my job not just to entertain, teach, educate, call me, 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet
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me @jimcramer, we have a sudden lurch out of the industrials and into teches and retails. this is a move that seems to make no sense to most investors, you have come to the right place. it's my job, my job on this show to bust they can wall street gyp gibberish and explain the action in clean english pull up a chair, and let me tell you what's driving the inane moves, the dow losing twitter 10 points today, the s&p dipping .04%, and the nasdaq jumping .87%, crazy, huh, first we have to cut through the nonsense that you heard constantly from the hard money ideal og, and the oligarch buddies who want higher interest rates because they're worried long-term inflation will erode the value of their billions. these are the people who think our valiant fed chief jay powell is nothing more than a patsy
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they want the fed to stop helping regular people find jobs, and they have the goal to argue inflation hurts people who work for a living more than anyone else. you know that's false because what they fear more than anything is wage inflation they don't want to have to spend more money on payroll. every time we get a strong labor market, they want the fed to step in and crush the economy so we'll have more bargaining power. they somehow think it's more important that people don't have jobs or make a little bit of money than they do getting jobs. and having some money. don't get me wrong, i lived through the 70s, i was big in the unions, worked hard, i don't want to go back to a world with double digit inflation, but we don't need to be so ruthless about stamping out even mild inflation. it's just not worth the tradeoff, and that's what's so great about the fed chief. he has figured this out. he knows the businesses particularly black and hispanic
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owned businesses are far more likely to get started before a new rate cycle begins than after, and he wants to help them but for all the hammering and the pal didn't do enough yesterday, fact that he pulled forward the approximate start of the rate hikes, he's saying late 2023 instead of 2024 has been interrupted as a call that the fed is finally getting tough on inflation. i think that's totally ridiculous okay but the bull market disagree with me. stunning session, bond yields plummets, the bond boys have decided that powell finally means business so they're buying it hand over fist. man, they're deluding themselves, he's meaning business in a different way. the bond market is much bigger than the stock market so when investors see bond yields falling, they think uh-oh, the big turn in the economy we thought could continue because pal is so easy and won't even acknowledge inflation, it's over that's how you get a stock like caterpillar, a big company
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tumbling down 40 points. the copper company could sink more than 10 wbucks in a month's time anything connected to commodities is plummeting. to everyone who's worried about commodity prices, i've got good news for you, the stock market is saying that commodity inflation has already peaked what the clepto crats think is a worry, it's not, forget transitory, sure, the market could be wrong but if you were worried about totally out of control inflation, that possibility has been taken off the table. just take it off you're looking at a sudden collapse in every stock related to commodities at the same time that long-term interest rates are crashing that wouldn't happen in a world with wild and crazy inflation like so many of the idealogues tell us would happen turns out powell was right, turns out it was transitory. powell didn't need to raise interest rates he had to float the possibility
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of a couple of times in 2023 and the problem took care of itself. there are a few shortages. i've got solutions for them later in the show. earlier this week, i told you the market would be unable to mount the traditional rally. now oil is even reversed reversed hard, we're hearing that the saudis are ready to start boosting production. this level has been terrific for them if they let the price of crude go any higher, then the shale producers in our country will still, remember, they're down 1.9 million a day from what they're doing, and that's the last thing the saudi arabians want to see. they want to make a ton of money but low enough to keep their cam p padres on the sidelines, an up tick in joy, making the saudis more eager to put a lid on petrol petroleum. yeah, transitory, so what about this inane rotation into tech and fin tech, that's easy as
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pie. money managers telling the industries because they're convinced that powell is about to get tough it's like they don't listen to a word this guy says not a single word. when you think the fed is getting ready to tighten, the hedge fund play book says you need to buy traditional senior growth stocks like faang or microsoft or the semiconductor companies like amd and inovnvidia, all of them will out shine, smokestacks. facebook remains a great bargain for advertisers. amends amazon is about to have a super prime day. netflix has a better slated program now that covid is coming down google has a new sense of discipline i know there's no m in faang, i think microsoft deserves to be an honorary member how about the chip makers, at first, nvidia soared nearly 5%, my wife lisa is getting a rescue dog, and she agreed i can call this nvidia, too, just like its
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predecessor, that isn't it the company had a recommendation, saying the growth was accelerated, which it is, and people are coming around, believing that nvidia will be able to acquire armed holdings, just like he told us, same story with az and xilinx, the intel is now the knock off version of amd meanwhile, all of cloud kings and cyber security stocks held hands in the rally too natural flier, and then after the close as we predicted, adobe shot the lights out with an amazing quarter that's certain to have a ton of pin action. tomorrow i know there are poem that argue home builders were squeezed by inflation, that's a tough hoe to hold, great sales and terrific margins, everybody was saying the margins are being crushed, will they please do some
