tv Mad Money CNBC October 28, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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united healthcare, poised to break out. >> a beautiful chart scott, what about you? >> $5 latte is a luxury. my put spread is in starbucks. >> so says you mike, what about you >> call spreads in unh. >> that's going to my mission is simple, to 34 make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica i'm just trying to make you money. my job to educate and teach and tell you how days like today come about call me at 800-743-cnbc or tweet
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me @jimcramer. what happens when we have a hon st -- monster rally and nobody knows how it happened? can't be interest rates, they went higher today. can't be earnings. we had monumental blowups in technology can't be the dollar headed in the wrong direction but the market roared with the dow surging 828.52 points. s&p soaring 2.46% and the nasdaq pole vaulting 2.87%. whoa, you know what? this is a growing resignation it's not little things the rate hikes are paying off. business is slowing everywhere housing, autos, data centers, re
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retail, prices are coming down for your house layoffs. you think this is negatives but we're in bad news is good news moment because the fed needs to see bad news before they take the jackhammers off our necks. wall street believes we're getting closer to the end of this nasty tightening cycle, that's why i've told you from the beginning to stay the course because i wanted you to capture these. you might know when these are over to get back in when they happen, especially when you're someone that's been through a number of them like today is the day. in reality, it's a total dark before the dawn situation. you have to ask yourself what would the darkest moment look like long before that moment occurs this time the darkest moment is looking like the collapse of the big tech bohemith.
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you have weaker macro numbers and invincible microsoft, alp alphabet, amazon, the total annihilation of meta platforms the timing feels right we expect them to raise rates another 75 basis points. we want the means business thing but then i think the fed will say we have to wait and see. they won't have to wait and see long because on friday we have the non-pharm payroll reports and i bet it will show, yes, weaker numbers than anyone
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expects. why are so many people buying stocks ahead of time rather than waiting for this to play out simple you can't dally. history says it doesn't work history says if you wait for the all clear signal, you will be too late and miss not some of the move but the bulk of the move wait until the last remaining numbers of the market's leadership get cut down and that's your chance the window opened when meta came down and the employment numbers will be weak which is the sign the fed can tighten less aggres aggressively there will be one giant false alarm. what you saw this week is exactly the way it's played out for every fed tightening cycle i've been involved in since
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1982 i think the actual darkest moment was this very morning when apple was bleeding all over the floor, amazon bent, spindled, mutilated, thrashings on top of microsoft's meltdown and a boring cyclical business and advertising like a fish wrapped evening newspaper and meta going completely rogue on us with mark zuckerberg's leadership finally taking a turn nixon was bad. these are the stocks that led the markets rise from the great, ashes of the great recession and collapse all at once you simply can't get a new business cycle, a new expansion with new leaders until the old leader haves been taken out and give me a fake valentine's day mastered firing squad investors see these falling and declare
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victory because they seen this story before i've seen this story before. it does mean we need to stay true to form for example, on monday, they have a ton of auto business. we want to say wow, business is great can't wait, no they need to tell us business is slowed in some cases dramatically and that their forecast has to be cut because of course, bad news is good news from the fed's expectative tuesday morning new leadership and in this market the health care stocks are kings because that's what you buy when the economy slows down a chance to show how it can shine with the fabulous diabetes drug i want them to keep expectations low, though, and i bet they will do that. they're really good at that. their they're really good. i like that company. we need real bad news here,
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something like uber has economic sensitivity. what does the fed want to hear they want to say you know what after long time of not paying enough drivers, we have too many drivers. they're everywhere but we don't have passengers. they can't afford it that's what you want to hear they want to hear about cash strapped performers. don't shoot the messenger. that's what the fed wants. devin is doing well and plays a great dividend but you don't want to buy the oils when the economy is weakening this group will be under pressure because of the worldwide slowdown we've pulled back from the travel trust and you can find this stuff as you know by joining investing club if you want to know more. we still like them we still own them but no longer big in them. why? because we're in a deflation environment now and they don't fit.
