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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> i may be ten days late with this, but i'll go walmart. >> karen? >> yeah, so, normally three-day rule, burberry doesn't apply. don't buy it. keep walking. >> dan? >> not a buyer if this google deal happens. >> guy? >> i don't have a crystal ball, but i think macy's is too cheap. >> thank you for watching thank money." "mad money" with jim cramer starts right now. my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there is always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. >> hey, i'm cramer. welcome to "mad money." welcome to cramerica. other people make friends. i'm just trying to make a little money. my job is not just to entertain, to educate, but to teach you, put it all in context. so call me at 1-800-743-cnbc newsom or tweet me @jimcramer. eight years ago in a moment gripped by political fever, i put a button on my soundboard
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that said trump stop, trump stop. after this weekend's events, looks like i have to bring it back. the extraordinary moves we saw in so many stocks today, where the nasdaq gained 0.4%. i'm not calling the election here. that's not my department. i'm hesitant to spell out winners and losers until we get closer to the main event. but you're sticking your head in the sand if you think nothing has changed after the failed assassination attempt. the events in butler, pennsylvania, which are truly tragic seem to have the world believing that those frightening moments have indeed cut in favor of a trump win, and he was already leading in the polls. since the trump stock's almost self-evident at this point, let's look at what the rally did today. let's see if the stocks truly fit the bill. the most pronounced winners, the bank stops. jp morgan up 2.5%. goldman sachs almost 2.6%. but both doing very well. but let's call it as we see it. wells fargo, handicapped from the regulators from the year of
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out and out chicanery, last friday, the stock got hit. but today it managed to rally more than 2%. arguably, that's because the ceo talked about how the economy is growing weaker, and the loan business has gotten slower, something that will make it easier for the fed chair powell to cut rates which will be good news for wells fargo at this point in the business cycle. i think the bank stocks have had two problems with the government that could be solved by the election of donald trump to the white house. first, all banks are guilty until proven innocent whereas trump who created an empire on borrowed money believes the banks are plain innocent. particularly goldman sachs worked plus bank of america's report tomorrow are heavy to ipos and mergers acquisitions. the regulators are tough on ipos these days, so more important, the investment banks used to make a ton of money on mergers. we know the justice department has been extremely anti-takeover
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since biden, about how gains from most mergers don't go beyond shareholders. regardless where you come down politically, that position is obviously bad for the stock market, especially the investment banks. but trump measures himself by the performance of the stock market, especially the dow jones industrial average. president biden told me back in the day that the stock market means very little to him. he revelled in the fact that he didn't invest and took great pride in being poorest man in the senate, a la jegitimate position but bad for the. few things makes the market go higher which is why i think trump will look the other way on deals like he did last time, and the market could go higher on that disparity alone. right now the government is trying to block kroger's acquisition of albertson because of grocery store concentration, even though they don't have all that overlap once you spin off the ones that do kind of create a problem. you know what? i think trump's people would say that we need a strong kroger to compete against walmart and
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costco, which means the deal must go through. the current administration doesn't seem to care at all about that. the government is also trying to top tapestry from buying capri because it consolidates the apparel and accessory space. i bet the trump people find that laughable. the gas market soared on the hopes there would be less regulation and more drilling. i want to disagree with wall street today. the oil stocks did not thrive under trump because there was too much drilling and therefore too much added oil supply. if you want to bet on a trump win, i recommend buying the oil service companies only. i imply halliburton because this is a domestic thesis. but the republican administration means more drilling, good for howell, which means lower oil prices. for all of the stocks that soared today, people seemed to be trump would be more friendly to the health insurers than biden. i'm not sure that's the case. tomorrow's report from unitedhealth group, and these stocks are insanely volatile the election years. this one is way too dicey for me. however, the market about the
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drug stocks very negative is correct. both biden and trump regard them as whipping boys. very hostile rhetoric towards all of big pharma and most of the biotechs. there are plenty of stocks to avoid if trump wins like anything related to saving the environment because trump alleges it doesn't need saving. they cooled down today as the market started baking in a victory. for the investing club, we told people that you have to distinguish which stocks depend on subsidies and which don't. for instance, we defended nextracker, because they provide software that helps industrial solar perform more efficiently, not for people at home. but i get why enphase, solar run and sin nova are down because the subsidies go away, those companies' earnings will take a hit. [ booing ] >> now there is a belief that trump will butt on a 10% tariff on all imports, hard to pass that in congress. we know trump will do his best to curtail immigration.
