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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  November 30, 2023 6:00pm-6:59pm EST

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via the uup. i want to flip that. >> two goals in the garden last night. >> magic. >> we had a great conversation. you and i. >> i know. >> mpc continues to trade well. >> thank you for watching "fast money." "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. "mad mey" wi jim cmer starts now. my mission is simple. to me you moy. i'm here to level the playing thers alwa aulmarket . somewhere and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" star now. hey, i'm cramer! welcomto "mad money." other people want to make frnds. i'm st tryg to make you some money. myob n jt tonterta but to ecate and teach y. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc or tweemejimcrar. out th the magnificent seven, in with all plex, victia's
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secret, ip f pments and data dog? ve beewaiting for this front seat back seat moment where inveors dede it's time to take theeap anget a little more -- go down the stock flue chain. that's what'happened during this glorious montof november. fronseat back seat weninto overdrive today when the magnificent seven got whacked while the nonames came tthe fore. investors made peace with big caps dow roaring 520 points. the nasdaq dipped .2%. but th continued the small frierks where the big the as much as i like the magnificent seven,o, love magnificent seven we own all of them except tesla for the charable tst. evenhad to trim some of our positions simply the fr going too big, something we explain to members of the parted with such sweet sorw. how abt the other de of the trade? people are taking prits in these fabulous winners and
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rolling them into all sos of other stocks that are smaller, low profile, many of which you've never heard of. and at why athe end of t month when interest rates plummeted i want to look at the top ten winners of a very unlikely index for me kofrks t cover, the russell 100for the month of november. a top ten that posted the kind of massive gains you c only gefrom the trillion-dollar club. the russell nomber winners tell the tale very wel inve investment, affirm holdings. 95% move higr. when intert rates were going higher, the whole worlbet agait these ys. nearly 22% of the float is still being sold short. kind of nuts given default levels. the stock got killed when the fed started tightening but now that loan rates are coming down it's rebounding just as quickly. yes. two is roku. e streaming platform that lets u watcall your favorite services on ur tv. roku's getng a reputation for
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being great acto advertise. sure enough thstock's nearly doubled off its late october lows because manement ok such a gd story on that teific cference dahl. that said this company still loses a huge amount of money, a aractestic that gets overlooked in this halcyon environment but doesn't always st that way. thd the other dai waasked what did the sam bankman fried trial doo bitcoin? said set it on fire as peoe ink the bad actors are leavi the table. we're close to seeg a bitcn etf approved ande've seen a spectacular move in inbase, the dital crypto exchange. even as the e.c. lik t the feeling's mutual. like affirm this stock also benefitt from a short squeeze but it's much harder to bet agnst these thin in a falling interest rate environment. and you'll have to excuse me for a moment while take a drink water becae unli all the other peop on tvo one else ever coughs or snees or does any of that stuff. doesell en sma and medium
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ze binesses thve. a collateral positive fr a beer bonrket, no less. see blk, the old sque, rallyto i thght th fintech cpany's block had been overly punished for its riskier businessodel but whenhe market goes all front se back seat you get a powerf8% mov many scks ell in the valley of the shadow of death for a couple of years now, so when rates ak whesomethg good happens their stocks explode higher. the gap posted a 1% increase in same-sre sales at old navy and that w enough to send e stock into the stratosphere. didn't hurt that gap g a whole new ceo who did a very good job of frang the story on the conference call. en as he can't really ta credit for it. the numberjust started chning in late august. number 6, yoll love this one.
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u'll just love this one. it's a company called olaplex. thisne fs the front seat back seat thesis to a tee. remember this nameolapx. is mak specialist shampoos that a beloved by coloris to the stars. thiss the kind of lodollar stock thatttracts ople who li the shaoos and want to buy a piece of what they le. it's profitable. and byhe way, my show it's t most portanthing. myife loves ! us iby the boatload. she tolde to telyou she liked the rple colored one. let me say this, though. tonight becky ick has a special at 8:00 p.m. on the late charlie munger. he was that brilliant partner of warren buffett. munger famously got buett focus on high quity companies at a fair ice. munger, he would ner have bought a share of olapx. this one shows youon't even need good mbers for your sck to go higher. you just need soelief that the bad numbers are filly the rearvi. i'll give you an example. pvh, parent of calvin klein and
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tomm they gave terrible mbers today. its ock rallied 7%. and that kind of cocyed optimism also explains the incredible r in the seventh best performer, victoria's secret. terrible guidance.oss. but ter initial head fake lower its stock sprung higher as t last bad quarter cribed syndrome. metimeyojust see a company isn't disappearing a for the real oimists they buy. and that's victoria'secret's secret. and that of course and that had a 15% short position. now, there are so manyompanies that take care of payments. and when interest rates were going gher thearket hated ery onthem. but when rates go lower 're suenlynamored of the fastest grers inhat feels like a totally hogenous groupf showa -- shift 4 paymes. has up nrly % for november how do you like that? shift 4 payments!
