tv Mad Money CNBC August 30, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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like snap, you want to see them being aggressive with cuts. two down, maybe four or five up in the near term. >> did you wear shoes when you went bowling this weekend? >> don't tell anybody. next time i go bowling, i'm not wearing the shoes. >> >> i am here to level the playing field for all investors. i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. ik, i am kramer. welcome to mad money. i am just trying to not -- put this one in context. it is getting nasty out there. call me, one 807 four three cnbc. we are witnessing one of the worst shakeout i have seen.
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the dow sinking another 308 point today, the s&p plunging 1.1%, nasdaq 21.12%. -- just like the last five or six months of the year -- anything speculative, right in the middle of the blast radius. we are in great form, here. we are going to start with crypto. you should go to the stock market, right. crypto. why? because i am -- these are seinfeld assets, about nothing. i interviewed gary gensler, chairman of the s.a.c. he was honored to announce a deal with china, where their companies would finally play by our accounting rules. maybe that is the first step to making chinese stocks into something more than a worthless parlor game. in the end, i asked if he had had a look at all the new
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crypto coins trading on these exchanges. he was circumspect. so, i went one step forward, and asked what would happen if my colleague, partner, buddy david and i created a coin, took a lot of it out, and listed in a classic front run pump and dump. he said we would need good lawyers. now, i don't mean to pick one, but coin base had more than 200 tradable coins. i am not exaggerating when i am saying they seem to be changing by the hour. from the look of things, i think a lot of people in the crypto ecosystem should be hiring very good lawyers. some of these smaller coins do seem to lack the class of -- yeah, that legendary boiler room pump and dump shop and occupied a couple episodes of the sopranos. but now, the big ones, but coin and ethereal mar -- beginning to wonder whether one date we will not even need to have these quoted on the side of the television screen anymore. will not need, or maybe shouldn't.
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i think it is time we questioned the fundamentals of crypto, kind of like how we questioned boom. crypto took off like great fanfare, like bust, we were told the stored value, that they meant something, and would be around for a long time. i believe that until 300 of them went out of business. i am willing to admit i was wrong about crypto. -- just because you make money in it, which i was fortunate enough to new, does not mean it is for real. then, there was this period where every athlete and celebrity was showing up with crypto ads. a hilarious matt damon -- tom brady, lebron james going to the league, reese witherspoon, and even gwyneth paltrow. but still did not go to her cousin rebecca's wedding. oh, yeah, and erin roger took some of his salary in bit coin. does anybody like that guy? two of the guys, draftees, here
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-- i do not know anybody else who does. now everybody who has promoted this stuff is looking pretty funny. the public companies that jumped on crypto as actual currency seem to have wasted a lot of time and money. in the paint parade, i start with crypto. i think there was a huge amount of capital being used to prop up bit coin, and the fingers in the dike are looking mighty tired. now the public companies involved, i do not blame them. there was a public event, that was what they wanted, they were doing what the public wanted. maybe the public needs to think better. that is what i am trying to do. not criticize the companies, but make sure you know better. next time there are heatseeking missiles coming for the stocks and -- ipos because many of them are running out of money. i ad to hand it to lucid, a car company, who came back saying they were looking to raise $18 billion -- but if you want to be tesla at their own game, you might as well borrow like they used to. plus, fortune favors the bold.
