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tv   Power Lunch  CNBC  March 18, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm EDT

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[both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard and do it my way. cologuard is a one-of-a-kind way to screen for colon cancer that's effective and non-invasive. it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. welcome to power lunch, everybody. i'm glad you could join us. the markets this week waiting to hear from two big names. one, nvidia ceo and jay powell. which one has greater market moving potential?
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>> plus, march madness officially kicking off this week and the games have changed dramatically. now players are allowed to make money which cleared the way for ea sports to bring back an old favorite and play -- pay players for their names and likenesses. we will get that -- back to back. two straight losing week spirit had not happened since october. you can see the nasdaq is leading the way higher by about 1%. the s&p 500 not too far behind and the dow jones national average of 3/10 of a percent. ai optimism boosting tech stocks and not just in video which we have already seen. google and apple may be working together. those reports both helping those two stocks as well. >> now to the two big events that markets will watch this week. first up jensen wong, nvidia ceo delivering the keynote. that is today at 4:00 p.m. eastern. everyone wants to know what he will say about demand for aig chips and what they have in the pipeline. coming up n wednesday, jay powell, we will hear from them
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to:00 at 30 -- 2:30. what would he say about the timing and the tone and tenor of the economy right now? which of these has a greater potential to move the markets? for that let's bring in mike. what you say, my? i suppose this is one of those low suspense moments for he fed. no one thinks they're going to do months but what they say could be important. maybe there's more suspense. >> i think there is suspense in some of the details but i'm going to go with powell on this. mostly because we are pretty sure jensen is going to reaffirm the huge vision for the future and nvidia's role in it and in ai and the next stages of it and multiple years worth of demand. the other piece of it is nvidia stock does its own thing even in the absence of fresh news. if it stops for some reason and where to go down of what huang says tonight or today it could be that it was a sale in the
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news event in the market needed to correct. what he says is for the long- term, not the short term. i think when it comes to powell there is room for interpretation. how tolerant will he sound about this uptick in inflation. how might he view the recent rise in longer-term treasury. is the economy good enough shape to withstand all those things? are they going to take away one projected rate cut or something like that. i do think that as the real economy and people try to sort through the rest of us, i think powell might have more to say even though we do not think they're going to do it. >> is there a case, if i accept your premise there that powell may be the more important speaker this week and i don't want to dispute that, is there a case that may be taking root a little bit that there might be no interest raised cuts this year. rate cuts may go off the table if they are continued to be in these little wobbles in the inflation numbers. >> i do think you have heard
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some folks say that. basically, things are not tracking in a direction that would necessitate-- i do think that the fed itself will be very slow to get to that point just because they are broad framework says they are very, very restrictive with rates above 5% even if inflation stays where it is, they may have something more to say about what the ultimate neutral rate is. maybe it is higher than what they thought before. that would indicate less room to cut. i do think they will move in increments and hope to get lucky in the next couple of months on the inflation data so maybe it looks like a summertime cut will be more time. >> all right. thanks very much. for more on the markets and what matters the most for your money, let's bring in richard
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bernstein, ceo and cio of richard bernstein adviser llc. good to have you. i assume you heard my question to mike and his answer. what do you think there? is there a case? maybe it is a low probability case that the fed might not cut interest rates this year and just let things sit where they are. >> well, tyler, good afternoon. first, i would say the probability is much higher than people think or even higher than the fed thinks. they will not lower ates this year. you know, the economy is healthy. the monthly inflation numbers and cpi dropped last june or till july if you look at that, they have been accelerating since then. financial conditions are easy. they are not easy, they are easing. we see things like that and credit. one would say that the fed it -- the fed should ease in a situation where the economy is suffering. there is too much tightness in the financial markets. the liquidity is drying up. lending is drying up. none of the above is happening. so, rather, if you look at things like copper, you look at things like lumber, you will find that it looks like the economy is actually getting stronger. >> i would argue the fed is not
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cutting this year. >> you answered my question. you said number one, the likelihood that they do not cut is much higher than people are acknowledging at this point but there you just seemed to say that your base case now is that the fed will not cut rates this year, all right? >> i think for me, personally, i think as the year progresses, and if they are not lowering rates, i think it will be more difficult to lower rates in front of the election. i know the fed is not a political entity but they do not want to be viewed as a political entity either. given the tenacity of this election, shall we say, that we have to be careful about what happens as we lead into the election and the credibility of the central bank might be at stake in that case.
