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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  May 3, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> 7:00. >> new mont mining has sold off to take another look >> don't go anywhere "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now >> hey, i'm cramer welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people make friends i'm just trying to make you some money. my job is not just to entertain but to educate and teach you so call me at 800-743-cnbc or twitter me at jim cramer let's talk about what we've lost the groups that are no longer working. the ones that need to turn around if we're ever going to guess a
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sustainable rally and out of this miserable period. these stocks are former leaders that have been taken out and shot just shot endlessly even as the fundamentals are often in tremendous shape. not good shape not great shape. fabulous shape after captivating the market for eight years they've become mill stones around the necks of investors everywhere and that is where you are end up with a situation in a day like today, kind of a somber day not a day of real interest, dow up 57 points and s&p gaining 8% and nasdaq inching up .22% and it is a tremendous session a huge win for the bulls that is where we are now the first group of dethrown leaders, let's rip right through. the meme stocks. the meme stocks. i say this because these people stick by me through thick and thin and i love them
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i regard myself as the leader of the meme team. not. these were exciting as long as they lasted. a little less than a year ago amc was a good stock but unless you got in early, this one has crushed you that is what i was trying to help toy telling people maybe at the $60 wasn't so good but i should have kept my mouth shut the next meme name, gamestop, the chairman ryan cohen, but the problem is that the market perceives that the gaming cycle is winding down. availability is available for consoles and many would like to buy their games over the internet i see what the top games were and the website didn't really work i get that huh. any way, throughout the gamestop frenzy they have a legitimate prop the new hardware was flying off the shelves aand you can't find a playstation 5 for love or money and now they are much less
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full those who dislike for me saying this, i suggested that you take a classified ad out in a newspaper. because jimmy chill is done with your moronic expand liezed tweets and hope you never come back from your permanent intellectual vacation. the other meme names never have -- amc and game stop. they try to run and gun wendy's but they threw bacon right in their face and then it came back to amc and gamestop. with the collapse of robinhood making a fitting quota guys, enjoy talking to yourself. no one else is going to listen then there is housing. now we thought we had something with a leadership group. i love them because a lot of stuff goes into housing. but the home builders stocks not the companies, the stocks have been crushed as mortgage rates have risen to 5.5%
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here is what you need to know. while the stocks might look cheap, they're trading four or five time earnings because the earnings estimates need to come down housing affordability is the worst it has ever been that is bad. in the first quarter you got double-digit price appreciation and 70% of the markets in america, 70. the median single-family home has risen 16% year over year according to the national association of realtors. that is not acceptable the fed will have to crush these figures because housing inflation is here. and even though the home building stocks have been gutted, i doubt that is reflecting how bad it could get. zelman and associates, i want to al ratner and he pointed me toward book value that price to book value models tend to trough at the end of a rate cycle, not near or before then. work the at the very beginning some housing stocks continue to fall even after the tightening
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cycle was over the average home builder saw their price earnings multiples shrink by 7% to the end. there could be some intermittent rallies during these periods but they all end uply unless the fed stops raising rating mortgage rates are on the ricech and when they announce a rate hike, finally don't trust anything that trades at four to five times earnings. that is called a value trap. all right. so housing stocks. oh, i forgot, that is because i'm friends with the meme people next, how about the financials we made a stab at the banks this year for the charitable trust. these stocks soared in january and the fed thought they could raise rates, that is gone out of the window as we're heading for a hard landing and the bank get stuck with
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loans and by the way i could continue to think that the consumer is so strong that i don't have to worry about it but might already. fourth, software is a service or whatever stock spent years soaring in the stratosphere filled by the fabulous revenue growth but this whole group got crushed. in the endless cloud ipos and flack stocks crushed the market in the end hey, you know, faang fizzled too. it wasn't just because of netflix. it is also because of amazon and google and facebook. that is pretty much every letter netflix had the single worst quarter and tracked down every other company that was trying to do streaming or gaming it is still doing it google, what a stench. people are realizing that there was more to the quarter than the weakness but that amazon quarter, was that over again last night maybe i missed something no meta facebook has put some