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that combination has proven to coalesce negatively around brands imports from mexico, decline in growth rate of the core customers. i think the argument is way too simplistic. we told investing club members to buy it today. and we will reiterate that stance strongly wednesday when we have our monthly club meeting. be sure to join and listen in as many people tell me it's the best part of being a member of the cnbc investing club. many people believe that electric cars will be hurt by the lack of a climate control initiative under trump. partly true, but this shows the difficulty of making sector judgments based on the president. elon musk wholeheartedly endorsed trump this weekend. he said good things about his pick of jd vance this afternoon. and that's one of the reasons why i think tesla was up 2% today. it's a reminder how fickle politics can be. finally we can tell from the rally in the russell 2000, which has been ongoing now, that people believe small and medium-sized business also thrive under lighter regulation if we get a trump administration. at the same time, trump is viewed as a thorn in the side of
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big tech. i think the market is probably right on both counts. i remove the trump stock button when trump was done. but when i look back at the entire arc of the soundboard, it's hard to game out what a trump presidency means for the market. he was never known for his consistency. one of the best investments the charitable trust ever made was in the knock-down stock of amazon after trump upbraided them for allegedly scamming the u.s. post office. the president was powerless to change things, and it's not clear that amazon even took advantage of the post to begin with. instead, it simply got a gigantic buying opportunity in one of the greatest stocks of all time. bottom line, after that weekend, it sure seems like the trump stocks are back. just keep in mind that plenty of companies are great enough to transcend politics, and sometimes what counts as a trump stock can change on the dime. let's go to sam in pennsylvania. sam? >> caller: jim, how you doing? hello? >> sam, speak to me.
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>> caller: hello, jim, listen. >> hi, sam. >> you got a great opportunity in the market that only comes around once in a while. one of the great american brands nike recently had a bad quarter, but they look good. the company is getting hurt by the market share being taken by on running which is something we warned about earlier, talking about on. nike at 73. is it too cheap to pass up? should we buy it at this what seems to be a five-year low? >> look, i tell you when i see senior growth on sale like this, it does make me think it's time to buy. i thought that way about starbucks, which unfortunately my charitable trust owns. the problem is neither company has really on the other hand up to what's wrong. until we get truth and reconciliation about how poorly they're run or that something's got to change, you can't buy them. they just don't make sense. let's go to jeff in california. please, jeff? >> caller: hey, jimmy chill. i am on cloud nine and over the moon. i've been dreaming of nvidia, and dreaming about nvidia, and
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you told me and told everyone that you knew nvidia would do well. i'm up $138,000. >> wow. wow. i am grateful for that. i heard many things similar, and i'm very proud of that call, but more importantly i'm thankful for the kind comments you just gave me. >> caller: jimmy chill, i am thankful for you, mr. wang, i am dreaming about this thing. i'm loving it. >> excellent. >> caller: my stock is vertive. as soon as i bought it, it felt about $400. year to date, it's up 83.66%, bam! and in one year, jimmy, it's up 234.76%, which is incredible. according to zacks, year over year cash flow, get this, cash flow is at 88.4%.
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>> okay. i have to tell you, i think that vertiv is very good, but it's resting. when a stock is resting, we're not going to poke the bear. let's it stay there a little bit and then buy some more. i do think kit go down a few just because it's been up so much. it's been such a remarkable stock. and thank you again for the gracious comments. in this election season, you have to keep in mind that plenty of companies are great enough to transcend politics, and sometimes what counts as a trump stock, it can change on a dime. "mad money" tonight, there is a bull and bear debate happening in the analyst community when it comes to streamer spotify. which take is music to my ears? i'm letting you know. and then you called in and stumped me on metal packaging. i'm turning in my homework on this low dollar stock and see if it could be a red flag. and the hottest stock in the
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s&p 500. we're going to the ceo of supermicro, fresh off the news of the nasdaq 100. so stay with cramer. >> don't miss a second of "mad money." follow @jimcramer on x. have a question? tweet cramer, #madmentions. send jim an email to "mad money" at 8074cn. us a call at 1-0-3-bc miss something? head to business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going.
