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tv   Fast Money  CNBC  March 24, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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don't forget 40% of cpi is housing. >> interesting and eqr, equity residential, 10 quick seconds on it. >> great way to play the reopening of american great cities in new york, san francisco, boston, people are coming back to the cities renting. supply mute in those cities as well >> scott appreciate it see you tomorrow in "overtime. "fast money" is now. in foremelissa lee your traids guy adami, dan nathan, and pete najarian ahead on fast the semi surge of nvidia and amd and intel. a look at the chip turn around and what revival would mean for the macro market plus helping your money grow put fertilizer atop analysts
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tell us the war in ukraine, sanctions against russia and natural gas rising prices are reasons to dig into the ad complex. yek out check out this mystery chart, a dow component in the last eight days jumped nearly 15% and added equivalent of p&g and almost a market cap in over a week, big hit. the name and that trade coming up hello, everybody, a lot to do tonight. let's start with the crude conundrum. social and environmental concerns have a growing crowd calling for you big funds and endowments to dump any fossil fuel investments latest, chicago banning investments in coal, oil, and gas companies. sounds nice on paper but in europe we're finding it is also natural security making domestic
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production more important at least in the near turn calling for something like marshall plan to ween off vladimir putin's oil and gas -- something interesting is happening. gas stocks huge winners for investors still willing to own them since the beginning of 2021 the sector far-outperformed the s&p nearly doubling in that time and with opposing views on the sector, big gains, what to do with the stocks now. nathan, good to see you in person. we'll go to on set what do we it do has the sector come too far. >> i've been in the market 25 years and what's interesting it's the relative under performance for energy has been terrible. now all of a sudden we had this black swan event, the pandemic,
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we saw disruption to the supply chain and demand disruption, and we're meant to come out of that and get back to some of the pre-and levels and then you have geopolitical situation to exacerbate all of the above. national elements of it are obviously important. you're an investor think of all this with so much uncertainty piling it here where they are right now relative to what we think we know about it, i don't think it makes a heck of a lot of sense others on the panel have been positioning for this guy has been talking about the need to open up our markets domestically for years now, i've been listening to him, it's not just a trade i've been involved in i just don't think buying it here where we are, we are more likely to see a mean reversion and move back >> i'm old enough to remember a gentleman by the name of guy adami on this very program numerous times in the last year and half before it was sexy to
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do so talking about the slb, and few of the other global services companies. for a long time people said energy stocks, to dan's point, forget about them, they're dead money. guess what, now they're not. i wonderfuler if i wonder if we see fence sitters on esg will jump in because it's easier to be esg when losing money than it is now. >> fair point. pete's been talking about this last 18 months as well we've both talked about certain names. you mentioned a marshall plan jaime diamond talked about our's energy policy seems to be gary marshall plan because it's a joke and coming home to roost. some say it is long in the tooth, i don't think that's the case if you look at crude in last few months, textbook, blow off top, retraitment to the uptrend line, bounced off it i think this is the next leg
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higher and we go significantly higher oih compromised mostly of hal burten, lessor extent baker hughes people talk about exxon and chevron heavy. i think the energy play is in tact i don't think it is going anywhere any time soon you don't just flip a switch and magically the problem goes way. >> oih is interesting etf. to guy's point it's almost 50% with just three stocks, if they don't perform you are not probably going to make money on oih. the xle is far more wide-spread. is there one you'd favor over the other based on the type of stocks concentrated in whatever it may be. or do you just go for single stocks, pete. >> i always go for single stocks when they are available for me, absolutely, brian.
