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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 14, 2011 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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education, the business climate and quality of life. and it's already working. some old stalled projects have started up again, and new ones are appearing. energy giant siemens is expanding its huge turbine plant here by 1,000 jobs. >> i would say a vast majority of them, i would say 80% of the people we hire will be from the local community. >> i just think there's a ripple effect of this that's going to go on for decades. >> reporter: building up the town long after the conventioneers go home. "cnn newsroom" continues now with my fellow tweet person -- >> tweeter? we're back to tweep. >> that's fine. >> i like tweep. tweet on. >> okay. >> bye, t.j. in south louisiana this hour, there is a frantic rush to get ready for the floodwaters, just a few hours from now, the
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u.s. army corps of engineers is expected to open the floodgates on the morganza spillway. the plan is to slowly divert floodwaters away from baton rouge and new orleans. the spillway has not been opened in nearly 40 years. the move will flood other areas in south central louisiana. and this map right here you're about to see it, it says it all. areas in yellow could get up to 20 feet of water and green up to 15 feet. we'll have live coverage of a briefing by the u.s. army corps of engineers at 2:00 eastern time. in areas like morgan city, louisiana, could get disastrous flooding. morgan city is protected by flood walls. but those walls could fail. the city's mayor talked about his concerns with her ed lavandera. >> reporter: are you worried about it flooding? this is the heart of the city. >> it is. and it's primarily protected by that wall right there. it would take a failure of that wall, i think, before this would really be at risk.
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what we're really concerned about is that high river stage raising the water level back where the lake is and then if that got topped, because that level of protection is not nearly as high as this, if that gets tops, the water will flow throughout the city and won't be held in a particular compartment of the city. we're an island. the river is on one side and both our eastern boundaries and the southern boundaries, the northern and western boundaries are the lake. >> reporter: it surrounds you? >> absolutely. you can see it's just starting to lap up under the planks of the wharf. so the water's just now getting here. it will be water all the way. it will touch this wall and extend all the way to that wall over there. those buildings right there that you see across the way, those will be under water. >> reporter: it's a staggering amount of water. >> it is. when you look at it from this perspective. like i said, our people and nor has anyone else seen anything like this, not here, not in this
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spot. >> reporter: you're confident about these walls holding up? >> i have to be, yes. have to be. >> reporter: if for whatever reason they fail -- >> total catastrophe. this entire city would flood, without a doubt. >> reporter: are you angry that they're opening up the morganza spillway? >> not really. i think we all lived with the idea that, hey, we know this is the potential, this is what this whole floodway system is for. wouldn't want to live anyplace else. but that's part of what comes with it. but certainly this is a floodway. it is built as a floodway. there was no -- that decision was made way back in '28 and the '30s and all that, after the '27 flood, this was the design. so from that perspective, that's what it's here for. it's here to provide that relief valve for the river. >> reporter: the water level reached here in '73? >> that's correct.
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>> reporter: this is part of the wall that held it back? >> that's correct. >> reporter: we're about 100 miles north of morgan city. about 3:00 central time, 4:00 eastern, if you look about halfway down this flood structure, one of those gates, perhaps two later on today, will be opened up. and all this area that you see out here behind me will begin to fill up with water. fredricka? >> thanks so much, ed. we'll check back with you throughout the day. up river, the state of mississippi is dealing with its worst flooding in decades. floodwaters have swamped lowlying areas around vicksburg, greenville and tunika. and hundreds of homes are evacuated. prime farmland is also under water and an economic lifeblood, casinos are now shut down. and now a new warning from the mississippi state health department. it is telling people to be careful with fish or kraufish from the floodwaters. the water could contain bacteria plus oil, gas, diesel and
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fertilizers. an imam from miami and four family members are charged with providing support to the taliban in pakistan. fbi agents say they have arrested khan and his sons. three others are being sought in pakistan, including khan's daughter and grandson. an indictment alleges they all con spird to provide material support in a conspiracy to kill, injure and kidnap people abroad. as for the raid on osama bin laden's compound, former president george w. bush calls it a great victory in the war on terror. bush told hedge fund managers in las vegas that we got a call from president obama telling him about the raid and bin laden's death. president bush says he responded by saying, quote, good call. pakistan's parliament condemned america's action and its lawmakers are warning the u.s. not to conduct any more unilateral operations in their country. that includes drone strikes. otherwise they say they might
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cut access to a key facility that nato uses to move troops into afghanistan. among the items that navy s.e.a.l.s found inside bin laden's compounds -- lots of hard core pornography. it's not clear whether it belonged to bin laden or someone else. and since the raid, relations between the u.s. and pakistan have been strained, to put it mildly. let's bring in cnn's stan grant who's in islamabad. it seems neither side trusts the other. what are you hearing? >> reporter: yeah, fredricka. this relationship, to be frank, has probably never really been based on trust. it's really been about strategy, if you go back before 9/11, there was a period when the u.s. cut off aid entirely to pakistan. after 9/11, the relationship did change. pakistan signed on with the war on terror and a lot of money has been flowing this way in the wake of osama bin laden's death, there have been a lot of questions asked, especially in the united states, about what was actually known here. those questions also being asked here.
