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tv   Street Signs  CNBC  January 23, 2024 4:00am-5:00am EST

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[music playing] that's all for this edition of "dateline." i'm craig melvin. thank you for watching. [music playing] ♪ welcome to "street signs." i'm silvia amaro and these are your headlines. nikkei hits the highest level since 1990. the governor says he can't say for sure if an exit from negative rates is any closer. logitech shares sink to the bottom of the stoxx 600 despite the parts maker posting a
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smaller than expected decline in full-year sales. and ericsson shares pull back after a warning of the further market decline out of china as it launches a full-year loss of 25 billion swedish krona. it is zeroing in on another growth driver. >> we are seeing new innovation on top of the 5g network with new use cases coming up and data consumption growing very fast. india will continue to be a very important market for us. and china's gaming regulator removes proposals aimed at curbing spending at the web site and reporting chinese authorities are mulling a 1 trillion rescue package acsendi hong kong sharply higher.
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welcome to the show, everybody. it is good to see you. of course, as we look at the equity trading session here in europe, worth keeping in mind that equities have been trading for an hour so far. this is the picture. you see the stoxx 600 is currently trading lower by .20%. this is actually despite the different picture on monday where we saw the main index up .70%. there was a lot of positive momentum yesterday as you can tell on the european equities. that is not translating into today's session. perhaps we're actually seeing investors taking a little bit of a pause as we await the ecb policy meeting on thursday. let me show you the geographic spread across europe.
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you see we only see a little bit of green here in the uk with the ftse 100 trading slightly above the flat line. across the indivisibces, it is t picture. the italian market was actually the only one on monday that ended the session on the negative note. we are actually seeing the sentiment translating also into other main boards with the spanish market down 0.8%. in france, smaller moves on the downside. still lower by 0.3%. when it comes to sectors, this is the picture at this stage. you can see at the top with basic resources leading the gains by 1.5%. perhaps some of the movement here is related to news out of china with the authorities preparing new stimulus measures.
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we are seeing oil and gas up 0.6%. flat moves on the retail front. when it comes to the biggest laggards, we have utilities down by 1%. real estate is down 0.75%. of course, also looking at heal healthcare. we are seeing a bit of company news on that front. we'll address that in the show. the sector currently down by 0.6%. this is the picture in terms of sectors, but one of the main stories we are looking at when addressing markets is news out of japan. the bank of japan governor ueda can't quantify how much closer the sendcentral bank is to exit negative rates. ueda made the comments after the
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central bank maintains the ultra loose policy and the only central bank in the world with negative rates at this stage. the boj cut the inflation outlook to 2.4% for the year and the core for 1.8% for 2025. speaking to cnbc, the former boj governor said the central bank is contending with a splintered economy. >> right now, we are facing the two japans. one japan is looking for inflation coming. the other is the chunk of the economy which is mired in the mind set. you have pointed out the differences in terms of the sizes. you can point out the sectors. in that sense, the central
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bank's function is to stabilize the macro economy. if you think about the differences with the economy, the central bank has to be very careful. >> let's address this story in more detail with our chief fx strategist at efg. good morning, elim. what do you make of the latest comments from the bank of japan saying they are actually more confident about reaching price stability? >> i think for the bank of japan, it is hawkish compared to other banks which are less dovish. is not as much as the market expected in december, but since t then, we had the earthquake in japan and stronger data in the u.s. in that sense, the expectation of the end of the negative interest rate policy in january, we are overoptimistic.
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march seems a bit too strong. april is a reason aable time to bring the rates back up to zero from negative. >> we are seeing more comments suggesting we will see that big move in april. tell us what it could mean for currency markets. >> i think it would attract a lot of headlines. this would be the first rate hike from the bank of japan in 17 years. that will attract a lot of headlines. it is happening in april which is the forecast round. we will get a look at the fiscal year 2026 outlook. if gdp looks stronger and inflation looks about to reach the 2% target and stay there, i think the expectation that's a ten-basis point hike in april could be followed by another 50 basis points this year. right now, the market's plan is expecting 20 basis points in
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t total. you could see a stronger yen at that time. there's small steps from the bank of japan. compared to the expectations from the fed and the ecb, the fate of the yen will be determined overseas as much as the bank of japan. >> we are seeing the dollar and japanese yen trade at this stage on the screen. you see the level we are looking at is 147. give us more of an indication of what level we could be looking at when it comes to the dollar and yen in the april decision to increase rates? >> i think our models call for a fair value at 145. if we are looking at the ten-year rate with the dollar, it would be below 145.
