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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  April 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> happy birth day. >> nancy. >> she's blushing. >> she's blushing. >> alcoa continues to go higher. birthday girl. >> she can't get us off fast enough. e'li -- >> hey, i am jim cramer. i'm just trying to make you a little bit of money. call me at one 807 43 cnbc or tweet me. after big wins, stocks can be
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very vulnerable it is astonishing how the great stocks at this very moment mostly got pummeled while the subpar performance of the last year finally had their day in the sun a 66 were men with dementia is missing in mexico. a set of those incidents are, those are the kind of headlines, i think people want to ring the register
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the all-time fave down 18 points until i read the claims that until made about the processors, two back in 2022 which also slides him as a poor
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man's intel intel would own the market their trip was so much better it's 153. it's entirely possible what made me want to stick with them back then, simple. it's a platform, it's the leadership.
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and the real game, it might not cut it at all. on the other hand, fully loaded will have developers already in the customers and the services nothing short of unbelievable and intel does not, it will be slightly used. i would rather buy than sell it here. the stock would get crushed with a lot of selling. i think we will see today's lows again. they may have also suffered from a google trip too he said he welcomed development. that includes google. are not shaken or stirred, but i understand. is the owner, don't trade it
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here's a solar company. just been hammered mercilessly. no news, just the usual i'm back to the winners, how about eli lilly down 20 bucks? broke ground for the new $2.5 billion plant, another loser term winter for a day. 6%. eyed looked it up and i see one of the most horrendous shortfalls, the first quarter earnings but would be 21 to 41 points. that is a long fall. the red 119 last year. i'm not interested, i'd rather go fishing for flounders.
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in response to this earnings. about two winners, more than 3% respectively. so many important devices in the data center, still 30%. it was incredibly positive more than 6000 people and it was pretty much the start of the entire survey. the basis point increase. the number two fashion brand among upper female teams. the favored industrial, so many industries. it dominates the non-tech part of the data center.
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up almost 4%. the analyst came out and said by the stock. they take it hot this year. what a terrific time to pay for the stocks. but you've got no taxes to pay. we can't say that the losers know, i think that is wrong. the bottom line there back today with everything going for them. today's winners will be san francisco, i say three words, sold to you. devon in new york, devon? >> mr. kramer thanks for all you do. and thank you for getting me ready for the real world.
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>> you sound like you're very ready and fired up, how can i help you? >> i just have a question, given the growth that they've seen in the past couple of months, will j.p. morgan consider the exceptional growth? >> i have to tell you, you really hit the nail on the head which is that jamie may not want to tell us positive stories, he may be too conservative. let's let the earnings speak for themselves. this company sells 12 times earnings, that is ridiculous. i think the numbers will be good. i don't now if the stock will react to it. today it was astonishing, got pummeled by the subpar performers had a day in the sun. the continuing to dominate the
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file. what has brought the company to this point with the ceo. looking for some text stocks that have potential. i have identified a handful that will be worth watching. i'm going straight to the source, the ceo of crowd strike. stay, win, kramer. >> don't miss a second of mad money, have a question? tweet kramer. or, give us a call at one 800, 743, cnbc. miss something? had to mad money.
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♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪
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♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪ my name is oluseyi ♪ you don't... ♪ and some of my favorite moments throughout my life are watching sports with my dad. now, i work at comcast as part of the team that created our ai highlights technology, which uses ai to detect the major plays in a sports game. giving millions of fans, like my dad and me, new ways of catching up on their favorite sport. norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal...
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that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc? >> how worried should we be about the cosmetic space?
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i suspect they're just dealing with more competition now, what about health? health beauty, back in february the stock still hasn't gotten hit it rebounded and change less than a month later is this another buying opportunity? with the category? with company. the chairman and ceo of health beauty. >> thank you for having me. >> let's start before we get to the comments, today was a very important day. it's something that has made me
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consistent money for a long time, what do they show? number one cosmetic brand for the fifth survey in a row, 38 percent of teens have named your company has their favorite cosmetics brand. 16 points from the previous period, how are you doing this? you are not the biggest, you're not the wealthiest, you are certainly not the most well- known? how does this happen? >> it is the continuation that has driven our entire strategy, marketing engine continues to propel our growth. 38% mind share, the next highest brand is 9% we continue to get stronger. we are also pulling another age cohorts, i feel really great about the progress and how healthy our business is. >> we are picking up consumers, gen x, really across the board.