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dave's company just scored formulations of 7 moisturizers the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. high five! high five! -i'm in a call... it's 5 years of reliable, gig speed internet... five years of advanced security... five years of a great rate that won't change. yep, dave's feeling it. but it's only for a limited time. five years? -five years? introducing the comcast business 5-year price lock guarantee. powering 5 years of savings. powering possibilities. ♪ earning season is officially under way, but things don't start getting real busy until next week and the week after. right now you can argue maybe we're in preview season, where
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wall street analysts spend their time publishing notes about what they expect from virtually every company under the sun. and sometimes those analysts have very different views on the same stock. take spotify, the company behind the world's most popular audio streaming service, which reports next week. now we got a pretty bearish call on this one last wednesday, followed by two bullish ones on thursday. oh, i love it when these contrasting analyst reports come out, because they can help distill the best of the bull and bear cases, make it easier to come to your own conclusion. let me give you context. after peaking in february 2021, spotify spent the bulk of the next two years getting just clobbered before bottoming in november 2022 at $69. since then, the stock has been moving steadily higher, climbing all the way to $302 today. well, it's not quite back to its early 2021 highs, but you got to admit, that's an incredible tomorrows. >> hallelujah! >> even as it's's flattened out in the last two months, we have
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to figure out which is the right way to go. i am inclined, i'll tell you ahead of time to like it. but i found some pretty interesting logic here. let's go our analyst gunfight starting on the bear case. this is an analyst at red burn atlantic, a boutique research firm downgraded the stock. this is what really got me. not from biuy to hold, but hold to sale. raising from 210 to 230, which is 70 bucks below where they traded. i was shocked. this is one of the most beloved stocks in the world. the negative reaction from red burn, they downgraded warner music group and reiterated sale warning on universal music group. those two i totally agree with. matter of factory, music streaming is facing competitive and structural challenges that we argue will prevent broad-based increases from becoming a new norm. that would be bad. and then the analysts go on to,
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a quote, rapid adoption of music streaming services in developed markets has helped propel the major commercial music players to lofty multiples, end quote. that means they're too expensive. >> but as markets release saturation, they need to rely on higher prices to keep generating growth. they argue it's been highly hard in for decades. analysts believe they believe spotify will find it harder and harder to find subscriber growth and won't be able to push through much in the way of price increases. kind of a judgment control. spotify sees with a successful audio book bundle strategy. they think the stock is too darn expensive given the likely slowdown in growth. as they see it, the company should put up 18% revenue growth this year. that's terrific. but they think it will decelerate to 6% by 2028. the analyst consensus spotify growing at 11 in 2028. these companies are much more
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negative on the company's long-term estimates. they argue the estimates are too high and the stock is too pricey. now you know if they report something that is below what people are looking for the stock will be crushed. what about the more positive pieces on spotify? both came last thursday. it's a three-way analyst showdown. [ gunshot ] [ gunshot ] . first thursday morning, jeffries took over coverage of the same three music stocks atlantic redburn downgraded the day before. but a buy rating for all three after last week's upgrade from spotify. they raised the price target from 242 to 385. that is an incredibly bullish, as bullish as redburn atlantic is bearish. jefferies made exactly the opposite argument from redburn atlantic. first they say, quote, we're increasingly in spot's ability, the symbol, to deliver sustainable 15% plus revenue growth over the next three
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years, end quote. that's the anti-these tis of redburn atlantic's redictions. the analyst, quote, underscoring our confidence in 15% plus sustainable rev growth, revenue growth, music is about to undergo a moment of repricing. 12 dollars a month versus 61 dollars ooh month on video streaming, we believe there is room for price increases at least every other year. and if spotify can put through a couple of price increases, they believe the company can triple operating income over the next three years. what makes jeffreys so confident? spotify hasn't had many price increases to date. in fact, note that the company had zero price increases for its main u.s. monthly subscription offering until last year when they hiked the price from $9.99 per month to $10.99 per month. by contrast, netflix has raised prices by 41% since 2018 as other popular subscription services like the dating app
