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tv   Worldwide Exchange  CNBC  June 12, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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. it is 5:00 a.m. at cnbc global headquarters. i'm frank holland. here's your "five@5." double trouble. investors brace for the latest read on consumer prices before the open. futures, they are inching higher ahead of that report. then it's all about jay powell and the fed with the latest rate decision and policy forecast. we ask gina smiley of "the new york times" what she wants to finding out when she speaks with powell later today. apple closes in on microsoft to become the largest u.s. listed company after a historic
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stock pop yesterday. plus, just hours after threatening a ban, open iowa enabled iphones within any of its companies, elon musk takes a legal setback. >> and oracle joins the ai trade. it's wednesday, june 12th, 2024. you're watching "worldwide exchange" right here on cnbc. ♪ good morning and welcome to "worldwide exchange." thank you so much for being here with us. let's get you ready for the trading stday ahead. the nasdaq and s&p sitting once again at all-time highs. futures solidly green across the board. it looks like the dow would open up just about 20 points higher. the latest push in the markets thanks in big part to who else, apple, off its second day pop and biggest jump since september.
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look at this big move, just about 5%. we'll continue to watch throughout the morning. we'll talk much more about apple and the stock populater. first it's about oracle. take a look right here. we're going to show you the list right here. up at the top, amphenol, shares up. oracle up nearly 9%. we'll talk about what analysts and investors are seeing in this stock coming up later in the hour. first let's check out the bond market. the fed decision later this afternoon, we're seeing bond yields ease back just a bit from the levels we've seen in recent days. about four or five basis points. we want to go to europe and see
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how the trading day is shaping up. silvia amaro has more. always good to see you. >> at this stage what we're seeing is a rebound in european equities, this also in the context of a drop in eurozone bond yields, but let me show you the main ones at this stage. we're seeing the ftse 100 moving up by 0.7. this is despite the gdp pr earlier this morning showing know growth in the month of april. we also heard from the prime minister unveiling 17 pounds in terms of tax cuts as we approach the election in uralearly july. the rebound is up 0.2%. jeffries is suggesting some parts of the french market is a good opportunity. with that in mind, let me take you to the sectors. one of the sectors that's
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suffered the most in the wake of a snap election call in france was the banking sector. at this moment, however, we are seeing baenking shares in europe up by about 1.1%. they are the best performer at this stage. however, on the downside. look at it. it's down 1.3%. the block is expected to unveil new tariffs on chinese evs, and that could have issues on different names including the luxury sector in case we see chinese sectors retaliating. >> the ev competition has been a big issue since you and i were anchoring back there in london. thank you very much. investors are preparing for
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a juggle feature. the two have only coincided 13 times since 2008 and they've generally led to positive session across the board. let's discuss. great to have you in the studio. hifrts tells us we're probably going to have a positive day for the markets, but there's a lot going on. i don't know if this is quite comparable. what are you expecting from cpi? how do you see cpi impacting the markets up until at least the fed decision and jay powell comments? >> i believe it will see a positive trend. unemployment is down. economy is doing well. inflation is down significantly from its peak. as long as those factors are intact, whether we get rate cuts now or early next year, it doesn't matter.
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as long as we get rate cuts, we believe the market will go up. >> we're going to show the top three stocks in the s&p. what do you do? do you trim all three? is there a certain strategy? it would be kind of hard to trim apple, wouldn't it? >> absolutely right. we love these stocks. if you look at tesla, it had a monster rally up until 2021. since then it's down 50%. it's important to trim those stocks and spread out the money in areas of the market that will benefit from interest rates going down. that will benefit -- >> wait, to be clear, i don't want to cut you off, you're going to trim these stocks. these stocks are powers the markets, but you're saying the investors should take some of the stocks off the table. >> typically we don't like to see more than 5% in any individual stock. so taking some money off the table, doing some profit taking,
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nothing wrong with that. added to areas that will benefit higher for longer. >> by the way, you're the only person that's come on the show in my memory that said you're not into small caps. almost everybody says go all the way in on small caps. you do like your utilities. we've had pippa stevens talking about it. utility sector up 10% over year to date. aren't the prices gathered in? you have this increased need for energy. what's going to push utilities higher? they're elle rate sense tirch. >> they were the worst performing sector last year. for the past three months, they've been the best. artificial intelligence consumes a huge amount of electricity, and a lot of these companies are grade-paying as well.