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i think it gets harder. so, you know, i would argue if they are going to lower rates and they don't do it soon, it's probably not happening this year. >> this is fascinating and i tend to, sort of, be more in your camp, richard. with every economic data point that comes out, if we use your base case as our scenario, how would you suggest investing in the markets when we have the tenure above 4.3 right now. what would you do? what would you advise your clients in an election year and a time where rates are elevated? >> yes, so, courtney, we have been trying to invest in the parts of the market and our portfolios are heavily weighted in the parts of the market that are causing rates to go up, right? i mentioned copper prices are going up. lumber prices are going up. we are very much -- and even oil has started to go up as well. we are overweight energy, overweight industrials, overweight material starts. overweight emerging markets. my argument would be that if the global economy is stronger than people think, you want to invest in stocks. you will benefit from the unanticipated strength. >> what about the magnificent
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seven? as we spent so much time today talking about nvidia. >> well, i would say what is unanticipated about the magnificent seven? i think it's going to be hard to find something that people are not anticipating for the magnificent seven. i think that's, you know, pretty well known but i think the magnificent seven -- and there's clearly a speculative side to the magnificent seven. we can argue how much. we could argue were they in a bubble? but clearly, there is a speculative side to what is going on, right? are there only seven growth stories in the entire global equity market? of course not. there's many more. the fact that we have a name for seven shows how speculative the environment has gotten and, so, i think that if the fed cannot provide more liquidity which i think is what people are banking on, that argues that speculation is more likely to subside than to grow. people, i think, want the fed to eat is as quickly as possible because wall street, we are liquidity junkies. we cannot get enough liquidity. we would love to have the fed
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ease. with everything as i said before, as positive as they are, why would the fed rush to ease? i don't understand. >> you mentioned speculation and that brings to mind bit coin. how do you characterize what has been going on there? >> i view it as it has all of the classic signs of a financial bubble. every single one of them is in cryptocurrencies. even the notion of scarcity which we will talk a lot about with bit coin, that's been talked about in every financial bubble. there is a scarcity. you have more and more other things, about which we recall other cryptocurrencies, you know, and you are seeingwhen
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people can't trade bit coin they go trade other cryptocurrencies. it's about as bubble list as you can get. it's a divining rod for the fed if you get the pun the divining rod in terms of how much liquidity there is. the fact that bit coin is 65 to 70,000 is telling you there is too much speculative liquidity in the economy and why the fed would want to ease when there is that much speculative liquidity is beyond me. >> all right. clearly stated. thank you, sir. as always, good to see you. you are doing well. i see the jersey back there. go, rangers. >> they beat up the islanders yesterday it was great. >> good stuff. thanks, rich. >> sticking with nvidia, all eyes on the developer conference dubbed the woodstock of ai that kicking off in california. stock up slightly as investors await the debut of its gpu. the company is expected to release information on pricing performance and customer demand and this comes as we are hearing about a potential ai tie up between google and apple. for more on all of this we will turn to daniel, ceo who is at the gdc conference and our own steve who joined the sunset. daniel, let me start with you. we have been going to christina all day long with her
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expectations. we will hear from jensen huang later in the afternoon. what you want to hear about this specific chip or anything else nvidia, frankly, going forward. this is the it stock. >> yes, there are a lot of people out there right now were thinking and speculating has nvidia topped off or is there more room to run? if you are an investor you want to hear do they have the technological modes? do they have the software lock in with the developers with what they will build for hybrid architectures that will be able to keep investors and keep the market churning with gpu's based on nvidia. we know to be 100 is coming. we know it is more powerful. it will compete with amd's, new mi series that had a lot of excitement but, really, they have 99% of this gpu market and all of the demand is going their way. can they keep it? do investors and to the users and developers walk away from this conference and say this technology has it.
