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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  July 23, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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>> guy? >> going to the bronx there's tonight? >> not me. you mean the subway series? >> they got swept the last time. >> yeah. that's a good point. they're going to burn them. >> pepsi and the game of would you rather, i think pepsi primes o it here. >> thanks for my mission is simple. to make you money. i am here to level the playing field for all investors. i promise to help you find it. "mad money" starts now. hey, i am jim cramer. welcome everyone. i am just trying to make you money. my job is not to entertain you, but also explained to you. consumers that last are finally saying no. they are pushing back, demanding
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bargains. they are not going to take these inflated process prices anymore. this is how inflation is wrenched out of this is him and i bet it keeps playing out behind the scenes as long as the fed keeps cutting rates. like levels we saw before covid before some say the price gouging began. it plays havoc in terms of many different companies now to the point we are starting to see actual disappointments all over the place. nasdaq inched down .07%. the thing is, you need to piece together a ton of different data points. you have to create a mosaic by hand. companies are reluctant to say look, we took too much and we are rolling it back. sure, some people can spot it with the naked eye. last night i told you that
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market basket had a good quarter. it did. but underneath, oh my. declines in year-over-year spending growth with the a lines airlines. lodging down. staggering declines. those are the signpost of rebellion. many argue that spending has slowed because we got over the post covid travel. i thought that, too. too many empty seats, sure, but they could have filled those seats if they wanted to. all they had to do is sliced the price. however, they were reluctant to do so after tasting that magic elixir. they must've loved the phrase every time they boarded their own planes. we know that people have clearly caught up on post covid travel plans. i work for comcast. comcast talked about it on a conference call. we are down in revenue and even dock compared to last year's performance with decline driven
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by lower attendance at our theme parks. he mentioned the corporate point of covid recovery of a magnitude we had not previously anticipated, hence the record themepark numbers in 2022 and 2023. now he goes on to say that other options including cruises and international tourism have experienced their own surge in demand, which caused visitation rights at our parks to normalize. one reason that stock is falling 30 points from where it was trading when nelson lost his proxy challenge and sold his stock. disney has five cruise ships. i wish they had twice that many, because cruise ships are doing great. maybe they could have offset whatever the theme parks may or may not have had. i wish they would lower the ticket prices. we know that tickets for events of been a driver for inflation. suddenly i wonder if that is
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about to change. cruises are an amazing bargain. usually you would not see that kind of strength in the stock running into the quarter, but the value is so palpable that stock buyers don't seem to mind. they don't seem to care. plus, carnival recorded an amazing quarter. viking has been a remarkable performer, too. when cruise lines post about affordability, you know what they do? they compare their room rates to those of hotel rooms, which are much more expensive. maybe consumers are not flocking to cruises as much as they are fleeing hotels -- the airline stocks have indeed been clobbered. american airlines stock is down 24% for the year, because it is largely domestic and not getting much boost from the strong dollar. it is almost back to its covid lows. spirit is down since its deal with jetblue fell apart. i think this is a sign the ticket prices got out of whack. the only way for them to take
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back travel market share i think is to offer a bargain, a better price. while no one is putting out pricing yet, i think it could be dead ahead. we can also pronounce the travel leisure market just plain dead and the next thing you will see is price cuts for everything across the board. housing has been a bull market because there is a huge shortage but today we saw numbers that may make you think consumers are saying no to higher home prices. according to data from the national association of realtors, inventories jumped. chief economist for the national association of realtors told cnbc we are seeing a shift from a sellers market to a buyers market. homes are sitting on the market longer and sellers are receiving fewer offers. a buyers market, when did you
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hear that last? again, this is exactly what was supposed to happen when the fed raised rates, but it took ages to start playing out. as the inventory of unsold homes rises, as it grows, we could hit a tipping point where sellers get concerned they could miss out on the peak. i have seen many cycles where everyone believed prices would do nothing but go up because we did not have enough homes built in the country. housing prices are about psychology. as long as they are going up, everyone holds back from listing their homes. but then there is this period when transactions slow down. they don't want to cut prices until it starts moving. that is happening right now and you know what always happens after? the inventory builds and all of a sudden there is a panic among homeowners afraid to miss out on those high prices. that is when they see the dramatic expansion and it explodes, which causes prices to plummet. no reason to think this time will be different. i think there will be a very different view about housing three months from now. we have now seen lots of
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companies with excessively high prices get a comeuppance. does anyone think nike is a bargain? how about a cup of joe at starbucks? get this, how about cosmetics from estee lauder as opposed to elf. the high-end company, a lot of that was china, but there was nothing robust in the west to offset china. we know that consumers take advantage of three places. costco, walmart, and amazon. the first to have been leaders in price cutting and the third cut prices by 20% on prime day. the sales were incredibly strong. that is not frugality. that is a revolt against every other retailer that has not rolled back prices. overall i am betting this is not the end of the declines. in fact i bet it is the beginning. going on strike against those who have not lowered prices yet and exacting not revenge travel, but revenge against all who have kept prices high.
