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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  November 14, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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i bet on the dollar doing it through that that was a nice break. >> thanks for watching "fast money. we'll see you back here at 5:00. in the meantime do not go anywhere "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now my mission is simple, to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all invels torinvesto. there's always a bull market somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends, i'm just trying to help you make some money. my job is not just to entertain but ed kucate and teach you. call me or tweet me @jimcramer something is changing in this market we should have gone down friday huge after that gigantic
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thursday rally we should have gone down and stayed down this morning because of the ftx scandal, crushed the market and we should have been slammed all day with chris waller, an important board governor said there is a ways to go before the rate hikes end instead, we get hit in the morning and the fed's vice chair used the word soon in relation to a slowdown in rate hikes, which iswhat the bulls want to hear and then he had a nice bounce until we did indeed rollover in the day. ultimately the dow sinking 211&q this market put on a show for most of the day. you want to know why this market is so resilient lately because of thinking like we got from the vice chair. if the fed isn't going to tighten aggressive, still tighten but not aggressively the bears don't have enough
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fuel you might think this is happening too painlessly but that's actually not true it's where the pain is highly concentrated we're seeing layoffs and closings left and right, think crypto or lunatic tech kno appal ideas or firms that have done so well for so long they don't need the bottom of efficiency we're seeing layoffs at amazon i think there is more to come. major ones at meta platforms does alphabet need all these people does microsoft i don't think so they made so much money for so long at these companies, maybe they just don't know how to fire now, if we look at anything tech, fintech, real estate tech, enterprise software tech, anything that needs advertising tech to make the quarter, we know exactly who is feeling the pain. >> the house of pain. >> it's less visible to those who don't work in tech and it's not just that they're
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firing people. so many of these tech companies offer their employees tons of what's known as stock based compensation a big part of their income is from stocks. but now that their stocks collapsed, a lot of that compensation is going up in smoke and more has to be paid out in cash. the purchasing power is being destroyed and the companies aren't doing as well once you pull back stock based compensation, they're not doing that well. the pay is in the companies we never heard of startups that were supposed to be public and didn't and the ceo of goldman sachs talked about a queue to come public but to me that's a queue to nowhere. there is no appetite for ipos and won't come back until the market is more secure and forget about spacs, please. the craziest thing is what people are buying. later tonight, we'll talk about what i call the if recession, as in if there's a recession. here are the stocks to buy not sell exactly the napmes you're supposed to sell do you think the bears bet
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against new corp usually line up against the wall and just annihilate? they spent the last few weeks rallying like crazy. they're saving it. they're not immune but seem immune to a slowdown they finished nicely when the market pulled back into the close because the market is led by tech, which is the biggest sector companies that let you buy now and pay later or help businesses figure out who is credit worthy or make point of sales are a dime a dozen and most of them are just pro se nothings who can keep them straight i have to look them up every single time and i know a lot of companies. same for the companies that help manage, massage, explain or protect data i wonder if we couldn't have that done by palo alto and and maybe some workday. by the way, salesforce got some control of costs slimming down the business and buying back $10 billion worth of stock nobody expects them to issue $10
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billion worth of stock instead of buying it back for shareholders here is the question, are the losses in tech and crypto big enough to make a difference in the fed's thinking the fed doesn't want excess and silicon valley is the poster child for excess do you think there is kexcess a norfolk southern a railroad like union pacific let so many people go during the pandemic their struggling to find people to work. that's not a sign of excess. let me make it clear what i'm not saying i don't think the crypto collapse by itself will cause the fed to relent but i think they're happy to see the speculative bubble ending. there are so many different kinds of coins that are just ridiculous, stable coins, d dogecoins backed up by angry people on the internet who have a million reasons why they're