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who are the first to take the public hard earned dollars. there ay be nothing left if you do not move now. what can i say about lucid? they did deliver more than 1000 cars in the first half, that is a lot per day. do the math. but that is more than 125 that they delivered last year. that is arithmetic, when you get that low. guess you had to start somewhere. lucid got questioned today. we are seeing something similar happen, though. lots of -- security. i was thinking like rent the runway, looking at some of the runway, here. had to fix, like newton, no. stitch fix, weber, trigger -- cook. yeah, too many to name. as for the stocks, i cannot really mention them on air because this is a family show, and i might say something i should not. i expected these stocks to get obliterated at the end of the year, not this fast. incredible these deals were allowed to happen. if stocks were vacuum cleaners,
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these would have been called, and you get their money back. you should be getting it back, but caveat emptor is the only rule in the used stock lot. yesterday, we saw a bunch of oil stocks -- i like oil, iraq and iran. as i explain last night, the oil rally was too good to be true. we did not stress whether oil was going up because of iran, russia, or europe. we just fell back on our discipline, which is what we urge you to do. the discipline says bulls make money, bears make money, but hogs get slaughtered. today, the oil center the slaughterhouse, a combination real bad, shredded chuck. mark pena had, because these can now be knocked over by a feather. how is that possible? the pattern here is, after these big declines in crude -- go negative. oil stocks are at the end of the day commodity plays. when the commodity turns down, they are often one-way tickets to a really bad upton sinclair novel. i expect -- to slow down tomorrow. then, there is tech.
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this morning -- put out a piece saying semiconductors made another decline of their already miserable existence. okay, market, that could have been ignored. in this market, it became an actual road map. does not help that the taiwanese are shooting chinese drones. china retaliating could mess up the entire tech supply chain. outside of hardware, software stocks -- service, got punch -- even the ones that are popular are getting hit now. unlike the other securities i have mentioned, i think many of these will eventually bounce back. oil used to pay good dividends, those will also put back. you just need to leg into both. -- pure panic getting. mentioned retail? you want some coal sold back to you? back when it was reported that so-called blowout quarter? at least best buy is holding up. i am letting the meme and
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traitors gamble with bed bath and beyond, because that is just a mud pit. if it were me, i will put my money on 00, i think it is a better investment. i do not think a bed bath sounds like a horse that came up lame. where do all these selling avalanches put us? -- told us we need to stop doing stupid things with our money. that was the thrust of his speech on friday. he is going to bring pain until it puts an end to gambling. of course, it will also hurt good investment in the process. not just to the kids at the dog track, that is crypto, dog track used to be the wonderland candles that would put winners -- but we want to see the end of this decline, and we will not get it until we see a giant washout of all these speculative things that do not make money. this is what it looks like when the fed gets serious. this is the charnel house. what matters is we had to get through intact. do not get crypto, and you will get through this, and find yourself in a much better time when we are sufficiently oversold for huge bets. nothing is happening, something coming up close, if you follow -- that i do.
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bottom line, and this is important, i need you to stay away from unprofitable junk. profitable is fine. profitable oil, profitable tech is fine, i just needed a away from the hollowed out stocks, the ridiculous ipos. get ready. polkadot, dye, polygon, sheba, avalanche, unit swap, cosmos, golan, old gordon, optimism, try request, rally, my neighbor al, league of kingdoms, and a couple other really solid investments i can get you, as long as you like bocce. there is no point to any of this stuff beyond separating you from your money. you know what? i want you to keep your money. please stay away from this stuff. i mean it. now, i have got to take some questions because that is the nature of the show. but tonight, i am really trying to say, please, stop it with the my friend alice.
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now if you really want to know what i do not like? i do not like old golem and i do not like new golan. all right, let's go to ed in iowa. hello, jim. how are you? is back good, how about you? >> i am great. i am ed, from marin, iowa. i just wanted to put a segment on fast money about the chip shortage affecting ford, right along the line i want to talk you about. i am wondering why microchipped manufacturer stocks are dropping when there is so much demand for them. >> okay, there is a very -- >> semi conductor, which is down 51% over the last month -- rolling -- >> this is a great question. this is confusing to a lot of people, but let me tell you. here is the reason. you never really made much money on that stuff, and they could never raise the price because the market could not afford it. that is why taiwan semiconductors was not a good start. you have to be in the high
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performance computing chips, but right now nothing is a good bet, let them come down but i need everyone to stay away from hollowed out junk, stalled out stocks, silly coins, and 80 do not even want you in gold or old gold. i am running to the bell, with the company's top brass. then in the face of volatility, is it time to turn back to maybe dividend aristocrats? lose less, make more. i am revealing the names i like. early this month, pepsico took a stake in an energy drink called -- celsius, which sounds like it could be a crypto coin. what is the company see in the borough-focused beverage rent? i speak to the ceo of celsius himself, so stay with cramer.
