tv Fast Money CNBC June 23, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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have you seen the commercials? goal update, two. >> he went through all of that and wilf thinks that's all that's going to matter for the stock. >> don't think that's going to be a headliner earnings. >> never know. >> i've told you, reinaldo, one of the most marketable athletes. >> on that note, we're out of time. >> more interesting than the bank stress test "closing bell" is out of time, "fast money" starts now. live from the nasdaq market site overlooking "new york times" square, this is "fast money. i'm filling in for melissa lee we have guy adami, dan nathan and tim seymour. on "fast" big tech under fire. six antitrust bills hitting the house floor today. will they have any impact on the industry and will investors care fueled up gains. crude oil posting the highest close in nearly four years and bringing the energy sector along with it. does the rally continue from
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here and what's the best way to play it if so we've got a trader triple play from the streaming wars to a burger bonanza we'll bring you the three headlines that got stocks moving in a big way today we start with the stealth rally for twitter. the social stock flying for a fifth straight day now erasing the losses since its last earnings report also now at more than 30% from the may lows and it wasn't the only social stock climbing today. check out the moves in snap, yelp, pinterest and match group. guy, you've been watching this in twitter stealth, i didn't realize the moves. >> now that you look at it, you realize. all of these stocks got whacked in the early spring. these stocks sold off too hard i think twitter into the july 22nd earnings can test that all-time high around 80 bucks.
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by the way, i think dan nathan would agree with this. twitter spaces is going to be a tremendous driver for them going forward. forget about clubhouse it's all about twitter spaces. >> they held an analyst meeting and talked about different ways to monetize the existing users they're not showing the member growth like their peers are. they're growing sales 25% a year, snap at 50% a year their price to sales ratios reflect that twitter's only trading 11 times. that was one of the reasons why when the stock was in the mid 50s, you think you can buy that here relative to snap trading 25, 26 times sales so i would disagree a little bit with guy adami you fill in that gap if you get close to 70, you
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probably take profits here expectations once again are going to get high. they'll tell us how they better mop know advertise spaces will turn into the first micro podcasting app people who are prone to podcasts, their social is back to twitter that's why they win out over clubhouse. >> very interesting. tim, i don't want to get into a political debate when former president trump went off the platform some wondered if twitter would have the reach it does stockholders are clearly voting for twitter today. what do you think of these moves? >> well, look, the move in twitter is everything to do with the investor day that i thought set unrealistically high expectations when they talk about doubling ad revenues, multiple new products by 2024 for a company that we've struggled to see them monetize, you got way ahead of yourself.
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the stock up 35% in 28 sessions off of the lows, that q1 print wasn't bad revenue line 25, fx neutral 27%. the ad growth was 37%. q1 ad growth from google and facebook, they can't even play in that sand box i think they were punished that much more. twit jereltive to itself and the initiatives, that's the story. i think there's a dirt of social media investment allocations for institutions especially. i think twitter is a name they want to own. the valuation isn't typical. >> guy, when you look at these other names, match group. >> pinterest is the one. all of the stocks had the huge runs they made all-time highs
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i think people realize they're paying up for growth these companies have that growth twitter makes sense. i get what dan is saying pinterest is the one people haven't focused enough on. >> i'm surprised they haven't monetized their relationships with retailers it's annoying when i go to a pin and you can't buy it >> dan nathan has talked about that it's never about daily average users, monthly average users, it's their growth rate and to pinterest to your point, they have levers they can pull. >> dan, are there other names you think there might be more opportunity and room to run? >> it's interesting.
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we're going to get q2 earnings for most of the names in the next month or so it depends how far they run into it expectations and tim's point about the february analyst meeting, they got high usually costs go up and new offerings. you could see pinterest which has been moving and trading. i think you'll see them go back to their prior highs one thing i like and it's kind of related, it's spotify spotify announced clubhouse competitor facebook is doing it, obviously twitter has it i suspect they're going to gain some traction there especially if they see it as a tool for podcasters spotify has leaned into podcasting spotify at 250 looks interesting. >> this is the second time you've brought up podcasting with twitter and spaces.