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most important, housing prices could soon be teetering as the fed stretches out rate cuts to ensure inflation doesn't rise from the dead like nuts brought to. it is only a matter of time before the consumer finally started going on strike and that time is now. philip in texas, philip. >> hello, jim, thank you for taking my call. >> you betcha. >> i would like to know your opinion of the wendy's company and whether you feel like it s a buy, sell, or hold situation. >> i don't want to touch wendy's. i think i can go lower. it doesn't mean i don't love the food. but i must tell you that i think wendy's is the odd man out in this group because you have restaurant brands and mcdonald's. i'm not quite sure. it is only a matter of time before the consumer goes on strike. it is happening now and that is the best way to beat inflation and i think we are finally seeing it occur.
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the stock fell today in response. i am getting to the bottom of it all and sometimes in the thick of earnings season you get reactions from a report which actually give you an option on a high-power stock. i'm looking at the situation at gm to cf that is what investors are getting here. i am looking at where the situation stands with the company's cough top brass, so stay with jim cramer. >> don't miss a second of "mad money". have a question? tweet cramer. send an email to or give us a call at 1-800-743-cnbc. miss something? had to
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for months i have been thinking on a personal computer upgrade. can that carry over to everything that plugs into a pc? take logitech, leading maker of peripherals like webcams and gaming gear. they are driven by strong growth. they manage to raise their four- year revenue and operating income forecasts. that wasn't enough to send the stock higher after management made cautious comments about the second half of the year and that is why the stock dropped. don't take it from me. let's talk to the ceo of logitech international. welcome back to "mad money". >> hi, how are you? >> i am good. i hope you are well. >> great. >> i must admit until i read
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your cautious i thought it was all systems go. you had a nice top and bottom line. what you credit for this reporting? >> we had a great quarter. i am really proud of our teams. quality growth, 13% topline growth and it was quality across all three categories, all three regions and driven by demand, which came in stronger than expected and we did all that well growing gross margins by more than 400 basis points, so that drove operating income up 67% versus last year, so just really strong. >> i will tell you what i am confused by. you used the terms uncertain and volatile and i believe that they literally undid all of the good things that you just told. how can you have an uncertain and vulnerable environment and put up those tremendous numbers? >> yeah, the quarter was great and we are cautiously optimistic for the future, but at the same time we are also being fat -- also seeing that
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consumer confidence in the u.s. is trending down. there is still uncertainty geopolitically. we are a very global company. so we just don't want to get too far over our skis. we did raise the outlook to reflect the strong demand in the first quarter and of course we will do our best to beat that outlook further. >> this gets to a point i have been emphasizing which is that the consumer is growing frugal and going on strike against companies that have raised prices. that is not yours. i saw a premium logitech gaming mouse for under $100 thanks to a prime day deal. how did that do? >> yeah, prime day i think was a great example of some resilience in the u.s. consumer. certainly on the gaming side we are seeing really great progress on the premium end, actually. the gaming mouse that you mentioned, the superlight 2, is doing very well.
