tv Mad Money CNBC November 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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i like the ibb here. >> steve grasso? >> applied digital i looked at this because it's a smaller company but nvidia gave them an injection, took a small take in it, and they're a customer of nvidia's, so i don't think nvidia is going to allow them to go out of business, just taking a hey, i am cramer. friends, just trying to make you a little bit of money. my job is not just entertain, but also teach. 1: -- oh yeah, that's right. president-elect donald trump,
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turns out he is capricious. what were we thinking? that's going to the minds of everyone i speak to almost with heads turned. many of donald trump's picks, for important jobs in the integration. you can hear the air going out of the post euphoric election boom. further rising in bond yields, and a fear of the donald trump unknown. dw, down 306 points. totaling 3.12%. 2.24%. look. i have told you there are many pitfalls with individual stocks. most of them are buying out. stocks are up so much for me few months ago. you can't be too eager to buy the dips. everyone is facing the same dilemma. they have gone up so far, they have got to come down a little bit before i'm thinking of buying more. it is not just that appealing. new stocks intrigued us. we are checking this out before i am willing to pull the trigger.
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the reason is for you know, this is the day that i buy it. i feel like i could be the case. with that in mind, let me go through the game plan for next week. analyst meeting, this is the data center supplier. it is a fantastic company with a chairman, composed with honeywell. i like it very much. so many other good stocks, 120, not from the high region until monday. you could put a smart position on here. tuesday morning, we get earnings from some really high quality retailers. walmart and lows. almost a straight line. the company is up 60%. that is amazing. this is the kind of stock where we need to see some sort of pullback before we get too excited. i think they will be at the top of the stocks. i don't want to start buying it right now. even though like walmart, it is going to continue to be good. i bet that the numbers will be
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excellent. maybe the stock goes up from here. for me, you only have my blessing to put a small position. lows, is another home improvement company. one of the best is we have home depot for the travel trust. veryvery well when the fed is cutting interest rates. worth watching. tronic reports, i like medical devices. in successfully integrating artificial intelligence. it has been a winner. i will give you something that might be worth buying. before and after earnings. viking. the cruise stocks, they are a little bit behind the others. they had a big run. i will buy on monday. if you don't get it, get a chance to buy more on some earnings weakness. just a you have a nice position on high-quality product. tuesday, caterpillar, analyst. caterpillar has pulled back from 418 to 384. where i like it very much. federal rate cut stock.
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buy more caterpillar, then by -- buy more. wednesday, we will hear from investing club member, t.j. maxx. and marshall's. it buying in excess of other retailers. the ones that are playing -- paying the donald trump terrace. magnificent run, habit of selling long funded reports. be careful. the headlines tend to be very misleading. a lot of jokers come in, why, and then they sell, when they realize they didn't know what they were doing. target increases. down big from 188. 3% yield. people are so worried about terrace, you might want to wait and see with this one. wall street is what in the quarter because the stocks seem to have stalled here. they pick up the pace that we just had. 16 times earnings stock, down four points. i think it can work. absolute terrific company. terrific ceo. can catch on fire if the fed is going to continue with rates. wednesday, we get bigger and bigger. palo alto networks, they had a
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gigantic move. just like moving the cybersecurity stocks. reports could have an opportunity. now, nvidia, you can buy again. so many crazy watch fighters, -- parties, they don't know what nvidia is or does. i always hate owning it, don't trade it. people listen to me when it goes down. don't panic. if you don't own it, just wait. the stocks struggling hear from right now, i just saw some guy earlier. none of the shows are saying that he is worrying about nvidia. you always worry about the large ones. i can smell the nervousness. i don't want you taking out. let them sell. then you buy. thursday, it gets easier. gap reports would be a buy
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ahead of the quarter. i can't believe it. ceo, richard dixon, i think it richard bent is represents tremendous value. that has come down. thanks to the tariff worries. wow. i think it is being looked through the wrong lens. i think it is very expensive stock. one of my absolute favorite software enterprise companies, intuit. as well as company buying turbotax. one of the best software companies in -- it can save you a fortune from a young for newer. especially on young accounts. intuit, 610 at the beginning of the month. then it went to 714, now it is at 683. how could i pull a trigger that is so close to is high, when it is so far from it was one month ago? so many stocks are like this. i can't get excited about them until they cool off. we want to take the temperature of the market. the best way to do that is to listen to the procter & gamble analyst bid. the proctor, does a fantastic job. few companies do so much for
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this. those who are thirsting for knowledge, about companies themselves. everything from china, low cost, tariffs, i love it. finally, cg health. it has been pummeled. his former parent, sold 30 million shares that had 1,000,088. the stock got crushed. there are no buyers underneath. very strange, incredibly high quality medical company. falling so quickly. i think they will tell a very good story. i think that is where it will resonate. the stocks will resonate as high. that is exactly the thing that i am looking for. let me give you the bottom line. post trumpet rally, it has been vicious. it still hasn't taken most of the market down. i think it makes sense to buy. i think they could be golden. i think it is more important to prepare yourself for better opportunities, at least in the near future.