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homework i didn't get up at 3:00 a.m. to listen to the birds, they get up around 4:00 anyway, i know mortgage rates have had a spike but with bond yields coming down, that's over. let's see the home builders can weather inflation, rates are down affordability is up. you should buy buy buy, i got another mortgage today i locked in, what the heck, why not. they're giving them. i'm taking them. of course the market is stubborn that was rest of the farm that i bought with ethereum and bitcoin. these buyers think the economy will be slowing, no near term rate hike, something the banks need if they're going to save their quarters be careful of traditional financials and buy the fin techs while they're still down square and paypal are going crazy. does any of this make sense? i say for today because some of this buying is big bad event buying, meaning the bulls were waiting to see what the fed did
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before they swarmed in, and we know we're in a seasonally weak time i suspect that some of these tech stocks will give up their gains. the buyers and sellers have spoken they think jay powell means business but not anytime soon. and the hyper inflation is off the table where it should have been all along i wish we had time for calls we do. let's go to max in california. max. >> hey, jim, how you doing >> max, i'm in good shape. the chill man is good. what's up? >> good to hear. i'm curious on what you think of draftkings. >> okay. remember, i do have a contractual relationship with draftkings, i thought gt report was off because if there's one division not doing well, if they closed it tomorrow, this stock would soar they have won things they have won that game. listen, okay, this market is spoken, and it's saying inflation has peaked and we should stop worrying about it. we're seeing the industrial sellers jump a chip, moving into tech like adobe, convinced that
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powell is getting tough. we're going to build a portfolio that can withstand any market environment, the summer patio season heating up, i'm sitting down to find out if an investment in the stock could do the trick, and the best chemical company you have never heard of. i'll reveal the name, and whether it's worth considering and fuel energy, is there more to the story than those people are willing to admit if they know what it is? i'm talking with the ceo, so stay with cramer >> don't miss a second of "mad money"s follow @jimcramer on twitter, have a question, tweet cramer, @madtweets, e-mail @madmoneyncc.m. onbco miss something head to
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in the last month and a half, one of the hottest stocks on the market was pulled back hard from its highs, the company that makes faux wood construction projects, i figured it was a fabulous play on a scorching hot housing marketings and the sky high price of lumber the price of blumber has plunged down about 40% and that's why it's tumbled from 51 to 39 and change, despite the fact that the company just turned in an excellent quarter last month i think it's a mistake to view this thing as a proxy for the price of lumber. don't take it from me. jesse sing, the president and ceo of azex company welcome back to "mad money." >> it's great to be here thanks for having me on again. >> we have to get this thing straight, the reason why people
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like azek is because it looks good, and it holds up well they do not buy it because it's cheaper or more expensive than timber. >> you're absolutely right if you look at our value proposition, it's really providing a fantastic product on the outside of homes that beautifies the home but also gives you a chance to have low maintenance for years to come, and we've been growing the business over the last decade. in fact, our compounded annual growth rate is 14%, and that's occurred with all sorts of dynamics in the lumber market, so we're really really bullish about our future >> and if anyone was considering that maybe this is not necessarily the way to look at it, one of your largest selling products is in the neighborhood of four times the price of wood. >> absolutely. i mean, the value proposition that we have, and one of our largest selling products is
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really sold because it looks just like e pay. it's almost indistinguishable. people want beautiful, hardwoods outside. they don't want to have the environmental impact of that, and so for us, the vast majority of our portfolio really runs independently of any of the prices of any of the commodities around it. you know, in fact, when lumber was at its lowest point, we were converting 1 to 2% of the market, and that's been accelerating. >> okay. now, if you are environmentally inclined, what is the contrast between azek and actual two by four's >> well, we earlier this quarter, we released our first esg report, and in that esg report, we did a life cycle analysis, and we did a life cycle analysis with two of our decking products against the most environmentally basic pressure treated lumber that's out there, and from an
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environmental standpoint and a global footprint, a global warming footprint standpoint, we actually are better because of the recycled content that we have, and add to that we use hundreds of millions of pounds of recycled materials in the development of our product >> now some people were saying, where do they get the recycled, do they dig up in landfills, buy it somewhere how do you procure it? >> we continue to invest in our procurement organization we're one of the few players in the market that actually take back recycled pvc. in many cases, that's land filled we take it from flooring suppliers. we actually have a program called full circle where we will go to job sites, set up a bin and take back the scrap from the construction job site. we have multiple avenues by which we consolidate and collect our recycle, and the entire purpose here is to drive a lower cost material by preventing it from going into a landfill.