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tender, kind of compare. even if the bears at redburn atlantic are right that there is a ceiling for how high these music streaming services can raise their prices, even if it doesn't come close to what people will pay for video streaming, i think jeffreys is right that spotify still has a long way to go before they get throws close to that ceiling. the last piece of the puzzle came last thursday when another boutique firm, this time wolf research with a buy, outperform rating, 390 price target. the wolf analyst points out that spotify dominates 24 industry. one-third of the music streaming, more than double the size of its closest rivals. compared to the music labels they argue the company provides pure play exposure to evergreen music streaming without hit variability, and boasts minimal capital investment intensity, end quote. in other words, it's not comparable to record labels at all which was a big part of the bear thesis from redburn atlantic. boy, i really agree with that furthermore, the wolf analyst stresses spotify is not just
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about music. they have high growth issues in podcasting, audio books, which we listen to, and live events which have access to the company's huge built in network of 615 million monthly active users. that's an incredible number. hey, by the way, only about a third of those have subscriptions. over time, research believes spotify can layer on additional services with small price increases for those who want them. very compelling argument. i am inclined to side with the bulls on this one. i want to give -- let's give the bears, redburn analysts some credit for highlighting risk to the music industry as a whole. but i think they fail to appreciate that spotify is the key cog at the center of the industry right now. the bears seem too afraid of the competitive pressure from apple, amazon, and youtube. hey, they're legitimate competitors that have nevertheless lagged behind the big dog for many years now. this is the last player in the industry you should worry about. they have more pricing power than any of their rivals, plus,
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as the bulls at jefferies noted, the fact that spotify hadn't raised prices at all through their first 15 years means they now have a lot of room to play catch-up. so the bottom line here in this analyst shootout -- [ gunshots ] [ gunshots ] [ gunshot ] as i see it, they're not hostage. they built an unassailable leadership position over the past decade and a half which gives them more pricing power than anyone else in the group, even as they largely have chosen not to use it. but if they need to, they can, which is why i think this stock remains a buy. i really like it. "mad money" is back after the break. coming up, don't kick the can. do your homework today. cramer tests his mettle with a can-do attitude, next.
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the likes of which you have never seen! (♪♪) (♪♪) sandals rhythm and blues caribbean sale is now on. visit or call 1-800-sandals. every night we take calls from our brilliant audience, and when i'm stumped with a stock i don't know about, i always promise to do some homework, and then i circle back later, which brings me to argon metal packaging, which puri, a veteran from louisiana asked about over a month ago. not only did i not recognize this one, but perry asked a significant question. after giving perhaps the most hilarious boo-yah in many a
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year -- >> first of all, i want to tell you thank you for everything that you've done for me as a retired soldier. and i want to give you one big new orleans who dat voodoo ba-ba-boo-yah. >> oh my god, that is massive and made my whole weekend. i'm going live on that for the next eight days. >> and that's exactly what happened. i did. any way, perry in louisiana wanted to know if the dividend was safe or whether it was dangerous. that's not the kind of question you want to be off the cuff, weapon a stock that supports a potentially dangerous 10.8% yield. not to mention a $3 and change share price. come on, stocks are well priced in well republican companies never visit the single digit area. everything down there is either a mess or something very speculative meaning inherently high risk. at its core, ardagh is a simple business. they make cans for beer cans,
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soda cans, whatever. but this particular can making business was established in 2016 when a larger european packaging company, ardagh group sa acquired the canvases by ball corporation and rexam in order to get approval for the merger. and then came in 2016 wand this was not a particularly great stock for the first four years it traded on its own. get this. the story changed in february 2021 when they decided to spin off the metal packaging division and merge with a spak called gores holding 5. it contained 80% ownership stake in the new ardagh metal packaging. so they still essentially owned the business. they got more than $3 billion in cash for the transaction there is a lot more complications in this spac deal. long story short, the old ardagh delisted right after ardagh