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first one is datadog. here's a company that should have beeacquired a lontime ago by an d-fashned tech th would have been able to spruce up their number data dog does very helpful application monitoring a analytics. cloud transparency is a huge thing. sure enough the quarter was immaculate. d tellou to buy the stock here up 43% but it hit its 52-weehigh today, that makes me a little antsy. anthe otr one, exped. this ia case whe the expectationsere extremely low, the company reported good numbers and then the stock just vaulted higher up 19in a ngle ssion bthe wa because it never should have been dn so mh in tar fit place. w, booking holdings had been doinll. whatistakeup othese gu. and by the way, the aveloom, it's sti on. it's insane! today? where endoing future winners bas ovembes peormance. but the bottom line, if yo thk we'rgoing have soft
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landing, iyou believe inflation is coming down, if you believe intere rates have peaked, th you need to be a little more optimistic about life in stocks, or at least stocks. the russell 1000 list with a growth stock bias that can produce some real winners and the ones i just highlighted have separated themselves from, i don't know, how about the other 990 stocks in that esteemed coiled spring of an index! to mix metaphors with racing and trains. charles in arizona. charles! >> caller: boo-yah, eagle boy jim. how are you doing today? >> go birds, chief. what's happening? >> caller: yeah, hey, i want to -- first of all i want to put a hats off to charlie munger, man. what a great -- or sorryloss that is for -- >> and i can't wait to see becky's special. becky knows -- knew charlie and knows warren like no other journalist. it's going to be fantastic. what's going on? >> jim, we appreciate your insights for us stay at home
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traders. in 2019 on the options action i took tony zang's trade on morgan stanley. i got in at 53.60. it's hit 106 at a high. but now it seems it can't hold 80. is the 4 1/2% dividend enough to keep me in it? >> my friend, big guy, listen to me, this thing is just killing me. my charitable trust owns, it we sold some higher, tried to buy some lower, bought some down here. yield's 4 1/4. and it is just killing me. and i can't believe it is down this low. this is a high-quality company. where if you believe that rates are going down and that activity is going to pick up you have to buy the stock. you have to right here. jerry in missouri. jerry! >> caller: hey, jim, thanks for taking my call. >> no problem. >> caller: a few weeks ago there were two situations of good conference calls yet the stock went down anyway. so i purchased entirely new positions in palo alto and winn. palo alto's now down almost 20% and thinking of you
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little and bought a new toy. my question is this. wynn is not doing so great. >> no. >> caller: do you think geopolitics are taking too much of a toll -- >> 100%. wynn is down because they've got two casinos in macau. one of them caters to the high end. and unfortunately, that is no longer the end that is working. and that is killing the stock and it's got to figure out how to recondition that one, how to reconfigure because if they don't the stock is not going to get above the 90 level. and if they do i've got to tell you, maybe it will also be helped by the super bowl being there in february. but only of course if the eagles are in it. luke in arizona. luke! >> caller: mr. cramer, how are you, sir? >> pretty good, luke, how about you? >> caller: i'm good. i'm good. i'll do a little better if oil can do what it's supposed to do. >> really? >> caller: devon energy is driving me nuts. >> devon energy can drive anybody nuts frankly. it's just been the worst performer in the group and it's really at 6.8% yield.