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i don't we start with chris in illinois? >> hey, for some color from chicago. join the club, one of the best things that i have done -- one of the best moves i have made. >> rank you. i'm going to tell jeff that too. constantly helping. how can i help? >> i actually know that the stock was punished this week. news from the trial results. the one with the drugs in the pipeline, and the prospect in the health secretary to even though not one of the primary vaccine donors. now, trying to initiate a position. should i wait until it settles? >> really interesting that you asked that. when i saw the stock down four bucks, we have got to put this in the bullpen. 4% yield, it has come down a lot. look, let's say that for monday. that is absolutely right. i think, it is right to buy a starter position on monday morning. john, in michigan.
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>> hey, jim, love the show. >> thank you. >> i was wondering if you could give me a two for. ambridge, and the bottom of the oil. where is the bottom? where is the bottom in oil? >> brazil, rbn energy, we both think that there is a lot of oil being pumped. not a lot of demand for the oil. that is what we are trying to find. in bridge, is the stock that i am trying to find. it was at 35. we had more at 43. still yielding six. we have had trey before. >> jim, i really stepped in it this time. my wife and i decided to hire a contractor to put up christmas lights on our home this year. i didn't like the quote. i paid a crew member from the company $500 less to do the work directly against my wife's wishes. as it turns out, his price was preferable due to his lack of insurance. when he fell off his letter,
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our lawyer now says that he may on our home next christmas. obviously, i find myself needing a monster return to cover legal fees, marriage repair retreat, and potentially a second mortgage. could micron help me through this predicament? >> if it was number two for me, only if you could own the whole stock of micron. i will tell you that micron, is not the stock that you need for those three. i will tell you why. i need you to accept the fact that right now after what happened this week, with applied materials, people are going to send the micron to 96 98. they are going to set it from 96-98 to 91-92. right there, we can start making these up, for the unfortunate christmas lights. i don't know about that marital issue. that is unfathomable, frankly. isabel in california. isabel? >> hope you are having a great friday. >> all good. how about you? >> great. thank you so much.
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you have helped me so much recently in the market. recently, i made a position, in robin hood. i'm thinking about holding onto it for the long term. i wanted to make sure i'm taking advantage. >> i think the stock is overextended here. well above any of the other price-earnings moguls of anybody else. however, it is a cold stock. therefore, like a queen base, it can be owned. the cold stocks are working. when will they run out? i will certainly be available every single day, for years, to tell you whether they are going to run out or not. stick with it for now, it is going to go higher. we have come own from the election rally highs. i still don't think we are at the levels where we are comfortable telling you to buy. instead of safe situations that i showed you in the game plan. i would say keep waiting. met money tonight, new orleans based energy, new highs from last order. i got the exclusive.
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finished and sent. [sending swoosh] we have tight turnarounds. at&t business helps us deliver. okay! client wants his head bigger. wow, fast response. sent! okay, oop! even bigger. sent. [sending swoosh, notification alert] still bigger. okay, yeah i'm not doing that— [typing noises, sending swoosh] i think it still looks good! [notification alert] oh — even bigger. all aboard! come with me to meet the wizard.] why couldn't possibly. this is your moment. i'm coming. if you think that's something to see, wait til you see this. ♪ ♪ you're good. -very good.
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drop everything and get some magic of your own during the xfinity black friday sale. xfinity internet customers, our best deals of the year are back! switch to xfinity mobile and get your choice of a free 5g phone, plus your next unlimited line free for a year. get amazing savings and connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go with xfinity mobile. fly don't walk to get our best deals of the year. connect to the world of wicked this holiday, only in theaters november 22nd.