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>> so a really beautiful number today, i think we were stunned, somehow people think these unbelievably good homeowners with fantasticbalance sheets are going to start doing badly with .25%. you and i know better than that. should we be thinking about correlation to the old ager, the age old homes. in other words, ageing housing stock, the oldest it's been in years, or should we be thinking about numbers from lanar or toll brothers. >> i think in the case of our business and many repair and remodel businesses, it's really a matter of both the macro here as you have talked about is you have an entire generation of homeowners coming online with the millennial generation, combined with those of us that are older, continue to stay in the house. that added to the fact that you've got an ageing housing stock, a shortage of millions of homes, and people want to invest in their homes and in our case, there's 60 million decks that are installed, half of which are beyond their useful life and
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that adds up to really a nice potential growth profile moving forward, so it's really multiple variables, both new construction and repair and remodel are really seeing strong tail winds right now. >> let's talk awareness for a second i happen to live in new jersey, and my contractor, of course, without knowing you at all or any relation to you, i have known you for a long time said look, i don't mean to to use wood, i want to use azek, i don't want to come back here, this is the third time oi've don your deck, we have a good distributor in the area, and he has made friends with a lot of contractors are there parts of the country that do not know about azek >> from a professional standpoints, those types of contractors that install products, do repair and remodel jobs, we've got a really broad base awareness having said that, we've got a tremendous opportunity on the consumer front the more we educate consumers, the more even through the show, we have a chance to tell consumers that there is a
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fantastic alternative to their current rotting wood deck that is more sustainable, looks better, it's not plasticy, the more we generate that awareness, the more that gives us an opportunity and in fact, we've effectively doubled our marketing budget we continue to invest, and we expect for the long-term as awareness of ourselves and awareness of the differentiation of our products are out there, we will continue to drive long-term consumer growth in addition to strength we have with the pro. >> i think people are getting the opportunity to state your low, housing very strong, remodeling is very strong, and lumber is not the issue. it's not a real competitor, what's a competitor is the weather, and competitor is how many times it costs to do your deck over with lumber versus azek jesse sing president and ceo of the azek company, thank you so much for coming on "mad money." >> terrific being on thank you. >> guys this stock is down for a false comparison that's why i was so happy to
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have jesse on. it's a very interesting company, and it's a real good product "mad money" is back after the break. coming up is it time to hook your portfolio up with a little chemical romance cramer's got the inside look on eastman chemical, next
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with the boom and bust si sickly -- cyclicals getting smashed today, maybe there's some buying opportunities here last night we spoke to one of the world's largest commodity makers, they told us a bullish story. tonight i'm going to introduce you to a company i have not talked about on the show eastman chemical, this one's got
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all the same drivers as liondel bazel, it has a kicker that is so novel it is turning heads. eastman is a century old business but only been independent since the mid-90s when it was spun off from eastman kodak. it makes a variety, window films, adhesives, sealant, building and construction, makes all sort of coatings for the auto industry, along with turbine oils, and hydraulic fluids for airplane, all the stuff you never know it's being made but it's being made by them plastics, and consumer goods and packaging, not to mention electronics, again you won't see their name they make components for medical devices. and finally eastman's got a big agriculture business, think crop production products, like fungicides, soil protection products, plant growth regulators, that help boost
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yields the stocks have been down so quickly that you wouldn't believe it t. companies like eastman make the basic building blocks of industry tend to be cyclical they make fortunes when the economy is expanding, and earnings fall apart in a slow down they spent the last couple of weeks getting clobbered. you have lots of money managers betting that the federal reserve will be forced to raise interest rates quickly, and nothing fed chief jay powell will convince them otherwise people are putting weight on stock plots that show the fed raising interest rates twice in the second half of 2023. that's two years away. i think they're assuming if business stays strong, powell will be more hawkish, has to move faster. most of the inflation we're currently dealing with is temporary, and nearly all of it is related to supply bottlenecks that the fed has no power to fix. many commodities, people have worried about are all -- rolling