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we are seeing the rally up to 148 in terms of flows out of the yen and into the dollar because at the same time in japan, we still have negative real rates. that carry is attractive. by april, hopefully, we have more of a sense of what is going on from the pbank of japan. we will hear from the fed on the 31st of january. it will give us a sense if they will start to cut by may. more likely may over march and how deep those cuts may be. will it start with the 50 or 25? the expectation of total rate cuts for the year is 135. it depends on the path there. if we see a dovish fed and a very hawkish boj, we could get moved down to 140 or below 140. >> interesting. i would like to get your
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thoughts specifically on the u.s. dollar. we have recently seen markets repricing with the potential rate cuts. if we see the federal bank that is actually more dovish than what we have seen so far, what are your expectations in terms of the u.s. dollar for the rest of the year? >> i think it depends if they are cutting from a position of strength or a position of crisis. if it is worries about growth, then we are seeing 200 basis points in cuts expected for 2024 or more than 200, i should say. that is a relatively strong dollar in risk-off flows. if the u.s. is going into a slowdown or recession, that does not bode well for the global economy, especially when we are not seeing strong signs coming from europe and china as well. if we see more calibration cuts in terms of bringing down
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excessively high real rates to something that is still a restrictive real rate, but less so, i think it shows we could be in for a soft landing in the u.s. and possibly a global soft landing. in that case, we would see stabilization growth in the high data currencies and emerging markets. >> alim, we are returning from coverage at the world economic forum. the geo politics was mentioned. how concerned are you about the dynamics and what could happen on the currency front? >> in terms of geo politics? >> that's right. >> if there is a risk-off flow for something more than a regional concern, i think we have seen a lot of positioning in the swiss franc.
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with rates coming down in the u.s., it makes gold more attractive. i think in that sense, in terms of safe haven assets, you have more -- the menu is longer than the swiss franc which was in the past. i think if we get supply issues like recent weeks, it will not be the same as we saw during the covid outbreak. we are not seeing the same fiscal push that is keeping demand strong even in the face of higher prices of oil or other goods. if we do get external supply shock, you will not see hikes by the fed or ecb. it may keep rates higher for longer, but it is more of a growth concern and growth falling faster than anticipated and faster rate of cuts as we are going into a global slowdown. >> interesting.
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let's see what will happen. an important year for monetary policy as well. thank you for your time. alim, thank you. chief strategist at efg. for more on the challenges facing the bank of japan, check out plenty of coverage there. coming up on the show, we will look ahead to today's market action stateside after a record-breaking session on monday. shipstation saves us so much time it makes it really easy and seamless pick an order print everything you need slap the label on ito the box and it's ready to go our cost for shipping, were cut in half just like that go to shipstation/tv and get 2 months free what is cirkul? cirkul is the fuel you need to take flight. cirkul is the energy that gets you to the next level. cirkul is what you hope for when life tosses lemons your way. cirkul, available at walmart and
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well, it has been a busy morning for european equities. let me talk to you about logitech. shares at this stage are trading lower by more than 6% after the company lowered its expected annual sales decline to 6% to 7% from previous forecasts up to 12% slump. the company posted a 1% drop in the third quarter sales amid a downturn in business and consumer spending. let's look at swatch as
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well. the full year operating margins narrowed as sales grew 5.2%. the group sees excellent prospects in 2024 especially in the more affordable offerings. you can see the shares right now trading lower by almost 2%. let's take you to ab foods. the company confirmed the full-year outlook after first quarter revenue rose 5.4%. the ceo said it sees sales up 8%. looking at the stock at this stage, ab food is up by almost 2%. a different story from the stocks we mentioned earlier in the show. when it comes to ericsson, it posted a fourth quarter decline driven by sales in the network division. that was below the expectations,
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but the company beat on the bottom line with net profits of 3.39 billion swedish krona. you can see the shares o of ericsson down 0.78%. we spoke to the ceo earlier this morning. he told cnbc the market remains challenging. >> we saw the volumes coming down. we saw large and unprecedented mixed change in the u.s. and growth in india. it has been a different market environment. despite that market environment, i would say we were able to execute well. we delivered on the savings targets. we reached 12 billion savings run rate by year end. we were able to bring the cloud software to break even 1.7
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billion krona in profits. the company is executing well, but it is a difficult market. in other corporate stories, christine lagarde isnot the right president at the moment. that is according to half of those who responded to the survey of ecb staff. 50.6% of people rated her as poor or very poor at the halfway point of her eight-year term. putting her approval level below her predecessors. more than half of respondents are concerned the ecb will not deliver on the price stability promise. the central bank says the survey is flawed. chinese officials are considering measures designed to support the country's stock
