tv Fast Money CNBC July 7, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT
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does that mean they're still up a lot? they're actually pulling back? that's the in between level we're at i don't think it will be resolved tomorrow. >> we'll be watching that does it for the "closing bell." "fast money" begins right now. live from the nasdaq market center new york city times square this is "fast money. ryan kelly, steve a dad my trading the record rally ahead with the big names in the new high sessions. is it time to fade the record runs the four names we are watching out of luck, investors folding on betting stocks. take a gamble on the stocks. oracle rocketing higher. they're forecasting dark skies ahead for this cloud play. we will break down the action. we start off though with a major moment of truth in the market.
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rates continuing to collapse the 10-year treasury note yield falling to its lowest level since february this was a quick move lower. bk, what did you make it >> we've had lower rates for a long time. you're right to me what the message from the market is telling you is that the fed will likely taper. the economy is slowing this is as good as it gets in terms of growth and, you know, rates are telling you that we are not having a great gdp number coming up over the next call it 6 months, 12 months. let's say the fed tapers they are probably making a policy error by tapering at this point in time. they're going to slow the economy and they'll have to reverse it in the last quarter of the year. >> when this was happening, when rates took a leg lower this morning, early this morning premarket on "squawk box," rick santelli came up. >> sure, he did. >> we don't close between 1.35, 1.37 this week then it's going to be a quick move to 1. >> tomorrow's thursday so we only have two more sessions.
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>> exactly which is why i bring that up >> right. >> seems like it's a long time away. >> bk. i am together with brian kelly for the first time. >> 15, 16 months >> it's been a while >> i'm so excited. listen, i think rick is probably right. people will say the fed has gotten it right. i'm not one of those people. we do test that 125 level but i'll stick to my guns and say 2% by the end of the year seems farfetched inflation in all the wrong places and steve grasso will say this deflation in all the wrong places as well that is a bit of a witch's brew that the fed cannot policy their name out of. >> let's get the technicals. off the charts check in with chris verrone of stra tee strategis. what do you see? >> i think guy has it right. ultimately the move towards the end of the year, 1.75, 2% is
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still not out of the question here i brought along a few slides this contraction relative to the move in 1920 every piece of price action on the 10-year yield in 2019, 2020 was playing out below a downward sloping average. the trend was already down the opposite today yes, we're up 40 basis points from the high, but every single price has been above the upward slope. the trend here is important. 1.25, i think that's going to prove to be a pretty good level of support moving forward. if we take a step back and look at the history here, i also think it's important to remember nothing in this business is a straight line. the last two periods were bond yield went up 2003 to 2006, went from 3% to 5%. you have 4 or 5 draw downs in yields along the way
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then if we go to the third chart here, the moving yields from 2016 to 2018 where we took them from about 1 1/4 to 3 1/4 you had a nasty draw down in yields midway through, 60, 70 basis points nothing in this business is a straight line. you can get corrections. i think that's what this is. this is a correction in yields this is a plus of all the bond choices. if we look at the positioning over the last several days, we have started to see a very, very big change. we have seen a lot of money move alongside the bond yield this is an interesting moment to be contrarian. the trend is still up. 200 days after sloping we see this big sentiment.