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started training on its own. goodbye, hell amdp. despite it was announced in february 2021, almost the height of the spac mania, and by the time the deal closed that august, spacs were already well out of favor, after the deal closed, they saw a brief pop reaching a high of $12 and change. but hey, after that, the stock started sliding lower. >> sell, sell, sell, sell, sell, sell! >> and it didn't stop going lower until last october when the shares finally bottom ed at $2 and change in october 2023. that's down almost 80% from the peak. since then, this thing has been range bound between $3 and $4 for the past nine months. now let's talk about the fun metals. this is a leading supplier of what's known as infinitely recyclable metal beverage cans, and they work with tons of major players in the industry with 42% of the business coming from europe and 58% coming from the
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americas. given the stock's abysmal performance over the past few years, you won't be surprised to hear the numbers have been deteriorating. the business had a nice 18% revenue growth in 2021. that was year thespac merger took place. in 2022 while sales grew a solid 16%, their earnings for interest tax appreciation fell by 6%. last year sales grew only 3% and ebitda fell another 4%. when you look at the less forgiving gap earnings as the traditional way you measure things, ardagh metal packaging lost money in 2021 and 2023. now if you look at the 2024 estimates, they're a bit enter than they have been. the analysts are looking for 3.6, 9% ebitda growth. management own guidance calls for mid single digit% shipment growth. when they reported in april results were mixed. reiterated its full-year forecast and issued a better than ebitda for the second quarter which briefly allowed
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the stock to rally. the company reports again next thursday. and i have no idea how the quarter will be. so in terms of the fundamentals, could make an argument for ardagh metal packaging. sure, the business hasn't been great in many years. but it finally seems to be stabilizing if not improving this year. plus, it's an oligopoly which makes it easier for the few existing players to hold on, even in tough times. valuation wise? this one seems fine. an enterprise multiple basically in line with crown holdings, that's a rival, and a few points lower than ball corp, the other major player. i had a specific assignment from perry in louisiana. he wanted to know if ardagh's dividend is safe. and this is where i start to get a little squeamish. the double-digit yield was already a red flag. and when you start to look closely at the company's balance sheet, well, you will not like what you see. the company had just under $4
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billion in debt and with the market cap of $2 billion currently, the debt to equity ratio is close to 2. ball corp has 0.3. crown holdings only at 0.8. ardagh has roughly 598 shares outstanding. so the quarterly dividend costs them just under $240 million a year. the problem is the company is only on track to generate $117 million this year. next year that's expected to grow but only to $185 million. still not nearly enough to cover the payout, what they pay in the dividend. when that happens, the company has to borrow money to coffer the gap, worsening the already suboptimal balance sheet valuation, or they have to do the easy thing and cut the dividend. now be clear, i'm not predicting this company will cut the dividend any time soon, especially because they just reached a deal for a new credit facility with apollo, the private equity giant in april in order to pay off a big loan this
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coming due next year. but, oh, boy, man, my rule of thumb on dividend safety is simple. if your free cash flow can't cover the payout twice over you don't have a truly safe dividend. ardagh can't even cover it once over. this company has a long-term balance sheet problem that needs to be sorted out. the bottom line, i was intrigue beside i this new can maker option because i love investing in industries that are effectively oligopolies. but the earnings over the past three years is not inspiring. while that nearly leonardo% dividend yield sure seems tempting, i don't feel comfortable enough with the balance sheet or the cash flow to call it safe. which is what perry specifically asked about. i can't cast ardagh as a good deal for you, like perry from louisiana. let's go to steve in nevada. >> caller: hey, jim, thanks for taking my call. >> of course, sure. >> caller: 3m i purchased on the dip about three or four months ago and has become 3m solventen