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decent numbers after the stock plummeted back to pre-pandemic levels at this time next year we'll say what was tiktok. maybe a commune invention. and faang, my favorite acronym, it died this quarter i used to write onityu aries for a living i know what something is dead. when nvidia is the greatest and amd a close second but they have been crushed by gaming even if no one in the industry thinks that is the case microsoft did say it was down high single-digits who wants to disagree with microsoft. i saw amd numbers and i love them but there are nay sayers who knows if they will stop selling on great numbers perhaps the most horrendous fall was e-commerce saturation. it wasn't all amazon the deceleration hurt everyone from the box makers to fedex and
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ups. it is down 75% from the highs. etsy is struggling to find it old self-. and same thing for the fin tech like square, affirm. don't look at affirm not ma matter what you do. doon e don't look at affirm. even though there is a 71% drop in spac to begin 2022, the new deals sopped up a lot of cap thal is being drowned in the toast and lemonades and that is not toast, except toast is toast. but that is not toast and that is not lemonade. those are companies. and unity software which i like long-term road blocks and i like them too. it doesn't matter. just ipo road kill plain and simple some are genuinely good companies but their stocks are toxic. those slay the bull. no we wished the fed has stopped but it had to be the s.e.c. and the brokers and they are never did it now anyone who watched me this morning knows that i'm sick and
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tired of the critics who keep trying to be little or humiliate jay powell who will be on tv tomorrow how he did more to save us from a pandemic induced recession powell should have known omicron wouldn't require a lockdown. tell to that communist china but jay powell measures his words. he wants to take the air out of everything i just mentioned. if you look at the stock market, sadly for the bulls or good for the economy and the country, he's winning frank in california. frank? frank? >> caller: yes can you hear me. >> you're up i hear you pretty good even though my right ear is clogged because i flew with a cold what is up >> caller: i'm a first time caller and i'm calling about roku i bought in at 63 and again at 83 i watched it go up to 490 or so.
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come back down i think it is sitting at 105 now. >> 103, yeah. >> caller: yeah. and i know anthony woods and his team are positive on the stock but i wanted your opinion. is it time to get out or should i hold on. >> this is one of those names that has hurt because it is also owned by cathie wood or it is viewed as her company. you know, look, i think it is six and a half a dozen to the other. if you go up ten, you go down ten. there is no edge to joining roku and people don't trust streaming. to brett in texas. >> booyah. >> booyah. >> caller: my stock reports on the 17th of may and expensive ad 70 times earnings, with high multiple stocks getting punished even after a solid earnings is palo alto a buy into earnings? >> it is the only segment left in this economy that has tremendous demand.
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simply because there are so many bad guys there is just -- i mean, it is an incredible business because the enemy is just so everywhere. and that is why i like palo alto and i'm willing to pay up only for cybersecurity companies because the people who want to get into our machines and into our heads and everything else are relentless and very smart. stephanie in massachusetts stephanie? >> caller: booyah, jim i loved your show for past 12 years. >> wow thank you. >> caller: -- sell for 21 times earnings and has a 2.5% yield. it just recently launched breakfast in canada, however rising inflation is effecting the fast food industry and my stock hit a 52-week low today. going into earnings next week what are your thoughts on wendy's? >> i think wendy's ranks after mcdonald's and chipotle of what
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i want to own. i think it is good i think chipotle is great. i think mcdonald's is lovedby institutions they won't sell it no matter what happens one of the few stocks that are completely, completely seem to be immune from selling and for that, i frankly don't know why jay powell measures his words. he wants to take the air out of everything i just mentioned and guess what, if you look at the stock market, he's winning this is our group. that we need to save if that group could stick and could hold the line, maybe others will too. on "mad money," legitic hit a fresh 52-week low, so do they have what it takes i'm checking in the ceo and then rockwell plummeted and i'm running through the numbers with the top brass and it is worrisome. and airbnb reported after the bell do they deserve a home in your portfolio? i like the numbers don't miss my exclusive. stay with cramer
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i'm so glad we have this guest because this is driving me nuts you have to figure out when a stock has been punished enough, that is what this market has been coming at is it down enough in i'm talking about logitech here is the stock this morning with the great covid winners as people build out their home offices and theaters and gaming setups to adjust to a life under lockdown but as more and more people got vaccinated last summer, the stocks that plunged from 140 down to 64 more than cut in half. they can't keep up as the world goes back to normal. money managers don't seem to care about the results because their so dismissive of the company's prospected fast forward to last night the company reported a solid quarter. modest revenue beat, with a terrific 11 cents beat on top of a huge set of numbers. it wasn't
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perfect. management trimmed the forecast but because of the lost sales in ukraine and russia the guidance would have been great if it were not for the war. this is not a forgiving market so the stock got hit again fell another 3.5% citing a new 52-week low in the process and now i have to wonder if this is not a perfect buying opportunity so let's check in with logitech international. mr. darrell, welcome back to mad money. >> thank you so much for having me, jim. >> so i have admit, i'm a little depressed. because you had unbelievable numbers last year. so to be on top of those numbers with greater numbers, it is to tell me that whatever happened last year is not a fluke, it is just getting better. and yet, i see all of these people sell the stock and if i asked them why they sell it, it is because everybody else is selling it how do you stem a waterfall? >> you know, i think the only