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we think we're close if not there to the loan yields. >> chris, thank you. at this critical juncture for yields, it's time to choose your own adventure if chris is right and rates go higher, what happens to these key trades, financials, tech and the broader markets? we ask you, steve grasso, what you think. >> financials will go higher tech will go lower those are the two knee-jerk reactions, but i think it's worth a caveat to say if rates go to where rick said, to 1%, all bets are off you sell the entire market >> broader markets go lower. is that 1% >> it's a nice, round number below that -- yeah, i think
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that's a reasonable number maybe a little higher so the charts get nervous steve, it will be very, very heavy. i wouldn't sell everything i never do that. i never do that. even though i should at various times, i never do. on the flip side, if chris is right and that's sort of the way i think it will go, i think that financials do better i think tech is bifurcated between the sort of faang, big tech, what i think of more of the value tech names like a facebook and google. i think they do fine and i think the super charged really high multiple ones don't do fine. so that's sort of the way i'm positioned. >> all right what is the world in which you live in, b.k., in terms of where you think rates go and how that impacts the other trades i think we put broader markets we separated finance, we separated technology because, you know, there is this thinking since tech is the biggest sector
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of the markets, if rates go lower, you can see maybe how the s&p 500 could go higher anyway because of tech. >> so i thought you were going to ask me what's the world i live in, which is well beyond the scope of the show and may take more than an hour to explain. let's stick with the rates trade here to me, it really depends, right? that's what my lawyer tells me, charges me 1,000 bucks an hour, but it depends on why rates are going higher are rates going higher because the economy is getting better? in that world i want to buy cyclicals, i probably don't want to be in large cap tech and i probably want to buy commodities. or are the rates higher because the rates have stagnated, fed is stepping on the gas and stag fl stagflationary environment if i'm looking at one trade to cover both of those, i'm looking at copper. look at what copper and gold did today in light of a stronger dollar, to me that tells you
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there is demand there for these kind of industrial metals. >> do you live in b.k.'s world >> i would like to $1,000 an hour lawyer? tut salud. i'm going off the charts and saying i don't think you can talk about rates unless you link the dollar in that i'm of the belief rates can go higher and the dollar can go lower which is somewhat counter intuitive. i'm with bk on the resource trade which has been difficult over the last couple of weeks, i get it that's where you want to be. >> rates go lower and the dollar goes higher. >> rates go higher, the dollar goes lower >> got it. >> somewhat counter intuitive. that's my world. what world do you want to live in >> these are some of the base assumptions and part of b.k.'s world is there is -- that rates
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actually reflect what is going on in the economy as opposed to being divorced from what is going on from the economy because of what the fed has done so, karen, what is the world in which you live in? >> well, the world i live in is a global world i thought the ecb comments today were interesting, right? echoing the fed in terms of letting inflation run, if i interpreted it correctly so i think it's not just us. but the world i live in though is i -- i can't really just trade around the macro i'd be terrible at that so i have to really be down in the micro, the granular of the companies that i own and how will they do in the environment that you talk about? if the world's just, you know, growing, you know, fine, not the 7%, 6% gdp that i guess two weeks ago that was what it was looking like this year, if it's still growing nicely, those companies are going to be just fine regardless of where rates
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are. i'm not trading around rates. >> steve, are we closer because the 10-year yield wasn't below 1.3? >> yes i do believe that's the case, but i think the overlay that we have to think about, too, to look through the prism of the way the markets are trading right now is how many overleveraged funds were short treasuries and the reason why i say that is because once we saw sort of a chicken or the egg type theory, melissa. once we started to see rates drop, they were forced to cover treasuries, which put more weight on yields if that's the case, maybe this is all not related to reality, to what you and karen just said and maybe this is an unwind and to get back to where b.k. started this whole thing, if rates start ticking up aggressively because of the fed, that's terrible, too so we're not in the sweet spot
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any longer there the sweet spot is 150 and the 10-year up to 175. if we break above 2, the market gets sold off. if we break down to 1, the market gets sold off so we really have to stay in a very, very tight range for this to be lucrative for the investor. >> yeah. so, you know, it's interesting steven said an interesting thing about levered funds. when you start to see moving rates like this, it clearly is towards the end of the move, right? because you have people short coverage throwing in the towel this morning when i woke up i saw low rates everywhere, in my twitter feed, everywhere i was looking. to me, that's a red flag wait a second. maybe we're approaching the low in this. i do think there could be something in this. short covering, we now have a short window in front of jackson hole you probably don't want to be short rates. >> two thoughts, melissa >> yes. >> where would rates be if the federal reserve wasn't buying
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$120 billion of whatever they're buying. >> right here. >> right here, b.k. says i disagree i think higher, but that's what makes markets and, number two, just forsake of argument, steve makes a great point about 1%, 2% i would go as far as to say below 1 1/4 the market could crater and 1 3/4. >> why below 1 1/4. >> that's where they're moving. >> what chris just said. chris did very thoughtful work on this. i'm with him 1 1/4 and higher the rest of the year. >> to 2? to 2 >> uh-huh. >> which means that would be a good trajectory for the financial's trade, karen which is having a rough go of it this week so far >> yeah. a couple of things if there is some period that the economy is slowing so that puts pressure on rates and the bank loan book which is why they ran
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out. they have so much in deposit and to be able to deploy those into loans which are higher earning assets than buying shorter term treasuries so combination of a flat curve and not enough loan growth i think the banks will be okay staying long the banks they missed the move up in rates and then back down again i'd like to see this curve steeper, but i still think the valuation's attractive. >> up next, jpmorgan making two big loans in the housing market. robinhood feeling the heat as the sec ramps up the ipo. we'll tell you why one market insider is waiving a red flag on ay stun we've all felt this gap. the distance between what is, and what could be. while he's tapping into his passion, the u.s. bank mobile app can help you tap your way to your savings goals. without missing a beat. so, you can feed his passion.