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(vo) hi. we're visible. a different kind of wireless company... ...running on a big impressive wireless network. how are we different? we exist only on your phone. so you get unlimited data for just $30/mo, taxes and fees included. plus we have a new plan with 5g ultra wideband. switch today at visible dot com.
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with xfinity internet, you get advanced security and invest—all in one app. that helps protect you at home and on the go. you feel so safe, it's as if... i don't know... evander holyfield has your back. i wouldn't click on that. hey, thanks! we got a muffin for ed! all right! you don't need those calories. can we at least split it? nope. advanced security that helps protect your devices in and out of the home. i mean, can i have a bite? only from xfinity. nah. unbeatable internet. made to do anything so you can do anything. this is xfinity rewards. our way of showing our appreciation. with rewards of all shapes and sizes. [ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!! and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes!
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find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. as i said at the top of the show, tech has been tough lately. we have to ask, is there any hope at all for the struggling pc market? we have gone all year, knowing computer business would be in rough shape, because people only needs to set up a home office wants. most of these sales are in the past, but there is still
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widespread belief the enterprise market will hold up. unfortunately, we are getting more and more evidence that enterprise tech spending may be on the wing, too. check the latest data from hp ink, which reported a tough quarter. the pc and printing kingpin did miss revenue estimates by a great deal. -- so the earnings were in line. still, hp free cash flow was weaker than anticipated, and it cut their cash for the full fiscal year in that incident in october. brutal. so, is there anything to hang a hat on, here? let's check in with the redoubtable henrique lawrence, who always gives us the straight shooting because that is all he knows to do. he is president and ceo of hba. welcome back. >> jim, great to be here. thank you. >> henrique, we are used to you coming on in good times and bad. we are concerned about cash flow and we are concerned about revenue and forecast. we want to know whether this is a new reset, so to speak, back to a level where people do not
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buy as many pcs, or whether this is a momentary lull. >> jim, i think if we look at the quarter, there are two different parts. on one side, clearly revenues were impacted by the slowdown, especially on the consumer side. on the other side, we were able to control costs very effectively and deliver on our eps guide. we were also able to continue to make progress on our strategic growth areas, which is difficult for us because it is the future of the company. when you think about -- most impacted by this slowdown of revenue. in business, -- follows net earnings, and when -- decline quarter over quarter on personal systems, it seems there is a correlation between that and the low cash flow. this is what impacted cash flow in quarter three. but we have raised the forecast for quarter four, to match what
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we missed in quarter three. >> we spoke a couple months ago. it seems things have changed so fast. yes, the home office has been built out. i do not want to be too dire about the enterprise. is there some slowdown you see in the enterprise, or is it just temporary? >> i think the situation we believe is temporary. what we have seen through the quarter, this slowdown of consumer demand really accelerated as the quarter progressed. we have also started to see some signs of slowing down on the commercial space. but we do not believe this is different by the seasonal board a year ago, we really think this is -- the macro economic situation we are facing. more and more companies being closures about how to manage budget, and be careful what how many new employees they hire point >> businesses do both the cash flow and the revenues, how to d
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because the bottom line is very good, you can continue being an aggressive buyer of your shares? >> this quarter, we turn to shareholders $1.3 billion -- $1 billion of share? would we have announced, is that for the rest of the year? we plan to exceed the original value capture plan that we had to return to shareholders $16 billion. so, we continue to believe hp shares are a good investment, and we will over deliver on the plan we have right now. >> very impressive, i have got to tell you. you must have great confidence. how about shortages of components? have the have those got any easier? is your cost coming down a little bit? >> compared to one year ago, we are in a much better situation from a supply chain perspective. the amount of components we are missing is significantly lower, and we are executing the plan we shared a few quarters ago.
