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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  June 14, 2023 6:00pm-6:57pm EDT

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b.k. >> brian kelly nasdaq, the selloff is ridiculous people don't understand this deal >> happy birthday, brian kelly thank you for watching "fast money. "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now >> my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always and i promise to help you find it "mad money" starts now >> hey, i'm economy is running way too hot,
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and what was the point of not raising interest rates today i found their statement quite baffling, myselffying, even. they would they tell people they were going to cause because maybe we didn't need rate hikes when it sure doesn't sound like they believe in a pause. as nike will tell you, just do it this is how you get a roller coaster session where the market plumets. the dow finishing down s&p which also fell hard only rebounded from its lows, funnishing up 0.08%. and the tech heavy nasdaq, you can't stop that thing. they got hit and soared right back and gained 3% now i hate to be so inside based to talk about the fed. i know you want to hear about your stocks, not the fed but i have been warning you there is a lot of money. we're talking trillions of dollars that the fed is going to cut rates by the end of the year, cut.
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today we heard the opposite, that more rate hikes are coming because inflation is still so high why pause? why not just raise so cool it down more but at the same time, so many people thought the economy was ready and the fed could be satisfied and could have to cut rates soon, which is something i told you was ill advised, crazy and stupid you can't raise rates and lower rates at the same time they're on air all day this is why i'm addressing it. who believe the tightenings are almost over now realize they're just -- and need to reposition as much as they can. the number of stocks that made sense to buy only if they were right about rates, which is they were going to go lower that's what started today. i think the fed confused thinking for weeks i said i like the narrow rally, unlike everybody
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else, because we can identify the stocks and alpha set, apple, meta, microsoft. all they did was de-emphasize the others until the market broadened. then you have to start trimming because the bull side would be too crowded with soldiers who will turn on you the moment things get difficult that's how we positioned our trust. that's what i have been telling members of the cnbc investing club we reiterated that stance an hour before the fed said what we most feared. that selling non-stock stocks is exactly what happened in this session like i warned you the last couple weeks. the johnny-come-latelies heard something they didn't like from the fed and they just ski dadled they had no conviction they were only buying because they couldn't take the pain of missing the rally. they can't take the pain of the sell-off now, so they're just selling everything yeah
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i do not trust my fellow shareholders right now let me tell you something, you shouldn't either it's classic you don't get rewarded big when you come in as late as you have in the last few weeks. you only get rewarded when you're early you can't make big money after the rallies occur. you make money before. it's obvious now we have to bear the selling which could last for a bit because so many money managers only bet on what the fed suz going to do. we didn't expect rate hikes. you get big moves in either direction, when the majority of investors are wrong, as they are right now. today resulted in big down in the dow, and that move could continue because so many hedge funds are too big to do all their selling at once. it would be easier if they came on tv and said they're going to sell, but they're never going to do that, right that doesn't mean we're looking at the end of the bull market. i think the fed is so excited
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about the economy. we'll sort through things and maybe we'll get the job losses and wage cuts our central bankers are trying to engineer housing prices may go down as millennials have to pay student loans again. maybe used and new cars will come down. i think they are coming down the fed didn't have that information. it will slow it to the point where the fed doesn't tighten as aggressively that's why they skipped raising rates today. they're giving the economy a chance if that doesn't happen, they will get right back and hurt us. let's talk about something more to do with human nature. i want to talk about greed about greed. about how bulls make money, bears make money and hogs we've had too much greed around here i think greed is fine in moderation but at a certain point it starts
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to cloud your judgment and makes things too frothy. you have people who are willing to buy anything that seems like it was connected to ai, right? even when it really isn't connected to artificial intelligence you have people that believe we will still get a lot of take-overs and acquisitions despite an empty seat. you have people that are convinced the mini banking crisis is over and done. you have people in denial that tell you jay powell is just playing tough and he is going to cut rates soon that is all greed-inspired wishful thinking those wishful thinkers have to leave the building before we have our next level of advance it makes it very difficult for that to happen these same people were on the sidelines collecting their 4% or 5% on cash they missed this whole rally from the bottom. they think, oh, it is easy to come in and make big money
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it doesn't work like that. powell told them they should go back into cash, save some money, go buy bonds don't buy stocks that's what he's basically saying they moved back to the stock market at the wrong time now they will turn tail and go back to the sidelines. when they are done dumping stocks, we will start buying again. there are plenty of companies doing well, especially when i pull the text. but we have got to recognize this market is about to get narrower again when will the torture end? until we see no wage growth. until we see unemployment go up. this federal reserve will feel compelled to raise rates that's what they're looking at they don't want to tamp down at inflation only to let it fester. they want to kill inflation stone dead by killing wage growth okay let me tell you why. we're all trying to figure out if we will have a soft landing or hard landing. you keep hearing that.