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market. including a stabilization fund worth 2 trillion yuan according to bloomberg. that comes offer the premier called for forceful measures to stren strengthen market stability. and the gaming regulator in hong kong aimed at rules to curb spending from the web site. the regulatory proposal send gaming shares sharply lower last month with stocks rebounding this morning. our lin lin filed this report. >> it has been doom and gloom for the chinese market. the benchmark hovering at five-year lows on monday. now chinese officials are considering a $278 billion rescue package for the markets. if approved by the top official in beijing, could be announced
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early this week. the details are the funds would be deployed into offshore accounts. officials have allocated 300 billion yuan of local funds to invest in onshore shares. this report has not been confirmed by the securities regulator and comes off the back of comments from the premier li who said beijing would take forceful measures to stabilize investor confidence. off the back of the reporting, mainland markets turned from red to green, but it has been volatile. the y auan gaining against the dollar. tencent and netease looking strong as the chinese gaming regulator removed from its web site those draft rules to control spending in video games. we don't know why it was removed, but the consult period
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on the rules ended yesterday. some analysts described it as unusual. the mainland index tracking gaming stocks popping on the news. lin lin, cnbc business news. let's look at some of the reaction in u.s. futures at this stage. you can see it is very much a mixed picture as we await for the opening of the equity session stateside. it is worth remembering we saw significant positive moves on monday. just to recall your attention of the fact that the s&p ended the session 0.2%. it saw a fresh all-time high. we also saw fresh all-time highs on the dow. the question i have at this stage is whether this is going to continue. to answer that, i have with me the chief strategist at bca research. good morning, davlin.
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good to see you. we have seen significant moves in the u.s. equity space. how long do you think this can continue? >> i think the latest move up is being triggered by an a.i. gold rush. this is an interesting thing. in a dpgold rush, few people fi dp gold. the people making the picks and shovels are doing well. you are looking for dpgold and u need the picks and shovels. the picks and shovels are producing good earnings. nvidia and the other chipmakers. the question is, are the rest of the companies going to find gold? that is one of the big questions for 2024. we will see it either in their earnings or see some benefit of
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a.i. investment or we want to see continued cap ex in the space to keep this going. that is the big question. i'm a little bit skeptical of this because i think the benefits of generative a.i. -- there will be benefits, but is it too much hope and hype based on last year? that is really the big question that has to be answered in the coming weeks and months. >> that's a fair question, particularly as we heapproach earnings from the big tech companies. what expectations do you believe we will hear from the u.s. tech firms as they reported latest numbers? >> this is interesting because last year, people saw this play that you should really buy these top seven companies and they
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will all go up and they will all be winners. it is clear they might not all be winners and there is a more mediocrity. the other thing to look out for is the winners and the others which are lagging. we are not really seeing any clear evidence apple is a big winner. microsoft might be and obviously, nvidia is the big winner. can that continue? that is another big question. are these companies worth buying or one or two, if any, that will win? the fundamental question is how do you monetize it? how do you monetize generative a.i.? no one has answered that question yet. there is hype. >> there is the question of the potential regulation coming in.
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i would like to get your thoughts about monetary policy. we have the ecb next week and boe and so on. you mentioned the rate cuts in the u.s. could be later and deeper than the market is expecting. i wonder what impact that could have on stocks if this proves to be the case. >> i think initially it would be disappointment because some of the rally we had toward the end of last year was built on the soft landing narrative that you can start to cut rates with no risk. i think there is a big risk. that is wage growth which is still too hot. that is the big worry i would have if i was a central bank. particularly in the uk, the uk wage growth is above 6%. that is inconsistent with 2%
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inflation. in germany, it is 4%. that's still too high. in the u.s., it is still too high. you need to be a percent lower. that's really what makes me question whether we will get rate cuts as early as is being priced in. if we do see a sort of slowdown in the economy that tips you over this non lineal area into recession, you will have rate cuts, but they will be kdeeper and later. it is too optimistic at the front, but at the back end of the curve, you could see deeper rate cuts than currently priced in. >> that is interesting. we have seen repricing with expectations. we have to leave it there. thank you for joining us. great to have you on the show. chief strategist at bca research. coming up on the show,
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voters head to the polls in new hampshire with two candidates to choose. we will have the latest after the break. (aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. in one year, i've lost five sizes, and i'm on my way to lose another three. with golo, i can do it. (announcer) change your life at that's switch to shopify and sell smarter at every stage of your business. take full control of your brand with your own custom store. scale faster with tools that let you manage every sale from every channel. and sell more with the best converting checkout on the planet. a lot more.