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i will say xop is where you want to go because that's where the big beta really does dominate the entire composite of what you're looking at. xle, you're talking exxon and chevron, that really does take it up. you just mentioned there are three stocks that really work in the other. i would rather be in the xop but i'd rather really always be in individual names. that's why i have so much exposure right now, brian. we've talked about this in the past, to guy's point, when we see energy move, specifically crude oil move up in a hurry, pause, a little bit of a pull back, move up again, it's been on a four to six-month run when we were $38 and look where we are now. i think we're on another semi-pause although a week ago we were 94, 95, yesterday and today close to 115 and have now pulled a little bit off that i agree with guy, there's plenty of room to the upside with
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different issues but you want to have the beta, the names moving at 1.5. 2.5. 3 times what everything else will move at that's why you want to be in the xop. >> i will put a peyton manning and call an audible if we can throw up oih and xop against crude oil in last 5, 10 years. the time oil was at this level, only once in 2008, the oih was at $1,000. so even with it's current run the price of oil and the oil stocks are still wildly disconnected are they not so one of those is mispriced either oil is way too high or if with can go longer term, thank you. either oil is way too high or stocks are way too low do you have a point of view on this, bonawyn? >> i do and i'm glad you're revisiting a bit of history. i will take the finer points
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everyone made and med m eld the together reflecting back to 04-07ish with a lot of people rushing in, a little bit too much, too late. in terms of rushing in you want to avoid doing so. if you are have been under-invested on oil, i understand how the pain side is intoller bel. piece point you want to play for the highest beta to the upside on esg still i think the esg overhang is there which is why i wouldn't be in the companies if truly what i wanted was correlation to the oil. i think you have to be actually in the commodity but i think the xle and oih component specifically although have a lower beta are still more of operating companies and you are allowed to pick and parcel in terms of expertise there.
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so that's the back drop and that's why i'd be playing it -- >> well-said but guy adami, here's the thing about esg. it's very pliable. i've been talking to people who say well, anything fossil fuels can't be esg because they lost money at the top, very easy to dump them. now you say they're not very e, environment, obviously, but they're working on carbon capture. guess what they have done, maybe changed their board. or planted a hundred trees at their corporate headquarters i'm literally not making that up you can manipulate the esg side of this quickly if you really want to own these names. >> no, listen, no question about it and i think people -- i think a lot of people out there think these are the 1970s energy companies. remember those commercials, people throwing garbage out there. this is not 1970s. these companies are so much better-run, far more efficient, and to a certain extent,
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far-more environmentally conscious. that's just the facts. go to their websites and check it out the reality they're much better companies so fall under the esg the right way. brian, you and i talked about it earlier in the week, look at what valoro is doing, making a multi-year high and starts from the upside i will throw out another name, why not, paul sankey was on here we were talking about marathon petroleum mp c now bumping against prior highs. so much room in my opinion for so many names you have to figure which suits you best. >> interesting we're talking about individual names and pete has a lot of exposure riding it in a corporate way i will zoom out and talk macro let's go back to the last time fed was coming off qe.
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right, after the financial crisis 2014, 15, 16. we saw rates going higher, the dollar going higher and crude go lower. if you look the at the long-term crude chart at these levels wti is where we topped out. in '15 and '16 we saw crude go down 65% it was a bloodbath what's different this time, crude is up and looks like it wants to sustain these price levels for a host of reasons that are very different than the last time around so are we about to enter the stagflationary period that would be sustainable. >> are we? >> well, you tell me. >> is this 1979? >> if the price of commodities are high for reasons not economic, if they're more geopolitical that might not be a great situation for crude oil ultimately either. and listen, we spend a lot of time on this show talking about all of the major auto companies
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are moving their fleets by 2030. you may say that's an eternity from now but i heard you this morning on your show talking about it, if the companies are going to invest have to think about 2030 and beyond to make those investments. >> thank you for that. to intend the hard way, pete we'll bring in our guest in a minute here but one more comment from you because you've been investing -- in a polite way we'll see for a while. what environment are we in here. in two weeks two years ago oil was negative $37 less than two years ago from right now. or is this going to be do dan's point the 1970s where we see continued inflation and slow economic growth and the stock market makes bear market bounces but otherwise stinks the dow gained one point from 1970 to 1980. >> i think what we found out, brian, this is more economic than geopolitical.
