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tv   Closing Bell  CNBC  May 14, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT

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deception, training it to play in a strategy game where it succeeded by lying to other competitors. >> that is stunning that ai would be able to mislead a little bit. >> also, wall street journal highlights, people using ai to apply for jobs and companies using ai to hire people they are getting nowhere. closing bell starts right now. welcome to closing bell. live from the new york stock exchange. this make or break hour begins with another sticky read on inflation, failing to do much damage if any today. fed share powell speaking in europe. he called today's report mixed instead of hot. it means all eyes now turn to tomorrow morn's cpi for more chews on what the fed might do and when. with all of that as the backdrop today, stocks are not that far from new highs, in fact, we got a little bit of a surming as we come on the air in the final stretch.
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s&p500 is 10 points away from a new closing high. we will ask your experts over the final stretch including that man right there, tom lee. he will join us in just a few. let's look at the scorecard with 60 minutes to go in regulation, a brood day, way more up volume than down. nasdaq, too, 16,508. that would be a new closing high. there is the s&p, we are 9 points away. how about the meme stocks, they are off to the races. gamestop, amc and blackberry. and tech it is outperforming on a day yields are lower. now go up 1% as yields fall and stocks continue to rise. it takes us to the talk of the tape. is it still a bull market about to take its next leg higher? let's ask your panel. now thank you for both of you
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here. become back, everybody. all right, liz here we are, nine or 10 points away. i read here that you say if you take out all-time highs a new pull back begins. i thought it would confirm the fact that we have been able to rally back sharply and set us up for what is ahead. >> let me clarify, when we hit 5200 and cruetsed over i felt like momentum would continue. momentum is still intact. above the 50 day, 100 day, 200 day, taken out all of the levels, 86 retracement levels, we are right there on the all- time high. the high i think it is higher, 52, 63. so, to take that out then i think we struggle there for awhile. i don't see another leg beyond that, that is meaningful unless we get a cool cpi tomorrow and cuts get pulled forward >> is that what this is about right now? again, today's initial read, people say my gosh, hotter than
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expected and then you saw the revisions lower and the fed chair speaking live over in europe would not call it hot. called it mixed. >> yes. a surprise to no one powell said, rates will stay higher for longer. the other thing he said, basically they don't see gdp staying below trend. maybe seeing growth getting stronger. if cpi stays exactly where it is for the second quarter and gdp heats up so we are at 1.6 for the first quarter, hotter again, there is no reason for them to cut. the market has been okay with that so far. so, right now, i don't think there is any reason for the market to pull back in a meaningful fashion. if we surpass those highs without any good news to take us into the next leg upward and without an earning season that will start a new, yet, there is not that much support fundamentally to take it let's say another 5 or 10% beyond
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that in this moment. >> let's debate that, aj, what do you think? >> i would have to agree with liz to a certain extent. getting away with the double dutch. the market thinks we need a drop >> the market believes the next move say cut. >> yes, yes. i believe that is where we are headed from here. as much as maybe we need to have a cut, that we can debate on, as long as we believe the next move say cut is what is next >> to liz's point, say the economy is stronger than that aren't we talking about a soft landing that the cpi is, you know, let's say the cpi tomorrow comes in how we would like it to come in and growth, you know, picks up a little bit. isn't that what a soft landing looks like? >> in a sense. i think that is what we all went, cpi to come in at expectations. it tells us the first quarter of this year was a blip on the
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radar. and, so, as long as we are making it towards the 2% mark if we don't get a cut this year and get it next year. heading in the right direction and the next move is not a hike that is what is important. >> i mean going like, the fed chair, liz e says, a year ago, core was 7. whatever and now it is 2.7. they are sort of dropping all of the messages that they want to cut. they are waiting and don't feel a need to do it now. that is great. why should they do it now. >> it is good because the pause period is good for the market. clammerring for cut that is what gives the market a problem. there is no reason for them to do it now. absolutely we made progress coming down from 7% or 9% cpi it is definitely progress. in my book a soft landing includes getting back to
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target, at least getting closer to target. and, their metric it is not the one that makes the most headlines, we talk about cpi more often. still, even this week it is expected to come in at 3.6%. it is just too high. it is taking a bite. we are seeing consumers change their preferences, trading down again, we have seen this before in this cycle and consumers come back. we are seeing it again. now at a time when you see delinquencies ticking up. the soft landing not looking so soft. >> you will have hot and cold data. it is still hot, 175, it is a bit softer. obviously we start to move into the 100s and on an average bases we need to worry about cooling. what i saw the new york fedex
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pecktations, fed expectations. it was interesting how the labor market cooling. if everything was one-sided we would be talking about recession or inflation. >> i don't think liz is ready to give up the conversation. >> i am not a quitter. >> am i wrong? [ laughter ] >> no, i am not -- am i wrong? >> i am not ready to give up on the idea that inflation is not solved and it could reignite. especially if gdp growth reignites. the growth we saw in the first quarter was welcome print, should have been one to the fed, they have been wanting this below trend growth.