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very long time interesting that they've separated these two trades like that >> yes well, i don't know -- i don't know why it's so hated everyone thinks it's ugly. i think whirlpool is cute. i like it. there are a lot of things to like i think what it suffers from is pe multiple. peak auto, peak auto, gm just sat there. although the stock hasn't sat there, it's come in a little, rallied a lot last year. i think that we're in this peak washing machine kind of thing, but i don't think this is the peak in terms of they have pricing power. that was very apparent on the last earnings call, even with steel prices going higher, they had pricing power. one of the things this tease talked about, promotional activity on whirlpool brand. maintained their margin. also, in the last quarter they talked about increasing their share repurchase they were going to add another 2
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billion. that's 17% of their flow all of those things together with a high i always come back to valuation, a high single digit pe multiple, i really like it i think it's cute. >> yeah. guy, do you think it's cute? >> it's adorable i've got some of the whirlpool products without question. i think what they're saying is they have no growth which is why everyone hates it. karen just mentioned that. then you talk about valuation. i get peak earnings. they're trying to 10 pe. if you were trying to put 12 pe on the 23 1/2 dollars. you can see this being a $280 stock. that's where i think it's headed by the way, as you know, this was power pitched by testimony seymour eons ago >> yes. >> the masco thing is not a big deal they raised their price target to 61. whirlpool is whew at you need to focus on. >> karen lives in a granular
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world. this was really granular if you think about the macro side of it, it is effectively the same trade it's whether or not you're going to have this continuation of diy, whether or not the housing market is going to continue to run and if i look at the way these trade, in particularly masco traded and closed near the high of the day, whenever i see a stock that has bad news and good price action, to me that's the bad news doesn't matter. i look at home depot, itv, all of these things, they look like they want to go higher i think i would ignore the negative, the downgrade and go more with the upgrade on the whirlpool. >> steve, you lightened your exposure to builders can you get on board these trades >> i can, and i'm looking at a chart in whirlpool back in january the setup was similar. it was trapped below its 100 day moving average and when it broke out it broke out up 25%. from the low when it was trapped underneath that average, do the
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next high. if it does the same, we get to that guy number, a little bit shy of that guy number to 280, it gets back to about 260 or so which makes it a new high and eclipses the may high. as for the masco side of it, the expose to do it yourself, 60% of the sales come from plumbing i'm not sure other than guy adami anyone else who is doing it yourself when it comes to toilet bowls and faucets, i'm really not sure who's doing that like b.k. i would ignore that call because it's only up 6% year to date versus a whirlpool that's up 23% year to date i think you're okay buying both of them but whirlpool's chart is slightly better. >> bk, you're talking about how this is effectively the same trade. is it effectively the same trade as the builders? >> i think in general, yeah. the macro picture is are you going to have more people renovating their house and/or buying new houses and building
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bigger houses. you can lump it all in just focus on the diy, take a look at something like the home depot. >> david must have one of those things, go pros in my house because last night, you know, quiet in the middle of the night and you hear that sound when the water's running, you can't figure out every once in a while that little gasket inside the toilet bowl starts to erode and it makes -- he's right. i'm actually doing a diy today got to get a new -- >> you changed the washer. >> sure i did. rolled my sleeves up. >> can you sweat a joint. >> pardon me >> exactly not quite a plumber. we're just getting started on "fast money." here's what's coming up next. >> coming up, regulators are looking under the cape of robin hood as it gets ready for its ipo. we'll talk with one market insider about what it all could mean for the retail brokerage's public debut. plus, from nike to adobe, a
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slew of names hitting all-time highs today. should you trade or fade the moves? we'll break it down. we've got that and a lot more when "ston" tus.fa meyrern dr. arnold t petsworth had an influx of new patients. so he used his american express business card, which offers spending power built for his business needs, to furnish a new exam room. the doctor will see you now. get the card built for business. by american express.