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there was a joint seating of parliament. the heads of the military and the intelligence service giving evidence, we understand reportedly it was quite a fiery meeting in part. but at the end, there was a resolution to condemn this action by the united states. this incursion into pakistan air space, this disrespect, as they say for pakistan's sovereignty, carrying out this attack on osama bin laden. and the warning, as you mentioned there, if there is another unilateral action, even a drone strike which have been very common over the past years here, we're going to see a retaliation from the government here and disruption to the supply lines, the nato supply lines that of course are so essential. they pass through pakistan into afghanistan and are crucial for the war across the border in afghanistan. >> i wonder, is nato at all concerned about what pakistan says it might do by cutting off routes if indeed drone attacks were to resume or continue?
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>> reporter: no direct responses yet. of course, these are only words right now. you don't have to go very far to find anti-american feeling in pakistan. a lot of people in pakistan point the finger and say, you brought the war to our doorstep. they blame that for the thousands of pakistanis who have been killed in terrorist attacks since 9/11. but one thing nato would be concerned about, if you don't have a reliable ally in pakistan, if pakistan is not going to keep those supply lines open, it is going to have a huge effect on the war in afghanistan. if you listen to president barack obama, he talks about this as af-pak. despite the disagreements and the lack of trust, at the end of the day, they're going to have to find a way to work together. or the situation with the militants on this side of the border and the other is certainly not going to get any better. >> stan, thank you so much. we're going to touch on a case that has quite a few people fired up in this country, a
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mother with stage iv cancer losing primary custody of her children. but is there more to this story? our legal guys will be weighing in. plus, the republican presidential field grows larger. the newly declared candidates next. what's this option? that's new.
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. two big-name republicans are officially in the run for the u.s. presidency, former house
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speake speaker, newt gingrich, and ron paul throwing their hats into the ring. both candidates focused on the power of government. >> the most radical statement about political power in human history. our founding fathers asserted in the declaration of independence literally that power comes from god to each one of you personally. you are personally sovereign and you loan power to the government. the government does not loan power to you. >> one thing the american people want and i agree with them, they want a strong president. there is no doubt about that. but the question you should ask, where should the strength be directed? should the strength of a president be directed toward building the tsa and homeland security and policing the world? no. the strength and the character
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of the individual should be directed towards standing up for freedom, standing up for liberty and restraining government. that's where the strength should be. >> cnn's deputy political director, paul steinhauser live from washington. let's talk about the strength of these candidates. let's begin with gingrich. one has to wonder whether his personal matters will overshadow his mission. >> he's known as a big thinker. an ideas man in the republican party. that's good. also he's a man who's well-known. he's got a lot of name recognition. that helps when you're running for president. plus he's had a long resume, a lot of experience. but some of those pluses are minuses. let's start with that. a long resume, right? is he yesterday's news then? is he not a fresh face? he's well-known. that's good. but maybe not so well-loved. his numbers are not so high.