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it really reflects the strength that we have in delighting and entertaining our community. >> your unbelievable team, they've always had a time where the stock takes an air pocket and there's always people shooting at you and i think it's because people have been betting against you forever as you and i both know and you have just told me, don't pay any attention and that has been the right course of action. >> absolutely. if you look at the last quarter, our business continues to perform exceptionally well in channels and in the quarter. we just past l'oreal paris for the number two ranking of 300 basis points, as good as that is, i am even more encouraged by if you look at our longest national retail customer, target, we've been their number one brand for a while. we accounted for 23% of their entire category sales. continuing to be able to double our share and perhaps even have
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a bigger opportunity in skincare with two of the fastest-growing brands there in international which are also growing extremely fast. >> what i love, i have taken an actual measurement to target shelf, that is extraordinary. you are nowhere near that amount of shelf space. you are clearly crushing it. it brings us to alter the -- ulta's comments. it brought a lot of your companies down. you just mentioned, they've gotten a little bit tougher for ulta. >> we feel great about our partnership with ulta, the beauty category , dave went out of his way to talk about how else is really driving a lot of
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growth for them in the category. it is measured by dollar sales, target, alter, super drug and boots. >> you have seen no softness in your business in this period. >> well, we just finished the quarter a few weeks away. the specific guidance. it has never been stronger. but also skincare, we are one of the fastest growing skincare brands in the u.s. right ow and we have tremendous potential. we are seeing strength across the board, not only national retailers but digital business is up over 100%. national business is up over 100%.
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we continue to execute extremely well and i'm very proud of the team in our ability to continue. >> speaking of digital, you have actually experimented with new ways to reach customers. the applevision pro-, how has that worked and is it something that you think is more than a passing fancy? >> our approach as we are constantly testing and learning, one of the first beauty brands, we have our own channel actually have right now the best brand and experience on roblox. going to be having the first beauty shopping app, we are learning a ton, it just shows what we are capable of doing. >> is it producing or naming purposes? >> it's important for us as an innovator to continue to learn and try new things, it is part
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of that and that's really where we gotten a lot of our success, not dependent on any one platform or anyone way to market, we really look for ways to continue to delight our community. >> the others have seriously not embraced your digital strategy, are you ever afraid that they will wake up one day and say you know what, this guy is in all of these different channels, maybe we have to be like him? >> they can try, we have about a 20 year head start on that. we continue to innovate. it is a real area of strength for us. is really fueled by the foreign half-million loyalty members we have. a really rich source that makes our marketing better, one of the fastest-growing brands on amazon, we have a really broad digital platform and we continue to invest in it
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>> the chairman and ceo of elf beauty. as always, thank you for your help. >> all right, back after the break. >> the sharpest small tops of silicon valley next. (sirens) [due at target in 5!] copy that. make a hard left down the alley.
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>> i keep telling you, i think the second half of this year will be terrific for the small caps. it's what i have spent time to pick potential winners. >> we've been led by the mega caps. the momentum plays, they fly under the radar. the technologies, smart meters for water and electricity.