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right and you're wrong and they don't believe for a moment that they possibly, possibly could be making big mistakes here they talk about decentralized finance when you bring up what a bunch of joke things are and somehow defy makes it so you can have polka dot or chain link or dogecoin as if you take them if you ran any kind of business, even a lemonade stand. they were able to keep the game going for ages because they're loud and combative and angry but as the industry implodes, no amount of tweets or redit posts will turn it around. the mob is starting to weaken. as for tech, when i look how many of these companies that were created to generate sales leads, i got to laugh. i mean, enough already if there are businesses being started and there are and you've sold them your software scheme or at least given them the free version, forget about it i can't believe how many cloud
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softwares exist to get things cheaper or help clients win customers, you can roll them up into one firm and nobody would know the darn difference we're used to the old line industrials for a recession. let me ask you, if you're a software engineer for alphabet or programmer for meta, do you feel like buying a new beach house or sweating out whether to buy a whirlpool washing machine at lowes i think the latter tomorrow we'll start hearing from another group of precarious stocks, the retailers. we'll hear about tales of macro economic environmental whoes. never like they got the wrong merchandise. they want to blame the headwinds from inflation and the federal reserve for their problems that's okay. doesn't matter it time honored. what does matter, what you need to know is other than travel, people won't doing much. they're hungered down trying to
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figure out whether to go back to work and trying to figure out how much longer they can take spending so much on renovations and what is with the fancy clothes? they don't know what to do we'll get an ear full from the retailers and i think most of it will not be pleasant but the conclusion is simple there is enough turmoil the fed needs to slow down the rate hikes if only to prevent the headwinds from turning a cat 5 hurricane. it can be hard to notice the fed did a great deal of damage to the economy all packed into the most bloated sectors and that doesn't include housing, the typical bl typical brunt bear and maybe we can cool down inflation without crushing the rest of the economy. seth in texas, seth? >> caller: hey, jim. good to talk with you. i'm a member of the investing club, so i know you're taking wells fargo. i really like this new ceo jane city and i like the tangible
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book value but i guess what do you think about -- like what is your thought on citi has a whole? >> i think she's doing a gate job but i want to know how that tangible book is so far above where the common stock is. i have to tell you that something is wrong there and i don't know what it is but you should not have that variation between tangible book and where the stock is and i find it quite disconcerting. bob in ohio, bob >> caller: hello, jim cramer >> yes, you got me, bob. what's up? >> caller: hey, great to talk to you, thanks for talking my call. first time, long time. >> thank you excellent. >> caller: my question today is about dominion energy. i've been accumulating shares for ten years. it's a disappoint. now we got management talking about review of the businesses and potential sale of more assets most notably the co-point plan. >> right. >> caller: do you see something good here for the long term investor or is this just going to be a house of pain?
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>> i have been very, very confused cfo leaves, top to bottom. there is something wrong at dominion and i'm not sure until we get the full airing what the heck it is right now you have 4.6% yield i'll be very candid on this one. i have not, not a single idea what is going on at daminon. they should come on air and explain it to us let's go to charles in maryland, please, charles. >> caller: yes, good afternoon how are you today? >> i'm good. how are you? >> caller: good, good. quick question i know ms, microsoft is one of the companies you like in terms of having bottom line profits and good fund mentals. the question i have for you is at this price sore, is now a good time or buy or wait until the drop is lower? >> wait.
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we sold some for the travel trust today. i never thought i'd sell microsoft but the tech stocks, many are over inflated and they're going to get hammered and we warn people last week with the travel trust who belonged to the investment club we would let some microsoft go and we did so just like that today. the fed already has done a great deal of damage to the economy. it's all packed into the most bloated sectors like tech. maybe just maybe we can cool down inflation by burying tech and crypto without crushing the rest of the economy. on "mad money" tonight, it felt tough to find solid winners but after a nice recent run, what do you do with the sector i'll give you my take that should be surprising could this be a turn around quarter for big names or do we have to wait i'm share what you need to know and logitech is on a run i'm talking to the ceo so stay with cramer.