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his private life definitely could be weighed in on. three marriages, he's admitted to an fay ir. that could hurt him with social conservatives especially in states such as iowa and south carolina. >> what about ron paul? how will his strength and weaknesses be measured? >> this is the third bid for ron paul for the white house. once as a libertarian in '88 and again four years ago for the republican nomination. he's got devoted followers. they are energetic and enthusiastic. they make a lot of noise. they love this man. he could raise a lot of money on a dime. we saw those money bombs in the last presidential campaign. he can raise millions online and he's done it again. the negatives for him, the weaknesses? well, some of his vision, some of his views on such policies, foreign policies, national defense, monetary policies are out of the mainstream of most republicans. a lot of republicans just don't think he could win the nomination. >> and then there's the name of mike huckabee, not officially in it but his name has certainly
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be, i guess, teasing, being used to tease the audience. what's it going to be? might he make an announcement tonight? >> yeah, he said he will announce tonight on his program on the fox news network whether he will or won't run for the white house. a lot of people think he will not. i was reaching out to one of his advisers this morning who is very close, tightly lipped, wouldn't tell much of anything, said stay tuned. but look at what he's done so far. not a lot when it comes to running for the white house. he hasn't been out there campaigning. he's not been raising money, which is crucial. a lot of his staff from the last time around, he's let them go with other candidates. take a look at this recent poll from cnn. you can see right there, nearly 3 out of 4 four republicans say they want him to run for their party's nomination. if you look at the polls, mike huckabee is usually number one or number two. i guess that's the flip side. >> paul, thank you so much. appreciate that. maybe it's not politics that
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has you focused right now but instead you're thinking about summer travel. what's the best way to keep your belongings safe while on the go? plus, why has the judge in the casey anthony case called everyone back to the courtroom on a weekend? it's all next right here in the "cnn newsroom."
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it can even give you some compensation for purchases you might have to make if your luggage is delayed. >> reporter: and you need to know exactly what you packed. >> make an inventory and even take a picture of it. that will help you in the long term if you have to get a reimbursement. we're going to talk about some legal cases that might have caught your attention. a mother accused of child abuse for allegedly telling her child to get up and fight. where is that legal case going?
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that's straight ahead with our legal minds. kids today have superheroes that lift buildings. and superheroes that fly. but what if we could go to a place where real superheroes lived. ones who moved mountains. lifted an entire people. and taught the whole world how to fly. come see america's greatest history attraction, the henry ford. and ignite the spark of imagination in all of us. as we watch our heroes come alive in pure michigan. your trip begins at
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it may be the weekend, but prospective jurors are back in court today in clearwater, florida. lawyers are still trying to seat a jury to hear the murder case against casey anthony. she's the florida mother accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter nearly three years ago. anthony has pleaded not guilty. lawyers want 12 jurors and eight alternates. so far, eight people have been selected. is justice possible with a
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confederate flag flying outside a courthouse? a man sentenced to death says, no. and he says the makeup of a jury is another reason his murder conviction should be thrown out. let's bring in avery friedman and richard herman. good to see you, gentlemen. >> hi. >> avery, you first. felton dorsiwho is black who was convicted of killing a white man says that not only was this flag flying outside the courthouse a sign of intimidation, but on those grounds as well as the jurors that were selected, prospective jurors felt threatened by that flag flying, that he deserves a new trial or maybe his conviction thrown out altogether. how are his attorneys going to argue this case? >> they're going to argue it forcefully because believe it or not, there's substance. the confederate flag represents liberty and justice for some.