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way to sustain a waterfall is to perform. and we're going to keep performing we grew 4% last year on top of 74% the year before. and you know, we've got so many great growth engines you talked about in your opening, you talked about the fact that people are wondering could we go back to business as usual so maybe that is the time that logitech will be out. business is hybrid if you're at desk, it is great for us especially if you have multiple de desks if you are at the desk an maying games, it great for us. people will get it we justhave to keep performing and they'll see. >> well work from home and you got new devices all of the time to make it better. it is not a cycle. people would say the work from home psychle is over it is a secular growth story that we all know except for when we go to buy stocks. so what is the disconnect?
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>> i think people don't realize that they remember -- we remember when covid hit and all of a sudden i you needed something and you scrambled from the office or pulled something out of a drawer when you used to order something. now we have a billion work spaces around the world that all could be upgraded and not -- i think i personally think that less than 5% or 10% are optimized. and we have so many options and they're buying so you look at our mouse and -- business, we had strong numbers. so i'm excited about it. i think we're in a great spot. >> now gaming cycle. there is another one you call it unstoppable other people call it over. there is a big difference. a bull gulf between over and unstoppable. now what do people see that makes them feel that people aren't gaming any more >> i'm not really sure to be honest there is nothing i see that tells me people aren't gaming any more in fact, i think this secular
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trend is the biggest collection of sport for spectators and it is already passed american football and the nba it is going to pass believe it or not global football or soccer it is going. and i think it is going to be up and to the right for a very, very long time. >> now, you mentioned streaming. well hold it i mean streaming, that is another one that everyone has decided is dead. as we go home and stream every night. and what i'm finding and why i'm so glad you're on is because you recognize that these things have become integral to our day they within covid and then no covid. they were covid, i like it, i'm sticking with it and i think streaming is that way too? >> oh, totally it is really interesting, so many things are happening online now that weren't before. and as you said, everybody is getting the action of streaming themselves doing something so many people, so many people have podcasts now, more and more are coming on all of the time. just one example, we just hosted the first ever awards show in
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the metaverse. we did it on road blocks don't you love that. and last year we had about half a million people and this year we have had more than 6 million. that is a 36% -- 12 x increase and more and more is going to happen through gaming and more socializing and more playing it is the future >> maybe you did say the ocean freight and you mentioned five times your freight costs i thought maybe that would freak people out but that will -- that doesn't last forever. >> no. that is a temporary thing. it will stay for a little bit and then it will subside we've seen this cycle before it is -- it is just a cycle. and as travel picks up and more planes going both direction,ure going to see lower costs for ocean or airfreight. so it is coming. >> the thing that really that i'm steamed about where your stock is, is i take a look at what i find people are doing
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and i'm saying, all right, if i am endeavor, i know my agent, it is time for them, why, because there is so many content being created that people are making money. it is costing a lot to make the content. but when i look at what happened with paramount, i say they have no choice. i do not any that logitech gets hurt because more and more people are putting their best stuff online, it is the opposite >> it is the opposite. and in fact one of things, that drives our business, is that more and more people wan to put stuff online it is not paramount or netflix it is your kids an my kids and your grandkids and your friends. that is where we make our money and more and more people are going to do that over time everybody talks and i understand why about netflix and all of the great amazon and apple and all of the great streaming content we're watching now but they kind of forget that we're watching more content and
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it is growing faster that we're watching with each other on tiktok and instagram and other platforms. and that is where we are we're helping people create that. >> and the last thing, people just kind of say oh, he's making up that ukraine, russia, i did not know until this started how integral ukraine was to the technology of europe that in many ways, the technology of capital of europe is not in france, it is not in germany, somehow it is in ukraine. i don't know the answer to that because frankly i didn't know ukraine well enough. but the fak is ukraine and russia have a tremendous number of people who use your product and that did matter. it had to hurt your sales? >> yeah, it did. it is still modest it is 2% of our total growth we took it down when we took down the profit impact of that but it is not a huge number but it is significant enough that we didn't want to reflect that there was too much discussion about it we thought we would take that one off the table. but we have so much opportunity all over the world all of the four big categories that you talked about.
