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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  May 15, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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but don't fear the dollar. eem. >> courtney? >> home depot. h earnings lowered before it comes out this week. >> bonawyn >> three-month treasuries. >> thank you for watching "fast. "mad none" starts right now.pla >> "mad money" starts right now. thanks for watching "fast. my mission is simple -- to make you money i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money. welcome to cramerica other people want to make friends. i'm just trying to make you some money. my job isn't just to entertain but to educate and teach you so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc. or tweet me @jimcramer. over the weekend we got very positive but unsourced stories about how a debt ceiling, well, deal could be, i don't know, one
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in hand. like you i was surprised to see we're not about to degenerate into third world debt but i remember how the talks played out in 2011. well, we realized they were trial balloons or even total nonsense seen though the dow advanced 48%, the nasdaq gained 0.66%, what happens if things are far more off the rails than we'd like what if the negotiations are nowhere near done even as the president is about to leave or japan wednesday? i sure hope it's not the case. what did you buy, not sell, because we're down a lot, buy if the market gets pulverized remember, we've been through this before and the best thing about history, you can look it up but you have to be smart with your analysis. not as simple as finding out what rally the hardest after the debt ceiling in 2011 you don't want lose attorneys turn that winners but winners to stay winners through the worst of the debt ceiling talks. fortunately money managers
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haven't had this much cash on the sidelines since 2009 those were the generation aloes for the averages so we are looking, indeed, to -- >> buy, buy, buy >> and not -- >> sell, sell, sell. >> you can bet the focus will be on uncertainty, credit concerns and the possibility of a recession, just like we were worried about a recession in 2011 that's what it was all about then so what worked back then you know what, i found a list of eight stocks that performed incredibly well all year in 2011 with the breakdown in the debt ceiling talks giving you a tremendous buying opportunity to power ahead. they were tightly clustered with some no longer relevant so the order won't party but you know what is ironic, our first name is front and center again today walled one oak the natural gas pipeline company that announced it's buying magellan midstream partners for $19 billion.
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neither tulsa based company has a pipe to the oil rich basin but it's okay. oneok ran to the high 30s from the bottom to the top. it was the only decline coming at that moment of maximum panic for the entire market. >> oh, no. [ screaming >> bad on this deal even though it's a goodone and you can buy it, the best natural pipeline in the company, 6.6% yield. i like it. next consider ross stores, the off price discount stores that ran 7 bucks from 16 and change bottom in 2011 ross reports thursday. while i don't hate it, i am a much bigger fan of tjx which reports wednesday. we own it for our travel trust and telling members it should have a good quarter because so many bed bath & beyonds are vanishing.
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inventory is all over the place driving down prices so we have to wait and see. the ideal thing buy some tomorrow when we will talk about it at our monthly club call, fill everybody in. we know the oil price stocks worked during the last debt ceiling showdown so that gives me confidence they will work again. what's surprising, chipotle, yeah, these guys just reported terrific quarter this came in hot going into the last debt ceiling crisis and roared from 270 it 40 after it was solved and trades erratically. the best time when you have the most current information and that is i say -- chipotle, hey, next we own humana for the travel trust, while we didn't pick it for its outperformance in 2011, it didn't hurt, 65 to 90 like the others strong all year then dipped into the worst of
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the debt ceiling fiasco then caught fire again. i think it is the ultimate stock for anyone worried about a recession that might not happen. now, they reported the best numbers before and after and i think they can do it again i really like the stock. i've been eyeing it of mastercard ever since the last great quarter and sure enough, it turned out to be a tremendous winner assuming you did before it rebounded like crazy. fintech, it turns out mastercard has been the fastest grower in that space for ages. no credit issues they don't lend money. lots of special services that distinguish it from visa and a gift if this pulls back and know it will break down in the negotiations. >> buy, buy, buy. >> i have a tougher one for me, biogen there's so much good news about its alzheimer's drug and potential treatment or a marker or als these are horrendous diseases. and all this good news for biogen makes it a speculative