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it is where it needs to be and the competition is going to stay locked out. that's what we want to see from this conference this week. >> earlier in february on power lunch you said that you believed that nvidia had reached some level of a trade peak. we have seen a little bit of a pullback but where are your expectations of where the stock can go or does it hinge on what we will hear about this new chip? >> yes, my concerns tend to be at the competition that's coming in from multiple places. it comes from amd. intel wants to have a place here. it's also coming from the cloud providers that are offering training and inference capabilities and in some cases with less power or at a lower cost. as these enter the market, does nvidia still have the ability to grow market shares and also maintain these incredible margins? so, without having the absolute superiority and technology i start to see some of these new entrants coming into the market and putting risk on the margin and risk on the growth rate and
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as we have four quarters of this incredible growth rate, at some point, those numbers are going to be, you know, mid double digits not triple digit growth and will investors start to worry at that point? >> so, steve, i was going to ask a similar question. how deep or wide is nvidia's moat? in these kinds of chips? and are they vulnerable as daniel seemed to indicate to potential companies? >> it's quite wide though because we are expecting nvidia to talk about the software side of things. they have that locked up too. that in essence -- they don't have the same software tools to play around with the ai chips. they announced the chip and that's about all we know. right now it still is just nvidia. we see the big tech giants messing around and making their own chips but there is no one else. there is really no one else doing it. the moat is huge right now. >> let's switch to this possible news of a tie up or collaboration between google and apple on the one hand involving its googles ai
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offering and, on the other hand, i feel like i'm going back to the 1980s, you have microsoft and its partner in ai which is open ai or chatgpt or whatever, what do you see happening there and what is the potential for google? >> right. >> what is the use case for apple? >> there is a lot. i'll start here. apple is not saying anything. they're waiting to announce when they're ready to announce likely in june. that said, it could go two ways on the spectrum. this is very simple with an add- on to the search agreement. google pays up to $19 billion a yearto apple to be the default
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search engine on its devices. we know that. that has been established and working in the doj case against google. great. maybe this is an add-on to that adding what google calls search generative's experience. that's ai search. maybe it's just that towards the other end of the spectrum and all of this ai natural language stuff that apple wants to put in the iphone, it's all powered by google. if that happens, it's a bad site for apple. what is the been doing all this years whether competitors have been taking advantage of this consumer driven front facing ai and then, for google, it's great news either way for google. for one, if this does work out the way it has been reported, they will have access to 2 billion apple devices, over 1 billion of those are iphones. that's where all the money is being spent. that is where google depends heavily -- heavily on those users today. that's why they pay apple so much. it's also validation of their technology. if it's the other end of the spectrum and apple is relying heavily on these gemini models
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that is validation for google that, hey, we got something good here. apple took a look at our thing, they took a look at open ai, they took a look at other startups and they like is the best. that is really good validation, especially so many wonders. >> not just slow but fumbling out of the gate. over a year ago they showed bard which is now called gemini. it messed up. last year they got caught in their gemini demo fudging the demo video a little bit and a few weeks ago the woke images that everyone was complaining about and they had to pull that generative image tool. so, a lot going on here and apple will look at that and say, hey, we want that. maybe they are seeing something we haven't seen yet. >> before we let you go, you know, it seems like other companies were taking the opportunity to mention nvidia and any chance they got in their earnings call, i know oracle alluded to some kind of tie up. there is a number of layers
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that are involved in ai, of course and nvidia on its own, what are you expecting to hear? what have we heard? do you have any more details on these teasdale partnerships from this gdc event today? >> well, there's going to be a lot of focus on these particle solutions. we will see healthcare partnerships. we will see partnerships in retail and financial services. i'm looking at the software essays. companies like service now that it made big commitments to partnering with nvidia to continue to build on this momentum to talk about how they're going to build hybrid environments using nvidia's hardware architecture and to deliver ai to the future. this is just one of many. i like the oracle salesforce service. these are the next players and layer of abstraction and customers will get value and we will see monetized ai coming from, you know, the vendors and software providers in the space. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. appreciate it. thanks.
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coming up, caught in an ai light, the s.e.c. accusing two advisers of exploiting the hype around ai to lauren customers under false pretenses. we will get the details. plus, getting back in the game. ea sports relaunching its popular ncaa football game for the first time in a decade. it could be the highest spending program to date. we will discuss all of that ahead on power lunch when we return in two. ♪ ♪ they're waiting for you. hey, do you have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more.
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welcome back to power lunch. ai is going to be everywhere eventually but not quite yet. the story now of two investment firms who got a little ahead of themselves and ended up in trouble with the s.e.c.