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we continue to make progress. we continue to see some areas with shortages, but as time goes, really the situation is getting closer to normal. >> the transaction you announced on our show, the -- one looks like it is going through without hiccups. could that be a spur? or are you concerned some of what they sell has been impacted by the consumer slowdown? >> we re really excited about the -- acquisition. we announced yesterday we had closed the deal. now, we have a team starting to work on another innovation we can put together, acceleration of sales, and the supply chain would share with all of you when we announce the deal. an intentional few -- financials, it will be -- into first quarter of 23. first quarter of 23 starts in november, so almost the day after tomorrow. >> you know i have two of your pcs. i love the touch screen. i think it is a great differentiator for pcs.
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why do you think more people do not realize that not all pcs are the same? is it because they look at intel and microsoft and decided does not matter? i find yours as differentiated as any machine i have ever had. >> our strategy centers around innovation. we start by understanding the consumer better than anybody else. that way, we can continue introducing innovation. this is what we have done and what we will continue to do. this is really what brings -- continue to grow. we had a big reselling event last week, and we shared with them we believe we will have another best portfolio ever. that is how you know in the last 18 months, we have introduced more than 100 new products and solutions. -- ability we continue to have innovate and continue to bring back to customers.
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>> how are they, printer gross margins and supplies for those margins? i know prices are still very high. that is your business, i will not tell you to cut them, but it seems you must be making a lot of money on that part. >> from the resales, we do continue to have slow margins on the print side. this is really driven by the great management of pricing we have been doing. we also have the benefit of the fact that demand was above supply. clearly we have that support. we are really doing a good job managing prices. >> i want to thank you for coming on the show. i have to tell you, the ceos we have on, whether it is good, bad, tough, or easy, you explain everything. that gives the people who watch mad money -- i want to thank henrique lewis, president and ceo of hp ink. i wish everybody were like you, henrique. people would know a lot more about companies. >> thank you. >> very good. thank you very much. mad money is back.
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stomach coming up, an aristocrat who actually shares the wealth? cramer has a list of dividends darlings you cannot afford to miss. next. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools like dynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading feel effortless and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market with powerful, easy-to-use tools power e*trade makes complex trading easier react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity
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(vo) hi. we're visible. a different kind of wireless company... ...running on a big impressive wireless network. that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders how are we different? we exist only on your phone. so you get unlimited data for just $30/mo, taxes and fees included. plus we have a new plan with 5g ultra wideband. switch today at visible dot com.
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after the third rough day in a row -- change last friday with feta cheese -- powell -- a statement that jackson hole? we know it is freaking out wall street. said his efforts to control inflation would "bring some pain to household and businesses", and he sure has been right about that. nobody wants to hear the federal reserve bring the pain, but i do not think anything has really changed with this climate, except some money managers who had got two bullets were caught with their pants down and had to readjust. and the gamblers are being driven out of the casino en
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masse. >> they know nothing. >> if you thought powell has more or less declared victory over inflation, i think you got a rude awakening. this is saying -- let's get visible. it is getting its bell wrong, as he faced the senate would have to be wrong, if we were going to somehow stop on our way, wage inflation, which is the real deal right now, the "real culprit". if the fed is going to keep doing what it has been doing, what do we do? i recommend falling back on the same strategy i started pushing at the beginning of the year. you wouldn't -- you want to camp out in the dividend aristocrat section, the companies that have arranged payouts for 25 years. it keeps you one step ahead of the cell posse. there are a few of these aristocrats on the s&p 500. on the first day, we highlighted 36 of them to that
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is why before we circle the wagons around this group, we need to hold ourselves accountable, see how the dividend aristocrats are doing. as of tonight close, the aristocrats of the s&p 500 down roughly 9% on the year on average. not great, but better than the 16% decline of the s&p as a whole, to say nothing of the 24% decline in the nasdaq. remember, sometimes the goal is just to lose less until better times occur. they always do. when they drill down to the 36 dividend aristocrat i recommended in january, one got acquired, the other 35 are down just 4.2% on average, without factoring in dividend payments, which are actually bountiful. more important, though, how did these stocks due from january 3rd through june 16th? the number, the point of owning dividend aristocrats is they can try to protect you from the ugliness of the bear on the way down. that is important, given that jaya powell is committed to bringing pain.