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behemoth i think it's unlikely to repeat from the high 70s to above 100 what we saw in 2011. eli lilly has a similar drug for it but a diabetes and weight loss combination taken separately under the name mou mounjaro it is being tested for blood proop and excessive drinking the surgery play we had on the show, wow, a good story and great back then in 2011. intuitive was focused on prostate-related ailments. they go in your pancreas, liver, the whole surgery has had a renaissance after a full stop caused by covid and the numbers will be good enough intuitive surgical can rival its bad days from 2011 that went from the 30s to the low 50s, what a stock to
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buy. >> buy, buy, buy. >> health care, fintech without credit issues, and they're all defensive with the exception of mastercard although that is unique as far as financial technology and expensive -- well, you could argue that chipotle is not defensive but at the time it sure seemed like it. i wish i was less skeptical of a deal falling apart or coming together less than perfectly but in the 2011 talks there was a sense something had to happen and someone had to give. that someone being president obama because he wanted to get re-elected the next year now it's president biden who is acting like there's a deal and the republicans say there's no such thing they can kick the can down the road but the closer it is to the election the worse it is for the white house. right now it seems like both sides are willing to take way too much risk with our country's finances makes me negative than i would be given the cash on the sidelines. take this current negotiations with what we know from the
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history of 2011 and then you'll be ready for whatever the moment throws at you. now you got a buy list if it gets ugly, one tested by the great debt fiasco of 2011. let's go to shane in alabama shane. >> caller: hey, jim. thank you. you're still my favorite cameo in ironman >> oh, that was fun. i liked that thank you for mentioning it. >> caller: jim, my question is about hostess brands is it a buy right now or wait for a sweeter price? >> i think they're doing a remarkable job and reinvented the company and it is a buy. they've done terrific. i have to get them back on a show what a good thing he's done. chris in pennsylvania. please, chris. >> caller: hey, it's chris from pennsylvania how are you doing? >> doing well. how about you? >> caller: all right just have a question about goodyear tire. >> well, goodyear tire is up
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just a very, very quick 40% on elliott's filing to say there should be a lot more that could be done. rich kramer has come on the show before but the stock has been a loser and now it's becoming a winner and i've got to tell you if it comes down a little i would pull the trigger not up here. it just moved 40%. joe in georgia joy. >> caller: jim, love your show i wanted to ask you about berkshire hathaway how do you feel about -- >> berkshire hathaway is terrific i spent all day listening to becky do that great interview and that was some learning lesson all i did was come back thinking, even better feelings about how much i like berkshire hathaway including the fact that they have an excellent succession plan. if you're nervous about the outcome of the debt ceiling talks just remember we've been through this before. this time around you just have to be smart with your analysis and look at the stocks i just mentioned. "mad money" worries about a
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government default continue to hang over the market one place we're about to see government spending, infrastructure as money from spending packages begins flowing to the states, i'm outlining one player when i sit down with the ceo ahead. at confusing and turbulent moments like this i'm putting emotions to the side and going off the charts to find out what the technicals are saying, and they're pretty darned interesting between the nasdaq and s&p. planet fitness took a tumble after reporting earnings as concerns linger could a consumer tradedown drive additional up side i'm sitting down with the ceo. so stay with cramer. >> announcer: don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question, tweet cramer, #madtweets send jim an email to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something, head to
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and ask about an $800 prepaid card. comcast business. powering possibilities™.
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♪ if you ask most economists they'll tell you most governments tend to be awful at economic stimulus because by the time the new spending kicks in, you don't need it anymore but sometimes uncle sam gets it right. even if by accident. in 2021 and 2022 they passed massive spending bills, the c.h.i.p.s. act and so-called inflation reduction act. we had rampant inflation by the time it rolled out but because it takes forever for this to flow to the states it's now only starting to kick in that's when we want it after the federal reserve spent over a year slamming the brakes to cool things down. we're about to see tons of government spending into a slowing economy. that's how it should be.
