tv Mad Money CNBC January 27, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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down nearly 40% this year, this year, 2022, down 66% from its all-time highs in october, i think you start picking at this one. >> guy >> mpc sister, going higher into earnings. >> thanks for watching "fast money. my mission is simple, to make you money i am here to level the plain field for all investors there is always a bull market some where i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i am cramer welcome to "mad money. i am gjust trying to make you some money my job not only to entertain you but to make you money. call me or tweet me @m
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me the dow dipped 7 points. that was up after 500 points in the morning. yes, s&p lost 4% they want actions. they want an excuse to sell everything and circle back at the low level. i can't play them. who wants to be the bull in the ring i went to a bullfight in mexico and it was horrified i would have done anything to drag that bull out of the death trap it does not work that way in stocks the bull gets jabbed in the neck over and over again to weaken those muscles. and then there is the murder, whatever you prefer.
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i don't want you to get slaughtered like that. i don't want you to be that bull which is why i keep telling you to own shares making real profits, profits turning into shareholders and dividends and buy backs. mccormick is on the show tonight. that's why i recommend you own apple and don't trade it it makes you feel pretty good services the company has 1.8 billion active devices and get this. they tracked a stunning amount of service revenue that you can only imagine it means it could continue this. each user is going to be worth thousands of dollars as they roll out health and entertainment option centers that's so popular. these tangible types of company
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can fuel the sting they won't face the matador which means they won't be slaying. these are typically money used in the company that's based o sales or earnings. some of them do make money they go out of style, the wall street fashion show. i don't know when they're going to come back when the frederal reserves decie to hit the company the stocks are not worth as much than the tangible stocks it is really a double whammy the twin matador of inflation and rate hikes now this market has been down for a long time. i use the s&p oscillator to monitor and go over it at 10:20 each morning with my morning
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meeting with jeff. you got to watch this. it is going to be stunning when i show it tomorrow this is a great interest this is a tenth day in a row where s&p out paced new york stocker. this has been 20 years that's how bad this market is. this is what happens when jay powell even talks about raising rates and it happens in late 2018 with that said, it is nowhere near the low readings we saw during the covid collapse. back then powell wanted to stop inflation but he over did it and this time he's being more considered we have more inflation and much closer to full employment or if not there or oversight this gives the feds a lot of wiggle room if something goes wrong. he can't turn on the dime and walk everything back after he did crush the market in 2018 in my world, i believe you can
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ride out the corrections like the ones we owe from my travel trust ors or the ones i talk abt we don't know when it will stop he hefting us there is no sign of matador. i want you to think of two separate bulls there is only one matador and he's in there with the conception there is an open question whether they can get out of the ring alive how can the conception stock makes it there may be a lot less federal assistance and if you think commodity can go quickly f from -- this bull will head out alive because powell will take his foot off the race. if you don't see that happening,
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you should not be betting on these stocks in fact, you actually may want to bet against them. how do you do it let me introduce to you to the arc. more specifically the arc innovation etf which is run by kathy woods, the best manager of 2020 wood owns and this is the arc, okay wood owns a ton of textbook growth names and tesla, teledot and zoom videos and spotify and ui path and exact science. it is pandemic plays and medical help break through and streaming music service. most of these are not like the hundreds of junk copies.
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woods' favorites are profitable. they are momentum place that have lost the momentum they're not like service down. they reported terrific number last night however, if you want a diversify portfolio providing real things and services i have a brutal solution for you. the arkk innovation fund is listing down 30% for the year. it had no dropping today if you think it is headed further down the cynical who praeys on investors in the form of etf,
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sark but, i want to think of the sark etf as the scotch you can buy sark and head your position if you are worried this correction will continue, you use the city to bet against the gross stock. the arkk i don't want this to turn into some kind of kick. today with game stock where l liberty set out a crush. with that said, i need you to remember what's going on here now, the fed could be covering -- jay is not trying to bring down the arkk, he's not trying to sink it. these stocks are the ones that get hit hard in a tighten cycle. here is the bottom line. now you know how to bet with powell if you think that jay powell
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wants to destroy the economy you pour the sark over the arkk and you bet they all drown and no one gets out alive. john in pennsylvania, john >> how are you doing mr. cramer? >> could not be better, man. what's happening >> i stayed home for three weeks, getting over a hip replacement. first thing i did was joining an investment club. >> yes >> i am understanding the new rule we are living with, with in t v vesting. >> i got ceos watching me, what's going on? >> in this new world, everyday is getting down. where does it fit? >> yeti was recommended yesterday by someone and it was the most beautiful recommendations and so many good things happening there it is an interesting idea. i think that yeti may be the
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kind of stock that you can ride things out with. we want dividends and return of capital and we want things to make money now, i mean hey -- if you think the fed wants to destroy the economy, now you know what to do. you pour the sark over the arkk and you bet the whole thing stinks no sinks. on "mad money" tonight, could mccormick put a dash in our portfolio? we had an influx of new deals sit ngting in the market, whichs worth watching a 4% jump today, i am digging into the numbers with the company's top press. of course, stay with cramer. ♪ >> don't miss a second of "mad money," follow @jim cramer on
