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tv   Mad Money  CNBC  August 7, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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bounce via uso. >> the uso oil fund. guy? >> wegovy. >> wegovy. >> i think robinhood is interesting at these levels. >> robinhood -- you know what is interesting at these levels? you guys. i appreciate taking it easy on me. melissa is back tomorrow night >> my mission is simple, to make you money. i am here to level the playing field for all investors, there is always -- i will help you find it, mad money starts now. i am cramer, welcome to mad money , i am just trying to make you money, my job is not just to entertain but education and teach me him a call me. you cannot hope for rate cuts from the federal reserve and also expect zero weakness in
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any part of the economy that impacts your portfolio. wall street wants to have it both ways but we will never get those rate cuts until the fed sees cast strapped consumers rebelling against higher prices . forcing companies to roll them back to before covid levels and that is where it is playing havoc with the average, the dow down 243 point, the nasdaq losing 1.05%. how can investors -- we want enough weakness in the economy to push the fed to cut but no damage whatsoever to the stocks of companies we own. look no further than the stock of the walt disney company. i followed disney very closely, i like it in part because of the price, it traded at 123 and changed in march, big index funds, offer advice on cutting costs, and reorganizing the
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business. now rated 86, even here it feels precarious as no one seems to care at all about the value of this storied franchise. the company reported what look like on the surface a terrific quarter and the stock jumped five dollars in premarket trading. it reversed and finish the day down four dollars. not like the dow jones where things look good in the morning and got lower the rest of the day. emblematic, disney is the perfect microcosm for the moment, a bunch of imported divisions like movies where they are crushing it, inside out 2, deadpool and wolverine, the movie drive is over, espn without revenue up, good news despite cord cutting. what got me excited about the results, and amazing profit from disney+, i thought it would disappoint us and we heard only netflix streaming. wrong.
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move over netflix or slide over a little because disney+ put a profit a quarter earlier than planned. not the story in this market, if disney was so good, you are wondering what it does not get beaten black and blue today for, the answer is why we need a rate cut right now. the consumer no longer seems willing to pay up for the storied and treasured family friendly theme parks. consistent part of the mosaic, they failed to deliver this time , failed big i don't know if they can deliver in this environment because they may be too expensive for the frugal consumer, yes they are exciting but would have to pay $744 at the grand floridian, $526 at the contemporary come on top of the 109 another -- $109 tickets
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for the themepark, consumers will have to make a choice and maybe the choice is to not go to the magic kingdom. that is why disney domestic box operating fell a shocking 6%, the demand moderation could impact the next few quarters. what choices does the consumer make? royal caribbean, judging by what the company had to say about the standard of their business. magic kingdom room rates are expensive and royal caribbean perfect day cruise will only set you back $114 per night, you can sale five days for the price of one overnight room at the floridian. consumer wants to go places. they want to travel, after covid , top of the list of things worth spending, out of the pandemic, people were more than happy to pay disney prices , but we have changed and were choosy after years of higher
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prices, we are done. you can have a terrific time on a cruise and take just as good of pictures on your instagram without mickey mouse photo bombing your insta action. wait. there are other things besides just theme parks. you can get this incredible franchise for just over 17 times earnings. cheaper than the average stock. i said i am itching to buy back the stock we sold much higher with the peltz fracas. there rest of dizzy -- they have a ability to cut prices that the theme parks and i am confident the fed will cut rates which could take pressure away from the parts. what happens? the parks bounce back because not like there was relevance or stopped being great places to
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go but more expensive than the alternatives like cruising. disney has a cruise line which is expanding but not fast enough and the gross margins on the new ships not as attractive as the broken in ships. i brought up dizzy not to harp on the fact that i think it is a bargain, yes, if it goes to $80, more of a bargain. but it is emblematic of problems that many companies are having. one of my favorites, airbnb, they are seeing a slowing in domestic bookings, something that is worrisome. it dovetails with what marriott is saying, another good operator. i thought airbnb was a good market but consumers are under pressure that they seem -- if you brought your home with a high mortgage rate in the last couple of years, you will charge more to rent it and it may be does not get taken. you cannot rollback prices in the central office but i sent inflation is coming from we know consumers are strange sometimes and making choices, spending a lot on uber, and
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willing to pay is -- through the nose for the delivery. different things occur during covid, the consumer learn to love the convenience and does not want to give it up. they call it normalization. the end of exaggerations because of covid or the post- tran01 supply-chain, the consumer got liquid from doing nothing from the pandemic and was willing to accept the higher prices at the parks. no longer the case with an empowered consumer. that consumer will force rollbacks on price by voting with their feet. i am not going to take it anymore, mad at some options and happy with others because they are cheaper and better. the fed can rejoice and stretch the time to cut rates until it sees the disney cut prices on mass or it can anticipate what will happen and move now. i think it does the latter that