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it has gone up since the election. can this thing keep going? chairman and president ceo of dover. welcome to met money. >> pleasure to be here. >> one of the reasons, your stewardship, you have taken a very good company and turned it into a great company. this is in place of all of the major magazines that are secular, major, and are not responsive to whether the fed is doing this, or the economy doing that. how did you have a sense to do this? where are we in transformation? >> it will start since i was on the board in 2016 before they asked me to be the ceo. i came in, in terms of what the portfolio was capable of. i would categorize the first years of my tenure, as a major
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holding structure, to an operating company structure. at least a lot of margin potential. i think you can see this in terms of the past performance. at the same time, we delay or the organization. we basically swept away 80% of the noncustomer facing activity in these smaller operating companies. that is great from a cost perspective. everybody gets that. more important, it allows the presence of these medium-sized operating companies, is expended 90% of their time, on r&d, manufacturing, and understanding the customer. that is really the phase that we are in right now. >> you want to be the number one company. you don't have the gigantic total adjustment market. you take a company like marshall excelsior. maybe this is the one that we could use as a way. is that a good way to do it?
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>> i think that we would categorize what we do both internally with r&d, and external anime, as a reverse funnel. we have operating companies that are in very small focus. generally speaking, we are not competing with the heavyweights. we are competing with private companies. we think that is a distinct advantage to us in terms of cost to serve. number one. number two, we tend to buy a lot of adjacent companies around existing positions. excelsior, we have been spending 1 billion+ over the last two years, getting to cryogenic components, it is an area where we know the customer. it is highly regulated, rescission components, it knocks everything. that is our sweet spot. >> we couldn't think of anyone else in the space. also, in the data center, you are maybe in the most important niche of the data center. when it comes to liquids, because that is the direction. there's not a lot of companies that have that extra piece.
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we couldn't find it other than you. >> it is a big, comp located thing at the end of the ay. we talk about billions of dollars in building these centers. it is kind of the story. we have a connector business. everybody thinks is a bio forming business. which has been highly lucrative over the past five years. really what it is, is an engineering company that does connectors. they had a side business, that was providing connectors from liquid cooling, to supercomputers. the cray and ibm. very small niche. the power requirements, is a supercomputer. required water cooling. here comes nvidia. we are standing there with a product that fits right there. >> jensen, wants liquid. >> he needs liquid. he may need cryogenic after it. >> this is what i am hoping. you are backed into that. it would be incredible, if it turned out to be the next one.
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that is the only way to keep the heat down. so that the grid is not overtaxed. >> we do the grace place heat exchangers. this is a product that is derived from district cooling. if you think about this huge cooling package that is needed to go into the data center. >> co2 refrigeration systems. again, very powerful. >> i give all the credit to the management team. a decade ago, they bought a small company in europe. we ended up being the market leader in europe. we saw the transition, to get away in the u.s. purpose built, repurposed the plant two years ago. conyers, georgia. platform the entire product line. i was on the phone today, with the guys that run the business. highly successful. >> fantastic. you do have some dry powder. you also got out of the business. trash compacting, low technology. you go into higher technology.
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you have got money coming in. you can also sell. i don't want to mention another company. he just told me that he is for sale. it you have some businesses that you could still sell. with that drive product. is there anything that you can buy right now, or something that you are eyeing that is going to make it faster growing? we don't want the cyclical -- >> a lot of ways to answer that question. i spend 90% of my time with the board of directors on some analysis on a daily basis. looking over the horizon of the future return on invested capital. when it is time to monetize something, that we think is premium, how it would trade, we have to be ready to act. in a situation with the garbage compacting, we have had that asset for a long time. the management team did a fantastic job right there. the fact of the matter is, in some of the spaces, it was never going to trade into the dover market. we had to act upon that.
