tv Mad Money CNBC October 8, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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>> we were rush, rush. >> you don't have to rush. >> mosey on in. >> mets are up 1-0 in game three. >> thanks for the update. >> nasdaq, big volume since september. >> really wondering. thank you for watching "fast money." "m meywi j cmeadon" thimrar starts right now. my mission is simple, to make you money. i'm here to level the playing field for all investors. there's always a bull market somewhere, and i promise to help you find it. mad money starts now. hey, i'm cramer. welcome to mad money. welcome to "cramerica." my friends, i'm just trying to make you so many. my job is not just to entertain but to teach you. call me at 1-800-743-cnbc, tweet me @jimcramer. complacency?
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it is a two way street. we always here how the bulls are being complacent and ignore downside risk. we almost never hear that the bears are being complacent and missing out on terrific opportunities, which i find to be absurd. nobody does complacency like the bears. we see this play out so often with the dallas dancing 126 points, the s&p gained and the nasdaq 1.45%. remember last night i spent a lot of time talking about how we had a downgrade yesterday i did not like and stocks reacting to negative news already. today they seem like fortuitous notes that would end up costing you money if you listen to them. why? because in the last decade the toughest thing to do is to hold onto good stocks. analysis and commentators love to take a nap long-term winners. they have scared some people out of amazing games that it seems downright wrong to me.
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even if you wanted to take action, you should wait for a bounce before you do any selling. if it is a downgrade based on valuation, get ready to buy the stock back at a lower level which is incredibly hard to do even for the best of traders. the complacency of the bears allows them to keep more of these stocks even when they are ready down even with the macro, the big picture of the economy, that is really designed to freak people out. consider what happened yesterday . i was loath to even comment on the downgrades of apple and amazon, but i felt i had to because this was not the first time i had to strap myself to the mast and hang on for real life when i heard these downgrades. real scary. apple was talking about no green light to get a new iphone until 2026, 2027 because of hardware flaws. they were concerned about consumer spending headwinds. this was right before the prime deal days event. did you see
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the apple deals? you should check them out. they are amazing. i told members of the cnbc investing club you need to stand pat or by the downgrades because both amazon and apple came back hard before the downgrades. there's the one where you get the rebound and two they are not -- it was widely disliked three months ago stating at 182. it quickly plummeted to 161 and then pirouette it back to 195 above the bad quarter like it never happened. then it goes down the most nine straight points which is where it then catches the downgrade. with amazon you can't get in and get out. pullback yesterday was like a godsend. yesterday's downgrade created a second buy option.
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sure enough with no upgrade or downgrade what happens? it bounces back and you are free to sell at a better price if you want. same thing with apple. lots of negativity about how the iphone 16 is already a bust. yesterday's downgrade sent it to 221. today it gained four dollars and is already back to 225. unfortunately if you are trying to get out and get back in at a lower level, it is already too late. i'm not saying apple stock can't go back down again. just the opposite, it can. i'm just saying this getting in and getting out and getting in and getting out is fraught and not for you to do at home. still, these were big impact downgrades. they drove the stock down heavily. they made people take action sell, sell, sell. in my sick of people taking action? then the action being
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publicized. today we had a downgrade to a.i. revenues. a month ago that would've been a timely call. the problem is microsoft stock just sunk from 441 to 410 almost in a straight line. so the analyst coming after a gigantic decline. so what happened? how low did it go? did it have the same impact as apple and amazon from yesterday? hardly. microsoft actually went up. it rallied more than five dollars today. let me tell you what happens if you're a research firm and you cover microsoft with today's big game. you've been hovering and frightened and you are thinking of making the call to downgrade the stock but you have to get rid of the info on your back but then the analyst beat you to it. what you see with the downgrade, it did not work.