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and the fact is that when in 1861 there was treason, american was broken apart, the losers now have their flag hanging there. and the fact is that the area, fredricka, is 48% black. that flag represents oppression, slavery. that essentially is racist. and i think the louisiana supreme court should be given credit for taking the case. i think they're going to vacate that conviction. but mr. dorsey's going to go back to trial and he's going to be retried for the murder as he should be. >> richard, you agree the supreme court would take on this case is an indication that, perhaps, those justices might feel like something is awry here? >> unfortunately, fred, the defense attorney did not raise the issue of the flag at any time during the trial. so the record on appeal has no objection by defense concerning the flag. therefore, the justices in the appellate decision are not even going to consider that
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argumentment they are going to consider the fact that the argument that the claim the government picked an all-white jury. there was 11 white and one black on the jury and that they intentionally disregarded black jurors. that is a violation, u.s. v. batson. that is a real claim on appeal. that's the ground. >> might the argument be made that they are integral, though? >> one black juror did say, look, i feel really horrible walking into this building with that confederate flag. but the flag's flown there for 60 years and there's been a lot of verdicts in that courthouse and nobody's raised this issue. it's not on the record, avery. it can't be considered. >> avery, last word on that? >> it's one in the same. whether it's confederate flag or knocking blacks off, the supreme court's going to take it. let's move on to another case now. this involves a woman who's a
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stage iv cancer patient. she doesn't have a job. but she did have custody of her children until this court stepped in and said, no, you cannot have custody of your kids. kids have to move on to chicago where her ex-husband is. so, richard, i wonder, was this an issue of a judge saying the issue is that she is a cancer patient and that she has this terminal illness or is it the case of her not having a job? >> well, fred, it's a bitter, bitter custody -- is there any other kind of custody battle other than bitter? in any event, this poor woman has been diagnosed late with stage 4 resistant breaiv breast. and the future doesn't look too bragt for herment the judge said in addition to the fact that she is terminal ill and going to be treating, she does not have a job, she has no means of employment and there are other issues concerning certain claims
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of domestic abuse in this case. it's just not the fact that she has breast cancer. >> avery -- >> also the judge relied on -- >> bottom line, bottom line -- >> there's a decision about what's best for the parent or what's best for the child -- >> it should be best for the child. this is cancer discrimination and should be reversed on appeal. the assumptions made about cancer, wrong, should be reversed. she's entitled to custody. let's move on. take a look at this video. a fight involving some teenage girls. and the allegation here is this fight continued because there's a mother in the crowd of one of these young girls -- that's the mother right there, who's actually encouraging her daughter to fight, to hurt, to harm. richard, now this mother, april newcome is facing child abuse charges for watching this happen, encouraging, inciting, or also escorting her daughter to the fight to say, something's
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going to happen here and i'm okay with it. >> yeah, contributing to the delinquency of a minor. all she had to do was get a nice bowl of adobo and watch manny pacquiao fight last weekend. but she tells her daughter, get up, hit her in the ribs and kick her in the behind -- >> people are taping it and making fun of it. this is entertainment. >> right. what's really pathetic here is that there are parents that do these sort of things. bottom line, she should be convicted of contributing to the delinquency and child abuse. i don't think there's any question the video locks it up. look for a conviction. >> okay. avery, richard, thanks so much. we'll talk to you again and talk about an interesting case involving an nba player who says, you know that show "basketball wives," well the mother of my child is on that show but we're not married so why is she a basketball wife? anyway, it's a lawsuit that's
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now in court. you all are going to delve into that one. also, an imam in this country is accused of aiding the taliban in pakistan. and he's not the only one allegedly. that story next.
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as we mentioned earlier, an imam from miami, hafiz khan, and four family member, are charged with providing support to the taliban in pakistan.