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>> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question? tweet cramer #madtweets. send jim an email to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something head to 1 12 1 12 st an idea” could become a family tradition? 1234 as you plan, protect and retire. ♪
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last week we got a massive rally after an inflation rating that feels like maybe the fed doesn't need to tighten as aggressively going forward there is a lot of focus on the tech stocks higher because they do better on an easy money environment but like i explained at the top of the show, i'm more interested in a rally quietly unfolding for the past few weeks
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not just the last trading day. i'm talking about the cyclical names that had shocking moves higher i say shocking because the cyclical smokestack stocks are exactly, precisely what you're supposed to avoid of sell going into any fed mandated recession like it looks like we're having. the management playbook says when the economy slows, avoid the siccyclical like the play you can't aown them we are looking at a fizzle once wall street realizes the fed will bring the pain? or could this stunning rally in the cyclical have more legs. let me give examples, in recent weeks, boeing, caterpillar, deere, dow, honeywell and new corp caught fire
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why don't we start with boeing this stock bottomed in june and ran over again and came close to the level in september making a higher low at 12 1 since then boeing soared way to the low 170s we're talking about a 43% gain here despite the fact this one is one of the worst run companies that exist but now the stock seems uchb stoppable with a $12 billion revenue short fall made sense, the stock turned around the next day. made no sense. i don't know there is caterpillar with a 5 2-week low at 160 and change and taxes up 75 bucks. that is wild we spoke to the ceo in late october after the company reported an excellent quarter. the stock had already jumped nearly 8% earlier that day in
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anticipation nothing to worry about because it's up 1 1% since then. it's done nothing to blunt the stock' de deere up from the bottom in july this is boarder line unstoppable. the exact opposite of the tech stocks dow, the big commodity bottomed. since then the stock rallied hon neywell made a double botto in july and late september since those late september lows, the stock has jumped 28% full disclosure, we took advantage of the strength to trim on our position a couple weeks ago but we kept most of it when your favorite stocks roar, you have to take something off the table. that's how we learn. even if you think they have more upside which we think this does but it called discipline and we think discipline trumps conviction
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finally, there is long term cramer fav new core. yes, the best steel maker in america. they were trading 102 in late september and back up to 1 42 and change there is a sense maybe the fed doesn't need to push us inreces. it became clear we were headed for a nasty one and the smokestacks are goners they get crushed their earnings fall off a cliff. how can we be in a recession with 2.6% gdp growth and now it's said the recession will come next year however, i think wall street went all in betting on a crash landing for the economy, not enough money was bet on a soft landing where we avoid a real recession because j
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powell is more deaf than many people think th get inflation under control without totally wrecking the economy, something that seems more likely now that we're finally fixing the supply chain mess remember, that's the logistics problem. in late september, the smokestack stocks were trading like there is no possibility of a mild slowdown rather than a severe one that was too negative except for maybe techs. the second driver is something i mentioned at the top what i call the if recession story. as in even if we have a recession, it really seems like the pain is highly concentrated in tech and advertising and hyper speculative assets like crypto think about it like this in the past couple years, the excess has been limited to the tech space so why shouldn't it be concentrated on tech, too a thesis i explain in depth in my sunday think piece that went out last night why i always urge you to join
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especially the thursday club meeting. in short, what can the fed do enough to pop the tech bubble? that's where we are now. it's possible they don't need to raise interest rates with the industrials getting crushed. third, a lot have powerful sec c -- secular. the airlines are desperate for new planes because there is a global travel boom ca caterpillar, deere, we'll follow this federal infrastructure bill closely in the next couple weeks. this will be a major source for earnings caterpillar, another one benefits from years of under investment in domestic energy. that's the most important. not china. deere wins dow chemical has growth drivers, too, like the rise of electric vehicles that have plastics. dupont has some there, too maybe we should stop thinking of
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the names that will help in a softer economy maybe these are great companies that position themselves in a terrific end market and dominated industries to a point where potential customers have no choice but to turn to them and by the way, these are lean and mean operations because they've been through all sorts of downturns, bottom line, a lot of stocks roared higher. you can use this opportunity to sell, sell the strength when we get it because they're in the middle of the federal reserve's blast zone they could be worth owning on anything you get in the last ten minutes of today's trading because i think in a softer economy, they could be a great place to be. wow. what a change. "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, feel that rhythm? the tempo of earnings season can the results change your tune about the sector find out next.