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our real racing, at the higher end of our portfolio. we are also seeing consumers who are hesitant, so it is really mixed on the consumer side in the u.s. i have to say in europe and asia, our numbers were very strong. europe especially outperforming really great consumer demand. europe was up 20% for us, so that consumer looks even stronger. >> i'm beginning to see that dichotomy, too. it is something i want to talk about more. whether it be soft drinks, autos, europe stuff. europe is doing better and it is something i'm not used to seeing, but we have to stay focused. one thing i don't want to overemphasize and yet i have been, i have to go there. what you're doing with the pc in terms of a.i. i thought was exciting. when i heard there was a $50 mass, i toggle back and forth constantly to chatgpt. i will pay $50 so i don't have
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to go back and forth to be where i am on my pc. >> absolutely. that is our logitech a.i. prompt builder. it sits in every one of our mice and keyboards in the english language, so in the u.s. for sure. it comes for free. it is free software that lets you do a shortcut to chatgpt. it now has more than 5.5 million unique user interactions. lots of people using it and a great upgrade of a product we already have with his prompt builder. we love it. >> i should not confuse that with the eventual pc refresh, which i think will be big, but there has not been assigned yet that there is a dramatic refresh going on. >> i would say on the gaming side we are seeing some healthy refreshes happening of people refreshing their gaming gear, all of the gear they bought during the pandemic. the gaming market is looking increasingly strong for us. our gaming business was up 18% in the first quarter and again,
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very, very healthy. on the personal workspace side, maybe less so, but we anticipate a pc refresh coming and that is never a bad thing for logitech. >> now you have something going for the mac. i don't know what your ratio is to a typical intel computer versus mac, but is it meaningful? >> yeah, our mac business is meaningful and generally our work with apple is very exciting. in this first quarter we launched the combo touch for the new ipad range and that is just a gorgeous, incredibly light product and it is off to a great start. >> what does it mean? tell me what it does? >> it is a cover and keyboard that you use on your new ipad. apple does it, but we also partner with apple to do it for them. really a gorgeous product. a great value, as well.
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if you bought a new ipad, you must have one of these. >> i was using one friday. my wife said you have to do your remote hit and i marvel at how great the computer is. i'm watching and i think the combo touch is pretty cool. again, this is part of your continual new additions that you make. will this be a holiday seller or is this just something for school? >> both of them. back to school is big for us, but the holidays as well and as you say, jim, i'm so glad you say it. launching 11, 12 new products every quarter, that is our apple pie. we are really good at that and what we launched in the first quarter was strong, driving those results. especially on gaming, we have an incredible lineup of new products coming up. we are launching those september 17 at a global event so watch this space. >> that will be ready for ea
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college football 25 and eventually gta, which i know will happen someday. hanneke faber, thank you so much for coming on "mad money" today. good to see you. >> hanks, jim. >> "mad money" is back -- coming up, gm has been in stop and go after earnings. ride shotgun or grab a lift elsewhere? stick with cramer. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. not a good spot.
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off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! back into play and... -oh no, it's in the water. wait a minute. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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you are bountiful. your skeleton can support two times your weight. it's in your nature to stand strong. supplement your bones with high-absorption magnesium. nature's bounty. it's in your nature.
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strike at this point in the earnings season the reports are coming so fast, wall street tends to make a ton of mistakes. take general motors which reported a healthy top and bottom line this morning only to see it's stock tumble in response. i say give me a break. that is just plain wrong. so what happened here then? gm had been on a roll basically doubling from last november to its highest last thursday. that run kicked off when the company scaled-back electric vehicle investments and started returning vast sums of money to investors. a 32% dividend boost and an added additional $6 billion to the buyback. talk about shareholder friendly, gm results have been fantastic. we learned they have the strongest vehicle sales since 2020 and it is incredible.
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now it seems like the fed will be able to cut interest rates before the end of the year. things were definitely looking up for the automakers. this stage of the cycle has always been the time to invest in this -- >> house of pleasure. >> that is where we were coming into the quarter. june numbers were phenomenal and that is why the stock rallied in response. wall street was not at all confused by the results. more in a second. not only did gm post a $2.5 billion revenue with 7% growth, the margin came in higher than expected and the company earned $3.06 per share, up 60% year- over-year. operating cash and free cash flow were significantly better than expected. management raised the four year forecast for earnings before interest, taxes, and cash flow.
