tv CNN Newsroom CNN May 13, 2011 12:00pm-2:00pm PDT
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but a dog's teeth, not so much. "cnn newsroom" continues now with t.j. holmeholmes. >> randi, your pet attacked the mailman? they say that the pets take on the personalities of the owners. >> hello, everybody. we will restart here at the top we will restart here at the top of the hour. -- captions by vitac -- i'm t.j. holmes in for brooke ballwidwin. we are hearing more about the attack on the osama bin laden compound, from the helmets that were on top of the navy s.e.a.l.s helmets. much of this was described as fast and violent and hazy. to give you an idea, and this is not the video, and let me make this crystal clear. this is an idea of the type of
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video we are talking about. this is an example of the nighttime helmet cam video and gives you a idea of the quality of the stuff that the military is combing over. this is technology used by the s.e.a.l.s on bin laden's compound. you can see here in the helmet cam video that when it is shot in dark conditions, it is grainy and not a lot of detail it to, but they are going over it bit by bit to piece together all of the things that went on inside of that compound and piece it together. we are going to be getting more on this in a moment from the pentagon correspondent chris lawrence in a moment. also on the bin laden front, claims today of a first attack to avenge the killing of osama bin laden. at least 80 people were killed in twin suicide bombings in northwestern pakistan. the pakistani taliban says that it staged the attacks to avenge bin laden's death, but pakistani police not so sure about that. the target was a pakistani military recruits in these attacks. now, a report from our stan grant who was at the scene in
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pakistan. >> reporter: the taliban did this? >> the taliban. >> reporter: that one word is enough to strike terror in people here. the militants claiming responsibility for this carnage, and avenge killing of osama bin laden. and warning of what is to come. both men were taliban. one came on aorcycle this man says and he ran and exploded the bomb. all around, a debris, and the testament to the ferocity of the at tack, and shattered buildings and blown-out cars and here blood visible on the ground. and these are parts of a motorcycle here. you have the mechanism that is used to kick start the bike, the strewn wreckage, and this is the badge off of the bike, itself, the cr-70. the scores of wounded rush to the nearby hospital, a scene of grief and chaos. the number of dead counted in the dozens in the hours after the attack to rise by the day.
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and dozens tell us the dual suicide bombers smattered the peace. i heard an explosion and i rushed to the road. four minutes later, there was another one, this man says, i saw people dead and injured. even hours after the attack, you can see that the military is edgy, and there is a line of othem here, and they have been pushing back any of the onlookers trying to come down to the scene and especially keeping a very close eye on these buildings along here. the attackers targeted this military training center, and members of the frontier military police had just finished a nine-month program and this vehicle lined up to collect them, and this karkaring a prayer that the god will make the journey safe, but it is a journey that many were not taken, because almost all of the dead were young recruit, and it is what is some call pakistan's double game, of the taliban avenging bin laden's death after the military claims it was
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unknown that he was hiding here. >> and now we go the stan grant live for us in islamabad. well, stan, you have one group claiming they did this to avenge osama bin laden's death, but the pakistani military coming in to say, not necessarily, so do they have a suspect? >> well, the pakistan taliban certainly the people we spoke to are saying that they are behind it. others that i spoke to on the ground also saying that they believe it was the taliban. i think that you saw in the story there, one member of the frontier military police saying they fired on the members of the taliban as they came in to explode the suicide bombs. certainly a feeling on the ground that it was in fact the taliban. however, there had been ongoing operations throughout that area to militant stronghold al qaeda and taliban hiding out there, and those operations have been aimed at trying to drive the militants out of the region. there is some suggestion that perhaps it is a revenge for
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osama bin laden, but may also be a retaliation for the ongoing military maneuvers, but it is a very, very complicated picture here in pakistan, t.j. you have different elements in the taliban, itself, which don't agree with each other, and a history here of the intelligence service, and the military, and accommodating the militants on the one hand while going after them on the other. if it sounds complicated that is the reality. it is a complicated, but of course, people in the meantime caught in the crossfire. t.j. >> stan grant live for us in islamabad, and we appreciate you as always, and back to the bin laden raid. more details coming out, and now we learn that it is captured on video and the cameras were on top of the helmets of the s.e.a.l.s that went in. we want to bring in our pentagon correspondent chris lawrence, and what do we know about what was capture and how much -- are we essentially talking about that there is just about all of the raid on video?
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>> yes, t.j. pretty much that, unless something went wrong with an individual camera here or there, but all of the s.e.a.l. team were equipped with the digital cameras mounted on the helmet. we spoke to a military official who knows about it, and has talked to folks who have seen this video, and he says that you should not expect something that is movie quality. remember, it is dark. almost no light whatsoever in that room, and in that compound, and he also says that it is hazy, and by the fact that it is mountded on their head, the s.e.a.l.s rarely stare at any one thing at any time, because they are constantly looking around and scanning them radi o radio -- the rooms here and there and looking for anything, and any glimpse of osama bin laden on that tape would have been brief and based on what has been seen on those tapes and in that video, the s.e.a.l.s probably would not have recognized osama bin laden right off of the bat. they would have obviously seen that he is a very tall man
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standing in front of them, but they probably would have had to get right up on him to see his face close up before actually identifying him as osama bin laden. >> and chris, how -- i guess, how tightly guarded are these videotapes if you will? give us insight as to how this works? how many people are they allowing to see this video, and how do you keep stuff like this from getting out? it seems that everything is leaking out in washington atm so point? >> well, exactly. there was some talk that possibly some portions of this tape could be made available to the public at some point. but, t.j., you also had on one hand the defense secretary robert gates really coming out publicly saying that the concern, the overriding concern is to protect the identities of this s.e.a.l. team, and he feels that there's just been such an intense amount of interest in, and so many ofeshls talking about operational details that he feels that there is a real
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fear of people if they keep talking and showing things that there is a chance that the identity could come out. now, the chief of naval operations said today that he is absolutely certain they can protect the s.e.a.l.s and their families, but it does sort of dampen the prospects of ever seeing void owe especially when you consider one person's video will probably have other s.e.a.l.s in the video. >> you know, you actually just teed up this sound i want to use from the secretary gates, and let's go ahead and listen. >> a week ago sunday in the situation room, we all agreed that we would not release any operational details from the effort to take out bin laden. that all fell apart on monday, the next day. >> okay. chris, what does that mean? it all fell apart. how does it fall apart from the situation room of everybody agreeing that we are not going to talk about this, and it seemed like everybody ran to the
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microphone or getting releases of some kind to get details? >> well, the story was changing day by day by day, the information was changing. in all fairness, don't be too hypocritical here, because we are reporters and asking the questions and pressing the sources to give us more details about this. you know, our networks are promoting these new details, so, you know, we have all got a hand in this, and people are so fascinated by this case, and want to know the details. this is something that a lot of of people have been waiting ten years for and they want to know down tohe detail what happened and who did this mission. and so, yeah n the days after president obama made that announcement on sunday, all of the details started coming out. remember, we didn't know that the u.s. military had a stealth helicopter until this mission occur and they were using one. so details like that have been coming out very, very frequently since the announcement was made. >> okay. good perspective at the end, the
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reporters asking the e questions to make sure we get the details out, and like you said, everything changed monday. chris, good to see you, our pentagon correspondent. and viewers, take a look at the marijuana plants that we found growing outside of osama bin laden's compound? nic robertson discovered the plants outside of the compound and guess what else was discovered inside of the compound? apparently somebody else was keeping pornography in that house. reuters told that there was a porno stash in that house and it was extensive and modern, and they don't know whether it belonged to bin laden or somebody else in the compound. and this video is one that fascinated people of the videos that the u.s. military and the government released of bin laden wrapped in a blanket watching himself on tv here. he changed the channel every time president obama was shown on that screen.