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if you want to go to a podcasting play, would you look at spotify or twitter? >> spotify feels like a pure play they said the term podcasting 26 times on that report they are acquiring tech around podcasting one of your friends, the karda kardashians, guy adami. >> i think twitter in particular why they are going to get the most bang for their buck with spaces, if you think about what does well on twitter, it's live. we've been hearing them say live, live, live i think the ability to narrate live, entertainment or politics, we're going to see that play out. >> before you go any further, just let's clarify although all the kardashians are huge "fast money" fans, i've not -- >> you have a favorite kardashian, let's be frank.
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>> i do. watching the show and that would hurt so many people's feelings i don't roll that way, dan. >> got it. got it. >> right >> just saying. >> tim, whether or not you have a relationship with the kardashians, would you like to button up this conversation before we move on here >> yeah. so many places to go about my relationships with the kardashians but probably not best for the tv. the social media space, we've talked a little bit about snap snap's been outperforming the group and the value wagts is difficult. when you look at their sales growth, the delta is superior. they measured the hirings. so snap, twitter, pinterest as a percentage of overall employees. snap is growing the fastest, job openings and twitter is in second and pinterest in third down the list. an interesting look at where they are beefing up on the front
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line the valuation here, look, this was a stock that prooe covid was really struggling to prove its business model and frankly has been one of the most extraordinary stories of any stock that we talk about so the valuation is difficult and i think they're going to continue to grow. >> i don't want to brag, gentlemen, but i have met kris jenner the house judiciary votes on key points let's bring in ylan mui rsh the committee has passed two of the six bills. the other one allows the state ag to choose the court the most controversial deal with platform dominance and data
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portability. congressman jim jordan said the proposals give too much power to government regulators. >> bills that supposedly go after big tech being written by big tech, the same big tech who can sit onthe secret technical committees advising the ftc, the ftc who says we should use antitrust law for all kinds of things wow. we're going to pass this stuff with what we want to deal with is the censorship of conservatives. >> clearly the big tech companies are worried as well. apple ceo tim cook personally called house speaker nancy pelosi to voice his opposition to this package of bills we've reached out to pelosi's office for comment but in a statement apple said, quote, we are concerned that many provisions of the recent package of antitrust reform legislation would create a race to the bottom for security and privacy, while also undermining
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innovation and competition that's similar to the response from other companies being targeted here. amazon, facebook, google in particular they say consumers will not be happy when the most popular services might go away when the bills become law. >> thank you so much let's trade this one now the this is something we've talked about. dan, who do you think is most in jeopardy if anyone at all? is this just what happens but no action is going to be harmful to these big guys >> it doesn't seem like investors will facebook, amazon, google, microsoft literally are trading at all-time highs and apple within a whisper those five stocks make up 7, $8 trillion in market cap if you think about their
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contribution, believe it or not there are some things i agree with what jim jordan had to say about that i don't think we're going to find a consensus, you know what i mean i think at the end of the day investors don't care about that stuff. guy would say maybe esg investors might care some day. if you think about it, even in the amazon, they hired hundreds of thousands of people in the pandemic people don't seem too worried about the privacy issues if the government cannot prove how these companies are harming consumers, i don't think there's going to be any hefty deregulation >> i agree you have a 385, $390 stock i'll stand by that i've said it last night to you, i'll say it again. there's nothing i like about facebook, nothing at all the stock, we learned all we needed to learn a year and a half ago when a couple of their advertisers left nobody left in terms of customer base all the advertisers came back and here we are today.