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here's why i say that. ukraine-russia how long ago did that start because we were running since november 202020. right? you talked about in reference we were actually negative so look at the run we had before this happened. i think this is a much different move than a lot of people have portrayed it to be it's not as much about russia-ukraine but is another point you can add to a list of reasons it is moving to the upside, one is we all love green energy and many of these names are embracing green energy themselves but at what time frame will we really be energy dependent on the green side where it is much more in play, 10 years, 20 years, i'm not sure, but it will take time. you don't just turn it on and off. for those reasons i think this is much more legitimate run than maybe it's getting credit for. >> by the way, tan, solar etf
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has done well, renewables are doing well but getting crushed by higher gas cost, it goes into the cost for carbon fiber for wind mills we will need everything because everyone wants a 4,000 square foot house in phoenix or whatever next guest, getting burned if they've not been in energy, head of u.s. equity and quantitative strategy at bofa, champing at the bit -- not chomping, by the way -- to get into this conversation something in your notes which i love you heard my plan on esg have you done research that so-called esg investors have finding ways, wink wink, to own some of these energy stocks. >> so look i think esg investors have been buying energy companies because energy companies are a lot more investable today by esg funds. one of the things that's changed
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dramatically is the energy companies got the memo they're no longer focused on production they're focused on capital discipline more energy companies have carbon reduction targets than any other sector of the s&p 500. little known fact. more energy companies actually pay their c-suite in alignment with meeting reduction targets this is really a c-change in the industry i don't think it's just green-washing. i think this is one of these areas where energy companies are actually investable again for all of the right reasons on top of that you have what looks like a super cycle in oil, supply constraints, dated capital. i mean, think about when smoking was ruled as causing cancer, tobacco outperformed the market for the next 30 to 40 years. the sector is trading at a sin
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stock discount but likely to outperform the market and despite its stellar performance, we upgraded to overweight in november 2020 and the sector crushed it since then but the average long-only fund is still markedly under weight the sector those are the reasons we like energy a apologize i have a hard stop right now. but i like energy and love being on the show. so thanks for having me. >> producering herself i love it. we're going to do that i'm out of here. and she cuts off fantastic. i love live television. fantastic. if you're out there and can still hear us thank you very much i don't want to drag politics into this but have to in the sense owning oil and gas companies is a risky proposition on one hand the president saying
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we need more liquified natural gas lng out of the u.s on the other hand april 6th gas ceo's are going to get grilled on capitol hill, over climate change, talk about exsized, profit taxes, getting ripped by congress on one side and on the other hand secretly meeting at the white house. there's a regulatory overhang, i've got to imagine, to investing in some of these stocks. >> i mean, i honestly -- i weight this pretty low -- i don't really weight this very heavily. we kind of saw the same song and dance circus type situation with some big-flying tech companies and all much to do for nothing so that would not factor into my investing, in terms of the geopolitical risk it's very much at the forefront, that's not to be ignore but this is a hiccup maybe a headline.