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abc news reporting that bin laden wanted to kill the president, but vice president was not on his hit list. he felt that the auoffice of vi president was not important enough to warrant an investigation. and meanwhile, investigators may make another run at the widows. we are getting information from two senior officials that the women are hostile toward the americans, and not really a shocker there. and one of the widows is doing the talking for all of them. she did not give up a lot of information and we are told that the american investigators may try to talk to the widows once again. now this. >> we are looking at what measures can be taken to pump up the security. >> yeah. they took down america's enemy number one, and now some fear that they could become target number one for revenge. up next, what goes into protecting u.s. navy s.e.a.l.s and their families?
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and could their covers ever be blown? we will tackle that. also this -- >> hello, and it was windy just like a white cap lake. >> if you don't respect it, it is not forgiving. >> they are talking about the mighty mississippi and men braving the mighty mississippi mist as it goes downstream. and cnn gets on board of the boat and goes along for one rough ride. stay with me. building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. hey, dad, think i could drive? i'll tell you what --
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well, we have the first public comments about osama bin laden's death from the man who first launched the manhunt for him. former president george w. bush quoted as saying that the guy is dead. that is good. osama's death is a great victory in the war on terror. according to abc news, bush did fot take any credit for himself. he said, quote, that the intelligence services deserve a lot of credit, because they have built a mosaic message piece by piece. they say he was at dinner when he got the following phone call from president obama, and he simply said that osama bin laden is dead. mr. bush's reply, good call. well, the navy s.e.a.l.s who carried out that raid on bin laden are concerned about the safety of themselves and their families. we have a former navy s.e.a.l. sniper with us to talk about the concerns about the media
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coverage and the details coming out, and just your thoughts on hearing some s.e.a.l. members saying they have concerns for themselves and their families. >> t.j., first of all, thank you for having me. that is a very real concern. that is without question, one of the number one priority that the guys have on their minds right now, that the operation is done. they performed flawlessly, and right now, it is that we need to be protected, and please protect us. >> chris, give us insight into a s.e.a.l. psyche, and in this world of reality television, where you can be a star and get all kinds of acclaim for not even doing anything quite frankly, and in this kind of world that we live in, s.e.a.l.s are not built that way. they are not doing what think do for the glory. >> no. absolutely not. these guys are the quote, unquote quiet professionals and they are the best at what they do. they train ad nauseam, over and over again. they are just like the trident that we wear on the chest, the eagle in the trident has the
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head bowed. our heads are bowed in deference to the nation, and we are at the service of our country, and that is all that we need to know that we are called upon to do a task like this, that was this monumental and that we performed it flawlessly. >> do you think that we are doing a disservice, and i say we, you could throw in the media, but the administration and are we doing a disservice by going after so many of the details and some in washington by putting some of the details out? >> i think that we are almost to the point where we are starting to do these guys a disservice. i understand that the world needs to know, but we don't need to be too candid. let's agree to have a certain level of die vul jen vul jens a the course, and stay the course. these guys don't want anything more than to share a moment with their loved ones and then back
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to work. they want r&r briefly and then getting back to work. that is all that these guys do. >> and now speaking of the details and one of things that we got out and we won't get too much into it, but the idea that it was caught on camera, and these digital cameras, but essentially, these are mounted on to their helmets. we have shown an example of what it might look like, but the video might look like what the actual camera might look like there. >> yes, t.j., i have a ballistic combat helmet here, and in the front, you have a really small camera, and it has got some high resolution to it, and let's face it, it is the darkest night of that month, and it is night vision, so that you have a green hue upon things and it is grainy and pixelpixelated, so that it scant millimeter here that has a
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feed line here that goes to the unit that does a number of things. it gives you power, and storage capability, and the radiofrequency i.d. tagging information, and so this signal goes to the helicopter nearby, because it had more juice to beam the signal up to the site where they were loitering. i want to pref race this is not the exact helmet worn, but this is borne out of the guys wearing them into training to get a down to the minuscule detail of assessmentt of how the training evolution went, and it is the practice makes perfect concept. >> and now that video is pored over for more information again. and you know that the guys were moving around and it is not like movie quality, but slowing it down and enhancing it to get more ideas of what happened in the compound. chris -- go ahead.
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>> t.j., i want to say, too, there is a discrepancy and people are saying what happened to the 25 minutes that got dropped, but what people need to understand is that this system is not a robust system, and it uses analog system, and as such, it can be walked on and talked over by what we call bullying systems. when we do an operation of this magnitude, we have a system in place that is the sole job that the system is to jam any frequency to walk over the recognized frequencies that the guys are utilizing which includes the frequency of the dog that we are enamored with and a very good story by the way. so that the systems could have been shutdown and walked over by the bullying systems to prevent outside sources to get in to destroy the operation. so it is plauzable that the 25 minutes could have been lost, but we know that the systems have inherent storage capabilities, but, it is safe to say that there is video out there from many different sources. i know that it was brought up
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that the s.e.a.l.s are moving the head, and that is true. they are looking for work. >> and fascinating capabilities that they went into. chris, we appreciate your taking the time with us today. enjoy your weekend. and it is 20 after. and you know the saying, if you don't at first succeed, try, try, and try again. so that applies to ron paul. he's in. and also more news about who is possibly out. do you have an english menu? no english. [ speaking chinese ] [ gasps, speaks chinese ] do you guys like dumplings? i love dumplings. working with a partner you can trust is always a good decision. massmutual -- let our financial professionals help you reach your goals.