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what? (sniffs feet) ohhhh yeah keep your feet fresh with gold bond foot powder. welcome back to "fast money. check out shares of amc falling 10% closing just above the $45 level. shares are down more than 20% in just the past week stockstill seeing huge activity among retail investors as robinhood gets ready to go public robinhood's debut is clouded by sec scrutiny of payment fo order flow it says payment for order flow accounted for 81% of robinhood's
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first quarter revenues this is a serious issue that is putting retail investors at what he calls an extreme disadvantage dennis kelly her is from a nonprofit in the public interest in the private markets he testified on capitol hill earlier in the year on the gamestop frenzy. dan, great to have you with us. >> hi, melissa. >> why the likes of a sit at that -- citadel? best execution for them? >> best execution for their profits. the problem for payment for order flow is it's a conflict of interest between the robinhoods of the world and their retail clients and the owners of robinhood which want to maximize their profits which come from payment for order flow if you think about it this way, every order a retailer places with robinhood, they take a cut and that cut is basically added
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to the price of the stock by the retail traders, but it's even worse than that because the htf firms like citadel that take it are taking their cut robinhood gets the cut, citadel gets a cut, where is it coming from the pockets of the order derers. >> you're making a distinction between best price and best execution. what the retailer gets is free trading. commission free trading, right robinhood, etrade, all of those guys are not charities. >> no, no, they don't get free trading. this is the problem. they brag about commission free trading but retail traders here free trading there's nothing free on wall street and you all know that better than anyone what used to be an up front clearly visible fee that they paid in a commission for a trade is now hidden, disguised and undisclosed and that's the cut the robinhoods are taking, the citadels are taking. the retailer has no idea what
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they're paying for the stock because it's buried in the trade for the stock. that's one of the fundamental problems that's why robinhood had to settle with the sec for $65 million last december and of course they just settled again for $70 million with finra so what they deserve is best execution which should be the best available price at the time, period and what the citadels and the robinhoods of the world claim is the nbbo is the best everybody knows the nbbo is an artificially widespread. nobody pays the nbbo so when robinhood and citadel say we're doing great by the retail traders by giving them price improvement based on the nbbo, it's just an artificial misleading number that's disguising how much money is being taken out of the pockets of retail traders. >> dennis, i'm no apologist for the firms you're talking about by any stretch, but i'll take
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you back 15 years when the brokers were buying stocks at 1/4, billing their customers at 1/2 i would submit, maybe incorrectly, that the playing field has never been more level for the retail investor. what you're talking about, although probably factually true, is infinitesimal compared to where it was a decade and a half ago. >> that's like saying cars ten years ago are half the price and now they're so much efficient. today the law says retail traders should get best execution, period. and now what has happened is that these inside players who are making a fortune off of retail traders have defined best execution as the nbbo knowing that that's not the best available trade at the time -- best available price at the time and pocketing the difference and not disclosing it and, indeed, bragging about the fact that they're giving all sorts of
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money to retail traders. it's fundamentally misleading if not outright fraud it's happening every day and it's costing retail traders billions and billions of dollars. a, there should be full disclosure across the board so retail traders actually know what they're paying for the stock they're buying if they can't do that, they should outright ban payment for order flow the easiest thing for the sec to do, nothing is easy, i know, the easiest thing is to define best execution is the best available price at the time. that will address the conflicts of interest and the dark side of the market it will also address maker taker and rebates on the lit side of the market it should move liquidity back to the lit side of the market which would reduce spreads which are good for all traders it will be good for capital formation. >> at the heart of this, dennis, is this notion that so much volume is happening off exchange, either via wholesalers
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and the dark pool and there is an accuracy in price where so much of the volume is happening off exchange and the prices that we see, you know, scrolling across on the ticker are different -- you know, it's the lit market so it's -- >> right. >> half the volume is that -- is that the root of the problem? i mean, is that part of this >> well, a big part of the problem is just unintended consequences from a law passed over a decade ago called r reg nms. that means the lit side of the market has much wider spreads because it has much less liquidity. what's worse is north of the lit markets the exchanges to defeat with the dark pools, internalizers, high frequency traders. the lit markets engage in their own conflicts of interest and disguised payments that distort order flow all over the place and they've got maker taker, rebates, things like that.
