tv Mad Money CNBC December 18, 2023 6:00pm-6:59pm EST
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we talked about gold, but i like gfi. >> small cap value, small caps took a turn last week, 5% in a day. take a look. >> seller, buy guide, and happy rthday we miss >> reporter: my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm he to level e playin fid for all vestor theris alw-- i promise to help you find mad money starts now hey, i am kramer welcome to mad money, welcom to cramerica i'm just trying to make you little money my job is not just to entertai you, but to teach somethg. maybe all stocks are too cheap versus what they're worth? that's my reaction to furiou bidding for --
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the fourth largest steel maker in the world, bidding $5pe share for the stock that close 9 on friday. that's a heck of a lot lower before it came out to me that's the most alie story from [inaudible] less than one point, but as beginning 0.4%nd crossin 6.4% the fa that wall street ca be so wrong and it's judgm on a steel company has more to do with the markets obsessio with federal reserve then with u.s. steeltself. right now, after t fed ke u.s. steel are supposed t see their earningsollapse. historically that is wha always happens you ever hear those rate hikes would've been the death for steel company that isn't exactly known r its state of the art auction. u.s. steel took advantage of super low interest rates they made themselves mor resilient. plus, we now [inaudible] without them, nothing would be american steel market.
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in this market, it makes perfect see [inaudible no overlap in their operations and cargo would eate a formidable competitor,o th very, strong very aggressive - has amgamated a lot players. they actually rally 10% today. not because they lost a biddin wabut because of the whole industry benefits from a reevaluation from an independent harbor called -- still companies are such a small rt of what could'v gone well this year if the ftc and -- had beeno dead set on lookin deals. the ftc trieto move heaven and earth to prevent microsoft from - minimal impact on the vi game industry. players, writers, an unfortunately, ftc chair laura conn [inaudible] if there i't a tree an tter, it almost seems like still try toind one anyway she's trying to lock and prett much every deal that comes across your desk fortunately, microsoft had and
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limited firing she was soundly defeated unbelievable, unbelievable wring by a judge about how long this was. unfortunately, most companie do not have micro cells deep coffers. so they're very worried th deals will be blocked. so we have a whole industr that's already in bad need for consolidation, but they're afraid to. concept ea deterred plenty o -- then they shou be, as th nippon steel, u.s. deal ows. cotton is a one woman wrecki crew for your stock portfolio, even the stocks that did ver well without deals although, that's because we' seen the magnificent seven the one thate have to thin for a lot ofhat perfmance. at times, it fee like concep you see does cenal care abou -- she wants to stand in the wa of shareholders making money rember wn they tried t block him jen from rising th -- even though ere was no overlap and new from the competition, and she agreed to do everything the ftc asked hi in the, and e ftc stop tryin
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to block the deal. but i think that's mainl because the sense that engin is picking up a fight in court an when >> report: that'smazing long hurricane wants to stop corporate consolidation. it's only the largest, wealthiest companies can avoid the litigation and it come with making acquisitions what would happen if we di have such a hard line are to see, where they tried to block the nippon steel deal? investors would overlap and it would make businesses for more competitive. and it would bring down an help - the of the companies that make cars and trucks. i can see so many pontia deals with a less hostile ftc. i can see [crying] [inaudible] and a very competitive - i think that i could see general mills, give them mor bargaining power there's so many biotec companies that neeto b bought to fulfilthe full potential because ey don't have the money to do so. but the chilling effect of ftc
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blocking the deal is can be expecteto fight, yo againsthe runaway regulatory freight train that is lena conn ftc. and [inaudible i'm presuming that khan will try to block both of them. why not le-- consation rents which ar more on at laterg sales theye so my -- because ofompani trying build competitive amounts. instead, the actions will fall in the private equity of, it's like, brava, inside the averag deal that was announced friday morning, these pvate equit companies get thrun of the door because ty don't have t worry about antitrust scrutiny given them a competitive advantage in the btle agains the pit portion of canada, that's the online graphi design platform. thdeal would have been terrific for the consume because it would allowed dolby to undercut can fall on pric for sophisticated mode, an