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is zooming to a 52-week high can this stock keep running? let's check in with the friend of the show, chairman and ceo of mccormick, welcome back to "mad money. >> thanks, it is great to be with you given all my talking points, i should stop now. >> let's hit some more you turned it on fire number two. what happens when mcmccocormicks hold of a brand. >> first of all, thank you for having me on a consumer/demand for flavor is just so strong and our accu acquisition of hot sauce we make fantastic edition to our
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portfolio. we expanded our edition and cholula's growth it was a strong brand. we propelled it in the number two position of the hot sauce category in u.s. frank's number one and cholula is number two. i don't want to leave out restaurants. i will tell you more that we have over a million households using cholula. really great product on that brand. >> one of the things people tell me is look when we get the reopening. it is not what you have. going back to restaurants and listen -- mccormick at restaurants and you get it at
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home i am splurprised of the robust nature of people cooking at home even after they are allowed to go outside >> too much attributed todd the pandemic there is a long-term trend towards cooking at home, cooking from scratch at home and cooking more healthy at home and driven by younger consumers i know you got members of your family and i am sure you see it as an antidote it is really a long-term trend we are seeing. it was a trend already before the pandemic and a trend daughter the pandemic and i believe it will continue on. >> my daughter posts everything.
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you put on cholula and you add on frank's it does not add cat rhees. it is not just they want the look thin, they want to be healthy. something else i thought was kind of interesting. i found out about an index the skullville index, tell people about that. >> it is an index that measures how hot something is, not temperature wise but spiciness wise cholula measures around the index and a little bit outside of the jalapeno. we believe that consumers are looking for flavors and that's
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where the real opportunity is. >> i have been critical of some of the more odd cryptos because i think they are a boit of a join itch seen doge coins and i am taking -- >> our marking for cholula and frank's targeted at our young consumers. we know our consumers and for frank's. we got a bone coin promotion for the big game you eat wings on the frank's app and you take a picture of the wings of the bones, that's how you earn bone coin you earn pictures by showing pictures of chicken wing bones you can buy edibles nfts
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and that's on trend and right in middle, i don't know what is >> most company in your business had a hard time in inflation when i look at your brands and see, i think some companies, i can pass it on because their brands are so great. you didn't spend a lot of time on inflation that to me says you can take the price. >> its got to come through and it came through in our numbers for last year and it is apart of our outlook for next year. i think that we don't get quarterly guidance first quarter is tough comparison than last year because all of the pricing we do see inflation, we are taking pricing to counter, we are the leader in our categories and our customers and consumers know that we are going to be
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fair honestly, gym, our product are pay part of the consumer solution, not part of the problem. consumers can use mccormick flavors and frank's hot sauce to get all the flavors they want out of their meal while they may buy cheaper cuts of meats. >> that's a great point. >> flank steaks double, right? lau la lawrence, we got to move on. you are always a delight to come on are you kidding me this just got the number one and number two hot it is going to get better and better a fantastic quarter, thank you for coming onthe show, mkc
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i would like to say all markets are controlled by supply and demand a record number of small spak mergers that are foe ipo like 200. we can handle the supply just fine once jay powell start talking about imminent rate hikes, the stock market collapse. like i have pointed out last night, there are vast swabs of the market where stocks have been cut in half and many of these games are spak plays or recent ipos. who could blame them a lot of it is just garbage. 300 companies came public suddenly went out of style and disappeared. we have no idea when this pandemic is going to end there are two things you need to keep in mind one, most of the new issues will never fully cover. a select few of them will be able to pull through
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amazon, they're down there, those are the ones we need to find you need to identify the potential winners with all those losers i don't see it changing any time soon because i am a big believer in rig right now the best filler is profitability. when the feds is tighten, wall street loves earnings. how many of these newly public companies are making money real earnings. i think the profitable ones will be the first to bottom when the clients come to an end when you filter out all the spaks and all the instrument we
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have, now it is 438. on top of that we had six direct listing so backup the 444 and you have to add the pac merger and if a spac is as blind check company, these post spac names, looking for deals that's closed? because there is another 205 stocks now we have a total of 649, that's a horrendous amount of unseasoned supplies. so now let's talk profitability. how many of these beaten down stocks are expectedto make money this year? that's a tricky question we'll assume any new listing with no analysts is basically set up to fail 559 of them have eastrnings
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204 is as positive earnings assessment for 2022. many of these earnings are barely possible. that's why i want to throw in another valuation of the 2004 extensively profitable, 129 of them have price below 30 and 35 actually sell for less than 10 time s. so let's stick to 129. of these 31, we also admitted to chinese ipos next, we looked at the earnings estimates for 2023 and any company expected to have a down year because those are potential values and we screen for bad balance sheets in the end, we are left with a listing 61 companies. 61 new listing with actual earnie earning and non-horrible balance sheets one tenth of what we started
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with may actually be any good. one-tenth. let me highlight the one that is are notable. first is a boutique investment bank this is a rare spac, perella and second is the food and company. third, playtika and nexters are both game developer. i am interesting with these subgroups and fourth is traeger. i have been dead wrong on these grill stocks over the stock and the single digit trading at three times earning.