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inspector amon, what you got. >> hey there, courtney. there's a lot of hype out there about ai but today the s.e.c. is saying to investment advisory firms took the hype too far making false claims about ai driving their investment processes and the s.e.c. says there is a term for that, ai washing. the commission prepared a video about their announcement today featuring chairman gary. >> public company execs might think they will enhance their stock price by talking about their use of ai. here at the s.e.c. we want to make sure that these folks are telling the truth. >> the two firms are toronto- based adelphia and san francisco-based global predictions. according to the s.e.c., delphia claimed it puts collective data to work to make the artificial intelligence smarter so you can predict which companies and trends will make it big. that wasn't true. the s.e.c. said global predictions falsely claimed to be the first regulated ai financial adviser and that it's platform
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delivered expert ai driven forecasts but that wasn't true either. the s.e.c. said the two firms agreed to settle the commission's charges and pay a total of $400,000 in civil penalties. the lesson here is that making false claims about artificial intelligence isn't, well, all that intelligent. >> [ laughter ] that so good. i love that. ai washing. it's the new greenwashing. i feel like so few people really understand the intricacies. we don't really know the limits therein. it could be limitless that maybe this is an easy false claim to make but, be warned, right? >> look, any of those other buzzwords that you see in the market, when people start applying them all over the place, buyer beware. take a look at what you are actually buying into and whether there is any substance behind these claims the people are making. >> thank you very much.
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welcome back, everybody.
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oil prices rising again today. of 5% in the past week. pippa stevens is in houston for us. >> hey, it's a fitting time to be here because oil prices are the higher's level since november. they are now in the sweet spot range between 80 and $85 level where companies are still making a whole lot of money. not too much money to draw the ire of washington and they are also not high enough yet to kill demand. so, this latest leg is thanks to ukraine stepping up its attacks on russian infrastructure which led morgan stanley to raise its q3 target to $90 today. that's on the supply side. on the demand side we heard from exxon ceo darren woods who said demand is very, very healthy. despite some challenges on the global macroeconomic front, in
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other words saying, we are not at this oil peak demand that people have been talking about for a very long time. that speaks to one of the key themes at the conference which is a multidimensional energy transition. for a long time oil and gas companies were left out of the conversation but now they are saying, hey, you need us. we have the balance sheet. we have the spending and the know-how to meaningfully participate in things like hydrogen and carbon capture. we recommend a number of executives and they are very supportive of the inflation reduction act and working to build out their low carbon solutions. still a small portion of their overall spending compared to what they are putting into the fossil fuel divisions but nevertheless, they are touting their accomplishments there and the fact that you can't go from sister-- system a which is
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fossil fuels to system b which is renewables overnight. >> that's tough. enjoy your time down there. bring us back something good from houston. let's get over to julie. she has a cnbc update. >> hi, majority of supreme court justices appeared skeptical today of arguments of biden administration violated the first amendment. republican attorneys general louisiana and missouri along with five social media users filed a lawsuit accusing the administration of coursing platforms to remove misinformation on topics such as the covid-19 vaccine and the presidential election. some of the ustices questioned whether plaintiff's could prove they were directly harmed. the cdc issued a health alert this afternoon to warn about the spread of measles across the u.s. so far, health officials have tallied 60 cases this year in 17 states. that is more than all of 2023. the cdc is urging parents and anyone traveling internationally to ensure they are vaccinated. paul may be on the political circuit again soon. the washington post reports former president trump is eyeing his former campaign chairman for new role in his 2024 campaign. trump pardoned manafort in 2020. back over to you. coming up, game on the rise.
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s me image like chris rights habeen a boon for sports. one video game giant is looking to cash in and spread the wealth. we will discuss when power lunch returns. tired of people not listening to what you want? it's truffle season! ah that's okay... never enough truffles. how much are they? it's a lot. oh okay - i'm good, that - it's like a priceless piece of art. enjoy. or when they sell you what they want? yeah. the more we understand you, the better we can help you. that's what u.s. bank is for. huge relief. yeah... ♪
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my name is oluseyi inv and some of myves, ris favorite momentsses throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport.
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welcome back, everybody. a little over 10 years ago ea sports stopped making its ncaa football game amid lawsuits over the use of player likenesses and names. now, in light of the new name image and likeness rules, the video game is returning with what may be the largest scale highest spending and i'll program yet. here to discuss the deal and the rapidly changing landscape of college sports is cam weber, president of ea sports. good to have you with us. wonderful start to this game. i've been seeing chris fowler talk about it on websites. 134 teams opted in. 10,000 players opted in. what did those teams get and what do those players get four, quote, opting in and letting you use their name, image, and likeness? >> this is a broad range design of a deal.