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could've given investors - consumers a free cheer t innovate with other adobe plus investors also know that the european regulators is where gets this one too. we have so many medical vice companies that are begging t be merged. they would then have the scale to battle larger players in th industry as of right, now they can' really compete we have so many aerospac companies that need more scaled, the whole -- it's all one way right now we know that all entertainment companies are hurting. we have to let some of these compies combine and take a wonder anthey will kind of wonder because some of them have weak balance sheet it's known thanew is a dir when t-- take some on look, i could go on and on about the kinds of deals tha should be allowed, and wha could be allowed and won't b allowed. mind you, i'm not challengin the regulators hard line against mergers. they have been to many of thos and they've heard the consumer
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i'm not suggesting that albert sa krogeshoulde allowe puts a lot of ney behind the purchase of 400 stores to limi overlap. there needs to be someone with deep pockets, otherwise it's foreign stocks, the ores might go under the merge with safeway with th promise of stores and the -- quickly failed because it wa under funded that outcome what i'm seeing a skill mill matters. if - letting walgreens by wild aid, we should be able to have -- a dominate amazon that gobbles up the whole cat degree. but no one talksbout that. again, about outcome we know in lena khan has plent of support for president weeds to brag about not caring about stocmarket - here is about a month. when you see what ppon still is willing to pay for crysta still, it is crystal clear tha
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our stock rket will be worth far, more for more ia worl where regulators are les hostile toake over it's one way or, another i think that's where we're headed the only queion is, how long will it take let's go to robert in new york robert >> hey, jim, i he to say you're the best stock adviso in the country we got the best advice because of your guidance >> reporter: y're very kind, you're very kind >> it's absolutelyrue, jim you've done this for everybody and -- you and the ones y said pull out as people have okay anyway, this is a stk that the [inaudible it's a 52 per cent this year and i want to know if you thin it's getting a ltle -- want you to ow if you ar into into it >> reporter: i thi some qata c is doing an amazing job. do i think the stock is mayb five-day percent of it-- yes. do i think that it will come i january when we see cattle puddle gains being taken
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yes. that's why we will b int january and you see e true colors let's get a llion texas hey, william >> hey, jim. thanks for taking myall. your staff is. great >> reporter: they ar terrific >> they are. i have 300 shares of room bergh, with a cost pace of 36 when it warrant up this week, saw 200 of it and bought 300 o verizon for the juicy 7% dividend i don't know what to do with the other hundred of the ube st, hold it or should i sell it >> reporter: i want you to hol it i think uber is doin remarkably, it's one of the bi winners of the company state became come public in the last few years. onof the few big winners congratulations for buyi som uber andaking such big money anenrolling in something tha cod get you good income. now, that we know what nippo stubble pay for u.s., still think it's clear that th entire stock market could be worth a heck of a lot more i our regulars weren't so hostil takeover deals most of e gamehave been
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magnificent 7. on mad tonightthe f port i thlatest victim of a cybersecurity -- networks to get sense wha this attack means and how we can go and avoid these in th future last, week we t a call - viewers might have b suppressed by my hesitation. i am sharing important data on companies, and givinyou an date on where i stand on som of the markets because names and that's, math we created mad man etf based on t company's -- president xi during his bi dinner in san francisco. how is this mock etfir i'll provide an update, an it's a positive one. so stay with cramer. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> don't miss a second of ma money. follow @jimcramer on x have a question? tweet cramer, hashtag ma mentions ascend jimmy millet my money o
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-- or give us a call on 1-800-743-cnbc miss something head to mad money dot head to mad money dot a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. the first time you made a sale online with godaddy was also the first time you heard of a town named dinosaur, colorado.