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when we get the rate cuts, there will be more gravitating that way. >> to you see dividends becoming more in vogue in general? >> generally, yes. that sector has been underperforming, but when we get rate cuts, the northeasterly 6 trillion sitting in money market funds, they're going to have to go somewhere. >> looking at high dividend paying company, names like altria, at&t, verizon, do you put the mocompany in the stock? >> i think we look at good companies that have solid growth and pay a good dividend. a company we have is mcdonald's. great company, great dividends. has been increasing dividends year after year. >> you know n this environment, what's a good divd?
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what counts as a good one? >> i would say on the order of 2% would be good as long as the company is doing good, having a diversified exposure. ultimately those dividend companies will start to pick up. >> great to see you here. for more on what's driving the markets on the trading day ahead head over to for exclusive insides and analysis. we have a lot more to come on "worldwide exchange" including the one word investors have to know today. first, tracking the apple sentiment shift and what number jim cramer says is buying action in the stop. shari redstone scraps talks with skydance. >> and later elon musk backtracking with his former partner sam altman. we have a very busy day ahead when we return. stay with us. (laughter) at 88 years old,
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we still see the world with the wonder of new eyes, helping you discover untapped possibilities and relentlessly working with you to make them real. old school grit. new world ideas. morgan stanley. is it me... or is work not working? at least, not the way it could work. your people are buried in busy work. and you might be thinking... can ai make it all work? it can. on the servicenow platform, ai transforms your entire business. because when your people work better, everything works better. so, let's get to work. idris elba works here? mm-hmm. ya, he's super nice.
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a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business —our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile.
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and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today! welcome back to "worldwide exchange." let's get a check on some of the top corporate stories. silvana henao is here with those. shares of paramount global are slipping ahead of the open after closing down 8% yesterday, and this is after majority owner national amusements has ended talks with skydance media on a possible merger with hollywood studio. it's been over concerns of the mounting debt lode and declining television business.
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earlier reports said they had agreed to terms of a deal that depended on the sign-off from controlling shareholder shari redstone. it only notes the two sides haven't been able to reach mutually acceptable terms. the u.s. government is planning to announce wider sanctions today on the sale of semiconductors and other goods to russia. multiple reports says the goal is to target third-party sellers in china. sources say the biden administration will expand existing export controls to include u.s. branded goods and identify some groups , and hong kong, it says, are shipping shares to moscow. nelson peltz confirmed it's
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bit alarmer company in terms of terminix and is now a top ten spokesperson. a spokesperson for trian says they're, looking at ways. >> just thinking about elliott management and southwest as well. a lot going on. >> and it's only june. >> silvana, thank you very much. we're going to see you later in the show. now, we're going to turn to our other top market story. apple, just a monster day yesterday. surging more than 7% on the day, also closing in on microsoft to reclaim the title of the largest listed u.s. company for the first time since the start of this year. so apple's record-breaking move, it was the largest on record for the company and the third largest for u.s. history equating to the entire market value of walt disney, adobe, verizon, or cisco. it's huge. coming one day after lacka a
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lackluster day. they called it a napster to itunes moment. joining us now is sara kunz. good to see you. good morning. >> good to see you. >> it's always great to have you here for things like this. just to the announcements, i think the big question is do you think this is -- these announcements, are these going to leeds to a respark of the upgrade cycle to iphones? >> is it going to lead more people to go out and buy more iphones? >> i don't think we're going to see a rush to buy more i phones. the reality is apple was already doing this ai stuff. it's a separate app for something that has been baked into apple for quite a while.