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that's when you realize the damage has already been done. the bad news is in the stock. mark my words, somebody will come out swinging tomorrow and recommend the stock. they just got the all clear sign. to me all of this is very silly. you don't want to wait 30 points to downgrade microsoft but it does feel a bit immunized. anybody watching the stock for petco this last -- pepsico this last few weeks? it traded 165 at 6:00 a.m.. it was a weaker than expected quarter. the question is, was it really weaker than expected? i don't think so. given how analysts spend day after day saying it will be a miserable quarter, i did not think it was that bad. it was better once they started spending more aggressively. it is sticking by the 8% earnings growth rate forecast which happens to be pretty good for a food company. no wonder they finished up an
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astounding 3.21%. i found that remarkable. this stock was at 65. i'm going to get this right. it was at 65 when i first saw the numbers. i said those numbers are pretty good. then five straight points. that's a remarkable comeback. just remarkable. i think the people that sold the stock at 165 and closed out at 170 need to rethink their mo or quicker jake -- quit their day jobs. i was on honeywell. today makes a move to break up a key portion of the business spinning off the oil business to shareholder. it is a welcome new unlocking in value. the market pretty much yawned. the stock was barely up at all. it is being totally ignored. that is insane. here you have an eagerly
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awaited spinoff that makes the rest of the company much more focused. three divisions all very large teams with the now faster growth weight. it is truly good news. i have been pushing for this all along. what happens? the stock does almost nothing. at one point almost unchanged. finishes up $3.67? i thought it would be up at least $5.00. i thought people would care more. first, we've been gripped by how poorly bonds have been trading. second, we are waiting for the other shoe to drop in the oil market. here's what i have to say. what the heck does that have anything to do with the greatness of honeywell spinning off a division that will make it into a more focused and better run company. it means nothing to their story. however, on wall street lousy timing is everything. here's the bottom line. i need you to understand that when analysts downgrade after
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stocks have already been hammered, when really good investors ignore the positives it may be a grim time, not so grim we can't make money focusing on the fundamentals of the companies and not just the economy, the fed, interest rates, and oil. let's go to jim in new jersey. >> hey, jim. pleasure to speak with you. i owe you big time. you are the top of the class. >> thank you, jim. thank you very much. i wish my wife are here so i could tell her you feel that way. >> i'm sure she knows. so, plenty are was brought to my attention in february i bought it and of course i sold it. >> why? >> i wanted to buy it back on a dip. when is that going to happen? i bought at 35 and yesterday it dropped. >> right. okay. here's the way i feel about palantir. this is owned by
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individuals. they love it. they walk it up. every time he gets hit it happens to be a good company. i would not buy it up. but the cold buyers can't get enough and take higher every single day. stay long and see what happens. tim in georgia. >> jim, love your show been watching for many years. >> thank you, tim. >> calling about carnival cruise lines. lately i've been watching it. things have been looking pretty good. great bookings, good revenues, earnings, even a reasonable pe today yet the company still has high debt, there's a lot of world unrest and we now have milton, looks like it will cut across florida and potentially be online to hit two of their departure terminals. so what is your take? >> i don't know about the actual weather forecast and
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where things will go. i know i do prefer royal caribbean. it has a better balance sheet and more momentum. carnival is good. these cruise stocks are really driven. i also like biking. when analysts downgrade after stocks have already been hammered, it may look grim. it's never so grim we still can't make money by focusing on the fundamentals of the companies. i will talk to generac to find out how they are preparing for the second storm and nearly 2 weeks. then i'm looking at three banks earning a spot on my list of strong stocks. aerospace player standard arrow made its debut last week. how you should view the initial take off. you don't want to miss it so stay with cramer. don't miss a second of mad
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whenever we have a horrific hurricane season, and this one is only getting worse, i like to take a look at generac, that's a number one maker of backup generators. this stock has been on fire because people by backup generators when they are worried about hurricanes knocking out their power. it's a valuable service. it's not their fault he stock goes up when bad things happen. let's take a closer look with
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aaron jagdfeld, the president and ceo of generac , to learn more. welcome back. >> thank you for having me. >> these storms are mesmerizing the country because it seems like they are more powerful and they are going places you did not think you could have these kinds of hurricanes. for generac, are you seeing places that don't have a lot of hurricanes that people are now, we need this. it's not just the northeast and michigan? >> you are right, jim. first of all, this is devastating. you see the images and understand the damage these recent storms have caused, specifically helene in the carolinas. that's a good example. results and product in the carolinas over the years but we will definitely sell a lot more given the type of infrastructure loss that happened there and frankly the fact that people have become a lot more aware that outages can have a lasting impact in a community like that. >> what are you talking to