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i'm a little anxious, i'm a little excited. i'm gonna be emotional, tshe's gonna be emotional,. but it's gonna be so worth it. i love that i can give back to one of our customers. i hope you enjoy these amazing gifts. oh my goodness. oh, you guys. i know you like wrestling, so we got you some vip tickets. you have made an impact. so have you. for you guys to be out here doing something like this, >> reporter: i guess you could it restores a lot of faith in humanity.
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say it's starting to feel like déjà vu all over again wit these cyberattacks we have corpses the latest victim, and the stock droppe as a response 8% then you have cc rules going effect, rules that companies have to contain -- material data breach whenever you see the stuff i the headline, think of - a huge winter for -- 100 and 27% a day. the stock got hit after carl alto reported this last month, we had - the same night he told us compelling story i will be listened because the
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socks up 27% from th post-quarter low we have to figure out how thes new fcc rules will unpack th industry let's check in again with th source, the chairman of th palo alto networks for a bette look at the situation. mr., welcome to mad money. >> hey, gem? how are you? thank you for having me >> reporter: these rules ar very significant, there's no dodging it, there's a certai number of days, what will they do to the companies to get hacked >> well look, jim, we've talke about this and i said last tim we talked that the amount of cyber activity from th adversaries continues to go up and part of it is it's happening anyway but now we're hearing more and more about it because the rules are reirin people to disclose e challenge, as you and have talked about, is u have to disclose before you have whole handle of what's going on anevenf it's the one today if y look at the disclosure, it's still unclear of what i going down but it's clear the reporte
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they had a problem, it's material by them, and th'r working on solving the problem i think you can split this int the principal impact, and th specifics and tactics. on a principle level, yo cannot hid you have to protect your infrastructur against future cyberattacks an everybody will be held accountable. the ard, the ceo, the chie security office, the chief technology officer there's nowhere to hide. because l the fuss rely on cyber technology, and -- this has bece the mber one enterprise risk of all-time. and you as a ceo, you as a board member, have to make sur that you understand the risk you understand the state of th company vis-à-vis that risk and you understand wha mitigation remediation plans are in place to make sur things are okay. on a tactical specic lev there is a whole bunch of stuf that still needs to be worke out. >> reporter: the cash i se that the company itself, the target, gets to determine th materiality. after say to melf, let's not
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sclose, as it's hardly material and see if i canet away with it >> i'm not sure it's quite a easy as that, jim, because whe you have to disclose, that you don't actually know the extent of it. so it's very hard to asses good lawyer 's gonna tell yo to put - make sure to he discloses let' to turn into something bigger. and thenou get hel acuntablpost fact that you didn't disclose the materi so i thinkt works both ways. i ink yoare it couldurn to somhing bigger material which is the caseith cyberattacks as yo mighhave seen, we have other situatns going on where ther is no rans demanbeing made but the company is aware tha they'vbeen breached and or working hard to fix it >> reporter: what e we supposed to? do you yourself ve sd that all-time is the cyber ranso siness to the point where, one of these attackers actually let the fcc know that the target taking too long to respond >> yes, yes. and i ink over supposed to d
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is not change, we're suppose to build good infrastructure we're supposed to makesure w protect the infrastructure the more that our compan relies on technology, it's our job as ceos and leaders that w should understand the risk associated with. enomenal year foeen cybersecurity stks this aivity 2024, we will conversation around it and like i said, it's still th most profitable business wit in the worldount of conviction so we haven't done anything to significantly impacthe bad actors and try to fix th problem. we just have to make sure we'r safer and more securin eac of our companies >> reporter: clorox call, yo did b f collier, did any o these guys call? umg m call you and say give us a hand here? >> jim, we do get -- but we did last quarter isin anticipation of this, we wrote to ourop 1500 customers an offered to help them for free. so we've gone ahead and called 15 of our customs who are