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over, lumber is now down 40% grains and coppers, down 2 i think it's a matter of time before they all do you agree with jay powell, and i think i'm probably the only one, i would love you to be like me, you want to use today's weakness to buy cyclicals that thrive in a strong economy if you're worried about the fed, this is not the stock for you. after the great recession, it spent years working hard, and peaked in 2018 when the federal reserve started tightening aggressively he had to start raising interest rates because higher inflation was right around the corner, even though we couldn't see the evidence of it cyclicals like eastman got obliterated and powell walked back his harsher hang, he had to do that. the group county really recover. the stock spent the next year in a holding pattern, between the mid-60s and the mid-80s until
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the covid crash hit. once the pandemic got rolling, eastman plunged to 34 at its lows last month. like other commodity chemical plays that turned out to be a significant buying opportunity up 240% from the bottom. eastman never should have been that low in the first place. people just got too negative, by the fall, erased all of covid losses, and we started getting positive vaccine news in november, it made another big move higher. the reason is simple, the company keeps reporting better and better numbers, as their end marks are coming back. that's how you judge the cyclicals, how are the end markets, in late january, a slight revenue beat with a solid earnings beat, and more importantly, management gave you an incredible full-year forecast, 20 to 30% earnings growth, i would love that from a tech company the stock got dinged a bit in response, and then quickly snapped back to all time high territory. some of that's because winter storm euri hit, and shut down
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chemicals and plastics facilities, along with the gulf coast which sent prices soaring, and eastman was able to jump from 100 in february to 130 at its highs earlier this month even if it's pulled back to 117. eastman's latest results at the end of april, the company knocked it out of the park giving you a robust top and bottom line beat the best part was the guidance management raised a four-year earnings forecast, take it from 7.38 to $8 range, up to 8.25 to 8.75, that's big midpoint guidance was 7% higher than what wall street was looking for. even better. eastman boosted the full year free forecast from 1 billion to 1.1 billion. when winter storm euri hit, this company worked proactively to avoid a hard shut down the at any of its facilities, and quickly restarted production the the bad weather took the competitor offline for months, and eastman was 95% operational
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in three weeks that's incredible execution. i haven't read another company that did that well what else, on the conference call, ceo mark costa, talked about the company's investments in sustainable products and what they call the circular economy we heard that from liondel bazel last night the plastic industry can become more environmentally friendly by focusing on recycling. eastman is building one of the largest plastic to plastic recycling facilities where they convert polyester into durable products the company plans to recycle 500 million pounds of plastic waste by 2030, otherwise this ends up in landfills or water ways so many hate plastic, especially the young fpeople and that's how eastman made it to number 27 on barren's 2020 list of the most sustainable companies in the united states a plastics company a. lot of younger money managers are hesitant to go near anything
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that's plastic related they think the environmental crisis makes it so you shouldn't own the stocks, and governments around the world will crack down on the companies eastman has found a way to thread the needle. this is what i thought is the most incredible. they just struck a deal. going to add this to the end categories here. that's right they stuck a deal with the finest luxury goods maker on earth. lvmh, the french luxury power house, to provide packaging, the lvma, perfume, and cosmetics division, that is quite the endorsement, people. it sounds like to me they finally were getting to a real plastic recycling here they're not just making junk with it. they're selling stuff to lvmh. that's perhaps the most stylish company on earth as a client now, that is a great token i think it works plus with the harsh pull back over the last couple of weeks,
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including today's nearly 4% slide. i think eastman is a lot more compelling the socks trade at earnings estimates, better than a sharp stick in the eye or treasury bonds for that matter. the bottom line, like we heard last night, there's a huge supply and demand and balance boost in the chemical industry, one that won't go away until next year. while the group is getting daft by misguided rate hikes, it matters that pricing is going up eastman chemical has great execution, and gives you the best sustainability kicker from plastic that i have heard yet. katherine in new jersey, katherine. >> hey, jim, a big booyah from the jersey shore. >> how are you >> i'm good. my question is about nucor, i know you said it's a multiyear growth stock once it gets going,
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and i'm still up right now it's come in a bit recently. do i hold? >> you must hold i gave a big conference of members of the club, and we talked about that it is time to buy more nucor, why, because once the cycle is going, as you said, katherine, it goes on for a long time, six times earnings. i'm looking at these cyclicals and saying if they're going to throw them away, bring them on eastman chemical is firing on all cylinders, including lvmh as a clinent. commendable sustainability goals. today is giving you a terrific entry point. that's why i'm showing cyclical stocks much more "mad money" ahead, including my exclusive with the ceo, clean energy fuels, up 30% in the past month. is it worth considering? i'm going to talk with the ceo, we did actual homework we didn't just draw funny pictures, and fed chief jay powell to raise rates, you're