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people about climate change? the change became political in this country, but i feel when i look at the weather pattern and see what happened in nashville, i say to myself let's get rid of the politics. something is wrong here. something is changing the way storms occur. something that will be beneficial to generac, not for the country but for you. >> the science is clear. air temperatures are more immune, water temperature is warming. we can debate what caused it but the outcome is more extreme weather. it's 113 days in phoenix over 113 degrees. storms like milton rapidly intensifying over 24 hours to cat 5 strength. these powerful storms are hitting places that have not been hit before. it is something we have o be mindful of. most outages are caused by the weather. as mother nature continues to create these extremities, it will create a ton of pressure
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on the grid. >> let's talk about the grid. you also have another division besides residential. you have construction. you have industrial. you have many different kinds. i don't want to just paint you as residential. talk to me about data centers, the problem with the grid, what you are doing to help. >> that's a great call. 40% of the business relies on commercial and industrial type products. products that go to manufacturing plants, distribution plants, hospitals and things like that. the trends of power quality. it's a wrap around the whole discussion over the last 20 years. it is very clear. through the first nine months of this year 1.2 billion hours lost to outages in the u.s. wrap your head around that. that is not only impacting homeowners, but of course it is impacting businesses and other institutions. having a backup plan, whatever the plan is, if it's a generator and that's been a popular plan for a lot of
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businesses it is something that people have to think about. they have to think about the continuity of operations, continuity of revenue strings -- streams and protecting any inventory. this will only get worse. the grid continues to be under pressure. on the supply side we are decarbonization, which is great. we are adding more solar and wind, but those are not 24/7 type of assets. they are intermittent by their nature. on the demand side what we have is an increase in demand through the electrification trends we see including transportation. we are in the early innings of ev adoption. now you mentioned a.i. that is bringing away the data center growth which will put tremendous pressure on the grid as we move forward. >> it's talk about the cost for getting a generac. you have the installation. they can run into a large amount of money.
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interest rates coming down must help your business tremendously. >> it does. you have to think of this as a home-improvement type of project for kids $12-$15,000 with installation. it's a tidy sum of money. it's not an expensive, but the peace of mind it brings is priceless. for homeowners who buy this product, it is fully automatic. it runs off the natural gas or propane supply. it's the kind of thing that can really keep -- especially as people are working from home you are not just talking about the inconvenience of an outage that you have to be in the dark or the danger that causes, but also the interruption of their livelihood. as we work towards more of a hybrid type environment this becomes more of a product or appliance that homeowners are looking for. >> as i go into people's refrigerators these days it's not just going to have juice or milk or other perishables, a lot of medicines. we saw that from covid. how can you justify not having a generac if your refrigerator goes off and medicines spoiled? >> it's another you space --
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use case for the product. a lot of medications need to be refrigerated. even the glp-1 drugs. some have home oxygenation machines and home dialysis is becoming a trend. medical devices, you have medications as you pointed out. again, this is becoming a bigger part of the need for an answer directed -- uninterrupted power supply in your home. >> are you supplies we are talking about three mile island. when they were decommissioned they were never supposed to be open again. are you shocked that that is how much power we need? >> i think it speaks to the critical nature of the situation we are in. the fact that we would be reopening power plants and a nuclear plant called three mile island. i think i would have started with a marketing pitch of changing the name. let's call it what it is.
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there's a significant concern over availability. to actually have to reopen these new plants or keep plants that should be end-of-life and keep them running much longer than they were intended in their design life that's what we are up against. the utilities and grid operators see it for what it is. it's very challenging today to go out there and try to solve their problems the way they would have historically. if you knew there was low growth coming. this is the first time in a couple decades utilities are seeing low growth in the current lifetime, they would have solved that by putting in a gas plant or other type of thermal asset. they cannot do that today because of the decarbonization goals. they really have to look for a different solution. nuclear is an option but it takes a long time to build a new plant and the fact that we are recommissioning a plant that has been decommissioned says a lot about the state of the grid. >> when we were in dearborn looking at ford, they have the f1 50. they said if there's an outage
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you plug the truck into your house. ev sales have kind of petered out. was that something you are concerned about for the numbers and now it looks like it's not as much of a competition as you thought? >> the idea of taking an electric vehicle and using it to backup your home, that's an interesting idea. you have a large battery pack sitting in your garage so why wouldn't you use that. the reality is you are making a trade-off between reliability and mobility. if you think about that situation. if you are in northern california and they are telling you they will do a power safety shut off because of wildfire danger so the power goes out and you have the f1 50 electric in the driveway. the reality is after the first day now you are down to half of the charge. when does the thought start to cross your mind that what if there really is a fire and i need to leave? how long do you use that ev
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before you finally say, i need to prioritize mobility over resiliency. >> that is a great answer. thank you for that. aaron, you are so thoughtful. i love when you come on mad money. that is the ceo of generac. we will be back after he break. coming up, foray into the financials. which banks fit cramer's three key criteria? keep it here. business.