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we are very popular right ow with all of the liquidity that we are sitting on right now. two things. i think the size and scope of the companies that we are buying, will probably be the same as our track. the disappointment in the discipline that we have used in terms of evaluation have remained the same. look at capital allocations for us. i think it has been relatively balanced, between capital reduction, and we want to be on the front foot. let's see what the evaluations do. >> the point of this is a shareholder. -- order. i wonder sometimes, is it always going to be evolving? eventually are you going to have to have tent poles? this aerospace is really strong. we are going to be in aerospace. >> plenty of adjacency space. we already have five adjustment cycles. no one else will wake up tomorrow morning and see a sixth. >> everyone is surprised that what you have done. when the company reported, things are heavy.
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the china situation, don't worry about it. people listened. they bought. they don't believe any of that usually. people don't know that rich is going to deliver. >> maybe not rich, but his manager. as we talked off air, here's always a big debate about how much transparency is going to be in the portfolio. we recognize that ours is complex. we put it up right now for everybody to see. >> for us that are really geeks and monks about the different kinds of companies, and where you are, and where you are going, i think it is one of the great combinations that i have seen in my life. congratulations to your team, and to richard tobin, president and ceo of dover. this is the kind of company you need to study. learn about companies like this, and you will be such a good investor if you do. mad money, is back after the break.
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we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪
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after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work. from hr to payroll, adp designs for the next anything. are right, we have a huge bull market with power producers. fueling the data centers that we are always talking about across the country. it has caused some huge runs in independent power producers. at this point, it makes a lot
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of sense that the business is regulated. elixirs -- electricity totals, maybe. the stock was valued 47% here today. it's that's an insane move. it makes sense. energy rolled out an incredible analyst date back in june. when the company quarter went a few acts -- weeks ago, they're just that good. don't take it from me. taken from the chairman and ceo of -- welcome to mad money. >> thank you for having me. >> during the closing bell. it was the exchange or the occasion? >> what we heard, we are one of 50 companies that have made it that far. >> that is headless, congratulations. we don't want traitors in our stocks. we want long-term holders. that's all you do best. to compound the dividend, and it works well. i have never seen his in utility. wells fargo, entergy, drop the
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microphone moment. come on. how is that possible that a utility had a drop the microphone moment? what did you say in his meeting that caused that? >> we raised expectations higher than anticipated. this is in the range of 6% to 8%. we went up to 8% to 9%. >> that is remarkable. it helps that you have some incredible industries where you are. really, in a renaissance. correct? >> that is correct. for years, along the gulf coast, you have seen it. the industrial room that we have had has been growing substantially for 14 years. we have had over 5% compound annual growth rates. really large industrial rates. >> is not slowing down. ports are being built. ammonia, chemical processing, these are all happening right now. >> geopolitical uncertainty and the broken global supply chains, everybody wants to come to the u.s. they look at the gulf coast for all of the
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advantages. >> not political on the show, but we know that january, president joe biden, put a pause on lng. they thought this was devastating. very long-term project. they are hoping with the new president, maybe that will be swift to go back on that track. every year, there will be new plants that open. >> there's a lot of opportunity out there. in the next five years, we have several lng customers, that are coming online. there's a big opportunity for even more beyond that. >> you had a very cryptic slide beyond that from that meeting. ela investments, supporting new customers. is this a top-secret new customer? >> we don't typically talk about our customers unless they talk about themselves read >> we know that there are a lot of big, hyper scale -- they need lots of electricity. could it be? >> it could be. we have a tremendous growth opportunity in that space. just one year ago, our expectations in the hyperscaler data center space, was zero.
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now, we put out a forecast that we can expect 19 to 20 terawatts per hour. just by 2028, which isn't too far away. >> just for run -- you have a nuclear power presence. the 19 minute delay. that was a controversy, between your guys, and another guy. one thing i learned, -- >> we do. we have an early site permit at the grand build site. we put in place in 2007. that's a pretty big deal. it takes a long time to do all the geotechnical work to figure that out. we have that issue from the nrc. a lot of customers are interested in that. not just the data centers, but traditional industrial customers. having that in place, is like starting on first base. for our customers. >> we think it is great. it is kind of this boring, philadelphia and chicago unit. suddenly they came out with a constellation. is that something you would
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like to do with a renewal split? would you like to keep it in energy? >> it is all in the vertically regulated company. we are comfortable there. it provides all of the access and growth that our customers need. >> do you think under a new president, elon musk, can come in and say that we need to rebuild the grid and have a new year grid? can we streamline it so that you can do all of the ones that you want? that is the cleanest power. >> we are very bullish on the nuclear power, for sure. you can have all kinds of power in there. >> you have a lot of solar generation coming on. >> we have the d.o.e. study going on. we are also looking at nuclear. we don't have any of that in our forecast. we are working closely with our customers to see if we can crack the nut on how we share all the risks to make that. >> we have had this on your predecessor. i always like it because my daughter went to tulane. 5% yield, i get to visit. you are one of the best growth companies in our launch. >> that is where we are headed.