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amd reports. why? they preannounced the numbers. i want to know if the intel ceo was right when he talked about how he was destroying competition around him, taking share and didn't mention amd by name no longer as nice as he used to be, which is why i like him more everything wednesday will be drowned out by the fed which is too bad because we some very attractive companies reporting human that, my health care provider and cvs which is going down they have good numbers cvs pulled back harshly. it's considered a covid play human that is a post covid darling. the semis may need to em ploid -- implode if they continue and qualcomm but given how fact they have fallen, i wouldn't be surprised -- this will shock you.
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i wouldn't be surprised if you got a guidance cut and the stock went up $5.38. i like to be precise thursday starbucks reports and it could be a surprise to the upside because it's one of the few companies in the world that's been able to thrive in china during the lockdown phase, made in china, for china numbers are strong here and i think the new management will come out of the game hot as -- how hot? a venti cappuccino with hot foam and throw it in your face. fay b paypal is a chance to regroup. door dash is inviting step 'tis -- skepticism because people love to go out door dash takes a big chunk, not the food, the money. we'll be totally informed with the non-fund payroll report. let me be specific what we're looking for. stable wages we're not going to see a decline
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in wages it's too early see them stabilize but we need layoffs in hot industrindustrie particularly silicon valley. you can't get a reduction in wages until you see many people losing their job but that's what the fed wants to see is the fed a bunch of heartless grinches nah, jay is trying to do his job and do it right. and he's winning and by the way, when this is over, everybody who made fun of him during this period is going to get a very nasty letter from me the bottom line thshl, this mars trading like we'll see real signs the fed is winning and war on inflation and can ease up on the rate hikes going forward and with the bear turning 1-year-old this month, i wouldn't be surprised at all if the market got it exactly right i want to go to david in connecticut, david >> caller: hey, jim. i am a long-time fan and i'm also a club member and i'm
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also -- >> yes -- >> caller: so i'm very, very j jealous the phillies made it. >> jealousy doesn't become you i don't like that. david, one day we'll go to a game together and have a dynamite time. what's happening >> caller: absolutely. we're focused on companies that make things and make profits and i'm on board with that i do still have a small position in upstart holdings. i've been selling it into strength but still have some left i'm wondering is it worth holding on to or just sell it all at a loss? >> no, look, it's down 84% frl the -- for the year that's punitive. 84%. my take is buy a couple shackles before this rolls over again this market is trading like next week we'll see real signs the fed is winning the war on inflation as i told you they would because they always do and i wouldn't be surprised if the markets got it right this
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time hey, on "mad money" tonight. we have pinterest on could this be the beginning of a move for the social media stock? i actually think it will be. we'll check with the ceo do you have what it takes to dress your portfolio and surreal. don't miss my exclusive. what do you do here? why don't we check in with taylor morrison home and find out? i'm going to talk top brass of the company, you know what stay with cramer >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question? tweet cramer #madtweets. send jim an email to "mad money" at c or give us a cat 800-743-cnbc m miss something
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our internet isn't ideal. my dad made the brillant move to get us t-mobile home internet. -which... we have to share our signal with the entire neighborhood. yeah, now we do some weird things to get our speeds. well... i'm up. -c'mon kids. this sucks. well if you just switch maybe you don't have to be vampires. whoa... -okay, yikes. oh sorry, i wasn't thinking. we, uh, don't really use the v word. that's kind of insensitive. we prefer pro-lunar. yes, much better.