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jacobs solutions, the engineering construction firm which is a project manager when jacobs reported last tuesday delivered a good quarter and then we also learned that they planned to spin off their critical mission solutions business which is more focused on ary rowspace, i think it's smart. it will give you two easy to understand enterprises which is what wall street wants let's check this with bob pragada who just took over as ceo of jacobs. welcome to "mad money. >> thanks for having me. >> i'm so thrilled with what you're doing we profiled your company let's talk about the two different companies coming and how exciting they really are. >> they are. they're tremendously exciting. two industry leaders and $15 billion enterprise with both two-thirds is in as you said the infrastructure and advanced facilities world, one-third in the government services world, both industry leaders. what we announced last week was the intent to separate the
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businesses for a few reasons one, create a simpler higher growth, higher margin business with our infrastructure and advanced facilities business and then, second, really build our government services usiness, allow it to be stand-alone and have capital allocation prioritized for the industry it serves so we're excited about the venture. on the infrastructure side we've got a great opportunity. >> oh, talk about some of the contracts you have and you're basically the general contractor for gigantic jobs coming down the road. >> we do we are not only on infrastructure projects but large tech manufacturing talked about the c.h.i.p.s. act. >> right. >> a lot of the semiconductor investment going into either reshoring efforts or technology advancements, you know, we're in the middle of all of those. >> can you explain to people, this isn't like the government builds these things. the government issues contracts often through the states you are a consistent winner on these. >> we are. and we have a diversity in what we do for those projects
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we do consulting we do engineering and design we'll program manage these but what's unique today is our digital enablement before it was, numbers of people that were dedicated to a job and you differentiated by scale. today we're differentiating, we still have scale but two other things, we're bringing those people from around the world, as well as using digital platforms, mobility analytics, preventive applications, as well as getting out in front with things like ai and generative design. >> i think you should explain this helps you price something periodically we'll see even the best companies price a program incorrectly and then suddenly you have overruns. your company is not known for that your company is very disciplined. >> very disciplined. that operational discipline pedigree, jim, has been with us for 75 years and we've just played that through as we've continued to transform ourselves. >> so there are a lot of companies that people get fascinated about
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one is palintir. i liked the last quarter if i wanted a palintir-like company making money wouldn't it be more like the one being spun off here >> it would be it would be, and so what we're spinning off is a great company and we're really excited about the future and opportunities for that company because of the investment that we can make now or the new owners can make, tied to the industries they serve, now, interest about palintir, we are actually -- >> you're partners with them that's why i brought it up. >> on the infrastructure side. on the infrastructure side, those algorithms that palintir has really are powerful. what do they use data what's infrastructure, big data. water treatment plans, transportation, these are applications that together with palintir we're really, really -- >> i turned positive on them last week. no denying i don't want take away from your business but they're about profitability now. where are we in terms of all
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this money to the hundreds of billions is it just now beginning to filter through i know that i spoke to the infrastructure tsar and he's doing a terrific job but only 100 billion has been allocated. >> early innings >> early innings. >> we at jacobs have been able to capitalize on the early spends that have come out but optimistic about the future. interesting point here, jim, the application especiallily on the grant money being distributed and mitch and i talked about this is going to underserved, underrepresented areas of the country. >> that's what he told me. you're too focused on the big money and not talking about where it's going and where it's needed and hasn't been biven before. >> a real unique opportunity as a country for us to come together and get to spend directed this those areas. >> you're a levelheaded fellow how concerned should we about be the nonresidential construction
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talk about, inner city buildings that are empty you can handle anything. is that going to be a problem for multiple years >> i can't speak to, you know, the commercial real estate, the commercial buildingings component but what i would say is this, i don't think it's going to be a problem that we can't solve and what i mean by that is we have to be creative i talked about digital enable many supply chains are being reformed how we source materials and how they get delivered to jobs all is this creative thought leadership. >> one last question, if we do have a slowdown this money is coming at the right time. >> it is coming at the perfect time. >> i'm so glad because i know that we think we have loved your company because it knows how to price business and long-term contracts so there's been very few surprises which is terrific. that's bob pragada, he's jacobs solutions jim boll "j," another company that comes off, spins off too. that could be interesting too
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and has a lot of great things going for it but i like the core jacobs business. "mad money" is back after the break. >> thanks. >> announcer: megacaps are leading the way, join us off the charts to find out where the markets are headed next. it's the end of the road dom. boom. this is your last ride. your pain has just begun.