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there market, our 35 aristocrat went down 10%, not great, but the s&p was down 23% in the same period, the nasdaq lost nearly 30% of its value but if you think the rest of the year will look like the tough first half than the last couple months, which is reasonable, given powell's comments, then it is not too late to swap out from tech stocks and take shelter in the dividend aristocrats again. by the way, when i say fast- growing tech stocks, i mean stocks that are losing money. i am not focused on tech stocks that are actively making money in sales. those, i think, work. i am not satisfied with outperforming the bear market, though. i want to help you make money. that is why we are being more selective this time around. i am going to give you my top 10 dividend aristocrats for the final four months of the year. we will start with one i rarely talk about, archer daniels midland, adm. agriculture, seeds and other crops. this thing takes up nearly 30% for the year, though back more
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than 10 bucks from its highs in april, and -- lately have collapsed, but i have got to tell you, i am not betting against commodity prices much if they come down a lot. crop prices have begun rebounding from the lows. agricultural stocks are moving higher again. remember the agathon market last week -- supply chain disruptions. never, ukraine accounts for 13% of the world's calories. their business has been cut in half. plus, adm trace less than 30 -- within 2% yield. conservative, decent stock. now, here is one that really intrigues me -- in europe. general dynamics. the defense contractor. every time we send weapons to ukraine, they come from our stockpiles, which eventually need to be replenished. at the same time, every government in europe suddenly wants to be armed to the teeth to defend against a newly aggressive russia. which, by the way, we are treating as if it is a sanctuary, russia. cannot attack them. i like the whole sector. but illicit dynamics is the only aristocrat in it, they
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just announced a $1.1 million deal to sell abrams tanks to poland next week they also have business jets, no doubt that will be hit in a nasty recession, but had not stopped the stock from rebounding 11% this year -- hands-on management that knows what is needed in a less secure world. -- third is one we have been bull pending for the portfolio for the travel trust, that is -- that is what you want to run in an recession when hope protect your portfolio with 2% yield, and at the same time, they had exciting growth initiatives. pacheco hard seltzer, i have got a ton of that in my refrigerator. jack and coke in a can, that is in mexico and coming here. can i just i have paid to the mall? jack and coke zero is a complete winner. this stock is coming up within a few minutes, not the soda, just the start, but now that the fed remind us they mean business, i think it is time
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for coke to shine again. fourth is hornell. i have had them on a bunch of times, that is because they are -- the company behind spam and jennie-o -- farms, skippy peanut butter, then another classic defensive, hornell just put letters peanuts from -- you know i love that deal. very smart, craft-hines needed the money. i think the maker of spam is a good trade downplay, too. plus it is a good time for pumpkin spice spam season. my mom would have served us this in spades, literally. fifth, mcdonald's. this is another trade down, all your food and affordable price. the stock has been -- most of the year, partially by inflation and the strong dollar, and of course labor issues. but those problems, i think, except for labor, peaks. i think mcdonald's can resume its long march higher soon, a 2.2% yield. i am putting this, of all these stocks, i think it is the perfect bounce back candidate.