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video and gaming and working from anywhere and then streaming. those were our growth engines. so we're super excited about the future >> well, i don't plan on -- the stock ares not telling the truth. i accept that. i understand what the gospel is. i understand why it happens. i'm even on the go with the gospel for a certain point but 50% down, forget it. you're company is too good bracken darrell, president and ceo of logitech. i apologize for your stock i know you're working hard. >> all right. >> great to see you. "mad money" is back after the break. cramer is digging deeper with top brass, next.
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what the heck happened to the stock on rock auto nation.
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i like to describe the company as an industrial -- they make software and equipment that helps manufacturers operate since we are out of people this stock performed well during the first year and a half of pandemic and started rolling over late last year after the fed declared the war onnin frfr -- on inflation this morning rockwell had disappointment on the sales, earnings and cash flow it is not me the company said it up front they that they missed. why? well management cited supply chain con trants and a pair of problems that caused them to slash the full year forecast hence why the stock tumbled 15% today. they made no excuses for it, they just said it. was this a one-off miss and management re-set and potential buy opportunity or more pain to come and i know they'll tell us because they're so straightforward. let's take a closer look with blake red from rockwell automation
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and welcome back to "mad money." >> hi, jim >> well, you said it you didn't mince words you said right up front in the call, you said we -- it was below our expectations i like that management is tough on your selves and then said that it was other companies fault and not yours. it is not your fault you can't get the semiconductors. >> no, jim, it was a tough quarter and it came in below our expectations what we saw in the quarter was the chips that we need to build our products continuing to be volatile in terms of supply and we had an over performance in the first quarter, but we had lower sales and higher sales in the second quarter. >> is it a better way to look at your company to look at total orders which grew 37%.
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>> yeah, jim, that is the other theme that continues to be a bright spot and i think speaks to the long-term opportunity our orders continue at historic high levels. we've already built a very large backlog and those orders continue to come and they're broad based across the industries an the geographies that we serve because so many manufacturers are putting in new capacity and with a higher level of automation and intensity than they ever have before. soo that speaks well to the future. >> so could you walk me threw on sl slide five, sales declined by 3% versus the prior year and it was all higher mix of intelligent devices. so tell me who provides intelligent devices. no knock on them they probably have more than they could ever have but how does it slow you down?