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we stop breaches. we stop a lot of bad things from happening. crowdstrike. protection that powers you. ♪ how go we get a read of the market while we wait for the next shoe to drop? i've been trying to parse every piece of news. what if we acknowledge we don't know how it will play out and try to think bigger? at confusing moments like this i always like to put emotions to the side and take a more empirical approach something quantity tative that can't be thrown off by the
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government that's why tonight we'll go off the charts with a brilliant technician she was the first woman on the active trader desk at meryl self-direct and now she's the director of education at options play but she still consuls with all the major brokerage firms and her work is terrific what does inskip see in the charts well, interestingly enough she sees megacaps are leading the way. something she predicted the last time we highlighted her work a month ago. look at the weekly chart of the nasdaq 100 it's made of the 100 largest nonfinancial stocks in the nasdaq composite inskip points out it is trending higher and overcoming key milestones long before the broader base s&p 500 nasdaq is just very, very strong during the week of april 4th the nasdaq 100 finally closed above
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the gap down that formed in late august of last year. you can see this is the big decline and now we're finally above it see that that was when everything collapsed as the fed recommitted to its fight and tech got hit the hardest. according to inskip it formed resistance and now we're above the high end at 13, 2-1 i have 0 it's a floor support and we're up that's the floor of support. going forward she says the nasdaq 100's next major hurdle is the high from august 15 of last year, that's 13720. that would be a big move, okay, up more than 300 points from where we are right now if we clear that she thinks it would validate the recent rally but even without breaking through the ceiling inskip thinks there's a lot to like here the nasdaq 100 is consistently close to above, 26 in 40-week moving averages. you can see the shading above those, right which tells her we're looking at a bullish trading cycle and
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points out the index hasn't gone below key moving averages since january 10th, long time. inskip points out the upward slope indicates a new basis forming when it builds a base it consolidates gains and gets ready for its next leg higher, basing and getting ready, okay i think right here, by the way, is a huge base, this development. she likes to look at the 13-week, the 26-week and 40-week moving averages, because those represent one, two and three quarters respectively and all three are looking encouraging. the one quarter moving average is better than the two quarter moving average, that's the cadence going higher and i love that again, this shows huge amount of strength what happens when we zoom out, though, and look at the monthly chart of the nasdaq composite? this longer term view can tell us a lot the nasdaq 100 closed above its 12-month moving average for the last three months which is very
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encouraging, okay, so we're above that this is the 12 months, okay. at the same time check out the moving average convergence to convergence for m.a.c. this is the m.a.c. down here, a crucial momentum indicator that can help spot changes in the trajectory before they happen when the flat line crosses above the red line as we see here, that's one of the most reliably bullish signs happening at this moment that hasn't happened yet though but the m.a.c. is getting real close to this crossover and then we continue to drive this above this -- the 12-month -- the 12 -- let me see i want to be sure how useful is the macd line? a negative one was in february of 2022. you can see this is when we broke down, all right. now that was worrisome the nasdaq 100 back then sidestepped of declines.