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what?! sam, get your ears cleaned out. but what did he say? 42 wild italians. huh? it's a cruise for plus-size individuals. it's a commercial. that's all. i'm pretty sure he said the chevy cruze eco -- a commercial for eagle? eagles? no eco, eco, eco! it's "the chevy cruze eco gets up to 42 miles per gallon." who asked you? [ male announcer ] the amazingly fuel-efficient chevy cruze eco. turn up the volume!
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well, taking a look at some stories making the headlines, former senator john mitchell is going to resign as the mideast envoy. he has been trying to keep the palestinian and middle east peace talks on effort, but his efforts have yielded little results, and george mitchell will be stepping down for personal reasons. and a new bill is signed into law over immigration. and it is modeled after the one in arizona for law enforcement to question people about their immigration status. and the nomination for the president doubled twice today.
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we have texas congressman ron paul formally announced he is running for the white house in 2012 and not running as a independent, but as a republican. this is his third run for the white house and this is followed by another announce ment by new gingrich who announced earlier in the week. >> and taking on the failing schools. >> we have a model that is not preparing people to be prepared for the 21st century global economy. >> soledad o'brien is going to show us the creative and fun way that students are getting psyched about science and math. yes, right, soledad. no matter what. i'm at least psyched to talk to you after the break. come on back with us, folks.
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well, a cnn documentary premiering sunday night looks at the crisis in our public school system, and why america's financial future is at risk if p the students cannot excel at math and science. here now is a preview of "don't fail me education in america" with soledad o'brien. >> one, two! >> reporter: this is a robotics competition that brings 50,000 high school students into stadiums across the country. the purpose is to inspire kids to take challenging math and science classes, to prepare them
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for the high-tech jobs of the future. it is what american public schools often fail to do. >> we have basically had a 19th century model of education that is not preparing young people to be successful in the 21st century global economy. >> reporter: among the competitors this year, maria whiting and shawn fatale. >> i want to go to a university. >> reporter: and this is from the mostly latino public school where the average income is $30,000 a year. brian whitehead is from middle-class, seymour, tennessee. are there classes that you would like to take that are not offered in the school? >> well, any a.p. classes.
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>> reporter: sophomore shawn batal is from upper class montgomery, new jersey, and the son of indian immigrants, sean is taking two a.p. classes which leaves him little time for his hobby, dancing. >> i'm taking spanish four, ap statistics, and chemistry and algebra honors. >> well, soledad o'brien is solving this problem right now in education in the next minute that we have here on the air. >> deal. bring it on. >> is the argument that we are not preparing the kids for the jobs of the future, right? we put them in the classroom and throw all of the stuff at them, but we have to get them specifically the tools that they are going to need for the jobs that are going to be there? >> yeah, what has happened is that the manufacturing jobs have left america. we have been training kids for jobs that no longer exist here, and the jobs that exist, 2 million, according to the secretary of education, are jobs that involve and require
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technology and higher level math skills and the americans cannot fill those 2 million jobs right now, because we lack the technological expertise the do it. it is a crime when you consider the unemployment figures. so it is true. we are not preparing the high schoolers for those jobs that actually exist right now, and we are preparing them for jobs that have already left america. those jobs dot no exis t -- do and we need to train them to be strong in s.t.e.m., science, technology, education and math. >> and it is difficult for the kids to buy into them, because the kids find them difficult or not sexy frankly, sometimes. >> well, that is where the robot competition comes into play, because people find it exciting just like football competition, which is exciting, so you do everything that you need to win, and train and prepare and make sure you are in good shape and all of the things that go to the
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competition. kids who win a robot competition, and these are exciting because 50,000 people cheering in the stands is amazing thing these kids if they want to win, they have to build the best robot, and nay have to understand calculus, and physics and be good students of this, so that the theory is to make it cool and interest, and these kids certainly who are involved in this first competition have absolutely bought into that. >> at the end of the day, all of the kids the same? you kind of highlighted some of the differences in the backgrounds and what not that are stark, but at the end of the day, all of the kids want the same thing? >> yeah, i have discovered around the globe that all kids want the same thing and people want the same thingers th. thi they want to do better than the generation before and they want safety and security, and we are the same. a lot of what is happening to i da is that there is a global economy and people are looking at the success around the world, and people have looked at the success of the united states and said, we want that, and if the united states does not educate the children better other people
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will take those jobs simple as that. >> we have solved the problem. >> well, i don't think that we have solved it, but we have framed it. >> we know what we need to do and just to figure out how to do it. framing it is the big paut of the problem. you will see soledad, "don't fail me education in america" sunday night at 8:00 p.m. right here on cnn with our soledad o'brien. coming up next, it is a done deal. "two and a half men" has a new man. yep. ashton kutcher. is this the right choice though? smart choice maybe by the show's producers? we will get into some of of the questions. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible.
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all right. disaster in the making. a slow-churning disaster and slowly churning down the mississippi right now. look at this stuff, folks. mississippi dealing with the worst flooding in decades. the state's governor has now called in the national guard. louisiana's governor bobby jindal urging people who live in the path of the morganza spillway to get out while you have the time. he says that the army corps of engineers may open up the spillway as early as tomorrow to avert water away from baton rouge and new orleans. meanwhile, up north, illinois farmers were getting the springp crops in the ground when the floods destroyed everything. one illinois farmer says that the season is over before it even got started. >> we had some corn planted that's history. that's underwater. it is bothering me, because it is going to be a tough year. >> well, adding to the misery in
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the region, heavy rain is falling in the mississippi delta, and the national weather service says that the mississippi river is at the highest level ever recorded in natchez and second highest ever recorded in vicksburg, and the river is expected to rise another six feet over the next week. and patrick oppmann is talking to one man who knows this river so well. >> reporter: morning breaks on the mississippi river. boat captain keith flashmans has been navigating the waters for over 30 years, but a flooded mississippi means a late start to this trip for him and the crew of the "merrick jones." >> it is easier in the daytime to tell what you are doing than it is at night. the current affects you tremendously. and you have to be able to recognize it quickly so you can react to it. >> reporter: he has to navigate through the wall of floodwater raging downstream.
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danger is a constant companion during the 24-hour journey from vicksburg, mississippi to baton rouge, louisiana. treetops peek out where banks once stood. a shipyard is sunk under water. and those are people's homes sacrificinged to the tide. the bargesmen say they no longer recognize the river they have been on for years. these barges haul petroleum for gas stations. but the current is pushing this barge so quickly down stream, it can only carry half a load, and a ripple effect that will be felt far beyond the shores. and this deckhand has seen the effects of the flooding at his home in missouri. >> my house sits up three concrete blocks high off of the foundation, and it is flooding.