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you know what? i'm going to say at this point devon is too low. and i hope i don't regret saying that one. if you think we're going to have a soft landing it's time to take a look at the top names in the russell 1000 because it's filled with growth stocks that can turn out to be big winners. on "mad money" tonight lyft is trying to take share in the ride sharing space. i'm sitting down with the ceo. then if you think that rates really have peaked as i do, what sector should do best? i'm checking in with the reits and sharing which one. a former spac that i'm interested in. a company up over 200% this year. do not miss my exclusive with virgin air! and stay withroom credit. second of "mad moneymiss a follow @jimcramer on x. have a question? tweet cramer. hashtag madmentions. send jim an e-mail to
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in this environment with interest rates finally sinking a stock like lyft earlier this year the ride share company looked to be in bad shape. it was losing market share to uber, struggling to pivot to profitability. then in march they brought in an experienced tech executive and ceo david risher. he immediately started cutting costs. laying off the workforce. you have to do what you have to do. earlier lyft report aid top and bottom line beat. the stock tumbled 6% in response supposedly because their gross bookings and rideshare metrics fell short of uber. the sell was overdone. stock's rallied 16% since then. could this be the beginning of a larger rebound which i think it
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is? let's check in with david risher ceo of lyft. mr. risher, welcome back to "mad money." >> it is so good to be here. how are you? >> i'm a nervous traveler. i've got you. i hate being late. i always think i'm going to miss the plane. i'm scared to death. i'm waiting for the ub asterisk r to show up. give me some certainty that maybe i'm using the wrong gu >> well, you are using the wrong guy, and here is why i can tell you that. wennounced something called the guaranteed airport pickup. and to your point, everyone is stressed during holidays. anthe hodays should be so eat. they're a time of getting together with your family. but man, what time is the car going to pick me up so on and so on. we say we guarantee we're going to pick you up. if we're more than ten minutes late we will pay you up to $100 in lyft cash. that's enough for you to take one of those ubers that are a huge mistake for you to take but here you go. >> these kinds of things were no stranger with you. you're an inventive person. your bkgrounis about invention and creativity.
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every one of the things -- look, woman and connect. you can look at these things. it's a cauldron up there. and not one of those crazy ones we saw from some other guys. tell me how you come up with these ideas and tell me if you think they're working because i know you're also a very tough benchmarker of yourself. >> yeah. i do think they're working and i'll give you two reasons for that. number fwurngs you look at when i started we were up 10% year on year in ride growth. second quarter i was there we were up 17%. now we're up over 20%. that's accelerating growth in a market where that is not always the case. number one. number two, we were able to bring up new invasions. you mentioned woman plus connect. this is a way for women drivers to choose to ride with each other. and it's a game changer. if you've seen some of the social media on it people love it. and it's understandable why. it feels safe. it feels comfortable. it feels like i've got a comrade in the car. and then number three, let's talk about airports one more time. we've given about 2 1/2 million rides just in the last couple weeks just to airports. 2 1/2 million rides.
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guess how many -- and i'll ask you the question. out of those 2 1/2 million rides guess how many we were so late that we actually had to pay for your uber. how many? pick a number. >> all right. i'll say 10%. >> 10%. so that would be 250,000 rides. the actual number? 72 rides. >> 72 actual, not -- >> 72 rides. .01%. >> so this is a decent bet by you. >> this is a decent bet. so the question -- or answer to how do we come up with ideas, we obsess over our riders, we obsess over our drivers and we overdeliver. >> this is an importantway to point out thathe way people have been incorrectly valuing your stock is -- i don't mean to pick on anyone but jefferies has the andard recap, ak miraitting but sll losing ground. of course that's a comparison to uber. i think all comparisons are fatuous. you're comparing yourself and that's what matters. how would you grade yourself? >> yeah. so i compare myself to what our customers want. that's what i do. and our thesis, to be clear, is
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customer obsession drives enterprise value. customer obsession drives enterprise value. the more we obsess over our customers the gger theore ccessful we'll g i grade self well because i see women plus connect i see airport pickup i see accelerating growth. i see drivers, we have 40% -- 45% more driver hours now than we had a year ago. >> i was just going to say the 45 -- i was going to point that out because these are the kind of metrics people should be looking at. you needed to re-establish this. and the way to re-establish it is more and more drivers. i could ask you for adjusted ebidta. it isn't yet the right time. >> that's right. it will be. we're building a healthy growing bids. but look at the inputs. i'll tell you something else nobody else knows. this is something most companies don't talk about. when i joined if you look at how our employees are experiencing our company, we run surveys like most companies do about every quarter and our employee confidence level was low. historic low level. and you can kind of understand