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not going to like it maybe you should make it volume a little bit lower, and now you'll hear me anyway, i talk loud, and all of your calls, rapid fire, the lightning round, so stay with cramer. t-mobile is the leader in 5g. experience it now with the powerful iphone 12 pro with 5g on us. and with our new magenta max plan, you'll get unlimited premium data that can't slow down based on how much smartphone data you use. plus, taxes and fees are included. that's right, unlimited premium data
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now that the wall street bets crew is starting to venture out into new meme stocks beyond gamestop and amc, i'm always a little concerned that regular people will get hurt when these guys make something soar for no reason when i saw these redditers take up clean energy fuels, i was skeptical. this is a company i loved many years ago as a play on natural
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gas vehicles it never took off, and i didn't see the poeint in speculating o it now to clean energy's credit, they reached out to me and made the pitch directly the new story isn't the old bridge fuel, it's renewable gas, basically they can take something like the methane from manure and turn it into a source of energy, and because these carbon emissions were in the atmosphere anyways, it's one of the least carbon on earth, some would argue the least. after the initial push from the memesters, could it be worth owning let's check in with an old friend of the show, andrew littlefair, the president and ceo of clean energy fuels to get a better sense of the natural gas business welcome back to "mad money." >> hey, jim, how are you >> i miss you. you're looking well. lerts g let's get right to this. i made the mistake of it was the same old, same old, but we didn't get it through.
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you said, jim, you have to look at the company again, it's changed, it's different, and it's about renewable i'm going to give you the floor to explain the change and why it's working. >> jim, since i was on years ago, we build out a nationwide network of fueling stations and as you correctly point out, som of the adoption was slow to materialize. we have been busy all of those years. what's different today, is we have been busy pivoting to renewable natural gas. today of the fuel we sell, 73% of it is r and g, renewable natural gas, and you're right in your intro, you talked about how low carbon it is, and because we're bringing animal, you know, we're going to a dairy, and we're cleaning up the manure, and we're putting it in the pipeline, and what we're selling to our customers is in many occasions 400%, four times, five times less carbon, than
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electric, five times less than diesel it's a dramatic change for us, and i really think that we're well positioned to have an economic solution, you know, and environmentally friendly >> someone else agrees with you. it's amazon. and first we want you to tell me about that deal, and then i'm going to ask the requisite question, so the amazon deal >> well, we have been working with them for the last, you know, couple of years, kind of bringing them along, but we made an announcement just about a month and a half ago, and it's the largest deal that we have made in the company's history, and what it is, i have to be a little careful about giving too much detail because amazon wants to control that, but for us, it's building them now 19 new stations and making available 27 other stations so they will be using 46 of our stations we'll be selling them all r and g, and so we're very excited about that now, what's in addition to the -- that commercial aspect,
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we're also availing them the opportunity to buy 20% of the company. our shareholders have proved that overwhelmingly a couple of days ago but what's unique about this is the way we structured it, jim, is in order for them to buy stock at $13.49, they have to spend $500 million worth of fuel and what we can say is that this is going to mean hundreds of millions of gallons of r and g running through our station to the amazon fleet it's very exciting, and i think what it is is it's a recognition of validation that somebody that's voirery concerned about,u know, the climate and carbon is going with r and g, so that's what's new and different >> now, i know when plug power did a deal like this, the subsequent press came out and said basically that they bought the deal this is not similar to that. >> no, it's not, jim, because, i mean, they have to buy hundreds of millions of gallons, and in
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order to have the opportunity to purchase the stock at 13.49, you see where the stock closed today. >> right >> they have to spend $500 million in fuel, and actually it's a little bit more than that because there's certain costs that we pass through, so it's significant, well, top line growth and good margin for us, so no, it's different than, you know, buying what we see is great alignment and synergy, and it encourages them to continue to move more and more of their fleet, i hope, over time, to r and g. >> andrew, can you scale, i mean, cow manure, is there enough around in the country so that you can make it that it's a big deal >> right, and you know, look, today america uses 35 billion gallons of diesel every year, all right, so it's a lot when you look at the studies out right now, there's probably five to 7 billion gallons of animal