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inskip says you can see them at the beginning and end of every bear market going back to 1998 while the bullish crossover hasn't happened we are jumping the gun, she thinks we're getting very close and likely won't be long before the macd line gives you the all-clear sign i like to see the first but she is being more aggressive than i am what about the broader s&p 500 take a look at the weekly chart here unlike the nasdaq 100 the s&p still trying to break out above its peak from january 30th so know the s&p is not doing as well as the nasdaq this support inskip's thesis we have a range bound market where tech remains strong, in the nasdaq, not the s&p. she sees it struck between a floor of support of 4,100 right here and that ceiling resist continues of 4195 can't crack that in other words, going sideways but not necessarily in a bad way. while it keeps failing to make higher highs it's been making
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higher lows. at the same time she says it closed above its 26 and 40-week moving averages of late. all sloping higher she thinks the s&p 500 is forming a nice base too recall though it's not as encouraging as whatwe saw with the nasdaq 100. i'm emphasizing the s&p is not as good as the nasdaq and the nasdaq is being helped bier large cap stocks we talk about so much on "mad money. when you zoom out with the s&p 500's monthly chart there are more similarities with the 100 the s&p has closed above the 12-month moving averages for the last three months and the monthly macd line seems like it's on its way to making a bullish crossofficer, again, remember me, i'm more conservative she's saying this is probably going to go up much further away than that than the nasdaq 100 was i'm not as certain as she was. trimly a look at this final pair of charts. on the bottom it's the weekly chart of the s&p 500 on the top it's a ratio. the s&p 500 equal weighted index versus the normal s&p 500.
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wall street likes to look at the s&p equal weight as a way to measure the breadth of a given move normally we like lots of breadth. many sectors leading us higher this is a very big but she points out the s&p can rally just fine with fewer and fewer winners. look at 2011 to 2020 the time when maga cap tech stocks, the faang market you did it just fine in an index fund, however, picking individual stock, 9 pool of available winners was small. they were big winners, it was just that they were faang. the bottom line the charts up pretty at the timed by jessica could be headed for a market reminiscent of 9 last decade where relatively small number of terrific megacaps can rally hard enough to pull the whole market higher even if there aren't many other winners. that is not my favorite kind of bull market. i thought that was in the past but i will admit it's a lot
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better than a bear market. let's take some questions and go to david in massachusetts. david. >> caller: this is david from brookline, mass. i saw your interview with the ceo of adobe and thought he was pretty impressive and sounded strong on ai it is 25% off its 52-week high is it a buy? >> adobe has an acquisition that it wants to close the government won't let it if it weren't for that i would say all systems go because they have a terrific deal that they are talking about today where they're doing some great breakthrough stuff with generative ai. i want to be with them, not against them i think they will be fine. to jared is colorado >> caller: what's happening? thanks for taking my call. they offer commission free trading gold and i.r.a. and cash management gives 10% cash back what are your thoughts on robinhood? >> i like the moves robinhood
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has been making and doing good things and doing more educational and fooling around less with the kind of g gamification so i'm in favor of what they're doing but the brokerage industry has gotten tough so even though i like what they're doing that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to lead to a higher stock price to bob in vermont, please. bob. >> caller: hi, jim i'm considering reallocating a part of my portfolio and the two stocks i want to keep one and sell the other and the two stocks are pfizer and bristol-myers. what do you think? >> bristol-myers pfizer made a series of acquisitions which will pay out over time, has a higher yield. bristol has a new ceo coming in but being left with a good hand so i like the anti-cancer franchise and other things they're working on and think bristol is more conservative and go with bmw. the charts as inter-tretted by
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inskip shows where small stocks can rally hard enough to pull the whole market higher. sounds like faang, doesn't it? that's not my favorite bull market but it's better than a bear market. much more "mad money" and my hunt for investable themes continue when i sat down with the ceo of planet fitness. could it be a buying opportunity? let's figure it out then how i got amazon wrong when it comes to ai and, of course, all your call, rapid-fire tonight's edition of "the lightning round. so stay with cramer. (bobby) my store and my design business? we're exploding. but my old internet, was not letting me run the show. so, we switched to verizon business internet. they have business grade internet, nationwide.