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a fortune to modernize the electric grid and the water systems. they are ensuring enough power and electricity. >> just a monster beach. and the full year, then the company the investor day, recommending to everybody, they are in the right and markets at the right time. i think it should be a big cap. next, there is box that started as a cloud-based service and productivity tools. box has always marched to the beat of its own drum in the
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software space. it came before the peers a long time ago. even when the enterprise crashed in 2022, they covered in 2023, box pulled back down nearly 18% last year. even if it was a little light, i think they're just being conservative. the long-term double-digit revenue growth with continued market expansion. 17 times, one last thing. i wouldn't be all too surprised if the cofounder decides to cash out and sell to the
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private equity firm. now i bet they are salivating at the chance, if that happens, you heard it here first. they even think is way too young to bring the redshirt. that's what i do, not! this is 122 company, when we went over this i said, you've got to have them in this thing. they make server racks and patching systems. i thought it may be the most boring custody -- company in history. healthcare providers, right now they're currently doing well. the record earnings. in the last few years have been pretty good overall. however, there still coming back, and the guidance in the fourth quarter, the growth goes down 18%.
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that is bad. first we already knew about inventory. second, the comeback story started, they beat the expectations with the fourth quarter results down 18%. it's bad. there also looking for down 23%. a better than expected for your forecast. i say don't let it scare you away from a long-term opportunity. we're going to need tons of network equipment. remember ferguson, but they said last night? we have a record for the old one. i like the whole group. it's so cheap. next up is my favorite. very short quarter, 28%. the guidance for the current
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quarter. the stocks pulled back. >> exactly the kind of overlooked and underappreciated story to work the best in this environment. it makes the big-time ticket and other complex electronics. it's currently valued at 2.8 billion. if you think of it as equipment, that is low. this is among the hottest areas. thanks to government, we are not alone in doing that. similar things are happening all over the world. it also has exposure to less exciting or markets. it gets a much lower price. others in the space, people
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love these stocks. there are sales and earnings growing steadily going forward. when everything comes together for this company, they can make a big move higher. it does have these gigantic moves, more importantly they are contained. you've got to be in it. the old headquarters is about a half-mile from where i grew up. actually, the 18 hour plane ride. the longest plane ride in the world. two. bottom line, there are five more small-cap ideas for you. and i think you probably like these more than you like the
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financials. cables that could work well, i will give you my last batch which i know is going to rock your world. i am chilling, i am chilling. >> i'm hoping you can help a fellow chiller out with some stock advice. before i can fully build it, and has been skyrocketing ever since. what is your take on 11? >> i know this sounds crazy, i don't want you to buy, maybe i don't know what your basis is, maybe you want to sell half to
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lock in some things. this thing is doing so well after a contained period where wasn't. you are early, my friend. congratulations. i want to go to ted in florida. ted. >> i want to talk a little bit about that, it had a tough march, a convertible. and hopefully pushing more products out there. and the responsible for the timeshares. obviously they mainline last quarter, i would say they do it again. i think this could be a start
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of something. >> just so we know, ted, city upgraded, i thought it was terrific. on a say thought it was a great upgrade. i think people are very bruised as you mention and as far as i'm concerned, he came on twice now when things looked tough and i think he has always explained the story correctly. that piece is very positive and i am with you. this one is still going to win. i think the second issue will be a terrific time. i hope this is the kind of boring tech place that could actually work. the exchange, some obstacle. bank of america recommended
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stock. is it too late? or could this have run a more, or could run any further. rapid fire. to stay with kramer. it's payback time. all these years, you've worked hard. you fixed it. you looked after it. maybe it's time for your home to start taking care of you? if you're 62 or older and own your home, a reverse mortgage can put more money in your pocket by eliminating your monthly mortgage payments, paying off higher-interest credit cards, and covering medical costs. you paid down the mortgage, invested in your home. i guess, you could say, your home owes you.
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just eliminating the mortgage payment freed up a lot of cash for us. the fact that we're still in this home, means so much. i get to go do what i want when i want. our customers' homes are taking care of them, maybe, your home could do the same for you. call aag and get your free info kit. call this number.
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>> back on march 20th the cyber safety review board was in the department of homeland security, and the findings were in social security practices.
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that's huge. the spokesperson provided the quality statement, quote, we appreciate the work of the csr be to investigate the impact of wealth resourced nationstate for doctors who cooperate continuously and without meaningful returns. we adopt a new culture of engineering security in our networks. the organizations immune from the research and adversaries, we identify and medicate -- mitigate. our security engineers and helping us protect and repel the cyber armies of our adversaries. we also review the final report for recommendations. this is the first time they've been criticized. one of our favorite cybersecurity players has been willing to speak about cyber security. let's check back into cofounder and ceo to shed more light.