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we're waiting for one part and other wise you could be fine >> these are the core automation products they are the equipment that controls the speed of motors and really controls motion in a given factory. and they have a high chip count. it is a broad diversity of semiconductor suppliers. but we have very high market share in north america for these products and because they used the chips that were scarce in the quarter, we sue a bigger impact in north america. we do expect that the growth rates will even out through the balance of the year and for the full year we expect north america to be our fastest growing region. >> if that is the case then it would seem to me is that this is more one-off but then again i think well as so many people like the oil companies have said don't worry about the semis, it will change and then
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it never has and then i start thinking, i don't want to be had myself. maybe no one has any visibility to get the chips >> you know, we've gone through a very detailed review of all of the chips that are used in each of our individual products and with increasing supply from our existing suppoliers an the re-engineering of some products to engineer around some of the most acute shortages, we do see improvement going forward in q3 and q4 we saw improvements through the balance of the recent quarter in april and we said this on the call as started off tracking well with the forecasts that we presented. >> okay. so electric vehicles an life sciences is really important for you too. i tell you most aggressive growth areas how are you feeling about them right now? >> based on the orders that we're seeing and the differentiation in our product we continue to feel very good about that with the incoming orders, you look at electric vehicles and
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what we provide with independent car technology and the battery assembly area, in the software and the scheduled production that is no longer a nice to have, but it is an essential part of modern factories we're seeing great win rates in those areas and then in life sciences with the complement of hardware and software and solutions for validated environments where you have to be able to trace the quality through the process. we feel very good about our prospects there. >> okay. one thing that concerned me, said by your cfo, that you've had to put so many price increases through that it is said to be,o boy, if i were jay powell and i read this conference call, i would say we have to top this economy we can't keep letting companies raise prices but if you don't you get killed >> well we have to raise price to keep track with the costs we see very good pricing power in the market due to the differentiation of the products.
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it takes a while for all of those prices to be implemented at our customers as they're agreements renew but i would also suggest that the products that these products are being built for, these are going to help alleviate the pinches that we see ourselves in so the prords are going into the new semiconductor fabs for instance they're going into the electric vehicle factories. so we're helping to reduce the gap between supply and demand. >> okay. the other area that i'm incredibly interested in is lng. you're deeply involved in lng. i say you can't buy natural gas companies in america and play lng. it doesn't work like that. but you're integral to the process of the buildout. >> oil and gas is an important industry for us. we have a joint venture with schlumberger that has a lot of solutions for the terminals that
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are really the pinch point for moving lng around as well as the compre compressor trains that create the lng. >> look, i have to tell you, i know now penalty box and you have to -- but self-imposed because you're straightforward guy. you weren't happy with the quarter. at same time your end markets are so robust, i could not walk away from the stock. there is too much hope i really believe that sir,. >> we have amazing demand and we're building for the future. >> that is what matters. we don't have enough people. we need automation this is it thank you so much, blake great to see you "mad money" is back after the break. airbnb earnings have just hit the tape don't miss cramers exclusive with the ceo to break down the numbers from the quarter next
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after the close today, airbnb reporting yet another excellent set of numbers latest in an unbroken season of earnings since the company became public in 2020. renting someone's house via airbnb is the safest way to take a vacation and people started getting vaccinated and now again it will come back and airbnb is cleaning up. night and experiences booked up 59%. year-over-year gross booking value up 67% retch up 70% and they're almost break even. i could argue they're making money and they're going to be
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really lucrative because they 1.2 billion and they're looking for 100 million. and management gave strong guidance for the current quarter and i'm surprised it is only up 5% in after hours trading. this thing will be up much more. this could be a terrific buying opportunity. don't take it from me. le let's dig into it brian chesky welcome back to "mad money." >> thanks for having me, jim. >> work from home turned out to be the next spur that something happens dramatically and people want longer stays and want the flexibility and that is your next leg up >> yeah. i would just start by saying, jim, the results you saw in q1, this is our low season our -- most people are traveling in q2 and q3 so first of all, i'm excited for
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what is to come. but you're right something remarkable has happened most people that have an office job don't have to go back to the office five days a week and if you don't, you have more flexibility to travel longer, stay longer, and go more places. half of our nights booked as a percent of stays were for a stay ever week or longer and 20% were for a month or longer. these are entire new use cases that doesn't exist in a new way when i started airbnb with my friends 14 years ago. >> you right now look like you're in a kitchen somewhere. >> i'm in new york city in an airbnb. >> and loast time i spoke to yo you were in the south. so obviously you're a leader of a great company. how the fact that people want to work at your place because you want them to work everywhere. >> this is pretty crazy, jim so last thursday, we announced that all employees on airbnb can live or work anywhere. with that, that basically means