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susan candiotti has been working this story. she joins us now from new york. >> reporter: there's another imam. there's the father associated with a mosque in miami as well as his son who also is an imam at a mosque in a suburb of ft. lauderdale, a city called margate. you've got one other relative and three other people who have been arrested in pakistan. six people all together, one of them in los angeles, two in south florida and the three in pakistan. we want to say first of all that according to a law enforcement official, they tell cnn that there is no direct linkage to the killing of osama bin laden. in fact, this is a financial investment that had been going on, says the indictment, back to 2008 through last year with allegedly transactions, money being collected from these two mosques in south florida. and the money being funneled to help the pakistani taliban in
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pakistan. what was the money being used for? it was supposed to help schools. it was supposed to -- there was talk of taking down army officials, taking down pakistan's president. and in fact there's a stunning quote that is contained in the indictment that is attributed to one of the people that's been charged and a conversation and they're saying that the money -- when they heard about a suicide attack that was successful back in 2009 that wound up killing seven u.s. citizens at a military post in pakistan, allegedly this was said, one of the defendants said, quote, declared his wish that god bring death to 50,000 more. fred? >> so this is really just the tip of the iceberg in this investigation as well. susan candiotti, thanks so much. appreciate that. just hours from now, the mississippi river's floodwaters are expected to be pouring through the morganza spillway in louisiana for the first time in
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nearly 40 years. the u.s. army corps of engineers is expected to open the floodgates to protect baton rouge and new orleans, other areas in southeastern louisiana will also be getting that water. let's check in with our reynolds wolf. these are dire measures. not everybody is on board with this taking place. but this is a serious situation with mississippi continuing to swell. >> it really is. it's one of those situations where they're really choosing the lesser of two evils. if they were to allow the water to continue its way down the mississippi river, many communities would be threatened, including baton rouge, perhaps even new orleans. the area that you see shaded, this line that's shaded in red, that's the mississippi river. where you have it over in blue, these are the levees, basically. and you have the morganza floodgates where they are planning on letting that water go through in the next couple of hours. which will be moving into this flood plain. the problem is, this is also the home of some 25,000 people. this is about 3,000 square miles this area inundated by the
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floodwaters. it could go up in excess of 20 feet and you have about 11,000 structures. the levees will be getting close to a place called morgan city, home to another 12,000 people. that is the scenario we have. you've heard this thing called levees. what exactly is a levee? let's show you the river that would not have the benefit of a levee. the water escapes, the river banks flows out where at times it can be anywhere from miles inland inundating communities. but with an area protected by levees, you have also artificial fortification along the riverbanks. it protects structure, towns, fields, what have you, on the side of the levees. morgan city is protected by some levees. let's hope that it will be enough to protect it as these waters make their way through. it's not something that's going to happen instantaneously. it's going to be a long process that could take days, perhaps even weeks.
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>> we're hoping for all the best for all the people there. thanks, reynolds. we're going to talk about some more legal cases straight ahead. former presidential candidate john edwards is being ordered by the court to talk about his relationship with rielle hunter. once again, what will we divulge? our legal guys will weigh in on that. what's this option? that's new.
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personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke.
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back to some of our legal cases here. john edwards is being forced to talk about his relationship with rielle hunter again. but why? our legal guys are back. avery friedman and richard herman. did we not hear enough already? why do we have to hear him be deposed once again? >> well, fred, during his first deposition -- we always talking about two different forms of justice, for the privileges and the not privileged. he goes to his first deposition and refuses to answer three-quarters of the questions they ask him. now objections are made to the court. the judge says, i'm going to sit and listen. you ask him question and i'll make rulings on each one you object to. that doesn't happen in real life. trust me. it doesn't happen like that -- >> sometimes it does. >> yeah, but the judge has released certain documents to the press. he's waited until after this edwards deposition. i think he's going to release everything. edwards is stupid because he's
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under criminal investigation and he's waiving his fifth amendment rights here. i can't believe he's giving depositions. >> no, he's not. no. >> you can refuse to give a deposition? >> of course he can refuse. >> plead the fifth amendment. >> here's the deal. this is a civil matter, a civil matter. when the judge -- after the deposition starts in this civil matter because there's a federal grand jury and some of the things that he's being asked will be incriminating, he's clearly going to be interposing his constitutional rights. he's clearly not going to answer certain questions. the bottom is line rielle hunter was actually his photographer for purposes of federal campaign funds will probably not be answered. yeah, she took pictures all right, but not for purposes of a federal campaign fund. and we're not going to see any of that evidence. >> also at issue is this infamous videotape, the one that the friend, andy young, found in the house that he was staying
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in. but then rielle hunter says, that's my tape. so now at issue as well is who has ownership of this tape. where is that going? is it going to continue to go nowhere? >> no, no, no. if you put something in the garbage, fredricka, do you consider that gone or do you believe you have a right of privacy? that's the question. that's the issue here. and i think ultimately andy young -- he's fishing around in the garbage. but he may very well prevail in keeping that tape. >> interesting. let's move on to chris bosh and the miami heat. talk about shots. is this a good shot? he is filing suit against the mother of his child for appearing on this reality tv show called "basketball wives." but she's not his wife and he says this invades on his private life. he says, allison mathis, cut it out already. how do you enforce this one? where does a lawsuit like this go, richard?