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believe it or not, this is one publicly traded social media stock actually doing well despite the carnage and snap in meta plat fforms. it used to be called facebook. pinterest, the virtual pin board and social networking. now, pinterest over a nice top and bottom line beat the users grew for the first time in ages and plus, gave solid guidance for the current quarter of course they took a huge hit since the pandemic started winding down but a great result for the first quarter under bill ready so how do they pull it off in a tough environment? let's go directly to the source. the ceo of pinterest to get a better sense of the quarter and
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where his company is headed. mr. redding, welcome back to "mad money." >> thanks, jim great to be here with you. >> i got to tell you, when i look at things on the surface, some people say there is nothing special. what i see is this, a reenergized company you have companies that like consumer packaged good companies i thought were leiaving you are back and customers take looking at book trips through you and people literally saying this is a one-stop destination, not where i begin and then go elsewhere. these all seem to be playing out at once for you. is it going the way you said it would be when i talked to you last >> yeah, jim, these are exactly the things you and i spoke about when i was coming into the company. you know, as i was joining, i saw a number of things i felt were really unique about pinterest as a platform. one you touched on is the full funnel natured of what the platform is for users and advertisers. if i step back from that, though, i would say, you know,
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as a vissual discovery, it has three really unique attributes it a positive platform it not the town square, it's a place where people are going to feel uplifted. it's a place where people are going to feel inspired which really gets to the second point it's also a place where people have intent and purpose it's not a lean back entertainment platform, it's a place where people are there with an intent whether to make or to do or to buy and then the third thing is really unique, there is a tremendous amount of human kerr racurration on the p. hundreds of pinners come and tell us which dresses go with which shoes with which handbag and how to put together a room as we lean more and more into those, you're starting to see it come through both in the user engagement and on the revenue side with advertisers.
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>> well, i think this is great let's talk about the latter. everyone knows kohl's, you cited them in an example of a new way i never thought kohl's would be interested i thought it's a good example. >> exactly right the full funnel we're leaning users both at the discovery end of the things and you have intent and purpose they're shopping and they have an intent. they haven't decided what to buy yet. it a magic moment for anne advertiser to meet a user. it isn't just rhetoric our revenue splits one third, one third and one third across mid funnel
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nay are really focused and we can tell the story and get it and drive to the bottom of the funnel and the bottom of the funnel is strengthening. let's a place we're really focused on making that stronger. >> let's take it to the next level. i run a business in italy and i want the best most thoughtful customers to visit my website and book wherever they are through my web suit site withoug through a middle person. the people i want are pinners. i don't want my mentioners at twitter. let mel a tell you that much. will that be something i can expect, a really cool place that people want to look into and then sure enough, there is a place that i can rent right there, not have to go to air bshlb and b, not have to go to bravo, just stay at pinterest >> yeah, so it's a great question, jim. we're not a marketplace but we
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do think we can connect a lot of consumer demand to the places that satisfy that demand and as you just touched on, shopping is a really big vertical for us really seeing good progress in verticals like travel and financial services and autos and so we think that we got a great ability to do more to take the really great inspiration and intent that happens on our platform and drive that all the way through to satisfaction of the intent, taking the intent to action and doing it across multiple verticals shopping is where you see focus from us now. shopping ad revenue is up 50% for us conversions, attributed conversions up 20% you're seeing really good traction on that but that can drive-through to other verticals but importantly, we're not a retailer we're not a marketplace. we're really committed to helping retailers and marketplaces succeed driving that traffic through to them and really high quality handoffs, whether a mobile link or an embedded checkout on our site.
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we're a full partner so they can fully engage and know they're going to gain a user, not just a transaction. >> that's what everybody wants in this day in age i'm shocked to hear people think everything has to be transactional. we're not looking for that at all. that's why etsy works. it's anti chtransactional. how about video? are people liking your videos? >> a great one, as well, jim we talked about our video consumption on the platforms 10 on the platform and video content up three times and so we're really finding good progress on video. additionally, i'd say we've really refined our approach on content overall as we've learned more about what videos work well for users and as i talked about the differences in our platform, in terms of being a positive place, having intent, we see that on the creative side of
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things, as well. creators are a core pillar of the content strategy and finding a different way to engage here, as well in that they like it as a positive place they liked it as a place they're not getting shouted down they also like it as a place with intent and they can engage in different ways with users, they're not just on the tread fill for the next view and video that will be transiett and has more content whether that's their affiliate link or blog post so we really made good progress on that and broadening the aperture into additional ways to bring video like publishing partners and other use r generated content. through the understanding of the video that works well on pinterest, that is video to satisfy an intent, which further differentiates us versus other platforms more entertainment based or lean back, lean forward
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where video matters but a different kind of video. >> i think it working. i think it was obvious from the way the stock acted it's working and there actually really is the first inning, many are in the eighth and ninth good to see someone in the first. the ceo of pin tterest i like this stock. coming up, embrace the great outdoors and look good doing it. cramer shreds the slope with colombia sportswear, next.