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>> guy are you as sanguin about the risk surprise 30% excess income tax being slapped on these companies. >> i can't spell it and don't know what it means but i will say i am so we can move past sangiun. i'm with bonawyn listen to what she said, before she tapped out, she's saying these companies are esg for the right reasons not the wrong reasons and people misplace them thinking it is the 1970s they're extraordinarily well-run, environmentally-friendly companies. problems is they will start to report record earnings and people will be like look as greedy energy companies profiteering, i think they can't win either way but you can own the stocks. >> there's new s.e.c. rule every
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company particularly gas going to put climate disclosures in quarterly reports so a lot more happening under the hood of washington still everybody here still like the names. tapping out. boom coming up, chip rip, semiconductors breaking out, what name to run if any, that's next. plus apparently gains don't fall far from the tree. that's another hint to our mystery stock. the name with the great big old run in the past week if you can't get that chart i got nothing for you. we're going to reveal it coming up, stick around
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all right, welcome back to "fast money." check out the chip stocks ripping higher, nvidia best day since november intel best day since last january, why? pete you noticed interesting options activity to go with these big equity moves what are you seeing? >> yeah, well, a great example would be if you go back to a week in nvidia they were trading
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226 buying the march 230 calls i think they did well on that trade with the stock getting over $280 that's absolutely amazing. they actually bought again at 270 strike and bought the size once again 10,000 of those when you look at some of these trades, intel is the best example today. we had buyers today buying the april 55 strike calls and they continue to come into different names. we have 50,000 calls being bought on amd on tuesday at 1209 strike all of -- 12k0 strik 120 strike all of these giving you an idea -- it's not that difficult it's what we've seen in energy it's what we've seen in financial. and we've been seeing for a long time in semiconductors where we see this huge buying coming into the space, not just in a single name but multiple names. it's just amazing what we're
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seeing of happening in a really, really short period of time. all of the march calms expire by tomorrow but every one has paid for themselves 3, 4, 5, 10 times over really fast run in semiconductors. >> dan, may i note that the overall market up over 1% six of the last eight sessions that's only happened twice in 80 years. in '74 and 2020. does it matter. >> bear markets. when in 2020 was it early, back in april. listen, great stat i will say this, what pete is talking about with nvidia and amd is interesting, they were at the forefront of technology in the last few years it has not been hard for investors to justify multiples of sales on semiconductors this is usually something we're
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talking about on saas companies. okay so nvidia is $700 billion market cap company creates $70 billion in market cap today alone, closing up 10% guy can do the math, trading 20 times sells. you gotta believe this company is broadening its portfolio. that's the bull case amd went from 164 to 100 earlier this month and now buying in the 120s buying short-dated. this trades much cheaper than nvidia so if you think this is a company that will close out this q1 well from a fundamental standpoint then you're going to be looking to the earnings event expected to have 30% earnings and sales growth so amd makes more sense. >> another big bounce maybe it is that bear market bounce, we'll see, interesting stat on the overall market we have a long way left to go tonight. here's what's coming up next. >> announcer: a tech titan tear.
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one stock making a huge move so it is time to bite into more gains? that name next plus a five-star stock uber, driving higher as the cab clash comes to an end. dietrich tails are comin details are coming up. you're watching "fast money" live from the nasdaq marketsite in time ua wreacrit ter this bk gh hey, i get it, commitment can be scary. but not when you're saving up to 15% with subscribe and save at amazon. you get free repeat delivery on your favorite items and if things don't work out, you can always cancel. seriously, no one will judge you if you call it off. ok! learn all the ways to save with amazon. (vo) some bonds last a lifetime. some bonds inspire confidence, and some you grow to rely on.
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. welcome back let's get a quick check where the markets closed, s&p up, nasdaq up nearly 2%. if you missed the stat from compound capital, s&p 500 up 1% in six of the past eight
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sessions, believe it or not that's only happened twice in 80 years, 1974, and 2020. meantime, time for the big reveal got to be the easiest mystery chart all time come on. it's apple on an eight-day win streak, shares up 15.5% during the run bonawyn, the company planning to launch iphone subscription service this is like a permanent rent of your iphone. is that a reason to own the stock or is something else happening with apple shares here >> i think that particular offering makes a lot of sense. reminds me of the company rent-a-center that was all the uproar about a decade ago. this company would make three to five times what the cost was within literally a 12-year period i totally understand the business model it makes a lot of sense, particularly when you talk about
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massive core businesses already there, that strategic play totally makes sense. there's a lot of discussion around apple trading like a growth company but now being a value company. i think there's something to be said there i, like dan, think this market is a little frothy so it is hard for me to buy here with apple you got to say i don't understand why it is where it is but i'm going to own it or i'm willing to stomach the opportunity cost not owning it but you can't short it, but no, i don't think i can buy in here and do tip my cap, i think it's a very crafty pay to extract value for shareholders >> yeah, so few weeks ago was bearish on the stock when it was current levels and i thought it would go back to 140 and found support at 150, i was wrong, it's back at 174 the announcement is good, a lot of people who track the company closely seen their ability for services to grow as a percentage of their total revenue and it