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waste that could be converted to r and g. we're currently selling, you know, we'll be selling this year around 170 million gallons ourselves and so there's a lot of room to grow. but just think about 5 to 7 billion. that's kind of a niche compared to the 35 billion, but by the way, jim, there's 32,000 farms in america, so you're getting ready to see the farm community move to this because it's a huge new revenue stream as they're trying to capture their methane, but let's just go with 5 billion gallons. 5 billion gallons is the equivalent of removing 20 billion gallons of diesel a year from the road. so that 5 billion gallons can make a huge climate impact, dramatically more than anyone is talking about in terms of complying with paris, and you know, 4% reductions, this is really significant so yes, i think there's plenty of money now looking at it you know, jim, we have a
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relationship with three of the major energy companies right now developing r and g, and so i like to see that we have a deal with chevron, with totale energies, and bp you've got real players with real money that understand that this r and g is a way for them to decarbonize, and the other point, it's a drop in fuel, ri right. what i mean by that, you don't have to go out and build a new hydrogen fuel network. you're going to use america's pipeline system and drop this fuel in, and so that's why it's so economic and readily available. >> yeah, that is the solution. that's why i'm very excited about it obviously the reddit people must have done a massive amount of homework, probably kacontacted o a couple of times, visited the plant like i did, i guess that's why they came up with why they liked you? >> this has been interesting to me, jim. they didn't do any homework orr
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anything, maybe they winged it >> you know, i think what my view is that i think that they're very sensitive of this energy transition green stocks, and i think they started to look around, and, you know, i tell you what, it seems to me, i read a lot of these posts, and it seems like they get it one of the things that comes through again and again, they said hey, these guys at clean energy take somebody nobody wants, clean it up, put it in a vehicle, make money, and save the planet i kind of like that. >> i do too, and also by the way, cash flow positive now, balance sheet much better than we saw you last, and i want you on in every milestone because you know i was pulling for you so big you reinvented, i'm really proud of you, and i want you to come back. >> we were early, jim, but thanks a lot we appreciate it >> we were early, and you stuck with it, i'm really proud of you. you're going to do great president and ceo of clean energy, cle, the reddit guys, and i we agree, this is a good
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one, and not just a cause. it will be real profitable thank you, andrew. >> all right thanks, jim. >> "mad money" is back after the break. >> stick around. >> may i make a suggestion i would stay with cramer, the lightning round is coming up indication
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hey lily, i need a new wireless plan for my business, but all my employees need something different. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this... your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep lisa has to send some files, asap! so basically i can pick the right plan for each employee... yeah i should've just led with that... with at&t business... you can pick the best plan for each employee and only pay for the features they need. ♪ ♪ ♪ digital transformation has failed to take off. because it hasn't removed the endless mundane work we all hate. ♪ ♪ ♪
6:48 pm
automation can solve that by taking on repetitive tasks for us. unleash your potential. uipath. reboot work. ugh, these balls are moist.
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or is that the damp weight of self-awareness you now hold in your hand? yeah-h-h. (laugh) keep your downstairs dry with gold bond body powder. it is time for the lightning round. >> the are you ready, the lightning round, randy, in minnesota, randy >> hi, jim
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>> randy what's happening >> i just first thing i want to tell you is i want to thank you for helping us little investors out, we all appreciate it. >> thank you, that's who i'm working for. thank you very much. what's going on. >> i have had a stock for like five years now, and i bought it because it sounded like a real good stock it was over in europe, and now it's moving to the united states and they just got approved by the fda. and i bought 10,000 shares, and then it went up to -- it sat for like four years. >> all right, all right. >> and then it went up to $5.51 a share, so i sold 5,000 shares, and took my money back >> unusual option activity what's the stock >> it's sensonic holdings. >> that competes against dexcome, and abbot, which are
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big competitors, which are a speculative one. let's go to mike in illinois. >> mr. cramer. >> hey, mike, what's up. >> hey, thanks for all you and your team do >> our team is great thank you. >> i love that you dive into small companies, and not only cover the biggest well known names. i discovered the company after my brother gave me a wild berry celsius. >> my guys downtown in my mor morning show, they love it too, and i love it. i think it's a sensation scott in indiana, scott. >> hey, scotty from indiana, how you doing? >> i'm doing well. how about you? >> no regrets, you know what i'm saying i was talking about ticker wish. >> that's a meme i was doing a wish can we save it >> and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round.