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obviously, we have deals with the individual teams across the country. as you mentioned, 134 schools across 10 conferences and, you know, 85 player rosters across 134 schools. we get the rosters from the schools and created, you know, a design of a program that would allow all of those players, everyone of them, the opportunity, if they so choose, to opt in, get paid to be in the game and they would get $600 plus a $70 copy of the game sent to them as well. in return, we will put them in the game and have them, you know, as themselves on the team represented by their number and do our best to do a likeness for them as well. >> is $600 what everybody gets regardless or do some players, who are high profile players, like the quarterback at texas, the quarterback at southern cal was going pro, do they get more? >> well, we had to do a multitiered design.
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to be inclusive, we went brought across those 11,000 players, yes. that would include all of those players and we have had over 10,000 opt in in the first week after we announced it which is incredible. we also are doing what we are calling ambassador deals. we have over 100 athletes that we are signing as these ambassador deals and they will have individual set deals based on the relative value and the social media reach each of those players has. so, yes, there will be different deals for the biggest athletes in college football. on top of that, we are signing some other college athletic stars as well, even from women's sports in volleyball and basketball and allowing them to be ambassadors to promote the return of college sports to aaa gaming. >> that's what i was going to ask. women sports are part of this too. it's not just men's college football. you have caitlin clark on the platform? >> i don't have anyone to
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announce today but we do have a list of players and athletes that are signing up and we will have more to share in the month of may when we roll out more on the game. >> how do you keep up with the transfer portal movements that are affecting college athletics whether it is man, women, basketball, football, whatever. players are moving and, i would think, a players value could either be enhanced by a move or decreased by move. in other words, if you have got a start a big five conference with a team like washington or oregon or alabama, the player might be worth more there than if they were to transfer to cincinnati or louisville or some lesser team. >> yes, so, all of this is
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complex. that is why we had to build systems in building the game so we could dynamically adjust and change rosters and even the incoming class of freshmen, a lot of them haven't decided yet or not arrived at the schools and been a part of the rosters yet. we have to constantly dynamically change the rosters. the program itself will have to continuously evolve over time. we will launch the game this year, update the rosters and those player pools over time and, as we moved update the game the following year, we will have to take a look at how it all performed and look at the relative value of players and we will have to design the next step of the program as we go forward. we will learn a lot. this is unprecedented. >> how do you respond as a part of this ecosystem of players and payments and so forth and the fact that college is, technically, are not allowed to pay athletes. i guess some kind of organization is able to do that but i want to get your reaction to what nick sabin said in front of congress last week. nick sabin, other high profile coaches in different sports have been very critical of the direction college sports is taking by saying, for among
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other things, all they care about now is getting paid. >> yes, it's an interesting one. i'm a former college quarterback myself and i'm a bit of a purist and i do love what the sport teaches individuals and my son also plays high school football. that element of hard work and loyalty and, kind of, building character through lessons, i think that is all really important. i also believe that, you know, these players, especially in big-time college sports, there becoming huge stars. i think it is finding the right balance. finding opportunities for players to share in some of the opportunities that might arise from what they are doing but, you know, also, we eed to figure out how do we teach someonethose other values?
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i'm not sure jumping from team to team every single year does that. >> i'm not sure how we do that other than it is a challenge for leadership. >> i think it's coaches finding a way to connect with the next generation of player to get the right messages across. >> another challenge, if you see players at some schools unionize. like what we are seeing happening at dartmouth right now. how would you deal with that? >> yes, i mean, i'm glad i'm not leading a college football program myself right now to deal with that. those are challenges. we will have to see how the space evolves and, you know, when it comes to what we are doing, we are trying to create an opportunity to make the most authentic game possible for our players and give individual players the opportunity to opt in or out based on their choice. from our standpoint, if we stick to that, i think we are in good shape. >> kim weber, ea sports president. thank you for being here with us. this is fascinating. i love college football. i'm also a purist. the transfer portal and then il, -- >> it's a big change. >> no bucks. we are just four weeks away from tax day. we will tell you what you need to know to take advantage ahead
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welcome back. can you hear the clock ticking? we are exactly 4 weeks from the april 15th deadline for americans to file their 2023 income tax returns. see no personal finance correspondent sharon is here with us not to for what you need to know. >> it's her favorite time of year, isn't it? >> no, it's not. >> if you're like many americans, you have yet to file your taxes. if you do yourself the irs has a new way to file for free. this year the irs began rolling out direct file. it's a free filing program that can be accessed on the website and the pilot program is an online tax preparation service that does not use a third party. direct file is available to taxpayers in 12 states including california, texas, new york, and florida. it's a simple option for cash players who earned income from an employer to get a w-2. you
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need to claim a standard deduction and have lived in the state for the full 23 tax year, '23 tax year. another key perk is there is no income tax on using direct file. now, iris free file is another option to get access to several online taxpayers that the agency partners with at no cost. the caps out at $79,000 in adjusted gross income. still, you can file for free at any income level using the fillable forms that are available on the irs website. if you're looking for more ways to save on your taxes, if you did a home improvement project that saves energy you may qualify for a tax credit or 30% of the projects cost up to $3200. if you want to avoid an audit, make sure any tax breaks that you take are reasonable. account for all of your income including 1099 and avoid round numbers. those are red flags that may trigger the irs to do an audit.