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they could come into office and work from home if they move somewhere in the country we can't reduce their pay and they could work from 170 different countries for 90 days at a time. after we made that announcement our plemployees were happy and r careers an job page has been visited 800,000 times and we have 6,000 employees. >> that tells me that this is where the world is going and that is what people want. >> speaking of where the road is going. we have similar ethos. we believe that business is the greatest source of social change and i and i don't want to wait until the end to talk about ukraine. governments are trying to help the refugees they are not doing the job some of the traditional good charities we support don't have the bandwidth. what is airbnb doing that is making it so that you're probably helping far more -- you're helping hundreds of thousands of people. >> yeah, well i think that ultimately what airbnb
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represents is the positive partnership between corporation, for profits, nonprofits and governments. and we're not here to replace governments or replace nonprofits but we have some things that nonprofits don't have first of all, we're a technology platform that was built and tried in and true tested over the last 14 years. number two, we have 4 million hosts and they don't just provide housing for refugees but it means we have a huge technology to scale with 4 million people ready to help and before ukraine we had provided houses for more than 100,000 in need including 20,000 that came from afghanistan so we do have a lot of experience with this and i think the experience of ukraine shows the power of a partnership between the private sector and government. when they work together, they're stronger than one or the other >> i also think that it is important to point out that women have embraced airbnb and the success level greater than
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men. i think it is an important piece of data. >> 55% of our hosts are women. and a large percent of our earnings have gone to women. i think women on airbnb earn more than $70 billion on the platform since we started and that number i think is not even a current number if i were to check more recently it is probably higher. so i think this is really great and it is not just women in the united states or north america, it is all over the world think of airbnb is where the playing field is a little more level. >> people take vacations and often times they are alone and wee like these people and want them to be happy will your may 11th meeting, which is going to be breakthrough, offer something to the people who go away, use airbnb and only think that is just a part of the experience. >> yeah, i think, jim, i'm really -- i want to first say this, jim, may 11th, next wednesday will be the biggest
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update to our product in ten years i've been working on there for quite a while. travel search hasn't changed in 25 years there is a search box and dates. starting wednesday it will change and number two you'll see a huge step change in our customer service and other really cool things and i want to say to everyone that airbnb is a company that is focused most on innovation twice a year, may and november you'll see some big products for us including next week. >> one of the things that i think we've been shocked about, world demand, we get that. longer stay, but it just seems like that each time people are more inventive than people would think. >> i would never have imagined -- >> i want to go to the eiffel tower. how come people are so unpredictable. >> that is the great thing when you build a technology platform, the amazing thing is what you're really doing is putting powerful tools in people's hands and you could
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never quite imagine what they're going to do with those tools and when you unleash it. i thought airbnb would be a way -- i remember when we started, i said this company will be huge one day i didn't think millions would use it and i thought it would be used for budget travelers crossing borders. we have over 100,000 homes in vineyards or golf courses or resort towns we have thousands of castles, tr tree houses, caves ab igloos and where there is a way they find it. >> well i've got to tell you, want to congratulate you i think this may 11th, i'm used to you shocking us but thank you again for what you're doing in the worst refugee crisis of our lives. i don't know how you came up with it. i didn't think people would go for it is this just the goodness of
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people versus what we see and read about >> yeah, i mean, listen, jim, i have this crazy controversial view that people are fundamentally good over 99% the same and if you read most newspapers or read most news cycles, you will -- it is very easy to be convinced of other wise if people weren't fundamentally good most of the time, we'd be out of business a long time ago because the whole system works on a system of the trust airbnb has been used more than 1 billion times and the vast majority of the time people have great experiences because people by enlarge are good and they could trust one another. but the thing that was so remarkable, wasn't just the 30,000 people that have opened their homes up to refugees and ukraine. but when the crisis broke out, people started booking homes for hosts in ukraine hosts they never intended to stay at and it was over 170,000 people made $20 billion worth of bookings and i'm proud of that and in a world of darkness and spare kindness still exists.
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>> congratulations on everything ufr done but the most important thing you've done is make tease refugees lives a little bit better just a little bit better than they are brian chesky cofounder and chairman and ceo of airbnb. stock goes higher. great to see you, sir. ha y very much "mad money" is back after the break. this mother's day, show mom that you worship the ground she walks on. or in this case, stands on. the new anti-fatigue comfortmat from weathertech is a gift she'll appreciate all year round. it makes standing comfortable in the home or office
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♪ ♪ bonnie boon i'm calling you out. everybody be cool, alright? we've got bonnie right here on a video call. we don't take kindly to video calls. oh, in that case just tap to send a message. we don't take kindly to messages neither. in that case how 'bout a ringcentral phone call. we don't take kindly to no... would you can it eugene! let's just hear her out. ha ha ha, i've been needing a new horse. we've got ourselves a deal. ♪ ♪ ♪ ringcentral ♪ this is not the stallion i was imagining. it is time it is time for "the lightning round. and then "the lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee daddy?