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(vo) at viking, we are proud to have been named the world's number one for both rivers and oceans by travel and leisure, as well as condé nast traveler. but it is now time for us to work even harder, searching for meaningful experiences and new adventures for you to embark upon. they say when you reach the top, there's only one way to go. we say, that way is onwards. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
6:26 pm i love this house but can we even afford it? maybe jacob can finally get a job. ♪ the house whisperer! that's right. ever since i was bitten by a house as a boy... ah! ...i could communicate with homes. your next house told me you can find it on this buying power tool shows us options in our budget. i actually love this one. you're staying in school, jacob! to each their home.
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nurse mariyam sabo knows a moment this pure demands a lotion this pure. gold bond pure moisture lotion 24-hour hydration no parabens, dyes, or fragrances gold bond champion your skin at adp, we use data-driven insights to design solutions to help you manage payroll, benefits, and hr today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪ this has been a rough year for all things apparel but a funny thing happened last night. colombia sportswear you might known as prada, mountain hardware reported a surprisingly good quarter they cut the full year forecast in july never to be more
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conservative yet, when colombia reported last night, they delivered record sales up 19% year over year and 13 cent earnings beat off $1.67 basis and didn't raise the full year guidance, i got to wonder if that is you have to be more cautious stock jumped 5%. i have to ask could it have more upside let's take a closer look with the chairman and ceo of colombia sportswear to find more about the quarter and outlook for the future welcome back to "mad money." >> hey, great to see you again, jim. thanks for having me back on. >> well, i got to tell ya. tim, i've not really heard you this excited about your lineup and when you start talking about surreal as a billion-dollar brand, some women say yeah, i think that will be a big one that was an extraordinarily strong quarter. >> a little bit of timing and the business in the a billion dollars yet and well on our way and the opportunity frankly is
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there. you know, women's footwear and surreal today is 85% women's footwear and about 80% non-winter so the real question for us was taking a brand, which was known as men's work converting it, the brand, the revolution with the business and, you next i've been saying for years footwear should be our single biggest category and we got real opportunity to make that happen. >> when people saw towards 47% year over year, this suspects courting goodness but i will say that when i look at your product, i see a lot of evergreen and things at the end of the year they don't have to go they're not trash. they're built to last. surreal, but also of course, your 74% inventory, i don't have to worry like another apparel
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company. >> no, you know, jim, we consider -- listen, we know we have too much inventory and much is due to logistic issues, which are sustaining throughout the rest of this year and likely a bit into next year but we've got a balance sheet, which is very enviable it's a fortress balance sheet and we can use that to carry inventory in a patient way it's not different inventory that we would otherwise be buying we'll carry it over and sell it again next year and if we need to, we'll liquidate this stuff through our own chin of retail stores and much more profitable. if we panic for liquidity. >> some actually very large company industry i respect for a great deal i won't mention them now is really caught in the spiral down and that spiral down is almost impossible to break, as you know let me ask you, you were always
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doing some very exciting advertising. jalen hurts, who is coming up with these ideas this is how you reach young people, not google or amazon those aren't working anymore >> we don't advertise in the "wall street journal" anymore. folks buying our product are really keyed into these different individuals who are really a big part of what we're doing and that's our new marketing director who is helped us to get our business back online, back exciting for young people and then surreal, frankly, is almost like a co-business that's been growing rapidly without the need for a lot of focus and marketing. >> now, how about the on the heat infinity? we've got that in front of us. from the actual look of it, people can tell how exciting this is.