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as you know. they keep going down and slashed the dividend on the 3m. what can we expect from the new ceo? >> i think he is doing what is necessary. i know bill brown from his previous employee, l 3 harris. he was fantastic. i think mike roman did a great job cleaning up the real issues that were impacting 3m. i think 3m is a buy. let's go to cindy in new york, please. cindy? >> caller: hi, mr. cramer. so nice speaking to you. i'd like to know your opinion about a stock that is doing very well. now it's really going down south. yeah. >> should i buy? >> understood, i did a very big piece this weekend, which talked about chinese stocks. companies that have a lot of business in china and what a disaster they are. and we should start forcing managements to recognize that it's no longer great to be in china. this stock is down 24% year to
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date. i'm not happy with it. i own it for the charitable trust. i wish i did not. i was saying that there is going to be a level where all the bad news is in, but it has to come with some recognition that china is no place to invest. certainly don't expand there. even though i like the company's story, i don't feel comfortable enough with ardagh's balance sheet to call it safe. i say kick the can a little further down the road on this one. there are better places to put your money right. now much more "mad money" ahead, including my interview with the ceo of supermicro. could bit a needle mover for the red hot stock? then i think we are in need of some optimism here and there and everywhere. so i'm digging into the blackrock ceo larry fink's comments when he told me this morning that has me a feeling a little more sanguine about the sate of capitalism in our country. plus all your calls in tonight's edition of the "lightning round." so stay with cramer.
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♪ after the close last friday, we got the great news that supermicro computer, the maker of advanced servers storage solutions and tech components, many which power artificial intelligence will be joining the nasdaq 100 next week, replacing walgreens. this stock has had an incredible run, rallying nearly 250% last year and tripling again this year, best performer in the s&p 500 so far. it's been trading sideways for months now after pulling back from its march highs. so could this thing be rest and ready for its next move? let's check in with charles liang, the founder and chairman of supermicro to get a better read on the situation.
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mr. lee liang, welcome back to "mad money." congratulations. >> thank you, jim. nice to meet you. >> what do you think this inclusion to the nasdaq 100 means for your company after joining with the s&p 500 earlier in year, and what does it say about the accomplishments that you have had? >> oh, it's a great honor. you know, we are really excited to be on the nasdaq and the company. it's also recognition from the industry about liquid cooling, green computing, our ai-based platform to service the world. and we are continuing improving our product and hopefully this year we can move liquid cooling to the 15 to even 25% of global new for ai. >> i think it's important for people to understand the growth
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that you have is so great that you sometimes have to outstrip necessarily your profits in order to keep growing. something that i totally support, because most companies don't have growth like you. what does it mean to you as a ceo to manage cash at a time when you have super hyper growth? >> oh, it's a great experience, you know. liquid cooling, we're income building, the customers safe, diffuse carbon footprint. at the same time, less power to require a data center. that's why it's also enable customer to build a data center much earlier, much quicker. then otherwise go for traditional, air cooling solution. so save money. >> go ahead, i'm sorry, sir. >> save money, reduce carbon
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footprint and enable their data center online than otherwise go for traditional air cooling. >> of course. now i want people to understand the difference between your method of cooling, and i think the best way is to talk about how many treeious have saved because of your cooling. >> you know, for my, a data center cooling, green solution. together we can preserve 20 billion tree for our planet. save money, grow tree, preserve tree, while operating that and enable data center come to market. so it's a great honor and really exciting experience here. >> so 8 billion trees saved. 30 fossil fuel power plant reduction. so important at a time of global warming.
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>> yes. i mean, its a major advantage. 20 years ago when we start building, we believe imweb is so big. aconsume live, the technology, the better technology. now this is the contribution we can help for the industry. >> charles, what does that orientation have you stand with jensen huang at nvidia, given what a huge environmentalist he is in trying to keep the heat down at his data centers? >> he's a great leader, you know. when i talk to him, i really appreciate his talent. he is a genius. so it's very good experience to work with him. and he always bring a challenge to customer like us. but it's a great challenge.