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welcome to "street signs." i'm silvia amaro and these are your headlines. japan's nikkei hits the highest level since 1990 and the bank of japan maintains ultra loose monetary policy and the dpr governor cannot say if for if the move out of negative rates is closer. and the logitech sinks to the bought on only of the stoxx 600 despite the full year salsales outlook. and ericsson notches a full-year loss of the 25 billion swedish krona, but the ceo speaks out about the driver for
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growth. >> we are seeing new innovation on top of the 5g network with new use cases coming up and data consumption continuing to grow very fast. india will continue to be a very important market for us. and china's gaming regulator removes proposals from the web site as they mull a rescue package which sends hong kong sharply higher. welcome back to the show. i want to take you to some of the market action we're seeing so far in europe. wearing keeping in mind we are an hour and a half into the equity trading session here in europe. you can see next to me it is a negative picture across the
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board with the italian market down by 0.5%. similar moves over in spain down by 0.6%. when it comes to the other major boards, we are not seeing such negative moves so far in the session. i want to take you into the fx markets because we are monitoring that quite closely in the context of the bank of japan meeting. with that in mind, let's show you we are seeing the u.s. dollar which is down against the japanese yen by .30%. that 147 handle . we heard earlier in the show that we will see that change to 145 if the bank of japan changes rates in april. that is a projection for the time being. also worth looking at the euro/u.s. dollar. it is a flat picture at 108.
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we are keeping a close eye on the euro because on thursday we will hear from the european central bank. at this stage, we are not expectinga lot of changes with policy from the ecb. the commentary around the inflation projections could actually have an impact on the market. with that in mind, let me show you how european yields are faring at this stage. you can see across the board the picture here. i would highlight the german bund safety net with the european bond market. the yield at 2.30%. over here in the uk, of course, we are going to hear from the bank of england next week. the ten-year is 3.911. a lot of talk of what will happen with inflation.
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a lot are downplaying significant rate cuts any time soon. i want to show you how we are preparing for the u.s. equity session. at this stage, futures point to a mixed picture. this comes after we saw significant moves to the upside on monday. actually, i have some of the numbers here with me. the s&p gained 0.2%. the dow gained 0.36%. they all hit all-time highs during the session. speaking of the united states, you want to take you to the politics there. voters are heading to the polls in new hampshire today in the second contest in the race for the republican presidential nomination. the former president trdonald trump leads south carolina
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governor nikki haley in the st state. ron desantis ended his campaign and endorsed trump. nikki haley has a warning for what another donald trump presidency has for america. >> i voted for him twice and proud to serve. rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. you know i'm right. chaos follows him. we can't be a country in disarray and have a world on fire and go through four more years of chaos because we won't survive it. >> the new hampshire attorney general's office is investigating an apparent unlawun unlawful attempt at voter suppression. this after the new hampshire democrats were receiving local calls impersonating joe biden. the message urges voters not to participate in the democratic primary today and instead save their vote for november.
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it is likely an a.i. generated deep fake. we have with us nbc's brie jackson from new hampshire. good to see you, brie. tell us what we should expect from this vote in new hampshire. >> reporter: good to see you. officials are expecting a large tu turnout. we know voters in new hampshire have already gone to the polls in the small town of dixville notch. they vote at the stroke of midnight. they had six registered voters. four republicans and two independents. they all voted for nikki haley. that is what she is honping for. she is hoping to gain ground here in the granite state.