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dan makes a good point, i'll make it again. if, in fact, at some point facebook false under the esp auspices, that's the existential risk >> for more on how today's house vote will impact big tech, let's bring in gene munster. he knows more about this than i'll ever forget thank you so much for joining us which are most in the trouble that are caught in the cross hairs? is it apple? clearly tim cook is worried if he's placed a call to speaker pelosi's office? >> before i answer the question i want to lay the groundwork that i think the central question here for congressional action is consumer well-being. are consumers being harmed and at the center of that, that's what dictates antitrust law. there are two forms of that, one is price gouging and second is lack of innovation and i think more broadly consumers love these companies
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more than traditional companies and i'm going to answer your question right now about apple specifically is that the reason why consumers love it is that these companies give them utility just across all four of them it's significantwhether it's entertainment or productivity. better value for your money. that has caused a lift to broader society. i think the congressman's comments made some light of that and so when you think about risk profile, apple has been more proactive. they recently came out with a white paper talking about side loading, which is the ability to have an app store run outside of the iphone ecosystem and why that would not make sense. that's something that's on the table here with some of this legislation. i think the key question again whether it's side loading or any of these, is the consumer being harmed i think the answer is no i think consumers are better off, and i think when you put that together versus trying to try angulate which is most at risk, i think that they're all
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collectively going to breathe a sigh of relief in the years to come >> the bite is going to be less than the amazon. consumers are the beneficiary. we have more transparency and it's hard to make that antitrust argument just on that one part of it. they have many different silos, they have aws and their advertising business is very strong if you look at amazon do they have to be scrutinized more because they have so many silos that stand on their own? >> look at the four in play. i think the ones probably at most risk are facebook and
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go google, specifically how they can use their search very straightforward so if i was going to say i'm going to be wrong, that there is going to be something that will come out of this, who's most at risk i think it is facebook and google followed by amazon and i think apple is at the least risk of all four. >> the last couple of years we haven't seen a lot of big tech m&a. will that continue to stay on the sidelines until we get more visibility or at some point don't we have to start seeing deals here and really test the mettle of these regulators >> i think we're going to see more, you're right this has been kind of going on for call it 18 months in a more rapid fashion. i think probably the biggest piece of m au&a that we've seen
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amazon, mgm. m&a, that's not closed there is m&a circulating out there. i think the way this plays out, we'll continue to hear this. i hope to join you again on further segments when there will be new talk about this i think the ark is going to be the same this will slowly fade into something that gives these companies the movement to do m&a like you're talking about and continue to better consumers agree with that. i think we're going to continue to see a lull in some of the big m&a over the next year but we'll pick up in time. >> gene munster, thank you let's trade this >> thank you. >> tim, i want to go to you. if something goes into play with the self-preferencing, which of the names do you think could be most at risk if apple is not allowed to preference its services above all others, does that make that ecosystem less valuable? >> look, i don't know. you can make an argument that
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it's really google, especially in search engines or maybe amazon for vendors the other thing we didn't talk about, i'll leave it for another chat, is if you broke these companies up, would some of them be a lot more valuable with the pieces that's part of the conversation we have. these headlines, we've been dealing with these for a long time they go nowhere. >> what about microsoft? anyone want to just buy that one if that one is not in the cross hairs as much as the others? approaching 2 trillion. >> the knock on microsoft for the last year and a half, two years has been valuation yeah, if you are worried about that, microsoft should go to the head of the class in things not to worry about for one of these fmaga complexes that he coined. >> it's facebook, microsoft, apple, google, amazon. >> thank you for clarifying that to me and to others.
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coming up next, vaccine maker under pressure after critical health warning by the cdc. we'll bring you the details and what it means by the stocks. plus, energy surge crude hitting the highest level in three years one technician said the oil rally is just ttgeing started. we'll explain what he means. there's more ""fast money"" after this
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welcome back to "fast money. vaccine makers falling after the cdc said there is likely an association between a rare heart condition and adolescents after receiving the covid-19 vaccine heart inflammation has been reported in young people who have received pfizer an moderna vaccines that's out of 300 million shots administered moderna down 4%. pfizer down more than 1% on this news overdone >> well, i mean, yes i just think that the stocks are reacting maybe very short term to headlines you didn't need a lot of reason to rally moderna off of the 225 that was the double top that we
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hit. i think, look, stocks had an extraordinary run back -- the operational leverage put the profitability inherent truly in this vaccine for this company as opposed to for pfizer and still what we don't know in terms of where the government is going to lean in on these companies and make these drugs more affordable or push them through straight. the move in moderna has been extraordinary. pfizer, the statistical set, it doesn't mean they're that right. >> 1200 out of 300 million is definitely a big number when you're looking at the total population that's received it. guy, what do you make about the opportunity for some of these stocks as the rest of the world hopefully eventually gets access to these vaccines? so many parts of the world still don't have them? what does that mean?