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and when it is windy, it white capped just like a lake. >> reporter: never underestimate the power of the mighty mississippi, says the captain. >> if you don't respect it, it is not forgiving, and you to be aware that it does change as night and daily, and hourly, and every minute of the day. it is always changing. >> reporter: as day fades, the tow boat slows and night on the flooded river is now too dangerous to travel further. the "merrick jones" will have to wait until dawn to reach baton rouge, but these barge men say they will deliver the cargo come hell or high water. >> okay. patrick oppmann with me from vicksburg, and remind us, because you said it in the piece, how long it takes for them to get down the baton rouge, and how long to mack it back up? >> well, it took much, much longer, because it is strange, t.j. with the current pushing and they make it more dangerous.
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they are concerned about going un un ununder the bridges and the nighttime we have to stop, because it is going to take them twice as long to go up and back from the river, because they have lighter loads and that means carry less and bring less up which raises costs on a lot of of the items that we end up using in our daily lives. so that the ripple effect will spread out and out and out as long as the river is rising here. >> patrick oppmann doing some great reporting here in this devastated region. we look forward to more of the reporting, and of course, the viewers can find more of his reporting and other reporters out there on the field. and two months with a brutal crackdown and 900 civilians killed between march and now, and pressure is mounting on the u.s. to take action in syria, as thousands are taking to the streets. that is next. and the 100% natural whole grain oats
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assad, and the sentiment is spreading, but here is something that we have not seen up until now. take a look. now, here the government force is using tear gas today on a group in damascus, and this is a rare show of force in the capital, and up until now damascus has remained calm, so this could be significant. also today, a u.n. official said that the clashes since march have claimed up to 850 people, and here we are about to see a and the t tank open fire in a city full of homes. take a look. now, apparently, this video was from yesterday. we have no reports of casualties anywhere in syria today. in fact, here also was the same city with a peaceful protest today.
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all right. so this appears to be the story from syria today, peaceful government protests here in the cities, and the government is still responding at times at least with force. well, also, coming up, a serious threat possibly to the career of tiger woods. some questioning whether this could actually be the beginning of the end of an era for the golfer, and certainly after what we saw happen in florida yesterday a lot of people are asking those questions. also, maybe, third time is a charm for "two and a half men." producers have found a new man. that is ashton kutcher replacing charlie sheen on that show. what do you think about that? is that the way to go? good choice? bad choice? that is next. but first, some free money
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advice from the cnn help desk. time now for the help desk where we get answers to your financial questions, and joining me this hour is manisha taquor and doug flanders from zito. and we have the first question from kathy in patterson, new york who is saying that i am having problems keeping up with the high mortgage on my condo. if i use my savings to pay it off, i will be broke. and what should i do? so many people in this position. >> yes. kathy realizes that her back is up against the wall, and she is a classic candidate for short sale which is fancy speak of going to the bank and saying, let's sell it for what we can, and call it a day. reasons can include hardship or also the fact that you are underwater. sounds like in kathy's case some hardship there if she has had a job los or income reduction and
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the key is that short sales vary from lender to lender, and she needs to start the application process soon, and in a good case six to eight weekweeks, but oft carmen, it is four to six months. >> it will take patience and fortitude. ken says i am selling our second house and i will make $100,000 off of the sale. i want to save safely, but gain interest on the funds for my grand kids' college. what do you suggest? doug, lucky grandkids. >> well, the first thing since it was investment property, and second home whether there are taxes owed, and i don't know if the $100,000 is after taxes or not, but whatever you have to invest, look for a 529 to put the money away and grow tax-free for college which is the specific goal here. the big issue is that you can choose the investments within the 529. if you want something safe, you can do that, too, and if you
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want something age-appropriate that is fine, but if you want something safe, you can do that. you can give more than $13,000 per child within the 529s. >> and keep it in the grandparent's name? >> yes, control it in the grandparent's name, but out of the estate at the same time. >> okay. do you have a question that you want answered? send us an e-mail to the e-mail help desk at ♪ you love money ♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ you love money ♪ well, you know i love it too ♪ ♪ i work so hard at my job ♪ and then i bring it home to you ♪
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he says kutcher is talented but says that the show will tank. the business editor with tv guide magazine, good to have you here. we hear that he's replacing sheen. he's not going to play the same character. do i have that right? >> he will play a new character. we don't know what that is yet. this is not like be witched when they had one darryl stevens and then suddenly another in the role. >> two different ways to look at it, just judging strictly by his talents, what he's able to do, and then the other side is that, this guy has a nice following. he can bring to that show. >> that's really true. first, he is -- he's a personable, likeable guy who has done multicamera comedy. he was on star of "that '70s
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show and he became popular enough to have a movie career." plus, he has six million followers and knows how to bring an audience with him. will the show be as funny as it was when charlie sheen was on? a lot of that has to do with the writing. this is a very joke-ridden show and i think that ashton kutcher is talented enough. >> and they went pretty far along with it and he backed out. >> how much are they going to pay this guy? >> i can't be certain. i don't think it's going to be nearly as much as what charlie sheen was making. and i would venture a guess that
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it will be the highest paid sitcom after this deal. and this show seems to have been based on charlie sheen, his character, his personality, his witt, no matter how good the show is. >> it's very, very hard to launch big hit tv shows. so it is worth the risk to keep two and a half men alive and bring in another star to see if you can keep it going, then to launch something new. that's what cbs wanted to do here. they are meeting with advertisers to present their fall schedule and wanted to say we still have "two and a half men," the top rated comedy on television, and have a big star that we know and like. >> steve, we appreciate you being here.
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it's been a long day for you. everybody wants your expertise on this. this has been the buzz in and around hollywood. we appreciate you taking your time out with us. >> it's my pleasure. thank you. he is topping several gop polls, but is that enough to push mike huckabee to run for president? some surprising news out today on the campaign trail. we will get it all. madman, wolf blitzer, is standing by after the break. wolf? building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible.