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get this. they had been peaking at nine dollars to $10. now they say $9.50 to $10.50. some don't raise the guidance enough. a $.50 forecast boost is meaningful. very impressive. i don't know how many superlatives i can put in one piece. in a letter to shareholders, ceo mary barra shared a high performance profile of trucks and suvs, improving marketshare, strong and stable pricing with fewer discounts and the payoff from investments that have allowed gm to focus on margin and capital efficiency. as she sees that they have great vehicles and great execution. there is plenty of detail in the nitty-gritty, like the features that make the top suvs and trucks so attractive. they have the top hands-free driving system. she went into how they are
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cutting the electric vehicle and their best-selling model has 24% fewer parts than the previous year's version without compromising performance. gm is on track to cut $2 billion, which is another reason why it is suddenly so profitable. still, none of this explains what we've seen today, does it? some negativity in china and a joint venture with the chinese automaker. management says the environment remains very tough. tons of startups that prioritize over profitability. it will take time. remember when i sat in the back of that one? mary barra says gm is making progress with vehicles returning to the road to reduce cost by installing the systems in chevy bolt tvs, rather than developing a new robo taxi that was part of the original plan. most of that news is positive. it does not explain how stock
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spiked 7% in premarket trading this morning and then suddenly got thrown into reverse. it was still in positive territory when the conference call began at 8:30 a.m. as the call got going the stock started sliding slower. by the time the market opened at 9:30, gm shares were down and they kept falling through the first hour of trading, finishing the session down more than 6%. so what happened here? we have to step back. i saw people theorize that this was in response to the poor china numbers, no. or the fact that gm delayed its electric vehicle, no. i say those are dead wrong. i don't know, i don't care. someone else speculated that gm sold off because it is scrapping the electric van for the cruise business. it is a positive, not a negative. let me tell you what really happened here.
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it is pretty interesting. it is a great way to look at wall street. at 9:04 the most influential auto analyst from morgan stanley published a reaction to the quarter where he extolled the strength of the quarter. so far, so good. then without much explanation he decided this quarter would be the peak for gm. in fact that piece was called quarter to reaction, peak? he lays out he positives and then suggests, history suggests the good times won't ast. that's it. understand he is real good. kind of like steven king meets charles dickens, this guy, but there was no real support for this argument. he is respected, so people took it seriously and you know what they did? he made them feel like maybe you are the last one in. the stock crossed from positive to negative after that ote was published and never came back. i think you can say that jonas
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killed gm. honestly if you're going to call the peak, i would like to see more rigor behind the analysis. i think it is a mistake to call a peak for any automaker if the fed lowers interest rates, which matter so much for an automobile. gm reported fantastic numbers and thanks to one analyst report, i almost said good analyst, but i respect him too much. one analyst report. you can now buy it at a great price. there are other auto people besides elon musk. i'm watching that stock go down. mary barra is the one who deserves the kudos. i looked into several. our chief scientist and research director pointed out that the stock now sells for 4.6 times the midpoint of managements forecast, making it one of the cheapest stocks on the s&p 500.
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that usually means it is about to rollover. of course there is another reason i feel comfortable recommending gm. this company has been buying back its own stock so much to the point that they had to put through another $6 billion repurchase authorization last month. i but they will be buying stock right next to you if you pick some up tomorrow. here is the bottom line. the busiest weeks of the season can cause the market to get confused by individual stocks, so don't just assume that the quarter must be bad. don't presume that it is therefore the peak and has to be all down from here. instead i have an idea. do homework and see if you get a buying opportunity, which i think we have in general motors. cheap, but not a value trap. instead i see a resumption as soon as the jonas smokescreen blows over. ceo mary barra goes right back in the market buying the shares of all those who re stupid enough to sell shares to the company. there. paula in california.