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so we have both sides, the dark side and the lit side full of conflicts of interest, full of basically even if it's legal predatory behavior all of which is to the disadvantage of the buy side and retail traders. let's clean it all up. let's have a standard that says best execution requires the best available price at the time, period i believe that will reduce dramatically the amount of trading on the dark side that will causally quit at this to flow into the lit markets which will have a standard that can be released by the sec and the chairman of the sec wants to police it. that's going to cause the cost of capital to go down. if we do that, it's win-win for everybody but that small group of incumbents who are getting rich off of retail traders >> dennis, we've got to go now
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but thanks so much for joining us >> thanks for having kelliher. >> we reached out to robinhood. >> we will decline to comment due to limitations on communications by the sec ipo process. >> i get what you're saying, guy. things never being better for the retail trader. at the same time, that's not an excuse to examine these issues once again and to try to further level the playing field. otherwise, we would have been halted at the progress we made five years ago or ten years ago. every point be in time we said it's never been better. >> understand, it's never been better >> right yes, sure. >> i think there are other things i understand i'll say it flat out i'm not an apologist bob explained this two weeks ago. there are two sides to both stories. i think there are other issues to be concerned about, not the least of which, and i'll say this on air again, have hedge
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funds been planning people in these chat rooms and then moving stocks up based on some of the comments that they're making i'm certain that hedge funds have hired people to infiltrate and take part in some of these chat rooms that would be my first place i would go instead of this, but that's me. >> we've seen the linked-in ads. >> absolutely. >> the classifieds so we know it's happening out there, bks. >> this is normal trying to get an edge in the business. what i would say, i think it's really important to put a little bit of perspective about what we're talking about. we're talking fractions of a penny. all these dark pools, i'm getting ripped off it's not like you're buying a stock at $10 and it's trading at 9. you're buying it at $10 and maybe there's a fraction of a penny in a commission that you're not seeing. to say throwing out big numbers, losing billions of dollars to the average investor it's really not when i read the news, i see a lot of hedge funds getting
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killed by the wall street bet folks. if anybody needs protection, it seems like the hedge funds. coming up, we're pulling trade it or fade it. we'll give you the games plus gambling stocks going bust thy they're pulling a bad hand wi investors today don't go anywhere. much more "fast" right after this in your hands? yeah (laugh) keep your downstairs dry with gold bond body powder.
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welcome back to "fast money. the s&p 500 closing at a fresh all-time high. big names hitting records. we thought it would be a good time to play a game of -- >> trade it or fade it. >> that is right trade it or fade it. the all-time high edition. we kick it off with estede lauder. trade it or fade it? >> yes well, i say trade it, but it was a little tricky on my part because i would would you rather it with ulta similar space. i love their target deal so trade it. long ulta. >> if i had done that, you would be so in my grill. karen does it, everything's beautiful. >> that's basically it steve, trade it or fade it >> so this will be a fade for me, but it's a fade with a qualifier. so i do -- i do believe that
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longer term this is a tradeable stock but it looks like a similar setup to me as the april and may technical setup where the stock can drop a quick 5 to 7% so i would wait for a better entry but nonetheless this is a fade >> all right chipotle that is much more than 14% for the year guy? >> you know the answer how many times have i said to you, burrito blowout you look at me quiz i canically. here we are, all-time high people say valuation too rich. i'll say 30% earnings growth look what they do on digital earnings a big fee watch analysts with their number trade that sucker. >> brian kelly >> in b.k.'s world a bur read tow blowout is not a good thing. i am a fader one, labor costs will be going up this may be as good as it gets when they get with what they've done with digital and as well, their input costs could still be going up i know we've had a decline in