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a the -- the reality is in terming of what you need from a device at this point, that's not a bad authentic. apple's been doing ai and now they just really want to make sure that you know they're doing ai. >> okay. fair enough. i want to talk to you about the stock moves now. jim cramer of "mad money," he talked a little bit about what he thought was the initial selloff. take a listen. i want to get your reaction. >> was yesterday's reaction not convention but rapidity at work? i think so. the whole time it was one. -- one gigantic matter, will i have to upgrade. >> the initial selloff and the rally yesterday, what do you think happened? it's such a big reversal for a
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company. why the selloff the first day in your mind? was it algorithm or unconventional stupidity as cramer would say? what led to the reality? >> the reality is it was up over 7% on the day, but 14% over the year. the reality is they've had this insane run over the last five years and now they've settled into the smaller range. it's basically what we expected, i think, in terms of, yep, apple does ai, and it's not going to challenge anything massively about the devices. i think people bought the dip on that. i also think you can't overlight the ai with apple. they're not going to be using the rival google's gemini ai.
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i think that also sent a message to the market especially since sam altman, ceo at openai, is rumored to be building a device company with apple alum jony ive. maybe open iowa isn't the threat we thought it could be on the device and on the ai front. there was a huge bump because of that in part. >> i want to keep talking about the openai thread. let's talk about apple's partnership with openai. elon musk is withdrawing his lawsuit with the company including sam altman, the move coming the same day that he called it, quote, unquote, creepy spyware. what do you make of this that he withdrew his lawsuit? >> i mean, who knows why elon
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does anything. he must have to keep sorts of a leaderboard in the house of everybody he's suing and not suing at a given time. the reality is he's reactive. we know he doesn't like sam. there's a lawsuit there. we know he's trying to push his ai and he's trying to push xai and all of these different things. that might be a message to the wider market, hey, don't tie up exclusively with ai until my company is ready or i'm going to throw a fit. the problem is he throws a lots of fits. like a naughty toddler, you just learn to tune it out. i don't know if anybody is going to really care about this. i don't know if it's realistic to say to thousands of employees across tesla and spacex and all of these companies you can't have an iphone anymore, even
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your own personal deviation to bring into the office. he's taking notes from cpp. >> a lot of developments coming up. coming up on "worldwide exchange," the stock surge gets a more with oracle. we're back right after this. i promise to put your long-term financial well-being above any short term transaction. everyone has a big picture. my job is to help you invest in yours. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors who are passionately dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals. visit glp-1 drugs used in weight loss treatments are a global blockbuster, even with unliked and inconvenient injections. more human study results for lexarias patented oral delivery technology are coming soon.
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lexaria bioscience.
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did you ever worry we wouldn't get to enjoy this? [jeff laughs maniacally] (inner monologue) seriously, i'm on the green and all i can think about is all the green i'm spending on 3 kids in college. with empower, i get all of my financial questions answered. so i don't have to worry. empower. what's next. welcome back to "worldwide
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exchange." as president biden looks at the ai summit, one of his top priorities will be boosting support for ukraine. in addition to the $175 million doled out by the biden administration, they'll look at aon. they'll give $300 million. $50 million will go toward war risk insurance. the remaining 300 million is for health care and agricultural industries. it comes one day after they said they would support them with $644 million in funds if. joining me now is eric anderson. good morning. good to have you here. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> thanks for joining us. talk about you your $350 million commitment. why make this commitment now