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>> it goes in the garbage can where it belongs. this guy made a decision -- he made a free choice to be with this woman. they had a child together. she is recounting her experiences and her events with this guy. the best thing for her is that he's bringing this lawsuit. this brings her name up in the lights, gives her more publicity. he obviously has no value for money. he's wasting money on legal fees. it's ridiculous. >> doesn't he make a pretty good argument, that your private information should remain so even if you are a public figure? >> no. >> no? >> wait a minute. i understand the argument. what are they going to do? remain the show "nba impregna impregnatees"? a lot of these people are not married. and the fact is, in one respect, i do agree with richard, this is free choice. the other interesting thing
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that's not in the lawsuit is what are the rights of the baby? he's the product of chris and allison. what about those rights in terms of the income derived from the show? ultimately will have to be resolved by a probate court. we'll see what happens. >> we can't have a weekend and talk about legal cases without talking about lindsay lohan. does it not appear that it's every week? come on already. >> yeah, right. she's already on the agenda. >> so this time we're talking about four months in jail, 480 hours of community service. and now, too, l.a. is saying -- or at least the prosecution is saying, wait a minute, no, her charge should not be reduced from a felony to a misdemeanor. why not? avery? >> because the l.a. prosecutor's office is saying that the judge abused her discretion and a three-judge panel may very well reverse her because the truth is
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the record showed that it did meet the elements of a felony. but in the meantime, it may all be mooted out. she will spend very little time if any and she'll do her community service. let's see what the court of appeals does in reinstating the case. >> fred, it's -- >> it has our heads spinning. in jail, out of jail -- how many times does this go on? >> it's two forms of justice. it's just celebrity justice. three convictions for dwi or driving while impaired. a million types of probation. probation violations each time. there's a report now that before she stood up before the judge in february on the stolen necklace case, she had alcohol in her system the day before by probation. it's unbelievable. they ought to put her in prison but she's not. alan duke covering it for cnn. he says one month house arrest. that's it. and i agree with him. she's only going to get house arrest. these judges are afraid of her.
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and somehow -- >> they're afraid of her? >> wait a minute. dial it down. hold on. the bottom line -- the case isn't over. let's see what happens. you know she's going to screw up. she'll continue to be fined -- she will stay with us. >> she'll violate probation again and nothing will happen. >> yeah. >> except we'll be talking about it again. >> right. >> and, fred, you'll be tweeting about it @fwhitfield. >> i know. isn't it scary. >> no, she won't. >> but i'll be reading your tweets, how's that? richard, avery, thanks so much. always good to see you. >> see you soon. >> have a great weekend. major league baseball's a big civil rights and baseball celebration taking place right now this weekend in atlanta. a look at the events and some of the legends who will be there. you're looking at centennial park. a big youth summit is taking
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place right there sponsored by mlb. we'll have much more of the overall weekend celebrations after this. i can't enjoy my own barbecue with these nasal allergies. i know what works differently than many other allergy medications.
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between the braves and the philadelphia phillies. let's check in with our jennifer mayerly as she's live in atlanta with a taste at what's happening at centennial olympic park. hi, jennifer. >> reporter: this morning has been a lot of fun and games with pitching sensations and batting cages. but now we're slowing things down a little bit and getting a little bit more serious. there's a youth summit going on with a lot of former major league baseball players. when the civil rights movement, some baseball players played a pivotal role. hank aaron, jackie robinson. hank aaron will be celebrated later tonight. a lot of these baseball players who are up on stage right now, really commend them for helping them to get to where they got today. those players are going to have a summit with the youth and tell them how they got where they did and how these youth can succeed like they did. we just talked to jesse williams with "grey's anatomy."
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he told us how he learned to be an all-around better person because of baseball. that's the message they hope to share with these folks who are out here celebrating baseball and what baseball has to offer. of course, so many of these folks out here honor baseball and say that that really gave them the chance that they have today to be successful. so while it is a lot of fun out here, they're also giving people a message of how they can come far and how they can succeed in life. >> jennifer, thanks so much. and i'll have an opportunity to talk with baseball commissioner bud selig tonight. we'll bring you that interview. if you have any questions that you may want to ask bud selig, tweet me, @fwhitfield. how many teenagers do you know who actually save their money? in a moment, you'll meet one young man who does that and more. some advice that we could all probably use next.