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we together for our industry and for our planet. so it's been a very exciting, happy experience. >> all right, so, charles, i was with a former partner of goldman sachs this weekend, and he said we're going back and forth. and he said, you know, jim, this ai spend can't continue at this pace. and i said yes, it could actually accelerate from this level. what where do you see artificial intelligence spending in the next three to five years? >> oh, i personally believe this ai can be bigger even that the auto revolution. because older people like the convenience, the smarter tool, the fancy feature that ai over the our people. so i believe it will continue to improve. and the good thing is we nvidia, the technology and our energy
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savings solution, we can help customer increase not much power, but continue to offer much more powerful ai solution to the world. >> now in order to meet the expansion issues, should you be raising capital? maybe another convertible bond? would you think about doing another equity offering to be sure your balance sheet stays strong? >> you know, last two years, we have been growing a lot. last year for example, we believe we will continue to grow at a very faster pace. so i believe we may need some more capital to support our quick growth. the good thing is the more system we provide to the world, ship to customer, the more money we save our customer. and the greener the data center we have in the industry. so i personally am very excited and will continue to speed up our progress to help our
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industry. >> all right. well, we call that the virtuous circle. supermicro has it, and i am so thrilled that you came on "mad money." charles liang, the founder, president and ceo of supermicro, the number one stock in the s&p 500. thank you, charles. good to see you. >> thank you, jim. thank you. >> absolutely. "mad money" is back after the break. coming up, pop open those umbrellas and tee up your toughest questions. cramer takes on all comers in the "lightning round," next.
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♪ i wanna hold you forever ♪ hey little bear bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm gonna love you forever ♪ ♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪
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[crowd chanting] they ignored your potential, and mocked your ambition. but it's not the critic who counts. with every swing and block, your game plan never changed. ♪♪ some still call it luck. let them. because you know what it's always been. inevitable. ♪♪ ♪♪ you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature. "lightning round" is sponsored by charles schwab, trade brilliantly.
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it is time! it's time for the "lightning round." cramer says -- say the name of the stock, i say buy, buy, buy, play this sound -- [ buzzer ] >> and then the "lightning round" is over. are you ready, skee-daddy? time for the "lightning round." cramer starts with phillip in north carolina, phillip? >> caller: jim, first things first, how you doing today? >> an excellent day, thank you. how about you? >> caller: i've been thinking down here fair to middling, jim. >> fair to middling. all right. >> caller: that's a thing they say down here in the south. >> i got you. >> caller: okay. so this stock, i own for about three months, okay. >> okay. >> caller: i'm about 80 points on it. >> all right. >> not bad. >> caller: a very small part of my portfolio. and i want to do a against what you preach, and that's the bulls make money that thing. i want to keep all 70 shares
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that i have. >> okay, okay. >> caller: about this stock. >> what stock is it? >> caller: oh, i didn't tell you. i'm sorry. a-net. >> you know what? go for it. an amazing business person, and i think it's a fantastic stock. i'm not going to get in the way of you making a lot of money. and that is more than a fair to middling stock. that's a great one. barry in florida, barry? >> caller: hi, barry down here in miami. boo-yah. >> good to have you on the show. glad to have you. what's happening? >> caller: jim, another barry much smarter than me with starwood properties. i love that guy and the stock. but the headwinds in the commercial real estate, especially the office, can he hold that almost 10% dividend? >> i think he can. but he has scared me out of recommending his stock. he came on. he said there will be a bank that might fail every single week. i can't recommend his stock. so he has to be a little bit
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more upbeat for me to think that his stock is worth buying. he talked me out of his own darn stock. let's go to mike in michigan. mike? >> caller: ba-ba-boo-yah, jim. how you? >> excellent. i'm doing well. how about you? >> caller: i am living the dream, man. >> excellent. >> caller: hey, i need your help on a value stock that i bought earlier this year believing it would benefit from infrastructure investment and autonomous agriculture. unfortunately, the company sales dropped 15% last quarter and it's working off excess inventory. john deere is trading at a near historical level from the pd multiple standpoint. should i continue to run with the deere? >> i don't want you to sell it be, we have struggled mightily trying to think about the upside. ben and i research spent a huge amount of time. just feel like you know what? it's very tough to justify owning the stock. let's go bill in new york. bill? >> caller: good evening, mr.