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♪ what in the world is going on with the stock of planet fitness? one of our faves the stock plummeted 16% in a single session when it reported a week and a half ago and made no sense this is one of the best run gym chains out there back to the old days it was one of the only publicly gym stocks so maybe there is a lot more competition. what about now, when planet fitness posted its most recent quarter it delivered a tough set of numbers with management warning they have higher from rates and got clobbered. i thought it was a mistake i believe they didn't deserve to plummet 16%. the quarter was not terrible same-store seals up 10% so does the hideous decline make sense or could it be a buying opportunity. let's check in with chris rondeau. >> thanks for having me. >> before we get into the numbers, you're doing something i think is terrific for those who are worried about teen suicide and teens in general, high school summer pass session.
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tell us about it i think it's the kind of thing that tells us who you are. >> yeah, it's a great program. we did it last year. we had 3.5 million teens working out at facilities all summer long, no strings attached. it's the right thing to do with mental health and helps with that stuff as well as introduce them to fitness and being healthy and for me i started working out at 16 and i don't think if i didn't start working at an early age, it made me do something with my free time and it's a healthy habit so gets you off your devices, keeps you active high hopes for this year, a little different you could preregister in a launch today and 250,000 activate and today it opens up so all teens in high school can work out all summer long. >> it seems that there is -- that i don't want to say a whole group of people not in shape but
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they don't seem to have an inically nation to work out like you did. >> seriously, the gen-xs and millennials, their propensity is much higher to work out than ours it's funny we think they're on their devices, lazy, blah, blah, blah, so untrue. we have almost one in ten millennials is a member of planet fitness and almost one in ten gen-z is a member. that's for five more years for gen-zs too young to join then you have alpha coming up right behind them. the younger generations are more apt to work out in gyms than the older generations, believe it or not. >> that's good there was come confusion on the call i loved the numbers because you add in so many more people you are never lost a gym during covid. >> no. >> the excitement about all the different programs you offer and all your different, by the way, your colleagues offering programs with you made me feel
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terrific but interest rates make it harder for franchisees to have new stores and that tended to become the focus of the call. >> yeah, yeah. >> i don't think you meant it to be. >> really we had 1.1 million member net growth in first quarter, highest since 2020, 18.1 million members, most is member growth which is great getting more people off the couch. we reiterated guys with 160 and saying 600 over the next three years, you know, you look at corporate stores and talk about, jim, almost3.5 million square feet of development. in today's world that's pretty good >> sure, look, i was thinking they're acting as if you're dropping long-term goal of 4,000, not at all. you totally stuck with it. >> member growth is key. it solves everything if the customers like your product and members are joining they're canceling less, right? they're joining at the same rates. you know, that solves everything it's just the share of 160 i think i'm happy with.