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. there is a rhythm to earnin season then there is a week done by energy last week and now we're up to the next section two weeks of wall to wall retail, and it's going to be tough. normally, i love hearing from retailers these are consumer facing companies everyone is familiar with and tell us a great deal about the state of the consumer this year is more complicated because retail is struggling the s&p retail etf, the xrt peaked roughly a year ago like so many other things, right. $55 at the lows in september like so many other things and although it's rebounded back to $65 now. it's down 37% from the highs most people think of tech as the hardest hit sector in the market but believe it or not, that is only down 31% from the highs sure, there are subsectors of
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tech that are much worse and i talked about a lot of those at the top and of course, the ipos and spacs, they're so bad that there is no comparison other than to sam bankman freed but retail is -- just kidding. retail has been awful. why? a bunch of reasons first, most retailers are up against pretty tough comparisons. because they did great last year t thanks to the stimulus, the checks, the huge child tax credit payments, those were really unappreciated we got none of that this year so the retailer haves periods where consumers had a lot of extra firepower courtesy of uncle sam and lapping is a concern when you try to trade retail stocks second, they got supply chain problems this is a problem last year, too. now it's creating a ripple effect many retailers failed to get products in time for the holidays so they started ordering things early this year to avoid having the merchandise get stuck on a boat. some of them double ordered, too. the problem with ordering early
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since you're loading up on inventory since you have a real grasp what the consumer wants. which brings me to problem number three in the 2022 consumer, very little in common with the 2021 consumer people aren't worried about covid anymore, so they're spending a lotl ll less money on physical stuff and more on travel and experiences not great for retailers. fourth, the most important, the economy is indeed getting worse. nobody thinks it's getting better earlier this year we worried about einflation and we have th fed aggressively raising interest rates that impacts your credit card to cool down the economy. if you didn't know that. suddenly we're hearing about big tech layoffs people spend less out of work and generally speaking, we tend to be more cautious with money when we sense the economy is in trouble. now we're in an odd situation when the market exploded higher, the retailers led the way.
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the whole group bottomed wall street feeling more positive there is a realization while consumer habits have changed, some chains have been hit a lot harder than others at the same time, the stock haves come down so dramatically they're banking on brutal numbers. the most important all sorts of costs are coming down especially logistical costs, the worst part of the equation and that's good for retail margins and good news for the fed because it means they may not have to raise interest rates so aggressively going forward. we heard that today. what the do we watch for over the next couple weeks of retail earnings season? first, wednesday morning we get october picture retail sales data wall street is looking for a 1% gain month over month, which would be the biggest increase since june it can hit that number well, it would justify a lot of the recsents. that's talk about actual earnings
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the canary of the coal mine in may and fast forward six months and it seems like the stocks bottomed months ago, right walmart preannounced bad numbers last time. the actual quarter better than expected and for target, they took the medicine in june saying they get rid of kpeexist invent. the actual quarter in august was heinous but didn't hurt the stock because we knew target was on the right track i wish i felt that conviction now. have walmart and target got their act together inventory levels and the upcoming holiday season. bank of america published a note pointing to declining foot traffic of both chains i didn't expect this it was an unexpected piece i highlighted squawk on the street, maybe the stocks will pause or maybe take a hit. okay but then bottom and then be good
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to go from here. we'll hear from home depot lowes comes out on wednesday home depot delivered surpris surprisingly strong results but that doesn't save the stock because wall street doesn't want to touch anything but the housing stocks how unnerving is this moment wall street is focussing on do it yourself. listen, lows is far more venn ration and you're more likely to remodel. that may take some time before people realize tjx, the off price chain behind tjmaxx when the rest of the industry sh struggles, tjmaxx swoops in and buys it and resells at a great price. it's around 15%. if you belong to the cnbc investing club, we sent you the full tjx preview today they reported wednesday and i