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long-standing paloalto customers and we, said w understand that your long-standing custers, we -- in case u get brief so we ca come in and jump in and help you. althe customers who responded, half of them took us on ou offer. so customers know we're awar on for - ecomic event that didn't hav to think about it. and we will be there when ou customers need us. i can't specifically tell you, obviously, whoalled origin call >> reporter: i wonder if paloalto it is in a good sea and prove. cybercriminals could be that car thieves, they survey a parking lot, just try the ones with open doors, get the onc with lock doors. is it beg a locked door if you hire >> of course, jim. look, we have our capalities we have a product that we pu into place in, next generation products, whether it's our cloud security portfolio, ou network security portfolio, ou most recena.i.-based sof
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manager portfolio. we're in there because we're we're -- going to help our customers, e security issues. we could put a blanket aroun e infrastructure to make sur it stays protected of, course you want the next generation that is promised an infrastructure, as i, said is trillion dollars of embedded world that you'll have to go t a refurbishment for the next five years >> reporter: i want a chance t distinguish, their bad guys wh oversophisticated, hit m g maybe hit a v, f hit corpse. and then we had jerome - the seetary, as she, said, look they meet with the chinese, they have themver for dinner it looks really great, hikin isnly gotten wor from china? which of the two should we b worried about, the bad guys ar the chinese? >>i think we have to separat nation state activity from individual hacker activity there's a lot of self-formed groups out there who have been formed because of the upde i cause of the ac availability
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of crypto, we catranslat crypto and there's a lotor and on the mid e that was in e past there are several factors that make this a profitable and presfor people who hav hiking skills around the world and of course, the fact th there's lot of old infrasucture out there where we are building r technology the coission rates are lowthat i don'think 's a natio state issue as much as it's an individual groups ransomwar tread actors some of them are ste i'd say sponsored, or ste okay but i don't ink it's the sense where activity natio state activity it's more of an individual hiker, and grew back activity. could?be south where companies say listen - don't surrender anythi we're there's a certain code, stop trying to help other employees because theyay be bad actors they may be imitated >> jim, it's very hard to stop
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this week by trying to talk to every individual in th organization, and try to get them to have good hygiene. it's like trying to regulate traffic by telling your driver to drive carefully there are always bad thing that will happen and there were things that wil be mginally sloppy and peopl don't pay attention. as we like to, say we have t beight 100 percent of th time, they only have to be right once, the bad actors what we have to do is collec this data, what all the data and under present will be able to watch anomalous behavior an say, that doesn't look normal. let me stop itight away. for that you have to have ry good understanding of wha normal looks like in order t stop that behavior, that can ly be ne by using a.i. it something we talked about >> reporter: this repository o cybersecurity data you should be able to measur what donie body says versus th anomaly. >>ou know,, adam i said you that our biggest pipelin is in our soft business, are - it's got lots of lots
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interest because a lot o people understand this is problem that needs to be solved, there's one joints to replac everything infrastructure, t get good hygiene and -- that sits on top of your infrastructure and helps protectwo whilst in the back and you contue to a pure capability wee all gonna have to deploy some sort of a blank tha runscross our ta, find these anomalous situations blks, them makes it okay for us to run r business i think that's whe the world is going i ink 24 will be a bette year, if not a better from a mand perspective fro cybersecurity. >> reporter: you alreadyai your 3.5% the share e next ashore -- ceo of paloalto networks thks for explaining the stuf to us. it's really important. >> thank, you gem. happy holidays >> reporter: some two. you mad monies back after. break >> coming, up is thi cohort losing its punch? cramer mixes it up with segment that once it's fiz back next next
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>> reporter: last friday, we got this call from yuko in ohi who asked about brown for, the company best known as th object understands he whiskey. or was a bourbon hard tequila, on others. i told him the truth bootlickers are in decline i this country for the first tim in ages, and you don't wan exposure to this part of the industry that might have caught you b surprise because i've been a huge fun of the stop until a few years, ago it was a grea performer. but it's just like i said, browne liquors have gone out o style. so why the heck would you want to bet on something that's not working? the truth is, there's been a major shake up in the alcoho business, something i know directly because my wife has our own miscall brand. you might say that's anecdotal evidence, why don't we just be