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haley's hoping to draw in the independent voters. there are a lot in tnew hampshire. she is hoping to draw in the independent voters and gain ground on former donald trump wtrump. people say they don't want to see a rematch of 2024. dean phillips is challenging president biden for the democratic nomination. he says there needs tmore competition in the race. those are the options voters have here in new hampshire today. this could be a make or break state for the political campaigns. >> no doubt. we will be watching that very, very carefully. that was brie jackson. reporter from nbc news. i want to take you to other stories. uk and u.s. launched a fresh
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round of strikes in houthi targets in yemen. they hit eight targets. it is the eighth round of u.s. strikes since january 11th and the second time the uk has been directly involved. the uk's foreign minister david cameron vowed to continue to degrade the houthi ability to carry out the attacks in the red sea. israel says it lost 24 of its over soldiers in the last 24 hours. the highest one-day death toll so far. according to government sources, it has proposed a two-month pause in fighting in return for release of all hostages held by
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hamas. foreign affairs representatives were joined by the eu on monday. the group pushed for the creation of a palestinian state, but israel's thoughts were elsewhere. >> translator: israel minister presented his plans and plan for rail connection with india. he had already thought about these seven years ago. this did not have much to do with what we were discussing. member states understand the solution for sustainable lasting p peace by living side by side with neighbors would involve set ting up of the palestinian state. we weren't expecting that. >> dan joins us with more. good to see you, dan. just guide us through the latest and are we any closer to seeing any sort of peace in the region?
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>> reporter: good to see you, silvia. you managed to flag earlier that we have seen more israeli soldiers killed. that will raise pressure from prime minister benjamin netanyahu to secure a cease-fire deal with hamas. what it looks like very much remains to be seen. nbc news reported the deal between the americans and qataris and egyptians would be a two-month pause in fighting to allow for an israeli hostage for prisoner release. the first release is the women and men over the age of 60 and critical medical condition as a starting point. there are clear usuaissues. this is not an agreement to end the war or release all palestinian prisoners and that's where the impasse starts and
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ends because hamas has said it wants a permanent cease-fire, not a two-month pause. it wants complete withdrawal of the forces from gaza and release of the large number of palestinian prisoners. as a starting point, it would appear there is a significant gap on both sides. a big difference between what both sides want. netanyahu is under significant pressure at home on this issue. we have seen hostage families walking straight into israel's knesset to demand more action. there were scenes on the ground where the families walked in to address the lawmakers on this issue and concerned the war has dragged on without action. at the same time, netanyahu is under pressure from members of his war cabinet to get a deal done. we have seen more talk among members of that are war cabinet about the dissatisfaction with
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how netanyahu is handling the war as well. of course, when it comes to the wider picture here and putting all of this into context, we need to see some kind of cease-fire agreement and hostage release program to create a framework for regional stability. to go back to the early question of progress in the region, we need to see an initiative that ends the war and gets arab countries to help rebuild gaza to bring peace between israel and saudi arabia and peace to the palestinian statehood. silvia, that is a long way off at this point. >> a long way off. given your expertise in the region, i wonder where we could see any progress in order to bridge these differences. what could be done to see both sides coming to some cease-fire
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agreement? >> reporter: that is the key question at this point, isn't it? we need to see concessions on both sides. whether or not this two-month pause proposal lifts off the ground would depend on how far prime minister netanyahu is willing to bend and what hamas is willing to accept as a starting point. you think after months of war, both sides are clearly edging closer to wanting some kind of agreement. there is about 130 hostages held captive in gaza. that is a political problem for prime minister netanyahu. it is a headache for the united states as well and for hamas which is fighting the israelis for months. you think there would be a push to get this done. what might we see? perhaps it is time for the arab states to step up or the u.s.