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cramer. thank you for taking my call. >> of course. >> caller: my question is regarding neo. i have a pretty large stake and i'm a little under the high. i'm wondering if i should cut my losses on this stock or hold? >> neo is one of those stocks where if you sell it right here some clown will come out, be real positive about it, some planary nonsense and it will go to 6 and you'll hate me. let's wait until that happens, and then you can sell it. and that, ladies and gentlemen, the conclusion of the "lightning round"! [ buzzer ] >> the "lightning round" is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, cramer changes the tone with a little help from an old friend, next.
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so this is pickleball? it's basically tennis for babies, but for adults. it should be called wiffle tennis. pickle! yeah, aw! whoo! ♪♪ these guys are intense. we got nothing to worry about.
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with e*trade from morgan stanley, we're ready for whatever gets served up. dude, you gotta work on your trash talk. i'd rather work on saving for retirement. or college, since you like to get schooled. that's a pretty good burn, right? got him. good game. thanks for coming to our clinic, first one's free.
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♪ if you're at all like me,
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you have an incredible need for some optimism right now. it's not just the political violence this past weekend that makes things feel dark, make things feel grim. this whole election year has been a mess. some something very much in sync with the tone of the country. but today i heard a different tone, a tone that made me feel that the end of the world is not on the table, and it comes from someone who would know, someone who i have tremendous respect for, not just the chairman and ceo of blackrock, the world's largest investment manager, but as the guy who may have the greatest knowledge base of anyone on wall street, and that's larry fink. listen to what he had to say today about our markets. >> we have the most dynamic capitalistic system in the world. we have great companies. we have great ingenuity, great technology. let it unbound, let it go, create great jobs, create opportunity, and we'll have a rising equity market that will really fuel this opportunity. >> what a breath of fresh air.
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fink is an optimist. he recognizes that we must encourage growth, because without growth, our government will be overwhelmed by its debts. business needs to be more unfettered, less regulated to generate that growth when you look at the billions of dollars in debt, he says we cannot tax our way out of this burden. the deficit is a huge lurking problem. but we can grow our way out of it, maybe with companies using the wonders of ai, making themselves more productive. larry came to "squawk on the street" on a good day because at this moment of intense political division, we need a neutral calm voice who can explain how capitalism is a voice for good, for wealth generation. not just for the rich, but for everybody, as long as they invest. he believes in something that is in incredibly short supply. he believes in hope. listen to what he said about saturday's events. >> what happened this weekend is a -- is a tragedy. it is a statement of america
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today, though. we need to create hope. all of us have a responsibility, every political candidate, every leader, every pastor, minister, rabbi, we all have a responsibility of bringing our community together to bring hope. and that's what we are here for, to bring hope. >> as tough as it might be, i think you can't invest successfully without a certain level of hope. if you don't have some hope, then you'll be shaking out of great investments by passing fears. as someone who runs a portfolio connected to a charitable trust, i'd like you to own some individual stocks, and that's the craft we teach in the investing club. but i don't care what you invest in, as long as you invest. larry said today that he now favors investing in bitcoin, as a way to hedge against deficit. i get that too. no matter what happened this weekend, no matter what happens in ovember, you must have some faith in capitalism to help grow your wealth. that's why i salute blackrock
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and i salute larry fink for thinking bigger than just the quarter. he is thinking about giving you excellent options to help you make a lot of money. but if you don't have hope, if you don't believe at least a little bit, then it just won't matter. i like to say there is always a bull market somewhere. i promise to try to find it just for you right here on "mad money." i'm jim cramer. see right now on "last call." the trump trade hitting a throttle. we will tell you what and why. capping rents across america. president biden set to unveil a new proposal. kyle bats joins us with that and more. a tsunami of distant misinformation. social media inundated after the trump association assassination attempt. at the gop convention kicks off. all that and more over the hour. belly up, buckle up, "last call"


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