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the outdoor product companies where the stock sells ten times its earnings six is holly this is one of rare spacs that's above $10. its got steady growth. holly is a real business, unbelievable a spac with a real business. i am shocked eighth, sun country airlines very interesting it is a smaller, leisure company, stocks trading 60 times earnings you know - travel. ninth, there is open lending company that makes businesses make autoloans thin tech is in the dog house here and making our come back. finally, i like endeavor
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that's the parent company that represents yours truly along with img and ufc the mixed martial arts what makes we like it, is they are at war at each other over talents and unlike most of these stocks, these are up from its ipo price. another one is dutch bro's, i think its got great momentum this is it here is the bottom line. this is it out of the 600 plus, i don't know shall have this market hate new listings and it deceismisses the spacs. it will create buying opportunities. there is actually a few companies and it may let's just say be interesting corey in new jersey. >> hey, jim, how are you doing >> i am doing well >> great to hear that.
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calling today about sofi curious if this is a good time to buy it broke past the $14 support level but it did get the bank charter which should make their cost lower >> yes, i could not believe this stock after rallying, boy, this market hates anything but this stock rallies, it should of and now it is giving up all the rally and some i think it works let's go to dan in new jersey. >> hey, cramer, just wondering what your thoughts on hugs which will be performing panera bread. >> you know what, it is a blank check company. >> let's go to frank in new york >> what's up >> jim, you had tom caulfield on the show a number of times
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i know we are a few weeks away from their earnings call i want to get your take on the company. >> today was as day where everybody said the semiconductor are going to be in glut, they didn't like what lamer search said or intel said they are selling everything. global foundries is a really good company the market hates the spacs i looked at more than 660 companies and some of them are okay you know when things --ps when there is a shake-out, you got to keep your eyes on things that may represent values much more with "mad money. i am checking in with the ceo and not all chip makers are created maker. i am talking about three of the
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of all the big 2021 winners that are rolled over the new year, few have been frustrating for you than new core. it is a definition of what should be working here they make real stuff and earned ton of money t the a-lists can't bring themselves to believe that nucor is sustainable more importantly management gave excellent guide. overall they sounded very confident which is why the stock jumped 4% today and what you know is a bad day. did nucor got its groove back or
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never lost it. let's take a look with the ceo of nucor w w welcome back to "mad money." >> hello jim, thank you for having me. you know what we never lost our groove >> you retired a lot of stocks what made you so confident and every companies telling me things are getting bad >> yeah, i know. we are so diversify as a company, earning everything from high-end automotive to construction products and energy and agriculture and everything in between if you think of the breath of our footprints, we are tracking is showing an improvement in 2022 the other point that's really important to remember, the start of 2021 was not a great quarter. we are starting from so much higher position that's going to
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continue to mean great returns as we move into the first quarter of this year >> auto is huge for you and nowhere near it could be because of chip problems oil and gas, they are beginning for the first time now doing more drilling again. and obviously infrastructure we are getting build out of washington your end market seems tight. >> yeah, without a doubt and so again we think with our intel on the earother side, we' start to see chip shortage beginning, that's pen up demand is going to take a multi year rec recovery it is not going to fix itself in 2022 the disposable income, you would
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see that boom well above 16 or 16.5 or 17 million units the other sector continues to so promise, you mentioned energy is coming but in the renewable space. and nucor of breinging on plate meals that'll come online this year and the renewable space on shore and offshore win >> how about one blemish that i need understood because i got to try to figure out every launch i need to understand sheets. that's not what i thought it should be because i am not close to the industry as you are >> yeah, look, you know what i tell you is your sheets get a lot of attention we make $6.8 billion last year and majority of that attribute to our sheets. over $6 billion of ibita from
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that group alone their performance is incredible. our waiting is a little more hop-in centric than some of our competitors. in 2021, in the year where some of our competitors are flagged and went down. so our move up particularly in automotive are a declining market those things will continue because we do offer things like iconic that's net zero steel our first went to general motors a few weeks ago. and new state of the art there and new course value proposition to provide differentiated capabilities unlike any of our competitors. >> tell me more about that i think they must think that all steals are actual.