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inflationary pressures they may just go back up i'm a fader. >> next on the list, adobe up more than 21% this year. steve? >> this is going to be another fade for me. it's not as big of a qualifier, but digital media segment -- digital media segment grows like gangbusters. it's their largest revenue segment. when i look at the chart, since september of 2020, maybe a little bit before that, the stock has sold off between 10 and 15%. roughly 6 to 8 times for me, i would wait it's over bought on an rsi it's registering as a 79, which means that this one is definitely over extended itself. this could come in dramatically 15 to 20%. if you want to buy it longer term, please wait for a better entry. >> that's quite a prognostication. guy, trade it or fade it >> steve makes great points. i will say trade it, melissa
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coming off a ridiculous quarter. 5 or 6 different analysts raised their price target it has been parabolic. they are by far best in class in what they will do. i will still say trade adobe. >> visa is up nearly 10% this year brian kelly? >> oh, for me, it's an absolute trade on this one. a couple of different things are going on with visa one, we know trades are going digital. you saw this morning they recorded about $1 billion worth of crypto transactions done. i think that's the tip of the iceberg when it comes to those type of transactions and if i'm looking for a growth area, that's probably one of the growth areas even though they have multiple growth areas to come over the next couple of years. plus, when it looks like we want to break out, i am a trader. >> thanks for clarifying sometimes that's confusing karen, trade it or fade it >> well, you know, it's a hard game even though it's a simple
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rhyming game i'm with b.k. on this. long master card they're almost the same thing. b.k. has bitcoin element to it i like it for all the reasons that b.k. likes it and because b.k. likes it. >> oh, camaraderie gambling stocks going bust should you bet on a pull back? and later, oracle shares in the clouds today are there dark skies ahead spotting the options market that could put a stop to the stock's run. miss a moment of "fast"? follow the "fast money" podcast.
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welcome back to "fast money. gambling stocks running low. they're all finishing the day in the red. should you ante up take a gamble on the pull back how many more puns can we put in there? >> you'll figure it out. put it in the prompter like joe kernen, he'll read anything in the prompter >> no, i would grimace. >> i like the grimace. >> when i was a kid i used to go
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to mcdonald's and grimace was -- >> the big purple one. >> you don't go anymore? >> oh, there's a question. should we be in the gaming stocks >> yes. >> penn national dan nathan will say there's no stock he wants to go lower than penn i don't know why i'll throw that out there. this sets up really well sort of holding that prior all-time high we made in the fall. i think you can probably buy penn for a trade short leash in the month. >> grasso, what do you think >> i think all of these should be higher, right the world is getting back to normal penn has a unique situation where they have a side investment with a gentleman that used to come on the show, i don't know where he has been lately, but i do believe that these things are due for a bounce and peb inn is at a suppt level. the world is reopening betting is reopening more sports are in play. i think this is a good time to
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be a buyer of the casino names online as well. >> yeah. karen? >> i'm sort of in steve's camp i think -- i don't know if they were all down on just slower reopening. maybe. both the online ones and the in-person one. i'm long mgm which is both, you know, a real live casinos as well as online and that's sort of where i've been at. that hit a couple of percent today, i saw i don't know, i didn't think it was anything so dramatic that happened staying long that. >> a lot of ways to slice and dice you can go online, bricks and mortar you can also go domestic versus international exposure. >> right right. you can look at the cow, maybe some of the numbers there will read for them what people expected to me, i will shuffle the deck a bit on you and say take some
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chips off the table. >> what are we taking off the table? >> chips chips, i said. >> you said c-h-i-p-s. >> i definitely said chips >> steve >> soft c. >> any regulators listening. >> here's the thesis one, we have already seen the reopening trade happen here. that's probably as good as it gets what's my next catalyst for these stocks is it going to get any better? a lot of it probably priced in when you come to the online thing, a lot of that is probably not a reopening trade. people are stuck at home, nothing to do, bet on a sporting event. now they have notstuff to do. take the chips off the table. >> sounds like a lot of things pppsss coming up in the clouds, oracle trading. a storm could be brewing for the stock. we will explain.