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you know what we left out? what if the plane doesn't want to go down at all. it is not safe to land this thing because it could catch fire the moment we hit the runway they can't land the plane until they beat inflation. powell and company are saying, hey, let's circle around the airport. let's burn up the fuel and then make a stab at it. too many thought the fed was done too many thought the plane was slowing quickly. they didn't know it was going to have to circle for a while they thought we were well on our way to beating inflation to the point where the plane could fuel in the air today the fed made it clear that the last thing we need is that, and that we're going to have have to wait a little bit more bottom line, we need some more fuel burning we need some more shake-out. we need to see fewer greedy people we need the greedy people to finish selling we need those who just came in off the sidelines to go back into the sidelines then and only then will the market be ready to assume the
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advance. right now we will just get narrower again as we circle the wagons around the seven tech stocks and a handful of others with great sector teams that brought us up here in the first place. expect the shake-out it's coming. ronny? >> caller: boo-ya, cramer! i want to know what your thoughts are on tesla stock. probably the most overbought stock on the street, but the company continues to be a force in the ed market as they close out their charging deals with ford and general motors. not to mention today morgan stanley has overrated. >> i happen to think tesla is a really good company. i tend to look at ho they are, and the most dominant company in the industrial phase i have seen in ages. it was up. when the stock comes down, maybe you buy some but i'm not against tesla at
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all. i think it's a good situation. >> dan in california dan? >> caller: hello, mr. cramer first of all, i want to say thank you for everything you do, and i mean it from the bottom of my heart. >> you're quite welcome. thank you. >> caller: my question is a little bit different. >> okay. >> caller: about 10, 15 years ago, i bought a substantial amount of pepsi. about 18 months ago, i bought a fair amount of celcius based on your interview with the ceo and your recommendation on it. then along comes pepsi, and they invest $550 million into celcius. i know you predict or you say do not ever buy a stock based on where you think they're going to make a takeover. >> correct. >> caller: but here i'm in a situation now where i own both of them. i love both of them. and i don't want to sell either one of them. >> then don't. i think they're both great they're different animals. pepsi is a senior growth stock
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it sells just as a junior growth stock and they have terrific trajectories you will be fine only within the larger confines of the portfolios. all right. we need the greedy people, the ones that came in late to the party, they've been wrong and they have to finish selling what they just bought only then will this market be ready for a broader rally. on "mad money" today, what will it take for the stock to be a strike for your portfolio? and earlier we held our monthly meeting for the subscribers of the cnbc investing club. there were so many great questions that we decided to answer some of them tonight, and you don't want to miss it. last week we covered a company and we liked the story we're taking a closer look at how ai has helped the stock catch fire that's from the ceo himself. so stay with cramer.
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don't miss a second of "mad money. follow @jimcramer on twitter have a question? tweet cramer #madtweets. send him an e-mail or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc miss something head to then x of new four-legged friends changed everything. dr. petsworth welcomed these new patients. the only problem? more appointments meant he needed more space. that's when dr. petsworth turned to his american express business card, which offers flexible spending limits that adapt with his business. he used his card to furnish a new exam room, and everyone was happy. built for dr. petsworth business. built for your business. amex business. ♪♪ at morgan stanley, old school hard work
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what's happening with the bowling alley rollup via stack merger i started recommending this one last october it was an exciting place to be climbed to 17 in march since then it tumbled all the way down to $12.