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the consumer is still not going to come back to disney world until the grand floridian drops the price of the polynesian and the polynesian drops to the price of the contemporary. until then, they will languish like companies, because that is a losing opposition, a losing proposition to which wall street and the consumers rebelling. let's go to luke and louisiana. >> mr. cramer . good to talk to you. i am calling about ibm, big blue. i usually just bet on lsu to defeat arkansas, stealing candy from a baby, ibm with the market upholding for 20, 25 years now quantum computing, i am hearing about commercial security. is quanta computing the real deal and will ibm -- >> you don't need quantum computing to be the real deal, they are executing like a fast
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gillette razor i like what is going on. i think the stock valuation is not stretch, they are doing a terrific job. buy, buy, buy. mike in oregon. >> looking to increase my industrial inspector, i own honeywell and stanley black & decker and want a new position in eton or dover, which is the one to start with? >> no, both great, connected to data center but dover has the less data center as a percentage of its mosaic than eaton. buy dover. i know because you are a club member, that is the one you want. let's go to daniel in alabama. >> jim, longtime listener. my mother, my father, my aunt. moderna, pre-pandemic buyer,
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trimmed along the way, price action recently, what you think about the outlook? >> moderna, i was hoping they could use ai to solve the puzzle but they do not have personalized cancer vaccines like i thought they would. people let down by the company, let down. they have not been able to crack the code of cancer with personalized vaccines and that is why the stock going down. the fed can stretch the time before cuts right before sees the disease of the world cut prices, or -- it can start cutting interest rates very soon. cvs health chopped the 2024 forecast for a third time, the stock going lower on the news, i will check their vitals in my post earnings exclusive. celsius has reported another record quarter, what is going on?
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devon energy moving higher, what could be the premier independent oil company in this country. we will sit down with the top brass. >> don't miss a second of mad money, follow @jimcramer. send jim an email or give us a call. miss something, go to
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>> what will it take for cvs health to turn around? the drugstore space has been in
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trouble but this is the drugstore that has done the most away from its core business and right now, it may not be working. cvs reported, results that are solid, they cut the full-year earnings forecast for the third time because the managed care business is under pressure. management originally got it for the earnings of $8.50 per share and cut in february before cutting it again to at least seven inmates and saying now 6:50. we know it can be turned around. let's go straight to the source with the president and ceo of cvs to find out. welcome back to mad money. that is a tough litany , we know, you are also up to it because you're taking direct charge of the area a lot of people feel is causing some problems, the healthcare benefits segment. you have solved a lot of the problems so far. even since we talked in january. this is now popping up. >> let's take a step back and look at the totality of the
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business. many of our businesses are performing well, retail, pharmacy are performing well with the best market share that we have ever had. our caremark business is doing well with a solid performance in the quarter our problem is the aetna business with some challenges, the industry has had challenges and i was not happy with the financial performance of that business and i am taking ownership and i'm going to focus on that financial operation execution of the business. >> it is tough because there was a time when your aetna was not rated highly and you go the other way and give a lot and what the favorite plan. how do you balance these things? to me, it takes a wizard to do it. >> it is all about focus and discipline. i feel really good about our medicare pricing for 2025, we took an enterprisewide approach with bringing all of our resources to bear and we feel
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good about where we are headed for 2025. we expect to recover margins of one to two basis points next year. >> when this was put together, some of this was defense, use the brick and mortar for more than just amazon carry-on, make it so that you can use it as an entry to bigger healthcare situations. oak street health and signify seem to be working, you are right, when it comes to where we get our shots, we know to go to cvs. of the stores you kept open, you say they are almost all profitable. if this piece fell into place, this healthcare benefits, could you have the leverage model to get eight dollars in earnings or more? >> we have strong momentum going into 2025, our pharmacy business is performing well and are oak street business is performing as expected. we expect the same positive
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momentum to our medicare pricing, through our -- we have had good success in our national accounts and care market at no. we introduced productivity initiatives today as well. we are pleased about where we think 2025 will land. >> on april 30th, walmart closed the walmart healthcare service division, 51 clinics, they tried it for five years and had 4600 pharmacies. they said they could not make it work, reimbursement environments and operating cost with a lack of profitability and makes the care business unsustainable. how do you feel about what they did, and your model versus their model that makes it so you can do it, even though walmart has the biggest balance sheet in the industry? >> we have an intentional strategy to give consumers what they want, clear access, affordability, and low-cost. what we have done with polk street's focus on medicare members who have chronic conditions, a very targeted
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strategy to support the medicare population. we have an insurance business where we have medicare members. we are having great success. we have tripled the number of aetna members in our oak street clinics and i think, if you look at our strategy, it is the correct strategy at the right time. >> the stores that are left, are they bringing in more than customers? with amazon, with the amazon prime, they are targeting cvs and walgreens. are you able to withstand a online company that is low-cost and withstand them because of these ancillary things you bring in? the brick-and-mortar strategy is working. >> it is working, we have said that we have to be able to provide pharmacy benefits to immunization, we talked about this before the show.