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if you think you owe, it pays to pay up by april 15th before late filing a late payment penalties and interest kick in. this year, you have to add an extra 8% annual interest that is compounded daily on the overdue tax that you owe. a percent. >> daily. >> yikes. >> are there ways i can still cut 2023 tax at this late hour? >> at this late hour you look for the tax credits that you qualify for because they are going to lower your taxable dollar for dollar and then you will look at ways that you can take deduction if you qualify. if you have a high deductible health plan, you can make a contribution to health savings account and have a contribution be deductible for 2023. >> i can do that today if i qualify. >> alt-left april 15th. also, if you have -- if you are
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eligible to contribute to an i.r.a. you can take that tax deduction all the way to april 15th and make that contribution until april 15th having it count for the 2023 tax year. >> because i'm always thinking about this, which is better, roth ira or conventional? >> generally, if you want to take a tax detection but the roth ira, i love things that are tax-free when you take it out. >> free when you pull them out. >> what i like to see is whatever number it says is my balance, i want that to be my money. i don't have to pay anybody. that's not a real balance then and i think people realize that. a lot of your i.r.a. money, your 401(k) money, if it is in a traditional count, it is not your money. >> you can do a roth 401(k) as well. >> roth means yours. >> sure, thank you. that simple. coming up, we checked the charts on names on an upswing to start 2024 and another heading in the wrong direction. as we celebrate women's heritage month we sell -- share the stories of our cnbc changemakers. here is the cofounder and chief science officer.
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>> what others can learn from my journey as a female leader is resilience and perseverance. many steps along the way i've experienced challenges and roadblocks and having the ability to move past them, to celebrate the small wins, and take the challenges as they come, that has beea n key part of getting me to this point. and there's not a no look pass, double double, or buzzer beater he won't wax poetic on. ad nauseam. but oh how he can nail a software solution like the best high screen pick and roll you've ever seen. you need ron. ron needs a retirement plan. work with principal so we can help you help ron with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. let our expertise round out yours.
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welcome back to power lunch, everybody. time for some technical global at freedom capital markets. first up let's talk about claude fair up over 50% over the past six months. does it have more room to run? >> i think it not only has more room to run but a good setup technically. it had a nice gap after its last earnings and stock up 19%. cloud fair. what is it doing? it is setting up perfectly from a risk/reward and holding the taupe line -- >> i like these colors. nice easter lavender, the taupe. very nice. >> rising 52-day moving average.