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>> moderna's the winner. we've said that for quite a long time karen was on this early. we've come around to understand the winner in all of this in terms of stock will be, continues to be moderna. today notwithstanding i happen to think people are looking for an opportunity that looks to sell stock that's gotten ahead of themselves. if you sold j&j, my sense is you made a mistake tim will agree you're putting a $220 stock and here we are at 160 if you try to, again, put them in order, moderna wins here, j&j a close secretary. >> if guy is right, and this is just an opportunity to sell and take some profits, do you get in on moderna here, dan >> if you look at moderna, trading was wide range guy, you were johnny on the spot every time it got towards the end you said you buy it because it's not just about covid, it's about the technology and their ability to repeat this behavior. beautiful breakout consolidating.
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with all of that cash in their balance sheet and their ability to look beyond the pandemic and beyond boosters and where they can apply this technology to other drugs. i suspect that they may be in the game for some m&a. they got $7.5 billion. if they do a cash and stock deem and the stock were to come in to get back to it i don't buy breakouts like this. pfizer under 40 is interesting to me. >> we'll watch that. we are just getting started on "fast money. here's what's coming up next. coming up, oil surging to its highest level since 2018 one top technician says the rally can pump even higher he'll explain. plus, nicola kicking it into high gear after some bullish comments from a partner. what they said to drive the stock hiergh we've got that and a lot more when "fast money" returns. pain? yeah. here.
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welcome back to "fast money. crude continuing to norb the highest close. oil could keep pumping even higher let's bring in rob sluymer >> hi. thanks for having me on. oil's had a pretty big move here look at the long-term chart, it's always important to get the longer term perspective. the move above 66 and 67 was very significant reversed the down trend in place from 2009, 2021 and obviously through the levels that we hadn't seen through 2018 and '19. fairly significant moves to make a higher high. where does it go from here on a technical basis, your next
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key level takes you to those 2018 highs around that $77 level. that's roughly 50% retracement down to 50 the next move is probably close to 90 bucks. pause and consolidate around the $77 level. the rest of the energy space has a lot going on if we look at a natural gas chart, pretty significant move there today as well. that's been in a range since the fourth quarter of 2020 and the 340 level. you move above 340, you have more towards a $4 level. we'll have to continue to activate the entire energy space. what do you do about this? it's a small sector with pressure from esg. not that significant in the benchmarks a lot of institutional managers don't really need to own it. it can have a lot of alpha, the portfolio. for generalists, got to look at
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some of the etfs i would look at the xop e&t etf. it is bumping up against the next resistance level around the fourth quarter of 2020 -- sorry, the 2020 highs -- sorry, the first quarter 2020 highs. those are some pretty significant levels from here the trend is positive. if you look in the bottom panel of that xop chart, that's the e&p etf relative to energy, that's where the leadership is it's an unusual cycle to see those e&p stocks leading the sector, say, versus the oil service names, which would be the next chart and there's still more up side in the oil service etf as well i think that oih can move towards 272 level and ultimately 270.