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paula. >> booyah, jim. thanks for taking my call. your insights have changed my life financially in a very positive way. >> thank you. thank you, paula point they come out every day and i think, what am i doing and i look at my staff and they think, what's he doing? then there is your kind of call and i go you know what? listen, it's not just the garden. i've got other things cooking. >> my question today is i owned pioneer naturals before the excellent buyout. i sold half and kept half. since then it has not done very much. what should i do with my exxon? >> we will hold it. the reason exxon is going down and broke through the 70 level, remember in 2016 everyone was so excited about president trump who was pro-oil that everyone figured they would drill, drill, drill. that is what they did and all
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the oil that came out lower the price of oil and the stocks got hurt. people think that history will repeat itself. i disagree. i think that exxon is a buy. i hear music in my ear and not the kind i like to hear, because i have lots of good questions coming, but i guess that is the end. in the busy earnings season you cannot always assume that your favorite stock going down in the quarter must be bad. you have to cure yourself of that. sometimes you are getting that kind of buying opportunity in a confused market. gm has actually been, i would say there have been ore peaks in this one then there are 46 peaks in the adirondacks. much more "mad money" coming up including mattel, trying to figure out what is going on with a buyout or no buyout or whatever. then, earnings season shows you that some businesses are bad businesses. i spotted one and i feel like i've got to share with you. and rapidfire in tonight's version of the lightning round,
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so stay with cramer. happy birthday, max. yesss! i'm joan the phone, here to show you four easy ways to stay safe online. ♪come on!♪ ♪we can secure our world!♪ ♪online security depends on you and me.♪ ♪install updates,♪ ♪make better passwords,♪ ♪think before you click,♪ ♪use multiple factors.♪ ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ learn more at i'm gina. i want to talk to you about golo ♪that's how we can secure our world!♪ and how it has changed my life and how it can change yours too. like many of you i've been dieting and failing half my life. and each time i would diet i would quit and my weight and health would get much worse.
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what is it going to take for mattel stock to get back on track? yesterday the stock jumped more than 15% of the reuters reported mattel had an offer, but after conflicting reports cast doubt upon that and mattel's willingness to sell, the stock fell 8% and then mattel reported a second mixed quarter in a row, with excellent margin expansion, which was enough to push the stock modestly higher in after-
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hours. what do we do with the stock now? we went straight to the source to find out. take a look. welcome back to "mad money". >> hello, jim. good to be here. >> i don't know how these things start. they are mostly known for friendly bids. according to yahoo finance you say there is nothing going on, but how does something like this start? here we are at earnings time and we don't want to hear about a takeover bid that may not happen. >> as you would expect, jim, we don't comment on speculation. what i can say is we are very confident in the strategy and our ability to create long-term shareholder value. turning into the quarter, you see another good second quarter and first half at mattel with significant expansion and improved profitability. we continued to strengthen our balance sheet and more than doubled our free cash flow. the industry performed better
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than anticipated and mattel gained shares globally in the second quarter and the first half, so we are in position for the second half and look forward to a good holiday season and are reiterating our guidance. >> let's talk about that good holiday season. we know stores already have to think about what they will take. how much did you order and are you ordering above what you did last year? >> we do expect to grow our toy business in the second half. this year we are prioritizing growth and profitability and cash generation for long-term growth. following a good first half, we expect our toy business to grow in the second half with new product innovation, increased retailer support, more marketing and promotions and new content. we expect to outpace the industry and gain market share this year in gross sales and earnings in 2025.
