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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  January 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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the longer term supply and demand continues to look attractive here. >> dan? >> yeah, i'm starting to look at tim's nike. i know you are really geeked up about the olympics. >> as i get. >> guy? >> pixar making a big announcement -- >> my mission is simple. to make you money. i'm here to level the laying field for all investors is always a bull market somewhere and i'll help you find it. mad money starts now. welcome to mad money. i'm just trying to make you a little money. my job is not just to entertain but to ask wayne. call me. darn those stupid facts. they just want play the game.
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so many copies and i found myself thinking that all is not well in corporate america which is why the averages only closing dell 96 points. the nasdaq not burdened by the slings and arrows of a sluggish economy gained 0.43%. plenty of promise. in many cases because of inflation. some of those that raised prices are seeing shrinking sales which means it is time to roll back the product pricing and sadly there stock prices with it. also par for the course at this point in the business cycle. a beautiful set of numbers this evening. it's on creativity ingenuity and anti-password sharing abilities. the feds raised interest rates so aggressively that it had to do there a pause we're finding out the reasons for why it is needed. we also hear why they and may
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not be done tightening or where they are asked acted to cut in the spring. before i get to grand, let me point out the backdrop. when the fed was going crazy we punished stocks indiscriminately. then they pivoted and acted like they were done raising rates in the fall, everything exploded higher. everything including stocks they did not deserve to rally. and now those unjustified gains for the stocks that should not have rallied our being rolled back. in some cases, aggressively while others made the borders and when others wouldn't are exploding higher. we know housing is supposed to be hurt by higher rates. they did not dent the numbers from high-end elders last month. today we got results from dr horton, the largest homebuilder. they did not like the margins
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overall. horton had to offer incentives, complicated incentives that amount to giving people brakes to buy their homes. the stock plunges more than $14 today. it had run from $100 in late october. 150 yesterday. the polar betting that lower interest rates wouldn't save horton but forgot that interest rates are heading lower and they are starting to feel the pain. how about 3m, where my dad used to work. stock from $85 to 108 yesterday. a gigantic run. today ever we discovered some of the businesses that hurt. home health and auto declined by low single digits. on top of that things did not improve enough of the end of the quarter for mike roman to justify a bullish for your forecast. instead the 2024 guidance was
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auspicious. 11%. a big move. had not really hurt the doubt. might have a hard time even making your forecast and some companies were strong to the point you would expect the stocks are short. good aerospace numbers. especially the renewable energy business which looked pretty good. the stock opened it down. they've been blessed with her own cycle, the aerospace cycle. the ceo made it clear that there is still way too much inflation in the system and too many supply-chain problems, too. a credit to translate those orders into revenues and earnings. it is so much weaker than i expected. dug down and found out that this really was the culprit. kind of like a covid your throwback. what you o when your business is that strong, you will have some inflation. if you want to see the
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flipside, check this out. $99, this combo. these companies had serious issues. proctor has become a serial disappoint or for consumers. ten-day silk purse into -- whatever that means. part of stock has been the total -- we did not get any thing at all from this market was trading at the end of october. the rest of the market bottomed and was furious. because we were ready for them to once again throw icewater, it was shocking when management did not do that. when they did not make you feel like an idiot for owning the stock. people are not trading down. they're buying the best branded products which allows them to go up. would have been dozen nothing
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if not for the expectations. shadowed 4%. we will discuss at tomorrow's investing club meeting at noon, which i know you want to join but i don't care. you probably will and i really like it. when they did not mess up the presentations for once, the stock roared. once again imagine they will continue to be their own worst enemy and crush their own stock with negatives because that's all they seem to know how to do. told my wife to stop using tied. i was sick of it. she stayed with the tide. our chance may be the real tough one. the stock rallied hard. the company was able to contain a warranty problem involving a turbo fan aircraft engine. there was talk that the $3 million taken for the aircraft engine problems back in december was not big enough. now we find out that it was probably much more than they
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needed, so the stock ignited. what i found interesting was how the outgoing ceo explained to me that the federal reserve should not be thinking about cutting interest rates. talk about a parallel universe that no one is thinking about. take a listen to this. you will not believe it or it >> there is still a lot of pressure on inflation. last year we saw $2.3 billion of cost growth from our apply chain and from our labor base. about 800 million more than we expected. the battle against inflation, to think that is over is misguided. this rate of 3.7 unemployment is also part of it. we need more anticipation in the workforce and we need to get wages back to a sustainable level of increased. >> i know she'll watch his every single minute. probably shaking if you see that. will be never seen it that that