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>> i like the idea of perks programs they are all ways to get more customers. why not. they all work. >> they do every year we have tons of persons and more data we collect redeemed through the app and, you know, gasoline, blue apron, go down the list and our hypothesis is people don't work out every day, right almost half our members don't use the club in a 30-day period and fall off the wagon but if we give them value outside the four walls and, yes, we have content to work out at home, if i'm getting a discount on my kids' crocs, planet fitness has my back 25% of the people who redeemed benefit haven't used the club in over 90 days >> i always like the reups they're another good indicator i think, look, you're just -- here's the way i look at it. you were a transparent person and give everybody the good and the bad. i think it was right you had to
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mention the interest but the fact is is that there's still plenty of people, i felt, who still want -- there's a big queue of people who want to have pla planet fitnesses >> it costs, construction is up, interest rate up do they build ahead of schedule or obligation when maybe costs come down in a year or open what they're obligated to do which is the difference so they're eager to open but why would i open early if costs come down. >> as someone who likes the franchise business this would be my opportunity others are waiting i'll scoop it up but maybe your balance sheet. if you have a lot of cash you don't have to worry but the fact is this would be the moment i want to be in and some others are faltering, the niche you have is the biggest. that's the one i want. i think it's a matter of time and that if you hadn't mentioned that, i'll buy the stock honestly because you're so --
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look, you're a straightforward guy but the numbers don't lie. your business is good. >> even with today's inflationary cost, the margin of the business franchisee is spectacular and better than most qsr -- franchise opportunities you get. when you use the precovid numbers people are hesitant but it's a great return on investment members are happy with the product and journaling like crazy, we make it up next year. >> i know it's a good business my neighbor had five of them and i'm thinking, all right, nantucket, see you later that's chris rondeau, ceo of planet fitness great to see you "mad money" is back after the break. >> announcer: coming up, what's on your mind, cramerica. give us a call "the lightning round" is storming the nyse next
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>> announcer: "lightning round" is sponsored by td ameritrade. ♪ it is time it's time for "the lightning round. go to calls and play this sound. [ buzzer ] >> then "the lightning round" is over are you ready skee-daddy let's start with tyler in california tyler. >> caller: hey, big boo-yah from california how are you doing? >> i'm doing well. how about you? what's up? >> caller: i'm doing great i know we like stocks making money and debt-free so with an expanding margin portfolio and debt-free balance sheet, shares being at lowest valuation since 2022 what do you think of chewy? >> they are pivoting in a way that makes me feel they have the
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right numbers excited about the fact they got religion about making money too joe in new jersey. joe. >> caller: thanks for taking my call >> quite welcome. >> caller: i have a question on etp. >> okay, they are the foremost natural gas liquid pipeline in the country. after what i saw with magellan getting a bid from oneok i'm liking it more matt in illinois matt >> caller: boo-yah, jim. >> matt, what's up >> caller: i'm interested in how you think coin will do given the crackdown by the s.e.c. and how saturated the crypto space has become i even say the cramer point whatever that is. >> what's the stock? what stock oh, coin, coinbase i'm not a believer in coinbase i don't like companies that pick fights with the s.e.c. it's too hard. the s.e.c. plays with unlimited capital and they're not to be
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trifled with bob in nevada. bob. >> caller: a great big maize and blue deep ohio three years in a row boo-yah to you. >> that's a powerful boo-yah how can i help >> caller: my question is on a gold play you recently had on your show. triple slag precious metal. >> i like that company so much i think it's terrific and i like precious metals. newmont deal i like. jackie in michigan jackie. >> caller: hi. hi, jim. this is jackie i sold nds and bought fwlaks so smithkline, gsk and i just want your opinion. >> i think that they're putting it together. they're putting together a suite of vaccines that will be
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reflecting very well on the company's future earnings power and say you can buy gsk. cole in california >> caller: hey, jim. this is a his dad. >> what do you think about amgen? >> it doesn't have the earnings power i want and i think the company needs a shake-up there are so many other pharmaceutical companies i like more cole, i think it's fans it tick but i have to send you to eli lilly. erica in pennsylvania please erica. >> caller: hi, jim how are you? >> i am good how about you, erica >> caller: i'm doing great i got a good question for you. >> okay. >> caller: all right so ai is a super hot topic in tech, right? >> yes, it is. >> caller: but i think quantum computing is waiting patiently on deck for its time so i'm looking at ionq and i'm
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wondering what you think >> it's intriguing but losing money and i remember jensen saying quantum computing is where it will be but it's not there yet and they're losing too much for me to get behind but i like your sentiment there will come a time but not yet. mike in florida. mike >> caller: boo-yah, skee-daddy >> what's happening, mike. >> caller: sorry about your sixers there >> that was very tough whoa it was almost too tough there. how can i help what's going on? >> caller: so my question is about a company, it's a nuclear utility that is building and commissioning the first two reactors built in the last three decades in the united states my question and my company is -- what are your shouts on southern co >> i can't believe they got the plans done
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i got to hand it to them i still prefer american electric power. i think more of that by the way, i will tell you i think more of con ed than that because i don't like the construction risk but through with it and congratulations to them let's go to jerry in missouri. jerry. >> caller: hey, jim. you discussed there is a relentless belief that ai is the savior and that it goes up do you think that fits into the group? >> kind of a rent the runway of the cloud and i think they're terrific at it and i will back frank even though the company is not currently making money, i'll wave my rules and say buy snowflake and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of "the lightning round." [ buzzer ] >> announcer: "the lightning round" is sponsored by td ameritrade coming up, cramer has a revised thesis on amazon
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don't miss his up to date take on ai next lily! welcome to our third bark-ery. oh, i can tell business is going through the “woof”. but seriously we need a reliable way to help keep everyone connected from wherever we go. well at at&t we'll help you find the right wireless plan for you. so, you can stay connected to all your drivers and stores on america's most reliable 5g network. that sounds just paw-fect.