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>> it may not be including barbie, though. i looked at the doll numbers and the doll numbers are disappointing versus other things you are doing. the ones you are issuing are some of the most exciting things and of course we got the movie. i'm wondering is there some sort of pecan dolls and it does not matter what you put out? because they seem more exciting and entertaining than they have ever been. >> absolutely, you are so right. barbie is an incredible brand that never sits still. the movie expanded the audience even more. barbie was the number one property globally and continue to gain share in the second quarter. this year we celebrated arby's 65th anniversary with multiple activations and a new brand campaign. we are launching new segments in the second half. we are launching more offerings for collectors and new kids content. you know barbie well, you follow the story. barbie has gained global share
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and continues to strengthen its position as the leader in those categories. very few brands have the cultural relevance as barbie and we could not be more confident about this incredible franchise. >> we know barbie has done well since the movie, but i want to know what is next in media. there could be good things down the pike. i want to see something from mattel in the movies. >> movies is an important part of our entertainment strategy. there is great momentum following the barbie movie. there are 16 films in various stages of development and preproduction. we announced masters of the universe would be released in theaters worldwide on june 5, 2026, distributed by amazon mgm. there is a new monster hi movie we are developing with universal and an academy award- winning producer and screenwriter. and matchbox has a great director that directed
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extraction, that we are very excited by. these are just examples. 16 movies in total currently being developed. and in production. >> i don't know about this pattern outfit, but i know one thing. when i met you multiple times i always said, look, could there be a moment when you have so much cash, you fix the balance sheet, you have these great properties and it makes it so you are actually vulnerable. $722 billion. you bought back $100 million worth of stock, but at what point does your stock become so cheap that something does happen? >> we believe the price does not reflect the success we have had today and importantly the future potential. you know the numbers well. if you look at the key metrics, our top line grew by more than half $1 billion. adjusted gross margin improved by almost 1000 basis points.
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adjusted ebitda grew by 7.5 times and free cash flow went from negative to more than $700 million and of course we are now investing great. brands are thriving. we are gaining share in the toy business. we are winning licenses and having great momentum in our entertainment strategy, highlighted by the barbie movie as one obvious showcase with so much more in the works. so we are well-positioned to build on this trajectory and continue to execute our strategy and expect the share price to reflect this overtime. >> with your asset light model that you have turned around, which is the right thing, says to me if you don't, if a few buyers don't want it, we will buy it. why not stand there and say
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listen, we will buy everything? >> we have been buying at this point over $400 million since we resumed share re-purchase since last year which was the first time this happened in nine years. we still have $800 million remaining under the current $1 billion authorization. we expect to continue to do more share repurchase in line with our capital allocation priorities and this reflects our confidence in our strategy to grow sales, earnings and free cash flow and create long- term shareholder value. >> gross margins indicate that the consumer is robust. you are able to get the full price, but we are starting to see the frugality of the consumer. whether it be going to cruise lines instead of theme parks. not taking expensive airlines. using amazon prime day rather than holding back. are you seeing a two frugal consumer? >> we don't see that. the toy industry actually performed better than
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anticipated in the first half and was comparable in the prior year. this is an improvement from our initial outlook at the start of the year. several categories are driving this. it bodes well for our strategy and beyond 2024, we believe the trends will further improve and the industry will return to growth and continue to grow over the long term. the fundamentals of the toy industry are strong. toys are an important part of consumers lives and retailers see the category as a strategic lever and within this environment we expect mattel to continue to gain share and outperform the market this year and next year as well. >> i share with you, i say a budding frustration. cash building, sales good. toy category overall, i keep hearing from every retailer is
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the place to be, but the stock has not done what you and i think it would do. it does represent a bargain. ynon kreiz, chairman, ceo of mattel, thank you for coming on "mad money". >> thank you, jim. >> good to see you. "mad money" is back afterward. coming up, pop open those umbrellas and tea up your toughest questions. cramer takes on all comers in the lightning round, next. okay, team! oh, thank you so much i couldn't have done it without you. honestly, i don't do a whole lot here. i'm really just here for the at&t internet, it's super-fast so, any pre-launch concerns? what if nobody buys them? that's mean or, what if everybody buys them? oh, i hadn't thought of that that's probably not gonna happen can we handle that kind of traffic? the network can handle it!
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i downloaded eight hours of true crime stories just during our last video call i'm learning a lot
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it is time, time for the
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lightning round. and then the lightning round is over. are you ready? let's start with harry in my home state of new jersey. >> booyah, cramer. thank you for taking my call. i am interested in a shipping company and petroleum products is their thing. the letters are trmd. >> this is a company with a remarkably high dividend yield but when things start going bad and they always do in this business, that yield will start going down and you will save yourself, why am i still in this stock? be aware, right now still going up, but these things are slopes and they just get crushed when
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that dividend goes down. the yield will go down with it. keep that in mind. let's go turmeric in tennessee. >> how are you doing? >> i'm doing well, how are you? >> i'm doing really well. i want to get your opinion on train technology. >> the stock has been stayed up and selling off, but believe me, they are for real, as is carrier, by the way. now i am starting to look at johnson controls. let's go to craig in texas. >> what's going on, cramer, my man, how are you doing today? >> i'm doing well, how are you? >> i'm doing wonderful. i have a question about a stock that hit an all-time high today. something that doesn't get a lot of attention, which is probably good. the stock i am calling about is s.a.p. >> we had christian klein on recently and the guy was so impressive. this stock is incredible. i think that s.a.p.