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steve in -- >> caller: hi jim, i'm a member of your club. >> what is up. >> caller: i bought -- [ inaudible ] about two months ago, it is a dividend and it is $17 a share. what do you think? >> i think it is too good to be true but it is short-term. they will make the money that you need to sandy in california >> caller: booyah from los angeles, cramer. >> all right. >> >> caller: with oil over $100 and natural gas touching record levels, i'm hearing that drillers can not secure new -- what do you think about oil sand companies that -- >> that is true for the moment they can't but remember, they're not drilling as aggressive as we think so don't over stay your welcome. jeff in colorado >> caller: jim. >> yes. >> caller: how are you doing, been waiting for you. >> all right >> caller: my question is on upstart. upst. >> product works but in the shorts have it under control the shorts will not let the
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stock lift brandon. >> caller: yeah, jim thank you for letting me be on your show today. i'm retired and i have quite a bit of at&t stock. >> well you go got some good news because it is the first price increase in ages and i think you let the stock goes for a couple of months to dominic in florida. >> caller: hey mister, mister, mister. >> i'm doing well, how are you >> caller: in any thoughts about lucid. >> they missed the quarter so badly that i have pulled in my horns on name. and that, ladies and gentlemen, it the conclusion of "the lightning round." >> "the lightning round" is sponsored by td ameritrade >> coming up, loyal cray americans know about the power of picking their own stocks. cramer is sharing why one of his most important lessons still holds true despite persistent inflation and volatility
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be aware of billionaires no i haven't regressed i'm talking about money management here. when billionaires share their investing opinions remember they have a different set of financial priorities than you do tell you one of my favorite people in the whole world came on "squawk box," paul jones, he will help us with the foundation and he said and i quote, you
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can't think of worst environment than where we are right now for financial assets it reminds me of a moment in the early 80s when i worked at goldman sachs and managed to land the account of one of the richest person in the world at time i tried to figure out great stocks with bonds so she would have some growth and some stability. my boss laughed at me when i showed my presentation he said, jimmy, you only need to get rich once. don't put any stocks in. they could go down when i met her, she wanted stocks and i risked everything to suggest that she buy not stocks but bonds bonds that were sold to widen the new jersey turnpike. i love bonds that were backed up by the toll roads. to the point she took down the entire issuance. and she never lost a dime and happy as a clam and always likes me and that is what coxs to mind when one of the richest man in the worlds makes sweeping statements implying there is no
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reason to own a stock so get out immediately. so you only need to get rich once he's been there and done that. most of are you not rich so you have a different set of priorities and for regular people stocks are worth the risk i started buying stocks in '79 i was hungry, figurely and literally. i found out anything about the oils which i thought would hold their value in a high inflation environment. they does. sure enough, one after another they pulled me out of poverty after a disastrous period had i was living in my car todayi said why not take advantage of the companies that benefit from inflation like devon or energy. if i run a big oil company, i would buy up some assets like we saw in the 80s but the billionaires aren't looking for the next devon they're looking for the next new jersey turnpike authority bonds because they're already insanely rich they don't need to chase gains
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in the stock market. so i urge you to take their commentary with a grain of salt. no matter how much that i reveer them i like to say there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to find it for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer see you tomorrow the news with shepard smith starts now the leaked supreme court opinion that is set to overturn half a century of precedent and potentially reshape what's legal for hundreds of millions of americans. i'm shepard smith live in washington this is the news on cnbc >> abortion is violence. >> reporter: the blockbuster story broke that a draft of the supreme court's opinion shows the court overturning roe v. wade in a blistering ruling. >> it's a fundamental shift in american jurisprudence. >> it's hard not to feel angry, troubled, deeply disturbed about what


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