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expect encouraging things. the stock is getting clobbered before the market is open. be careful for the rest of the chains, we heard from stross on tuesday an burlington on tuesday and how about december i like macy's despite the guidance cut last quarter. great management kohl's has less going for it but they already preannounced so maybe it's derisked. i don't know it's tough to tell i just can't tell for that one we hear from truly hated outfits like bath and body works on thursday that's recent. i think it can come back and then the despised gap stores, there i'm not so sure. gap's bounce over the past few months but don't get your hopes up friday we hear from footlocker who made us fortunes at ulta beauty and buckle, a power chain up nicely since recommended in april. finally, next tuesday the flood gates open and we get results from nordstrom best buy probably okay, dollar
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tree probably okay american eagle probably not great and abercrombie probably okay and dick's probably better than okay. has retail turned the corner is the bottom line too soon to tell we're seeing some signs of hope but the next two weeks will tell us whether the recent move was legitimate or just a temporary fakeout so pay close attention because this might be the last bad quarter for retail before people get sick of travel and decide there finally is something worth buying again let talk phone calls bradley in texas, bradley. >> caller: hey, cramer, i was looking into the airbnb earnings call and kept using the word excited in the call. the founders sold over a billion dollars worth of stock considering actions speak louder than words, how should investors react? >> really good point brian chesky has a great business now, the problem with this is that it sells at a very high multiple and nobody wants high multiple stocks, even ones as
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good as airbnb so i have to be careful but i do like it very much the let's go to craig in california, craig? >> caller: hey, hey, hey, boo-yah chill master j. >> boo-yah, what is happening? >> caller: a little quandary maybe you can help me out with something. i've got a wide range of stocks at the top about 20% ownership protein is mcdonald's. -- >> boy, i got to tell ya, i think mcdonald's is so well run. don't worry about it mcdonalds is a mapure operator. i can really tell people you must buy it here we're seeing mixed signals, some signs of hope but the next two weeks will tell us whether the recent move was legitimate or a temporary fakeout. double order worries about the macro economic pi picture. much more "mad money" ahead. after surging should investors start listening to what the stock is telling you i'm checking in with the ceo and
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morgan stanley thinks 2023 will be the year of yield so if that's true, which names could be big winners i'll give you my take and all your calls, rapid fire tonight's edition of lightening round is stay with cramer ♪♪ the only thing i regret about my life was hiring local talent. if i knew about upwork. i would have hired actually talented people from all over the world. instead of talentless people from all over my house.
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the various and the pc business and already bought new home and in the last few weeks, logitech went to a better than expected quarter and management reaffirming the forecast for
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2023 lots of analysts thought they'd have to slash the sales forest and didn't happen. like many covid winners, the stock spent roughly a year and a half as a punching bag for finding its footing over the past month so as a comeback, real or do we need to be more cautious let's check in with the straight sho shooting president of the ceo. he had a better read welcome back to "mad money." >> thanks for having me back, jim. >> i want to talk about this notion of resembling the office, how we're going to reassemble it. >> sure. >> nobody in silicon valley knows how to do something you did. you cut expenses to the point you surprised the upside what is so different, what cloth are you cut from these other people seem to think it doesn't matter >> well, we really when we went through the pandemic and had so much growth, we grew 80% and we always thought let's be ready to
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take back out and tried to play risk manager as we grew. >> the gross margins, you're a cutthroat business. >> i'm quite proud there is five points of inflation currency he can add that on if we get to a steady state like a few years ago. i feel really good about the growth margins. >> you should. >> a lot of people say everyone built a new office, work from home is real you say that too. >> yes. >> you propose a new way to look at it maybe we did it in a hurry. maybe we didn't have time to do it right and your stuff makes it right. >> yeah, yeah, i think it won't surprise anybody watching to know that whether you're a company or individual, as hybrid came and we scrambled out of the system and people carrying computers under their arms, they scrambled to get anything they could for a home office. a lot of people had some kind of lap top and now they needed something permanent and the
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offices themselves need to completely change. we have a different configuration of working, meeting. this whole world is we move fast out of the office. we're kind of slowly getting back in and now we're in the mood to make the office the and homework spaces work this is the future we're in. >> tell me about the new video looks like at home what you've got is what zoom needs. i mean, zoom -- we had zoom on last week. you and i both know they're nice people. >> great people. >> this is the one to have. >> in the home or office you need very high quality audio. >> right. >> and high quality video. we've just launched a new webcam it won't surprise you with a privacy shutter. you want to have privacy super high quality audio and video and the ability to track you. the office is even cooler, jim the office of the past you had a camera at the front of the room. >> right. >> you had good audio and that was about it