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is not done going higher. let's go to jim in tennessee. jim. >> booyah and a booyah to your staff. >> my staff is awesome, absolutely. what's going on? >> in january you did a call on a stock and i was going to do more research on it. the stock was upgraded yesterday. it was upgraded 130 and had several target prices up to 190. my question is, the stock is missed earnings four times in a row, but it does not get killed every time for some reason. the stock is axiom therapeutics. >> okay, this is central nervous system. if you can make a breakthrough in cns, your stock will double and if not it will go down. that is a double or nothing stock right there and that is
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the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, field of streams? why the tech mega-caps are in a league of their own. next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. ♪♪ go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms ♪♪ unlock support from the schwab trade desk— our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. ♪♪ and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education crafted just for traders. ♪♪ all so you can trade brilliantly.
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some businesses are just doing bad. that is something we keep learning and as people watch it unfold. for example, the content business, it is incredible how difficult it is. in part because they need to
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pay for programming, especially sports rights. prices that until recently could be just about eyeballs. these rates seem geared to old line media companies. amazon and outlets seem to bid up sports and programming, something that disney and paramount can't afford. right now the media companies we grew up with the need to pay for content are in a dogfight that perhaps they can't win. they know that. for example, that the nba could be a draw for all sorts of other options including retail sales, their own retail sales in the case of amazon. so what did they do? they bid on a package of games that would surely go to warner bros. discovery, which has excellent coverage with inside the nba starting charles barkley. people watch inside the nba even if they don't watch professional basketball. but amazon wants that package
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and what amazon wants, amazon gets. sure you may have to pay $15 extra per month to watch on amazon. some would say it is a tax on those who want to watch, including people who can now push to watch sneakers via amazon's recommendation system. there is no going back to the old days. even if warner bros. paid enough to match amazon for nba rights. it is not clear how this battle plays out, but amazon has a huge warchest and can probably preemptively outbid anyone. networks have always offered football as a good business for them and it gets you to watch their other programming. but amazon now has the rights to a bunch of games. christmas day games and alphabet has the nfl sunday ticket, which they are doing a phenomenal job with after out the kinks. the winning team can't compete because the cash generation doesn't come anywhere near the mega-caps and the digital players have a real edge in that they often have content
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that costs them nothing. there programming they get for free. same with outlets like reddit and pinterest, their users create all of their content. they have an advantage over espn, which has to pay a huge amount for everything. the ads on espn broadcasts are basically a blunderbuss named it everything. another issue, linear tv guys don't have enough ads, but an outlet like netflix has too many ads. in a universe where they own the world with pinterest, netflix and reddit being like what we used to call the uhf channels. the higher ones on the dial filled with amateur stations. it is the way of the world. they have to much money to be beat if they are willing to spend it. i have no idea what happens with the old leaders. they need to think about content people will pay for. not sports, because in the end i could see alphabet, amazon, and apple locking up all the
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pro sports they want at prices the media companies can't compete with. as long as the streamers are willing to pay for the best content, the old players will keep getting beaten. so they will find a new way. it's too bad. we all grew up with free, ad supported sports. soon those days might be over. i am jim cramer. see you tomorrow. the quick fi, alright? what? nobody says that. who told you that? what does this have to do with fish? what is there to think about? the product is crap. now, we are talking about cockroaches, scorpions, and even rodents. ew! screw it. i'm going to say it, okay? this grind culture, it's [bleep] ♪♪ ♪♪ narrator: first in the tank is a solution to a serious problem in the kitchen. ♪♪


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