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empirical? when brown former important in december's death, thei earnings came in about light and even, whereas they - previously, the project in fiv to 7% organic growth, no they're saying will be three t 5% that's a big, big decline. and in response to sto correcting - it rebounded a bit from th lows, but i just see that as a chance to -- run the register so why is brown-forman struggling the u.s. businesses the problem, with organic and that sail down - they developed international markets are down 2%. only in the merging markets we are doing, well they're up 19% and the company said tha they're doing that in americ as welbecause -- to much inventory. look, maybe it's having some impact, but when you look at brown-forman category it's not the sales category, it's about the value numbers. it was down 7%
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check daniel's share has bee down 10% worries. and it's not just brown form in a month ago, they reporte we heard something worrisome from the idea. a -- captain morgan, run smyrna guinness beer, and many othe alcohol beers. on november, ten the - saying that they're gettin killed and lied in america and look caribbean as consumers straight down t cheaper brands investors clearly don't believ the problem is isolated in tha reason though which is why tha stocks down nearly 10% since then [inaudible more than 9%, pretty stark now no wonder brown-forman are down 11 and 19% respectively an investor start to get intrigued, i get that. but the stocks are coming down because the liquor industry is changed. it's not miss marked, change for the worst. and these two companies are on the losing end of. at first, is becoming clear an clear that younger people ar simply less interested i drinking alcohol than in previous generations
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according to a gala poll fro august, the coveted 18 t 34-year-old demographic, under 21 is illegal in this country, has been a huge decline from the consumption. and, yes we have to assume the survey includes under drinking considering that they cut it well below the trucking h 12 years ago, young adults where the heaviest drinkers in america. now they are drinking habits are closer to the 55 and ove demo there's also been a huge decline in regular drinkin among the 18 to 34 group and even the ones who do drink tend to drink less on average. 3.6 drinks per week, down from 4.5 and get, this four point 2:20 years ago second, the rise of lega marijuana the state level ha -- put out this terrific node o friday, saying cannabis beat booze. going to states where we jus legal, alcohol sales has
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performed -- this is how they're -- could be xinjiang stop drunk driving? possibilities are endless. and among young -- while the alcohol category retention is awful meanwhile, two thirds of peopl who smoke weed told them tha they also cut back on drinking that is the reality. three or four years the appl companies adopted this criminalization strategy raising prices, raising prices raising prices for highe liquors. but these really have been under pressure lately. they raise prices too much consumers are not trading down across of the. finally, let's not forget abou these new gop dash one weigh loss drugs that reduce arrivin for snacks they also seem to produc arriving for booze all they have not any proof fo that and -- the companies. at this, point we don't have definitive proof that thes trucks can do that but as more more people take them, we will find out we do know this, alcohol i pure sugar and it's sure for a way to put on way so even without passive liquor
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it - why at the calories been can drink something that's far - that sort of got fewer calories? what are those are for serious worries. so with that in mind, are ther any alcohol stocks and willing to endorse actually, yes. for one, we still have consolation brands the consolation -- don't forget tomorrow we have meeting at noon. constellations key subcategories mexican beer this is one of the few areas that still growing its most recent quarter th company's true business have 12% net sales growth, 7.9, 8.7 shipments growth that's clearly, that's fantastic. clearly people still of th corona, modelo, pacific. oh there plenty of reasons why you should - elliott management, and th recent announcement of a 2 million dollar buyback but at the end of the, day the consolation is - the beers undoing is doing fine,