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maybe you can give us more of why it working so well. >> sure, well, this was the next generation from our very popular on the heat reflective, which covered -- which we've sold about a billion dollars worth of since we entered that business or launched that product about ten years ago. this is the next generation. it's a different color because we want consumers to know the difference between omni hit and omni heat infinity omni heat infinity is much warmer the coverage on the fabric is 60% against 40% for omni heat so much better reflection, much better coverage and really a highly technical garment people recognize immediately when they see the color. i see who at is going on here. >> tell me, i've been trying to gauge what people are doing post covid. we know during covid people like to go outdoors they like to be where they thought they couldn't get covid,
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the heightened camp. are people sticking with that? how many people decided to go back to the way it used to be and how many people adopted your high quality products and stayed in the backwoods >> well, i think, you know, more than just the backwoods, people realized how exciting outside can be and even as the pandemic waned over the last several months, we still had very high visitations to the national parks, we saw people going outside playing golf, skiing is coming up. i think people realized how much fun the outdoors is and they're recognizing that they can be safe and frankly, it's a way to take their families on a real experience trip and not cost a ton of money. >> lastly, i want to know what your thoerg tughts are with chia i thought it would be a fantastic market for you and
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back and forth with our country and china. what do you think in terms of growth >> you know, we've talked about china being the largest knee graphic opportunity and i think that's -- while i still believe that because we under performed in china as you know we were very strong several years ago. we let ourselves get lost and now we're back with a new team and we're growing there but we get concerned about the level of opportunity when we have so many closures which are really unprecedented we'll see what happens with the new premiere might allow that kind of severe treatment of the covid virus to be somewhat moderated but it's still difficult to plan a business when the whole city, large cities may be shut down. we're taking a wait and see opportunity. >> the fortunate thing, keep
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making and it beat the numbers thank you tim. stuff is more beautiful than ever colombia sportswear, have a great weekend. glad you came on "mad money." >> thanks, jim. we're back after the break >> announcer: coming up, rocketing mortgage rates are making the dream of homeownership impossible for untold numbers but how is it impacting this comcompany? find out next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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right, there is tons of groups that will suddenly become more attractive like home builders. take taylor morrison homes operating across the southeast, wednesday they reported a mixed quarter lower net sales and lower net order prices, higher clean instillations, we can expect a backlog but selling a ton of homes all right. that sounds bad the way i described it the federal reserve is tightening because they want to stamp out inflation and they really are gunning for home builders and i think that's a shame because these companies provide a lot of value to you as a home buyer these numbers from taylor morrison coupled with the weaker case showing data from this week suggests the fed might be willing to declare victory that's what we want. once the fed slows the pace of its rate hikes, then home builders can make a comeback as they always have the stock didn't get hit on the way they thought the numbers would be disappointing
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ms. palmer, welcome back to "mad mo money". >> thank you so much so good to see you and be here again. >> give me the state of things here because you know, your homes are for great value and it is obvious to me that the federal reserve decided that home prices in general have gone up too much over the last couple of years if i were to go buy one of your homes, say, in california or florida, would i pay substantially more than two years ago? >> yeah, that's true, jim. you absolutely would prices have moved over, let's call it the last 24, 30 months probably 25, 30% across the country. now, we've seen some of that come back over the last few months but i think it's not just that prices jim, you said it well in the opening. it the combination of the prices and mortgage rates, interest rates being, you know, 3% at the beginning of the year and this week they're in the 7s.
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>> at the same time, it's not like you're sitting there -- look, you have good gross margins. these are things you can't control. what has gone up in a house is actually to you reasonable given the fact material costs have gone up and harder to find people to work >> oh, jim, you're spot on again. we have seen tremendous cost pressures over the last two years and i would tell you that is both on the labor side as well as the material side. i mean, we can just talk about lumber, jim. we've seen prices of lumber go up four times. >> labor is a problem. the fed can't create people.