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why. it then grew. and then we just released another -- we just saw the results yesterday of our most recent one. it is the highest it has been in four years. employee confidence. what that tells you is that the thousands and thousands, 3,000-plus team members who work for lyft are starting to believe. they believe in our purpose. they believe in our execution. that's a leading indicator. that -- how well we're doing for our customers, our riders, our drivers, that's what people should be looking at. not ebidta. that's down the road. >> there's also a flywheel effect, overdone term but i look at the advertisers you have for lyft media. i first thought these would be kind of bargain basement guys, ambulance chasers. apple, not an ambulance chaser. >> apple's not an ambulance chaser. not only that they've reupped and reupped again. they're very consistent. to be clear what's happening is they're recognizing you've got a person who's sitting in a car, the average number of times a person checks their lyft app in the car is ten different times. am i there? so instead of checking your app over and over again you get in to play a game on apple. you're getting a free apple tv
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plus subscription. it's really interesting to see actually even our riders are liking it. and by the way you know who else benefits? drivers. when we do advertising and you're taking a ride drivers actually get paid more. >> when i meet my partner david faber tomorrow and he says is that lyft still around, perhaps i should remind him that you are alive and doing better than this company has, what, for many, many years. >> for sure. >> i also can't help but mention you have probably taught more people -- people don't know this. to be literate, to read. than anyone on earth. and you don't talk about it. there are other people who brag about their charities. is this actually an easier task, what you're doing, than teaching millions of people how to read as you did in -- >> i appreciate you bringing that up. i don't know which is easier. they both have their challenges. but they're both super interesting and energizing. i think people who lead with purpose, and i put myself in that category, have the best jobs in the world. and i think it's what brings companies along and it allows us to sort of be bigger than
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ourselves. anyway, having a great time. >> i know this is -- i don't want to conflate charity and making money but i think people should want to join you as you lead lyft much higher. thank you thank you so much, david risher, the ceo of lyft. you're good, man. i'm going to take you up on your pledge. look out. >> announcer: coming up, if rates have peaked, where does real estate go from here? part 3 of cramer's series answers the big question of what if. next.
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only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. meet gold bond daily healing. a powerhouse lotion that moisturizes, heals, and smooths dry skin. with 7 moisturizers & 3 vitamins. and... new gold bond healing sensitive. clinically shown to heal & moisturize dry,ensitive skin. gold bond.
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all week i've been highlighting the formerly beaten down industries that suddenly work in a world where inrest rates peaked a mon ago because i think this is the new normal. rates have just plummeted in the last month and it has changed everything for the better!
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when rates were soaring there was no need to own dividend stocks because you'd get better return from risk-free treasuries. wasn't that the way to go? now long rates are falling, though. dividend stocks are enticing again. that's why i recommended some of the higher quality utilities and pipeline plays earlier this week. tonight we're circling back to the real estate investment trusts, another group of yield plays that have had a very tough year thanks to stiffer competition from the bond market and worries about a particular corner of the industry and that is office real estate. those dragged down the whole group to the point where the s&p 500 how now has a 4.3% yield. juicy. which of these right now? i want to start with crown castle. that's the reit that owns cell phone towers, a really terrible group because they're dividend stocks but also because wireless carriers are looking to cut costs. crown castle's in the news this weeng because ole yot management arguably the smartest activist hedge fund on earth tried to do
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something with crown castle in 2020 but they were effectively rebuffed by the board. since then the stock's been a major underperformer. >> sell sell sell! >> so they figured now they've got a little more leverage this time around. i agree. elliott wants new executives and new board, a strategic review of crown castle's fiber business which they've long hated, and new focus on boosting the company's return on invested capital. now, the stock has soared since elliott announced its new campaign but it's still down more than 13% for the year and it sports a beautiful 5.3% yield. i like the dividend. i think the stock has plenty of upside if crown castle would simply listen to some of elliott's suggestions. can i just say that they are nuts if they don't? next to simon property group which owns high-class malls. i recommended this one less than a month because the stock felt too cheap for me. in reality some are dead but not high-class malls. high-class malls are holding up a lot better than lower class