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that's why the morrison course -- of motion course, even thoug they seem to be acknowledgin the trend of less drinking last year they launched pron 0.7 -- and the u.s. of missin management has launched a no alcoholic version of blue moon just in time for dry january can you believe of your compan celebrating dry january? power to it. >> reporter: agave spirits tequila and miscall. especially the premium brands. that's why my wife launched mescal - it should take over a bucket t become the top speared categor either this year or next tequila sales had a compound - compared to 76.7% in the recal industry unfortunately, there aren't an pure play to chela or moscow's talks. -- that's one population than overall business is struggling
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as well. let me give you the bottom lin here, many of the companies ar struggling to grow right now hence the weakness and brown foreman and yao. but even in the declines, i ca bring myself to say that the stocks are worth by. because the right in the crosshairs of multiple negativ secular trends while these are some sub categories of the business tha work, there are some, like mexican beer or agave spirits. the apple industries a muc tougher place than it used t be and it could be getting wors now that dry january beckons hey, let's take calls. let's go to brett, new york. brett? >> mr. cramer, how are you doing? >> reporter: i'm doing well, brett. tell me how you're doing they >> have shake shack, th earnings look like they're growing, the quarter forecasts of strong. 300 locations, looks like they are expanding out in the northeast region do you think that this will be following national brand i major fast food brands >> reporter: yes i do, and i think we can have a new ceo. i think it's going to be exactly that person's goal
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the stock has not done muc over many years. that could change with this ne ceo. let's go to trey in texas. trey >> reporter: jim, my wif scolded me last night as she often does when i'm doin laundry. don't watch this on, hot pleas don't get fabric softener, e cetera i can habitual because she had on a top i washed with dog blanket. but thanks to lysyl laundry -- in every low, chill never. no i think the success of this new product is being overlooke and clorox is undervalued. what are your thoughts >> reporter: i think corps was hurt by the hack listen, hacking is a state ar. but i will tell, you i think you're right why is your wife complaining i you do the walls when i do the wash, it's lik the greatest day in my life -- well, let's put it this way. it works well. but it's eternal - i don't, know the alcoho industry is in a top place right now. thanks to several secula trends wow, and even though the stock
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of these liquor companies come down a lot, you know i can't - we have proposed an etf base on the companies that coul work should there be-a-tho relations between u.s. and china. whether alert, this trade -- i'm going to give you names an give you an update, and toda we have data on the federa reserve that showed record stock ownership in the u.s.. what cost such a job i will give you my take, it' explosive. and your calls - to stay with cramer. ♪ ♪ ♪ if your business needs a new application then developers will have to write code. a lot of code. if an application needs to be modernized then you'll need time, resources... and caffeine. if this sounds daunting
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watch how easy it is to put on new hands free skechers slip-ins. i just step in and go. sitting? doesn't matter. i don't even have to touch them. ooo, gangsta. in a hurry? there's not a faster, easier way to put on shoes. they know a 10 when they see it. a force to be reckon with. no, not you saquon. hm? you! your business bank account with quickbooks money, now earns 5% apy. 5% apy? that's new! yup, that's how you business differently. ♪ ♪
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i eated a list of stoc tha could roar if there's-a-thon relaons between e u.s. and china. cluding the 17 companies whose executives metit president xi at this big gal into dinner. were sitting at the table to illy enough, a month later under 10%.ets top just shutting up -- just up 5% in the same period. 14 - are sincee cread th grp. it's a lot bter than etf that have been created tonit, i wt to go throug some of the biggest winner from our china thaw etf and wh think it's worth stiing th potential day talk between a government and the chinese two the top three performance, t top, as our private equity firms i kkr was up 26%, blackstone i third place up 20%
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kkr is up because the -- doing leverad buyouts. so the cost of borrowing money has a huge impact on their earnings at the same time, the little cons militant ftc sins humbled after losing its fight to bloc microsofs acquisition of - so there's an idea that th'r not gonna try to block as many deals, including private equit deals. this morning, for example, w learned that data analytic from light is being bought by private equity firm at fou billion dollars. i suspect that will get th blessing because while their cars, they're not public their private. both i kkr blackstone ar active in china. there are voted to do business there partially depends on the governments relationship wit their government kkr it's hot right, now to research firms - just this past week. as for blackstone, all the stock was in the penalty box for a while because of its exposure to the real estat industry, that's no longer a problem that that industries w