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the idea now they are thinking maybe we go back towards trend is not great for inflation. so, i am not ready to give up on that yet because there is, i think, at this point, a bigger risk in cutting too soon. i don't think they are going to. i think they are going to wait and do it too late if anything. i think there is a bigger risk in cutting too soon. the other thing that is interesting if you look at financial conditions, no matter the metric. a bench of differences that measure it. they are lose again. they are look as they were in '21, '22, the fed are saying they are restrictive. i think they want to be satisfied. the conditions are telling them that we are not. this stock, the reboot is showing up we are not restricted because risk appetite it is still there. >> maybe. hard to draw many conclusions from what is happening there. >> fair. >> i think we learned the
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lesson last time in this whole ordeal. >> let's bring in tom lee. global advisory. tom, good to see you, welcome. is it time to get more bullish or not? >> i think it is time to get bullish. stocks have been consolidating for the last couple of months the conversation ahead is correct. the data has not convinced hawks or doves which way inflation is breaking once we get a data point potentially it is tomorrow, i think that $6 trillion of cash comes off of the sidelines and stocks break out. that is our bet that, you know, may ends up being a strong month for stocks, better than it has been already. >> what is this rally about? why don't you tell me in your own words what this is about. why did we rebound quickly? why are we on the doorstep for a new closing high for the s&p. >> i think the market had a very sort of simple framework in their head. it is, as soon as inflation
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accelerates it switches from dove to hawk. powell has been clear in all of his statements, look, inflation is not just a core headline number. it is not just a services number it is these three moving pieces, housing, auto insurance, and everything else and they are playing a waiting game. we are seeing even in some of the recent articles and powell talked about it talking about auto insurance. once that turns and it -- if you look at ppi insurance rolled over pretty hard. i think it is going to make it clear to markets it is not just a hey, inflation, it is stubborn, it is really inflation is now normalizing, the economy is in good shape and rates are so restrictive the fed needs to cut rates and that is quite good for stocks as look if it is a pause, it is good for stocks, a cut, it is better. >> i was looking at the sector activity today, tom. i mentioned at the top of the program, up volume was way out
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pacing down. even earlier today when it was hard to get much if anything going. it was only one or two sectors that were green. now almost everything is green. you know, tech it is having a great session here. that is now, you know, leading the way. a lot of the names there are green. what are we to make of the new closing high for nasdaq? especially after the rollover that we saw in the month of april in those names. >> i think it is really good news. a lot of folks thought it was a 9th inning market expansion or an extended rally. the rally of meme stocks and the cash on the sidelines shows you, look, there are a lot of legs to this rally. that is why i happening may can not only be strong but stocks can do well into year end. >> liz what do you think? >> i still think that we will struggle at all-time highs, a couple weeks ago at the fed meeting i got near term
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bullish. there was nothing that he came out with and scared us with. actually he seemed confident they were on the right path and the market interpreted that in a positive way. now that we are knocking up against new highs with really no positive data behind it. maybe no big negative data, it is really just the removal of risks. >> isn't that all that matters? get the risks out of the way? >> to have more multiple expansion at rates with rates that are the same level. >> they are not the same level, they come down 25 basis points since the chair spoke at the meeting >> but the fed's fund rate has not come down. restricting active u has in the come down it stayed where it was longer than we expect today to. i think we would need better fundamental news to take us meaningfulingfully higher.