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we have a whole bunch of growth opportunities. still a lot left in the tank. lots of opportunities on traditional, industrial growth, as well as on the data centers. >> do you get a call once a week from a new company that wants to come into your area and open up power? can you say yes? you have to say you don't know if the grid can handle us? >> that is what we are in the business of doing. providing that power. we have a lot of engineers. they can't be more excited than to provide power like us. >> can you handle what you need to do? >> of course. >> how come everyone says we can't in those other areas? >> we have to build and invest to make that happen. we will be able to handle it for sure. >> last thing i want to figure out, we have the lng, we have a natural gas that the rest of the world needs. can you please explain to people how, and this is something that i have a hard time talking about, that we could be in command, of lots of different economies around the world, if we want to be
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powerful? ours is the lowest cost, and you can make this happen? >> our customers can make that happen. >> they couldn't do it without your power. >> that's right. that is why we are here. they are moving forward, growing, putting pipelines in. texas and louisiana, bringing gas to the coast, within the states. so that you don't have to cross a state line. that creates a lot of opportunity for our customers, and the world. >> i want people to look at the stock. this might be the way to play the preferred energy group. if you can come back down at all, entergy, you have to go . chairman and ceo, gray sorry. mad money, his back after the break. >> cramer, one on one with apparel named the columbia sportswear. next
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what are we supposed to do with the stock of columbia sportswear? powerful company that you know as columbia. hardware. performance fishing. we love that stuff. the stock has been trading sideways all year. at the end of october, they delivered something better than for numbers. could the solid earnings be down 5%? the stock soared on the news. only up 5% year to date. turning things around, let's look closer. president and ceo of columbia sportswear. walking back to mad money. >> great to be with you. >> we love your stuff. we see all the great things. we use it, we wear it, and we find that it is doing better in europe and china than it is doing here.
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we are mystified why that is the case. >> it is interesting. of course, we love it when it is cold everywhere. unfortunately, it is not cold everywhere all the time. fork is on -- focus on america, is improving our image, and the desirability of the products. not by changing the products, but by improving the marketing efforts that we put towards the commercial parts of the business. we are going to be adding a bunch of money to next year's budget, to market our products more effectively, and we have added a new agency. it is going to help us be quite different, in terms of how we approach the business. and, making our products more available, and more knowledgeable. we have a lot of stuff working. we are very excited about the opportunities. >> you should be. we figured it was going to be a billion-dollar brand. it can't be a billion-dollar brand. isn't it the best name?
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the best functioning, good looking shoe in the market? >> absolutely. and it is incredibly well known as a winter footwear brand. the goal has been and continues to be, to make it a year-round brand. that will allow us to expand and distribute them to the approximately 100 countries that we certainly -- currently sell columbia. >> is that enough? >> it is fabulous. incredibly important. i was meeting with several of our big customers this week, to talk about the marketing efforts from the future. bfg, remains an opportunity for us, especially in the southern part of the united dates. >> i took a fishing trip to panama. we all got on the plane. we got there. it all came separately from around the country. every one of us had pfg. that is the brand that we know. we would be embarrassed if we didn't bring it. that has got to get known. >> fishing prospects improve
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significantly when you are comfortable, looking good, in pfg. >> absolutely right. talk about what people are concerned about. used to make a lot of stuff with china. resident comes in, not a fan of china. you have been leaving them behind, correct? >> we have been moving production around for quite some time. i would have to say, you don't brag about the company in terms of our abilities. frankly, we purchase products from around 19 or 20 countries. you can sell to over 100. to do that, you have to be able to navigate the vagueness of the tariff rules that are insisting around the world. some countries like brazil, 132% duties on footwear. in other countries like mexico, at one time, had a 300% duties on products from china. we think we are quite good, very adept, at moving production around, to satisfy the local demands, and get our
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products into those markets, at a competitive price. >> i know you said we are going to get the marketing out or better. you have got the right price. you are always innovating. i always find there is something new that the viewers should know about. i happen to be a buyer of what you do that is new. again, you are the best technical product. >> we try hard. we have a number of new technologies, and in fact, we have one that we launched in 2024 fall. which is a bio mimic product, that was designed to replicate the way a polar bear stays warm. that has been a really fun product. exciting to talk about, and a real big part of our future. >> tim boyle, i have known you for a long time. there is something that i have heard. going to go with my staff after. that sounds great. we can just hear it from the ceo. that is something that i want.