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ones. and simon's about as class as it gets. 90% occupancy rate, lots of leasing momentum. plus they made some moves during the pandemic, buy up failing retailers to keep their tenants afloat. it didn't hurt that simon's malls benefited from having stores stay open. shuttered anchor tenants means lower adjacent rates. simon's rallied 11% since i recommended it at the beginning of the month but it's still got a bountiful 6.1% yield at these levels ithink it's got a lot more room to run. how about another downtrod ellen retail reit? i like federal realty. close observers of the show know this. properties in high income suburbs. the vast bulk is retail. these guys reported a great quarter four wooeeks ago. came on the show. this company has increased its dividend for 56 years, the longest streak in the industry. it's still down 5% for the year and it pays you a juicy 34.6%
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yield which is now higher than you could get from the ten-year treasury. that's one of the reasons i keep focusing on these stocks. what can i say? i'm a big believer in federal realty and the straight shooting ceo don wood. i think you're getting a great entry point right here. don, as we say, is money. now, let me give you some unusual ones, just throw them in. long-time cramer fave prologis the real estate investment trust that's basically e-commerce real estate. fabulous performer thanks to the rise of online shopping but the stock's been held back over the past couple years because there's a widespread sense that everybody built too many logistics facilities during the pandemic. i think we're finally getting over that and at the end of the day nothing can stop the rise of e-commerce. that's especially true with so many drugstores making it borderline impossible to buy anything good in order to prevent rampant theft. so much easier to just order your shampoo online. that lock and key thing is the best advertisement going for e-commerce. pro loggis also made an
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acquisition last year the $26 billion purchase of duke realty. wall street didn't really approve of it. and of course the rising interest rates dragged this one down along with the other reits. i think the fundamental story remains unchanged here. e-commerce will keep going and that means more companies will need to rent property from pro loggis. meanwhile the company keeps putting up excellent numbers. the stock has stood still but the funds from operations have grown substantially. these guys have a terrific 96.1 occupancy rate. amazing pricing power. their same store operating income is up 9% just in the last quarter. plus while pro loggis has been more of a growth play than a yield play -- finally i think the worries about office real estate they've gotten too excessive and that's why i like boston properties which owns a portfolio of office buildings in boston los angeles new york sfrais san francisco seattle and washington, d.c. just like shopping malls there's a difference between high-quality office space and
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commodity office space. boston properties has one of the best oefrlz portfolios out there in terms of owning premier buildings. i first pitched this contrarian call on the stock in early september telling you it will be a winner whenever interest rates peaked. i told you to put in a small position and buy more on the way down. sure enough boston properties under 57 butown here it's got t a 6.9%ield. now yono longer lieve ticing. 6%.erest rates are zoomi to am stiing wi ts on boon prorties has gotten chear as icomes down. greabut hi-end is in muce betterhape and boston properties is pang to wa unl walltreet gures at t. onday it wil bottom line, ilike me yo beeve interest res peaked a month ago then you've got to resit all the high yielders that didn't, who the bond market was offering more competitive turns. nothat bond yields have pulled back substtiallyrom their to the pipeline plays to the reits suddenly feels a lot mor investable. hey, stick around tomorrow. wh i give you five more
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potentiawinners. i'll take calls. samuel in new york. samu! >> caller: hey, jim. long-time listener. boo-yah! what's going on?el. >> caller: what do you think about baba? >> i'mot a fan of baba. i think theye very challenged right now. i'm going to have to say -- right now everyone likes pin duo duo. i'm not going to recommend something that'sone down a lot and think it's cheap. i'm ry worried structurally about baba. so i have to say no i can't go with it. let's stick wi the sams. colorado. >> caller: jim, how are you doing? >> i am doing fine, sam. how are you? >> caller:'ve been good. you know, one thing i don't think people he been paying as much attention to as ty should is the electric grid and as the whole cntry begins to shift toward renewable energy and transportation wre going to need more grid and
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one of the companies i'm looking at that that appears to be a beneficiary of the recent inflation reduction act would be qantas services, ticker pwr. you don't have tdo any arm . twisting fore. i think pwr's one of the best companies. i actually discovered this have always felt it was a good one. we had a little break in the action it went down but started to come back. i say buy buy buy quanta. good call, my friend. now, look, if you believe like i did interest rates have peaked then it's time to revisit high yielders like the reits which suddenly feel a lot more investable. much more "mad money" including my exclusive with burdon. after being impacted with supply chain woes the company's back and better than ever. but can it someone i've got the ceo. and what's holding back the health care sector from jumping into bull snowed i'm sharing the reasons. and of course all your calls rapidfire in tonight's edition of the "lightning round." of the "lightning round." so stay with cramer. rylee! from rylee's realty!
