tv Sanjay Gupta MD CNN May 28, 2011 4:30am-5:00am PDT
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song "the revolution will not be televised." scott-heron's music has been sampled by hip top stars including kanye west. in 2008 in an interview he revealed he contracted hiv after years of battling drug and alcohol addiction. scott-heron was 62 years old. coming up, a dubious anniversary. the first aids case discovered three decades ago. why do we stand now? dr. sanjay gupta takes a closer look at the fight against aids and medical advances 30 years late later. >> ask not what your country can do for you. >> it was the dawn of a new
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hopeful age. >> the problems are not all solved and the battles are not all won and we stand today on the edge of a new frontier. >> president john f. kennedy, jfk, and then there was bobby. >> we to make an effort to understand and get beyond difficult times. >> and teddy, the third to reach the u.s. senate. >> too many of our senior citizens are being forced to choose between neglecting their ailments. >> at home there was ted and his wife joan. teddy, jr., kara, and patrick, who was the youngest by six years. it was july of 1967, patrick's birth made headlines. just five days old and people wondered if he would run for
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president. the same issues he talked about in public, were those part of the dinnertime discussion? >> my dad and my uncles always included all our family in anything that he was doing. of course i probably caught less than 10% of what was actually being said, but i caught the sense that there was something being discussed that was big and important. i felt like i had a front row seat to american history. >> i admire their spirit and their ability to get along with it is really something. >> in the pictures, there's glamour, ease, and beauty. but life wasn't always easy. not for patrick. >> you know, he was sickly. he had asthma. he talked about how his father would stay up with him at night. >> susan, a reporter for the hometown paper, the boston
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globe, came to know senator kennedy pretty well later in the 1980s. >> even when he would have people over to the house for dinner, it was to talk about some issue or to get to know some of the other members or some staffers or so forth, it was his life. it really was. >> as we now know, for patrick, home wasn't always a refuge. >> his mother had a drinking problem. his brother had cancer and had a leg removed. his parents divorced. his father's difficulties. >> his father traveled a lot. his mother was an alcoholic. he was lonely a lot. >> political signs professor darryl west wrote the book on patrick kennedy. he says that patrick's troubles got worse once he went off to boarding school. >> he experienced his first issues with substance abuse as a high school student and actually as a senior had to check into a substance abuse clinic. >> it was cocaine and patrick
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was just 17 years old. none of it would keep him out of the family business. >> i've been taking my campaign door to door and that's the only way to campaign. >> at age 21, still a student at providence college, he made his first run for office. >> he looked like a college kid when he was first running. he was socially awkward. kind of tall and gangly and it was very difficult for him. >> even so, he won. six years later, he made it to congress. >> patrick kennedy, the next congressman from the second district. >> his personal problems kept intruding. >> congressman patrick kennedy reveals he's re-entering rehab. >> and the hits, the kind that most people would like to forget, they just kept coming. shoving an airport security guard, a fight on his yacht that
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caught the attention of the coast guard, and then the one that really made waves. >> the story involves a car, allegations of intoxication and special treatment and a kennedy. >> crashing his car just down the street from the u.s. capitol at 2:30 in the morning. >> i'm traveling to minnesota to seek treatment at the mayo clinic to ensure that i can continue on my road to recovery. >> this time patrick blamed the crash on sleeping pills. kennedy didn't keep his problems hidden. it may have been impossible any way. instead of running away, he made addiction treatment and mental health care a central issue. >> i have an addiction. i had a mental illness. >> i have never heard patrick or any politician for that matter as candid as he was now. how much of this is personal for you? >> i am a recovering addict, an alcoholic, i suffered depression in my life. i have seen in my own life friends of mine including family
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members suffer the ultimate in losing their lives because of this illness. >> what was your family's response when you told them you had addiction and you had been addicted to painkillers and talked about cocaine at a very young age and you talked about bipolar and diagnosed with it may or may not have it now and depression. what was reaction? >> their reaction was informed by open mines. they weren't so set -- >> they didn't just want to sconce you off and put you in the corner? >> there were those immediate inclinations as there is in every family but ultimately my family was the family that was part of the civil rights fight was part of destigmatizing disabilities with special olympics. >> when you first talked about it? >> the kennedy family is known for being persevering on the football field, active, winners, of course how did i feel?