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don't you have to destroy the economy for a bit to find labor? sometimes it's counter intuitive the way they do this. >> the fed has had' lot of resolve without just that. he's been clear he'll break back of inflation and really break it in home prices we seen what happens with interest rates if you think where we are with interest rates even compared to what we're seeing in the market, it doesn't make sense. histo historically, the interest rates have moved 40% you look at interest rates instead of 40% of that movement, it's over two times. >> you got surprisingly low cancellation rate historically and i bet a lot of your buyers are paying with cash the fed 's job is not to make us poor but have price stabilization but there is a lot of wealth in the country
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you're not having that hard of a time selling homes in that company. >> there is demand out there, we have two things trying to solve right now, jim one is affordability and i think our sales and certainly cancellations and we can talk about that because the team has done an amazing job. we're trying to solve affordability for first-time buyers because they really don't have any lev ralg or equity coming out of their existing homes. they don't have extra dollars in the savings account so for them, this is a difficult environment. when we look at the customers and moveup resort style, they absolutely can afford to buy but emotionally, you need to have confidence we talked about, jim, the last couple years, the room our customers have in their ability to purchase based on interest rates and even today at today's
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rates, the fha and conventional buyer has have a great deal of room being able to afford it doesn't mean they don't have the conc confid confidence if we can get some normalcy and visibility of the fed when it slows down instead of 75, 75, 75, i think we'll see this change quite a bit. >> do you think it would be bet tore er to pace them out if we didn't have inflation come back and just, say, just january, come back maybe march because the pace of this, you and i both know the pace of this is unprecedented that it's really just making it so that everybody is nervous everybody is gun shy in this country right now. >> i think that's right. you know, there's part of me, jim, that says just rip the band-aid off and get it done and, you know, so there is something to be said because then we can start repairing,
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right? and the consumer can know what they have. but if i look at earlier in the week when getting a 7% interest rate might have cost you two points and today that might be 6.75, that's unprecedented movement i think some normalcy, stability will help the consumer quite a bit. you know, who knows. i think the range of what could happen is quite large out there but i think most believe that we'll get through most of this this year and then at some point next year, you know, we'll pull back a bit and rates hopefully settle back into the 5s and you and i both know that 5% from a long term is still a beautiful rate and i look at what we're locking our customers at today, when we look at what we locked our whole backlog where we were at the end of the quarter, jim, you know, our fha buyers were locked at 5.3. our conventional buyers were locked at 5.6.
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so we can assist our buyers to get to some level of normalcy. >> we get into normalcy, i think, everything will be fine and you won't sell at 2.5 times earnings anymore which is ridiculous cheryl palmer, it is ridiculous. cheryl palmer, chairman and ceo of taylor morrison great to have you back on the show thank you so much. >> thank you great to see you. >> "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, cramer takes your calls and the sky is the limit. it a fast fire rilightening roud next with powerful, easy-to-use tools power e*trade makes complex trading easier react to fast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity
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♪ ♪ it is time, it is time for the lightening round phone calls, and play the sound, and then the lightning round is over are you ready, ski daddy time for the lightening round. let start with maurice in tennessee, maurice >> caller: good afternoon, jim i am on the fence right now. i'm on the fence with chrw. >> get off the fence and sell. we don't need any more of these logistics companies. they're a dime a dozen they should all get-togethers and become one giant logistics company. yeah, let's go to corey in florida, please, corey >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, corey. >> caller: i was calling to see about eqt corp just wanted to your take on that -- >> i actually saw them recently on tv. makes a tun of money
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it could use a little pine line or two but the white house doesn't seem to like those that much neve never the less, i'm going bullish. andrew in my home state of new jersey andrew >> caller: greatetings from sumr set. >> fabulous. >> caller: being the way the year has been, i dumped off a good portion of tech and went hail mary with frontier holdings, ulcc and wonder how long you'd hold it for it never seen past 22. >> this company paid you -- when things were bad, they paid you to fly i love that aspect don't understand that business model. i'll say these guys are stuck with it and made it through and i won't go against an airline when people want to travel and talk with people so let's stay with it. adam in oregon, adam >> caller: mr. cramer. >> yes >> caller: i love your show.