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when the conflict is still going on and the outcome is uncertain? >> we've been finding along the way there's a significant need for political war cover for people to make investments especially around energy, health care, small businesses, and then so partnering with the dfc and a local ukrainian insurer, we've been alk to get new cal tap into the country to provide insurance during conflict time, butlet matly to set up for peace time. >> really the goal is to get this all sets up for the eventual end of the war and recovery. >> that's right. but there's activity going on right now in parts of the country where certainly the need to rebuild, whether it's the energy restructure is immediate now. being supportive of that kma is one of our major goals. >> if you want to increase investments, clearly that's the
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overarching goal. what capital do you see making commitments? >> the focus will be on the energy sector, especially around renewable, around health care, agriculturing and then sort of this broad category of small business that are in need of war coverage in order to draw investment into those sectors. >> i'm sure shareholders will probably ask the same question. what happens to all this investment if russia wins the war? >> well, listen, i think part of the play now is to try and get the client need taken care of immediately, and to do that, we ultimately need it to create a public/private partnership where this mechanism that was announced today was a risk share between the dfc and the local insurance community as ukraine continues to fight the war. they actually need economic growth in order to make their economy stronger so they could be more successful on the battlefield. >> eric anderson if there aon,
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thanks for being here. we'll have to check back with you sometime in the future and see how this is all going. >> thanks for having me. >> thank you. coming up on "worldwide exchange," getting you ready for a wall street double feature and we want to hear from jay powell. if you missed us, check us out on podcast on spotify or any podcast apps. more "worldwide exchange" coming up after this. ♪ ♪ the biggest ideas inspire new ones. 30 years ago, state street created an etf that inspired the world to invest differently. it still does. what can you do with spy? ♪ ♪ [thunder rumbles] ♪ ♪ glp-1 drugs used in weight loss treatments are a global blockbuster, even with unliked and inconvenient injections.
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it's just before 5:30. here's what's still on deck. decision day. investors are anxiously awaiting on whether the central bank may make a move later this year. the fed decision, as if that wasn't enough, fwed is preparing for the latest move and the nasdaq once again climbing to new highs. oracle shares taking off despite a double earnings miss, investing in cloud and ai deals with two fellow tech-heavyweights. it's june 112, 2024. you with watching "worldwide exchange" right here on cnbc. welcome back to "worldwide exchange." i'm frank holland.
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we're going to pick up the stock futures with the s&p and nasdaq once again sitting high. the dow a bit off of its highs earlier, but still all three major indices solidly in the green as least when it comes to futures. we're talking about the fresh records. it came largely in part to p ale, coming off a 7% pop, its biggest one-day jump since all the way back in november of 2022 yesterday, right now lower in the premarket. we'll continue to watch the moves on apple, up 4.5% week to date. this morning, shares of apple popping despite the top and bottom shares of earnings. shares are up just about 9% right now. moving on to our top story, as wall street braces if what we're calling a wednesday double whammy. the report due out at 8:30 eastern time. inflation shows a slight easing from a month ago with core
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inflation remaining suborn. the data coming on the heels of last week's strong unemployment report and out aihead of a soli day. joining me now with a preview of what to expect is gina smiley, federal reporter with "the new york times." also great to have you on a day like this. gina, a huge day today. a lot of anticipation about what jay powell is going to say. the last time we got one of the fed's projections, often caughts the dot plot, that was back in march pg what do you expect of the dot plot this time around? do you expect that to still be the outlook? >> yeah, i think we are clearly expected that the dot plot could move down this time. it doesn't take a lot. you only have to have one
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official mark down for rate cuts. i think it's possible you can see one rate cut. the question is do officials see such a drastic change that enables that to happen? the most likely outcome is to shift to that two rate cut by the end of the year move. >> today we get cpi before the decision and before the jay powell news conference. on wall street, we seem to be reacting to every cough and spit, jots, gdp. how dependent are we on it? >> i would say it's really important. they would like to say they don't care about one number, but if you get a cooling with the cpi, what the fed will take away from that, we came in this year thinking inflation was cooling. it remains intact the first three months of the year.