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all right. it's getting closer to the top of the hour. we're checking in with wolf blitzer with the latest from the political ticker. wolf, how are you doing? >> good, t.j. let's talk presidential politics. it's been a big week already. newt gingrich announcing that he is running and ron paul and mitt romney getting a lot of criticism. now a lot of the attention is on mike huckabee. look at this republican's choice for the nominee in 2012. huckabee is at the top at 16% and then trump, romney, gingrich, 10, ron paul, 10%. so a lot of people are wondering what is going to happen to mike huckabee. tomorrow night he will be live on fox and will tell all of us whether he will create an exploratory committee. we don't know what his answer is going to be. if you read a lot of the tea leaves, the impression i get is that he probably will not run
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this time. he's making somebody really for the first time in his life, seems to be enjoying that gig. he just started a new company. he moved from arkansas to florida, establishing his residency in florida. maybe that's something that would be good for a presidential race. florida being such an important electoral state. i guess we'll wait to see tomorrow night. a lot of his aids that worked for him four years ago have gone to work in other campaigns where tim paul len tea's campaign, maybe michele bachmann. so it's unclear what he's going to decide to do, but my gut tells me he's at the top tear candidate for that nomination right now. we'll see what he decides to do and wait for his answer. >> you know, that's a good way you put it. politicians is not sometimes the money. you say for the first time in his life, he is making money and he's got a pretty good setup right now. >> i feel the same way about
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sarah palin. she's made millions and millions and millions of dollars, some say $20 million, maybe more, since giving up her job as the governor alaska where she was making $150,000 a year. so she's made a ton of money on her books, her tv deals, speakinging fees. huckabee is making more money right now, certainly more than as governor as arkansas. it's hard to walk away from that kind of cash. we'll see what both of them will do. she might run. if they do, we'll cover them. if not, they will presumably continue to be fox news analysts. >> wolf, you're often correct. you've been doing this for a little while. good to see you. see you here shortly and another update in 30 minutes. but right now i want you to watch this. they promised revenge and now militants loyal to osama bin laden launched bloody attacks.
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dozens are dead and a terror group promises to kill again. but it's not al qaeda. and everybody in "the situation room" agreed to keep quiet about the killing of bin laden. then that all went wrong. who broke the code of silence? plus, he abruptly quits in the middle of a big-time tournament. is tiger woods washed up at 35 years old? hello to you all. i'm t.j. holmes, sitting in for brooke baldwin. we're getting new information about the raid on osama bin laden's compound. navy s.e.a.l.s wore helmet cams and much of the video is described as fast and violent. also described as hazy. let me give you an idea. we dug this up as an example of nighttime helmet cam video. this gives you a quality of the type of video we're talking about. this is not the actual video from the bin laden raid.
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this is just an example of what it could look like, similar to the technology used by the s.e.a.l.s during that condition. it's grainy and not a lot of detail to it. we can show you the example of a combat helmet with a helmet cam on it. take a look at this. >> in the front, you've got a really small camera. it's got some pretty high resolution to it but let's face it, it was the darkest night of that month. it's night vision. so you have a green hue upon things and things are very grainy and picxulated. it's one millimeter in diameter. you have a feed line here that goes all the way to the unit that does a number of things. it gives power, storage capability, and it also gives you that radio frequency i.d. tagging through this antenna. so this signal probably went to one of the helicopters close by
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because it had a lot more juice to beam that up to the satellite. >> bringing in chris lawrence at the pentagon now, what are they doing with this video? >> t.j., right now it's being looked at to determine how much of the death of osama bin laden was recorded on these cameras. i will say, from speaking with a military source, who has not seen the video but has had it described to him in detail, says basically the difference would be that the video that we just showed you looks like it was on a helmet cam of someone standing fairly still and staring in one direction. now you've got to put the helmet cams on a s.e.a.l. team running through doors and looking around corners. so the video has been described as very, very shaky. because their heads are constantly moving during this operation. but, again, right now what they are doing is taking a look at it to help the s.e.a.l.s remember
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what they saw in the heat of battle. so they can better determine what went right with the mission and what might have gone wrong. >> and, chris, how closely are they protecting this video right now? are they limiting the number of people who had access to it and can you keep this stuff from getting out? we always talk about leaks and a lot of people, like yourself, try to hunt down as much information as we can on this stuff. how can you keep this from getting out? >> exactly. not only reporters but you make a great point, t.j., we live in the age of wikileaks. so things tend not to stay secret for very long. as far as this video right now, it is being held very, very closely. it was suggested that at some point we may see some pieces of it released at some point. but on the other hand, you've got defense secretary gates making a very strong case that already too much information is already been released and that he wants to place the safety of
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the s.e.a.l.s and their families at the top of the priorities list. and so you wonder, you know, if you're taking video from one helmet came, it may show other s.e.a.l.s in that video without compromising the identity of the men that performed this mission. >> chris, we appreciate you as always. coming up on the point that chris was just making, robert gates said that everyone in "the situation room" agreed that the details of the raid would stay secret. in just a few hours later, that plan went right out the window. didn't it? now the secretary of defense fears for the safety of those navy s.e.a.l.s. also, we heard a lot about the information found at the bin laden compound. you know what else was found there? porn. ttd# 1-800-345-2550
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. the family of the s.e.a.l.s worry that they may be in danger. listen to secretary gates. >> a week ago sunday in the situation room, we all agreed not to release any details about the effort to take out bin laden. that all fell and part on monday, the next day.
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>> individual members of that s.e.a.l. team stayed a secret. listen to former navy s.e.a.l. >> that is a very real concern. that is, without question, probably the number one priority that these guys have on their minds right now. the operations done. they performed flawlessly. we need to be protected. please protect us. >> they say the defense department is looking into what it can do to pump up the security for the s.e.a.l.s who helped kill bin laden. the flooding mississippi river is slowly moving downstream. people are preparing for what could be a disaster in the making. mississippi already experiencing its worst flooding in decades. spillway diverting some of that water but it may not be enough. the army corps of engineers is
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expected to maybe open another spillway as early as tomorrow. jessica miller had to think fast when she realized her 11-year-old son was home and a tornado was bearing down on the house. listen. >> i said, get in the laundry room. there's not a basement. i said, just get in the laundry room and he's like, why, mommy. and then the sirens went off. >> well, check this out. once he got to the laundry room, austin decided himself the best place to be was, yep, inside the drier. the storm tore the roof off the house, and austin made it out without a scratch. also, listen to this. police say a man tried to board a flight from bangkok to dubai but in his luggage, this is what they found. two leopards, a panther, black bear, and a monkey for good measure. all live animals. we're told they are all doing
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okay. and the would-be passenger faces just a long laundry list of smuggling charges. the worst part here is that investigators say that he has probably done this before. look at that cute little guy. and probably got away with it. we turn to california where three people have been arrested in connection with several robberies and a murder of an mtv producer who was shot in the back of the head. investigators say they linked the crimes from similar descriptions of the robber and the shotguns that were used. also, the smoke detector in your house, you need it to protect you and keep your safe. the fire department in atlanta recalling more than 18,000 smoke detectors after they were found to be counterfeit. the fbi is investigating the people who sold those devices, thanks to a local news investigation by wcgl.