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>> oh, thank you very much what's up? >> caller: listen, is this stock going mel gibson beyond the thunderdome, give me the "mad money" mad math on camping world. >> buyer of camping world. too cheap. we have to own it. can we have one more, please i'm in the mode of taking many stocks i want to go to rick in california, please, rick >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> boo-yah, rick >> caller: jim, i got to tell ya after eight years of grammar school and four years of high school and four years of college and two wonderful mentors when i was young, you, sir, are the best teacher i ever had. >> holy cow. thank you very much, man thank you. great to hear i've been -- been thrashed around lately but some companies but what is going on >> caller: would you please
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share your thoughts ameriprize. >> very strong company i'd buy. thank you for the kind comments and ladies and gentlemen, that's the conclusion of the lightening round. >> announcer: the lightning ro round is sponsored by t.d. ameritrade coming up, cramer faces the facts head on to make you a better investor. class is in session, next.
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it's a pandemic, stupid. as the post pandemic unfolds, many companies made very different decisions about the pandemic some of them, well, they were just plain wrong even if they were made by the smartest people in business, take amazon, a long-time cramer fav and stock that made my charitable trust fortunes over the years. during the pandemic, amazon hired more than 800,000 people they had to to keep up with the excess demand. they're a customer centric organization which means they needed every soul they could find to get that product to you when you were locked down. now, i wasn't in the amazon
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boardroom when these hiring decisions were made. they would look brilliant if we were in lockdown mode and crushing every other retailer in the business but the moment everyone got vaccinated and the pandemic ran the course, amazon had a real problem they can't just wave a magic w w wand and fire 800,000 people that's the only way to get cost in line with the decelerating revenues i don't want to ban amazon for the trust. i has many good years of growth ahead of it long term but the company needs to do something that so many younger tech firms seem to struggle with. it needs to fire people ruthlessly as someone who has been fired and also done a lot of firing, too much firing, it's a nightmare. amazon doesn't have a choice, though they need to make these layoffs before we get too close to christmas and amazon isn't alone. so many companies misjudge it. can't blame them for getting it
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wrong but we have to recognize consumer behavior changed rad d -- radically. they are being punished here staffed up by covid would last forever and paying the price now that it's diminished many of the brick and mortar retailers assumed that people were itching to go back to the mall or the shopping center as soon as we were jabbed a couple times. misjudgment. hey, people want to go out but they don't want to go to the mall they will order online but not at a level to support all the amazon hires and people aren't shifting from online to in person shopping as much as they're shifting from buying goods to buying experiences. they're going places they're doing things weddings, marriages, whatever. that's why you should stick with united air, with delta, with disney terrific travel place. the ladder one of the largest positions in my entire charitable trust how about the work from home
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trip on the way out, partner. sure, there are plenty of people pushing for remote work, especially younger people but those are people that will struggle to get promoted because nobody knows what they're doing. maybe they're home playing call of duty or red dead reception. management doesn't like remote work and as fed tightens, management has more bargaining power than now i say go with the companies mostly back to work because that's where the best pro productivity is. the blessed banks. they're a terrific beneficiary of the yield where they take deposits and pay you next to nothing and they know invest that money in high yielding treasuries risk free banking joke one last potential casualty, the auto makers. they want to take advantage of the great migration for the cities and suburbs of the country. unfortunately, they couldn't get the cars made in time. they still lack the darn parts, not their fault. demand is strong but they just haven't capitalized on the era of post covid freedom because
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they don't have the inventory. that must change or the stocks will languish in place for the duration and that will be a crime i like to say there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to find it here for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer see you monday "the news with shepard smith" starts now i'll see you here on monday. "the news with shepard smith" starts now another attack meant for a u.s. lawmaker. i'm kayla tausche in for shepard smith. this is "the news" on cnbc nancy pelosi's husband attacked. >> our officers observed mr. pelosi and the suspect both holding a hammer. >> cops say the man who did it on a mission to find the house speaker. what we know about how he got in and the hunt for a motive. the rise of political threats against congress the new alarming numbers and concerns over the country's direction. perspective tonight from
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