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makes total sense, if you want recurring revenue on your hardware it will justify the multiple its trading at 28 times versus expected eps 8% growth which is calling for s&p 500 which trades at 19 time so that recurring model is good for margins, up 43% growth margins company, keep recurring. and quickly, their asp 850 and samsung asp is 270 so locking in asp spread over longer time. bulls love it. bears should pay attention to it they have the upgrade iphone program and know how it will work bad for the carrier. >> asp, average special price not a deadly snake commonly found in egypt that said, bonawyn, comparing apple to rent-a-center your take? >> interesting, you know, i
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think of asp and only artist i think has ever put an asp in their lyric is the great r.e.m. my trouble is if you have trouble with this to help wrap your around around you i will tell you mid-february i thought it would go to the low march 14th looking smart trading 110. off to the races since something sticks with me pete was on last month and mentioned he was seeing call buying in the vix 70 strikes for june he's typically right and if that comes to fruition i don't think it necessarily means positive things for the broader market. so in the back of my head i'm thinking vix at 70 and another leg down for apple. >> all right, good conversation, gentlemen. coming up, after some huge runs is there any reason to still buy
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the big fertilizer stocks? or do we call this a crop top? that is next. plus the other stocks making headlines and hopefully some money for you, that's for you teajiape narn. details when "fast money" returns. oon"] ♪ ♪ ♪ imagine a community where millions share ideas and trade stocks, crypto and beyond. to the moon? in other words... etoro.the power of social investing.
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all right. welcome back uber giving beaten up vifinvest a bit of a break, shares up nearly 5%. listing all new york city taxis on its app, the deal could help the company with shortages and higher fares still shares down 50% in a year. odd move from taxi side what do you make of it. >> i struggle with the announcement from the company. we know that new york is a densely populated area and there's a lot of taxis and that's their big competition if i'm looking at this company and expecting the growth that consensus is calling for 30 to 40% revenue growth they're still losing a lot of money and are going to be for couple years
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i don't know what it does for them from a competitive standpoint i'm not a buyer on this newsstands. >> probably gets the taxi and limousine commissioner off their you know what. their business plan was to destroy taxis and now they're a pro-taxi company what is uber >> i think it's really interesting, you're right. i'll tell you, brian, i've been frustrate forward a long time because we all thaw it took a long time before they ipo'd and they still don't make money. to dan's point, yes they have had a quarter they made money, whatever the reality is this is a great product for all of us, but as far as owning stock you wouldn't want to own this until they prove they can consistency actually make money doing what they're doing it's just not something you want to be involved with. and you know, i think dd, if you are going to be in anything of these, ch chinese version is a o different. i like that their balance sheet
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is phenomenal. we've seen huge call buying there in the past. if you look at that name and see what their numbers really look like on their balance sheet it makes much more sense. one is going to work i think the other works. obviously there's an investment as women but d as well. but dd could outpace uber on the upside >> has any company lost more money than uber five years after its ipo. or ever in american history. it's a challenge for our viewers. moving on to another buzzkill , traeger, the new all time low, maker of pellet smokers and grills higher cost will impact future sales. heading into spring we're supposed to be bullish grills and short canada goose what's the trade here? >> ha ha ha. didn't realize that was a trade,
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bullish grills what's interesting is speaks to the input cost, inflation pressure companies are feeling, how will it manifest into the stock. that's anecdotal clearly i'm sure they're wonderful grills but you have to look across the landscape and say what will this mean to retailers at large i still think, if that's the case, you find yourself in, target wins in this environment. i think walmart does and the dollar store too so the pain those companies will feel will be offset in some other names. still got to look at dollar general and dollar tree too. >> traeger is this a one-off thing, trader problem or a sign of cracks in the consumer because the price of everything is off the charts. hard to know >> well, that part, exactly, right there. at some point the consumer becomes too stretched. don't know about you when i am paying $4 to $5 at the pump i'm not thinking of buying a new
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grill. the only snake biting anyone is the price of the grills, 14, 15, $1600 as i was looking through some of these. i don't think that's where the consumer will be pivoting when being squeezed in terms of disposable income. >> bonawyn thinks could be cracks with the consumer as well thank you very much. we'll look at other names like yeti and other higher end specialty companies. coming up, okta new 52-week low and betting on the pain ahead, short the stock of course. ed before that fertilizer fury, is too late to make real money on these gnsai "fast money" back in two and if you don't, there are other options! umpire: ball! good eye! good eye! eyes are good for lots of things. like reading! be the best, caleb! statistically impossible, caleb.