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the online dog walking serce can get a big takeover bid from blackstone h about theandful of post-spac outfits thaare actual good? take vve holdings relatily unknown supper of power and coolinproducts for tata center. this one stood o from the moment it cameublic via spac in020. verve was real popular, real les,eal profits and legimate e marke be of asart the yield they broht in dave cody the long-time ceo of honeywell is their new chairman and of course my neighbor at tt point. initially the stock had a difficult run. spacs went out of style supply
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chain es hurt the business. but vee has come rallying back, to 43 and change. scramble in the ai era.mpanies ese ai mhineurban rn hot. you ed specialized cooling systems from the likes of vertiv. it's why the stock has more than tripled year to date. can it keep running? let's take a closer look with the ceo of vertiv holdings. geo, welcome to "mad money." >> thanks a lot, jim. thanks for having me here. >> why don't you give us since this is your first time some of the highlights from the analyst meeting because i think you have a lot of new stuff to reveal. >> yeah, yeah. a lot of stuff for the investor meeting. as you were mentioning taking our year guidance up.
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and then we also shared our plans for the rest. we are certainly looking at a strong outlook from a market standpoint and we expect to grow nicely in that market environment. we're thinking about something in the 9 to 11% range going out in the next few years. >> well, that would be terrific. i happen to be a big fan of jensen huang from nvidia and he always taught me the thing you have to worry about is you can't let the machines burn too hot. it's about heat, saving the planet and heat and then good power. it looks like vertiv is a good partner of jensen because i watched video today of jensen singing your praises. >> we work very well with them. we work very well with nvidia. and certainly with jensen. visionary leader and the company as a whole is phenomenal.
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and we are partnering exactly to solve the problems that future generation of chips and the current generation of chips are creating. but the problem, that also they are solving as the heat and the power is concentrated in the chip the chip becomes more efficient. from a computing power standpoint. but more power needs to be fed to the chip and more heat needs to be extracted. and that's where we come into the equation. >> let's say i went to a data center and it had no cooling equipment by vertiv. what would happen? >> let's say statistically it's likely that when you enter a data center there will be a lot of cooling and power equipment of vertiv. but in the off case that's not happening it is always possible for us to go and do a retrofit really to bring the power and
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the cooling to the next level, to the ai-required level of power and heat operations. >> all right. so gio, what happened? there was a period where your stock went down a great deal. and that was in part because you really had supply chain problems. you must have been importing things and some of the materials maybe were too sensitive to heat or -- something went wrong here and it seems to have gone away. can you give me the fall and rise of vertiv? >> we are a global leader in critical digital infrastructure. what happened in the last two years was a lot to do with contingent market situation in terms of supply chain, a very difficult supply chain environment. in that very difficult supply chain environment, in continuity of supply and delivery was a
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challenge for vertiv and for many other players in the industry. and you know, we started to work very, very focused on price and rebalancing balancing the price-cost equation. and it took time to make that happen. and that started to bear fruits in the second half of 2022, back end of 2022 and 2023 we accelerated. as the supply chain was stabilized, as we became more resilient in a way with design and the architect supply chain the acceleration happened. and also the market started to accelerate with more and more focus on ai, and that's all good stuff for us. that is tailwind for us. >> one last question. dave cody is an exacting man. he is a terrific man but he does not suffer fools gladly. his book is excellent. he's a resource for many ceos. how do you cooperate, get along
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and learn from your chairman, dave cody? >> well, i get along very, very well. first of all, dave is a phenomenal chairman for vertive and for vertive shareholders. he needs no introduction. he is a great mentor. and not just a mentor. he's a very active chairman. but also someone who always keeps me, you know, aware of what could be behind the corners, the things that i may have overlooked or not. but he reminds that. so he's an enormously important resource for me and i am learning every day, every hour from dave. >> and i know he likes to win too, which will put some pressure on periodically, but that's sometimes what a ceo needs. gio albertazzi is the ceo of vertiv. vrt, by the way. a stock we like very much. thank u fobeing on the show. >> well, thanks for having me. of course. "mad money's" back after the
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break. >> announc: coming up, pop open those umbrellas and tee up your toughest questions. cramer takes on all comers in the "lightning round." next.