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nucor is not really equal to other company's deal you are doing different things that making your steal is proprietor >> the first of which shipped. we are the first to produce net zero steel that's a growing segment you and i have talked about many times. to provide a sustainable platform for the long-term when you are talking to the cleanest steel maker of the planet enables nucor and provide the proposition. think about our hickman start up in hickman, arkansas it is the first eaf in the world to produce automotive steel. we are doing things that our competition can't do today >> that's a great way to put it. that's why frank, the analyst
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wants to look at all but some sort of just a sheet that's why i think you are so smart to be buying back all that and retire ling all of it. nucor never had one year but it had multiple years >> i want to thank you, great to see you. congratulations. >> thanks so much, i appreciate that >> "mad money" is back after the break. >> come up next, let's make money again, what do we got? >> cramer is answering your burning questions in today's edition of "the lightning round.
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it is time for "the lightning round. are you ready? joe in texas, joe! hey, jimmy, i got into the stock about two years ago and sold off around the 30. since the last six months need to be dropped slieped slightly r i think people are upset that it did not go through it is still warm but a good company. >> let's go to tom in massachusetts. >> booyah, jim >> all right, club number, great show thank you for teaching us your education.
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>> i like the 1020 show. go ahead >> my regard is vsto >> that's a very inexpensive of the entire market. they're featuring camel back right now and bell >> jerry in florida. jerry. jerry? >> hey, it is jimmy. what's up? >> mr. cramer, how are you my question is crnc. >> that's a software, i am not going to slam them because they're making money i am going to do homework and come back. i am going to go to tom in kentucky >> another guy watches my 1020 what's happening >> well, i got two questions
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i respect your effort and your expertise for self investors i am calling about a chance of earnings on tuesday. my second question, i always wonder what's your swing span is >> eokay, here is the deal i know fema, jim, is breaking out. i am sticking with it. can i go to liz in new jersey, thank you for club members lisa >> how are you club member here >> wow, i love it. >> yes, watching videos and get some points. go ahead >> love it >> i want to ask about cgc >> at a certain point cannabis growth got to be worth something
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because its got a good ceo there were so much damage done before it. i would not sell that stock here if goyou go to five at a certain point this is going to be consolidation. now i am going to chris in virginia >> booyah jimmy chu. >> look at the way chris comes into play. >> jeff green is terrific. return capital and jeff got a good company but it is n not -- the mark is not buying it we got to go lower gregg in arizona, gregg. >> booyah! >> there you go. >> what's up >>. >> all right, i love scottsdale. >> what's happening. >> i am a long time viewer
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i am calling about a stock that's down about 90% in the last four years and down about 70%. it does trade about 7.3. jim, i am wondering if i can throw my mad money at www international. >> no, i don't want you to just because it is going down does not make it cheap ladies and gentlemen, that concludes our "left turn round." -- "lightning round. ♪ your shipping manager left to “find themself.”
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pat used to work in intel before that's easier said than done he keeps on staying it that he's crushing the competition by the way, don't say i was on board. amd got record approval from china. a company gives them great e entry. if this gets amd off the treadmill competing with intel i was worried that it is not even close at the same time intel also treasured nvidia if there is a new king
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semiconductor in the street, it is them. i think intel is a sale. amd and nvidia is a buy. my 1020 meeting that i want you to watch it. now, let's go back to a question whether individual stocks matter what am i wasting time for jay powell raising interest rates, that means sell all stocks these large companies are too small to make a difference in their portfolio. the thing about it is they got a lot of fire power. if you look at what happens on yesterday, you saw a hu huge -- why? the crime was caused by big money. the fed will be selling and
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rai raising. there is no point to it. again, pyou are not managing a multi million dollars hedge funds. i want to support you. i want you to take a look at how you would have done if you invest in $1,000 in amd. look at that that's $1,000, $31,000 today how about if you invest in nvidia look at this, you put in $1,000 in nvidia. you have $50,090 today all right, how would you have done if you put the money in intel. oh, there you go that's $2,000 from intel and it is worth $1,700 today. >> goody these are enormous gains that we can capture, you and me simply by doing the homework. at the end of the day, you have to do what matters to you. i had no advice. for everybody else, let's stick
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with the fundamentals, invest and make profits of it investing in weaker companies always making excuses. that's what we'll do together. i promise to find you the bull market "mad money. see you tomorrow the news with shepard smith starts now >> stormy daniels in federal court says she speaks to dead people and talks to a haunted doll michael avenatti's fraud trial gets spooky. i'm shepard smith. this is the news on cnbc >> i will select the nominee worthy of justice breyer's legacy of decency. >> filling the vacancy, the president outlining when and how he'll make his choice as stephen breyer delivered a message to america. >> waiting on putin, the russian president weighing his next move after america's response to his demands appears to
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