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was amazing. makes you feel like the feds should be tightening, not listening. we have so many stocks that have rallied with buyers betting on low inflation and a strong economy. do we want the rate cuts? maybe if you are a homebuilder but no way if you are a manufacturer. they still see lower rates exacerbating problems. these are two incredible calls which brings us all the way back to the top. today we realize why the fed is doing nothing. maybe we're finally getting relief in home prices or solving inflation prices. maybe fending off competition or maybe the economy needs another rate hike to make sure all that happens. boys that ever not on the table, is that a contrary view. when you are in the battlefield, the fog of war is so thick you don't know if it's
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time to raise rates or cut them. good could go either way. it's not that so many are betting on a premature rate cut in march. they did not read the polls that i did today. they will learn how wrong they are going to be. i want to take calls right now. i want to go to elizabeth in florida. elizabeth. >> how you doing? >> i'm doing well, how about you, elizabeth? >> great. i would like to know your thoughts on the corporation's stock ticker nsc having the acquisition with the united steel corporation and what are your thoughts on if it's a good time to buy? >> i think they are overpaying but they are strong and they want to be in here. i don't want you buying the stock. if you're going to on a steel company, you will on the best company in the world. newport. we are in a battle under whether the fed should cut
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rates or cut rates really a hard. i learned that perhaps not cutting rates is the way to go. people thinking they are bound to be cut our knots. so many managers are betting that way but i have to start thinking about how wrong they may be. the come back for the supermarket and breaking down what makes -- mean so you can break some money. the trend of pcs. i will chat with a brand-new ceo. and a nap company and kaz extend just had the biggest ipo sense birkenstock. i review what its debut means for companies hoping to go public. and i will tell you something. it is downright bullish so stay with cramer . >> don't miss a second of mad money. follow jim cramer on x. hashtag
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i know i'm alone but i keep telling you the personal computer business is about to turn sooner than later. how do we solve this? computer peripheral scheming. there's some strong numbers. $1.14 base with higher sales expected to boot. focusing on a single line from the company's guides. looking ahead to fiscal year 2025 we do not anticipate an inflection point in the slope of this curve.
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they have negative sales growth and they don't see it going positive in the 12 months of next year. how worried should we be? let's check in with the brand- new ceo of logitech international. welcome. >> thank you so much. it's an honor to be here. >> you know we've had them on the show more than anybody else in the history. so we only have his impressions of the company. can you tell us your first impression of what logitech is like? >> thanks so much. it's a great company. i have been here all of six weeks now but i am super excited about what i am seeing. obviously they have a great track record of value creation. a fantastic product engineering design capability.
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a really good global brand of presence with more than 100 markets with good go to market capabilities. finally buying sustainability. i am excited by what i found. >> you lead proctor with the therefore $10 million nutrition group. looking back, too, came with a packaged goods segment which i like. so many well-trained people. what can you bring from the background to make logitech even higher? >> i think a couple of things. as i said, it's a good brand. wonderful awareness. is it truly iconic yet? i am not sure. that is certainly something we will try to do over the years ahead. the other thing is geography. more than 100 markets. if you look at the share of the sales per capita by country or share wallet if you will.
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there are a huge difference is. the best country, we sell about 200 times more than some of the lower countries per capita. loads of opportunities looking forward at growing the business further. and of course there is innovation which is the life out of this company and we have so many wonderful things in market and in the pipeline so i'm very optimistic. >> before we get to this i just want to give you an opportunity not to take back something, but to put a little more context to the idea that one point about how sales may not inflect because i think you are being cautious. i don't think you are looking and saying it's not our year. >> i think that's well said. what we wanted to do in our reporting today is make sure that we are a little cautious because while there is a lot of stuff that logitech has going
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for it, we do think the recovery to growing top line sales will be gradual and that's because there is so much happening in the external environment. we see global gdp growth uneven at the moment. we see inflation being stickier than we would like. on the harbor at side, which is really important for our b2b videoconferencing business, we see that horford i.t.s budgets have not quite come back to where they used to be. u.s. office vacancy rates just hit an all-time high at 20% and an empty office does not by any logitech stuff. there's a lot of things happening in the market which is why we are a little cautious but growth is a matter of when, not if for logitech. >> you bought stock back. i think you put your money where your mouth is. if you are concerned, you would not have bought a share of logitech stock for the company.