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it wasn't emblematic of any big problems. things are happening as we had hoped. but if you get a hot cpi, you have not got quite a strain. a faster than expected consumer price index report and you have to take that very seriously. it's sort of a pivot cpi. it's worth noting it will have the opportunity to update. so they have up until mid morning this morning to change their forecast. so the take we get from them will be a live one. lit will be updated at that time. >> that's really interesting. you put more anticipation on the report. i want to talk about quantitative tightening. about a decade ago, ben bernanke led to the taper tantrum that led to a big spike in bond yields. in this case, wouldn't that be
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doing the fed's job for you if it went up? >> they're sort of tiptoeing away from quantitative tightening. they're slowing down for mechanical reasons, but they're also quite worried they don't want bond yields to spike up in an unruly way. the taper tantrum was pretty unplanned and unpleasant event for them and they saw back in 2019 the last time they did this, the last time they slowed -- rolled off their balance sheet, shrunk it, they saw they went a little bit too far and it led to serious ruptures and financial markets that require them to move back in and buy new bonds. i think that was not ideal. they're trying to do that this time. >> unruly and bond yields, i don't think those have ever been put in a sentence. so you're going to be in a room and talk to jay powell.
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what's the one question you want to ask him and have him actually answer? >> i would love to know if they're worried about what would happen with financial markets if they keep interest rates level through the end of the year. ite clears will i become a risk. they're not going to to make any rate cuts. they're knot pnot going to snea any. are there porkts of financial markets that aren't prepared to deal with that world of much higher rates for much longer? we're already seeing stress in commercial real estate. i would be concerning what vulnerabilities they're looking at as they move on this path forward. >> thank you. your new piece is line on if you want to read it. we appreciate having you on days like this. coming up on "worldwide exchange," investors hitting the brakes on evs.
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tey're set to deal on the back ofhe biden administration tariffs. yields down 8.5%. we'll be right back on "worldwide exchange." accelerate growth, predict trends, you need to begin with trust. introducing watsonx governance. helping you govern any ai, as data, models, and policies change, so you can scale it responsibly. let's create ai that begins with trust, with watsonx governance. ibm. let's create.
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welcome ba to "worldwide exchange." ev stocks under pressure as they present their tariff plan for chinese made electric vehicles as soon as this week.
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they plan to raise the tariffs from 25 to 100% last month. also in china, consumer prices rising slower, hovering above zero for the fourth straight month. factory orders dropping for the 20th month in a row. china has struggled to stimulate spending in the last few years due to weakness in its real estate and job markets. and uk gdp remains unchanged. poor weather conditions hitting the services and construction sectors as the uk comes off its rainiest month in more than a decade. they have scaled back significantly. turning to cybersecurity, amazon's web services unit announcing it's launching an infrastructure region next year due to high demand for cloud computing services in the asia-pacific regions. this coming after they held
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their meeting yesterday focused on cybersecurity. aws is the leader and amazon is the kbloebl leader in e-commerce. i spoke with the security officer steve schmidt. he told me amazon doesn't believe in a single solution approach, also highlighted the use of wiz, a company that recently announced an ipo. >> i think it depends a lot on what the business is and what the implementations are. when a market says they do everything, i look a little skeptically at it. instead i focus on my specific workloads, specific use cases. does the vendor have the tools and capabilities i need as a customer? we particularly like the work that wiz is doing. they understand how cloud structure computing is used.