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we have been changing some of the formats to include oak street and the pharmacy, we are seeing traction there as well. >> the new york times wrote a story about zombie pharmacies, a problem all over the country, in new york particularly, they say that, when you try to get there, you have to pay the least because the leases are so high that the landlord does not want to lease again but make it so that you pay is this a problem or are you almost out of the zombie store business in order -- >> we have had a very clear strategy over the last three years to reduce the 900 stores. we reduced the 900 stores, we have 851 with a couple left and we feel confident in our strategy about the number of stores we had. >> and jordan you are very, you are piling -- in january, self checkout, trying to figure out if you should scale it back, how have you done?
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>> great question, we are still seeing theft, it is still challenging as. we are seeing less of it but, you will be happy to know, we have new technology for loyal customers like you, we are piloting it in new york stores where you are a cvs health customer and you can use your phone and a qr code and unlock something locking up -- >> so great, don't have to press a button? >> we have a couple of stores in new york we are iloting it at. we are excited about that technology. >> that is fabulous. we have an election coming up , how much do you partially what people are saying each presidential candidate, how much of it is state versus federal? >> you have to think about it, we are in the healthcare business and heritage are healthcare and meet the needs of the demand of consumers and their healthcare needs. that does not matter who is in office
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, healthcare is personal and that is what we are trying to achieve, lower costs, affordability, and high-quality healthcare. that matters to consumer no matter what the election bears. that is our goal and that is our strategy. >> a thought, not what you want, the way you want to value things i look at your company and think the sum of the parts is so much more than what it is selling for. at the same time, that is not the goal to break the company up . >> we have integrated strategy which is working, we are seeing traction across all parts of the strategy. we always look at our strategy and we evaluate it in the terms of our long-term shareholders. >> with unlimited capital, would you put it behind oak street , brick-and-mortar, aetna? >> it would go into fixing healthcare , fixing the business , that is where my focus is. the other part of the business
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are performing well. >> you can do a better job, i know how hard it is, you can't deliver on this aetna portion and then you know you will have a lot more -- >> i know this business well, i know where the opportunities are and the issues are and i am very focused on it right now. >> if anybody can do it, it will be you, we all go to cvs health, our pharmacy, maybe it is the aetna hidden fees holding it back . mad money is back after the break. >> coming up, the stock with a can-do attitude taking the temperature of celsius, next.