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>> absolutely. we have been buying back a lot and throwing off a lot of cash. a unique q3 in terms of cash. over $400 million worth of cash. we have no debt. really pristine balance sheet which is great and gives us firepower going forward. >> let's talk about something that i think is very important for the gaming side. we have been looking very closely for grand theft auto six and you have to have the latest and greatest in order to do this stuff. my friends who are gamers don't want to be in third tier hardware. they want logitech. can that spell a pc refresh cycle for you? can it do that important? >> we love gaming. it's a big part of our business. longer-term those macros in gaming are strong. used to be a narrow audience of
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younger men. it's now men and women, older people and younger people markets not just shooting games. it's really a way to socially connect. gaming is a good neighborhood to be in. a single game is not going to change our business. what changes our business is some of the great innovation that we are putting out there. if i look back to q3, a couple of things that we are excited about is our simulation business. wheels and driving. we are gaining share their. also on the premium and, our mouse is the gaming mouse that every great gamer wants and the premium side of the business is doing that, as well. we are proud of gaming and the future is bright to >> there are companies having trouble in china. how do you view the superpremium category in china? which is apparently holding up
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extremely well. >> china is important to us. especially as you say the premium in china is very wharton to us. it is doing well. we had a good quarter there. we like china. >> resetting the stock price to some degree but it sounds like things are going very well. we are thrilled to have you and your first interview. looking forward to avenue many times. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> logitech stoks found on what i regard as being a moment of caution. she was not pronouncing the end of any sort of cycle. just what i think you have to do. the conservative if you're going to have a good run at things. we will be back. >> coming up, cramer is bullish on the pc market. why hardware and why now explained next.
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rylee! from rylee's realty! hi! this listing sounds incredible. let's check it out. says here it gets plenty of light. and this must be the ocean view? of aruba? huh. this listing is misleading. well, when at&t says we give businesses get our best deal, on the iphone 15 pro made with titanium.
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i keep telling you that 2024 is the year where the personal computer makes a comeback. i think there is a huge pc refresh cycle coming in. i will explain why and we will make a lot of money from it. this industry has had a weird
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trajectory the past four year. there was an explosion in 2020 and 2021 as people got computers to work from home. then there was inventory built thinking this would last forever. they thought demand would never stop at in reality you do not need a new computer every year do you? so 2022 and 2023 were ugly years for the pc business and everything that went in them. we started to hear news about a bottom in pc sales. some of that is timing. if you bought a new computer and 2020. that is almost 4 years old which means it may be time for replacement. you need new hardware to run anything i related. when you look at the quarterly pc stats, you have to be down 9% in the third quarter. new sales were up in the third quarter. represents a shift in the overall trajectory. we can always call this kind of
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thing in flex. >> shipments growth after eight consecutive quarters of decline have never been like that either. how do we play it? how do we make money from this? i want to make money from it. how about you? i could give you any number this year. pcs start growing again. memory chip makers like micron or western digital. ultra high tech graphics cards makers like nvidia may play. i will throw in intel even though they have been losing market share for three years. some other tech companies will get a boost for the refresh of a cycle. apple has seen weaker sales as of late. not that that is important to the actual stock price. better believe this will be important in this environment and that is the stock price. but let's not complicate. let's not overthink. this is what bad investors do.