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terrier-iffic i labra-dore you round of a-paws at&t 5g is fast, reliable and secure for your business.
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mia kulpa time was wrong about amazon i thought they were being left
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behind on the ai front meta used ai to get around apple's privacy rules to make advertising more targeted. advertisers love that. microsoft's invested $13 billion in open ai that's the firm behind chatgpt that could already be a home run. alphabet has been playing catch-up but looks like it will be the go to consultant through its deal with adobe to deliver creator focused ai and talked about it on "squawk on the street" and trial collaboration with wendy's to have ai handle drive-through orders but i was way behind on what amazon is doing here and that's a huge mistake. you got to own your mistakes you don't have to look that hard to find this in an amazon web services machine learning blog from april 13th titled new tools for building with generative ai they talk about how intuit, 3m and bmw along with start-ups are using its machine learning for image recognition, forecasting
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and intelligent speech ty about the diversity they could have ai copy with thomson reuters develop drugs for astrazeneca and bmw, facial recognition by the government might rub you the wrong way but there is a lot of money in it. amazon has a ton i didn't know about. amazon bedrock here's how they describe it. imagine the content marketing manager would works at a leading fashion retailer and develops new advertising. they provide bedrock a few labeleds examples of best performing tag lines from past campaigns along with the associated product descriptions, end quote. then amazon bedrock will and i quote automatically start generating effective social media disin ad and web copy for handbags, end quote. like a marketing department program and the cost they will save instead of hiring those specialists. the big consultants like
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accenture, deloitte rely on it too. we've known about amazon's prowess for years, how they recommend things you might like based on what you've already bought but you might not know that robin, a robotic system used across its operations in the u.s., canada and europe use, and i quote, artificial intelligence, computer vision and machine learning to help employees handle and sort customer packages before shipment, end quote. more importantly it makes their people a lot more productive why does it matter because the most lucrative part is advertising it's a $40 billion business. if you're going to be successful in e-commerce engage with their products and own learning chips. so amazon will not be left behind by ai it's just it was first with a ton of this stuff and didn't bother to trumpet it embracing it before anyone cared which is why they haven't gotten much credit as someone who doubted their strength here despite my speaking to alexa on a daily basis i realize they be a leader if not the leader in making it
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bork for its customers in ways bigger than amazon itself so count amazon in the ai mix it deserves to be there. i always say there's a bull market somewhere i promise to find it right here for you on "mad money. i'm jim cramer see you next time. "last call" starts now hi, i'm brian sullivan tonight, elon musk on the hot seat at the annual shareholder meeting. a top musk watching joining us on what he wants to hear. warren buffett disclosing a bet on a beaten down bank. tv media giants facing an existential moment billions of bucks on the line. what inflation we'll slice into what is driving americans' insatiable appetite for dining out meet the ebay bay side hustler who is turning her business into a multimillion dollar business. it is make it monday here on


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