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you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean-
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not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit >> okay, one thing is happening in celsius, formerly a highflying energy dream maker with the stock plunging, high 30s today, celsius has become a prime target for profit-taking because it is up over 2500% over the last five years. celsius reported yesterday morning record econd quarter results. some comments about the state -- start finish down more than 2%. let's go to john fieldy ,
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welcome back to mad money. >> glad to be here. >> let me tell you what i see happening, john, you have the best house in what increasingly people are taking is a bad neighborhood. does the neighborhood have to get better for your stock to fly? >> jim, we just broke record revenues, $400 in revenue, best quarter in company history. we were a little bit somber talking about the consumer, the category decreased for the first time since 2020. it was growing strong in the beginning of the year. the reality is, the sugar-free category continues to be the growth driver in energy category and celsius is the category driver of growth, 47% of the growth coming from celsius and we had an amazing sugar-free portfolio. most refreshing energy drinks. we talked about summer, what better than a watermelon lemonade, i got one today, amazing. >> how about new interests? why
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do you have a 12% short position, why is the stock not having what monster had, they were the greatest performing stop over 30 years, i still think that celsius could come i am trying to figure out what is holding back the stock. it is not the company. it is not the fundamentals. >> the fundamentals are strong, a lot of concern in the category of the consumer, analyst on wall street saying the category has been the growth driver, it is transitory, people expected to pick up at the end of year, energy -- people see it as an affordable luxury. the monster called they talked about it. energy category is not slowing down, more consumers coming in, we need more energy and celsius provides that and we are in good shape long-term. >> most recent study going back 15 years, anything new, which tells people how good this is
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for you? >> we take great pride. we don't have any new studies, premium ingredients, quality is top-notch within the product and we stand by at 100%. >> what is the deal with pepsico and the industry problem? 50% interest ration, you have to stay right with pepsi, at the same time, i don't want to hear about this inventory adjustment and the 20 million, that is too hard for me and i'm a student and drinker of celsius . when can we clear up this inventory problem with pepsico look? >> we are still getting to know each other and there is -- they are dynamite. >> they are adjusting inventories, it can be affected you are seeing slowdown in the category. >> monster is your enemy. rockstar is owned by them. what are we doing? >> celsius is driving the category, great partners,
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driving trucks share, they are leaning in. we did an incentive program with them to help us further lean in and we want to drive this category. both pepsi and celsius are fully aligned to do it. >> internationally, 95% of shares come from north america, how wide-open is the field that max >> it is wide-open, partnering with santori, super smart guys. uk, ireland, france later in the year, australia and new zealand, talking about other markets and expansion, same health and wellness trends and the u.s. are global trends, better ingredients without sacrificing flavor more function in the beverage and food we consume. fitness is a lifestyle position. >> we know that this does better , one of the few categories we can point to and say this does better. raspberries.
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>> absolutely. >> you lifted it -- >> in a great category, everybody wants to live healthily. >> why are so many people obese? how is the partnership working? >> amazing, having as part of with olympians, the fastest man , amazing. >> you know who i have, i love, caroline leavy, what does she tell you about the short position? the foremost analyst, beverage analyst of our lifetime is on your board, what is she saying? >> she is amazing, honor to have her, we need to be true to the street. >> is she shot at the short position given the numbers? yes, there is a lot of disruption, at the end of the day, we need to execute and we have a great strategy with a
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lot of great big bets coming up from f-1, partnering with mls. we need to grow and a huge opportunity. we need to focus on the business. >> that is what i want you to do. that is john fieldy, the chair , president of celsius and i wish i had an answer about why the stock goes down because i think the stock should be going higher. >> coming up, this energy play client after earnings, a snapshot of the corner with the ceo with mad money. (grunting) at morgan stanley, old school hard work meets bold new thinking. (laughter) at 88 years old,
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appreciate it so much. thank you. doors are new beginnings. -surprise! -surprise! your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors. for you, mama. through personalized money management that can evolve with new chapters. and they can proactively view your entire portfolio. with an eye on taxes and the impact of risk. so you can enjoy moments together. because doors were meant to be opened.
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>> over the past month, the energy stocks have been clobbered by falling oil and gas prices on wall street is freaking out about a particular session. that is what happens. i have to wonder, is this a great buying opportunity? it gives the federal reserve more reason to cut interest rates which send stocks backup, typically world stocks. how about devon energy, heavy hitter , strong quarter, the best in the oil industry, a $.50 earnings beat, higher-than- expected production, especially where production. management raised a four year production guidance and the stock jumped over 3%. i think this could go much higher when the fed cuts rates. they give a lot to shareholders, generous dividend structure and share repurposed commitment. let's take a look with the president and ceo of devon energy, welcome back.