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i felt like a loser. i felt like i'm not living up. what a shame. i am a shame on my family by needing treatment, for getting mental health treatment. i luckily had help. i also am lucky because that help made a difference in the quality of life that i have today. >> just ahead, more of patrick kennedy coming clean and his controversial theory of addiction. i'll be right back. at bayer, we've been relieving pain for over 100 years.
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with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. >> when my husband was a young teen, he went to washington, d.c. and teddy was mesmerized. >> the day i met with patrick kennedy, it was a special day for the kennedys. ground breaking for the new edward m. kennedy institute.
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how significant is today for you? >> it's obviously great to see my father's legacy still so alive and well and see so many people turn out to honor him in this way and to keep his legacy alive. on the other hand, it's just a reminder that i don't have him in person anymore and that it has to come through this building and memories in order for me to, you know, think of him and he isn't just in front of me or by my side or able to share a conversation. >> do you think about him every day? >> it depends on the situation and clearly i just took my fiance to meet my aunt and it was moving to me because i hadn't realized that i didn't get to introduce her to my dad. yeah, he is with me every day. >> that would have meant a lot. on this bittersweet day, kennedy
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wanted to talk about a new campaign. he calls it moon shot. ramping up research on the brain and all kinds of brain disease. the cancer that killed his father but also things that patrick has struggled with, like mental illness and addiction. let's talk a little bit about you. people obviously want to -- people are fascinated by you. you are completely clean now. >> yes. >> when is the last time you had a drink? >> i do it for today because if i think about my sobriety as anything but within today then either i'm complacent because i think i have strung too many days together to worry about it or i'm not thinking about what i need to do today. >> how many times did you need to go to rehab? >> i would say i've been to rehab easily over half a dozen times. >> was there a time when you said this isn't working? this just doesn't work?
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>> well, one of the things i knew i needed to do was to live a life that could support my recovery in a way that was more conducive to long-term recovery and that's why i chose not to run for re-election because living in the public eye and political life was not conducive to really getting that kind of long-term steady recovery that is absolutely got to be the number one priority in my life. >> people say that if someone is an addict, they usually have an enabler. someone who is enabling them or groups of people who are enabling them. who was enabling you to do this? >> well, obviously when you are an elected official, you have lots of people want to endear themselves to you and not always in the most healthy way. clearly as i said the stress of
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the job but also the attendant enabling that allows you to try to continue your job in the short run often compromises your long-term recovery. you think i need help now or need someone to give me a pill. if you're not going to give it to me, i'll find someone who can. >> did this happen in the office? were you doing this in the office? >> sanjay, i think the point of this is that i clearly had treatment while i was a member of congress. >> when i ask you these questions, even now in fairness and part of it is because it can be destigmatizing to have someone actually talk about it candidly. >> it can. other reporters have asked me, which drugs did you use? did you use alcohol? did you use cocaine? did you use narcotics?
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it's like strapping up sneakers. who cares what color those sneakers are. you use the same sneakers to run away from your problems whether alcohol, cocaine, narcotics, you're using something to run away. that's the operative issue here. >> coming up, patrick kennedy's new passion. as a neurosurgeon, i was eager to hear about this moon shot to the mind. what is it? that's next. >> announcer: this past year alone there's been a 67% spike in companies embracing the cloud-- big clouds, small ones, public, private, even hybrid. your data and apps must move easily and securely to reach many clouds, not just one. that's why the network that connects, protects, and lets your data move fearlessly through the clouds means more than ever. [ male announcer ] look at this,
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we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy but because they are hard. >> it was 50 years ago that president kennedy launched the space program. within two years there were americans in orbit. within eight, there were men on the moon. now the late president's nephew, patrick kennedy, out of congress, out of public office for the first time since college, he's launching a moon program for brain research. hunting cures for addiction, mental illness, traumatic brain injury and other problems with the mind. you look at that long speech from '61 and there are those lines that stick out including that one that says we'll put a man on the moon and return him safely. what is it that equates to putting a man on the moon? what will he look at and say we did it. what is it? >> we helped our loved ones and
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our family members live a better life because this isn't about neuroscience. it's about finding a way to take care of the people we love. it's about keeping the people like my dad around longer because a neurosurgeon was able to give him an additional that neurosurgeon knew the brain so well and gave me the most important year i ever had with my father. that's as personal as it gets. >> how much of what you're talking about right now is inspired by your father and what happened to him over the last, you know, year, 14 months of his life? >> well, it's very much inspired by it. because my dad got the best care. and, you know, that's what informs me just as he was informed in his fight for health care by my brother's struggle. again, it's personal. you know, lat laboratory person doing this research is a hero to me.