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they come up with them's -- preposterous hypothesis and hope that's what everyone does. pc sales, right now, dell has been absolutely on fire. climbing steadily higher since the market bottomed in october 2022. especially over the past 10 months or so. they are up 150%, making a new all-time high last friday. enter and sideways. the stock was working higher for much of last year and pulled back hard during the late summer selloff. rebounded over the past few months. i smell opportunity. this is simplistic but you should think of them as companies that make pcs but they also do something else. for dell, servers and storage infrastructure. for hp, they have printers
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here? are slowly fading to obsolescence. that is what is keeping hp down. that's why they do not rally like they should. sales in the latest fiscal year .2 strong orders in the infrastructure business. hp tells us that 3-d printing will be big someday even if 2-d printing seems like a goner. that is the reason why dell has a better performing stock. i've spent a huge amount of time trying to figure out how to get out of the hp conundrum with my printer here. if you want to think that's a value proposition, that's fine. certainly represents value in the earnings forecast. they have a robust 3.7% difference. we spoke to the ceo in november with the forecast for the next quarter which was widely
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considered disappointing. the bad news already baked into hp stock. told a great story about the outlook for the year ahead and he is the first one who called my attention to the upgrade cycle. thank you, henrique. if you want my stock, you've got my blessing to pull the trigger right here. how about that? this stock is more expensive than hp but not all that expensive. from the bottom in late 2022. 11.6 times earnings. people think the market is so expensive. you think that's expensive? you don't know what you're doing. six times earnings for 12 months and next january. they also pay dividends at 4.8%. the yield was modest as the stocks shut up. we know investors don't love to pay up to the hardware puppies but stocks are going crazy expensive. from negative to positive
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meaning terms happening right now. i think their shares could be blessed with more multiple expansion. i hope michael is watching because michael is a super guy. easy to make the case that this stock is heading for the triple digits probably sooner than later. let me by here. a story and thesis that i will be pushing and all of 2024. and by the way, even tomorrow at 12:00, you will probably not go to my meeting because you're doing something else. what are you doing, playing grand theft auto v or something? in the ai cycle, this all seems somewhat underappreciated to me. there are plenty of ways to overplay it. hp or dell, it's just not that complicated read hp is the value option. dell has better fundamentals and much more momentum. i want to go to paul in my home state of new jersey. >> thanks for having me on. >> what's going on?
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>> how you doing? been a longtime fan. have not listened in a while. i think i have something good here. they did 260 million in revenue last year and they grow between 15 and 20% the last four or five years. >> i've got these rules, the got to be making money. i like furtive. i like draftkings. those are two's fax of the 600 that i like. i am not going in there with the ad point. i just can't. i'm afraid of hurting somebody. i don't want some guy saying hey, you burdened me on that one. let's go to bill in massachusetts. bill. >> how are you? >> all right, big guy. what's shaking? >> i've got a few questions for you, jim. i know you are familiar with this company. for the last eight quarters they have beat their urns on
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all 8/4. i'm very impressed. you talked about this company over the summer and i picked some up. and very happy. $65 per share. a digital data cloud company. >> so, i got my daughter for the holidays, i bought her the full suite of adobe, everything. the actual subscription. this company is fabulous. and we all play with it. it's hers. i give it to her but you're right. adobe is incredible. you can be so creative. you have a creative band, please try to get one part of the suite. i did buy the expensive one and you will know why the stock is up 15% in the last six onths. the team has put out a product that makes you be creative even if you're not. the turn of the pc market is underway. don't over think it.
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hp and for value or dell for better growth. there is much more money including income to stand. a kaz extend based app company in the ipo market for 2024. china cracking down on abnormal training and i say give me a break and i will explain why. no one will like what i have to say but you know what? i don't care. stay with kramer. at morgan stanley, old school hard work meets bold new thinking. to help you see untapped possibilities and relentlessly work with you
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what if i told you that i kaz extend product became available in u.s. markets. the ipo worth over $17 billion. sounds like something might have happened in 2021 but only a few days ago. this company owns the number one app in kaz extend started trading on the nasdaq. demand was apparently so strong they had to upsize it. they were originally going to offer 9 million for shares. offering 1.3 million. incredible. they did find out of the gate. give them back some of those yesterday. not incredible. we have seen far more hype debuts. so is this worth buying here? i am reflexively skeptical but what do i know, i don't have a clue about the mobile software business. although i do know where kaz
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extend is on the map. we've seen this come from public markets before and they have been really disappointing. a mobile platform that offers a wide array of digital services like huber, door dash, instacart, fentanyl all-in-one. surprisingly popular in emerging markets. i have heard of super apps from a company called c limited. gaming, e-commerce, payments across so east asia. this app is fabulous. together just for us, right? it's hot in 2020 and 2021, rallying more than 800% to 2019 peaking in late 2021. had a market of over $200 billion. then the stock just collapsed. at this point it is down nearly 90% from its peak and still has a 23 billion mark.