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>> good to see you. >> this combination of companies you put together, you are probably one of the largest independent in the entire country, if not the world is the goal to be a true major built by rick muncrief? >> no. jim, nice, but our mission, let's build a great company. one that we run the right way and are very disciplined. good stewards of capital, good stewards of the land and good stewards of people, that is our goal. we really are pleased with where we are at and what we have accomplished. we have a lot of opportunity and hard work ahead of us. >> rick muncrief is known as a great operator, how are you
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capable of doing this? something no one else has much luck in doing. >> it comes down to assets and people. i can tell you, we have some tremendous assets. it is headlight by the delaware base, the permian, we have some of the best acreage. you can ask anyone else. it is also people. you have to have the right people, the right background, and i can tell you the combination we did four years ago, we have the best of the best. really pleased with how things are going we had to hit the reset button honestly, about 12 months ago, tighten a few things up, we have done that and i'm incredibly proud of this organization. >> when you made a recent acquisition in an area you know, williston, critic said you may be getting too much stock away, they want to stay
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in delaware, you always got that basin, why were you so attracted to that and willing to part with stockch you find very dear? >> the transaction was two thirds cash and one third stock. that is what the buyers preferred, we went back and forth and that is where we landed and we are comfortable with that and we think it is a great investment. we really think it strengthens the company and adds inventory for us, oil-weighted inventory. oil is where the margin is right now. natural gas has a great future. some of us, including myself, spent the first 25 years of our career with natural gas-based companies. the future always looked bright. today, the margins, and have been for quite some time, with crude oil. for us, having having a crude
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oil weighted acquisition to strengthen our already crude oil weighted company is a great fit. it does build us more scale, give us more scale, inventory, and on top of that, what a lot of people don't understand, with 300,000 acre position, that is a quite large position that we are getting with this recent transition. our geologists are excited about what future potential, even outside of the pocket logic. if you will recall, 10 or 12 years ago when you visited with us, that was some of the early days of development but the basin was 50 years old. we are excited about what lies ahead on that acreage. that will be for the next generation and the one behind that. it will be exciting. >> rick, you told me in 2011,
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what would happen, you may find a lot of oil but not a lot of transport out of the basin. does that make it worthwhile to do a line of drilling there? >> what we did, we did over time build out infrastructure and right now, the basin is in a great spot producing over 1 million barrels per day for several years now, good take away capacity and good infrastructure. just a great place to operate with wonderful regulatory environment. it is a great place to do business. >> we found , when mr. trump became president, people thought that would be terrific for oil but it at least, people were undisciplined and you told me that. people went nuts and drilled and drilled and drilled which drove the price down. there is good discipline, could that happen again if donald trump is elected president? >> i think, what you saw, a lot of the activity was with
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the natural gas producers. if you look at, in the permian basin, we did see a couple things going on, people had to hold acreage. either you went out and drilled to hold the acreage, or you potentially lose the leases. there was a certain amount of that and a large number of independent producers, nonpublic producers, that really look at that price signal as an opportunity to really increase activity. and they did, increased activity , increased production. most of the public producer that we held our discipline. that worked out pretty well. on top of that, a lot of the private operators had been bought out. have sold to some of the public entities. i think what you will see in the future, more and more discipline. i think, even the natural gas producers, they saw prices spike , they got after it, and here
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we are again back to where we were in the past. i think people have learned a lesson. >> one last question from me, you have a big buyback now, it is humongous versus the size of the company. do you think that the people who got stuck in this acquisition, will they be selling, or holding? you could really shrink the flow here. the >> right. i think our plan is, let's just -- we think it is a great use for capital. we have this excess cash flow we are continuing to generate and we recall, we run everything on a midcycle oil price of $75. weather down in our low breakeven in the $40, $50 range come up to $100, we think $75 is a good midcycle price and we are a tremendous value. we will continue to buy our shares back.
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as you mentioned, we did increase the authorization from $3 billion of to $5 billion and off to a good start on that. whether the holders of those equity with the most recent transaction keep up or not, we will remain to be seen. i think, i believe they think it is a great investment long- term. >> this acquisition with these numbers, you jumped ahead of the class, some have too much natural gas, and we lost mr. sheffield's company, always loved pioneer but devon is terrific. rick, great to see you. >> good to see you. >> the dean of the industry. mad money back after the break . >> hit us with your best shot,
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electrifying fast fire lightning round is coming up next. something amazing is happening here. students are inspired and engaged. that's because school districts consulted with cdw to design modern classroom solutions with preconfigured hp devices making education immersive, accessible and secure. now, when researchers study elephants, kids learn from 9000 miles away. make amazing happen. hp and cdw.
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so we don't have to worry. can we get out of here? i thought you'd never ask. join 18 million americans and take control of your financial future with a real time dashboard and real life conversations. empower. what's next. >> it is time. the lighting route is over. are you ready? let's go to sandy in tennessee. >> jim, what about dollar general?
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>> the problem with dollar tree , people have discovered the small form is no longer working and they want to go to walmart. nathan in oregon. >> hi, jim. i wanted to ask you about the stock, last year you recommended in a butterfly dividend portfolio, up 22%, with a fee, should i add more oke? >> one oak is terrific and i would buy more. a sensational company, i would rather have a yield over five but 4.77 is good. chad? >> how are you doing? >> what do you got? >> extended weekend. >> it is synthetic thursday.