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>> reporter: this is one of patrick's heros, major kit parker. a bioengineer at harvard what happens to be an explosives expert. he's done two tours of duty in afghanistan. >> you know, i've got about 16 years in the infantry in the army, so i know a little bit about what happens when things blow up. >> reporter: back home he began to study how an explosion rattles the brain and can damage it permanently. >> what happens when the brain gets hit by a blast wave and it slams up against the inside of the skull. >> reporter: with colleagues at northeastern university he's found ingenuous ways to simulate the mechanics of the injury. >> you can imagine when you drop a rock in the puddle and see this wave propagating out that's what's happening when the blast wave is pushing through the brain. >> reporter: kennedy says this kind of new approach to an old problem could translate to other fields of brain research. >> if we don't have neuro scientists working together they're not all working together, you're never going to find the answers to get us to
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that proverbial landing that we all want to see, whether that landing is michael j. fox getting well, or someone with alzheimer's not suffering from dementia. this is a thousand moon shots in order of complexity, sanjay, but that makes it all the more challenging. and for our generation this is our chance to make the difference. coming up, patrick kennedy on losing his father and finding a new family. you're watching "patrick kennedy, coming clean." [ female announcer ] splenda® no calorie sweetener is sweet...
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>> i make sure i try to get all my e-mails and phone calls out of the way during the day so that by 3:00 when my fiance comes home and brings her daughter, we're able to play, have an early dinner and then get her to bed. we have a long bed time routine that involves sharing stories and i'll read "curious george" one night or "fancy nancy" another and that's the best therapy i've ever had. >> what's it like being a dad? you're almost a dad. >> i'm just right now loving on this amazing little girl that is the daughter of my fiancee and looking forward to the opportunity to just providing that kind of support and fancy structure to them that they are to me, because really, in a way, i would not be living, breathing, smiling, eyes sparkling if it weren't for them in my life. >> being able to have someone,
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an amy and her 3-year-old daughter, to be able to talk to about this? >> just to share life with, because the greatest determinant of you not recovering is not having love and connectiveness in your life. >> i'm going to demonstrate. >> reporter: after finishing the interview i asked patrick to go with me to the jfk library. >> well, right here, at the front of the presidential library dedicated to my uncle and his presidency. >> i get goose bumps when i come in front of the john f. kennedy presidential library. i mean, do you still? >> every time goy in this place. i don't think there's a person who can't be inspired by something that's going on in here. this is sanjay gupta. thanks. good to see you. how have you been? welcome, everybody. i hope you have a great tour of
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the library. we're saying we need to go to interspace of brain research. for our moon shot, for today. >> reporter: just like that i was reminded what it must be like to be a kennedy. ♪ for the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ >> what do you think he would say if he were here right now? as we walked through this monument to the president who sent men soaring to the moon, patrick got back to his father. >> he gave me an implicit message when he asked me to be around him at the end of his life. to spend time with him. at the end of the day, that's the only thing that mattered. he could have all the laws in
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the world, he could have all the accolades and words, but the only thing that mattered to him when he was alone at the end of his life was not being alone and being surrounded by the people he loved the most, who he knew loved him the most. not because he was a senator, but because he's a famous guy, but because he was our dad. >> reporter: it was obvious, the pain was still there. but then. >> can we go see where -- >> more than that. you can meet my fiancee right here. amy. >> sanjay. >> nice to meet you. >> amy is not only a schoolteacher, but i mean, she cares so much about childhood development, which is all about understanding these things too, so we're a real team in the effort. >> reporter: as we talked, patrick was smiling, ear to ear. he was happy. >> let the word go
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