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>> a cyber safety review board incident, is unbecoming. just went over to china and i watched him be interviewed. as soon as she comes back, we will have a reminder, the chinese will immediately be acting, let's say untoward versus to our country and even maybe her department. >> a big part of the chinese playbook. trying to understand u.s. officials, what they're thinking, what they're going to talk about and what their policies are before they actually get to china. it is happened before she got there, is going to happen afterwards. obviously that's why cyber security and safety is top of mind. >> i was very concerned about the review board about a microsoft breach. they say among other things not
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to correct is inaccurate, the statement that microsoft believed and it determined the root cause of the intrusion, i don't need to go on and finish it, but this is obviously a very difficult thing. but i know that the review board was really, anything you think was going to change? >> i think the review board did a fantastic job and it really highlights the value of this with the administration. that being said i think it does highlight the inadequacies that we've seen from microsoft and to your comment about this public information and i talked about this several times with you, just the lack of a transparency. you have to be clear and you have to be honest. before you actually correct it, you have to scratch your head
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and wonder what the reason was. >> anybody could go, microsoft is big so it obviously has a lot of clients. is just a percentage like anybody else in your business. >> from microsoft's perspective, obviously there big and i think that's why we're talking about them. from a risk perspective, they have so much reach. and what was really concerning to me is if they're not being transparent and forthright with the public, what are they doing to their customers and are they putting them at risk? this is one of the most damning things that came out of the report. the cultural change that has to take place in microsoft at the moment. >> if i was a competitor with him i would be saying this is the greatest thing. they are the donor that keeps giving. >> sure, obviously it is a competitive space. at the end of the day, we don't want to see anyone have an issue.
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we're all out there trying to protect customers. a thing microsoft needs to be held to a higher standard, give them the cloud infrastructure and given the deep penetration they have in the government. one of the last times on the show with you, we talked about this. this is going to pose a systemic risk for the government because of the technology and the inadequate architecture. and this is exactly what we're saying in 2024. >> they do believe that microsoft misled them, when i looked in the cyber safety review board i was shocked, frankly. this is just the kind of act we can help. speaking of acts we can help, i am reading the hipaa jenna --
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journal today. there putting out releases? basically they haven't been playing them yet, don't worry? >> i think this is part of what we've seen in the past, there are two pieces to this, if they don't pay the ransom, these adversaries and gangs can ask -- discloses data and embarrass them. you have to disclose a potential breach within four days. i don't know the situation because we are not involved in it. at the end of the day, they are getting smarter and they are going back and there are more persistent and it gets to the point of how important cybersecurity is in stopping the breach is top of mind. >> is this real time? it has emerged and issued a
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ransom demand, as is right now? >> you have one group that gets paid off, another group comes on the line. and that's the thing, in this game even if someone has paid to go away, even if they do that, doesn't mean they are going to come back or they come back to an access broker and they will then use that to create another ansom. >> i want them to pay the records. >> obviously is one of the systemic challenges. the big piece of what we've been successful, being able to stop these attacks and keep our customers safe and it's not an easy task, anyone can have a challenge but the environment continues to change and it gets
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worse and the bad guys are using it. >> is the government doing enough to stop the attacks? >> this is the key thing. they did a good job with it. but they really have to hold these adversaries accountable. it's difficult to go grab people. the day job is to figure out how to get into corporations around the globe. you have to have the ability to stop them and have some level deterrent and that is a harder task than it sounds like. >> i think one day we are all going to wake up, a lot of phone calls i have calls today people in my office listening about people who knew everything about me trying to