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♪♪ we're not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. ♪♪ we're not an airline, but our network
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connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. ♪♪ we're not a startup, but our innovation labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. ♪♪ we're not architects, but we help build stronger communities. ♪♪ we're not just any bank. we are citi. ♪♪ its me! it's time for the "ligning money" -- er'smad and then thelightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? time for the "lightning round" on cramer's "madoney." start with marinolorad mark. >> caller: hey, mr. cramer. how are you today? >> i'm doing fine, mark, how about you? >> caller: gat. happy holidays. >> same. >> caller: i've got a question
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re quick. given the need for the incredible usage of storage what is your opinion on irm, iron mountain? >> my wring partner matt harmon a i often talabout how great thiss. ev with a 4% yield i still remmend that stock. i've been recommending it for ages. don in texas. don. >> calr: cramer, boo-yah. happy holidays to you to you and >> oh, thankou. >> cler: i was jt caing to asabout q2 holdings. virtualanking. i like the idea. the stock has moved too much. too high for me. how about we go to dave in virginia? dave. >> caller: united states navy boo-yah to you, jimbo. >> thankou for serving boo-yah. >> caller: club member. >> yes! >> caller: would love to kw about the buy buy buy or sellsale sell on amc. >> you're talking about the movies, d it's just not the same, and i don't want to be
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thereforeinvolved with the movie theaters. challenges from nelson peltz. it's going to be a challenge but disney got a big dividend today and that stock is one of my favorites in the charitable trust. alan in florida. >> caller: boo-yah to you, jimmy chill. >> boo-yah. the chill man is in the house. how can i help? >> caller: most importantly thank you for the investing club. it creates a level playing field for us little guys. >> that is the plan. people have to know it's about education, it's about teaching. i knock my brains out every day to teach you. and thank you for the kind recognition. how can i help you? >> caller: no, thank you. hey, listen, today bill gates' nuclear energy company terra power, me announced m.o.u. with your little spec play you gave out, euc whose management company says they're producing domestic unuranium just $40 a pound. they have the infrastructure built. terra power has officially said their preference is for domestic uranium and uec has by far --
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>> that's why i like uec. i'm putting together a list under speculation. i might have to keep it to myself right now but i think uec is a winner because i also believe as i said the other day when i said buy southern the great utility, nuclear is for me. let's go to noel in florida. noel. >> caller: hi, jim. thanks for taking my call. >> oh, thank you, noelle. let's go to work. >> caller: okay. my husband and i would really like your thoughts on joby aviation. >> i still insist there be some hope a company make money. i don't see one for the jobe. ryan. >> caller: from falls church, virginia. i'm sitting here with my 10-year-old son who loves watching your show. >> i love that. >> caller: ticker symbol pfizer. >> i am calling the bottom. i can't believe i'm doing this. i'm saying a 5% yield with
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pfizer and dr. bourla, i cannot believe this stock can go much lower. so i am saying -- no, i'm saying -- >> don't buy. >> i am calling the bottom. let's go to alan in new jersey. >> caller: yes, jim. boo-yah, jim. >> how are you? >> caller: happy holidays. >> thank you. same. >> caller: hey. i want to ask you your opinion on american airlines and its growth potential over the next three years or so. it seems very low right now. trading about 11. >> the stock is so low. i do prefer delta. i have to admit i'm a delta fan over american. but that stock is low. whoa. let's go to william in washington. william. >> caller: hey, how are you doing, mr. jim cramer? >> i'm doing well. how about you? >> caller: all right. i just wanted to check on neo. do you think i should hold that for a long time or -- >> i'm not recommending -- chinese stock market, there's always one that works and it
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gets everybody all excited. pvd is the play for the month over there with the prc and i'm not a buyer of the neos, the babas. i've got to be able to walk up and down the street. it's something i'm still liking to do. i still like my christmas tree outside. there's a lot i'll be there. steven. >> caller: how are you doing tonight? >> man, i'm doing well. what's up with you? >> caller: i'm good, i'm good. i'm 26 years old. i've been listening to your show since high school. so i just want to say thank you for everything you've done for me as a young investor. >> terrific. what's up? >> caller: i have a question about a company i personally love. i see a lot of growth potential. they've got an insider trading deadline coming up. what do you think about canava? >> when the lock expiration is up i think the stock goes lower. i share the excitement. i think it's a very good situation. i want to see what the sellers do to it. by the way, personally because