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'17. let's dig into the trade joel jackson managing director at research -- i used to trade these, the fertilizers, not the stocks, so i know a little bit about their business and how it runs how important, joel, is for these companies, the u.s.-versions and maybe canada too to have these low natural gas inputs because in europe they're paying 30 for nbtu n, t gas and killing it we're paying 5 >> in north america seeing $30 gas discounts and going to be sustainable advantage for a long time russia-ukraine war going on who are knows what it will get better these companies cf and mosaic will see best earnings and i think we still got some room here to go up. >> well, let's get into that there is still room here
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they've been red-hot lately. nobody talked about these companies forever. er now they're all the rage. let's be clear they're doubled. is their net income or etienne is their net income up 30% is ebitda up 30% farmers paying -- price of the end product is going to be too high >> i think these companies we're seeing -- maybe three or four times mid-cycle ebitda run rate. but we're still seeing price goes up to $1,000, and fosse over 1,000 and pot ash flirting over 1,000 a ton will it get better, you have sanctions, pot ash. sanctions are everywhere natural gas prices are high. everything especially the ukrainian crops
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got to get planted very soon it feels like the data points will get better before getting worse. >> so what are the chances then, if you look at the two biggest right now mosaic and cf industries, do you look at cf as one that has more upside at this point in time? or is mosaic the one you would pick between the two. >> i got to be honest we do a basket of cf -- let me tell you why, it's tough to figure out what's more crazy that third world of the pot ash is stressed by sanctions i think on a peace settlement whatever that will look like we could see pot ash hang on longer because the bella russian sanctions could stick around longer so would want to own mosaic fall because natural gases fall on a settlement >> i wonder to my previous point, is going to get to a
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breaking point where farmers cut back on crops, lower yield, terrible for global food production, or will pay the prices and pass it through farmers have to buy fertilizer but they don't have to buy as much every season so are cf and mosaic the others still going to be able to sell the same amount as in a normal year. >> i think for the spring we're fine we have enough inputs. >> this spring. >> that's right. as you get into the summer will start to stock up, start to think about fall season, start thinking about getting inputs for next year. you're going to have problems if things don't improve yeah, pot ash you need to manage this construction because you don't have enough supply right now. you have prices up to get more construction and switch makers to crops less-fertilizer intensive like meat or soy beans to offset the supply profits
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what you're saying is true for this spring will be generally fine but will pile up if things don't get better soon. >> joel, pressure to have you on in a red-hot sector thank you very much. appreciate that. pete, the names again, mosaic and cf everybody loves them there's other ones too out there as well. are there any subsidiary picks or trades? you're up there in corn country, knee-high by july. right? is there any sideways trade you like >> well, you know, what i'm intrigued with right now is the fact that cf, we did see some call activity in there today so that intrigued me the reason i asked the question i did is because if if you look at p i did is because if you look at pe, mosaic is relatively extremely expensive if looking at the metrics so i'm curious about that but when you look across there's a few other names
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that are smaller but certainly you want to go with the big names. i think they actually -- especially cf with exposure to energy as well as ag, that's why i'm more intrigued by that name right now. >> guy >> it's interesting, brian, i think jj did a great job certainly he looked sharp. i'm sure i'll read his stuff in the sunday papers this weekend i will say this, you're looking for second derivative plays look at deere and company, formerly john deere trading, parabolic numbers. -- despite the move i think de could go higher. >> what about cnh new ceo. we had him on worldwide exchange couple weeks ago he sounded very bullish. anybody with a cnhi view no >> don't the lawyers know the answer to the question they ask ahead of time. >> i think so.