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six is chubb, perhaps my favorite insurance company, where i am a client. the stock rallied in the first quarter because higher interest rates ean they can make more money, being for premiums and, then chest treasure was free -- great yield on treasuries. chubb has pulled back from its highest, because interest rates peaked in june, but that could change. with the fed bringing pain, i think rates will head higher, and chubb will be along for the ride. by the way, -- have been acting better than almost all the other stocks for that reason. seventh, another old favorite, realist investment trust -- housing, offices, retail, all of which have high occupancy rates. i think suburban real estate will be the most resilient as we head into recession. some people flood the city for the suburbs -- plus federal -- has great leadership -- done, by the way, ceo gives you 4.2% yields, and dividend boost -- one of the great moments, if you go back a couple conference calls ago, where the analysts were openly rebelling against
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this man. he was putting forward a dividend increase. he has got guts and smarts. number eight is really income corporation, we per profile that, another retail and commercial properties. stock has been punished lately because most retail has struggled. but these guys have done tons of consistent clients. they work with drug stores, supermarkets, dollar stores, convenience stores. best of all, -- pays you a monthly dividend. if i were to not have a job, i would have as much monthly dividend payments as i could get. imagine getting a check in the mail, and it makes up for a lot of the bills you get in the mail. kind of. this is lindy, i know it looks like lynn, lindy. industrial gas distributor for the travel trust. we sold some a couple weeks ago when the stock was 25 bucks higher. this is a tough moment for cyclical companies, but i think it has a great long-term story.
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-- their hydrogen business could get a boost from the inflation reduction act. finally, please do not forget caterpillar, down nearly 50 points from its peak in april, including a $4.84 cedrick lang today but i get my cat is hated. some people stated sell this kind of machinery before recession, but they just caught a huge boost from recent legislation. with stock down at 15 times earnings, i bet wall street has just become too negative on caterpillar. you betcha. here is the bottom line. when the fed brings the pain, and the market gets pummeled, you should take shelter in dividend aristocrats because their payoffs protect you. now you have 10 of my favorites, designed to lose less and then make more when times get better. how about we go to nick in georgia? nick? >> hey, how you doing, jim? this is nick in georgia, i used
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to live in new york, but retired down here. i am calling about lrc, land research. i do not understand the stock because everything about the stock is positive. everything everybody says about it, the numbers, everything just says to buy, buy, buy, then it is behaving worse, one of the worst start on the market. what is going on? >> nick, let me explain. first of all, you're right, land is fantastic, tim archer is amazing. we love the -- but here is the issue. when you have the ceo of micron coming on tv, my interviewing him, and they are talking about cutting back on equipment in order to get rid of the glut, what they cut back on is land research machines. i agree with you. i think over the long term, l.a. and is a great place to be, but right now, you are going to be in the house of pain until this moment is over. i just gave you what, my 10
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favorite aristocrat dividend stocks you should take shelter in money market gets pummeled. remember, we want to lose less and then make more. including with celsus, could the energy drink company be a jolt of energy to your portfolio? and best buy reported a very strong quarter. what is the tech retailers competitive advantage? i will give you my take. -- the lightning round. so, stay with cramer.
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welcome back to earth. thanks, it was pretty life changing. dude it was eight and a half minutes. i didn't even get to finish my burrito. technology lets you vacation in space, but to get work done on earth... you need more than technology. you need cdw. so with the cisco hybrid work environment, we can deliver the same network experience to all your offices. space spaghetti. no. securely connecting your team from anywhere. houston we... have a solution. we get it greg, you've been to space. cisco makes hybrid work possible. cdw makes it powerful.
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individual winners. take celsius holdings. they are a fairly new energy drink company that has caught fire lately. this stock has worked relentless the heart, going from mid-50s in june to 104 today. now, you know we have check in with these guys before. first and october 2020, when the stock was in low 20s and we liked it. then again in march of last year, when it was in high 40s. each time i said the story is good, but i was worried the stock and got ahead of itself. turns out, i did not have enough imagination. that is what keeps a good investment investor back, lack of imagination. celsius cues putting up tremendous numbers, including triple digit revenue growth, plus they recently announced a new long-term distributor in agreement with one of my absolute favorite companies, pepsico, which is now an investor, too. so can the thing keep climbing? let's check with the redoubtable john field lee. he is chairman and ceo of celsius holdings. he has a better sense where his company is headed. welcome back to mad money.
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>> glad to be here, jim. >> i have got to tell you something, john. when i first met you, i said all right, i do not know, this could be. i do not know where this will go. i want you to tell young entrepreneurs out there how you went from being small to large to then getting a stake from pepsico? which i think is the greatest, other than coca-cola, drink company in the world. >> it is a massive opportunity for every entrepreneur out there. i think today's environment with social media, you can reach consumers more directly than ever before. it is a lot of hard work. we have a great team, it is all about the team. we work hard every day, we have great products. it is one day at a time. you have got to make that day a little better than you started. each and every day. >> i think you mentioned social media. on amazon, you continue to maintain the second largest energy drink spot.