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this is a digital player that was supposed to be the leader in the southeast asian super app space. it became public in what was probably the largest of deals during the boom. the company valued at $40 billion. the fallback price of $10 on the first day of trading. closed in early december 2021 and never came back. 12 billion may also be too high. forgive me if i'm not eager to get in bed with another super app story especially one from kaz extend. this place is unbelievable. slightly out of my area of expertise if you like it, how about this? if you can in the currency of kaz extend, you can consider investing. it's the tank he. that's right. peggy. had an astounding 1.34 trillion
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in revenue over the nine month period in september. that's a lot although it translates to a few billion u.s. dollars. in fairness, it is solid. a good place to go like a tourist attraction. by my extremely unbelievably rough estimates, this company seems like it could earn close to nine dollars per share in 2023, selling roughly 10 times at these levels. unless you are very well- traveled it is too hard to understand a company like this when you are living in america and you don't visit has extend regularly. why bother? i bring this up not because kaz extend is a giant turn on or i like orap or any of that stuff but because the warm welcome on friday seems like a clear sign that the ipo market -- ipa market, too. that is like cheerios. ipo market for business. the deal was not actually the
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first listing of the year. that would be smith douglas holmes, a small homebuilder operating the southeast kicking things off on january 11th. that one has done pretty well. the definition of a good deal in many times is one that lets you get stock and goes up not a lot but a little. because once you are up big, you never get stock anyway. the ones that are bombs, i will call them out. later this week we will have three more deals. $180 million from bright spring health and a couple of decent sized biotech deals. i say we are off and running. exciting news on the ipo front with new deals like plaid, chime. consumer facing brands that are up-and-coming. i went to see these.
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kim kardashian the shape wear. other flashy names like the car- rental platform to row. the e-commerce giant fanatics. i thought i should put one that i know. the most exciting one of the year would be a little tricky. i'm talking about she and. the asian fast food -- fast fashion company that has likely become your daughters favorite e-commerce destination. i've checked it out. i was afraid to put my name on it because i was afraid i would expand from all points around the universe. i warn you away from ipo from china because they tend to do worse than american counterparts. even large parts of the operations, tough call. if you can get some shares in the actual deal, highly unlikely, take it and slip it. otherwise take a pass.
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let's see how the numbers look when the deal arrives. everyone is buzzing about the deal. if you order something it has this kind of amorphous data when it comes versus if you order from amazon it tells you your house before you press a button. there are a couple of ipos that may be in the main stock proud. we are such bodies, i cannot wait. we learned that reddit is looking to go public in march. a social media organization where people organize and get a lot of information which i find quizzical. then there is discord, a way for gamers to communicate in a more of a universal chat that form lets everyone talk about stocks to secret documents. classified stuffing week on these platforms. we sat down with the ceo in september and got a kick out of the confrontation. i will give you a looser look at the fundamentals. one of those things that if you're older like i am you don't know how good it is until
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you talk to 100 million people and they tell you. you know what i am most excited about, simple. this might be a market where you can actually make some money on these deals. like 20 and 2021 when every ipo seemed to be sizzling. especially the good ones. or 2022 when they were hated to the point where bankers give up on the whole process. hopefully the 2024 market can be like last year's market except with more deals. i imagine it was a good year for investing because this created opportunities if you knew what you were looking for but i told her to wait after a hot start for kava group then got behind the stock late last year after it pulled off. since i went positive on november 1st, they've climbed 50 percent. i also told you i liked arm holdings when it became public in september. totally gettable. let's hope this investment her
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head continues. these companies set to become public in 2024. 1022 get too excited and lose your discipline especially with reddit or discord which both have huge cult followings. for now i am just optimistic and i cannot wait until things are going. the kaz extend deal, i am telling you that was -- i don't really dig into some of these things. i will dig into the ones you can get into doing keep you out of the ones you will never get a stock so you don't sit there and say why did cramer tell me to buy that stock ? we are not playing that game in 2024. mad money is back after the break.
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it's time for the lightning and peered -- lightning round. the lightning round is over. are you ready? let's start with sam in massachusetts. are you ready? what's happening? >> jim, i've been looking at the small-cap industrial and i wanted to get some of your market wisdom on it. what do you think of the corporation slr lack >> that they are remembered when i was a large gap in the rest of it was big, too like lori is once in. you know what i mean? made the quarter. we will stay away from them
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even though we like the infrastructure team. we will not play it that way. let's go to neil in california. >> i am doing well, how are you? >> good, how are you? >> i am doing well. have a question about a stock and a company -- >> i have been with a lot of second raters in my life. we will not by alumina and we will just put the second raters to the side for a moment. let's go to charlie in california. >> i want to start off by saying thank you. your inspiring me to start investing. i've been intimidated by the stock market thing. i've been watching for a while. you inspired me to jump in.