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>> the question i have, medical supplies company, been performing quite well, i am a neutral right now, making a fairly decent consolidation on the way up in price, looks pretty good, mine is today's overall stock correction, the stock name is textron. -- dexcom had a bad miss, they have not explained, i will give you a reason, i would stay away. john in kentucky. >> jim, john from kentucky, a real fan of you on the show. >> thank you. days like today, maybe you can make some money.
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what is going on? >> technology, crst. >> i have a sweet spot for, do not think it is dangerous as others with explosive technology, i would be a buyer. stan in illinois. >> stan from peoria, illinois. charter member. >> what's going on? >> i own keycorp for the dividend but the stock is stuck in the $14 a $16 range, should i keep it? >> yes, strong, the board is federalist. a conclusion of the lighting around. >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. >> coming up, crypto was crushed
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in the selloff but jim cramer is not throwing away the tokens.
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appreciate it so much. thank you. doors are new beginnings. -surprise! -surprise! your dedicated fidelity advisor can help you open those doors. for you, mama. through personalized money management that can evolve with new chapters. and they can proactively view your entire portfolio. with an eye on taxes and the impact of risk. so you can enjoy moments together. because doors were meant to be opened.
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>> it is the turn of crypto in the woodshed, we are transfixed by the evisceration of bitcoin during the downturn of the s&p 500, told this should not be crushed with the stock market. if anything, they should hold the room if not go higher. the theorem is made by the recently made fidelity theorem fund which fell from $32 to $24 , wasn't this the transactional crypto that can be used to buy things? wasn't it supposed to offset in the world back give me a break, when you purchase crypto, unproven assets that may be using -- the trust was
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not much better, the various proxy stocks, micro strategies and marathon digital holdings fared slightly better but none of them made what you would call a hedge. it makes perfect sense, the pitch for crypto it is like digital gold, a state value, but that is in the future, for the moment, everything crypto is hostage to the stock market because you have many of the same owners with the same sense of problems on the other hand, gold is distinguished as the stronghold of value against pretty much everything, unbeknownst to everyone still fretting inflation will have a comeback, we are in an extraordinary bear market for commodities. but not this precious one come up more than 50%. eating the pant all -- against -- beating the pants off of almost all competition. it is held up under every
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onslaught. there is a simple reason, as we heard from the ceo, a great performer, it is getting increasingly hard and expensive to find precious metals. the world is barely replacing it and only 1% of the entire worth of gold is found each year, there is true scarcity value, something crypto cannot provide as an asset class or at least we don't think it can. gold has become so difficult to find that the minors are performing poorly because the costs are too high, indicating the cause are under control and far fewer mistakes. a stock is double the price of gold this year. we are not sure of anything crypto despite what the apostle said. we see a price every day but doesn't -- but does anyone know anything about it? it is
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getting promoted by who knows who or why. gold is a beloved metal, something we can see how costco sells out f its members only gold bars every day. unlike crypto, gold is something you can physically take on the run from an unstable resume and has value everywhere around the globe . perhaps ironically, i believe in gold and crypto , but for widely different reasons, i like crypto because they will always take up after a decline, it will not stop anytime soon, i would be a buyer for a fear and bitcoin for one simple reason , one simple imperative, the budget deficit is out of control so countless people will purchase crypto as alternatives to the dollar because they imagine a future of rampant inflation. these people don't have the influence of the bond market but they can deftly take up a
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theorem of bitcoin and maybe one day crypto will be genuine hedge against inflation but for now it is simply too young to act as a hedge against anything. we don't know the supply of these coins work or if they can be trusted, but i am confident it will work over time, it just needs more seasoning and that is why i say purchase gold and bitcoin, you need as many hedges as you can get , they cannot all work at once but over time they will all work out well. always a bull market somewhere, i will find it just for you on mad money, i am jim cramer , see you tomorrow. yeah. how does he know this stuff? necessity is the fairy godmother of invention. who's "eggcited"? here it is! greiner: oh. [ laughs ] ohh! oh, my goodness. are you kidding? you think this is worth $10 million? guys, i've doubled the amount of cash you're getting. lori, are you in on this deal with me? you're kicking daniel to the curb? yes, i'm throwing him under the bus. i'm using my social media to back this. i'm offended. it's stupid. -- captions by vitac -- ♪♪


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