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what went wrong? they had discouraging commentary talking about slowing traffic that deteriorated over the course of the third quarter and into april i don't want to hear that. doesn't help also that the company has been hit by headlines courtesy os
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pre-pandemic, we're starting at an extremely good position so the quarter, by the way, was block bluster. almost no attention was paid to the quarter. record breaking quarter in the company's history. $316 million in the quarter. $128 million of adjusted ebida we bought back 4% of our float in the quarter we redeemed a third of the preferred. you know, we're doing a lot of shareholder friendly moves and business is extremely strong same store sales growth was 17%. so, yeah, this quarter is a bit of a pause i'm not going to sugar coat it but i would -- i would strongly recommend to people that i think this is in any way catastrophic or indicative of where i think we will end up in the very near
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term. >> well, i want to be sure there is this guy that follows you, the senior research analyst. and he's worried there has been a lot of noise related to eoc review that's pending here could that be driving the stock down >> i mean, i suppose look, we have never been hit by a lawsuit. we hitf evidentiary findings or anything like that. you know, eeoc had -- you know, is in the process of investigating literally thousands of companies at any one time so, you know, we haven't been served with any action, so i can't really comment on it but, you know, would it be material -- if there was an action, would it be material to the company in any way no. >> i just want to clear this up. they have not served you, but they're obviously leaking it to people if it's not true, you are allowed to sue the eeoc. that's in the ranks.
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so would you take them to court if they're saying things that they shouldn't >> i don't think the eeoc is saying anything. i think it's this plaintiff's lawyer who is out there leaking this, along with a complicit journalist, unfortunately, who has gone from the new york post to now you know, these allegations are, frankly, absurd. they don't pass the sniff test they don't pass any common sense. >> well, it came up in the conference call. maybe complicit, maybe not but this guy -- i'm trying to figure out of a stock i recommended that's going from 17 to 12. i have heard people. i heard people thought that bowling was universally loved, that it would never slow i didn't know about this eeoc thing. i have to figure out why because i am the show, it is not your show, may have gotten this wrong. i think you have to respect that. >> i totally do. look, you were one of the first people who really recognized the
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company, and we really appreciate that, jim the last thing i'm going to make you do is look stupid. look, i have a very significant holding in this company, and i couldn't be more comfortable with that holding. our performance is exceptional we have -- look, in that quarter that just passed, our ebida margin was 40.4% i mean, this is a company that's really firing on all cylinders we're in massive growth mode and, you know, growth is not linear. >> no, that's true. >> so you are not going to be comping same store sales in 20% quarter after quarter. there will be quarters that are better than others but this is hardly catastrophic or indicative of any moment movement away from bowling. >> so i think what we do is we see that next quarter. and then if the quarter is good, we know it was wrong that the stock was at $12 pretty fair? >> absolutely. you know, the company announced
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$200 million stock buyback a while ago. we just authorized another $70 million to refill the $70 million we've spent, and we're actively deploying it. so the company is a believer in the stock. the company is very bullish. >> are you a believer? have you been able to buy? board members? >> yes actually, board members have bought our new cfo who we just got from bally's, he's bought another director i'm aware of has bought i'm not aware of any directors or anyone else who's sold. >> okay. >> yeah. >> well, it sounds like we have to wait and see because it is bowling and you did make that great acquisition of lucky strike and maybe the stock just was mispriced at $12, so we'll have to see fair enough? >> yeah. i mean, look, we're trading right now about eight times and we're growing, you know, the consolidated ebida is growing
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double digits, so we're very, very cheap relative to our growth line. >> fair enough that's how we will leave it. we will see the next quarter thank you, doug. >> okay. "mad money" is back after the break. coming up -- >> welcome to the june investing club meeting. >> cramer takes more of your questions. keep it here. ahhh! icy hot pro starts working instantly.