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administration to continue to turn p the screws on netanyahu continue to raise the pressure on israel to get a deal done here. at the same time as well, as we look at what is happening in the united states with the election fever ramping up, you think the biden administration would want to bring an end to the war sooner rather than later. so many things could happen at this point. the situation is fluid. we really do get the prospect that pressure is raisingto reach some conclusion. >> let's see. thank you for your reporting. that was dan murphy. coming up on the show, will netflix be crowned the king of streaming for 2023? we will look at what to expect from the streamer's results after this break. ah, these bills are crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't
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just like that♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ united airlines is sharply higher pre-market after the firm announced a full-year earnings forecast above expectations with
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adjusted eps coming in between $9 and $11 for 2024. this despite the airline flagging the adjusted loss of 35 cents and 85 cents a share in the first quarter with the grounding of the boeing 737 max 9 jets. our u.s. colleaguies will speak to the ceo at 13:15 cet. don't miss that conversation here on cnbc. in other corporate news, netflix is set to report its fourth quarter results after the bell today. revenue is expected to rise by more than 11% according to estimates from the london stock exchange group to more than $8.5 billion. the company's initiatives of password sharing crackdown and subscription packages will be firmly in focus. we have now joining us the
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founder and analyst at pp foresight. good to see you, paolo. what should we expect from the netflix earnings later on today? >> good morning, everyone. thank you for having me on the show this morning. i think you touched on a couple of the important areas. there's always a huge emphasis on subscriber numbers. i think everyone will be looking at the net additions. if the company is able to finish the year in a very strong position and then some guidance on the password cracking and the moves into advertising and also how well the company is performing as it shifts focus to other new revenue generating areas such as gaming. those are enough to get into really. >> there was conversations about
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the attempts to stop people from sharing passwords. there is a lot of factors when you look at these earnings. my question to you is really is there any clear evidence of the an tempttempts of users from sh passwords working? >> yes, there was a period where the company was struggling to attract new subscribers. it is no coincidence we have seen a ramp-up of the number of net additions over the last two quarters. in large part, that is contributing to the efforts toward trying to crackdown on that. effectively forcing people to take their own subscription. that happened in tandem with the launch and the moves into providing an ad tier as well. at ces, which i just come back
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from in las vegas, it was announced they accumulated 23 million subscribers on to the ad tier. there is clear evidence initiatives are working. you know, that gives the company confidence going into the year and over subsequent quarters with the upside to benefit from that. >> you mentioned in some of the notes the beckham effect. i wonder if you could let us know what you mean by that and to what extent we should expect the diversified pipeline of content from netflix for the rest of the year? >> at the end of the day, netflix is there to provide a service and telling stories and creating next biggest blockbusters. of course, the company has benefitted from the ramp-up in subscribers with the new content that's come on.
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we had the beckham effect in q4. the slate of other new shows and finale of "the crown" and "squid games." it is part of the company's aspirations to be a one-stop-shop for consumer entertainment needs. this is an interesting point. it is not all about creating the next biggest blockbuster, which it is trying to do, but it requires a lot of resources. equally, finding that right balance of trying to mix that with its own blockbusters along with third party content, to really try to find that sweet spot not only for users, but households habits and attitudes. the more data it is able to collect, it has a better understanding on the users to
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attract the ad dollars among the brands to come in with confidence to invest within the platform. >> we are expecting to see netflix invest more with the video game titles. would you talk us through the trend and if we are likely to see other streaming giants to follow? >> a company like netflix really cannot solely rely on one business model or one service. it is important to diversify into new areas. there is lots of scope to do information around pricing of the video streaming service. it made the move into games, of course, which feels like baby steps and trying to crack and find that sweet spot. of course, there are a slew of other services out there that offer games and the app stores from the smart phone manufactures which have a better
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relationship. i think netflix has a long way to go to crack games. naturally, of course, the other pretenders to netflix is still getting up to speed with broadening their portfolio of content within the scrtreaming service. competition with disney with the wide range of content for the household and the franchises and ip would make sense to move into games. of course, amazon, the big tech giant, with what they are doing with prime and driving prime subscriptions, there is a lot more they can do with games as well. i think it is a slow burner, but there is more to come for all streamers. >> interesting. let's see what netflix says later on today. that was the founder at pp foresight.
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netflix numbers are the dp beginning of the week. we expect asml and s.a.p. tomorrow. we get numbers from lvmh and intel on thursday and american express closes out the week on friday. let's show you how european markets are faring at this stage. it is a negative picture across the board. we are seeing significant moves over in the spain market down 0.7%. when it comes to the u.s. futures, they are pointing to a slightly higher start to the trading session. let's see how it pans out. that is it for the show. i'm silvia amaro. nt.ldwide exchange" is coming upex ah ese bill e crazy. she has no idea she's sitting on a goldmine. well she doesn't know that if she owns a life insurance policy of $100,000 or more she can sell all or part of it to coventry for cash. even a term policy. even
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5:00 am
it is 5:00 a.m. here at cnbc global headquarters and here is your "five@5." we begin p with rising records. another broad based rally yesterday with the dow and s&p lock in all-time highs. global markets are under pressure this morning. we are following breaking news in the middle east with tensions rising after new strikes on houthis targets this yemen. a live report coming up. a very busy morning in asia following the bank of japan policy decision an


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