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you see that in a bunch of other places as well. >> amazon signed a pledge. i also asked schmidt how that impacts the chips and the data centers? >> it depends on what the customer chooses. we have several different hundred skews for server types within the company that we offer to customers, and as a result, some have nvidia chips, aw schips. each chip has a level of security you have to have in order to secure the stack from top to bottom, and when you get up to the top for the inference workload and the ml training model workloads, you look. they're the ones that we use to deploy to customers who want very cost effective high performance training and inference for their generative ai models. >> for more, go to the worldwide skpinch page on coming up here on,
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the one world everyone needs to see, why our next guest is upping his price target on the stock. we'll be right back after the break. oracle shares up 8.5%. your people are buried in busy work. and you might be thinking... can ai make it all work? it can. on the servicenow platform, ai transforms your entire business. your people work better, your customers are happier, and todd... well... he's practically euphoric. practically. so, let's get to work. (♪♪)
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exchange." returning back to one of your big "money movers," that's oracle, shares up. you're seeing this move to the
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youts side on the back of earnings even though the results were missed estimates on the top and bottom lines, however, they did offer top peak guidance for the rest of the year. oracle is teaming up with alphabet's google cloud allowed customers to combine it with cloud separately. they're partnering with microsoft and openai to deliver supplemental ai to help train ai models. for more let's bring in angelo zino. good morning. good to see you. >> thanks for having me, frank. thank you. >> angelo, u you've got to tell me. you raised it on the back of a miss. how often have you done that, and what got you so excited? >> you're absolutely right. the quarter itself wasn't
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anything stellar in nature. i would say as far as the august quarter guide they provided, nothing that impressive in terms of the topline growth. what was impressive yet again was kind of the rpo growth of about 44% remaining performance obligations, and that's a great indicator of kind of the strength they're building in terms of their backlog and the visibility you're going to have past that august quarter. as we look out through the rest of the next fiscal year and calendar year 2025, we're looking for topline growth to now accelerate to double-digit growth. that's clearly a positive catalyst for the stocks and improved visibility is what's getting investors excited about the better growth trajectory there. some of the partnerships that were announced, specifically the
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openai deal continues to build on the infrastructure traction that we're seeing. that is a business that's doubled in the last seven quarters. only 14% of their sales, but now you have line of sight where that business is going to grow north of fiscal year 2025. i have a lots to look at that's more positive in nature. >> i want to be clear. what you were excited about is the performance obligation. a lot of people see that as a pipeline of business coming in. that came in before these announcements. do you think the announce aboutmentes are only going to increase the demand and pipeline or is it the top of the cherry on the cake amid the performance being so strong? >> listen. i think we continue to see the momentum. as far as the ai deals, they
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poimtsed to 30 contracts worth north of $12.5 billion. so what was really great about oracle, they've got a great relationship with nvidia. right now it's about building that capacity. it's all about having access to the nextgen chips, specifically blackwell as they launch in the second half of the year. we think oracle will have that capacity to kind of cater to more of the enterprise space out there. so it's not necessarily the tier 1 cloud companies that are benefiting it, the number four player out in oracle here. we're going to see that traction build through 2025. >> you're hitting on something i was talking about earlier. oracle is number four technically, but it's a disstajt number four. in fairness, it's a distant number 3. what's exciting about the google cloud in particular in your mind. that was a bit of a head scratcher. i read that people were excited about that in particular.
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>> yeah, as far as the google partnership is concerned, again, it kind of leverages their technology and kind of increases their credibility, i think across kind of the cloud ecosystem out there, but it allows them to kind of essentially, you know, cross-collaborate some of their technology with some of the cloud players out there. they've now got a similar deal out there with microsoft and alphabet. we'll see if they've got an announcement in the future. that is, again, a potential catalyst we'll see on the horizon as well. >> angelo zino, thank you. coming up on "worldwide exchange," a double whammy and a fed rate decision. we're going to tee up the moves you need to make in a critical trading day ahead. also cnbc is celebrating bride month. as we head to break, here's
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google's vice president of markets, adrienne hayes. >> as a gay woman i had to break out of the gay ceiling but also the gay glass ceiling. you bring rsctpepeive and opinions that can't be replicated by anyone else. o you. as a fiduciary, i promise to put your interests first, always. i promise that our relationship will go well beyond just investment decisions. it's the intersection of your money and your life where we can make the biggest difference. [announcer] charles schwab is proud to support the independent financial advisors who are passionately dedicated to helping people achieve their financial goals. visit wall street forecasts over $100 billion in sales for weight loss drugs known as glp-1.
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even with unliked and inconvenient injections, dehydratech processing of a glp-1 drug demonstrated improved blood sugar reduction and reduced side effects. more human study results for lexarias patented oral delivery technology are coming soon. lexaria bioscience, transforming the future of glp-1 drug delivery. a slow network is no network for business. that's why more choose comcast business. and now, we're introducing ultimate speed for business
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—our fastest plans yet. we're up to 12 times faster than verizon, at&t, and t-mobile. and existing customers could even get up to triple the speeds... at no additional cost. it's ultimate speed for ultimate business. don't miss out on our fastest speed plans yet! switch to comcast business and get started for $49.99 a month. plus, ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. call today!