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thesis we thought this was the perfect opportunity to dig deeper into your questions, so we're taking leftovers from the club meeting today. so let's take a real hard look because if you are not a part of the club and want to be and i sure hope you will, all you have to do is open your camera, look at the phone thing, scan the qr. you know all that stuff by now or go to if you want to go the old-fashioned way. we have a question from david in florida who asked knowing that it depends on the click climate at any given time, in terms of percentage, what is the generally recommended cash portion of the total value of a portfolio? take stock down and you add cash you might want to take a little off each position. you might want to take positions you don't like, the ones you have been saying, listen, i wish you get rid of you sell those i think that we have 8.84% cash because we felt the market was
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due for a pullback and we still do it is up to you and what you feel comfortable with. if you join the club, you will see how our thinking was on how we raise cash and why. now let's go to mark in texas. is marvel technologies a better way to have exposure to the plumbing, which is the time to excrease exposure and add the longs to nvidia? >> this is really difficult. i'll tell you why. they are perfect marvell does the optimal plumbing cadence does the packaging you can't use nvidia without the packaging. let's say cadence is the best. marvell has a lot of business away from what we talked about but marvell is doing fine. i have been hoping that either one of those stocks would come down so we could buy one for the trust, but they're both up a
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great deal and they're both incredibly well managed. david in florida asked i'm holding eli lilly through ups and downs waiting for mounjaro to be approved for the weight loss even though it's pending, hasn't the approval been built into the stock price already? >> there are always people out there that have not heard of it. and there are always other people out there that think it won't get approved there is another cohort that says there is a competitor made by novo nortis and how does the competition stack up in this particular case, the drugs are basically equal. but it doesn't have enough capacity to meet demand. lilly, on the other hand is building capacity for demand there is not enough supply
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the people that have the supply will be eli lilly. so when they get approved, i think the stock can go higher, even though it is one of our biggest points next up we have rex who said i have often heard you state bulls and bears make money and pigs get slaughters is the concept of profit taking ever apply to our own it, don't trade it stock category? i answered exactly this issue where i said there are conflicting doctrines in my thinking one is you always want to take some profits because you don't want to be a pig on the other hand, i have stocks where i say, own it, don't trade it where this meets and butts heads is if you have so much of it because it's gone down so much like all the people that own nvidia, you have got to take some of that off the table so profit taking, preserving your cash, ensuring your stock doesn't go down is more
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important than the doctrine of own it, don't trade it if you have apple and it's 15% of your portfolio or 20%, you have to take profits you have to lower it and make it smaller. you can't get that back. it is a very art, not science issue. go over today's call and you will see it. it is chapter and verse how to do it. now let's go to james in florida. i guess everybody is in florida who asked, what are your thoughts on skyworks solutions thank you. we met with the ceo when we were in los angeles i think the stock, which is very levered to cell phones, both apple and qualcomm, got hit by -- i mean apple and samsung both businesses -- apple is actually strong. samsung was weak this stock is way too cheap because if samsung comes back, which i think it will, you will pay $120, $125
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the answer to me is this stock is a buy i think you can go back and watch the interview. it is the only public comment that he did and it explains to you why i think the stocks by. next one we have a question from jeff who asks what's your opinion on dealing with dead money in a stock that hasn't recovered in over 6 months and does not pay a dividend. this depends on if there is a catalyst it could ignite the stock. i violated my own discipline on this with a company. i'm tortured about it because i don't know what to do. i do feel like if i sell it, the stock will go up this is just human nature i'm talking about it if i don't sell it, though, the stock does nothing dead money as a trampoline is fine dead money that could go to zero is not let's go to david. with oil stabilizing over $70, a barrel, new cuts from the opec,
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china reopening and demand in the u.s., do you see oil stocks rising in q3 no i think there are special situations like cotera, which has 50% natural gas, like pioneer because they have the lowest fining cost of any major oil company in the world those are special situations and otherwise not good market for oil, which i think you go even lower than it has so far now, i have to tell you. on volatile days like this, it always is good to take a step back, assess your holdings and do your homework on the markets. so if you want to be part of the next month's investing club meeting, scan the qr code or go to and join the club. the questions you heard are very representative of what i talk about at our monthly meetings and what the bullets are the questions are really great i got to tell you, i wish i had all the answers. i do my best to come up with
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answers that have been right more than they have been wrong that's all you can ask coming up, there was a confluence of events that put this stock on cramer's radar a look at a portfolio winner next
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last week i introduced you to a couple red hot enterprise names part of 2021 if you were getting killed last year, they came roaring back today one of them sold off hard. i'm talking about their data