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the airlines have been getting my attention with the bowling tip and everything like that. with american and the rest of them jumping in, is now a time to get into the airlines? >> i think you could make a couple of smackers in delta but these are nothing more than that. just trades. to quote my friend will frost, that's kind of going away. now it's up and down. i say stay away. we hear these nice things, those with the -- it's almost like a commercial for the invest in club or something. it would be something. i don't know. i'm just kind of talking out loud. michael in colorado. michael. >> hey, jim. hear from the mile high city. >> excellent. what's up? >> what you think about the luxury segment for 2024? more specifically, what you think about ferrari? which some but t a fair value of 225. right now it's sitting 21%
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above. >> right now, the quality of almost everything else is not doing well. i will have to take a pass on ferrari. lightning round! >> the lightning round is answered by charles schwab. coming up, what does recent news about jack ma signal for stocks? cramer claims not much and explains after the break. th e pr of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop with robust charting and analysis tools, including over 400 technical studies. tailor the platforms to your unique needs with nearly endless customization. and track market trends with up-to-the-minute news and insights. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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awkward question. is there going to be anything... leftover? oh, absolutely. [inner monologue] my kids don't know what they want. you know who knows what she wants? me! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so you don't have to worry. empower what's next.
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stock manipulation is illegal in this country and you can go to jail or at. but in china, the rules are different. the stock markets are struggling and it has become a pretty dangerous place for your capital. the solution, the chinese
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government spending $278 billion to get the stock market going in the right direction. i'm sure the communist party will be buying the best of the lot. not just to make it so savers will do better but to lower in foreign invest is like you. i can see many in this people -- people in this country arguing stock regulation is a good thing. the extended bar. i'm sure they will go up a little bit for the chinese manipulation could cause people to get back into the market in a big way. if you can buy chinese stocks, a lot of people think why not go for it. maybe get some shares of the red-hot shein company which the government will take care of and you make some money . that's manipulation of a different color. that's all mesh manipulation. to which i say, are you kidding me? this news that the chinese government is absolutely
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nervous as usual. not trying to make business better. we did this during the savings and loan crisis 30 odd years ago. it was great. they are not lending people money so they can grow. not sending checks in the mail to individuals like during the pandemic. they're not doing anything that sophisticated capitalist countries to to combat a slowdown. and said, just dumping money into the stock market. shameful and sinful just like the government. the fed buys bonds as part of a strategy to control interest rates in the economy. bring money into the stock market and manipulation does not cover that. we have rules against manipulation in this country because it creates a false impression of economic strength. lulls you into thinking we will make money if we buy stocks because the government will just prop them up in the end. no government is bigger than
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the stock market. if the chinese society no longer wants to support stocks, who knows how much money will lose if you supported? this money will keep coming in. by the company, not the government. what is the point in establishing a false sense of security about potentially worthless companies? why are they out law selling? what restrict how much you can dump into the government's bid? they never sees to astound me with these assumptions. the president was returning to his communist roots and cracking down on the billionaires class. i thought they had disappeared but they tried him out and he has become part of the propaganda machine now. never forget chinese companies were in the unsuspecting and when the true fundamentals emerge, they crash you. believe me when i say this time will be no different. it is not worth the risk even
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as our own cynical brokers desperate for chinese ipos to make their quarter will swear up and down at this time china is the real deal and you must buy it. you know they are? they are what i call useful idiots. right or presidency -- to try t you right here on mad money. i'm jim cramer. stay tuned. last call starts now. >> right now on last call, a new day, a new record as the presidential race cranks. will soaring stocks sway the outcome, we've got numbers you're going to want to see. alaska airlines ceo laden into boeing. >> i'm angry. i'm more than frustrated. i'm disappointed. i am angry. >> and boeing withstand the growing backlash into its max get crisis? shaking the bitcoin batesburg how retail investors may be left holding the crypto back yet again. it isn't easy going green. study research s


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