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now you need more because as we went through the pandemic and you saw hollywood squares up on the screen, you get used to seeing people straight on so we just announced about a month ago is that now you'll have not only the video, the camera at the front of the room you'll also have what looks like a red bull cam you can drop down on the table. lit take each of us and put them on the screen for remote participant. they have the hollywood squares if they want it. they can see the full room they have great audio. my favorite product is scribe, which is a camera you put on any kind of white board. you push a big blue or red button next to it and it become as participant on the screen in a zoom call or microsoft teams call or google call. it's amazing. >> how many people could you have, thousands watching >> up to a thousand, sure. >> really? >> yeah. >> that would be special for some of the stuff i'm thinking about doing for the investing club that would be a dynamite
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holy cow. >> more than a thousand. >> that would get the message to a particular group of people you have g elevates game streaming. we know we had take two on people are playing these games this way. >> absolutely. >> there is no sustabstation to that >> no, this is the equivalent of what tv went through when netflix came out we're having the same thing happen in gaming this device we launched our first -- really, the first abouabou -- ability to stream games live and sit in front of your tv like you were and go to the bedroom and play. >> you have so many great products but you're not a big company. how do you handle this i mean, someone could argue wait a second you can't -- you can't get your -- behind everything. there are some that will get stillborn. some will get too much i mean, i feel as if you're kind of don't have the resources to push everything. >> i'm not going to pull the punches, jim we are too good at managing
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complexity and so every once in awhile, we have to go back through and say okay, let's reduce the number of product families let's reduce the number of products we've reduced both of them by the end of the year we'll be down 25% i think we'll grow through that because this actually will get better small -- you know, fewer bigger is our moe toe. >> i like that ceo and president of logitech. got over the hump and doing thinking about your office, home and gaming "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, cramer wants to hear from you your calls on the thunderous lightning round, next.
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it is time, it is time for the lightening round buy, buy, buy, play the sound and then the lightening round is over are you ready, ski caddie? time for the lightening round. janu jan in missouri, jan >> caller: thanks for all you do. >> thank you fantastic. thanks for being a member. >> what are your thoughts on rocket pharmaceuticals rkct? >> this is a very early stage company with a lot in the pipe i like these companies it doesn't mean they'll pay off. if you get a bunch, you'll be fine let go to damian in iowa. >> caller: yeah, boo-yah jimmy chill. >> boo-yah damian. what is happening?
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i've been chilling been on the mentions beating anybody up lately. what's up? >> caller: should i stay long on plug power >> plug power is losing a fortune which bugs me. it bugs me because revenues are big. they have to get extenpenses unr control. let go to betsey in california, betsey >> caller: hey, cramer, how are you doing? >> fine. how are you? >> caller: i'm doing great hey, jim, first of all, before we do anything, i want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. if i paid a university to teach me what you taught me over the past 20 years i'd be broke as opposed to being oh, gee, fairly rich. >> thank you, thank you. you are why i do this show b betsey because man, believe me, it can be difficult to do. you should see my schedule this week it's a nightmare. >> caller: i love the club let me run a stock by you i haven't heard you talk about i was looking for a stock in the agricultural space and i was
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hoping to find one that also had a health care component and i found it i found sqm. >> my problem here, betsey, you know, you'll understand this because you remember the club is i think there is too much political risk if the stock were much, much lower, it's up 100% i wouldn't mind. the political risk is tie high after a lot of new governments came in but thank you for the kind comments because man, this will be a bear of a week jim in oregon, jim >> caller: hey, how is it going? >> not bad, jim, how are you >> caller: good, good. beautiful weather out here today. unfortunately -- >> fantastic. >> caller: hey, i was wondering about avxl they is a drug -- >> this is another one i kind of like i got to tell you, i find these companies -- in biotech, i do not like losses in tech but
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biotech i can accept the fact they have a good pipeline. i'm looking at unfortunately a commander and i'm thinking about you know what we have to do? a pipeline piece about crazier stocks that aren't crazy at all and let's go to mark in nevada, mark >> caller: hey, dr. cramer. >> yes >> caller: i have been suffering from a case of remorse for a stock i didn't buy for, like, the last eight the ten years you loved and i think i found another one and it feels a lot like adeadobe. this is go pro. >> stop. stop go. whatever i don't think they're doing well enough to recommend. i really just don't but i will go to scotty in louisiana, scotty >> caller: yes, illinois, own it, sell it -- >> yes, no, i like it. buy more as it comes in. this stock is doing incredibly well and if it gets hit, it's a gift