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and things look better. >> i think it will be about this inflation print tomorrow. earnings are driving the ship. 80% of the companies outmake expectations that are 8%. it is good when you look at the 10 year average. but, to liz's point we need to see support from the data if the rally is sustainable. the cool market data helped out a bit and earnings coming through to support that. ultimately it will be sort of like, you know, show me what you got with this tomorrow. is this consistently sticking inflation? is it just an anomaly >> why don't you justify the adjustable that the market is trading at. earnings were good. earnings were better. a lot of the earnings came from the top, right? the bulk of the earnings growth. it is misleading, why, why, do you justify the multiple here? liz has trouble with it. why does it make sense to you? >> well, i mean, a couple
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points to clarify. number one, the median market it is 16 times. so, is that demanding when tenure is 4.5% since 1928? the medium should be closer to 20 times for the s&p. in terms of earnings or the number of companies producing double digit growth it hit 47%. the highest in three years. it means earnings growth is accelerating. that is with three sectors of 20% negative growth. and, in terms of price action. it is mindful when an index or a stock bumping up the new highs, then, layer in a fed, that is not a bearish set up that would be bullish. pulling a lot of money off of the sidelines. to me, the earnings has been good. i think people have been mislead by oil rising, thinking that will cause another wave of inflation. it is not. of course, they are telling us,
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you know, conditions are more risk on than risk off. >> what does it meme stock of this mania part 2? maybe it is part 3 at this point, i can not remember. what does it will us? >> i actually think it is healthy. i think it highlights the segment of retail investors that are learning about the stock market. now, do i think gamestop is a huge buy? i don't have a view on it nor do i have a view on amc. i think speculation is healthy. they are not employing a lot of leverage. stocks have a potential revival coming >> what do you make of this? he says it is good, aj, what do you say? >> no. i happening we are focused on -- i can not speak on a
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company. >> like that? >> good pivot. >> good, i learned that from your class. [ laughter ] >> but, i mean what it signals, forget about the stock. i don't care about the stocks. the signal, here we are in a moment of time again where a photo on social media sends off a frenzy in a pocket of the market that last time this happened made us a little uneasy about what the overall message was. so, what do you get from that? you will have pockets of speculation, money chasing various investments. to keep looking at the long- term investment. i think about, at the end of the day, it is a positive thing we are getting more markets. that say good thing. when we tell our clients, you know, we like, you know, they are going to pick names that
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were not always going to agree with. it is important to make sure that the risk appetite is adjusted appropriately. i think it is a good thing. more market. >> i knew you had something there. i just had to work on it more. >> had to pull it more [ laughter ] >> that was good. >> look. i think . >> you say it is fomo. >> i do, i think it is a little. here is why i think that. i think i am not alone in looking at this recent runoff in the market and say are we getting a little exhausted with it. investors are looking for where else can i find this much upside. we are running out of ideas. there has been so much upside in certain places. and the trade provides us with more ideas, we are still looking for the upside. the positive is, the risk appetite it is still alive. they are not taking the ball and running home. that is a good thing. we want to see buying activity in the market the same risks
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still exist as they did the first time it happened or the second time it happened. in the sense that i mean up 300% in two trading days? that is a lot of volatility that most investors might not be ready for the timing of. we want to be careful not to expose yourself too much to something. i don't think anybody really believes there is a huge fundamental thing. >> no, that is reasonable. it is trading risks. it can all disappear as quickly. >> all right, tom lee, this broadening story, remember you sat with us and said small caps are going to go up 50%. it is not up 3% year to date. rates have held it back. i think we can agree on that. if the rate comes down, it goes up. leading on the week. it had a nice month. but, what about that call and
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where did it go from here? >> i think the fundamental backdrop to out perform it is better today than the start of the year. we have better earnings, median earning's growth. it is about 600 basis points higher than s&p. getting better earnings growth and the pe discounts for turns on median, sorry, closer to 6 turns of a discount. if we are thinking about risk/reward, russell 2,000 will be a better place. as you point out it depends on the market being convinced the market is doveish. once the number of cuts starts to stabilize it is expected or even increases. that is really bullish for small caps. i think it brings money off of the sidelines. i think it is a 50% move. >> you still thinking it is a 50% move. standing by that call. what about the story in general? what we, you know, one month of utilities up 11%.
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we are talking about utilities now. that is we come to. staples up 5%. rallying towards new highs with defensive type things taking us there. is there a message in that, i need to be aware of? >> yeah. utilities move, it checks a couple of boxes. it is rate sensitive. it can be the market telling us that tenure can be lower. could be defensive as you are pointing out. not as good. or ai that you point out, a fact, a huge power shortage. i still think this is all that indecisive data but it is broadening and again, to me, when the s&p is at an all-time high i think investigators should be high and half full in looking at the totality of the information. >> lastly, we are recession highs, we are looking at the nasdaq currently at a new record close. tell me about megacap. are you still as big of a fan of the stocks as you were?