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of the garlic i have to have it with pepto. much to my chagrin. but i don't mind drinking pepto. i usually have a bottle of it next to me at all times. tom in florida. >> caller: jim, long-time club member, first-time caller. my question regarding small cap renewable energy company next era energy partners, symbol nep. trading range -- >> that one worries me, tom. when i see a yield that's 14% i say something is going to break there. let's hold off on that one. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the "lightning round"! trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curad to fit your unique goals,
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you can spen less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab. rkets e defid by
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bad breath. hal toes sis a talowner. you ink it's you. but that not the way things work in al life. a market domined bthose stocks and those scks on i onwith trible eath. the problem with trying to kick wa st wa streehalitosis is a entire new sector has to start winning. the her day i talked abouthe need for financials toerform better because it can't just be tech. i thinwith ierest tes coming down ybe we could pick i'm lling to buythe sa w
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utities. instead ofinancials, though it's fintech that caht fire today. that won't cut it. let's call it a rk in progress. could really use some strength the downtdden health care sector which accounts fojust 13% of t s&p 500 even thgh 's 18% of the econy. that mismatch is because there's so much going wrong within the group. first 're talkg aboua whole sector that's inhe osshai of thu.s. government becau we're headed to an election year. the entire ection told hin onhe ct ofhings going to hi even as it is going lower according to all iicators. if you'rgoing lor from a much higher base than pre-pandemic and lower inflation simply means prices are rising more slowly that won't cut it. that makes health care a natural whipping boy for the governmt. and it's how president biden was able to slip provision that lets medicare negotiate drug prices into his inflation reduction act. that is a shocking move, people. given how so many of our leaders ha tried and failed to do the same thing. they failed because while it saves the govement money it costs the heth care industry a
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fortune. they have powerful lobbyists. drug companiesre suing to block this from being enacted. but assuming the government ge its way d over 23% of bristol-myers funds ll be mention a fe tlaw ll be to devaating for vaatioof large p stocks. once you start negotiang wit the biest yer of drugs in the world you know you're going to be a lose second the government's truly serious aboublocking health careergers in part because regulatorsre overzeaus but enemies.s can be their own worst i don't know who advised cigna and humana ttry to merge in any form but this is the height of what instors don't want to happen, a direct assault on what the ftc cares and knows about. i ow the two compaes can talk a real good game about how the combination would lower ices. join forces it's easy to argue it's anti-competitive. these companies are suing thselves up to the lina khan ftc platter. i'm worried that cigna'serger would be a huge distraction and the ftc would ly succeed in
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blocking a deal anyway because for once they wouldn'tave to just to find themselves in court. believme, khan will tie these two up in knots. it so silly. t because it wouldn't make sense. i'd love to see a bid for humana. we own it r the ust. t becae it won't happen. greedy bankers and lawyers read the room. innotion.e's aack of look at abbvie buying immunogen for its ovarian cancer dru immun immunogen's been around r angz, never done anything big. maybe this time it's differe but this is more about abbvie losing exclusivity on big drugs an immuno ges prospects. only eli lilly with it blockbuster diabetes and weight loss drug alonwith alzheimer's formulation seems to be doig anhing b buying compans with. so-calleblockbuster products. homegrown what we want. finally the medical device business. crushed during covid when people decided to hold off on all sorts of non-urgent surgerie the strange thing is they're still lding f.
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the numbers ner came back. very hard to figure. whatever the case,ealth care group seems like a ptty unlikely candidate to help the bullish cause. i li to y there'always hy. prome to t to find it just for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer. i'm jim cramer. see you tomorrow. "last call" starts now. ♪ right now on "last call" -- opec plus whiplash. a critical meeting leaving heads spinning over prices. we'll try to make sense of it all. a november to remember. an epic month for wrapping up your money is december gearing up to be bigger and better? president biden taking aim at both corporations and the ultra rich. but some are sayinhis facts may be a little fuzzy. respiratory illness outbreak intensifying in china with concerns it may be spreading in one american spread. plus the red hot ai job that pays nearly a quarter million a year. our frie


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