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i would point out in the bottom panel it's not showing the same type of leadership we've seen in other cycles generally we see the oil service lead it's not doing so this sector, not at least as much as the e&p names are. i continue to focus on energy exposure. >> rob, you broke that down really well. crude over shoots to the down side my sense is we're about to get to the over shoot to the up side a lot of people talking about $100 crude. >> it's not that unreasonable. oil tends to be or energy tends to be a the last sector to move. lots of concern about inflation. oil was at 150 we had no reinflation market to me oil can get towards $91 level. it's not unreasonable to get 100, 110 as well one technical level. 77 is in that first level. 91's the next level. >> rob, thank you so much for charting that out and going
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through all of that. i would have been shocked if someone told me oil would be at almost $74 a year ago today considering how far it's come. i don't think 90 is out of the question either. let's trade this dan nathan, what do you make of the energy sector. why do you look so surprised >> he did a great job on that. seems like one of the more crowded trades and i get the reasons why. let me just tell you this. the dollar started going higher, guy. i know you were thinking we were going to make lower lows dollar goes higher i don't know where oil goes. this is definitely in tim's -- in his wheelhouse here, but i look at exxon. it broke down at 65 bucks. that was the lobach in 2018 and it broke down in early 2020. it went to about 30. now it's back here at 64 1/2 that looks like a massive technical resistance level i want to lean against that. >> big cap integrated names. tim who's been on this for a while, courtney, correct, the
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all service names. it got initiated at $38 price target i'll stay with it. they initiated baker hughs with a buy. those names work and some of the levered names like phillips 66 closed at 88 i think that goes to $100 in earnings which would be a reasonable valuation i do think oil over shoots to the up side. it will be a bit of af headwind but not enough to keep it going there. >> tim, forgive me it seems like you are the expert of all experts i should have gone to you first. get in on this trade. >> no, that's okay i'll be a broken record on this. the major thing investors should be focused on is the companies were run differently than they were five years ago, ten years ago. it's clear to me that if you look at the price of oil and the relative of the oih or the xop or even the xle to the price of crude, they're absolutely underperforming. there's no sense of conviction that these companies are not,
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you know, going to destroy more capital. they're not. the best thing that ever happened to the oil sector is the ev trade i'm telling you. the fact of the matter is the biden energy policy is very bullish for investing in the energy sector. we're seeing it. look at and grasp where the oih is especially relative to oil and especially to covid especially better than two years ago. you can't say they're better run companies, better technology and have adapted to the status quo in terms of energy policy. i think there's more to go. >> thank you very much, gentlemen. we're going to button it up there. we have a trader triple play three of the biggest moves in the market today and how you should trade them. shares of kb home tonhe move on the back of its earnings results. more "fast money" right after this you can close with more certainty. and twice as fast. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like a coffee run...
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pure speculation >> viacom, we've been talking about this why did at&t do that why did disney do that with fox or whatever? this is literally almost a tuck-in acquisition. granted, it would be 25% of the enterprise value of comcast. it fits in very well here. roku, i'm probably less excited about. that seems to be i've used the expression before, i want to throw that roku thing on the trash heap with things like tivo i just don't get it. i don't get what it does i think the content with cbs and viacom makes sense. >> i think we're moving on, right? >> that's how it works. >> triple playing. we're going to look at the shares of nikola shares increasing after the cnh industrial ceo called the company a strong partner on "mad money."