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are pulling back and i have an idea if you want to private equity firm which are next closure, and that's general atlantic, which is meant to be public next. it's made -- including a major investment and stop what your kids will probably addicted. to watch for the, one i thin will be a great deal for the buyers the second best performer from my didn't wait she champing -- when he just a buddy up to, as they buy aircrafts boeing has been a mess i recent years, but there are tw large-scale meant -- >> reporter: while that hasn't happened yet, it's certainly a possibility. even without a direct turnip boost, boeing stock has boomed in fact it's only had thre down days in the last 21 sessions it's up 25% since we created the china's etf. -- i like it, boeing's finall getting over supply chai
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problems and there's work to b done all over the world. if - the stock will continu roaring. either way i think there i more on the run. in fourth place, there's broad -- increasingly software whic will be good for the china trust. it was my favorite name with our dinner with xi basket -- so for some 18 months are, s broadcom had been looking to close on its huge acquisitio and level boost their exposure to software, including in th data center. at the time of xi's visit, broadcom received everything needed for the transaction except for them the chines regulators who were rollin things up. less than a week later though, after ceo hot temps went t president xi's gallant dinner, they - the next day, funny how things work although, to be, fair ten ha
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told us before the dinner to expect approval very soon. look, it's not just the vm o the d of what the -- selling guys for 2024. and the stock has been up for trading days in a row. still, broadcom is one of th least picked over beneficiaries, and now it has stronger position than before. a full disclosure, after thi gained 20% last, week we made small trim of our position o the trust, but that's no because we like broadcom any less, it's just pruden portfolio -- at our meeting you have to prove some of your winners, or they will get to big. apart from these top fou performers, when you look at the other names that are u double digits, a couple of the report this week, think fede and nike fedex has a large business transporting goods from china, and it mark -- it's a major market for them having for 13% of the compan sales. a larger stroke of the squirrel
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let's see what both had to say about china when they reported over the last two days i like both stocks ahead o their quarters then there black barack, the largest -- if you feel good about stock as an asset classical in 202 like i do, then you should fee good aback blackrock too finally, i wanna call ou thermo fisher scientific t mobic that stock up 11% in a month. as with the other arms dealers to the live science industry like dan her which we -- thermal officials getting major left here customers are finis clearing up that exces inventory, a process that wa more than a year better relations with chin means they can move more merchandise in china which is really important market fo them in the end, we've had a real great start for the dinner wit xi etf but it's important to remember the core pieces for this group of our country doe indeed manage to improve relations with china, i thin the best way to play that idea is what the u.s. companies tha do business over there
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rather than with chinese companies who share straight over here. remember, chinese stocks i trade in america tend to be crapshoot, and that's puttin it generously. so if you want to bet on china -- these are blue chip stocks tha do better if the chinese government comes around. even if nothing changes on the china front, they still have a lot going for them it is a high quality group o companies that satin round tha table and china's just the picture. i mad money is back after th break. >> coming up, cramer takes you calls. and the skies the limit. it's a fast fire lightning round. next ♪ ♪ ♪
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byharleschwab road trade brilliantly. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> reporter: it'ti, it's time f the lightning round - [inaudle and the lightning round has -- semi in york, mmy. >> yes, sir. let's go, t's go i've been [inaudib a snapshot from my two twins d i'm sick - back to its all-time low >> reporter: come, on its ha such a b run i think we've got to take some off the table. i would be remiss up 90% if didn't take some, please let's go to drew in georgia. and! >> hello, mr. kramer doing >> reporter: i doing well, w out you, andrea? >> i'm doing well. i am - my question -- repter: rlly?