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talk about leading the witness. >> know your audience. >> i got sub-romeianed speaking of the farm life. here's a sneak peek of the cramer cam, speaking with the ceo of adami c -- and you can have cramer directly to your inbox. join the club by using the qr code on the screen coming up, cloudy options. okta into two-week low today, down 23% this month. is there any value in this identity and security company? we'll hear from the options when "fast money" returns omething di. oh, we can help with that. okay, imagine this. your mover, rob, he's on the scene and needs a plan with a mobile hotspot. we cut to downtown, your sales rep
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this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. all right, welcome back. let's check out okta hitting a brand new 52-week low after falling 10% its low after newsstands of a i hack that effected 400 corporate customers. newsstands not bet eri
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news isn't better in stock options. mike khouw here to break it down. >> right now this thing peak to trough is about 52% down from highs we saw 4 types the average daily options volume bearish bets outpaced bullish one pz the biggest one we saw was april 135 puts we saw a buyer pay $5.90 for 86 of those betting half million in premium and weakness could continue, they're betting on decline of 10% by april expiration, due to good friday is only going to be three week from today i'd also point out the options premium high in okta the implied move between now and then is about $17 higher or lower. as we can see this trader is betting it is going to be to the down side. >> bonawyn, if they've had that trade on for a little bit they
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made a lot of money. are you as negative as that trader appears to be. >> not quite as negative but definitely understand the justification. ra-basis, the fundamentals are already challenging. when i think of options trading it's about short-term, momentum, and timing the momentum is definitely negative and i can understand why the trader would continue to ride the momentum to the down side, makes a lot of sense. >> mike and bonawyn, thank you very much. reminder, everybody, for more "options action" be sure to tune into the full show tomorrow night, every friday at 5:30 eastern. up next it's your "final trade". , we listen. like jack. he wanted a streamlined version he could access anywhere, no download necessary. and kim. she wanted to execute a pre-set trade strategy in seconds. so we gave 'em thinkorswim® web. because platforms this innovative aren't just made for traders -they're made by them.
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all right, mark your calendar, cnbc healthy returns is coming up march 30 features ceo of johnson & johnson and united health care and a lot more go to to register time for "final trade." let's go around the horn, pete najarian kick it off. >> i'm going to kick it off with this, at the end of the day we had nothing but buying in can cannabis, bought in hopes of what's happening with the federal voting on legalization
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canopy as my final trade >> tim's on that with twitter today. bonawyn? >> a lot of time we're trading volatile markets in commodity space we talk about beta well 4e hedges take away that beta, coterra doesn't have that problem. ride the way. >> guy adami. >> you are all set for tomorrow. tend the hard way. you chose not to acknowledge my joe jackson reference when i said i will read it in the sunday papers, he looked sharp you glossed right over that. i gave you asp, rem, i'm going to give you oracle which has performed extraordinarily well since reporting earnings week ago. >> what can i say about joe jackson, i guess i was stepping out mentally >> going for shoeless joe. this is taking a page from guy adami if we have low on s&p 500 for the wrong reasons flight to
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quality in treasures buying the tlt. >> after this bond route. >> a little contrary that's what we do on "fast money.." >> is that what you do here. >> we're wide awake. anornother rem reference thks f watching "fast money." my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want the make friends. i'm just trying to make a little money. my job is not just to entertain you, but to educate and teach you. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweet me @jimcramer. today the dow gained 349


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