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>> i came into this job very skeptical of that partnership and i have been proven completely wrong about my skepticism they're a very strong partner for us we're excited what we can do with the first battery electric projects and ultimately hydrogen down the road. >> so has nikola put its troubles behind it >> i don't think so. the stock has doubled since the lows from 9 to 18 my instincts say you take the money and run because there are so many things left in the story. all the bad news is behind them. i'm not one of those people. i will tell you, this could become one of the stocks that the reddit crowd wakes up behind absolutely in this environment that's possible given the short interest, what have you. i'm more inclined to take the money here and run. >> that's an interesting one that chart could suggest your theory would play out. >> lastly, we'll check out shake
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shack. piping higher on the fact that they're going to expand the china footprint. they will have 79 restaurants in the country by 2031. i wish they would just bring back the fair shake at my shake shack. that's beside the point. tim, what do you think of this move in shake shack? and would you be a buyer here? >> love the shack. nothing like china headlines in terms of growth and expansion to get a fast food chain going. we've seen this trade before we're talking out ten years, so this isn't a buildout overnight but the fact is they're seeing success in china could shack really grow outside of its core market and some of those high density locations in new york it has it clearly has it's a great product it's not a cheap stock after a 40% pull back though, the technical -- the chart -- this chart looks very interesting because if you take this stock back five years, you've had these multiple periods of massive surges only to be, you know, put down by probably some relatively
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cautious growth outlook that the multiple can't support so you've got a case here where i think, again, after a major pull back this is good news. ten new territories in the next decade that's part of the story getting the story out. very well run. we've had the company on fast. like the story. >> before you go to break. you brought it up, courtney. there's a shake shack across the street, beautiful thursday night. what are you getting when you go to shake shack >> i get a shack burger because i like the shack sauce i will get the fries but only with the cheese sauce because otherwise they're too plain. fair shake. >> fair shake? >> it's like a coffee. like fair trade coffee they don't have it anymore they don't have peanut butter anymore. third choice, cookies and cream. >> put a bow on that. >> nice. >> coming up, we're all over the after hours action and kbm's home that's after the break plus, knock knock, that's fed ex at the door
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welcome back to "fast money. we've got earnings alert on kb home shares on the move after hours let's get to diana olick. >> kind of a split for kb. a beat and miss on revenue stock down 4% on that revenue miss that said, it beat on backlog which jumped 126%. ceo jeff metzger said with a backlog volume, we are poised to deliver a substantial increase at solid margins we anticipate will have a return on equity of roughly 20%. as with other home builders the price of a kb home is going up 13% higher that is slightly higher than the 18% jump in overall new home prices by the u.s. census. kb reported net orders up 145% for the highest reading in 14 years. it reported an improved cancellation rate from 10% in q1
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to 9% in q2. it's all about the labor and supply issues. there was a sharp 76% jump in may in the number of homes but not yet started. there are supply chain delays, labor issues or probably all of them metzger said we are relying on long standing relationships with contractors and trade partners to mitigate delays kb is expanding to boise, idaho, seeing a new influx of residents from california. court. >> that's a very interesting one. boise, idaho i can see not wanting to pay the california taxes idaho? thank you, diana. >> mr. seymour, i want to go to you first. is kb one you want to look out to prices up 13%. i bet they'll get people to pay them >> no. first of all, within the home builders, kbh is more of a smaller cap name
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lennar is the name we've had numbers from them and gotten reaffirmation of an incredible order book. the home builders have been interest rate sensitive although as rates have dropped recently they haven't really picked up the baton. i think demand remains very strong i think the ability for a lot of folks to afford these homes is very difficult i think there's a lot of equity being built up in existing homes. i think in the home improvement stores there's a different way to play it if i'm in the larger home builders, i like lennar. >> guy, do you want to move to boise, idaho >> idaho is beautiful. >> i bet it's beautiful. >> great fishing in idaho. i would go to idaho like that, dan nathan i would go to kbh. diana gave you the numbers she's right on the revenue what concerned people is the third quarter guide. i think that's where the hiccup is you buy the stock. if you look at the backlog, you
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look at improving margins. this stock is worth looking. >> this sounds like the home builders sounded like in 2006 and 2007 to be very honest with you. put up the xhb, home builders, a lot of home improvement. draw a line from march 2020, attach it to the march 2021 low and you are sitting right on that up trend. that thing acts like death with that reversal. island reversal. the xhb guy. i don't like it here i think it breaks the up trend and i think the housing trade is over. >> that's what makes markets, courtney that's what makes markets. >> tune into "fast money." >> teaching lessons here every day. coming up, you've got a delivery it's fed ex. options ahead. we're digging into how the options pitts are tracking this one. don't go anywhere. "fast money" is back in two and you just might learn something this is us talking tax-smart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest.