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we are in a very tricky moment right now. even if it is our friend making it easier to earn a chunk in the market, you look back in history october has been a good month. that's why you need to be selective about what you buy. that's why am really not my favorite rubric. we want yev. high-yield, strong earnings growth, and good value. looking for names that more than the tench mark -- benchmark treasury. higher than the s&p 500 is expected and a lower in the overall index. by the way, that is supposed to be high. out of 500 stocks in the s&p 500 there are only nine that make the yev list.
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two chemical companies which is tao and lyondell bussell. there are three banks that pass the test. keybank and huntington which are both based in ohio and citizens financial in providence, rhode island. i like the regional banks for the same reason i like the commodity chemical. the have been out-of-favor for a long time but they should do better in a falling interest rate environment. some regionals are better than others. we don't want the ones that have not recovered from last year's many banking crisis but keybank, huntington and citizens financial are good. i think we are headed in the right direction. they got squashed from the rapidly raising interest rates
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and let them hire for longer but now that the fed is in rate cut mode, they stand to benefit even if the pace slows down. we are in a terrific scenario for these guys. the economy is still strong to where we are calling it a soft landing feels too negative. throw in the interest rates and obviously the credit loss will be less. we are in a cut cycle portion. let me walk you through these three regionals that made the yev list . first is keycorp. this is a high quality consumer bank franchise with a large reach. they have roughly 1000 branches across 15 states in the west, northeast, northwest. unfortunately they made some mistakes with the bond portfolio which damaged earning power. now that the fed is our friend it won't be a problem anymore. a couple of months ago we learned the bank of nova scotia also known as scotia bank will be taking a nearly 15 point steak in keep corp. . the others will come after
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the deal gets revelatory approval. what matters is this investment is keycorp a much better cushion that it can use to reposition its investment portfolio. i think it is nice. i would be buying especially if it yields at 5%. they are trading at $16 and change you are getting a better price than scotia bank is paying. next up, columbus based huntington bank. the parent company, we know well. after speaking with the ceo several times over the last couple years, i recommend this one in early august. when the market sold off hard then it has rallied nearly 11%. i felt comfortable recommending huntington because we just had steve on the show less than a week before in the wake of a very healthy quarter. we are on the verge of a rate cutting cycle and after many
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banks spent last year on risk- weighted assets as they recover from the crisis that is mostly over. listen to this. >> we are incredibly well positioned in the midwest. in addition, we recently expanded in the carolinas and into texas. we have a unique franchise with a lot of growth potential. columbus is doing phenomenally well. we've been growing deposits everyone quarter. we are in a great position to continue to grow. >> a terrific story. even though they've had a nice run since then. plenty of growth on the horizon as interest rates come down. this one is northeast bank citizens financial group. when you take a closer look they have some of the best. that matters for a couple of regions. this is how you know they won't
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be the next first republic. in common times it gives them the flexibility to do those things. they called citizens financial a topic in the sector citing strong earnings growth potential as they marginalize. the expansion in new york city and mortgage demand bounced back thanks to lower rates. they have also been held back in recent quarters by significant one-off items. imagine there should not be much more of an impact for most kinds of things going forward. that sounds really good to me. company as a believer at citizens financial and the baseball team that plays there, home of the philadelphia phillies. here's the bottom line. in a market like this you need to be selective. we fall back on yield, earnings, and growth. these are all things that are very hard to find. you can find them in some of
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the best regional banks. keycorp, huntington, citizens financial. we have more yev names. these are all really good situations that you ought to consider if you are thinking, have i missed a lot? let's go to nathan in oregon. nathan. >> hi, jim. how are you? >> i am good. how are you? >> i am a member of the investing club. >> thank you very much. >> i'm also looking at lendingtree. with interest rates going down should i continue to hold it? >> you can continue to hold it. they >> a job there. it's kind of an untold story. it's very good. of known him for many years and he's doing quite well. i think you are in good shape with that one in the future. right now is not that good but in the future will e better. let's go to alan in florida. >> hello, mr. cramer.
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how are you? >> i'm doing well. how are you? >> waiting for hurricane milton to hit here in florida. >> i hope it goes okay for you. i'm sorry you are in the path of that. i really hope it goes okay. >> my reason for calling is i'm a little concerned about the near-term prospects of the homebuilders and the suppliers of all the goods that go into new homes since the time, what two weeks ago? the federal reserve lowered the interest rate by a half a %, yet the 30 year mortgage has gone up half a percent. >> okay. which stock are you worried about? >> builders first source or home depot. >> home depot is the sweet spot. you also have the remodeling after these hurricanes.