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>> yes. i think that anyone who owns megacaps should put on a 3-year horizon and understand the story arcs, the companies are growing at a time when gdp is at 1%. they will not lose steam in the next couple of quarters. if it is ai, cloud consumption, or social media or millennials, these are long-term stories, that is why they work. these are the best companies globally. they are very, very scarce. >> all right. >> tom, we will leave it there. everybody, appreciate that. i enjoyed that as we watch the market at record highs. aj, we will talk to you soon. liz young, tom lee, i hope we will as well. tom lee will be part of the financial advisory on may 22nd. that is the day that invidia
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reports earnings, remember? now looking at the biggest names not that you are talking about that one but it is one that you cover, connecting all of the dots >> i will cover it on may 22nd. now, newell brands is up. they grew the glue and yankees candle and raised them $8 as demand returns. barclay says wait until the fed cuts interest rates if you want to see the stock rebound big time. shares of onholding are soring, 18% after they reported a first earnings, the net sales grew by 21%. i would say take a look at everyone's feet in new york city and that will tell you. the stock is on track for the best day since march 2023. i have two pairs. >> all right, good for you. christina, thank you. back to you in just a bit. we are just getting
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started. let's get a check on shares for alphabet. the conference n the way out on google. we will bring you up to the latest and alphabet shareholder will break down how she is playing the news and the ai story in general. we are live at the new york stock exchange. you are watching closing bell on cnbc (♪♪) iconic brands speak for themselves. we are so excited to welcome you to our community. today is all about you. (♪♪)
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. let's take a look at the s&p500. closing in on a record high. about 8 points away. we will track it through the final stretch. we mentioned by the way the nasdaq is trading above the closing high. by names like that one on the screen, alphabet up more than 1%. we are there live to at the
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event with the highlights. >> reporter: every product, every service, the biggest headline that matters to our audience, that google search is changing. this week. a new ai experience called ai overview is rolling it out to everyone in america this week and then to other countries by the end of the year. a billion google users will be searching differently. some cases they will get links to websites more the traditional sense of search but many cases they will get chat bot answers. that is a huge shift, there is a question going into io, really for the last couple of months will google be prepared to disrupt itself, kind of. not going all in on gem ni. it was the focus today. a lighter, different version of it for the search product that google will be rolling out. the other thing that came up
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that was really interesting, scott. the idea of an ai agent. talking about open ai demo. less of a chat bot, more of an assistant that can reason, push back, that can tutor you through your math problem. and google announce today through project astra. let me show you part of it. it was really interesting. >> what neighborhood do you think i am in? it appears to the be the king cross area of london. known for the railway station and transportation connections. >> do you remember where you saw my glasses? >> yes. i do. your glasses were on the desk near a red apple. >> there is a bit of a collective gasp and applause when the ai agent remembered where those glasses were. they were shown earlier on in the video and most people watching the video would not have noticed them.
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that is the point here. the ai agent can remember things and can reason. in that sense, scott, moving into a new era. it felt like yesterday's demo from open ai was directly trying to front run this. so, these are the advauntments being made. we will see a different search going forward and the rise of ai agents. we will be talking to the senator in about an hour from now. we will get lots more from him. >> look forward to that interview, thanks. >> out in mountain view. for more, let's bring in the owner of alphabet. do you want to give us a review of some of the things that you saw today and what you think it means for you as a shareholder. that was a cool demonstrations that dee showed news what google showed today is there is a race for a personal ark sift ant. we talked about ai in the enterprise. we talked about ai as a cloud service. now we are entering the relm of ai used for the consumer.