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that the company could be about to deliver tony zhang has the action for us hi, tony. >> hi, courtney. as you said, they report earnings tomorrow so options were fairly active here today. 60,000 contracts traded, which is about 2.5 times the average daily volume the options market right now is implying a fairly muted earnings result only implying about a 5.8% move versus the 7.2% that we've seen over the last eight quarters we did see one trader make a fairly sizeable, very bullish bet on fed ex going out to july buying the 330/350 call debit spread paying 1.40 for 1100 contracts on this particular trade. this is a bet that based on the break even price that fed ex is going to rally more than 11% before the expiration date in july fairly low probability, very high risk/reward bet
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fedex will beat earnings and rally significantly. they are risking about $155,000 in premium but if fedex rallies above the $350 upper strike of this debit spread, they're looking at over $2 million in profits on this particular trade. very low probability, very high risk/reward. >> got to have a strong stomach for that one 155,000 for 2 million. guy, you like talking about fedex, ups what do you make of the company ahead of the earnings or do you want to sit here and see what they have to say >> i worked at ups as you may or may not know, i was voted as employee of the month after one day of working there. >> the only day. >> that holds on the west side fed ex to me is a cheap stock. you put a market multiple on fedex it's north of 400. if you purchase an 18 multiple on the 20, $21 you can do the math, it should be trading north of 360 i'm not sure what it's going to do dip after earnings, you buy
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it and stay long into it after earnings tomorrow morning. >> do you think this options trader is going to see a payoff rally 11% before it expires in july >> i do. i do i think the sweet spot for fedex is now between b2b and b 2 c tnt is coming through and it's adding a lot of value. if you looked at where this company has come from. remember, this was a company that for four or five quarters really disappointed folks. finally has turned it around i think the sweet spot, both in the economy and where we are in the cycle, it's a very strong story. points out 20.50 a share on earnings remember, we talked about this stock a year and a half ago when the multiple was in the 10, 11% at times numbers and i think, again, it deserves a higher multiple based on the efficiencies of the business and where the economy is. >> i'll mention one thing. go back a couple of weeks when
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ups held the analyst day they had the massive breakout after their great results and guidance then when they talked about costs and some of the costs in general, that stock dropped 5% in a straight line i think expectations are probably not that low heading into the fedex you might get an opportunity tony zhang, is he stealing my look >> yeah. you need a little height in the hair. >> i'll work on it tony, nice glasses >> yeah. yeah >> i was wondering if anyone else had anymore acronyms. tim threw out the b2b, b2c. >> i don't know what an acronym means. tony zhang -- >> he's got the wall street bets haircut. wsb. >> he's on all the strads. he knows what's up yeah got to come to tony's school on friday nights on "options action"s for more "options action" be sure to tune in to the full show you'll see tony and his buddies teaching you lessons at 5:30 p.m. eastern time. cong up next, we've got
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it is time for the final trade. let's go around the horn and start with tim >> yeah, big energy chitchat chevron to me is right down the fairway, and the message for management continues to be one of capital discipline and capital return 5% dividend yield is not necessarily why you're buying an oil company, although it always was. the fact that they're going to continue to repurchase shares is a very strong story. again, capital discipline is the story and it's why i like the name >> chevron for you dan? >> the chatter in viacom cbs is interesting. the stock broke out at 40. straight to 100 and straight down elevator up, escalator down. >> stairs up -- >> oh, yeah. >> that thing's here at 40 i like the rumors. >> great having you. how much fun do you have coming on "fast money"? >> all of these daytime shows, you enjoy doing it. >> i love it
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that's fun, too. >> we do twitter. i think twitter continues to grind higher dan doesn't. nice haircut on dan nathan he looks good. >> not as good as tony zhang but it looks good. >> never. >> looks really good "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. now. my mission is simple to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere. and i promise to help you find it "mad money" starts now >> hey, i'm cramer welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain you but to educate and teach you. call me or tweet me @jimcramer every day, it seems, we get another piece of extraordinary economic
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