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also, to south carolina, a man was arrested for spitting in the face of an officer. but look at the mug shot, folks. you notice anything here? probably. what is that on his forehead? that's a tattoo. let me tell you what it reads now. this is a direct quote t says, a tattoo says, "with god all things are possible. god loves you. please forgive me if i say or do anything stupid. thank you." but he is still locked up. the police department has not quite forgiven him despite what his forehead says. finally, a barn may not be the best place for a live shot. check this out. >> get it out. >> we're looking for the other two. meanwhile -- >> that's sarah morgan. we've all been there, right? she's reporting a story about dogs injuring animals and the
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camel did not like and took a bite out of her hair. you know reporters out there, we all have to make these mistakes. stay clear of the big animals, the big wildlife, smaller ones that you can get away with. the big ones, take a lesson from tara. another republican is joining the race for president. but what is ron paul promising to do this time around. that is coming up. and also this. united nations says more than 800 people have died in syria since the protests began in march. these demonstrations have a bit of a theme. that is next. ♪
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all right. we told you that the government of syria is claiming to have the upper hand. journalists are having a hard time getting the real truth out of there. but we are getting some idea. this is video of today. hundreds of people are chanting for the fall of the syrian president bashar al assad. we will show you something that you have not seen up until now. the government forces used tear gas. this is in the capital of
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damascus and it has remained fairly calm. this could be significant. also today, a u.n. official says clashes since march claimed 850 people. we're about to see a vehicle open fire in a city called hahn. look at this. now, this video is apparently from yesterday. no reports of casualties anywhere in syria today. in fact, that same city that i was telling you about, apparently some peaceful protests there. it appears to be the story in the number of cities, people braving potential force.
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all right. let me bring in mark preston joining us with the latest news from the political ticker. and, mark, it seems we are getting some new, fresh faces into the field of gop contenders for president. >> yes, some would say that, fresh faces. if you consider a 75-year-old congressman from texas fresh? >> yeah. >> perhaps, perhaps not. but ron paul, as i said, is a 75-year-old republican congressman from texas. he is going to run for president. t.j., you and i covered this back in 2008. ron paul sought the republican nomination. he was unsuccessful. a lot of people were surprised how successful he was, though n. raising money certainly in the latter part of the campaign. so ron paul up in new hampshire today announcing that is he going to run. he says right now the time is right and that physical discipline and he will be on
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with wolf blitzer right after your show to talk about his run. ron paul is in the race. >> so you say time is right? new and fresh? but will there be a worry that we've been there, done that, and he was the hot thing for a while? you bring him into it and newt gingrich. i kind of played it at the beginning but still it seems like the old guard trying to move the country in this new direction, they claim. >> that's true. and mitt romney is added to that list as well. he south the nomination in 2008 and we fully expect him to run. michele bachmann, the minnesota congresswoman, she's very likely to run. she put on an e-mail that said are you happy with the current presidential candidates? why don't you take my poll and drop me some money and that might help me decide if i will run. michelle democracy man happy
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with the feel. >> show me the money. >> good to see you, as always. plenty to talk about down the road. thanks so much. well, is he perhaps the most famous golfer in history. he might be the most famous athlete on the planet. now after a sex scandal, certainly a problem with his image and now injuries. certainly after what happened last week, some are really asking the question, is tiger woods washed up at 35 years old? find out why we are going there and asking that question. what this means for a sport that desperately means a superstar.
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last time tiger woods was out there in force, he was making a nice charge of the masters. he said the new swing was finally starting to come together and golf was fun again. so much for fun on the golf course. there is a little chip, into the water there. then a hole or two later. chunks one, into the bunker. now, you folks have played golf and you have done that. but this is tiger woods. tiger woods limped off the course at the annual player championship course after just nine holes. the first nine now, he has not won a tournament in 18 months, not since the tabloid divorce.
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he's 35 and people are asking the question, is he washed up? let me bring up jeff shackleford. is he there at the player's championship for us. hello to you and the golf world. how did they view this? as a guy who needs time to rest or is the golf world looking at, wow, we may be seeing the end of tiger woods? >> reporter: a little bit of everything, t.j. it's a little resignation that things will never be the same. a few weeks ago we had the masters and it seem seemed that he was playing well. then he goes off to china to do a commercial for nike and then all of a sudden this happens and he comes to the players and looks all of and didn't moving very well. >> why wasn't he there?
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he wasn't practicing and we knew he needed time to rehab. why even try it? because he didn't look like he should even be out there. >> reporter: well, the u.s. open is coming up and this is a major championship to a lot of players, obviously to the pga tours. this is their home tournament. and a lot of people feel that tiger felt some sort of obligation to play and then there's the fact that he, as he calls them, reps, he needs to play more. with congressional coming up, it makes sense and he withdrew last week and he needs to get out and play. >> let's talk about this knee. several surgeries, so many commentators talk about the force and torque and the power of his swing. how bad off is that left knee? >> well, there's not just a knee. there's an achilles. his calf was cramping up. he retooled his swing twice now and the first time was in theory to help his knee and then the second time also. so obviously that's the big question, is what can he do now at this point?
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is the swing the problem? where is he going to go from here and nobody knows. it's really change. we don't have information and we can't figure it out. his attitude yesterday after the round was surprisingly good, all things considered. it leaves everybody here about what the future holds. >> what does he plan? how much detell you all about what he plans to do? is it just a matter of rest? of staying off of it? not playing? let it heal fully? more surgery, what? >> he really basically was very vague, as he always usually is. and he was going to leave it up to his doctors. the doctors gave him a clearance to play this week. i have to tell you, my sense, and i have no idea what he's going to do, but his attitude was pretty good after the round yesterday. that tells me he's not as
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worried as some people would think and i think his life revolves around the major championships and trying to get those and get to that magic number. i think he will be at the u.s. open, but who knows? >> this is how we're going to wrap it up. this was a foregone conclusion. this young man, no doubt. he was a very young man when he certainly won the master's for the first time but we're showing the trajectory of his career and jack nicklaus and who he is chasing. they both had the same number of championships but right now geoff, is the feeling at least -- and it's early after the injury yesterday, it was a foregone conclusion that he was going to break nicklaus' record. are people questioning whether he can win one or two or even three more championships? >> absolutely. there was a foregone conclusion and now the feeling is that getting there is going to be quite a journey and right now, just actually winning a tour of that would be a big step. but getting the record is going
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to be interesting to watch. but i don't have a sense that he's going to be able to do it, unless he really turns it around with his health. >> geoff, it has been an extraordinary year and a half for the man that was on top of the golf world for so long. thank you so much. enjoy the rest of the weekend out there. >> thank you. now, terrorists promised revenge for osama bin laden's death and today maybe it started in pakistan. the deadly attack did not come from al qaeda. guess who showed up at the white house? members of the libyan opposition. i'll tell you what happened. also, first arizona, now georgia introducing what is considered one of the toughest immigration laws in the country. find out what it gives the police the right to do. that is next. [ male announcer ] we can display
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a revenge attack in pakistan? libya rebels visit the white house and georgia has a tough new immigration law. time to go around. we begin with stan grant in pakistan. claiming responsibility for suicide attacks on a military training facility, retaliation for the death of osama bin laden. pakistani officials say, yes, they are the culprit? >> reporter: it was certainly the taliban members that we spoke to, the taliban spokesman said no doubt they were claiming responsibility and directly linking it to the death of bin laden. that is not to say that it is the only motive.