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get me to buy some sort of medicare thing, total fraud and people just all, don't worry about it. there are a lot of people were getting fooled. anybody was on medicare and is not that wise may just send all the information that they want and then they will owe money, it's crazy. >> years the hard part now, when we think about deep fakes whether it is audio or video, to actually create a deep they can execute a social engineering scam is going to be one of the easiest tasks you can possibly find. having an interactive conversation, it's only going to get worse. a lot of these attacks are based on social engineering. it's good to have this in place to be able to stop these at the source of the attacks. >> thank you so much for -- at least people can protect themselves better from what you say. i don't know if you are as disturbed about this as i am, but i find everything here
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call the number on your screen. - why don't you call aag... and find out what a reverse mortgage can mean for you? - [announcer] call right now to receive your free no-obligation info kit. call the number on your screen. >> it is time for and then the lightning round is over, are you ready, erica new jersey, erica? >> yes sir. how's it going tonight? >> it could have on the show,
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let's go to work, what you have? >> i just want to give you a great shout out. i'm calling about a medical technology company, a 3.3% dividend yield. what do you think? >> i think that it is a bye, is being undervalued here. i like what they're doing in ai, let's go to brendan in new jersey, brendan? >> yah, hey, i am actually in new york i just saw the eclipse. >> it was pretty wild. i chose not to look at it. what's going on now? >> i'm trying to remember,
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repx. >> i don't understand why it is here, that is good, sebastian in florida, sebastian? >> hi, jim, how are you? >> i'm good how are you? >> good. thanks for everything you do for us. been tracking this stock for a couple of months now. should be doing good giving the current environment with the data centers and microchips and everything going on. but, the last two quarters were disappointed -- disappointing. rasco. >> you're absolutely right, i don't like ferguson which we had on last night.
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let's go to florida. a >> good evening, good evening from storm -- sunny florida. me and my father are a big fan of your show and my father wants to say hello to you. >> hi, how are you, what stock do you got? >> i want to ask about should i buy into -- >> i like clips, i would bye that stock under 20. and that ladies and gentlemen is the conclusion of the lightning round! >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, the copper showstopper? kramer shares a key lesson that could make you money. next.
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>> sometimes the analysts just run out of patience and recommend a stocks of the because it refuses to come in. they are afraid to miss out on something that is probably already happen. that's how i feel about bank of america's recommendations today. don't get me wrong, there is a robust market, the stock has been straight up, a little over a month ago now it is at 51. is at the right time to recommend? when people see these they become fearful of missing out and they get drawn in. so they jump, even this analyst. even though this is copper, not
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tech. copper is a commodity, it can be impacted by the chinese property markets. back in 2022 chinese -- china consumed more than half of the world copper market. that is not the point, my problem is the analysts seem to feel like he couldn't wait any longer for the stock to come down so he gave up and pulled the trigger. that's how it seems to me. i can't think of another reason to make a move like this today. was there an alternative? yes. with this kind of move, you either get an early or don't get in at all, the right thing is to say, we missed it. time to wait for to pull back to a safer level. i know it is tough to resist when you have done all of the research, the stock comes down, you can pounce. sometimes it doesn't stop. today's the day, let's recommend it, let's go. i learned a long time that these don't last.
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sure, this analyst says at the center of the transition, to me this almost feels like a call for a proper supercycle. but i don't care how good it is, you just can't come in on top of such a big move. you have to wait. jason would say to me, if i can her with this stock right here, you idiot, you own it, now you come to me? you missed it! even wait until it comes down or find a better start, i can't get with her today about it, i guess we have all mellowed. it looks like you would be reaching your sub optimal. i know my judgment is brutal but the money magic business is brutal. what are the odds that this is the level to buy if you just shut up from 3751, i think they are slim, not none, but slim. that is the ritual, i wish everyone good luck, at last, i
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was an idiot, almost every time i overrode her, better to wait or admit that you missed it and just move on? i like to say this, right now on last call, nvidia shares did something they did not do in months. oil game changer putting oil markets on edge? and boeing, alleged whistleblower out with allegations. and an audit of california's homeless programs making a discovery that every taxpayer needs to hear. 2024's king maker? the secretiv


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