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now the story of a financially savvy and frugal teenager who could teach us all a thing or two about how to save. he's the focus of this segment of "smart is the new rich" from
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cnn's christine romans. >> reporter: every other friday, florida high school freshman jordan lane palmer deposits at least $10 of his allowance and lunch money into one of his four, yes, four bank accounts. >> yes, it's cash. you can save up for something better, don't just spend it on something that really is worthless. just to spend money. >> reporter: sage advice for most adults, let alone teenagers. but jordan, he got started early. >> the very first savings account was at the credit union. >> reporter: and maybe it's that financial acumen that helped him win a contest sponsored by the nonprofit agency called the national foundation for credit counseling. jordan was one of 1,800 students across the country who submitted posters mapping out financial plans. this year's theme, be a super hero, save money. he traveled to washington, d.c. for the award and met fed
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chairman ben bernanke. hey, a big day for the 14-year-old who started out small. >> i saved up for action figures back then. >> reporter: now he's saving for an ipod and someday -- >> i know we're definitely putting money aside for going to colle college. >> reporter: jordan credits his mother and grandmother. >> his major account is for his college. then he has a savings account. then he has a checking account which is important because i wanted him to know what it's like to write a check. >> i don't think it's too early. but you take the 2-year-old to the store and you let them know, no, you can only have this one thing instead of five or six other things. or either or, if you get this, you can't have this. >> reporter: lessons passed down from generation to generation and lessons jordan has learned well. >> it's important to create a budget, first of all, so you won't overspend. create different accounts, like start saving from a young age. make goals.
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if you start saving, what do you want to accomplish by when? >> reporter: christine romans, cnn, new york. >> so clever and cute. an imam, meantime, in this country, is accused of aiding the taliban in pakistan and he's not the only one. a live update from susan candiotti next. ♪ what do you see yourself doing after you do retire? client comes in and they have a box. and inside that box is their financial life. people wake up and realize. "i better start doing something." we open up that box. we organize it. and we make decisions. we really are here to help you. they look back and think "wow. i never thought i could do this." but we've actually done it. [ male announcer ] visit and put a confident retirement more within reach.
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a look now at our top stories. a massive amount of floodwater is about to be diverted from the mississippi river. the u.s. army corps of engineers is expected to open the mog za floodway which could mean major flooding in other areas of louisiana. the countdown has begun for monday's launch of the space shuttle "endeavour." mark kelly is commanding that flight. his wife congresswoman gabrielle giffords is scheduled to attend the launch. an imam from miami, hafiz khan, and four members are charged with providing support to the taliban in pakistan. susan candiotti joins us now from new york. what are they accused of doing? >> reporter: well, they're accused of providing and
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conspiring to provide material support to the pakistani taliban. this is a terrorist organization that has been very significant over the past several years. raising money for the groups, donations raised at two different mosques, two imams are charged along with four other people, money to buy guns, to help fund schools over there and as the conspiracy allegedly goes, to take down government officials in pakistan. >> was this an undercover sting? >> reporter: we don't know exactly how this all came about initially. but we do now, according to the indictment, that they were tracking money, suspicious transactions involving these two imams, that money that was being funneled overseas to pakistan probably in the amount, according to the indictment, of somewhere more than $50,000. >> okay. why are they so concerned about the feds preventing this money from reaching pakistan? >> reporter: well, the
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allegation is that it could help fund schools, buy weapons for the pakistani taliban. it's a terrorist organization that many of us should be familiar with because it was linked to, for example, the attempted bombing of times square just last year and to an event as recently, a suicide attack yesterday in pakistan that killed a number of people, that has also killed u.s. soldiers in pakistan on previous occasions. >> susan candiotti in new york, thanks so much. we'll check back with you throughout the day. also, 2:00 eastern time, do you know what to buy the graduate in your life? come back at that hour. 2:00 eastern. and we'll give you some ideas, financial gurus, that dynamic duo, the dolans, will be here with us with some great graduation ideas. graduation ideas. "your money" starts right now. -- captions by vitac --


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