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22.6% share. did that just buildup by being clever, getting your name everywhere? >> no. that is building a daily consumer. some people ordered $20.12 packs of celsius to consumers, they actually had to buy it, take it home, chill it as part of a daily lifestyle or routine, where you build consumer products, part of your portfolio. it is all about getting into the daily consumer's life. that is what we do it celsius. it is validating with amazon, that is recurring revenue to us. fans love us. we are the number two energy drink on amazon now, at the end of the second quarter. really exciting. >> talk about the mistake -- the great ceo of pepsico arranged with you. what does it mean for shareholders? what does it mean for your growth? >> they invested over 8%. they have a $550 million investment in us. if you look at the second quarter, we were the number one brand driver in the energy drink category. our growth contributed 34% of
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the category growth. this will open us up to massive opportunities. what is interesting with celsius is our broad distribution. when you look at the consumers that drink celsius, it is 50-50 male and female, 80 to 24, all the way up to 5060+. everybody wants a healthy, better feeling product. this will open us up to universities and into food service. what is interesting, jim, when you look at traditional energy drink consumption, it is not really consumed with food. but we are seeing with celsius, because of our great flavor innovation, we are seeing consumer drink celsius with lunch, at meals. that is a new use case in the energy drink category. i hope it will bring us a massive amount of food service restaurants and opportunities for us going forward. really exciting. >> also, of course, the traditional. we think a drink celsius before the workout, and drink gatorade after. that is a natural combination, too. >> yeah, it is true. absolutely. that is a great combination.
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we are all about living fit. we bring essential energy for life. inside, outside the gym, picking kids up after school, getting ready for meetings, or getting through the day. >> how about refrigeration? how about the notion of those great branded refrigerators that were so great for rockstar? monster did it, too. you go into a convenience store, and you want to see celsius. you don't want to just be in a rack with a lot of weird things like those ipas that taste like cheerios. >> that is the name of the game. in the beverage industry, you have a great product, stack it high, watch it fly. the other thing is, if it is cold, it is sold. that is right with celsius. we want to get celsius in more coolers. that is a major feature of the pepsi relationship. they will bring us broad coolers, front checkouts around the country. we will be able to compete with larger brands in the category, now. we will be able to compete with that impulse purchase, which is
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roughly 70% of the category, which is really untapped for us. >> speaking of untapped, when i go overseas, they are crazy for energy drinks over there. do you think people realize that europe just loves them. they want more caffeine, more anything. but i do not see you there. is that going to change? >> that is a big opportunity as well. we are in sweden and the nordics. we are in a few countries, but in very early stages and most of them. this partnership is opportunity to bring us to over 100 more countries. you will see the same -- we have in the u.s., absolutely right. those are global trends. we all want more caffeine, more energy. and we want healthier energy that's better for you. that is what celsius delivers. so, you will see a more countries around the world for sure. >> one last thing to go into. i am trying to understand how you guys jibe with rockstar energy. now, if i have rockstar, you go to bed until friday, so i have got to be careful. where do you guys -- pepsico is
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a big company. you want to get the ceos attention, you want the money, but i am sure rockstar does, too. >> well, what it does is, this gives pepsi a greater portfolio to play with in energy. celsius is one of the leading fitness lifestyle brands in their portfolio, it can be a front runner for them. i think it is a great combination. we have the distribution agreement, plus skin in the game with their sizable investment. >> when you started, when you first came on this show -- i do not speak to short-sellers, but i want my twitter feed. a lot of my mentors are very kind, but there are a few people on permanent intellectual vacation. there were people who told me oh, cramer has got celsius , he does not understand, it is the greatest short ever. did people understand you could not stop you? you are kind of an unstoppable force when it comes to business. >> we are unstoppable. the brand is great, it is on fire. consumers are really resonating with the portfolio. we have a great flavor.