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it's positive rallying a little today. and the story is great. it's trending higher. has a lot to reverse so what i think it will do is get back on the upper momentum over the next two months till the next earnings cycle, and you'll see it rally toward 115 area which where is my line where it peaked out before it reversed. set up to look pretty good. if it does fail the 50-moving day average the old resistance now support at the 87 level and put a stop in there. >> taupe? >> risk/reward. >> taupe means hope. micron set to report results wednesday. how can investors trade this before the -- i'm not sure your device is working. >> it's not so we'll adjust to it this is john maddenesque is where we're going to go. micron over a weekly basis and goes back five years. it has a line of resistance
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right here where we have failed to go above. had a little peak above it. it's around $95. >> boom. >> boom. yes, what it did it do? >> hit the ceiling. >> but what i love is this setup. we've seen this where? in the s&p 500, in nvidia and microsoft and meta, and it's a nice rounded bottom if it can break out and, guess what, we have earnings wednesday afternoon. you have room to run and with the setup like this, the longer the base the higher the space we could see a run 40%, 50% higher and look between 135 and 150 on a breakout. play the earnings but wait. don't gamble before the earnings but wait until after. >> nike. shares down double digits from a year ago and the company is expected to report third quarter results thursday. that's a limp noodle there. >> yeah, this is trending lower. we've had some interesting pops in nike. let's look at gaps. i like to see gaps in the chart. you had a gap up there on a nice earnings and what did it do
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after the gap? trended higher. bad earnings here and trended lower ever since. earnings are on thursday. let's be careful but know what we want to do if it gaps one way or another. now, it's trending under the 200-moving day average and bad things happen under it but i wouldn't jump into it but if it does gap lower, let's see if this area around 92 1/2 holes. if not we'll probably test where we were back in october. those could be good entry points. over the long term i believe in nike. do you believe in nike? >> i believe in nike. my son only wears nike. >> i think it would be a good long-term opportunity to jump into the stock and what if it gaps? if it gaps and clears the 200-day moving average i would chase the name. what have we seen on gaps higher, it gaps higher in the next three months so look for it to be played either way but you have to be postured after earnings. if you play before the earnings you're gambling. i like to have the risk/reward
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setups in my favor and we may get that after thursday's earnings. >> jay, thanks. good to have you here. court. >> so many stores to get to. so little time left. we'll power through as many as we can coming up next. they're waiting for you. hey, do you have a second? they're all expecting more. more efficiency. more benefits. more growth. when you realize you can give your people everything, and more. thank you very much. [applause] ask, "now what?" here's what. you go with prudential to protect, empower and grow. with everything you need to deliver, you guessed it... more. one more thing... who's your rock? learn more at
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rylee! from rylee's realty! hi! this listing sounds incredible. let's check it out. says here it gets plenty of light. and this must be the ocean view? of aruba? huh. this listing is misleading.
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well, when at&t says we give businesses get our best deal, on the iphone 15 pro made with titanium. we mean it. amazing. all my agents want it. says here...“inviting pool”. come on over! too inviting. only at&t gives businesses our best deals on any iphone. get iphone 15 pro on us. (♪♪) ♪ we have just about three minutes left in the show and several more stories you need to know so let's get right to it. amazon striking a deal with one of the biggest social media stars, mr. beast will host the first traditional tv series. a reality competition show featuring a thousand contestants competing for $5 million prize. tyler, i have to admit. i don't know who mr. beast is. >> i'm sure my son knows. when you build a following on social media whether it's youtube or instagram or the questionable tiktok, you can
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really build a business. >> you really can build a business and turn it into a traditional media platform, i suppose. an analysis by the new york fed highlights the worst paying college majors. you know what they are? top three worst paying, five years after graduation, the worst, liberal arts, you make $38,000 in there. number two is performing arts, average again about $38,000, and theology, 38,000. we need more theologians. >> we do, we do. i was also surprised that the miscellaneous biological science was only 40,000 as was nutrition and elementary and early childhood education. about $40,000. teachers are so important. i think every parent learned that during the pandemic. >> fine arts, you know the difference between a manet and a monet. >> i'm not sure i do. "sports illustrated" getting a lifeline. the owner says they've chosen a new company to publish the
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magazine between authentic brands could be expanded into 30 years at which the point the magazine would be 100 years old. they own a bunch of different things including retail brands and licenses names for things like -- >> i believe marilyn monroe and joe dimaggio. one of the co-owners is shaquille o'neal. i'm betting the under on whether "sports illustrated" will be around as a magazine in 30 years. i don't think so. i don't think so. all right, inflation busting costco staple it is going to stick around for now. the outgoing cfo has been there forever, richard galanti says the $1.50 hot dog and soda combo is relatively safe for now and stayed the same price since 1985. i believe he is stepping down getting ready to retire after 40 years and countless hot dogs, he's due.
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>> so many and then good luck to him in his next endeavor. i'm sure the hot dogs will stick around for a long time. i think we're out of time but look at the dow moving higher, 0.4% but still counts as a gain and nasdaq leading the way as we're getting ready to turn over the reins. thanks for watching "power lunch." >> and "closing bell" starts right now. welcome to "closing bell." i'm mike santoli in for scott wapner. this make or break hour begins with stocks working hard to hold gains for apple as the street waits for a pair of crucial events in coming days. nvidia shares up pretty small, especially for nvidia. ahead of ceo jensen huang's keynote in the next hour. you see it up less than 1%. while treasury yields pushed to three-month highs as suspense builds over a fed meeting that comes after an uptick in inflation that stoked more uncertainty over the outlook for rate cuts, 4.35 on the ten-year. th


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