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open ai yesterday, and google, with their personal assistance today. whatever apple is going to do. collaborating with open ai it will be interesting. i think one of the things that came out of it is that search is going to change. search will change dramatically. and, the question is, will google be able to get the same share in this new paradigm. >> that is the beginning, middle and end of where the importance lies for this story, correct? are you comfortable in their position that they can? and if they, can they afford to lose any bit of search market share? >> i think any kind of change in a search market share for them may be a nying. it will be perceived as a negative. how much share do they lose. because, it is definitively going to change. and, so, look, the good thing about what we saw today is google is in the game. they woken up, they are in the
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game. you can not write them off. in are still questions about the search market. >> the stocks are doing well >> it has done well >> it has done really, really well over the last year. better than microsoft. i keep saying that like a broken record. i think if is worth repeating because the general narrative and market story would have you believe otherwise. >> i think it came from a different multiple. going sell more volatile than microsoft, coming a risk on, risk off of the search. the risk, maybe not. and versus microsoft. it has been a steadier kind of return or compounder. relative to goggle. >> let's talk about the market. we talked about a nice move here over the final stretch. we are not that far away from a new all-time high. near a closing high. what do you make back of the snap back on this april
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sellout. off. >> i think the beginning of the year it was goldilocks story. consumer was great, gdp was good, growth good, into an environment where now that the fed is saying higher for longer as they should in that kind of environment, bad news is good news. so as we got the jobs report, you know, that was considered good. and, you know, because maybe the fed basically backs off on their stance. it is an interesting kind of win/win scenario in this moment in time where you know, bad news is good news but if the news is better than the earnings go up, that is good. good for the market. >> we are, we hit highs. >> we are right there >> right, what happens next? >> are we, where do rate cuts
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factor into highway far this how far this market can go? you have an election and everything else. >> i think what it sets up to be, even gets to new highs it will be choppier from there until we have at least a little bit of a view into, you know, the next administration, the rate cuts, the landing in the economy. i don't think anyone is predicting a recession at this point. does it come back on the table if rates stay at these levels for the entire year? so, just sets up for a choppy economy or not. >> do you look overseas for opportunity? is that finally the moment? how would i view that? >> yes, so, i think the overseas market in there rally. >> europe. >> yes. they are as they start to
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loosen their, you know, their policy it is attracting money where we are having a hard line on our policy. so, do we look over seas? we do. we have several different companies in our portfolio. they are relatively all ai related. in the portfolio. yeah, we think there are many opportunities. and looking around and across europe and various places. it is over 7% of the kinds that i am looking at. euro stock 50, so, those markets have done well. i had a gentleman sitting here before you came onset who thinkses there are good opportunities in europe. >> i don't think it is one or the other. we are u.s. domestic equities looking for opportunity overseas, a lot of our
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multinational companies have exposure to europe. google, meta, amazon, 30, 40% exposure to revenue in europe. including microsoft. so, we have the exposure to the european economies. these are our multinationals. >> of the sectors that have done the best here over the last month. >> utilities, financials, staples. which do you like the pest and why? you have to pick one of the three. >> yeah. >> one of the three. yes. utilities. >> i think there is a shift in the market in part because of the demand draw on electricity that will be needed to run the data centers. we never seen this kind of growth in electricity probably in like three decades. you look at where they need to go in order to actually provide that electricity. and it needs to go up.
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and, utility if you look at the forward power curves for utilities they are headed up. so, you know, it is actually a really interesting different time for utilities. i don't think they understand what is going on. they are not used to growing. >> they do now. everybody is talking about it. >> perhaps. >> that seems to be the most, you know, bullish thought on these stocks is because of ai. i know falling yields helped, too. maybe it is a perfect scenario for these kinds of stocks to work. but it is interesting to me when you see utilities and you see staples doing so well. in a strong full market. maybe because they underperformed for awhile. they ere the cheapest stocks on the market >> in part, i think that is one reason. i think you need to separate
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the staples, rallying because of that. and financials, maybe because bad news is good news >> all roads lead to that. >> yes. thanks, don't miss an interview, dee told but it, alphabet ceo on overtime today. 4:30 p.m. eastern. up next, the return of meme mania. we will tell you about it again, gamestock, amc, blackberry others are on the move. look at those gains. we have new research on who is going to do the buying, all retail? maybe not so fast. ckosing bell is coming right ba when it comes to investing, we live in uncertain times. some assets can evaporate at the click of a button.
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. another day another look at meme stocks if we can pinpoint it. >> hard to say. this was all sparked by the keith gill, you might tharm name aka roaring kitty v. not heard from him since the game stock saga. back on line and traders took his tweets as a signal to buy. addressing today who is doing the buying? retail investors were responsible for 7% of the game stock turnover and 10% for amc. game stop has seen more than 15.8 million inflows from retail but nowhere near the peak back in 2021 that were topping 87 million a day.