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>> you have been very clear on that. i totally agree with you. we have to get ourselves in a position where we are well known, and the technologies that we are so famous for, and we have invested so heavily in, -- >> i often find that there are a lot of competitors. when you get to their product, and you actually wear them out very fast versus yours, you look in the closet, yours are the ones that are left. always ready, always good. men's boots. the ones that you gave us. they have silver inside. those are remarkable. even if you are in water, they are remarkable. >> i am so proud of the teams that we have putting product together. we need to make sure that the world knows about them. we are going to be doing that for 25, for sure. we have lots of great things going on. i just can't wait to have you see it. >> be social, tv, streaming? where are we going to see it? >> you are going to see it in a
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few different places. streaming as well, tv, and some unusual stuff. as soon as i can tell you about it, i will get you the information. >> if any one of these brands, -- the brands are bigger than the stock. they are the brands that we all want. i know that you will deliver. you are technically superior. they are also every one of them, i regard as -- it is hard to destroy your stuff. it lasts forever. that is why we like it so much. chair and president ceo, tim boyle, columbia sports and outerwear. good to see you. mad money, his back after the break.
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it is time. [ inaudible ]. play the sound. and then, the lightning round is over. are you ready? lightning round, cramer's mad money. is go to james. >> hello, jim. how are you? >> i'm doing fine, partner. how are you? >> doing good. lots squared, pls systems for my parents chinese restaurant, it has greatly improved our business. can we trust jack dorsey, --?
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>> look, i have to tell you. jack dorsey, is from that. really does a terrific job. i have been buying the stock for a very long time. previous cfo. the stock has not had a major move at last. it is not done. let's go to greg in new jersey. >> thanks for taking my call. longtime listener. my stock is northern trust. >> northern trust is very good. i will tell you one that we have been buying for the travel trust. black rock. i think it is better. it has better growth and more consistent management. let's go to philip, in michigan. >> shout out to my 84-year-old mother who is watching. detroit lions, bouillon. >> lions could beat any other team before the super bowl happens. let's make some money. >> one more question, can you bring your roadshow to michigan? i would love to buy it. >> very interesting. talking about my wife's. we had a big road trip down in
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texas. going to tell her you said that. she has been out of town working hard. i appreciate that. we have to get it to michigan. i do not think we are there. let's work together. >> i know that you just removed the stock from the bullpen because of the china exposure. the current is $53. also pain on his international chemical business. residential election since. i lost my career in i.t., 25 years ago. under mike parker and william -- my fifth-largest addition, currently a yield of 6%. rsi, under 20. however, the 2025 estimate, has been on the decline in the last three months. will this estimate try to continue with this stock? is it too toxic to handle right now? is it my future too rich? if i am patient? the company is deal w chemical. >> deal w chemical is very hard to own. i thought it would stay with a 5% yield.
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you get these companies and you see 5% yield, they are value traps. i'm surprised. deal w, has to get the cost. they don't have that in the cards right now. i feel very badly with that. that is the case. let's go to sean, in california. >> hey, jim, what is up? >> i'm interested if you think i am doing the right thing. on his way back up. >> superglue. superglue, finally broke out. we have been waiting to make it out. they have been transferring stocks. i hold onto it. you want to own the stock. let's go to susan, in new york. >> hi, jim. repeat color, dedicated and most appreciative fan. inc. you so much for all that you do. >> i'm just going to keep trying to make people happy, make some money for people. i'm so glad that we did that trip with my wife in texas. so many people came out. millionaires made me feel great. it keeps me young.