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streaming platform after searching for 20 to the high 30s in the last six weeks, confluent had a bit of a speed bump why? i think the stock has been up in a straight line. it's pure profit taking after a magnificent last quarter is this pull back an opportunity? let's take a look at the co-founder and chair welcome to "mad money." >> it's good to be here. >> so, first of all, you are one of the few companies that came from a tough cohort where everybody said, we need these guys tell people, please, if you don't mind why companies, and i'm talking about a lot of big companies like netflix, a square, a ticketmaster, whirlpool, they all need you. >> yeah. yeah you know, there's been a rise of a whole new paradigm using data, which is around streaming. it is not that different from like on your tv where instead of having all the cds stored, it streams down to you as you need
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it it is a similar thing with data. the focus on data for a long time was the storage of data. >> right. >> it was oracle and more recently the mangas and the store banks. we're more like the central nervous system that connects it altogether and has the data flowing in realtime unless you react and respond as things happen that has turned out to be something that's incredibly mainstream. >> well, you have this there is this open source technology that everybody uses. >> yeah. >> and it's called apache platform but it is something people get and they can't necessarily just bring the free source in and make it work they need somebody like confluent to make it work. >> yeah. we offer a managed cloud service across the three major clouds that offers this to you as a service. instead of hiring a team and standing up your own servers,
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you get it on demand and consume. we also offer that as like our license software offer in data centers, and that's our business m business model. >> so how do they use you and how would ai help them use you better >> yeah, yeah. there has been a lot of interest around data in the context of ai if you think about what companies are trying to do, they have all this data locked up in all these different systems and they're trying to take advantage of these new capabilities. so if you have something like the open ai language model, that has general knowledge about the world, but it doesn't know about your business and your customers and your stuff how can you combine those two things you have to unlock all that data and get it in the right place at the right time the good news is in travel we have a customer where we wanted to build an agent that interacts with our customers instead of calling them on the phone, you can immediately find out where's my flight or what's happening? to do that, they have to take
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this language model and take the stream of what's going on and make it accessible so they could send it off. >> is the alternative they try to build themselves a lot of money? >> the alternative for our customers is, you know, they need data streaming, but their other choice would be doing it themselves with open source. the challenge of this is usually it takes a long time and it is usually a lot more expensive. one of the things about these cloud services is they can actually be cheaper than even free software because if you think about what you're spending, it is not just the software it is the hardware it's the people. all of that gets rolled up. >> one of the things is that all anybody cared about was revenue growth suddenly they said we want to see companies that make money. you did that pivot and, yet, you didn't lose your revenue growth. >> yeah. that was a hard adjustment for us obviously there is a big market in our pspace. the number one goal has to be go get that if you don't capture that new
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opportunity, then you're nowhere. when you thought, hey, there is an opportunity to take the path to profitability faster, so we put a lot of efforts in to make sure that we could hit nongap brake-even by the end of this year that was definitely a significant pull forward we wanted to do it in a way that didn't give up growth because in our space, there is a bit of a land grab in this new area whatever gets it has it for a long time. >> netflix, walmart, bmw, citi, these are big firms. listen, we can do it better? >> yeah. you know, if you were going door to door, right, with your salespeople and trying to sell some new paradigm for data, it would be a long hike, right? this is where the open source hubs the right team that's building the right thing. we don't want to do that by
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going door to door we want developers to find us. for us, the prevalence of the open source, the friction access to our cloud service, all that makes it really easy for us to find the right use case and hope it's spread within the company we want to grow to that first use case to where they're literally collecting everything in that organization. >> so i want to know there is a mode here. i'll listen. he's basically saying we're going to destroy anybody in our area i talked to frank, they will destroy everything why won't they go after confluent? >> the good news is we're very complimentary with data storage, right? we're streaming. it is its own thing. it is about how you connect it all up it is a problem that's largely ignored. there is a lot of technology to build one of these cloud services it is not that we've taken the open source and given it to customers. that was the older model, was selling supports on open source
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and the red hats of the world. you know, i think in some cases i see respectful businesses around here, but in the cloud it is a different way it is building something that's differentiated that has a deep mode of technology that nobody else can deliver that's the best way. if you want to have a software business with the kind of margins of a software company, you have to have that. you have to have a way of doing things that's better and faster and cheaper and that's unique to you. >> it's clear that's exactly why we profiled you, why the stock went straight up if you didn't take a little profit, that's just nuts stocks don't go straight up to the sky. this one had a really good one maybe the most important thing is you see the proven success stories about who he may work with and you realize, wow, they have the right customers "mad money" is back after the break. coming up, what's on your mind give us a call the lightening round is storming
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30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ lightening round is sponsored by td ameritrade ♪ it is time it's time for the lightening round. and then the lightening round is over are you ready? let's start with jason in murj jason? >> caller: jim, a big boo-yah from auburn, new jersey. a company i'm interested in on the nasdaq down over 10 points off the