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>> yes her, yes r. am thinking of opening - >> reporter: it's a 52 wee for a little dip, i'm trying t keep up with you but it's goin to get to, me let's write coup of points down wi fee better >> marty in michigan, marty? >> hey, gem. love the, show been watching you a long time. first time caller. i'm ndering aboucredentials, i'm on - should hang on >> reporter: you should, it's 4.5% yield what's amazing is that - it's still up 3% for the year. i think you've got a keeper. i was surprised to see a upgrade because a lot of peopl worry about the real estat exposure, i'm not. let's go to dave in california dave >> hey,. jim looking at the simba, th stock symbol i m t i have what do you think of th future >> reporter: we think they d great stuff. we've had the, monday do a lot of good monitoring , again the monetary - 18 billion-dollar market cap, think you could say, wow, it i
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really candidate to be acquire if it doesn't keep going higher let's go to jay in illinois. j? >> hey, jim. long time listener, first-time caller but, i had a question on devin's energy [inaudible >> reporter: i'm calling car uganda's work, she called -- that would mean that you could indeed buy it, i have no recommended that stock in th long time. let's go to south in new york. south? >> jim, how are you? >> reporter: i'm doing well. how about you, south >> very good you know i've got -- i think jaylen goes for a cool 300. >> reporter: that would be unbelievable, that would b like as far as we, know quarte peyton when he used 140 brok 200 yards. what's going on? >> great, all. right it's - world see pharma >> reporter: i like qualit pharma every time they do a deal, the get a little income from it but people have not lik
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that let's go buy some quality farm but it's way too cheap and a bad, lady and gentlemen, it is the conclusion of th lightning round. >> the lightning round i sponsored by charles schwab. coming, up in praise of a home game are these numbers suggest that families are taking charge o for their fincl futuan cramer is pumped re mad money is next ♪ ♪ ♪ unlocking th e power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studie tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customizatn. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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>> reporter: i've got some astounding number from the federarerve just now that show more people ow % of u.s. use sas.e. fac according tthe wa streetournal, eir take o this data, individual ocks focus.ome a much bigge 21% of filies n indidual stocks there was ly 1 laest inease orerd upper middle class peopl recoed the bgest trump and younger people to plunge to, created with the journal created whole coho o invests enters i am thrilled about this, as a advocate of -- thisa jor change and t but excted of, course some caveats. the ats from 2022, but fro the federation interest rate lately, m sure some people took the chance to sell stocks and -- igh yielding funds
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also, we don't know how much o this came from the government' personal cast during covid t keep the economy go. i sense a lot of this mone ended up in the stock market from younger people out college. especially the winds wit student loans who had to repay them in other, words thrice tim windfall, two covid specia payments, and no interest lons, coupled with incredi low interest rates may hav crted a level of stop buying few saw coming gamestop, and -- attracted a lot of people in the market, and they stayed in many hav-- hanging on to stop tough ey should be the bedrock o your porolio t therwould be mucof a sh if all i did wahe reitate every ngle nht infis. le them i address the thatant to own indivial stocks, and despite an industry ban on putting you on index fundsnd et, and reaming about th dangers of single stoc
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ownership. i know people will pick stks no matter what i'm just trying to make yo better usinghe sam discline that bi instutionsse that's somethinge demonstrat when - whicmes tomorrow noo it's time for the single sto risk caulkers an etf creators, here's the amalgamate an whatever is hot -- to recognize that six of the greatest stocks of the year, the alphabet, microsoft, and - retail oriented names. these are well known to anyone who has a computer, and on with this alpha, which probabl use huge percentage of the country. and -- a retail falling among peopl who had video games, and o course i did everything in m power to name -- i know had an impact on it, i' darn proud it's a magnificent magnificent 7 our retail, names why do big institutions avoid them or trade around them endlessly? for the fair -
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so the most important an almost thinning criticism fo the most consumer oriented component, fall apple. the investors no favors. i bet if you saw what the ne folks owned, it would be worth the magnificent 7 and rightl so all seven were performin marvelously -- the individual's refusal t accept average is what i think people in these great stocks why solve the best performin stocks of all-time unless yo get some negative wall stree research which most people think kevin's had no access to i think it's high time tha brokers of all stripes recognize that individua investors are smarter than the think, smarter than the most institutions their industry is full o contempt and criticism for people trying to manage thei own money. sure not everyone is born above, it but good -- came from none other than apple, the most obvious retail stop at there i say let's cheer thes investors who run the goblet
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