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we launched two new flavors this summer. look at second quarter results, 134 million, near a record quarter. that was driven by store expansion, better distribution, more consumers consuming the product, and our flavor innovation is top-notch, best in the category, we feel. we launched a strawberry lemonade for summer that is so refreshing. get out and try it. jim, i think we said something to you guys pre-call, they already consumed it. have got to get you some more. >> they did not understand it was a prop. i am looking at a guy right now i work closely with, who left me with one. he has got cans all over the place. i do not want the cans, this is like the movie the jerk. i want the actual stuff. john family chairman of celsius holdings, you always deliver. great to see you. >> thank you. >> all right, it is clichi, but winners do win. >> coming up, cramer takes calls , and the sky is the
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of money for our country, saving us security wise. what is going on? >> i am taking energy in another way, considering a -- $1.3 billion company -- earnings how you feel about lie -- back to rescue for this environment. at the more capability go to j in washington. jay? >> hi, jim. what do you think of -- systems, ticker symbol epm? >> fast grower, profitable. i like them. they must come on the show, because they are right next to where i live. okay, and it would've been in north carolina. brenda? >> good evening, jim. thank you for letting me be on your show. >> you are welcome. >> -- myself at&t >> sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, well, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell. brian in florida, brian?
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brian? >> yes. >> you are up, brian. back thank you, cramer. longtime viewer, first-time caller, calling about compass pathways, cmp pays back too dangerous, too risky. not that we want right now. a pharmaceutical company that is too dangerous. -- depression is very difficult. and what is in yemen, the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by td ameritrade. coming up, simply the best? find out why best buy might be a better buy than ever next.
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still who the heck would want to be on the hook for best buy in this environment? ceo corey -- incredibly thankless task taking care of the electronic retailer has been written off so many times. always shocks to go there and see the store still alive and kicking. today, though, that i record a strong quarter exceeding expectations, the stock managed to rally despite a hideous taken of course, expectations are relevant. best buy lowered the bar when they preannounced -- last month, but the stock is up
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nicely since then, making me believe it is fine. done a very good job with a very bad hand but you know how tough it is to run a hardwood store in the age of amazon with the fed pushing us into recession? make no mistake, best buy is in a difficult spot. they have seen the store sales down -- so how did the stock rally? some would say it is because the stock sales were 12 times earnings, very cheap for the rest of the market, others point to the sky high yield, others would point to fast growing digital division, as online sales now account for 30% of their total, meaning best buy digital division is holding its own against amazon. i agree, those all matter, but the main positive here is that best buy's inventory was down 6% on the year, down. -- here to spend -- declining inventory is incredible achievement it means best buy likely will not need to/prices for its hardware. something that would wreck the earnings. member, many other retailers
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ended up with inventory plus right now because they could not cope with messed up global supply chains and fickle consumers. you had a ton of double -- to offset chinese covid lockdowns, and the west -- but just when that stuff really finally came in, people did not want it anymore. best buy did not make that mistake. they had great supply-chain coordination. first, nonstop innovation house. always monitoring customer behavior -- i.t. assistance at installation, geek squad has become a necessity for the work from home crowd. and she -- includes the sale of hearing aids, one of the most expensive devices rarely covered by insurance. these -- tried on in person, which makes them amazon proof. plus -- pairing out what she describes as active aging business that offers health and safety solutions to make for easier lives for senior citizens on their own. -- program are very strong. i am laying all this out,
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because these days, being a retailer has almost nothing to do with selling traditional goods on the floor with salespeople walking around in blue shorts either avoiding eye contact or trying to jam some expensive warranty policy down your throat. it is about coming up with new ways to lure people crisis in mississippi. the state capital has no running water. i'm sheppard smith. this is the news on cnbc. state of emergency, national guard activated, in jackson, mississippi. no water, they can't fight fires, they can't flush toilets. >> the residents o
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