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itw a gift we're not done let's keep going let's go to michelle in wisconsin, michelle? >> caller: hi, jim ryan specialty group ryan. >> you know, i got to find out what the hell went wrong with that one last week i -- that thing went down really badly and i don't understand why. it's a normal regular company and got slammed. i got to find out before i can recommend. let's go to rodger in minnesota, roger? >> caller: hey, jim. >> roger. >> caller: long time, first time. >> all right >> caller: appreciate your take on the market each and every day. >> thank you very much thank you. >> caller: sorry about your phillies but hopefully -- >> that's okay we got much further than i thought. got much further than i thought. >> caller: clearly i'm a vikings fan so hopefully we see a rematch. >> nice win. yeah, unbelievable. >> caller: the stock i want to
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talk about is a smaller medical company posting sells and earnings growth over 100% year over year and brought the market and new technology products. >> what stock is that? >> caller: it's for clogged blood vessels and arties. >> what's the stock's name. shock wave -- >> i need a name very good company. very expensive and that, ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> announcer: the lightening round is sponsored by td ameritrade coming up is the year of the yield upon us? what part the oils could play in the calendar year to come, next.
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this morning it was put out a title with the the year of the yield" what to do with less growth and more inflation. central banks around the world could be able to pause the rate hikes and maybe reverse some as the global economy goes into a downturn if they're right, you can certainly make a major push to own two-year treasuries that yield 4.14%. very good price for a risk free return and you get your principal back in two years in time for a stock rebound as for me, i agree next year is
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about the hunt for yield once central banks beat down inflation so i want to throw hats in the ring and in a world wall street once yeielded, own n oil stock that returns capital into the shareholders religiously rather than pouring money into pumping crude the high yielding oil producer is a brand-new concept if you go back 20 years and say the leader was the late aub bee founder of chesapeake. aubrey died in an accident six years ago taught me a lot about the oil and gas industry he often explained the producers would mindlessly pump all they could. they had no marketing department when prices went up, they drilled more and flooded the market and pushed prices back down no discipline. that's changed in the last few years. many oil companies learned a lesson instead of drilling for the sake
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of drilling, they cash and buybacks not that long ago, the ceo of chevron talked about buying back a quarter of the company the stock is red hot and yields 3% here because the stock has run so much. my favorites, though, have more growth and better dividends and the first one is devon energy. that's the product of a merger between wpx and the old devon which let the much smaller wpx terrific ceo take over the entire business. he is the one that pioneered the model earlier this month devon laid out the terms of the fixed plus variable dividend that works out to a more than 7.5% yield as long as it stays above 75 and comfortably above that now, you're getting a huge payout on that one rick visited us for a cnbc investment club meeting and we have another one thursday. i was impressed with what he has to say pioneer natural resources, follows the same variable model but the ceo is on a mission to have the highest dividend yield in the s&p 500
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i've known him for a generation. he's going all in. if you annualize this payout, there is a 9% yield and a company called cotera. both low cost operators. a strong position in natural gas while they were a premiere perm yin -- permian basin. they are committed to buying a huge percentage. wow, this is intriguing. so much of the production is natural gas, which is essential if we help europe wean itself off fossil fuels they took a reduction that unnerved a lot of producers but over time people realized that's not significant if you've traded as long as i have, 40 years, it's not that significant. if you believe next year is the year of the yield, devon, pioneer and coterra is the three
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stockso own. if crude stays above the mid 7070 they can return cash best of all, there are sellers of all three of these stocks right now and that is the best time to buy. i like to say there is always a bull market somewhere and i promise to find it here for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer see you tomorrow you're ridiculously impressive. he just threw you under a bus. who'to get pro! oh! [ buzzing ] whoo! i mean, it's just classical strategy. so how's that strategy working for you? wow. what are you talking about? you need him. so you're going to come side to side, okay? o'leary: you're now in the lexicon of the craziest pitches ever on "shark tank." don't quit your job. i'm ready. then let's do this. whoo! [ laughs ]


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