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withing back to "worldwide exchange." time now for your w.e.x. wrap-up. paramount global is slipping. majority owner national amusements says it's ending talks with skydance media on a possible merger with hollywood studio. the u.s. government is planning on widening its sanctions. multiple reports, the goal is to target third-party sellers in china and to circumvent things going on in ukraine. nelson peltz says they've added a large company in terminix. shares are up 12% right now. game stock has announced it
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raises $2 billion in share sales. and the employees retirement system in rhode island is suing elon musk. the group adding it wants muffing to return all unlawful products. china's ev stocks under pressure as the eu revises its tariff plan. it comes after the u.s. raised tariffs from 25% to 100% last month. here's what to watch today before the bell. the weekly cpi report. weal get earnings from broadcom and dave's and buster's, and then the big one. the policy fed decision at 2:00 p.m. eastern knolled by jay powell's press conference. you can watch that here on cnbc.
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the nasdaq and s&p coming off a high. the dow would open 30 points higher. also watching apple after yesterday's massiver stock surge closing in on microsoft for the most value lifted companies. joining me now is brian van con cray, senior portfolio manager of global investments. good morning. it's great to have you here. >> thank you. >> how are things shaping up? close to the close we have the fed decision, the jay powell news conference. what is the word you see summing up the action today? >> we're going to get one more data point on the inflation path, but at the end of the day, it's one more data point. the fed is looking at a consistent path. we're not going to get that
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today. my expectation is that the fed will push to the right, raise the expectations, but in the presser, berelatively dovish. we're not going to see that today. when you step back and think about them as human beings, it's profession ally embarrassing to be wrong about predictions, but that's okay. but it's crippling if they cut them and then have to hike them. look for them to be low and for investors to be thoughtful. >> you alluded to it. your w.e.x. wore is patience. we've got a long way to go. speaking of patience, you're yet
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another person coming on talking about patience. you're bullish on caps. why are you bullish on small caps when they're impacted by a higher cost of capital. some have higher debt levels. some aren't profitable. what do you see? >> the market is broadling over time. there are two reasons. one is greed. the other is fear, fear the fed's going to get it wrong, and as you have both of these emotions working together, the natural instinct is to narrow your scope of investments. eventually they'll be resolved. or the fed will show the market that they're going to be more aggressive, they're going to cut rates, be there to support us,
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and the market will broaden out. one of those two things will happen. i don't think we'll be moving quickly, but we'll think about it. >> i want to move on one of your picks. this is a pit dependent operate cuts. give me a thesis why you would invest in this stock right now even though they said their business has been deeply impacted because they haven't gotn't rate cuts. it's tied to building services and rates. rate stabilization is all they need. they've been investing behind us to take market share as they stabilize us. if rates drop, they'll see an accelerate rate. if they hold steady, this debt wall that's coming through will trigger reactions. i think investors who have a
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one-year view will be happy with their shares of crbe. >> great to see you. thank you very much. one more quick look at futures. in the green across the board. also watching apple. that's going to do it for us here on "worldwide exchange." squauks right now. we'll have the fed's latest decision this afternoon. a halt between skydance and paramount. details straight ahead ja and oracle shares spike despite dropping ads they announce a new partnership with google and ai. it's wednesday, june 12th, 2024,
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and "squawk box" begins right now. ♪ good morning, everybody. welcome to "squawk box" right here on cnbc. we are live from the nasdaq market site in times square. i'm becky quick along with joe kernen and andrew ross sorkin, and the markets, as least the s&p and the nasdaq sitting at new highs once again. seems like a broken record. seems like we're saying that every day. it seems like things are holding steady, a little bit of a positive twist to this. dow up by 21 points this is all happening as we await the cpi data. this comes after 21 point for the dow. apple helped. again, the


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