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high the company is gd health care. >> that's exactly why. we have been buying it if there are indeed more like these, there will be more need for the big mris, ibg health care is a screaming buy right here and we bought some more today. >> let's go to jim that's for the trust jim in florida. >> caller: yes mr. cramer have i got a stock for you. >> okay. >> caller: ngl energy partners symbol ngl. >> you're right. i love it. this is one of these logistics companies that moves fuel. any time i see those, i do like them i think that's the sweetest part of the energy right now. let's go to brian in wisconsin brian? >> caller: jim, boo-yah from wisconsin. >> fantastic what's up? >> caller: the stock i wanted to ask about today had a lot of ups and downs over the last few
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years. it would be fuelcell. >> there is no reason why they're losing money i cannot recommend that stock on this show. it's just not right. let's go to tom in wisconsin. >> caller: yeah. boo-yah from wisconsin, jim. i would like to ask about a tok. it pe is 5.7 earnings per share is $186 a share. and it's in electric, gas and oil, and it's popus energy. >> everything you described if it was in america i would be saying buy but i cannot recommend -- i'm sorry from sydney. i cannot recommend it. why? because argentina has run-away inflation and brazil has an unstable government. i'm going to say no. cameron in new york. cameron? >> caller: boo-yah
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first time caller, jim everything i have seen on line and even from you, this stock is supposedly killing it. but it's been all going down this year. so what the heck is going on with enphase energy. >> a lot of people think it is the interest rates i think home solar equipment is here to stay and you are getting a terrific opportunity to buy this stock lower so i am in the camp of now let's go to scott in alabama. scott? >> caller: hey, jim. this is scott from alabama. >> okay. >> caller: i want to give you a big boo-yah. >> boo-yah back. i'm looking at a stock sitting on a low i it's annaly capital. >> the fact is it's been a terrible performer for years and years. i want you to say away from it
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that's the conclusion of the lightening round. the lightening round is sponsored by td ameritrade. coming up, what bad news did the bank of a ceo recently deliver to the people's republic a shot across the bow next good luck. td ameritrade, this is anna. hi anna, this position is all over the place, help! hey professor, subscriptions are down but that's only an estimated 15% of their valuation. do you think the market is overreacting? how'd you know that? the company profile tool, in thinkorswim®. yes, i love you!!
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yesterday's stock got hit. think about how much worse it was for the people's republic of china. faster, more exciting processors yesterday was something different. they held a big ai event you don't get them on the stage with you those are first rate clients but it sure wasn't a good day for china because the faster amd makes these chips, the less likely home grown chinese companies can keep up with them. they have to be home grown because our government won't permit to export the chips or the machines that make them to
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t them they probably figured how could anybody be worse than trump with aggressive trade war in tariffs. then biden comes in and picks a brilliant woman. she decided not to be the typical glad handing trade bo booster who normally gets that job. instead, she took on the chinese government by blocking semiconductors without these chips, china can't build out the artificial intelligence that the western world is making. there are so many you can smuggle under the table. that's a huge plot point in "the departed." we bring things full circle. more difficult in the equipment fund their customers are getting huge subsidies to build plants here in america but they are selling their highest end equipment to
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china. within a few years we could have a major presence in chip manufacturing. very different good news because we have foundries in taiwan, which is the one place on earth the chinese say they want to invade. china is surpassing us everyone thinks they're running circles around us. that's no longer the case. china will always be an important exporter, but it is now behind mexico and canada because we have two successful presidents that encouraged trade with nafta at the very least, it will require a much bigger stimulus plan china has gotten too rich. if they want to outsource, they will build their factories in poor countries with lower wages. lots of production is happening here whether it is steel or plastics, the united states is now winning. meanwhile, the prc is desperate
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for natural gas liquids, which they need to make all that plastic. those experts will be shut down in a heartbeat where does this put china? they have no hope to catching up to us in ai. going to walmart of us, vietnam, cambodia are the names on the collars. now there are two hopes for china. one is to end the war between ukraine and russia so they can go back and be the customers on the side of ukraine. or, two, they take a run at taiwan to solve their micro processor problems if they invade taiwan, they run into the risk of starting world war 3, but the communist party might be willing to take that chance i think things are getting desperate in china they can't grow. they're being left behind in tech they can't steal these high-end super chips anymore.
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i hope our government stations a handful of troops to take the invasion scenario off the table. other than her, i'm not sure anyone in this administration understands the very real through the that a trapped chinese government finds itself in i would like to say there is also a bull market somewhere i'm jim i'm brian sullivan tonight is peak oil just over the horizon, or are we in for years of demand growth reaction from the ceo of shell could the inflation reduction act actually not cut the deficit? 4.4 trillion dollars is how much ai could add to the global economy. a top analyst tells you how to cash in. holy public offering we finally get a big new ipo that can hummus and greek salad.


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