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how can i help you? >> okay. i also want -- [ laughter ]. [ inaudible ]. >> when we had them on, i was stunned. i just cannot believe that i have not talked about it more. it is a place that my daughter absolutely loves pleated --. i do not care if that stock at 142, if you bought it on monday and it went down. i would tell you to buy more. that is a quality operator. i'm going to get them back on. that is how strongly i feel about those guys. let's go to paul, in missouri. >> hi, jim. longtime viewer, first-time caller. i plan to join the investment club soon. >> i hope you do. >> okay. i'm asking about innovate. i bought 100 shares, on september 9th, at 14.01 per share.
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>> i lived at 14.01 kramer road. that's about my knowledge of that. i'm going to huddle with the chief scientist, and also engineer. we are going to figure out about this data. we are going to make you do your homework on it. and that, ladies and gentlemen, is the conclusion of the lightning round. >> the lightning round, is sponsored by charles schwab. . the bootmaker. yeehaw [narrator] but many do have something in common. we all trust schwab with our wealth. [narrator] thanks to our award-winning service, low costs and transparent advice. every day, over a million multi-millionares trust schwab with more than two trillion dollars of their wealth. ♪ every day, over a million multi-milliona♪es trust schwab ♪ ♪
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voluntary, or mandatory? proof, or persuasion? this is what i have heard from the robert f kennedy junior becoming the director of health and human services. 83,000 employees, medicare, medicaid, fda, and the center for disease control and prevention. among many other departments. you can argue that he presides over some of the most well respected bodies of scientists and researchers on earth. and it s about to be totally
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upended. because it robert f kennedy junior wants to do some of the biggest public health advances over the last century. moving services are about disease prevention. the best prevention is often the vaccine. one of the greatest innovations of the 20th century. polio, measles, mumps, and recently, covid. among many others. but he might lose his united states leader. isn't a valid anti-vaccine activists. will they be demanded that they stop? that's going to cause an insane number of preventable deaths. there's a reason journalists are down 7%. this is on the side of some of the greatest work that the scientists are looking at with groups. taking an extra it was his aggressive stance against shell food. and that will be healthier. it will up in the food industry and wipe out a ton of profits. it is hard to watch -- imagine process companies not working on food. rfk, might be on the other side of history on this one.
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that is the case. on the other side, they have defeated many attempts to make food help read i love in a world where everyone eats organic and natural foods. that is really too expensive. packaged food stocks, rfk rumor, and then appointment, was reality. really, just extraordinary. the owner, almost down 4% today. her she has been obliterated from earlier. general mills, lost 2%. smucker, has been getting blasted. we haven't seen anything like this since the gop of weight loss drugs, took down the whole group. this feels like the penalties. some stocks are under donald trump it from the first to go. it is starting to sound like on of my slippers. they created some factors buying out. there's only one problem this time around. the stocks are selling. i don't know if we want to take a chance with a vaccine related drug stocks, if they are going to run human health services. they are not looking at the stock at all. they are not much is -- don't
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touch them. even if you think that the trinity nomination will get repeat from the senate, they are just not good investment points at this point in the cycle. in the end, i think no matter what rfk does, it is mighty hard for the federal government to harm pharma or the food industry. for what it is worth, crystal myers have a real visionary anti-drug. eli lewis had some amazing gop franchises. that stock killed. they both made sense to me. crystal myers is more intriguing now that we have a potential buy. we have a field clinical trial for another schizophrenia drug. food stocks? what is rfk going to do? put a warning label on it? even if the stocks have pulled back, they tend not to perform well when the fed is cutting rates. i still have won. my release. they can be the numbers. only a third of its business, comes from the united states. if rfk, jackboots, and demands that we don't have vaccines, or eat junk food, it probably
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won't matter. the answers within the government, nobody stabbed or pushed back. the food lobby will push back. most important, americans don't just like being told what to do. for now, everybody wants to take a chance on these already out-of-favor industries. you know what? i can't blame them. it is always, the bull market summer. that is it for mad money. i am jim cramer. see you on monday. >> narrato when he erts $34 million worth of mortgage payments into his company's bank account, the dreams become nightmares. >> when you bring it down to just its basics, it's just pure stupidity. it's pure theft. >> narrator: so when hundreds of homebuyers are left in danger of losing their homes, don't expect any of them to shed a tear for bill erpenbeck. >> i can't imagine the fear that all m
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