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the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade coming up, cramer has got a word for those who fear inflation, and why a rate hike may not be the right cure for those singing the federal reserve blues. next tomorrow, kick off the trading day with "squawk on the street," live from post 9 at the nyse. >> that is one that they like that i like, and i feel really badly that i like it given the fact that they do no work, and i do homework. i'm not trying to be antagonistic, i'm just trying to be vicious. >> you do do a lot of homework. >> it all starts at 9:00 a.m. eastern. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile-
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how do you argue with the inflation of the people who think that the rise in prices is for the fed to slam the brakes on the economy with rate hikes they know nothing. here's what you do we need to have fed chief jay powell rolling to the next virtual question and answer session, driving an 18-wheeler at least then these thumb suckers could see something that's an actual problem we've got a shortage of truck drivers in this country. we simply don't have enough of
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them, so we either have to train more or offer the old ones more money. but let me ask you, can you honestly look me in the eye and tell me that a rate hike would create more truck drivers? if it doesn't, i'll take four of them in reality, though, rate hikes only solve the inflation problem by destroying demand can't have a truck driver shortage if nobody wants to hire them if it's a choice between wrecking the economy or paying more for shipping, i say bring on the inflation, and you can do this with nearly everything that's in short supply we're all aware that lumber is way up in price. we talked about that earlier when we talked about azek. even now plunging from 40% you want to fix that, raise interest rates until nobody wants to buy wood anymore, suboptimal or president biden can pick up the phone, and tell justin trudeau, and tell him he'll do a solid, it's not like
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they're expanding enough to hire a loft of people. you get the price of a two by four down, you get inflation down talking about doubling lumber tariffs from 9 to 18%, that strikes me as ill advised. if the fed crushes the economy because the government artificially drew up the price of wood that would be one of the dumbest outcomes we had that freak storm in texas and louisiana. it was so swift, almost no one was ready. the damage was severe, except for a handful of companies, eastman chemical that managed to protect their industries it's june, for heaven's sake, and that's why plastic has become so expensive. if you think rate hikes will make the rebuild go faster, by all means, give me a dozen of them this is not a problem jay powell can solve with monetary policy the word is he's pretty handy. next up, jim farley, ceo of ford
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just gave a preannouncement, estimates are too low, but the fact is supply is too low. supply of cars, that means higher prices, especially for used cars because the semiconductor shortage has made it too difficult for auto makers to expand production again, though, the fed can't fix the semiconductor shortage with higher rate, sure, powell can strangle the life out of the economy, so no one wants micro chips, that cure is worse than the disease. honestly, calling this a shortage might be the wrong word semiconductor fab ricators are operating at full capacity their clients, why they have gone in on all the highest margin chips and those are for hyper scale computing or cell phones it's not a chip shortage, for the best semiconductors to operate on other areas which is what we call auto shorts this will go away as the industry adds new manufacturing capacity, and semiconductor
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companies think holy cow, i can make more money selling to ford. nine rate hikes, we magically make that happen and get these angry people off my back, i say bring on the pain. steamer trunk of pain on my back if they would let me alone if you talk to the ceo's of the major semicompanies, and tell how a bunch of rich pluto accurates want to solve with a series of rate hikes, you're looking to the long people i could go on and on i have many covered but i think you get the picture. the people screaming about the dangers of inflation don't understand inflation we have shortages and rising prices because the economy rebounded faster than anyone expected because people didn't expect we're going to get the vaccine. the inflation may bet against america, against science, the inflationists think that's a problem. they want the fed to slam on the brakes me, i say have a little faith in the magic of the free market, won't you? we don't need central bank
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intervention to solve supply chain issues, nor do we want them driving, these shortages, they will in time take care of themselves i'd like to say there's always a bull market somewhere, find it just for you on "mad money," i'm jim cramer, see you tomorrow the news with shepard smith starts now tropical storm warning, up to a foot of rain on the gulf coast. i'm shepard smith. this is the news on cnbc extreme heat, severe storms, and a tropical storm barrelling toward the gulf, the dangerous weather stretching across america. block buster decisions handed down from the supreme court on religious freedom and obamacare. >> this terror atrocity could and should have been prevented. >> major security failures to blame in a new r


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