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it signals risk-taking scott. many approaching this type of trading as a joke. a way to jump in on the social media bandwagon, hedge funds tends to monitor social media sentiment and get in. but pro-traders are hedged. name hedged funds, many of these in prior cycles were low to sell, diamond hands, amc mentioned rallying today, blackperry, tupperware, all of them are household names with shortened financial. >> appreciate that. speaking of meme stock. the new stocks getting the most buzz on the message boards for the names and the full story. go to cnbc. up next, we are tracking the biggest movies in the close back to christina who has that for us. scott, seeing a divergence
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in stocks, and is sony looking at paramount? details, next the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai...
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. we are less than 15 from the closing bell. back to christina with the stocks she is watching. what do you see? >> chinaa two powerhouses.
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reporting 62% surge in earnings and the rival plunging 86% year over year after a break down for lawsuits in the publicly traded holdings. speaking of a profit. sony reported a 7% year to year drop in 2023 profits dragged down by of a decline in financial division, they missed the forecast for unit sales of playstation 5. shares are up at 6%. it owns sony pictures and separately cnbc reported today that sony pictures is quote rethinking its bid for paramount after sony's stock price dropped in the last week, two weeks and the continued deterioration was what david calls the cable environment. shares are down 5% on the news, scott? >> thank you. still to come, oracle why that company could be the next new ai play. that is just ahead.
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. we near the market zone. breaking down the crucial moments of the trading day and why oracle could be the next ai beneficiary. mike, i begin with you, from ho- hum to melting point. >> i am wondering if it could be a clearing event. it seems that the arket maybe just does not want to go against that possibility the other piece of it, the fed chair and the bond market are going to be tolerant of imperfect wholesale inflation numbers, it seeps like maybe we derisked it a little bit. who knows, i don't think the market is sniffing it out. you have to know how they were
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going to absorb it and all of the rest of it. i do think it is a bull market the rally that is, you know, going on for three weeks has been brood enough. there is enough else going on that we don't feel it necessarily hinging all on cpi tomorrow. but, obviously standing to be proven wrong. >> all right. >> steve, oracle that could be the next ai play we are told? >> yes. seeing shares pop. that is because elon musk is talking to oracle about a $10 billion deal to run that on the cloud. the information notes it say single source story. who knows. but, they note that this would be a multiyear contract that they would do. paid out one year, 10 years,
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however many. take that into account. and it is unclear how much cash this company has. the revenue generated. raising up to $6 billion. and the equity to two backers of the company. they will need the cash if they want to start competing and open ai yesterday, they are behind of those capabilities, scott? >> all right, steve, thank you very much, quickly on alternative energy stock. watching the s&p hitting a record igh. >> the stocks were jumping today as biden administration doubled the tariffs, some names are getting caught up in the rally. including sun power. up 60%. trading more than 28 times, 30- day average volume after a big move yesterday as well. 82% of it is sold short, only 25% of the company shares are available to the public.
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and the space, plug power, surging after announcing a 1.66 billion conditional loan. and this was a long time coming. the company was burning through cash. for this funding a big concern it is debated. still up 20% with the name short. that gives us 2 minutes to go. don't know if we will get there today. mike. we are five points away on the s&p. nasdaq will get the closing record high >> we have it. the russell, here, too, the meme stock. in part, largely random and sort of a social stampede. it does tend to be bull market acting like bull market. speculation stuff around the edges, in general, i guess the market having gone too far too fast into the end of the first quarter. all it needed to do is slow down and back off right now. i continue to say that i don't
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think we have the super flush. we say we will launch to make new highs from here. the market is not as expensive as it was. last time we were at it. earnings higher, all of that works together, credit fined and the ceo so far managing to hold that retreat we got. >> look, we have been on the case that the eternals looked good. i am looking at volume today. it is going down, 6-1. >> gamestock and amc trade on the stock exchange, 700 million shares between them. >> wow. >> there are twice as many individual stocks higher than lower today. that is a composite number. not necessarily the ones on the floor. the point is, a brood rally, financial, banks are up month to date. we are not even halfway through the plont. all of these things suggest that there is a firmer tone to things even if it is not leadership. even if it is not specifically
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the highest risk highest momentum stocks, enough things are together >> let's see if it is confirmed in the morning. [ bell ringing ] >> we will have to wait until then. there is the bell. don't forget, in this hour, coming up an interview. . record setting day for the nasdaq closed at highest level ever. s&p500, 7 points record of a high of its own. the action is just getting started. welcome to closing bale overtime. >> we have got a big show coming your way. alphabet's ceo is going to join us exclusively. following the conference. we will hear about his strategy and how the company will stand out from the cwd


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