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this is up near the pakistan border. the military is being operating there for years trying to drive out elements of this insurgency and certainly that could have been a factor as well today, the fact that they targeted a military training facility, that they killed primarily military recruits, which also adds another dimension. coming up, the death of bin laden, it was a driving factor today. t.j.? >> stan grant for us, islamabad, let's continue on following a busy day at the white house. the libyan opposition leader and senior white house correspondent ed henry is at the white house. hello to you. what should we be reading into this meeting? >> reporter: the meeting is going on right now as we speak. it's with tom donolan. the opposition leader from libya, the significance is that while the white house tells us that president obama has no plans to drop into this meeting,
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which would be a high level of endorsement if he showed up, this shows that the opposition leader is now in the west wing of the white house. he previously met secretary of state clinton and it's a big deal. it's the white house trying to put ever more pressure on gadhafi, t.j. >> george mitchell stepping down as the middle east envoy? why? >> tuesday's meeting with the king of jordan, friday with the israeli prime minister, and chief envoy resigning today. basically, a lot of people close to him say that he's tired and has been at this for more than two years. a problem for this president, well, that's understandable, is that it suggests that there is very little, if any, momentum. it's a big problem for them. >> ed henry for us at the white house. next, let's turn to a tough new immigration law signed into
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law today in georgia. it's modeled after the controversial law out in arizona. gustavo is here. very similar but different between the one in arizona and georgia? >> well, very close. the governor made good on one of his campaign promises, one of the toughest anti-legal immigration laws in the country. similar to arizona, which allows the police certain powers to inquire about the legal status of people during the process of a criminal investigation. it also punishes those who force illegal immigrant and businesses to participate on a federal program in which businesses have to verify the legal status of any potential employee. the businesses lobbied hard against this bill but at the end the republicans, the large priority in the state came to
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pass the law. >> we all remember those pictures. a lot of people will out of arizona. those massive protests, people opposing the bill out there. not necessarily the same kind of reaction here even though there has been opposition. >> there were a few people, not the mass protests that we saw in arizona, where people were crying today. there was a human chain outside the governor's office. they were chanting shame on you, shame on you, outside the cry was a little louder. people were afraid that they might have to split families. parents who might be here illegally. they are already a number of lawsuits waiting for the sign to get close to this in july and they hope that they can stop it in the courts. >> gustavo, we appreciate you as well. thank you. to our viewers, we are learning more about who osama bin laden wanted to kill. president obama was on that list, including others in the president's inner circle. i will tell you who just ahead. plus, news that the navy s.e.a.l.s found, of all things,
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reuter's that was extensive and modern. the officials tell us they don't know whether the porn belonged to bin laden or someone else in that compound. also, have you seen that video, watching himself on television? he changed the channel every time president obama showed up on the screen and abc news reporting that bin laden wanted to kill the president but the vice president didn't make the cut on that list. reports say that bin laden felt the it was not important enough to warrant an assassination. and bin laden's three widows have been talked to. the women are described as hostile towards the americans and that the oldest of the widows did all of the talking for all of them. she didn't give up much information, however. we're told that the american investigators may try to talk to the widows once again. and this weekend, we want
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you to see this. we're taking you inside the mission. getting bin laden. that's on cnn saturday night at 8:00 eastern time. well, it has been 50 years now since president john f. kennedy established the peace corps. in that time, more than 200,000 people have volunteered. what inspires someone to serve? our own brooke baldwin spoke with a college grad who signed up. >> i have signed an executive order for a peace corps. >> that was march 1951. in the 50 years since that was launched, more than 200,000 volunteers have served in some 139 countries. a 22-year-old katie is one of them. >> it's an exciting thing to be a part of. just the network of people who have done it. they use the word family a lot and it's exciting to be going into that. >> reporter: katie recently earned her college degree in
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human biology and african studies. she plans to put it in good use where she will work in the peace corps malaria program. >> professionally, this is going to be sort of the best thing that i can do in terms of the underground experience and whether i want to work broadly in life or do policy work and personally i think it's going to be the biggest challenge of my life. being in an entirely new culture. >> reporter: peace corps volunteers serve until several areas, education, agriculture, and business development just to name a few. they are provided health insurance, a housing allowance, and receive about $7500 at the end of their 27-month assignment. and the desire to serve is still very strong. >> today we have more volunteers than at any time in the last 40 years. it's representative that americans are ready to serve. therefore standing up and answering president obama's call to service.
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>> reporter: 47 people in this latest group of peace corps volunteers are heeding that call. >> i just hope to complete projects that people will appreciate. maybe something that is sustainable so that when i leave they will have it. >> two years seems a lot like now but it's not that big. so if i can donate a little of my time to try to do some good, i think it's worth a shot. >> reporter: and for katie, she says she is ready for the learning experience of a lifetime. >> one of the goals of the peace corps is to bring a better understanding of americans to people around the world. i hope that i can be an ambassador. >> reporter: brooke baldwin, cnn. well, baseball, hank aaron is getting pretty candid in a one on one sit down with me. listen to this. >> we are talking about barry bonds and, you know, barry bonds
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has hit more home runs than i did. >> yeah, but there was more to it than that. and a whole lot more he had to say, including whether barry bonds deserves to be the home run king or is hank aaron still the home run king. he addresses that and also breaking barriers. you don't want to miss this. it's next. like nature valley. granola bars made with crunchy oats and pure honey. nature valley -- 100% natural. 100% delicious. kids today have superheroes that lift buildings. and superheroes that fly. but what if we could go to a place where real superheroes lived. ones who moved mountains. lifted an entire people. and taught the whole world how to fly. come see america's greatest history attraction, the henry ford. and ignite the spark of imagination in all of us. as we watch our heroes come alive in pure michigan.