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builders first source, i agree with you. i like the company. the more pointed way to be involved right here with the mortgage rate backup is indeed with home depot. thank you very much for your confidence. you can find yield, earnings growth, and value in some of the best regional banks. these stocks have been out of favor but i think they will do much better. much more mad money including my breakdown of ipo standardaero. plus a ceo shakeup at pfizer. i will give you my shake and dig deeper in the possible shareholder impact.'s then we will have the lightning round so stay with cramer.
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over the past couple weeks, the ipo market has come roaring back to life. while most of these deals were small and relatively unappealing there was one major listing last week that really caught my attention. that's a company called standardaero. that is saro. they help military and private jets maintain their engines. it has turned out to be the third-largest ipo of the year. it was remarkable. even if they upsize to 60 billion shares there was still more demand than supply. it is priced $24 above the high- end. it opened at $31 and finished its first date at $32. it had a 36.5% gain in one day if you got a piece of the offering. they have not given back any of
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those gains. it is now just under $33. there is a lot of this one. is it with taking a chance on standardaero after that tremendous first day move? let's start with the basics. it's largest independent provider of aftermarket services. you need your airplane engine fixed, they've got you covered. it serves as a bridge between engine makers and aircraft operators. every major engine maker holding long-term license and authorization providing some for the products and they are the official repair man. that's why they hold positions on most of the engine platforms. they hold contracts directly with the manufacturer that designates standardaero as the primary or sole-source maintenance provider. over 77% of the company revenues came from long-term contractual agreements. it's a nice recurring revenue base.
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it's a highly regulated industry so it's easy to fend off the competition. it also has a smaller engine component repair business. it's only 11% of sales but carries much higher gross margins. let's talk numbers. in the first six months of 2024, standardaero had $2.58 billion in revenue. that is up from the last year. they've had double-digit revenue growth for years. standard al has had a solid operating income for each of the last three years but the balance sheet is not so hot, which means high interest expenses that drag down earnings-per-share. they reported small net losses every year from 2021 to 2023. a modest profit in the first six months of this year. that is good. if you take a forgiving approach and look at earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation they have been putting up very solid ebitda
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growth. that is very good. they have been dragged down by the balance sheet. standardaero was a private equity backed ipo. all of these things have the public loaded ungodly amounts of debt. this company in particular has bounced on multiple private equity owners over the years. the current private equity sponsor, carlisle, bought the business from veritas in 2018. they bought it from a large leasing company called dubai aerospace enterprise in 2015. in 2007, they bought the business from carlisle. not every private equity backed ipo is a loser but when you see the situation you have to take extra care and check out the balance sheet really closely. fortunately standardaero is using all of its proceeds to pay down debt and that is
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really good. according to pro forma the total debt load will decrease from $3.3 billion to $2.13 billion thanks to the ipo many. we have to ask, is the $2.13 billion in debt problematic? if we use the back of the envelope adjusted ebitda which is the number i gave you before for 2024, it assumes a 15.2 growth rate versus last year, they put up in the first half. standardaero would have leverage ratio of net debt divided by adjusted ebitda of 3.2. it's not that great but it's not that worrisome either. i'm not that worried about the balance sheet anymore, especially when you remember how much they raised in the ipo. there's a second issue. when you deal with private equity backed, usually the sponsor retains a large stake in the business. in the case of standardaero, carlisle and singapore standardaero will own -- that
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means carlisle is not in charge. whenever carlisle and singapore sovereign decide they want to sell the remaining stock they could obliterate the stock. we have seen that happen again and again. given carlisle's long-term involvement i bet they decide to stick around for a while. i'm not thinking it will cause a problem short-term. let's put it all together. is standardaero worth investing in? i think it's a very good business and when you drill down on valuation it's a reasonable price. on the enterprise value divided by the ebitda, standardaero is cheaper than ge aerospace. granted, those are engine makers and this is engine maintenance and repair. they have so much recurring revenue i might say it deserves a higher than engine makers. i think they need all they can get which means it is a buy. it does not help that only two
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companies can build commercial aircraft and boeing is struggling to make airplanes at all. that means they have to get the most mileage which translates into more business for a maintenance outfit like standardaero. let me give you the bottom line. even with their hot start, and it is hot, valuation looks reasonable especially in the context of a market that can't enough aerospace exposure. i think we have a good one and because of the scarcity factor i would be a fire right here. mad money is back after the break. coming up, hit us with your best shot. and electrified fast fire lightning round is next.