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plus a beyond meat breakdown. why investors took a bite t ouof the stock. much more "fast" right after this that needs to change. so, i did something. i created a black business accelerator at amazon. and now we have a program that's dedicated to making tomorrow a better day for black businesses. ♪ ♪ i am tiffany. and this is just the beginning. ♪ ♪
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cramer cam jim is talking with the ceo of carvana. check out oracle surging to a new all-time high today. the stock among a number of cloud players after the pentagon canceled the $10 million jedi project open to new bidders. one is betting oracle's record run could be coming to an end. tony zhang joins us to break down the action. tony >> we had a big trading day for oracle options were very active 242,000 contracts traded, which is more than eight times the average daily volume we've seen. one trade really stood out across what is a very bullish day of the cloud stocks. 12,200 contracts of the september 82.5 puts were purchased for $2.48 near the open now this particular trade, the trader laid out about $3 million in premium to purchase puts
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pettingp betting that the stock would decline by 7%. when i look at the trade i don't believe this is an outright bearish trade. this could be more of a protection trade against a trader who actually owns at least about $90 million worth of oracle stock trying to basically protect this stock position as it hits all-time highs against decline going into the earnings event which is on september 9th paying about 2.8% of the stock's value to buy a little protection going into earnings. >> thanks a lot, tony. >> as you know, you knew i was going to say this -- >> the o in the hope trade. >> the o in the hope trade which has done remarkably well oracle report earnings a couple weeks ago. stocks sold off. everybody thought the game is over, you'll never see it again. here we are making new all-time highs. burn is high on the street i think they're going to rachet it up. they've made the return to higher margin businesses it deserves a higher multiple.
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stay with oracle my sense is there's more protection than directional. >> protection trade here makes sense. look how oracle has traded it is literally straight up, almost parabolic you might think there is a pull back this is all about risk/reward and good trade entry if you're long it, stay with it. let it run if you want to get into this trade, you might get an opportunity on a pull back and understand the fundamentals are good. >> he was about to say have at it. >> that's a danism and he stopped. tell me i'm wrong. >> you're 100% right it's because i missed dan. i might be the only one. >> oh. >> dan's definitely not watching for more "options action", be sure to tune in the to the full show, friday at 5:30 up next, a burger beatdown why shares of bend myoeat are turning cold today we have the information when "fast money" returns
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5:55 pm
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downgrade at cfra. beyond shares are down nearly 8% in just the past month here. karen, how are you feeling about beyond >> it's beyond my valuation so i haven't been in it but i -- you know, i put my money with oatly if i had to go there but i haven't done that either. >> valuation, how many letters is that? it's more than seven. >> too many. >> i asked -- >> hot dogs, but i don't know. >> so this is what beyond tweeted. this is why we're going to ask for a seven-letter word. they're cooking up something big for tomorrow so they tweeted this beyond with seven spaces underneath a word fits into that seven space area guy, what would you -- >> ham beyond ham >> does ham have extra as and ms that's the only way it would fit in a seven-letter word
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>> i'm just kidding around i was going to say beyond cheerios chicken. it's got to be chicken right or wrong >> grasso says yes. >> why not riblets. >> it's seven letters. it's beyond chicken, but when i look at this chart, why have you not -- why has tyson, and i know i'm not -- tyson has a supply chain. tyson has distribution channels. tyson has plant-based foods because it's factual tyson right now has everything that beyond meat doesn't have and it has a valuation for karen and on top of that, they're getting their act together and if the food distribution channels with cyber attacks and everything else, it's going to be this type of thing that wins out. >> you're saying because the hacks affect the meat
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processing if you go planned-based, that's more secure? but if the hackers target pea protein plants, we're out of luck >> well, then we're out of luck with everything. i have to go into guy's basement because he did a do it yourself basement where he has all the plumbing in the world. i don't have to worry about water or a burrito blowout i'm covered on every aspect of it. >> oh, burrito that's seven letters. >> beyond burrito. that's what i posited earlier. >> we'll find out tomorrow time for the final trade in the meantime let's go around the horn karen? >> i'm going with real real. >> steve >> viacom. this thing has to close that back -- the gap back to 100 and it's going to happen starting probably in the next couple of weeks. >> brian kelly. >> first time back at the nasdaq to paraphrase ace freely, good to be back in the now group and
6:00 pm
to buy fcs. >> that is great b.k. isn't it great seeing the b.k. and his lawyer and his bad word on air mcdonald's like mcd. >> you weren't supposed to mention that we haven't gotten fined or anything thanks for watching fast "m meywi j cmeadon" thimrar starts right no make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain but to educate and teach you so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. with the first half of 2021 in the rearview mirror, what are the mayo
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