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well, baseball, bringing its civil rights game here to atlanta on sunday afternoon. it's hardly a secret here that some of the game's brightest stars of the last 50 years, barry bonds and hank aaron are all african-americans. but young african-american athletes are choosing other states today. basketball, football, baseball, not so much. i talked with hank aaron, the former home run king. listen to him open up about the state of baseball. >> it could be better. it could be a lot better. we don't have as many african-americans playing baseball as we used to have. any time we have an nick
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struggle in this country, we, and i mean we, the blacks are going to feel the pink pinch a lot quicker than anybody. >> what not in football, basketball. >> i don't believe football has sold its self as much as it should have. i think that somehow football has been a terrific and basketball has done another terrific job. it is sports in the areas. when you look at it deep enough, is that kid who is 7'10", 12 years old playing baseball, wants to grow up and by the time he did it to 18, when he can get to college, he become the football coach and we have not made that kind of progress that we needed to make and hank aaron
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is part owner of a ball club, this and that. basketball has done that. basketball has owners and just like here the black mother, father, can look out and see that that kid, if he makes it, he's got a chance to go on to do greater things. >> now, here are some of the numbers for you to chomp on. 8.5%, that is the percentage of black athletes playing professional baseball to date in this country. last year it was 10%. 8.5% is one of the lowest that they have seen in major league baseball in the last 30 years. back in the '90s, it hovered around 16, 17, 18%. you can see where this trend is going. in the wrong direction. when you bring up the name hank aaron, people will start the debate, is he the home run king or is barry bonds? barry bonds has hit more home runs but with all of the steroid
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allegations surrounding barry bounds, people say he cheated. the real champion is hank aaron. he doesn't like to talk about that a lot but he chose to talk a little bit about it with me. >> what would you say to those fans that say, hank aaron is the home run king, he will always be my home run king and they refuse to acknowledge anybody at this point that is above your name. would you say to them, hey, let it go folks? the guy above me has more home runs? or would you say -- >> i would say, thank you. thank them first of all if they think that way. but we are talking about barry bonds and he hit more home runs than i did and he should be justifiable, the home run king.
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and people say, he was on this, on that. i don't know what he was on. i have no idea. i don't have any idea. the only thing that i know of barry bonds was a terrific ball player. and no matter how you look at it, not in this era, i may do it somewhere else but not here. and he hit more home runs than i did. and this was so he could be classified as the home run king. >> so you don't believe he was on anything? >> no, i didn't say i believed he was on it. no matter what it is, i don't know what he was on. i have no idea. as i said before, i'm not god. i don't make those kind of rulings. >> i said i think. i didn't say i think. i said i know something is
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different. >> you are a scholar. i love it, i love it, i love it. well, a lot more in my interview with the legend. you can see that this weekend. cnn saturday and sunday morning. we, of course, will be airing it right here on cnn saturday and sunday morning starting at 6:00 a.m. eastern time. he has a lot more to say. also, talked about a-rod and still wants to talk about mainly how this game can improve and get more young african-americans into baseball at an early age and the civil rights game playing there on sunday afternoon on our sister network tbs. coming up, wolf blitzer here now with a preview. >> wolf, i think you have a pretty good interview with a guy once again jumping into the ring in presidential politics. >> it's the third time for ron paul, the republican presidential candidate. he made it official today. he announced that he is running for the republican presidential nomination once again. he's here in "the situation room." we just taped the interview. we're going to run half of it in
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the 5:00 p.m. eastern hour and then the remaining part in the 6:00 p.m. eastern hour. we go through all of the issues why he disagrees, for example, with president obama on his decision to go out and kill osama bin laden. he is very blunt about other sensitive issues, like fema, for example. he doesn't believe it should exist during times of hurricanes and floods and other crisis here in the united states. why he supports legalizing drugs, i asked him about legalizing heroin, for example. we go through a lot of sensitive issues here in the united states. he knows he has to answer these kinds of questions and he does. that interview coming up at the top of the hour. and continuing in the next hour as well. we'll divide it up in half. >> looking forward to seeing it and you and we'll see you in about 7 1/2 minutes from now. wolf, thank you very much. steven colbert wants to have a role in the 2012 race. the comedian is making a pretty
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big move. he's taking on the supreme court. we'll have the latest for you. plus, she was supposed to be shy but the wife of one possible presidential candidate told the crowd about milking cows and being a hooters' girl. our joe johns, we have to lean on his expertise for that story. that is next. building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible.
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thrown into the spotlight, including mitch daniels, also his wife sheri. joe johns is here with the political pop. what did we know about her before and what do we know now? >> we don't know if mitch daniels is going to run for president but these two are quite a love story. and then they married, split, and she got married to another man and then they remarried. she reportedly, like a lot of political spouse, has not exactly been out there burning the airwaves up, publicly, privately, talking about how awesome it would be to jump into a brutal campaign and go in a media fish bowl for several
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months. she's kind of close to the speech here. >> i think you're going to be a little surprised to find how similar my role is to the governor's role. mitch has received many awards over the past years, honorary degrees, plaques for all sorts of things, well, i too have received some very press teej yous awards. i am an honorary hooters girl. >> that's pretty good. these two would be a very interesting couple to cover on the campaign trail. >> look, there's no video or picture of her in that actual outfit. that would be a different story, right? >> probably not. that could be a problem down the road. >> now, people were listening closely. of course, she had some fun there. still, everyone is wondering
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what governor daniels is going to do and maybe his wife would give some kind of an indication maybe, maybe not he's getting in? >> not a hint. not a hint at all, which is a bit of a surprise. he has said that he's going to let us know in the coming weeks which way he's going to go on this. >> i would love to see her in the race. that's a fascinating story. what is steve colbert up to now? >> well, he's kind of, frankly, doing the public a service by showing how the federal election laws can be and i'll try to shorthand this. colbert wants to form something we call in washington a super political action committee. super pack, for short. his parent company viacom, doesn't want him getting into trouble with the federal election commission while he's doing this and so now colbert is making a big production of going to the fcc to file a request for a media exemption that would give him and viacom protective cover when all they would have to do is send a piece of paper
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over to the fcc. a lot of people at the fcc. although we have twitter pages, maybe not, the other thing he's done, besides tweeting about it, very good, you can see a bunch of people all over the place. he also had his lawyer on his show talking about this issue and the lawyer happens to be a chairman of the fcc. >> what you're trying to do is slightly different than what other people have done before. they are nervous that viacom is going to end up making an illegal corporate contribution. >> but they are allowed to give money to a super pack. corporations can give money. why wouldn't they want to give me all of that sweet, sweet money. >> they say that if it's counted as a contribution, it would have -- >> all right. well, one thing is clear, hopefully he will never haveto
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