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lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab, trade brilliantly. strike it is time and then the lightning round is over. are you ready? frank and jersey. >> jim, looking at unity software? >> why? because it's coming back a little bit? when they start making a lot of money give me a call. let's go to peter and new york. >> booyah to the captain of "cramerica." i've been listening to you for the last 35 years. >> thank you. what's up? >> okay, my stock is alumis.
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>> that is incredibly speculative. as long as you know you could lose everything. it's not my cup of tea. let's go to garrett and new york. >> what do you think about target? >> everybody was talking about it yesterday. i would buy some target at this point and wait another five points and get my. let's go to rose in pennsylvania. >> booyah, jim. >> booyah, rose. what's happening? >> i'm a first-time caller and i've been watching you for years. my stock is soundhound a high. >> it is a meme stock. i will not endorse it. let's go to jerry in pennsylvania. >> jim, how are you?
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>> i'm doing well. how are you? >> first i have to say how about those phils? >> big gain tonight . >> i am calling about merck. >> this stock seems to go down almost always single day. it's a wonderful company with great management and i believe in it. at these levels you want to buy . tim in new jersey. >> what do you think about purecycle. >> recycled plastic it's a good business. i also like the way, the spinoff of honeywell which will be really special materials. that will work even better than
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this one. and that, 80s and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round is sponsored by charles schwab. coming up, from the friendly skies to the science lab which ceos are on the hot seat? cramer looks at two stocks hat may be next in line for a change at the top when we return. (cheerful music) (phone ringing) [narrator] not all multi-millionaires built their wealth the same way, you have... the fearless investor. the type a cpa. the bootstrapper. the bootmaker. yeehaw [narrator] but many do have something in common. we all trust schwab with our wealth. [narrator] thanks to our award-winning service, low costs and transparent advice. every day, over a million multi-millionares trust schwab with more than two trillion dollars of their wealth.
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gotten so cynical at ceos hanging on despite this brought -- stopped doing low year after year. that is no longer the case when there were some truly subpar results at starbucks. all we heard was that they stood by. maybe they did until they got brian nichol from chipotle then they fired the old ceo when a heart. the old ceo sub optimal response is just too much for the board to take. nike, they must have been hard to stop the train wreck. the rank and file cannot believe how poor the company is doing given its reputation. likely -- nike alienated its partner footlocker like trash. with the ousted ceo, when you are charging hundreds of dollars the customer might want to try them on rather than just ordering from the website.
6:58 pm
as for southwest, they have offered an incredible plan to change some of its ways. they should have done this years ago but they finally have it on the right track plus they have a board member that bought more than $100 million worth of stock on the open market. the board member said he likes the management plan. he is the cofounder of indigo, india's largest airline. i'm not sure be for the last out of him. they usually get a little more of their way in the situation. starbucks has taken down $1 billion worth of pfizer and they want the board to bring them ahead of dr. albert bourla, ceo. pfizer has not done anything for ages even after he got aliens of dollars for the covid winfall. the management has blown way too much money just on failed acquisitions, underperforming. expensive acquisitions like the purchase of see jen. they -- star board, approached
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the former cfo and a fabulous one by the way. they both agreed to help because the current underperformance is so severe that they are upset. i think that is extraordinary. he was there guy. they want real change. not to mention better monetization of reason acquisitions. star board's investment does not mean all that much but it is serious business and very hard for the board of directors to ignore. it is true that they did misjudge how much money would be coming from the covid business, but i like the acquisition. the company has some novel treatments for hard to cure cancers. corporate boards are now hearing what they are saying. they are even getting restless themselves. i think it is about time. it is good news for shareholders that the stewards of the money are taking their job seriously.
7:00 pm
shareholders need their protection. is it right to depose bourla? i think it's too soon because it could turn out to be a huge home run but if the former ceo and cfo are unhappy maybe i'm just too complacent. i like to say there's always a bull market summer and i promise to find it for you. i'm jim cramer, see you tomorrow. they'll invest their own money or fight each other for a deal. this is "shark tank." ♪♪ designed to make get-togethers with friends more fun and interesting. ♪♪ -hey, i'm harriet mills. -and i'm patrick mills. we're from raleigh, north carolina, and we're the husband-and-wife duo behind wine & design.
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